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Official Notice No.

47/2019 University communication

Published on behalf of the Rectorate of the University of Stuttgart Keplerstrasse 7

70174 Stuttgart

Susanne Schupp
T 0711 685-82211


Examination regulations of the University of

Stuttgart for the Master’s degree in Information
Technology (INFOTECH)
from July 25, 2019
Examination regulations of the University of Stuttgart for the Master’s degree in Information
Technology (INFOTECH)

25 July 2019

On the basis of §§ 19 Paragraph 1 No. 9 and 32 Paragraph 3 Clause 1 of the State University Act of
January 1st, 2005 (Journal of Laws of 2005, p. 1), last amended by law of March 13, 2018 (Journal of Laws of p. 85)
On May 8, 2019, the Senate of the University of Stuttgart decided on the following study and
examination regulations for the Master’s degree in Information Technology (INFOTECH).

The Rector of the University of Stuttgart approved these statutes in accordance with Section 32,
Paragraph 3, Clause 1 of the State University Act on July 25, 2019, ref. 7831.175-I-02.

Contents overview

I. General

§ 1 Purpose of the examination

§ 2 Master's degree
§ 3 ECTS credits and modules
§ 4 Course structure, standard period of study, ECTS credits § 5
Course structure and examination structure
§ 6 Examination Deadlines
§ 7 Examination Board
§ 8 Examiners and assessors § 9 General admission requirements

§ 10 module examinations, study and examination achievements § 11

technical language
§ 12 Study achievements and examinations accompanying the course. § 13
Oral module examinations
§ 14 Written module examinations
§ 15 Computer-aided module examinations
§ 16 Assessment of study and examination achievements, module
grades § 17 Failure, withdrawal, deception, breach of regulations § 18
Passing and failing
§ 19 Repetition of examinations
§ 20 Crediting of study times, study and examination achievements

II. Master's examination

§ 21 Purpose of the master's examination

§ 22 Type and scope of the master's
examination. § 23 Research work
§ 24 Master's thesis
§ 25 Free shot regulation [not applicable]
§ 26 Formation of the overall grade and certificate §
27 University degree and master's degree

III. Final provisions

§ 28 Inspection of the examination files

§ 29 Invalidity of an examination
§ 30 Entry into force and transitional provision

Appendix: Overview of the module examinations.

The study and examination regulations for the master’s degree in Information Technology
(INFOTECH) describe the structure of the degree and the organization of the examinations. It
represents the set of rules and the legal basis for the uniform handling of the course of studies and
the evaluation of the study and examination achievements.

I. General

§ 1 Purpose of the examination

The master’s examination forms a further professional qualification of the degree. The aim of the
master’s examination is to determine whether the students have acquired the ability, beyond the
goal of their bachelor’s course, to independently work on, develop and apply scientific questions
from their master’s subject using the relevant methods and apply them in complex situations.

§ 2 Master's degree

The University of Stuttgart awards the academic degree “Master of Science” (abbreviated:
“M.Sc.”) on the basis of the successful master’s examination.

§ 3 ECTS credits and modules

(1) ECTS credits must be acquired during the course. They are a quantitative measure of the time
the students spend on their studies. An average of 30 ECTS credits must be acquired per
semester. This corresponds to a workload of around 900 hours. The acquisition of ECTS credits
requires successful participation in the courses or the successful completion of certain study
achievements and is tied to the passing of the respective module or sub-module exams.

(2) The course is divided into modules, for which the ECTS credits assigned to the respective module
are awarded after passing the module examination or after passing the partial module
examinations. ECTS credits for a module are only earned if all of the study and examination
achievements prescribed in the annex to the examination regulations and in the module
handbook have been successfully completed for the module. The modules consist of content-
related courses and usually extend over one, but no more than two semesters.

§ 4 Course structure, standard period of study, ECTS credits

(1) The standard period of study is four semesters. It comprises the module examinations
including the master's thesis.

(2) The total number of ECTS credits required to acquire the master’s degree is 120. Of these, 30 ECTS
credits are for the master’s thesis and 90 for coursework and examinations during the course.

(3) ECTS credits can only be earned by taking coursework and examinations that are assessed with
at least “sufficient” or “successfully completed”. The distribution of the ECTS credits to the
individual modules and courses in the compulsory and elective areas is regulated in the
appendix to these regulations and in the module handbook.

§ 5 Course and Examination Structure

(1) The master’s examination consists of course-related module examinations, a specialist internship,
a research paper and the master’s thesis. The range of courses is divided into several key areas
of study with specific elective and elective modules and extends over 3 semesters. The master's
thesis has to be completed in the fourth semester. The selectable major and the associated
elective and elective modules are determined by the examination board in agreement with the
study commission and listed in the module handbook.

(2) The students must take a compulsory module, which is regulated in the annex to the
examination regulations.

(3) With the first registration for the examination of a compulsory elective module, the choice of a
specialization must be made binding. The students have to take elective modules amounting to
30 ECTS credits as part of the chosen specialization. The compulsory elective modules for each
major can be found in a compulsory elective catalog, which is determined by the examination
board in agreement with the study commission and listed in the module handbook. Students
must continue to successfully complete elective modules totaling 30 ECTS credits and a research
paper totaling 15 ECTS credits. The elective modules can be found in an elective subject catalog,
which is determined by the examination board in agreement with the study commission and
listed in the module handbook.

