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Analysis of Signalized Intersections

Problem Set

1. An approach to a pretimed signal has 30 seconds of effective red, and D/D/1 queuing holds. The
total delay at the approach is 83.33 veh-s/cycle and the saturation flow rate is 1000 veh/h. If the
capacity of the approach equals the number of arrivals per cycle, determine the approach flow
rate and cycle length.

2. An approach to a pretimed signal has 25 seconds of effective green in a 60-second cycle. The
approach volume is 500 veh/h and the saturation flow rate is 1400 veh/h. Calculate the average
vehicle delay assuming D/D/1 queuing.

3. An observer notes that an approach to a pretimed signal has a maximum of eight vehicles in a
queue in a given cycle. If the saturation flow rate is 1440 veh/h and the effective red time is 40
seconds, how much time will it take this queue to clear after the start of the effective green
(assuming that approach capacity exceeds arrivals and D/D/1 queuing applies)?

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