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Assignment Cover Sheet

Program : Environmental Policy Studies

Course Code: SA 3238

Course Title: Introduction to environmental policy and governance


Student Name: Lau Tsz Lok (51817845)

Submission Date: 25-3-2011

In the article, it is going to explore the Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) program

which can make the global and local, state and non-state to be conceptualized as part

of global environmental governance. Mostly, now there are many process of

international negotiation between different countries but it would not be successful.

Many national-states cannot meet the international commitments for addressing

climate change. CCP is a transnational network of municipal government which is

going to mitigate the serious of global climate change. The multilevel perspective

would be the better approach to capture the social, political, and economic processes

to shape the global environmental governance. The CCP program is to know the need

of different perspectives to engage more fully with the concept of governance and

going to link between different levels and spheres of authority.

The editor has introduced two type of multilevel governance. The Type I of multilevel

governance is making the dispersion of authority to a limited number of non-

overlapping jurisdictions a t a limited number of levels. The Type II of multilevel

governance is going to capture both the multiple levels at which governance is taking

place, and the myriad actors and institutions which act simultaneously across these

levels. The type I model will be considered in using in the federal states for example

United States and Australia. The type II model can be considered in other government

type background.

Actually, CCP program can be the independent transnational actors. Therefore, the

multilevel governance approach can be a good idea to create and develop a new

conceptual framework to analyze and develop the global environmental governance.

In traditional, the divisions of state, non-state, local, national and global are disrupted
by the politics of climate change. It is an impossible mission of dealing the serious

climate change problem when there are without addressing the source of risks and no

agent and institution are need to account for the problem. So, CCP program is one of

the important elements in the multilevel governance of climate change. In the CCP

program, the responsibilities and the role of the state and the non state will be re-

decided and reconfigured. CCP program is also a kind of state-based organization

because the CCP member are included the state government which are always

cooperate with the national government. For example, the Australia, the CCP official

has been built up the partnership relationship with the local and national countries to

make the nation can assess and familiar more the CCP software. The CCP program

can have an important function of make sure there is sufficient finance for protect the

local environment and deal with the climate change problem. The multilevel

government perspective does not mean that we are going to weaken the state.

Actually, the multilevel governance perspective is going to redefinition of the cope

and scale of state activity.

The governance of climate change is a complex and multilevel process. The

traditional method is no longer enough for deal the problem. The CCP network gives

us the new idea that the global environmental politic are not only for the matter of

international but also taking place in local too. However, the global environmental

governance may be a fundamentally political process involving struggles over who

has the authority and legitimacy to propose rules guiding the practices. This kind of

struggles may appear in the place where between the spheres and different level of

governance, also it will appear in the result of the process of the redefinition of the

role and relationship of varies actors in the multilevel governance processes.

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