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Class 8

Subject- English
Title of the book- Collins English Grammar and Composition

Topic – Active Passive Voice

General Instructions:

1. Write answers in the book.

2. For better understanding refer you tube link:
The voice of a verb tells whether the subject of the sentence performs or receives the action.
Active Voice
In active voice, the sentence begins with the performer (Subject) of the action and the object is at
the end of the sentence as it is acted upon.
This means ‘subject’ is of prime importance or is ‘active’ in the sentence.
Hence, the structure is (Subject + Verb + Object)

1. Rani bakes the cake.

2. Some girls were helping the wounded women.

The ‘verb’ should be in accordance with ‘subject’ in active voice.

Passive voice

In passive voice, the sentence begins with the ‘object’ and the ‘subject’ is at the end. Hence here
‘object’ is given more importance and ‘the subject’ is ‘passive’.


1. The cake is baked by Rani.

2. The wounded women were being helped by some girls.

The ‘verb’ should be in accordance with ‘object’ in passive voice.

Changing of Active Voice into Passive Voice
Present Tense
Simple Present Tense

1. She plucks flowers from the plant. (Active Voice)

Flowers are plucked from the plant by her. (Passive Voice )
2. Madhur offers her a flower. (Active Voice)
She is offered a flower by Madhur. (Passive Voice)
3. Do they perform fine arts? (Active Voice)
Are fine arts performed by them? (Passive Voice)
4. What does she ask? (Active Voice)
What is asked by her? (Passive Voice)
5. Where does Ankit search the book? (Active Voice)
Where is the book searched by Ankit? (Passive Voice)
Present Continuous Tense

1. Vaibhav is making a loud noise. (Active Voice)

A loud noise is being made by Vaibhav. (Passive Voice)
2. The jury are announcing the results in a few minutes. (Active Voice)
The results are being announced by the jury in a few minutes. (Passive Voice)
3. She is not heeding his instructions. (Active Voice)
His instructions are not being heeded by her.(Passive Voice)
4. What is Tanvi doing? (Active Voice)
What is being done by Tanvi(Passive Voice)
5. When are Mr and Mrs Desai inaugurating their new factory? (Active Voice)
When is their new factory being inaugurated by Mr and Mrs Desai? (Passive Voice)

Present Perfect Tense

Active S + have/has + V3 + O
Passive O + have/has + been + V3 + by + S

1. Arpita has forgotten’his name. (Active Voice)

His name has been forgotten by Arpita. (Passive Voice)
2. The editor has strongly criticised his opinions. (Active Voice)
His opinions have been strongly criticised by the editor. (Passive Voice)
3. Have they won the match? (Active Voice)
Has the match been won by them? (Passive Voice)
4. Where has Sagarika studied law? (Active Voice)
Where has law been studied by Sagarika? (Passive Voice)
5. How many marks has Shaily scored? (Active Voice)
How many marks have been scored by Shaily? (Passive Voice)

Past Tense
Simple Past Tense
Active S + V2 + O
Passive O + was/were + V3 + by + S

1. Too many cooks spoiled the broth. (Active Voice)

The broth was spoilt / spoiled by too many cooks. (Passive Voice)
2. The detectives concotted a plan in order to unveil the clues.(Active Voice)
A plan was connected in order to unveil the clues by the detectives (Passive Voice)
3. Nobody believed their fake stories. (Active Voice)
Their fake stories were believed by nobody. (Passive Voice)
4. Did you see my watch somewhere? (Active Voice)
Was my watch seen somewhere by you? (Passive Voice)
5. Which diary did Manpreet give you? (Active Voice)
Which diary was given you by Manpreet? (Passive Voice)
Past Continuous Tense
Active S + was/were + V1 + ing + O
Passive O + was/were + being + V3 + by + S

