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What makes a face healthy and

The two terms are fairly synonymous; someone who's
very healthy tends to have quite a nice looking face. And
we're hardwired, genetically, to be attracted to people
who are healthy and symmetric. Well, and, although
there's a very strong genetic influence on how you grow
and how you look. Clearly, there are also some strong
environmental influences, and the environmental
influences can be affected. So, in real terms, an
individual can affect how they look, and understanding
the factors beneath. This is vital for influencing how your
facial appearance is. That image here is illustrating
various different muscle groups and their effect on the
facial appearance.
If we take Jude. In this picture.

So we have an inner and an outer U shape that inner U

shape is determined by the tongue, the outer U shape is
determined by the muscles of mastication the biting
muscles, the relative amount of posture and function is
yet to be completely determined, however it is much
more likely the posture is far more important than


absolute function. So, it's the resting position of the

tongue, and is the resting muscle tone of biting the
chewing muscles that are more important than their
absolute strengths. If we compare an image. There's not
been touched up. It's quite evident to see that in the
inner U. The face has set back slightly compared to the
outer U, and a very subtle difference, but very very
important to understand, and that's what I'll describe in
this description of this article. If we take away everything
else so simplify things in the central board of sciences to
simplify things. So we simplified and to just having the
bone, where the nervous, taking away all the teeth. So
these are some skulls of people who have lost all their

And this is the section of the bone that the muscle

affects, so I refer to this as the bucket handle a bucket
handle can swing up or down, and that's synonymous
with an upswing or a downswing of the facial complex.
Now, we do want to remember that comparing back of
course, to jude,

you can see where the. In this section, you have the
bucket handle, You have the section of the mandible,


with the nerve in it that section of the mandible doesn't

change very much. And as the muscles of mastication,
the resting muscle tone, lifts the bucket handle up, you
can see the bucket handle evident on jude's face.

Now up to this roughly this point here

, simple extraction of the teeth is going to have an effect,

and they can have quite a large effect. And it is
noticeable when people have taken teeth out the before
and after that I have seen. And of course here's an
individual who destroyed his mid face with an attempted


And you can see how that bucket handle is evidence,

because we've taken away the mid face. So the more
structure the mid face has gone, that makes it more
evident. this is what time added in

and this is the effect that we want you, or you want

yourself to achieve, whether you can affect how your
face is looking because of course, for people with jaw
joint problems with people with many other problems like
crooked teeth. Getting the face to swing up can be
greatly beneficial. And we need to ask the question,
which section, the face the inner U, or the outer U, has
become more prevalent, Over time, for jude، the
innersection , or the outer section . Over time, which
forces the tongue, gently pushing up the middle face for
them, resting musculature, gently pushing up the outer
U which one's been most influential. My appreciation of
this situation is that Jude has gently lifted up the outer
U, which is very very common, particularly in driven.
Achieving men who clench their teeth a lot.And where is,
biting and chewing will build up the resting muscle tone,
so eventually build up the outer U, is not going to build
up that inner U, and you need these to go in balance,
and there can be problems of these are in balance. So,


if you want to develop a healthier face. If you want to

fulfill your genetic potential, then you need to work both
on the tongue, its resting position, And on the resting
muscle tone, and these two need to go synonymously
together to build a healthy and more attractive face.


What's Mewing
Mewing is a do-it-yourself facial restructuring
technique involving tongue placement, named
after Dr. Mike Mew, a British orthodontist.

While the exercises seem to have exploded on

YouTube and other websites, mewing itself isn’t
technically new. In fact, proper tongue alignment is
recommended by some orthodontists and other
medical professionals as a way to define the jaw,
correct speech impediments, and potentially
alleviate pain from jaw-related issues.

