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CODE: DIM 1008




NRIC : 921023-14-7037

H/P NUMBER: +6016-3811245




1.0 Contents 1

2.0 Introduction 3-5

3.0 Meaning of curriculum vitae 5-11

3.1 Curriculum Vitae

4.0 Meaning of invitation of interview 11-14

4.1 Invitation of Interview & interview

5.0 Meaning of letter of acceptance 15-16

5.1 Letter of Acceptance

6.0 Meaning of letter of resignation 17-19

6.1 Letter of Resignation




2.0 Introduction to Business Communication

Business communication is performed by relaying information to people throughout

the organization in many different ways. Some of these methods include the phone,

email, and in person. All methods have different factors to whether or not they are

effective. The definition of business communication includes all departments, staff,

clients, and people involved are aware of what is going on and there is no confusion.

Communication is a process by which meanings are exchanged among people

through the use of words. Business communication is a process of transmitting

information and thoughts between various parts of an organization and also to people

outside the organization such as customers, investors, suppliers etc. The main function of

the business communication is to convey your message or thoughts effectively to the


Communication is one of the most important factors in any organization or

relationship. Without communication, things do not work properly and can be mixed up.

When you can communicate properly in a business then things run smoothly and there is

no confusion. Today, technology has allowed for many outlets and highways of

communication to take place through the use of cell phones, pagers, email, and even

holding old fashioned meetings.

Cell phones are one of the most common forms of business communication today.

Most companies provide cell phones for their employees and they require them to carry
them on and off the job. This allows people to be available when they are off the clock if

there is an emergency and they need to be called in. This form of communication is good

to be able to get in touch with someone but when you have an important topic to discuss,

it is best it is not done over the phone.

When it comes to updating the definition of business communication, email

communication would be a standard item to be added. Email has become one of the most

common forms of business communication. There's a set of norms and ethics that come

with email communication, considering that it eliminates the interpreation of body

language, tone and gestures. An email is a conveyed message that allows interpretations

if it is not clearly stated. At the same time an email is  an official  document that can be

saved and used pro or against you. It is best if you never delete an email from a client or

other staff members. This is because you can use it later to refer back to if you need to.

Also, email is required to backed up for a business for up to 7 years for legality purposes.

Email provides a copy and proof that something was said to you. If you have an

agreement through email it can hold up in court. One thing to keep in mind is that if you

need to speak to someone about something that is serious it is not always best to use

email. There are certain rules about business communication through email that you must

learn also. For example, using capital letters in a sentence can be construed as you

screaming at the other person. Although you may not mean anything of the sort, many

people follow these guidelines for email.

Speaking to someone in person is the best method of business communication.

Technology has allowed you to communicate with people around the world through other
methods to save company money. However, when you speak to someone in person it is

more certain that there will not be any misunderstanding when you walk away from the

conversation. Today, you can set up a web conference if you want to meet with someone

in person on the other side of the world. This still allows you to have face-to-face

meetings without being in the same room.

The definition of business communication has many forms and many different

methods with a company. The goal is to relay a message to another person successfully

without there being any confusion about what you mean. Misunderstandings occur all of

the time and some people are easily offended. It is important to be aware of issues that

might arise with attitudes and the way messages need to be conveyed.

3.0 Meaning of Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae means "course of life" in Latin. A Curriculum Vita is also called a

CV or vita, and is an overview of your professional accomplishments. In the United

States, the curriculum vitae are used almost exclusively by those pursuing an academic or

medical career. In Europe, the curriculum vitae are much more common than a resume. A

curriculum vitae is a typically a "living document" which will reflect the developments in

a professional's career, and thus should be updated frequently. In contrast, a resume is

normally updated only when one changes jobs or completes some form of training or


Curriculum vitae are a written description of your work experience, educational

background, and skills. Also called a CV, or simply vitae, it is more detailed than a

resume and is commonly used by those looking for work outside the U.S. and Australia.

Curriculum vitae are also used by someone looking for an academic job, i.e. in a college

or university.

3.1 Curriculum Vitae

Benedict Cham

Department Manager

1, Orchard Avenue 8, 798998, Singapore.

(123) 456789


Date of Birth: July 27, 1986

Nationality: Malaysian

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Single


To contribute my skills, abilities and experience as an office manager in a progressive



Dat School/College Course

200 Queensfield Business School Diploma in Business Management

200 Queensfield Business School Advanced Dip. In Business Management

200 United Business Institute Bachelor in Business Management

201 California University, US Master in Business Administration [MBA]


 5 years experience in administrative field.

 Knowledge of typing and word processing.