1. The strife torn Sri Lanka was facing a great trouble at that time. (Active Voice)
A great trouble was being faced at that time by the strife torn Sri Lanka. (Passive Voice)
2. She was reading a novel of Kate Thompson (Active Voice)
A novel of Kate Thompson was being read by her. (Passive Voice)
3. Kunal was attending the guests at the party last night. (Active Voice)
The guests were being attended at the party last night by Kunal.
Guests were being attended by Kunal at the party last night. (Passive Voice)
4. What were they discussing? (Active Voice)
What was being discussed by them? (Passive Voice)
5. Where was the road leading you? (Active Voice)
Where were you being led by the road? (Passive Voice)

Past Perfect Tense

Active S + had + V3 + O
Passive O + had been + V3 +by + S

1. I had watched the movie earlier.(Active Voice)

The movie had been watched earlier by me. (Passive Voice)
2. Sofia had informed the police of the incident.(Active Voice)
The police had been informed of the incident by Sofia.(Passive Voice)
3. The prince had never seen the princess earlier.(Active Voice)
The princess had never been seen earlier by the prince.(Passive Voice)
4. She had sorted all the documents before uncle asked her to do so. (Active Voice)
All the documents had been sorted by her before uncle asked her to do so. (Passive Voice)
5. Who had guided them to that place?(Active Voice)
By whom had they been guided to that place?(Passive Voice)

Future Tense
Simple Future Tense
Active S + shall/will + V1 + O
Passive O + shall/will + be + V3 + by + S

1. God will shower his blessings on us one day. (Active Voice)

His blessing will be showered on us one day by God. (Passive Voice)
2. I think, they will compel him to surrender. (Active Voice)
I think, he will be compelled to surrender by them. (Passive Voice)
3. Who will win the 2015 World Cup?(Active Voice)
By whom will the 2015 World Cup be won? (Passive Voice)
4. Arjit will never forgive Rinnie for her blunder. (Active Voice)
Rinnie will never be forgiven for her blunder by Arjit. (Passive Voice)
5. Why will they allow you to enter? (Active Voice)
Why will you be allowed to enter by them? (Passive Voice)
Future Perfect Tense
Active S + shall/will + have + V3 + O
Passive 0+ shall/will + have + been + V3 + by +S

1. By this afternoon, you will have realised my importance. (Active Voice)

My importance will have been realised by you, by this afternoon. (Passive Voice)
2. I will have owned my Audi one day. (Active Voice)
My Audi will have been owned one day by me. (Passive Voice)
3. Our scientists will have invented a device for artificial sleep in future. (Active Voice)
A device for artificial sleep will have been invented in future by our
scientists (Passive Voice)
4. What will Saket have achieved in coming ten years? (Active Voice)
What will have been achieved by Saket in coming ten years? (Passive Voice)
5. Who will have received him at the station? (Active Voice)
By whom will be have been received at the station? (Passive Voice)

Changing Active into Passive Voice of Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences are of three types

1. Open the door.

2. Follow my instructions.
3. Stop the car, at once.

In such sentences ‘let’ is used to change into passive voice. It is followed by ‘object’ and ‘be +
V3’ as follows

1. Let the door be opened.

2. Let my instructions be followed.
3. Let the car be stopped, at once.

If, in above sentences, ‘please’ is added, they become ‘requests’.
The passive voice of such sentences is begun with ‘You are requested to

1. Please, open the door. (Active Voice)

You are requested to open the door. (Passive Voice)
2. Please, help me in my work. (Active Voice)
You are requested to help me in my work. (Passive Voice)
3. Please, stand in a queue. (Active Voice)
You are requested to stand in a queue. (Passive Voice)


1. Help the poor.

2. Love children.
3. Respect your elders.

These sentences actually mean,

‘You should help the poor’, ……. etc. Hence, their passive voice is done.

1. The poor should be helped, (by you)

2. Children should be loved.
3. Your elders should be respected.

Note: the verbs which are used ‘transitively’ can only be changed into passive voice.
Intransitive verbs cannot be changed into passive voice as they do not contain any object.
In passive voice, since ‘object’ is more important and the sentence starts with it, the verb must
be in accordance with it.