How to do

The purpose of Mewing is to get used to

sticking all the tongue on the top surface of
The mouth, while the lips are closed and we
are breathing just through the nose.
Method 1: For this purpose, We make an (ng)
sound (thick sound) in the throat, by doing this
the back or root of the tongue sticks to the
roof of the mouth and the rest of the tongue
sticks to the ceiling .
Method 2:


open the mouth as much as possible, stick

your tongue to the roof of your mouth(as
much as you can),

then swallow your saliva , when we feel the

whole tongue is stuck to the roof of the mouth
, we maintain this position And we close our
Upper and lower teeth should gently touch
each other
(lower teeth to a very short distance behind
the upper teeth)
And most important thing is that, lips should
be closed and only
Breathe through the nose). We must maintain
this position throughout the day


Hard Mewing
In the beginning tongue is not yet
accustomed to stick to the ceiling, so this
Practice helps tongue a lot to find it's way on
the roof of the mouth:
Stick the tongue with all the pressure that you
can put force on the roof of the mouth and
Hold this position for one minute, then halve
the force and continue this for another minute,
and half again And another minute, Continue
this halving for as long as you can
Although, try to be more than four sets, and
the important thing is the mode,
The lips and tongue positions that mentioned
on the previous page should be fully

maintained, ie the lips should be closed And

the teeth should be gently place on top of
each other
By maintaining this position, the force of the
tongue that enters the roof of the mouth will
change the ossification of the face in the right
direction and All the beauties that a face
needs will appear. In fact, the only way that
the face grows in the right direction is that,
face does not grow forward and it is because
of breathing through the mouth, because for
Breathing through the mouth We have to
leave the tongue in the floor of the mouth and
it causes the growth path of the face to fall
and towards bellow and delivers a long, ugly
slate face
Although, if the tongue muscles are weak,
maintaining this position throughout the day
will be hard so our job is to do the right
exercises to strengthen the muscles of the
tongue, although these muscles are aligned
They show the jaw and the cheekbones.
Special exercises to strengthen tongue

1- Chewing: Chewing gum is the best way

to strengthen jaw muscles and define the
jawline,although, to have better result chew
the gum that is harder to chew, and gum
volume should also be big (according to Dr.
Mike Mew as much as 14 pieces Banana gum
is enough)

The time we chew gum is about 30- 45

minutes a day, and this time Should be
divided by the equal amount of posterior and
anterior teeth. You can also use the device
instead of chewing gum.


The reason we prefer chewing gum instead of

devices is that chewing gum is much cheaper
than the device and we can easily chew gum
everywhere, And the level of hardness and
softness of the gum can be fit to the strength
or weakness of your jaw muscle and to do so
this put the gum in cold water once every few
minutes and so gum will be so hard
We have to chew the gum as hard as we can
so that after chewing for 30 to 45 minutes the
jaw muscle will completely get tired.
The important thing is to focus on the muscles
when we are chewing , for better results. In
addition to chewing gum, chewing hard foods
like Carrots, , apples, cucumbers ... are very
effective during the day.
* After chewing the gum for half an hour to 45
minutes, We leave a small piece of the gum
in our mouth and press it on the ceiling by our
tongue, and continue this movement for about


Tongue Chewing exercise

There's a great interest in chewing gum to increase muscle tone, and as described where
we look at Jude Law. We look at the inner U, and the outer U , and look at the difference
between the two inner U, the two base blocks of what you can change within facial.A Lot of
people who understand that jumping into this gargantuan chewing marathon, and building up
the outer U that sort of muscle fact, The master Katori muscle effect of no facial form. And
they do really well at that. But it cannot set jaw joint problems, or it can precipitate the sub
acute underlying jaw joint problems, particularly those people who leave their tongue
between the teeth at rest. And of course it's not balling things up and bounce, but we really
do it building up the posture of the tongue. That's difficult so maybe we could focus on
building up the muscle tone of the tongue. In the same way we can build up the muscle tone
of the masticatory muscles. So we build up the muscle tone of the tongue, of course, posture
and function intertwined. Building up posture is so much more difficult than building up
function, function you can focus on it so I've come up with the concept of tongue chewing so
you're chewing, using your tongue, and you're using some gum, for this will use normal,
everyday chewing gum. So we're using a sort of everyday chewing gum you buy on the high
street, anywhere.The idea with this is that you're not chewing, with your teeth. As most
people do with chewing gum. You're squeezing the tongue on the roof of your mouth. we're
placing the chewing gum on the roof of the mouth slightly setback from the rule guy the
rough areas, front, behind the front teeth so at the front of the palate almost sort of newly
steeper section of depends how deep your palate is rolling the chewing gum into a ball, and
then squeezing it on the roof of the mouth, and pushing it forwards, Or, sometimes doing a
rolling emotion with your tongue. Sometimes seeing how far back we can get it but we're
really trying to spread this piece of chewing gum out massively.We have just a nice, flat
piece of gum up put it back in there and move from one up with your flat. Squeeze it
repetitively repetitively repetitively. Dr. Mew's experience about tongue chewing:( I was