(4) The choice of elective and elective modules is subject to the following
Limitations. Both elective and elective modules are divided into two categories: modules from
the field of computer science and modules from the field of electrical engineering. Within the
framework of the advanced and specialization modules, the students have to take at least 2
modules from one category; the explanations in the annex “Overview of the module
examinations” regulate more detailed information.

(5) A module worth 3 ECTS credits must be successfully completed from the catalog for
interdisciplinary key qualifications specified in the module handbook.

(6) In up to 2 cases, an elective module that has not yet been passed can be changed by declaring
to the examination office. This means that there is no longer any obligation to take additional
repeat exams in the previous elective module. The declaration can only be submitted as long
as the examination entitlement for the master’s program Information Technology (INFOTECH)
has not yet been definitively lost and not all of the examinations required for the degree have
been completed. The previous module that has been changed cannot be continued at a later
point in time.

§ 6 Examination Deadlines

(1) The examination entitlement for the master’s program Information Technology (INFOTECH)
expires if the master's examination is not successfully passed within 8 semesters, unless the
person to be examined is not responsible for exceeding the deadline. The person chairing
the examination board decides on this at the request of the person to be examined.

(2) Expectant mothers are not allowed to take any examinations in the last six weeks before the
delivery, unless they expressly declare that they are ready to take the examination. The
declaration is in writing to the
And can be revoked at any time. Sentences 1 and 2 apply accordingly to women who have
recently given birth up to eight weeks after delivery. For mothers after premature and multiple
births, this period is extended to twelve weeks, and for premature births by the period that could
not be used according to sentence 1. If the child dies, the mother can, at her express request,
take examinations again before these deadlines have expired, if, according to a medical
certificate, nothing speaks against it. She can revoke the declaration at any time vis-à-vis the
chairperson of the examination board. For a disadvantage compensation within the meaning of
Section 1, Paragraph 1 and Section 9, Paragraph 1 of the Maternity Protection Act, Section 10,
Paragraph 5 applies accordingly.

(3) Students who live in the same household with a child under the age of eight, for whom they are
entitled to take care of the person, and who mostly look after it alone, are entitled to take
individual course and examination achievements after the deadlines provided for this have
expired. The person chairing the examination board decides on the extension of the deadline at
the request of the person to be examined. Deadlines for
Repeat exams can only be extended by up to two semesters. As a rule, the processing time for
the master's thesis can only be extended within the deadline according to § 24 Paragraph 5,
last sentence; in justified exceptional cases, an additional extension is permitted, whereby the
extension is twice the time limit according to § 24 Paragraph 6 last sentence must not exceed.
The authorization expires at the end of the semester in which the prerequisites mentioned in
sentence 1 no longer apply. The deadline in paragraph 1 must be extended by a maximum of 6
semesters per child, provided that the requirements of sentence 1 have been met for this
period. Otherwise, the entitlement expires at the latest at the end of the semester in which the
child has reached the age of eight. Students have to provide the relevant evidence.

(4) Students who care for a close relative within the meaning of Section 7 (3) of the Nursing Leave Act,
who is in need of care within the meaning of Sections 14.15 SGB XI, are entitled to individual
study and examination performances after the deadlines provided for this have expired to
discard. The person chairing the examination board decides on the extension of the deadline at
the request of the person to be examined; Appropriate evidence must be attached to the
application, in particular providing information on the amount of time required for maintenance.
Deadlines for repeat examinations can only be extended by up to two semesters; Paragraph 3
Clause 4 applies to the duration of the master’s thesis. The deadline in Paragraph 1 must be
extended by a maximum of 6 semesters, provided that the requirements of sentence 1 have
been met for this period. Students have to provide the relevant evidence. You are obliged to
notify changes in the requirements immediately.

(5) Anyone who is unable to attend the courses on a regular basis or to provide the expected study
results due to long-term illness or long-term or permanent physical disability is entitled to
individual study and examination performances after the deadlines specified in the examination
regulations have expired to discard. The person chairing the examination board decides on the
extension of the deadline at the request of the person to be examined. Deadlines for repeat
exams can only be extended by up to two semesters; Paragraph 3, Clause 4 applies to the
duration of the master’s thesis, otherwise the extension period is a maximum of two years. The
person to be examined must provide the relevant evidence, in particular submit medical
certificates; in

In cases of doubt, a certificate from a doctor appointed by the university can be
requested. Changes in the prerequisites are to be reported immediately.

(6) An activity as an elected member in statutory bodies or statutory organs of the university or the
student union for at least one year can be disregarded for up to one academic year when
calculating the examination deadlines; the decision on this is made by the rector at the
request of the person to be examined.

§ 7 Examination Board

(1) The Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology forms an
examination board for the organization of the examinations and all other tasks assigned by
these regulations. The chairperson of the examination board, the member who represents
him or her in the event of absence, the other members and their deputies are appointed by
the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology. The examination board is composed as follows:

1. four university professors from the INFOTECH master’s program,

2. the head of the INFOTECH master’s program,
3. a member of the scientific service,
4. One student (in an advisory capacity).

The chairmanship of the examination board can only be chaired by a university professor or
an associate professor as defined in No. 1, even as a deputy. As a rule, the chairperson
conducts the business of the examination board. In addition, the committee can revocably
delegate certain tasks to the chairman.

(2) The term of office of the members is three years, that of the student member one year.

