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Task 1. The graph gives information about employment categories of a country in

2003 and 2013

The figure illustrates the statistics about employment of a country in

classifications during the period of 10 years, from 2003 to 2013.
Overall, the most striking striking feature is that the groups tended to witness an
upward trending over the timescale given, except for medical and business, in
which, the largest portion of employers went on the business sector.
Looking at the details, in 2003, the hotel industry occupied for the lowest
percentage, which is nearly 5% of the labour force. The level of employment in
this section, however, stood at higher position in 2013 due to the significant
increase of 15%. Similarly, the education training and the construction sectors
also experienced a considerable rise in employment of 10% in the same timescale.
Meanwhile, residents who are self-employed and jobless escalated sharply with
approximately 20% and reached the proportion of just over 30%, making them
nearly equal to the highest employment level in 2013, just after business.
Regarding the business industry and healtcare section, they both experienced a
significant drop as mentioned. Workers employed in medical and business sector
decreased respectively 50% and 25%, compared to their initial proportions.

Task 2. It is impossible for many residents in urban areas to get enough physical
exercise. What are the causes and solutions?
These days, it is argued that most citizens residing in metropolis may find it
difficult getting themselves enough workout. The reason behind this ever-
increasing problem is primarily due to the considerable urbanization and the
lifestyle of people there. However, there are feasible methods suggested in this
essay which governments can take to cope with this issue.
Initially, the main reason for this phenomenon is attributed to the high rate of
urbanization in big cities across the globe. In other words, the upward trend in
erection new buildings and over-exploitation secluded areas may reduce the
available public places for the residents. As the consequence, people are less
likely to participate in out-door activities and do the exercise, such as jogging,
walking, and cycling. Moreover, the drop in physical exercise taken by citizens can
also stem from the difference in their lifestyles. It can be witnessed that many
people form themselves a sedentary life and being more inactive. For example,
they over-depend on the inventions and products, i.e., smart devices, vaccum
robot, which make them feel lazier, leading to the lack of motivation to do
exercise. In addition, some people may devote most of their time to work,
resulting in the scarcity of time spending on physical activities.
On the other hand, there are several possible solutions for this problem, including
the provision of information and campaigns. By operating social media and
networks, the governments can deliver the benefits workout routine has on their
health, helping them absorb the real value of it, as well as encouraging more
residents to do exercise. Furthermore, the campaigns can help propagandise the
importance of physical activities, directly motivate and influence people’s
To conclude, the construction of high-rise buildings and lazy lifestyle negatively
contribute to the lack of exercise of citizens in big cities. However, this issue can
be tackled efficiently through the provision of information that promote workout


Topic 1: Describe a useful law in your country.
Topic 2: Describe your favourite movie.
Topic 3: Describe your favourite restaurant in your hometown.

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