 Ability to take decisions and achieve long term objective.

 Outstanding communication skill both in oral and written.

 Successfully completed many deal with variety of processional and clients.

 Can speak English, Mandarin, Malay and Japanese.

Working Experience

Department Manager

ABC Soda Factory, Singapore


 Led company to a 600% increase in revenue in under four years. Devised new

operating procedures, renegotiated contracts and motivated personnel to embrace

a spirit of customer service and quality.

 Responsibilities include development and management of the marketing plans

and strategies.

 Coordinate with the sales and marketing department for the implementation and

supervision of the marketing plans and procedures.

 Responsible for the yearly marketing budget, schedule and production of all the

materials of sales and marketing.

 Prepare reports of the biannual sales and present it in the conference.

 Coordinate presentation of the book and responsible for the supervision of

market assistance.

Administrator: Professional Division of Soda Department

Caroline Association, Hanford, CA


 Responsible for the management of the manuscripts and answer the queries and

problems of authors.

 Ensure the budget and schedule of the manuscript conformity.

 Provide supervision and training of editorial assistance.

 Give specific emphasis on the electronics and technical manuscripts


Administrative Assistant

Huge Association, California, US

 Managed the activity which includes typing, keeping records of meeting,

attending incoming calls, and maintenance of office supply.

 Made arrangement for releasing of information to press, legislators and the

employees who were interested.


1. Chris Ellis (Operations Manager, ABC Soda Factory, Singapore)

Email: Cellis@TVNZ.CO.SG

2. Pro. Dr Mike He (Professor in California University, CA)

California University

3/75 Ellice Road, Birkenhead

California, United State

Email: Mike@SouthSeas.CO.US

Date: Dec 2010

4.0 Meaning of Interview Letter
The job interview letter represents different things to different people. For some

people, the after job interview letter is a simple chance to say thanks for the interview.

For these people, this letter is a quick piece of writing, based on a template already in

their computer, which they can send out as an email or letter whenever they get back

from a job interview. For other people, the post job interview letter is a strategic piece of

communication. It an opportunity to follow up on a strong interview performance with an

equally strong job interview letter which makes it even more clear exactly why that

candidate is perfect for the position in question.

Job interview letter is an important tool for the entire job application process. Its

unique features and use are going to be examined in the upcoming paragraphs.

Let us start with the definition of the job interview letter. A written sequence of

statements aiming at an invitation to a job applicant for an interview session is called job

interview letter. As can be understood from its definition, job interview letter is prepared

and compiled by company managers and posted to the applicant. The letter is formally

written according to some criteria.

Job interview letter is preferred to phone call just because the formality of the former

is far greater than that of the latter. Companies tend to execute their relationships in a

formal way so it is not acceptable for a company to invite an applicant via phone. Only

small operational companies can perform such a task without doubt.

Job interview letter consists of some information about the job interview session and

general standing of the company. Sometimes, an attachment can be sent so as to express

more information about the company policy. The part of the job interview letter

containing information related to interview session is written as an outline rather than a

formal invitation mail. Date and time of the job interview is explicitly stated in this

section and the evaluation period is also denoted in order for the job applicant to prepare

him/herself for the entire process.

Job interview letter is composed of mainly three parts; namely introduction,

invitation and conclusion. In the introductory part of the letter, a thankful expression is

used and a general invitation is stated. In the invitation part, the reasons why the job

applicant is qualified to get the job interview letter are explained. An interesting feature

in this section is that company managers do not have signs under their names just to

identify that the job interview letter is only an introduction to the communication

between the job applicant and the company. Only the company secretary’s name is signed

in invitation section of the job interview letter. In the conclusion, the job applicant is

thanked for his/her patience and the letter finishes.

The main method used to construct such job interview letters is to formalize all the

statements in the letter. Several templates of job interview letters are accessible and one

conforming to company’s own style is chosen at the end.

In conclusion, job interview letter constructs a relationship between the company

staff and the job applicant. It also encourages the job applicant to expect a positive result

from the ongoing job interview.

4.1 Invitation to Interview


Tampines Street,
Singapore 799899
Tel: 02-91188119 Email:
Fax: 91177119 Website:

2 Dec 2010

Mr. Benedict Cham

1, Orchard Avenue 8,
798998, Singapore

Dear Mr. Cham


Thank you for your recent letter applying for the above post.

I hope you can attend an interview at 10.30 am on Tuesday 7 Dec.

If this appointment is inconvenient please telephone my secretary to make alternative

Yours Sincerely

Celine Dion (Mrs.)