(3) The examination board ensures that the provisions of these regulations are observed. He reports
to the faculty regularly about the development of the examination and study times as well as
the distribution of the overall grades. The examination board must ensure that study and
examination achievements can be performed or taken in the periods specified in these
regulations. For this purpose, the students should be informed in good time about the type and
number of coursework and examinations to be performed as well as the dates by which they
are to be performed.

(4) The members of the examination board have the right to be present when the
examinations are held.

(5) The members of the examination board and the persons representing them are subject to official
secrecy. If they are not in the public service, the chairperson must commit them to secrecy.

(6) Incriminating decisions by the examination board or its chairperson must be communicated to
the person to be examined immediately in writing, stating the reasons, stating the legal basis
and providing information on legal remedies. Objections to these decisions are to be submitted
in writing to the examination board within one month of the announcement of the decision. If
the examination board does not remedy the objection, it must be submitted to the Vice-Rector
for Education and Training for a decision.

§ 8 examiners and observers

(1) The examination board appoints the examiners. He can delegate the appointment to the
chairperson. The examiner appoints the observer.

(2) As a rule, only university lecturers, honorary professors and university or private lecturers, as well
as those academic employees and lecturers who are authorized to examinations according to
the legal requirements, are examiners to hold university examinations Provisions has been
transferred. Academic staff and lecturers can only be appointed as examiners in exceptional
cases if university lecturers and university or private lecturers are not available as examiners to a
sufficient extent.

(3) In the case of study achievements and examinations accompanying the course, the member of
the teaching staff who conducted the course is usually appointed as the examiner, taking into
account Paragraph 2.

(4) The observer must have passed at least a master's examination in "Information Technology" or
an equivalent examination.

(5) Section 7 (5) applies accordingly to examiners and assessors.

(6) The examination dates and the names of the examining persons are to be announced to the
examining persons in good time by notice or in another way. There is no legal right to be
assigned a specific examiner.

§ 9 General admission requirements

(1) Only those who can be admitted to a module examination or to the master’s thesis

1. is enrolled in the Information Technology (INFOTECH) master’s course at the University of

Stuttgart at the time of registration,
2. meets the technical admission requirements for the respective examination,
3. proves the fulfillment of additional requirements for the admission to the master's thesis, provided that the admission
was subject to additional requirements and
4. the entitlement to examinations in the Master’s degree in Information Technology
(INFOTECH) or in a related degree course at a university or equivalent university, university
of applied sciences or university of applied sciences, dual university or professional
academy, the degree of which is a
University of applied sciences degree is on an equal footing, has not lost in Germany. In a related
degree program, this only applies to the loss of the right to examinations in examinations or
modules that are also required in the Master’s degree in Information Technology (INFOTECH)
(compulsory modules) as well as in the event of the loss of the right to examination due to
exceeding the deadline (e.g. maximum duration of study). The previous sentence does not apply
in the event of loss the right to be examined in a diploma course of the same name. Related
courses are in particular the one of the same name
Diploma course as well as electrical engineering and information technology, computer
science, software technology or technical computer science. The examination board decides
on further courses of study that are considered related.

(2) The application for admission for each module examination must be submitted to the examination office
in the form prescribed by the examination office. The following must be attached to the application,
unless the university has already received:

1. Evidence that the admission requirements specified in Paragraph 1 No. 1 to 4

have been met and
2. a declaration as to whether the person to be examined has already failed a master’s
examination or an examination in a related course in accordance with Paragraph 1 No. 4 or
whether they are in an examination procedure in such a course.

(3) If it is not possible for the person to be examined to attach the documents in the prescribed
manner, the examination board may allow the evidence to be provided in a different manner
in individual cases.

(4) If not all evidence can be submitted when registering for the examination, admission to the
examination can be granted with the proviso that the missing evidence is submitted by the
examination date. Before the assessment of the examination at the latest, the examiner has to
convince himself of the availability of the missing evidence for the examination in question.

(5) The examination board decides on admission. Admitted is someone who has not been denied
admission within one month of receipt of the application by the examination office.

(6) Admission may only be refused if

1. the prerequisites mentioned in Paragraph 1 are not met or

2. the documents according to Paragraph 2 are incomplete or
3. The person to be examined has the right to be examined in the Information Master’s course
Technology (INFOTECH) or in a related course according to Paragraph 1
No. 4 at a university or equivalent university in Germany or is in an examination process in
such a course.

(7) The registration deadlines for the examinations are announced by the examination office of the
University of Stuttgart.

§ 10 module examinations, study and examination achievements

(1) The module examination consists of one or more study and / or examination
achievements. As a rule, modules should only be assessed with one examination.
Partial exams are only permitted in justified exceptional cases.

(2) Course achievements are

1. Preliminary examinations,
2. Ungraded performance records
3. graded performance records.

(3) Examinations are

1. written module exams,
2. Oral module exams,
3. Examinations accompanying the course.

(4) During a leave of absence, examinations that are not part of a course can be taken,
but coursework and examinations accompanying the course cannot.

(5) If a person to be examined proves, by submitting a medical certificate, that he is not able to take
examinations in whole or in part in the intended form due to long-term or constant health
complaints, the person chairing the examination board shall permit him / her to: To complete
examinations within an extended processing time or equivalent examinations in a different
form. The same applies to course work.

§ 11 Technical language

Courses are usually held in English. With prior notice, courses can also be held in another language.
The study and / or examination performance is usually taken in English.

