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Q.1 Write an essay on any one given below?

1. Co-Education System. (10)

2. How Corona Virus Spreads
3. If wishes were horses.
4. Pleasure of reading.
5. Railway System in Pakistan.

Q.3 Attempt any Five question from the given below: (15)

1. What was the effect of the cold on the horses?

2. When the circus master commanded sun swallow to speak & he could not find any word,
why did mipeng suddenly address the crowd?
3. What was Parentade supposed to do the children?
4. How did the parents know that the antidote had worked?
5. What do you think is the message of this poem?
6. What did the Sultan courtiers tell him about Hatim Tai’s famous horse?
7. Why did Icarus disobey his father?
8. Before the maglev train, how did air passengers travel from Pudong airport to the center
of Shanghai?
9. Explain how mipeng deceived the crowd?
10. Which words and phrases tell you that people were suspicious of the circus?

Q.6 Change the voice of the following sentences (Any Five) (5)

1. I am writing a letter.
2. She is cooking food.
3. Aslam requests him.
4. They bought a car.
5. I admired her.
6. I will drive a car.
7. She was cleaning the house.
8. We are making a report.
9. They are hiring employees.
10. We are cooperating with them.

Q.8 Explain the homophones given below? (Any Five) (5)

1. Sea, see 2.Check, Cheque 3.No, Know 4. Hair, Hare, Heir

5. Write, right 6. West, waste 7. Fare, fair 8. I, eye

Multiple Choice Questions
Q1. I __________ working
A have
B shall
C am

Q2. Rafan __________ the movie.

A watches
B have watched
C had watch

Q3. Who was the Star of Jade Circus?

A Sun Swallow
B Circus Master
C Mipeng

Q4. By the next month, we shall __________ the project.

A has completed
B completing
C have completed

Q5. Every boy and girl  __________ in the class today.

A are present
B is present
C have present

Q6. Mipeng was ………….of Sun Swallow?

A Sister
B Cousin
C Friend 

Q7. I __________ this book.

A had reading
B has been reading
C am reading

Q8. Which tense is used to express general truths and facts?

A Present continuous tense
B Present perfect tense
C Present indefinite tense
Q9. The Poem Parentade is about……………?
A Family
B Friends
C Parents and Children

Q10. The Teacher __________ made its decision.

A have
B have had
C has

Q11. Who formulated the potion?

A Teachers
B Scientist
C Parents

Q12. Which country introduced Maglev Train?

A Japan
B China
C Turkey
Q13. Identify the tense used in the following sentence. “When I reached the
A Past perfect tense
B Past indefinite tense
C Present perfect tense
Q14. The wise leader and politician __________ assassinated.
A are
B has been
C have been
Q15. The King punished him? Find the noun in the sentence?
A King
B Punished
C Him

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