Human Resource Manager

5.0 Meaning of Letter of Acceptance

A letter of acceptance is a formal indication of a successful application or offer for

something. For example, Letters of acceptance or rejection are sent to college applicants

after a review of academic records.

It may also refer to letters of acceptance of amendments to this Constitution. These

letters are as binding as the text of the Constitution itself.

Used to confirm the offer of employment and the conditions of the offer; i.e., salary,

benefits, starting employment date, etc. It is always a good idea to get the entire offer in


You would send a Letter of Acceptance upon receipt of a formal job offer. The letter

should confirm the details of the offer of employment including what salary the role

offers, the date at which you will formally commence your employment, any benefits and

holiday entitlement and any other conditions that apply.

5.1 Letter of Acceptance

1, Orchard Avenue 8,
798998, Singapore

25 Dec 2010

Mrs. Celine Dion

Human Resource Manager
XYZ Soda Factory
Tampines Street,
Singapore 799899

Dear Mrs. Celine Dion


Thank you for your letter of 21 Dec 2010.

I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer of April 20 and to

tell you how delighted I am to be joining Data International in Northbrook. The work is
exactly what I have prepared to perform and hoped to do. I feel confident that I can make
a significant contribution to the corporation, and I am grateful for the opportunity you
have given me.

As we discussed, I will report to work at 8:00 a.m. on July 1 and will have completed the
medical examination and drug testing by the start date. Additionally, I shall complete all
employment and insurance forms for the new employee orientation.

I look forward to working with you and your fine team. I appreciate your confidence
in me and am very happy to be joining your staff.

Yours sincerely

Benedict Cham (Mr.)

6.0 Meaning of Letter of Resignation

A letter of resignation is written to announce the author's intent to leave a position

currently held, such as an office, employment or commission. Such a letter will often take

legal effect to terminate an appointment or employment, as notice under the relevant

terms of the position; many appointments and contractual employments are terminable by

unilateral notice, or advance notice of a specified period of time, with or without further

conditions. Even where an oral notice would be effective, the effective date or time of

termination may be directly or indirectly fixed on delivery of a written letter or email, for

the sake of clarity and record. In response, different arrangements may be made or

agreed, such as an earlier effective date, or improved terms and conditions of

appointment upon withdrawal of the letter. It should normally delivered in advance to the

appropriate supervisor or superior, and contain such information as the intended last day

at work. A period of notice may be required expressly by contract, impliedly by the pay
interval, or otherwise. Nevertheless, in practice, some resignations can be effective


Letter of resignation is a letter written by an employee to announce his/her intent to

leave a position or office of employment currently held. A letter of resignation will often

take legal effect of a notice required under the relevant terms of the position before

quitting a job. Many appointments and contractual employments are terminable by

unilateral notice or advance notice of a specified period of time. A letter of resignation

can be treated as evidence or record as to the date or time of the resignation of an


Letter of resignation should be delivered in advance to the appropriate superior, and

must contain information such as the intended last day at work. Some resignations may

be effective immediately.

A letter of resignation may thank the employer for the opportunities and experience

gained thereby. The recipient of the letter of resignation may record upon it the time of

receipt of the letter.

6.1 Letter of Resignation

1, Orchard Avenue 8,
798998, Singapore.

23 March 2015

Mrs. Kelly Clarkson

General Manager
XYZ Soda Factory
Tampines Street,
Singapore 799899

Dear Mrs. Kelly

Further to our discussion today, I regret to inform you that I wish to give one
month’s notice of my resignation from the company. My last day of work will be
Friday 30 April.

I have been very happy working here and found my work very varied and enjoyable.
I have gained a lot of experience in many areas which I am sure I shall find useful in
future employment.

Thank you for your help and guidance.

Yours sincerely

Benedict Cham (Mr.)

Business communication is somewhat different and unique rather from other type

of communication since the purpose of business is to get profit. Thus to make good way

for profit the communicator should develop good communication skills. Everyone knows

that in the present day trends the knowledge alone won't be a fruitful one to have

sustainable development. By knowing the importance of communication many

organizations started training their employees in betterment of Communication


Essentially due to globalization the world has become a Global village. Thus here

the importance of cross cultural communication plays a vital role. Since each and every

nations has their own meaning for each and every non verbal actions.

The way we appear speaks a lot about us in business communication. A neat

appearance is half done verbal communication. But developing communication is not a

day work, it needs constant yearly practice. There are seveal way to get trained in

excelling business communication such 1. by our own, 2. by practising from trainers, 3.

by internet contents, 4. by books







NRIC: 921023-14-7037

H/P NUMBER: +60.63811245



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