§ 12 Study achievements and examinations accompanying the course

(1) Coursework and examinations accompanying the course are provided during the course in
connection with a course. They are provided through written or oral work (e.g. term paper,
presentation, portfolio, attestation) or successful participation in internships.

(2) At the beginning of the semester, the head of the course must inform all students who are
taking part in the course about the expected time, type and scope of the course work or the
examination accompanying the course.

§ 13 Oral module examinations

(1) In the oral examinations, the person to be examined should demonstrate that he or she
recognizes the basics and context of the examination area and is able to classify specific
questions in these contexts.

(2) Oral examinations that are not taken during the course are taken in front of an examiner in the
presence of a competent assistant, either in group examinations or in individual examinations.

(3) The duration of an oral examination is a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 60 minutes.

Analogous to the examination duration according to sentence 1, the examination duration for
group examinations is at least 15 and at most 45 minutes per person to be examined. If the
exact duration of the examination is not regulated in the appendix to these examination
regulations, it will be determined by the examination board at the suggestion of the examiner
and must be specified in the module handbook. It must be made known to the students at the
latest at the beginning of the semester's lecture period.

(4) The main subjects and the results of the oral examinations are to be recorded in a protocol,
which is to be signed by the examiner and the assistant. The result of the oral examination is
determined by the respective examiner after hearing the assessor and the

This will be communicated to the candidate immediately after the examination.

(5) Students on the same course of study can take part in oral examinations on request, depending
on the number of places available. Participation does not extend to the consultation and the
announcement of the examination result. The public must be excluded for important reasons or
at the request of the person to be examined.

§ 14 Written module examinations

(1) In written examinations, the person to be examined should demonstrate that they can recognize a
problem using the methods of their subject and find ways of finding a solution in a limited time
and with limited resources.

(2) Written examinations are to be assessed by an examiner. The assessment process should be
completed within four weeks. In addition, for answer-choice tasks and all other types of tasks
that allow automatic evaluation, the examination tasks, questions and answer options, the
weighting factor, the number of points for the individual examination tasks and the total
number of points are determined by an examiner.

(3) Written exams last at least 30 and at most 180 minutes. If the exact duration of the examination is
not regulated in the appendix to these examination regulations, it will be determined by the
examination board at the suggestion of the examiner and must be specified in the module
handbook. It must be made known to the students at the latest at the beginning of the
semester's lecture period. A 60-minute written examination can be replaced by a 20-minute oral
examination if this is announced by a notice at the relevant institute or in another suitable
manner no later than two weeks after the examination registration deadline and at least 4 weeks
before the examination.

(4) Written examinations can be carried out in whole or in part using the multiple-choice method. The
respective specialist examiners are responsible for the task and evaluation. The examination
tasks must enable reliable examination results. In the case of tests using the multiple-choice
method, several possible answers are given for each question, only one of which is correct.
Points for answering a question are only awarded if the correct answer option has been selected;
Malus points are not awarded.

(5) Written module examinations in which at least 75% of the points are acquired through multiple-
choice tasks are passed if the person to be examined has achieved at least 54 percent of the
achievable points (minimum number of points). If the average number of points achieved by all
students in the module examination is below 60 percent of the achievable number of points, the
module examination has been passed if the proportion of points achieved is not more than 10
percent below the average number of points achieved by the students at the examination date.

(6) Before the examination result is determined, the individual answer-choice tasks must be
checked by the examiner on the basis of the results to determine whether the
Task was incorrect. Incorrect examination questions may not be taken into account
when determining the achievable number of points.

§ 15 Computer-aided module examinations

(1) Computer-aided module examinations are similar to a written exam on a computer under
university supervision, in which, for example, free-text tasks, fill-in-the-blank tasks, assignment
tasks or multiple choice tasks have to be answered. The answers are transmitted electronically by
the student and, if possible, evaluated automatically. The content of the exam is drawn up by an

(2) Before the computer-aided examination, the examiner ensures that the electronic data can
be clearly identified and unmistakably and permanently assigned to the student. The
trouble-free course of a computer-aided test is guaranteed by appropriate technical
support. The test is carried out in the presence of a professionally competent person.

(3) All other conditions for a computer-based examination are subject to the regulations
that apply to written module examinations (Section 14 of these regulations).

(4) Notwithstanding Section 14 (2), computer-aided module examinations are to be assessed by two
examiners if the first examiner suggests the grade “insufficient” in the case of a repeat
examination. In this case, one of the examining persons must be a university professor or an
adjunct professor. In this case, the grade results from the arithmetic mean of the individual
assessments (Section 16, Paragraph 2, Clause 3).

§ 16 Assessment of study and examination achievements, module grades

(1) Study achievements according to § 10 Paragraph 2 Nos. 1 and 2 (preliminary work and
ungraded performance records) are assessed with the rating “participated with success” or
“participated without success”. The former corresponds to at least the grade “sufficient” (4.0).

(2) Examination performances and graded performance records are assessed by the
respective examiners with the following grades:

1 = very good = an excellent performance;

2 = good = an achievement that significantly exceeds the
average requirements;
3 = satisfactory = a performance that meets average requirements
is equivalent to ;
4 = sufficient = a performance that, despite its shortcomings, still has the
Requirements are sufficient;
5 = insufficient = a service that, due to significant deficiencies, the
Requirements are no longer sufficient.

The grades can be raised or lowered by a value of 0.3 for a differentiated assessment of the
study and examination achievements. The grades 0.7; 4.3; 4.7 and 5.3 are not awarded.

