Makuti Bidii Youth Constitution

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Makuti Base G · h . . . K..

• roup 1s a yout group in Meru County, Buuri Constituency, Buun East Sub-county, 11rua
~cation th at brings together youths aged from 18 years from different parts of Meru County with the
aim of developing themselves in business, careers and mentorship.

The group believes in unity, peace and progress as the virtues to living together and empowering each
er to greater heights. Also, the group is meant to bring together youths from different regions in the

We started out by questioning the way things are done and being group-minded in our determination to
improve ourselves. Everything we do is driven by a simple yet powerful belief that everyone in our group
has the right to be connected, socialise and grow. In the next few years, this vision will help us change
the face of our group in the region.

We are because others are. They believe that their success is success to each and every member as they
practise inclusivity and togetherness in each and every activity they undertake.


To be the best youthful group in the region practising inclusivity and togetherness when undertaking
group activities.


To be a growing group that enables its members to grow as the group grows. To have the best business
ideas put into action and become the best Small and Micro Enterprise in the region.

Our Beliefs
At the very core of our business is our belief that every individual in the group has the right to growth.
We believe that the power of togetherness will create better and brighter lives for everyone.


1. To become the best youth group by implementing business ideas that are profitable and ideas that
are realisable and implementable .

_To have a savings account amount where members can actively borrow and pay at a friendly interest.
To be hospitable to its members and their immediate and nuclear families by contributing towards
· ·n need and those who need the group's help.
those t
4. To be a I tf .
P a orm for networking and become the most sociable group to the of .
and th · · . its members
eir imme diate families.
5. To ensu
re eac h and every member 1s . . •
updated on beneficial societal emerging
a memb er b f " h issues and that at 1east
. or
ene its w en oppor tunity opportunities arises.

Havin g integ ·t •
n Y m everyt we do will
. make
us what we will be tomor row and years to come. we
all encou raged to play our part and take responsibili are
ty for doing things right and doing the right thing.


One becom es a memb er after paying Kshs. 100.0 0

registration fees upon which is deposited to the
group 's bank account.

One shoul d partic ipate in the group's activities to be

confirmed a full member. These activities includ e
but not limite d to, profita ble group activities and comm
unity activities.
One shoul d also attend group meetings to be confe
rred an active memb er failure to which a fine is
charg ed on the individual member. Members who
are in the list of away from home will be exem pted
the fine.

On age, the group has no age limit. Membership is

on condition that the interested person pays the
regist ration fee, Kshs. 100, and pays the weekly contri
bution s paid by the other individual members.

An able group memb er can make contributions more

than the required Ksh.50 according to one's ability .
There is no limit on how much one can contri bute.
Ksh. SO is the minim um amou nt a memb er is
suppo sed to contri bute.

Memb ers who are away from home are exempted

from Sunday's meetings. They can howe ver atten d
the meeti ngs when they are at home.

Memb ers who are away from home should send their
contri bution s to the group's Treasurer and are not
limite d to how much they should contri bute.


One can comfo rtably and willing ly leave the group

in writin g to the group's executive and on a one
mont h's notice of which :

ould state clearly the reason for leaving. This is not applicable
1. ones h to memb ers who are dismissed
roup due to misco nduct or any other reason leadin . . .
trom t e g g to d1sm1 ssal.
2. One should
accept a 30% deductions on contributions made or as agreed by members, before return
contribut· '
ions (article 2). Also to be deducted are the percentage expenses per member spent by the

3. One sho Id . .
. u not spread negative gossip about the group. This means that one should leave the group
with a good ·11 d . .. .
WI an in the pos1t1ve way following the right procedure.

4 · Commun· t· f · the group should be made

ica ion or leaving in writing to the group's secretary who shou Id
present the letter to the members for acceptance.


Each and every member is supposed to attend all group meetings (article 2). The meeting days are on
Sundays at 4.00pm at Makuti or any other meeting venue agreed upon by members. Excluded are
members who are away from home.

On other days, members can be called for a meeting to which communication should be made at least 4
hours earlier or preferably a day before the day of the meeting.

In case of an apology not to attend, one is supposed to send an apology message to any of the executive,
or, through any member who is to attend the meeting.

A penalty, or fine, will be charged on any member who comes past the 4pm, the time the meetings
should start.