1. Naina likes movies.

2. Naina and Riya like movies.

In the first sentence, ‘subject’ is singular and in the second sentence, ‘subject’ is plural. But
irrespective of that the passive voice of both the sentences will be Movies are liked by.

Answers to the Exercises given in the Book of Unit 17:Active and Passive Voice

Pg 105

1. Active voice
2. Passive voice
3. Active voice
4. Passive voice
5. Active voice
6. Passive voice
7. Active voice

B. 2. Food poisoning in children is being caused by the presence of pesticides.

3. The patients are looked after well by the hospital.
4. A beautiful message was conveyed by her paintings.
5. I have been taught the value of compassion by my mother’s charitable work.
6. The details of the murder mystery are not known to the detectives.
7. We were disheartened by Mrs Sanyal’s grim news.
1. Active: The fabric is being stitched by Seema.
2. Passive: Mr Sen has written these books.
3. Active: The classroom was decorated with balloons and streamers by the students.
4. Active: The laboratory will be cleaned by the technician after the experiments are
5. Passive: Shivansh started an online bookstore a couple of years ago.
6. Passive: Advay was writing a letter to his grandmother yesterday.
7. Active: A chart on environmental issues has been made by Reema.
8. Passive: Arun will complete the project today.
9. Passive: Aruna is watering the potted plants in the balcony.
10. Active: Five books have been borrowed from the library.
1. Is football being played in the park by him?
2. By whom are you taught art and craft?
3. Can her disease be healed by the renowned doctor?
4. Has the teacher been informed about your sudden illness?
5. Why was the homework not completed by you?
6. Has the documentary on pollution been seen?
7. What had been cooked for lunch today?
8. Was a surprise birthday party being planned for their father?
1. Let the book be kept back on the shelf.
2. You are requested to clean the room before the guests arrive.
3. You are requested to maintain the line and the librarian must not be disturbed.
4. Let a lavish dinner be cooked for the buffet tonight.
5. You are requested to attend the community meeting today.
6. Let the parcel to the elderly gentleman be sent by tomorrow.
7. Some sugar should be added to the dish to make it tastier.
8. Let a few ripe cherries be plucked from the tree in the garden.

1. The police were given a detailed account of the incident by the witness.
2. The charts are being put up on the wall by the students.
3. ‘Hurrah! The trophy has been won by us!’
4. ‘How beautifully the portrait has been painted!’
5. The passengers were requested to be seated by the air hostess during stormy weather.
6. Your books should be kept neatly in a row.

1. The teacher selected the new monitors of the class.
2. The President felicitated the best teachers in the country on Republic Day.
3. ‘Alas! We have lost the ship forever!’
4. Deliver the books on time.
5. You must eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to keep yourself healthy.
6. They spent a lot of money for making this film.
7. The emperor ordered the soldiers to bring him the flying horse.
1. Rani and Vani are going to prepare dinner for the guests. Dinner is going to be prepared
for the guests by Rani and Vani.
2. I want you to read the letter carefully. The letter is to be read carefully by you.
3. Neha had to buy a gift for her mother. A gift had to be bought by Neha for her mother.
4. Shekhar wants his team to discuss the matter urgently. Shekhar wants the matter to be
discussed by his team urgently.
1. This place will be transformed into a beautiful wedding venue by the decorators.
2. The reader has to understand the moral of the story.
3. The film has to be released by the distributors today.
4. The teacher wanted the meal to be shared by the children.
5. We learnt how a dish is to be presented at the cookery workshop.
6. I want your fear of mathematics to be conquered.