If examination performances are assessed independently of one another by several

examiners, the grade results from the arithmetic mean of the
Individual evaluations; Paragraph 3 sentence 3 applies accordingly.

(3) If a module consists of several study and / or examination achievements, the module grade is
calculated from the weighted average of the grades of the individual study and / or examination
achievements. The weighting of the individual study and examination achievements is regulated
in the module handbook. Only the first decimal place after the comma is taken into account in
the calculation; all other positions are without
Rounding deleted.

(4) The grades in the modules are loudn:

(With an average) to 1.5 = very good,

(with an average) from 1.6 up to and including 2.5 = Good,

(with an average) from 2.6 up to and including 3.5 = satisfying,

(with an average) from 3.6 up to and including 4.0 = sufficient,
(with an average) above 4.0 = unsatisfactory.

The module grade (calculated according to Paragraph 3) is added in brackets.

§ 17 Failure, resignation, deception, breach of regulations

(1) An examination performance is graded as “insufficient” if the person to be examined does not
appear at an examination date without valid reasons or if he withdraws from the examination
after the examination has started without valid reasons. The same applies if a written
examination is not completed within the specified processing time. Withdrawal from a registered
examination (PL) is possible in the form specified by the examination office up to 7 days before
the set examination date without giving reasons; in the case of examinations accompanying a
course (LBP), withdrawal without giving reasons is only possible until the end of the

Exam registration period possible. Sentence 3 does not apply to repeat exams.

(2) The reasons asserted for a later withdrawal or failure must be reported to the chairperson of
the examination board and the examiner immediately in writing and substantiated before the
examination date. In the event of illness, the chairman of the examination board must
immediately (usually within 3 working days) submit a medical certificate stating that the
person to be examined is not fit for the examination. The duration of the probable inability to
take the exam should be stated. Insofar as compliance with deadlines for the initial
registration for the examination, the repetition of examinations, the reasons for missing
examinations and compliance with processing times for examination papers are concerned,
the illness of the person to be examined is equivalent to the illness of a child who is
predominantly alone to look after or the care of a close relative. The chairperson of the
examination board decides on the approval of the application.

(3) If a person to be examined has undergone examinations with knowledge or negligent ignorance
of a valid reason for withdrawal, subsequent withdrawal for this reason is excluded. In
particular, negligent ignorance exists if the person to be examined has not promptly clarified
any indications of a health impairment.

(4) If a person to be examined tries to influence the result of their study or examination performance
through deception or the use of unauthorized aids, the relevant study or examination
performance or the master's thesis is rated as “insufficient”. The sanction provided for in
sentence 1 can also be recognized if a person to be examined has unauthorized aids with them
after the task has been given. A person to be examined who is responsible for ensuring that the

The exam interferes with, can be excluded from the continuation of the study or examination
by the respective examiner or the supervisor; in this case, the relevant study or examination
performance is rated as “insufficient”. In serious cases, the examination board can exclude the
person to be examined from further study and examination performances.

§ 18 Passing and failing

(1) A module examination is passed if all examinations and graded performance records according
to § 10 Paragraph 2 No. 3 have been assessed with at least the grade “sufficient” (4.0) and all
preliminary work and ungraded performance records according to § 10 Paragraph 2 No. 1 and 2
have been passed.

(2) The master’s examination is passed if the master’s thesis has been graded with at least
“sufficient” (4.0) and the associated module examinations have been passed.

(3) If the person to be examined has not passed a module examination or the master’s thesis, a
written notification with instructions on legal remedies will be issued. In the case of module
examinations, the announcement of the examination result can also take place in another way.

(4) If a person to be examined has finally failed the master’s examination, a certificate will be
issued to the examination office upon submission of the relevant evidence, which contains
the study and examination achievements and their grades and shows that the master’s
examination has not been passed is.

§ 19 Repetition of examinations

(1) Successful courses and examinations cannot be repeated.

(2) Examinations that have not been passed or are deemed to be failed can be repeated once.

(3) A second repetition of examinations is only permitted in three cases. A second repetition of
the master's thesis is not permitted.

(4) If the second repetition of a written examination is graded “insufficient” (5.0), an oral continuation
of the repeat examination of around 20-30 minutes takes place immediately. This does not apply
in the cases of Section 17, Paragraph 1, Clause 1 and Paragraph 4, Section 19, Paragraph 5,
Clause 2 and Section 20, Paragraph 4. In this case, including the oral re-examination, the result
of the repeat examination can only be "sufficient" (4.0) or “insufficient” (5.0). For the
implementation of the oral re-examination, § 13 also applies.

(5) Repeat exams must be taken within two semesters. Otherwise they are to be assessed with the
grade “insufficient” (5.0). If there are valid reasons, the chairperson of the examination board can
approve a resignation in accordance with Section 17 (2). Semesters on leave are not counted
towards the number of semesters according to sentence 1. The repetition of an examination is
usually intended within
a period of six months.