An absent member can make an earlier apology through the group's Whatsapp Group, or through a
phone call or a text message to the group's secretary.

Apologies will be accepted on condition that one sends the apology 6 hours before the time of the

One can send an apology for not to attend a meeting through a group member who is to attend the
meeting. The member sent should deliver the apology to the group's Secretary.

meeting should have minutes recorded by the group's secretary, upon which should be read
Every group .
and confirmed during the next group meeting.

. should be confirmed by the group members and signed by the group's chairman and the
The minutes . . . . .
, tary failure to which the minutes will be confirmed mvahd.
groups secre ,
retary is absent during the meeting, the deputy secretary has the mandate of writing
Incase the sec
down the minutes.
or a
In a case where both are absent, the secretary and the deputy secretary, the group's chairman
nominate d member has the right to write down the meeting's minutes and be confirmed during
next group meeting.


Each and every member is supposed to contribute Kshs. SO during each meeting day which should
submitted to the secretary, and deposited to the group's bank account on the day, or, on the following
day after the day of contributi on.

n on,
Those who do not give their contributions on the day of the meeting should make their submissio
during the week, or, before the next day of contributi on, the following Sunday.
Failure to make payments to the treasurer before the next day of contributi on will automatic ally
with the
penalties. The penalties should be paid together with the week's contributi on and/or together
week's contributi on.

An able and willing group member can make contributions more than the required Ksh.50 according
one's ability. There is no limit on how much one can contribute. The minimum amount a member
supposed to contribute weekly is a minimum of Kshs.50.00.


The group consisting mostly of the youths, it can get business capital to expand their business

1. Youth Fund/Wo men Enterprise Fund

2. Uwezo Fund

3. Bank/Sacco loans

4. Non-Gove rnmental Affirmativ e Action Fund (NGAAF)

s. Members contributions
6. Sponsors /Donation s
*It should be noted that any income, or capital, whether borrowed or donated to the group should
deposited to the group's bank account on the day of the donation or on the day when the borrowed
money is approved.
is to
• Upon depositio n of the money, the members are to meet to discuss and agree on how the money
be used or invested.


Money is any cash that can be contributed by the members, obtained from sponsors and donors, gotten
from profitable business, as a payment for services rendered or in form of a bank/Sacco loan or loans.

Assets are any form of tangible and visible property owned by the group or acquired by the group. It can
be in form of motor vehicle(s), a piece of land, commercial plots or any other commercial property.


The group has an active bank account where money and contributions should be deposited.

The group may decide to purchase or buy an asset (article 6). In this case, the members should agree on
the purchase and relevant documents/receipts filed for audit.

On assets, the group will file all ownership documents with copies with the group Chairman, group
Secretary and the group Treasurer.

In case one or all of the above mentioned officials is, or are, not available, the relevant documents
should be left with the respective deputies.

On sale of any group asset, members should be aware and an agreement reached as to why the sale
should be made. The executive has no mandate to sell any group asset without the duly consent of the
group members.

All sales documentation should be made. The money should then be deposited to the group's bank
account on the day the sales has been made.


The group should own an active bank account with a local bank within the locality. The group should not
open more than one bank account.

The account should have 3 to 4 signatories. For any bank transaction, the members should be briefed.

For any withdrawal of money from the bank account, minutes of a meeting approving the withdrawal
should be filed and a copy left with the bank.

All bank receipts should be filed properly for easy retrieval in case there is an audit query or
confirmation of a transaction or a payment made.

The group can own a cheque book upon members approval. The cheque book can be used for
withdrawals and for making payments, upon which at least 3 signatories to the account should sign the


No cheque leaf should be used to make payment or withdrawal without the approval from the members.
. . g of the cheque should be with knowledge that there is money in the group account.

