And Density of Masonry Is 21 KN/M . Check The Stability of The Wall

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Question 1 – Define the Retaining wall.

Answer- A retaining wall is a structure designed and constructed to resist the

lateral pressure of soil, when there is a desired change in ground elevation that
exceeds the angle of repose of the soil. A basement wall is thus one kind
of retaining wall.
Question 2 - Differentiate between the gross and net bearing capacity of the soil.
Answer- In gross bearing capacity, the gross load is taken. Loads from the
superstructure, self-weight of the foundation and overburden pressure are the
gross loads. Gross bearing capacity valve is not taken in design as it is very high.
While, Safe bearing capacity is the bearing capacity value that neglects the
overburden pressure and stress due to the footing weight. It is obtained by
considering the factor of safety, i.e. net load is taken into consideration.
Question 3 - A masonry retaining wall is 1.5m wide at the top and 3m wide at the
base and is 5m high. It retains the soil level with the top. The density of soil is
18KN/mⷥ and density of masonry is 21 KN/mⷥ. Check the stability of the wall.

co-efficient of active earth pressure = Ka
= Ka = [1-sinΦ]/[1+sinΦ]; where Φ = angle of friction for the backfill
Let Φ= 30°,
Ka = [1-sin30°]/ [1+sin30°]
= [1-0.5]/ [1+0.5]
Ka =1/3
Load Component Magnitude x̅ Moment about
W1 ½ ×0.75×5×21 39.40KN [1/3 ×0.75] + 98.4KNm
1.5 +0.75 =
W2 1.5×5×21 157.5KN 0.75+0.75= 236.25KNm
W3 1.5×0.75×5×21 39.40KN 2/3 ×0.75 = 19.70KNm
W4 ½ ×0.75×5×18 33.75KN 1/3 ×0.75 = 8.43KNm
P ½ ×Karh×h×l 75KN/m 5/3m[h/3] 125KNM
½ ×1/3×18×5×5×1
Total moment about D = 98.4+ 236.25+19.70+8.43+125= 487.78KNm
Total vertical load = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 = 39.40+157.5+39.40+33.75
=270.05 KN
ẑ = Total moments about D / Total vertical load
= 487.78/ 270.05
Eccentricity, e = ẑ - b/2
=1.8 -1.5
= 0.3m
Check: e<B/6
Hence, no tension induced, retaining wall is stable
Question 4 - Find the stability of a retaining wall with top width as 1m, bottom
width 3m, and height 6m retaining earth fills on a vertical face. Also, find the
extreme stresses at the base of the wall taking the densities of soil retained and
masonry as 16kN/m3 and 22kN/m3 respectively. Assume the angle of internal
friction as 30°.
Answer –
Consider 1m length of wall
W= Wm × ½ × {a+b} ×h
= 22 × ½ × 4 × 6
= 264KN

x̅ = [a² + ab + b²] / 3[a+b]


= 1.08m×

Ka = [1+sinΦ]/[1-sinΦ}
= [1+sin30°]/[1-sin30°]
= 1/3
P = ½ × ka × r × h ×
= ½ × 1/3 × 16 × 6 ×6
= 96 KN
ẑ = x̅ + P/W × h/3
= 1.08 + [96/264] × [6/3]
= 1.80m
e = ẑ - b/2
= 1.80 – 3/2
= 0.3m
Check e< b/6
0.3 < 3/6
0.3 < 0.5; hence no tension induced.
Pmax = W/b × [1 + {6e/b}]
= {264/3} × 1.62
= 142.56 KN/m²
Pmin = W/b × [1 - {6e/b}]
= [264/3] × 0.38
=33.44 KN/m²
Question 5 - Explain the Middle Third rule.
Answer - The greatest eccentricity of load is b/6 from the X-X axis. If the load is
applied at a distance of less than b/6 from the axis, on any side of axis X-X, the
stresses developed are wholly compressive. Hence the range within which the
load can be applied so as not to produce any tensile stress, is within the middle
third of the base.

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