§ 20 Crediting of study times, study and examination achievements

(1) The person chairing the examination board is responsible for the crediting of study and
examination achievements. She can submit doubtful cases to the examination board for

(2) Study and examination achievements that have been achieved in courses at the University of
Stuttgart or at other state or state-recognized universities and vocational academies in the
Federal Republic or in courses at foreign state or state-recognized universities will be
recognized, provided that the competences acquired do not contain any there is a substantial
difference to the services that are being replaced. In any case, there is no essential difference if
the content, learning objectives and scope essentially correspond to the requirements of the
module at the University of Stuttgart. If individual achievements required for the recognition of
certain study and examination achievements are missing, the examination board can determine
additional achievements. The help of the respective specialist professor can be called upon to
check the above-mentioned prerequisites. As far as agreements and conventions of the Federal
Republic of Germany with other states about

Equivalencies in higher education (equivalence agreement) favoring students from foreign

countries deviating from sentence 1, the provisions of the equivalence agreement take
precedence. Crediting can be refused if more than half of the ECTS credits to be earned in the
master’s examination or the master’s thesis are to be taken into account.

(3) Paragraph 2 applies accordingly to study periods, study and examination achievements in state-
recognized distance learningd; Paragraph 2 also applies to periods of study, study and
examinations at other educational institutions, in particular at technical and engineering
schools and officer schools in the former German Democratic Republic.

(4) Failed attempts in coursework and examinations in comparable or other courses of study will
be counted ex officio, insofar as they are the subject of
Master’s examination in the master’s program Information Technology (INFOTECH).

(5) If study and examination achievements are recognized, the grades, insofar as the grading
systems are comparable, are to be adopted and included in the calculation of the overall
grade according to the evaluation key specified in § 16. In the case of incomparable grading
systems, the note “passed” is added. In this case, the module grades and the overall grade
are not included in the calculation. The crediting is indicated in the certificate.

(6) If the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3 are met, there is a legal entitlement to credit. The
crediting of study and examination achievements takes place on application. The application
must be submitted within two semesters of enrollment in the course or after returning from
studying abroad, after which an application is excluded. It is the responsibility of the applicant
to provide the necessary information and documents about the services to be recognized. The
burden of proof that an application does not meet the requirements for recognition lies with
the body according to Paragraph 1, which

Carries out recognition procedures.

(7) Periods of study from a previous degree are credited according to the recognized
performance. This means that the placement in a specific semester is based on the scope of
the recognized performance.

(8) Knowledge and skills acquired outside of the higher education sector will be credited provided
that they are equivalent in terms of content and level to the study and examination
achievements that they are intended to replace. Paragraph 6 sentences 2 to 4 apply accordingly
to recognition. The burden of proof that the requirements for recognition have been met lies
with the student. A maximum of modules amounting to 60 ECTS credits can be recognized; the
master's thesis cannot be recognized. If, based on the evidence submitted, there are doubts
about the acquisition of certain knowledge and skills, a placement test can be carried out. The
placement test can be oral or written. The content and procedure of the placement test are to
be designed in such a way that that the examiners, taking into account the evidence submitted,
receive sufficient certainty about the existence of the knowledge and skills that are acquired in
the modules to be credited. For the implementation of the

The examination board appoints at least one examiner for the placement test; § 8 applies
accordingly to the appointment. In the case of crediting, paragraphs 5 and 7 apply

II. Master's examination

§ 21 Purpose of the master's examination

With the master’s examination, the students prove that they have acquired the ability to
independently work on scientific questions from their master’s subject using the relevant
methods, beyond the goal of their bachelor’s course.

§ 22 Type and scope of the master's examination

(1) The master’s examination consists of

1. the modules listed in the appendix to these examination regulations,

2. the master's thesis.

(2) In the master’s examination, an examination can be taken in up to 4 additional modules than
those prescribed (Additional modules). At the request of the person to be examined, the result
of these examinations is to be included in the certificate. However, it is not taken into account
when determining the overall grade.

Section 23 Research Work

(1) The research work is a larger experimental or theoretical work and an examination.

(2) For the award of the research work, every university professor, university lecturer or private
lecturer from the faculty of computer science, electrical engineering and information
technology, as well as every academic employee (in ) from the Faculty of Computer Science,
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, to which the authority to examine was
transferred in accordance with the statutory provisions. Exceptions to this can be approved by
the examination board.

(3) The research work can be carried out with the consent and under the direction of the examiner
or the examiner can also be carried out in cooperation with industry and other institutions
outside the University of Stuttgart.

(4) The processing time for the research work is six months. The type and scope of the task must be
limited in such a way that it corresponds to 15 ECTS credits (or 450 working hours) and the
deadline set for processing can be adhered to. At the request of the person to be examined, the
processing period can be extended by the examination board by a maximum of three months for
reasons for which they are not responsible.

(5) As a rule, the research work must be written in English. At the request of the person to be
examined, the examiner can also allow the research work to be carried out in German. In this
case, the thesis must contain a summary in English as an appendix. In addition to a printed text,
the research work can also contain multimedia parts on electronic data carriers, provided the
topic requires this and the examiners have given their consent.

(6) The research work can also be admitted in the form of group work if the contribution of the
person to be examined to be assessed as an examination performance is clearly distinguishable
and assessable due to the specification of sections, page numbers or other objective criteria
that enable a clear distinction and the Requirements according to paragraphs 1 to 5 met.

(7) The completed research work must be submitted in writing to the supervisor within the
processing period according to Paragraph 4. In addition, a copy must be submitted in
electronic form. The date of submission must be documented. When submitting the test,
the person to be examined must ensure in writing that

1. that she has independently written her work or, in the case of group work,
the appropriately marked part of the work,
2. that it has not used any sources other than those given and that all statements taken
literally or analogously from other works have been identified as such,

3. that the submitted work was neither completely nor in essential parts the subject
of another examination procedure,
4. that she has not published the work in full or in part, and
5. That the electronic copy matches the other copies.