2. It was thought that the play put up by the children was beautifully performed.
The play put up by the children was thought to be beautifully performed.
3. It is said that the mountain looks serene in the moonlight.
The mountain is said to look serene in the moonlight.
4. It is believed that Ravi is a perfect example for his younger siblings to follow.
Ravi is believed to be a perfect example for his younger siblings to follow.
5. It is known that Shekhar has the potential to do well in academics.
Shekhar is known to have the potential to do well in academics.
6. It is expected that the weather will be sunny tomorrow.
The weather is expected to be sunny tomorrow.
Class 8
Subject: English
Topic: Formal Letter

General Instructions:
The following work is to be neatly copied in the English Notebook.

Formal letters are written to people who are not known to us personally. It is written in the
formal language with a specific format for business or official purpose. There are two types of
formal letters
i. Application to the Principal
ii. Letter to the Editor

Points to remember
i. Keep the letter short and to the point. Mention all the necessary information.
ii. Make sure that the ideas are well presented.
iii. Use a polite, formal but positive tone.
iv. Write in clear and legible handwriting.
v. Conclude with hope, appeal or suggestion.


Application to the Principal Editorial letter

X City/sender’s address as given in the question X City/sender’s address given in the question

The Principal The Editor

ABC School/ as given in the question ABC Newspaper/ as given in the question
X City X City

Date(dt/mth/yr) Date(dt/mth/yr)

Respected Madam/Sir Madam/Sir

Subject:_____________ Subject: ______________
Content – Introduction Content – Introduction
Reason Reason
Conclusion Conclusion
Yours obediently Yours sincerely
Xyz (signature) Xyz (signature)
XYZ (signatory- in capital letters) XYZ (signatory- in capital letters)
Sample questions
Q1. You are Rachit Gupta, a student of class VIII of Sachdeva Public School, Delhi. Write an
application to the principal of your school requesting her to grant you free scholarship.

The Principal
Sachdeva Public School

1 July, 2020

Respected Madam
Subject: Request to Grant Free Scholarship
I am a student of class VIII-B of your school. I have been studying in the school from class I and
have always stood first in the annual examination every year.
My father has retired from service. His pecuniary condition is in such a bad shape that he is
unable to pay my tuition fee any longer. Under such circumstances, I shall have no other
alternative but to discontinue my studies. So, I request you to kindly grant me free scholarship so
as to enable me to continue my studies, otherwise my career will be nipped in the bud. I would
like to inform you that I am a well mannered and obedient student. I have won many medals in
sports competitions and certificates in other co-curricular activities.
If I am granted the said concession, I promise to spare no pains to study more diligently and
bring more accolades to school. I shall personally remain ever grateful to you.
Thanking you
Yours obediently
Q2. You are Abhinav Pandey, a resident of 121 Vinobha Puri, Delhi. You are concerned as the
prices of commodities are increasing at a rapid pace. Write a letter to the editor to The Times of
India complaining against the price hike.
121 Vinobha Puri

The Editor
The Times of India
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg

2 July, 2020

Subject: Problem of Price Hike
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the government
towards price hike.
The prices of all the essential commodities are increasing at a rapid pace. The common man is
finding it extremely difficult to make both ends meet. They are finding it tough to arrange for the
necessities of life, not to speak of the luxuries. The daily necessities of life are becoming costlier
with each passing day. Prices of wheat, flour, rice, pulses, sugar, vegetable oil and other basic
necessities of life have touched new heights. In fact, there is no limit to galloping prices. The
steep rise in prices has severely hit the poor and middle class people. They groan day and night
under crushing weight of rising prices. The government must realise that price line is the life
line. Big businessmen and hoarders store things in their warehouses and create artificial
shortages in the market. This leads to an increase in prices. Despite the warnings given to the
hoarders and the black marketers by the government, the price rise remains unchecked. If the
situation persists, the unrest and discontent in the general public shall grow and cause civic
This problem can be solved if the government takes the necessary steps. The number of fair
price depots should be increased. Shopkeepers and traders must be ordered to put price lists of
essential commodities. Black marketeers and hoarders must be dealt with sternly. Immediate
steps by the government to control the rising prices are desired. Formulation of new policies for
the welfare of the poor would be of great help too.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely

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