Happy Father's Day

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Krithi,a B.Sc Psychology college student decides to know the
mentality of the stereotyped parents. So, she places cameras
on the house to record her parents sayings about the trauma
she faced during her first periods in her life.

A father shows his phone to her daughter and says, “See

Moorthy’s son updated his status by mentioning best dad in the
world. But here not even a wish.” Her daughter, Krithi
annoyingly nodded his head. After few seconds he recalled her
past and said to his father,

“Why I should wish you?”

“What have you done special to me?”
“Without my consent _______________________ for some namesake”
“Why should I wish you?”

Her mother tells her that we are your parents and please give
us some respect. Before she completes her agony, she
interrupted and said ,

“Parents (pause) Bloody Hypocrites”

She continues and tells not to change the topic. Krithi turns
to her father and tells “Did you Masturbate at your young
age?” Her mother yells at her. She told her wait for his
response. Her father tells her to shut your mouth. She
continues ah its okay to shut my mouth but who will shut
yours. Sorry sorry open yours. Her father seems to depressed
after hearing her daughters words. Krithi cries and ask her
father did you helped with my first periods. Did you take care
when I am bleeding that day? Did you accompany me during my
first periods? Why dad? This incident is bothering herself for
the past 10 years. She asks “Why Dad ?”

He replies that I thought you will not comfortable with me.

She said comfortable ah? What you are speaking dad? When I was
in pain that day, you are talking about confortability. Pity
abou it Dad. Her mother tries to beat her. Dad stops. Dad
tells her let her speak harshly. Krithi continues why dad why
you don’t you speak about the most common issue that a girl
focus. And you ma,when you scolded him(Krithi’s Brother) just
for asking what is whisper why don’t you explain him what is
periods what is whisper in open clarity. Why you parents don’t
speak to the kids ma. Infact, I have learned more about my
body on the internet than from you ma. You are doing this to
me because your mother didn’t teach you. I didn’t hope so.
zxcvKrithi moves and cries in her father shoulder sorry dad, I
should not be asking this to you. But how long it will go dad.
This incident has been trauming me since childhood.
She continues,”NOT ONLY YOU PA.”

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