(8) Part of the research work is a lecture of 20-30 minutes on its content.

(9) The research work will be assessed by the examiner in accordance with Section 8, who assigned
the topic in accordance with Paragraph 2. You evaluate the research work with one of the grades
mentioned in § 15.

(10) The research work can be repeated once if it is graded “insufficient” (5.0).

(11) The research work can be completed by means of a seminar from the catalog of elective
modules and 2 modules from the catalog of specialization modules
be replaced by 15 ECTS credits.

§ 24 Master's thesis

(1) The master's thesis should show that the person to be examined is able to independently work on
a task from the area of "Information Technology" according to scientific methods and to
present the results appropriately within a specified period. 30 ECTS credits are earned with the
master’s thesis.

(2) Any university lecturer, honorary professor, university lecturer or private lecturer is
authorized to award the master’s thesis, as is any academic employee who to whom
the examination authorization has been transferred in accordance with the statutory

(3) The topic of the master’s thesis can be issued at the earliest if at least 78 ECTS credits have been
acquired and, provided that admission has been granted with conditions, the fulfillment of the
conditions has been proven. After the topic has been assigned by the examiner or the
chairperson of the examination board, the candidate must immediately register the master’s
thesis with the examination office. The subject and time of issue are to be put on record. The
topic can only be returned once and only within the first month of the processing time.

(4) The master's thesis must be prepared at the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology at the University of Stuttgart. Exceptions to this can be made by the
Approve Examination Board.

(5) The master's thesis can also be admitted in the form of a group work if the contribution of the
person to be examined to be assessed as an examination performance is clearly
distinguishable and assessable due to the specification of sections, page numbers or other
objective criteria that enable a clear distinction and the Requirements according to paragraph
1 met.

(6) The processing time for the master's thesis is six months. The type and scope of the task must be
limited by the examiner in such a way that the deadline set for processing can be adhered to. At
the request of the person to be examined, the processing period can be extended by the
examination board by a maximum of three months for reasons for which they are not

(7) As a rule, the master's thesis must be written in English. At the request of the person to be
examined, the examiner can also allow the master's thesis to be written in German. In this case,
the thesis must contain a summary in English as an appendix. In addition to a printed text, the
master’s thesis can also contain multimedia parts on electronic data carriers, provided the topic
requires this and the examiners have given their consent.

(8) Three bound copies of the completed master’s thesis must be submitted to the examiner within
the processing period according to Paragraph 5. In addition, a copy must be submitted in
electronic form. The date of submission must be documented. When submitting the test, the
person to be examined must ensure in writing that

1. that she has independently written her work or, in the case of group work,
the appropriately marked part of the work,
2. that it has not used any sources other than those given and that all statements taken
literally or analogously from other works have been identified as such,

3. that the submitted work was neither completely nor in essential parts the subject
of another examination procedure,
4. that she has not already published the work in full or in part, and
5. That the electronic copy matches the other copies.

(9) Part of the master’s thesis is a presentation of 20-30 minutes on its content.

(10) The master's thesis is assessed by two examiners, one of whom is the examiner who assigned
the topic in accordance with Paragraph 2. One of the examiners must be a university
professor, adjunct professor, private lecturer or honorary professor. You evaluate the master's
thesis with one of the grades listed in § 16. The grade of the master's thesis results from the
average of the two individual assessments. The evaluation process should be finally completed
after two months at the latest.

(11) The master's thesis can be repeated once if it is graded “insufficient” (5.0). In the case of
repetition, however, the subject of the master’s thesis may only be returned within the
period specified in paragraph 3 if the person to be examined did not make use of this option
when writing their first master’s thesis. The repetition of the master's thesis must be
registered with the examination office within 8 weeks of the announcement of the
examination result. Otherwise the repeat examination will be graded “insufficient” (5.0),
unless the person to be examined is not responsible for missing the deadline. The
examination board decides on this at the request of the person to be examined.

§ 25 Free shot regulation [not applicable]

§ 26 Formation of the overall grade and certificate

(1) The overall grade for the master’s examination results from the average of the marks for the
modules that make up the master’s examination and the mark of the master’s thesis, each
weighted by the number of ECTS credits for the module or master’s thesis. If students choose
modules in the elective areas which, in combination, including the master’s thesis, result in
more than 120 ECTS credits, a total of 123 points must not be exceeded. In this case, the
calculation of the overall grade is based on the increased number of ECTS credits. Section 16 (3)
and (4) apply accordingly to the calculation.

(2) In the case of outstanding performance (overall grade up to 1.2), the predicate “Very good with
distinction” is awarded.

(3) If the person to be examined has passed the master’s examination, he or she will receive a
certificate. In addition to the overall grade, the individual module grades and the grade for the
master's thesis as well as the title of the master's thesis are entered on the certificate. The
overall grade is given as a decimal grade with one place after the comma. The certificate is
signed by the chairperson of the examination board. It bears the date of the day on which the
last examination was taken. An English translation of the certificate will be handed out.

(4) The university issues a Diploma Supplement (DS) according to the “Diploma Supplement Model”
of the European Union / Council of Europe / Unesco, which represents the profile of the course.