impressed with myself recently. I had a car journey. It was about a 45 minute journey. I was
doing some tongue chewing, most of the duration of that journey. Finally, when I got around
just beside my house. I stopped, I went and I notably feeld, how to expand). It seems an
interesting and slightly different way to approach the chewing gum. Chewing gum usage,
because of the functional approach. And it is an interesting way to use chewing gum .But
one important thing is when you squeeze this piece of gum out on the roof of the mouth.
That's why we're using the slightly soft High Street gum rather than some of the tougher
gums, you can choose. we're seeing how far back, we can get the back, , because when we
want to squeeze it, we want to really start engaging the back third of our tongue. And we're
really going to start engaging the backbone of our tongue further back. This piece of chewing
gum is along the roof of the mouth. And that's quite an important aspect of this.

Swallowing exercise
The next move is to practice swallowing
saliva in right way.Swallow your saliva by
following the pictures here, The tongue
presses against the roof of the mouth for 10 to
15 seconds Repeat for about 5 minutes (you
can use a glass of water for this Practice)


Do not forget at this exercise, as mentioned

before, the lips are closed and The lower
teeth are behind the upper teeth And touch
them gently. Although, when we are doing this
exercise, we must be careful that the neck
should be straight and the head should be
facing forward.
Meal Time Exercise
Meal time exercise is another useful habit we
need to develop in ourselves
Includes how to sit correctly and chew food
and swallow it in the right way.
When eating, your back should be completely
straight and your head should be facing
forward,and do not lean our hands on the
table and we must remove our hands from the
Because by doing the correct sitting position it
means that the neck is along the upper body ,
which includes sitting at any time for example
times when we are playing computer games,
studying and ...


Although, if we do not observe the correct

position, the neck will move forward and we
all know it is not beautiful and the more
important reason is malocclusion

Malocclusion of the teeth is when your teeth

are misaligned. This can lead to oral health
complications if left untreated. It may also be
referred to as:

crowded teeth
open bite
Your teeth may not perform vital functions
well, like chewing, if they’re misaligned.


Occlusion refers to the alignment of your

teeth. Typically, your teeth should fit easily
inside your mouth without any crowding or
spacing concerns. Also, your teeth should not
be severely rotated or twisted.

Your upper jaw teeth should slightly overlap

with your lower jaw teeth so that the pointed
ridges of your upper molars fit into the
grooves of your opposite molars.

Changes in alignment of your typical

occlusion are known as malocclusion
An example of a face with a malocclusion

Another habit we need to develop in ourselves

is that instead of bending our head towards

the spoon we should move the spoon towards

our mouth .

We should chew the foods completely with

our teeth, it is an old saying that says you
should chew each piece about 32 times( your
teeth amount) , by doing this, the jaw muscle
also works and digestion will be easier. A very
important point when we are eating is that the
lips must be closed.
Do not use your lips muscles for chewing
foods in your mouth instead of that use your
tongue to rotate and move foods in the mouth
than tongue muscles will be stronger so it will
push roof of the mouth with much more
force(when we are mewing) and by times
goes on the area around the lips will be weak
and the jaw muscles become thicker In this


way, and by times goes on hollow cheek will

be appear. The result of using lip muscles,is
a puffy face like this shape :

The next exercise helps us building up this

habit ،(use the jaw muscle for swallow) so
when the lips is closed and the teeth are
placed in the correct way we described,use
the tongue in the order in the pictures related
to the practice of swallowing saliva,


in fact we are getting help from these

exercises to strengthen the tongue muscles
for doing mewing much better
the next one also has to do with your lips.
This is to keep your lips sealed at night. We're
starting to realize the importance of keeping
your lips sealed together, Dr. Mike mew says
that your lips are the magnet of the mouth so
if you keep them together and sealed it just
brings everything in and increases your
chances of proper oral posture and proper
facial growth . Since we're sleeping roughly
30% of the time, it's really important to focus


