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SY 2019– 2020

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following best describes GENE.

A. It is genetic code found on fixed location on chromosomes
B. It is genetic code found inside the nucleus of the cell
C. It is a genetic code which always come in pair
D. It is a genetic code which has different variations

For items 2-5 Identify which of the listed patterns of inheritance is being described on items 2-5.
A. Codominance C. Multiple alleles E. Sex-limited trait
B. Incomplete dominance D. Sex-influenced trait F. Sex-linked trait

2. Two dominant alleles of a contrasting pair are fully expressed at the same time in the heterozygous

3. Traits that are expressed in both sexes but more frequently in one sex than in the other.

4. Traits that are expressed exclusively on one sex of the species.

5. Traits that are controlled by genes located on the sex chromosomes.

6. A cross between a blue bird and a white bird produces silver offspring. What pattern of inheritance is
illustrated in this situation?
A. Codominance B. Complete dominance C. Incomplete dominance D. Multiple alleles

7. What type of sperm must fertilize an egg to have a male child?

A. X bearing sperm B. Y bearing sperm C. XY bearing sperm D. XX bearing sperm

8. Which of the following structures comprises the backbone of the DNA?

A. Base and sugar B. Base and phosphate C. Sugar and phosphate D. Sugar and base

Identify phenotype
10. XhX
11. XCY
12. A black rooster and a white hen have a checkered offspring. What pattern of inheritance is
expressed by the offspring?
A. complete dominance B. incomplete
B. codominance D. multiple alleles
13. In a cross between two pink snapdragon plant. What is the chance of
having a red flowered snapdragon plant? R RR RW
A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. W 100%

14. Which is NOT an example of a sex-linked trait?

A. baldness B. color-blindness
C. hypertricosis pinnae auris D. hemophilia

15. Lactation is influenced by the hormone progesterone. Why do we observe lactation among females
only? Because _____________.
A. females have higher level of progesterone than males
B. males have higher level of progesterone than females
C. females don’t have the hormone progesterone
D. males don’t have the hormone progesterone
16. Where is the location of chromosomes in a cell?
A. chloroplast B. cytoplasm C. mitochondria D. nucleus

17. In a DNA molecule, which is NOT a part of a nucleotide?

A. carbon atoms B. deoxyribose sugar
C. nitrogen base D. phosphate molecule

18. Which of the following are the correct segments that would be complementary to the DNA segments

19. SpongeBob crossed a Poofkin with purple flowers with a Poofkin with blue flowers. What is the
chance that the plants would have red flowers?
RR- red BB- blue BR- purple
A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75%

20. Supposed that Edward has a blood type AB and Maymay has blood type O. What are the possible
blood types of their child?
A. type A and type O B. type A and type B
C. type B and type O D. type AB and O

21. A mother has a homozygous B blood type and the father has heterozygous A blood type. What is
the percentage that their child will have Blood type AB?
A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100%

22. Coat color in mice is not completely dominant. Yellow and colored mice are homozygous, while
cream-colored mice are heterozygous. If two cream-colored mice mate, what is the phenotypic ratio
of their offsprings?
Key: YY-yellow yy-colored Yy- cream-colored
A. 1 yellow, 2 cream-colored, 1 colored
B. 1 yellow, 1 cream-colored, 1 colored
C. 2 yellow, 2 cream-colored
D. 1 yellow, 2 colored XB Yb

Xb XXBb XYbb
23. The Punnet square shows a cross between a bald male and a
nonbald female. Based from the cross, which of the following Xb XXBb XYbb
statements is TRUE?
A. Their son will have 100% chance of being bald
B. Their son will have 75% chance of being bald
C. Their son will have 50% chance of being bald
D. Their son will have no chances of being bald

24. Supposed that a mother is a carrier of color-blindness trait and the father has a normal vision. Is
there a chance that they will have a color-blind son?
A. yes B. no C. maybe D. undecided

25. Two parents think their baby was switched at the hospital. It’s 1968, so DNA fingerprinting
technology does not exist yet. The mother has blood type “O,” the father has blood type “AB,” and
the baby has blood type “B. Was the baby switched?
A. No, because a cross between type O and type AB have a homozygous B offspring.
B. No, because a cross between type O and type AB have a heterozygous B offspring.
C. Yes, because a cross between type O and type AB don’t have a homozygous B offspring.
D. Yes, because a cross between type O and type AB don’t have a heterozygous B offspring.

Prepared by:

Grade 9 Science Teacher

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