, T er No oth er
cus tody of the gro up's Chairma n or group s reasur ·
Th e ch eque book should be in safe
cheque book.
should be allowed access to the
gro up official or group member


prise of persons namely:

The group's executive shall com

a) The chairman

b) The secretary

c) The trea sur er

d) The organising secretary

e) The discipline master

f) The dep uty chairman

g) The dep uty secretary

decide whe n to
duly vote d by the gro up mem bers. Also, the members should
The executive should be
executive from the executive bod
rem ove and replace any of the
rules and regulations of the gro
ry me mb er should adhere to the
Being a non-political group, eve
con stit utio n.
dismissal from the
the rules and reg ulat ions set, a me mb er can be given a sudden
Failure to adhere to
gro up with out any questioning.


y're to car ry
exe cuti ve of the gro up. Assisted by the dep uty chairperson, the
The Chairman is the overall of the gro up at all
visio n of the gro up to achieve great performance and progress
the mission and the
Nat iona l Assembly,
local area Me mb er of Cou nty Assembly, local area Me mb er of
He is to liase with the t the gro up enjoys a goo d
n Rep rese ntat ive and any oth er area leaders to make sure tha
the area Wo me developments.
the nat iona l cake and also tha t the group participates in the area
share of
attendance register is upd ate d,
retary are to make sure tha t the
The sec reta ry and the dep uty Sec eac h
by the gro up members dur ing
ting are updated and confirmed
min ute s of each and every mee
me etin g (article 3).
easy access whe n
kee p an upd ate d file of all gro up documents and receipts for
The secretary should also nda.
ure each meeting has a clear age
nee d be. He/She should also ens
ns are
ibutio ns and mone tary issues. Grou p contr ibutio
The Treas urer is in charge of all the group 's contr
the week ly submissions made by the group mem
rd of all
ber contr ibutio ns and keep an upda ted reco
He/S he shou ld keep a good recor d of each mem
he shou ld
entrie s of each mem ber's contr ibutio ns. He/S
bank trans actio ns made as well as an upda ted
also mobi lise mem bers to give contr ibutio ns.


liase with
ties and group proje cts for the group . In good
He/S he is in charge of organising events, activi
and activ e at
supposes to ensure that the group is runni ng
the Chair perso n, the Organising Secretary is
all times .
re that meet ings have conte ntiou s agen da and
In liase with the Secretary, he/sh e shou ld ensu
g meetings.
mem bers are activ e in group discussions durin


re to the group 's rules and regul ation s and that
He/S he shou ld ensu re that all the mem bers adhe
cons tituti on is duly follow ed.
He shou ld
nduc t from the group mem ber or an offici al.
He is the group 's discip linian incase of any misco
need be.
levy fines and pena lties to the mem bers when

to the
with bene fit to the comm unity , the socie ty or
The grou p will unde rtake proje cts and activ ities
unt with
should be depo sited to the group 's bank acco
gove rnme nt. In case of any paym ents, the cash
the know ledge of the grou p mem bers.
sited to the bank acco unt upon agre emen t by
Profi table proje ct's incom e shou ld also be depo
part on the group 's activ ities and proje cts and
mem bers. Each and every mem ber shou ld take
contr ibutio ns when need be.

e of the group 's proje cts, activ ities and othe r

The Orga nisin g Secre tary shou ld be much awar
be part and pulse of organ ising all profi table
deve lopm ent plans the grou p has. He shou ld
nonp rofita ble activ ities of the group .

of scho ol
as a sickness, admi ssion to hosp ital or in need
In case an activ e grou p mem ber is in need , such
bers and the mem bers will contr ibute towa rds
fees, comm unica tion will be made to the mem
cours e.
Id remain in the
No group contributions will be used to assist someone in need . The contributions shou
gro up' s bank account unless wh en members agree to withdraw the money.

Any contribution made toward s assisting a needy group member will at no time be counted as a .
' b k account or in any
con t r lb utlon to the group. The contribution will not be deposited to the groups an '
way be counted as part of any Individual's weekly contributions.


During the meetings, no member should make any unnecessary movements in and out of th e meeting

All phones should be in vibration or silent mode when meetings are in progress.

Alcohol and cigarette smoking Is NOT allowed when the meeting is in progress.

Any member who wants to move out when the meeting is in progress should first request to be excused,
failure to which a fine may be charged.


1. Seriousness

2. Commitment

3. Honesty

4. Time consciousness

5. Positive attitude

6. Discipline

' Ubuntu ngamuntu ngabantu'

A Zulu saying meaning, I am because we are. We are because others are. We all
need each other in one way or another. If it is to be, it is us to make it be.

May God Almighty bless you, keep you and favour you!

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