§ 27 University degree and master's certificate

(1) The degree of a “Master of Science” (abbreviated: “M.Sc.”) is awarded on the basis of the
successful master’s examination

(2) At the same time as the certificate of the master’s examination, the graduate receives a master’s
certificate with the date of the certificate. The award of the university degree according to
paragraph 1 is certified therein. An English translation of the certificate will also be provided

(3) The master’s certificate is signed by the dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology and the rector of the University of Stuttgart and the
seal of the university is affixed to it.

III. Final provisions

§ 28 Inspection of the examination files

(1) Within one year of the completion of an examination procedure, the person to be examined can,
upon request, inspect their written examination papers, the related reports of the examiners
and the
Exam protocols granted.

(2) The examination procedure will be announced to the students in good time.

§ 29 Invalidity of an examination

(1) If the person to be examined has cheated in a course or examination performance and this fact
only becomes known after the certificate has been handed over, the grade of the course or
examination achievement, during the performance of which the person to be examined has
cheated, can be corrected. If necessary, the module examination can be declared “not sufficient”
and the master’s examination “not passed”.

(2) If the prerequisites for admission to an examination were not fulfilled without the person being
examined trying to deceive, and if this fact only becomes known after the certificate has been
issued, this deficiency will be remedied by passing the examination. If the person to be examined
has deliberately and wrongly obtained admission, the module examination can be declared “not
sufficient” and the master’s examination “not passed”.

(3) The person to be examined must be given the opportunity to comment before a decision is

(4) The incorrect examination certificate must be withdrawn and, if necessary, a new one issued.
With the incorrect certificate, the master’s certificate must also be withdrawn if the examination
has been declared “failed” due to an act of deception in accordance with paragraph 1. A decision
according to paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 sentence 2 is after a period of
five years from the date of the examination certificate.

§ 30 Entry into force and transitional provisions

(1) These examination regulations come into effect on October 1st, 2019. At the same time, the
examination regulations for the Information Technology (INFOTECH) master’s degree from
July 11, 2014 (Official Notice No. 58/2014) expired.

(2) It applies for the first time to students who are enrolled in the Information Technology
(INFOTECH) master’s course in the 2019/20 winter semester. Students who were already
enrolled in the Master’s degree in Information Technology (INFOTECH) before this point in
time can, upon written and irrevocable request at the examination office, switch to these new
version of the examination regulations. The application must be submitted by October 31,

(3) Students who started their studies before these statutes came into force can complete their
studies according to the previously valid examination regulations, at the longest
but until September 30, 2022.

Stuttgart, July 25, 2019

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel


Appendix: Overview of the module examinations

No. module Mandatory/ semester Academic achievement Examination performance ECTS credits
choice 12 34
Basic modules
1 Advanced higher P. X V PL 6th
Specialization modules
2 Elective modules WP XX X PL 6th
main emphasis USL PL 6th
(a total of 30 ECTS
Credits, at least V PL 6th
12 from the INF BSL PL 6th
catalog, at least 12
from the catalogue

Specialization modules
3 Elective modules W. XX X BSL 3
(a total of 30 ECTS LBP 6th
Credits, at least
PL 6th
12 from the INF
catalog, at least 12 USL PL 6th
from the catalogue
V PL 6th
BSL PL 6th

4th Research work P. XX PL 15th

Key qualifications
5 Technical internship WP X X LBP 6th
6th Interdisciplinary WP X X X USL 3
Key qualification

master thesis
7th master thesis P. X 30th


1. Explanation of the abbreviations:

P = compulsory module; WP = compulsory elective module; W = elective module

V = pre-examination performance; USL = ungraded study performance; BSL = graded study
performance PL = module examination; S = written module examination; M = oral module
examination; LBP = exam accompanying the course
Catalog INF = Catalog “Computer Science”; Catalog ETIT = Catalog "Electrical Engineering"

2. Re. 2: Before choosing the specialization modules, you must first select a focus. The selectable
focal points can be found in the module handbook. Elective modules (core modules) totaling 30
ECTS credits must be successfully completed for each focus area. The elective modules that can
be selected can be found in the module handbook. For the advanced modules, at least 12 ECTS
credits from the Core Modules Computer Science and at least 12 ECTS credits from the Core
Modules Electrical Engineering of the chosen

3. Re. 3: From the catalogs of the specialization modules (Supplementary Modules) of the chosen
focus in the module handbook, elective modules worth 30 ECTS credits must be successfully
completed. At least 12 ECTS credits must be taken from the Elective Modules Computer Science
and at least 12 ECTS credits from the Elective Modules Electrical Engineering. Elective modules of
the chosen focus can also be selected as elective modules, provided that they have not already
been taken under No. 2.

4. Re. 4: The research work can be replaced by a seminar from the catalog of elective modules and 2
modules from the catalog of specialization or specialization modules totaling 15 ECTS credits.

5. Regarding no. 5: The modules that can be selected for the specialist internship are regulated in the module handbook
(Laboratory Courses).

6. As a rule, a maximum of 2 elective modules with 3 ECTS credits may be chosen so that the
total number of examinations does not exceed 15.

7. The modules that can be selected for the interdisciplinary key qualifications can be found
in the module handbook.

8. The semesters in which the module is to be taken are marked with an "x".

9. If only “PL” is specified in the “Examination / Duration” column or the duration of the examination is not regulated, the type
and scope of the examination are regulated in the module handbook.

10. If “LBP” is specified in the “Examination / Duration” column, the type and scope of the examination will be
announced by the lecturer at the beginning of the semester.


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