on keeping those lips sealed, even when

we're not aware of it. One way to know if your
lips are sealed or not when you sleep is if you
wake up with a dry mouth. Wake up and your
mouth is drying pains you were sucking in a
bunch of air through your mouth, and your lips
were probably not sealed, So unfortunately
there's no secret pill for this, the only solution
that we have right now is kind of ghetto and
that's to actually put tape over your mouth. If
your habit of not having your lips together is
really bad, you probably want to start with a
large piece of tape and then probably move
down in size, it's not only a physical but a
mental reminder to keep your lips together, so
you can try some different variations you can
put it across the middle maybe diagonally,
maybe on one side, but find what works for
you and what causes you to keep your lips


One other thing is to try not to sleep on your

back, because when you sleep on your back,
your chin tends to fall down and you breathe
through your mouth. One way to try not to
sleep on your back, which is kind of strange
but worth a try.

Put a tennis ball in your shirt on the back,

forcing you not to sleep on your back, I

actually used to do the tape thing because I'll

often wake up with a dry mouth. I don't do it
anymore because I think I conditioned myself
to have my lips sealed but this is definitely
something we're trying out if it's not much of
an issue for you. Not only is it good for your
facial structure and your facial appearance but
it's also good for your health. It helps get rid of
sleep apnea and snoring, so keep your lips
sealed at night. So the last thing we're going
to talk about is called thumb polling. Now,
thumb point is this thing that I saw another
YouTuber Astro sky talking about that
basically take your thumbs, put them in your
mouth, and pull your maxilla forward.

The thought process behind this is to force

your maxilla to expand forward and outward.


Now, I'm not going to cut it out of the realm of

possibility, but I don't recommend this.
I just don't think it's worth the time and effort.
instead of this, doing the exercises that
mentioned Strengthen the tongue muscle, so
with the tongue instead of the finger this force
Insert into the roof of the mouth

McKenzie ChinTalk

A fantastic exercise to correct forward head

posture; Mackenzie was a New Zealand
physiotherapist, who was around the time
when people were moving to sitting, desks,
sitting in cars, sitting was becoming a
predominant activity, and people's necks were
coming forward, since he was trying to fight


this many people. I guess the screens and

tablets and smartphones haven't helped but
this is a great exercise to try and get the neck
backup on top of the body. First thing we
should stand back against the wall. Stand
back against a wall so your backs against the
wall, and your bottoms against the wall, don't
try and get your shoulder back against the
wall that's not necessary and that's going to
strain you, then we will move our feet forward
for less than one of your feet, distances. Now,
you're when your head comes back against
the wall, you should notice a bit of a heads
going to touch against the wall and it should
be a little point that sticks out of the back of
your head, now there's exercises, almost as if
you had a piece of paper behind your head,
sliding up the wall, a bit like this bit of paper
Now, almost as if the paper is going to pull the
paper up now you can follow your head up
with a piece of paper, follow chin tuck up as it
goes up, and chin tuck at the same time. and
then back up again, and then slide up.

. You're trying to raise that spot as far up the

wall as you possibly can, bringing your chin
back in giving yourself as many double chins
as possible. We recommend a set of about 20
reps, try and make the last couple, three to
five reps last in the whole position, about five
seconds. Now, one of the beauties of this
exercise is it can be done anywhere, your
walls great to practice to get good at it, try
and do this exercise elsewhere. Do it work,
every school child try and do a couple of
these every time you sit in the lesson. If you're
in a car it was excellent because the headrest
up too far back, which means you've got
overstretched back to do this exercise, same
on trains on aeroplanes and the end of the
day. The real beauty of this exercise is when

you can combine it with a mealtime exercise,

because then you've got a focus, time to
actually do this exercise as well, and work on
it work on it work on it, It doesn't come

Drink plenty of water

Diet can not affect the face so much, just

remember this point Be sure to drink plenty of
water, as long as the body does not have too
much water It stores some water under the
skin, especially the facial skin, and gives us
one Puffy face
Weight Loss
In fact, the result of mewing is determined
when you are not overweight , because fats
prevent the appearance of muscle and jaw

line, of course In the case of overweight,

Mewing also has its effect, and this effect
Appears when the layer Get rid of fat.


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