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The main green house gasesin the Earth's
atmosphere are water vapor,carbon dioxide,
methane , nitrous oxide and ozone.
What are green house
Green House gases are gases in Earth's atmosphere that trap heat.they let sunlight pass through the atmosphere ,but they
prevent the heat that the sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere.the main green house gases are:
Water vapor (H2O)
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Methane (CH4)
Ozone (O3)
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
Chlorofluoro carbon s(CFCs)
General information
Green House gases(GHG) were naturally found in the environment before the industrial revolution.

Pollution created by factories, homes, cars, adds more green house gases to the atmosphere.

Without green house gases, the average temperature of Earth's surface would be about -18c (OF), rather
than the present average of 15C (59F)
Importance of green house
Green house gases ,such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, certain synthetic
chemicals, trap some of the Earth's outgoing energy,thus retaining heat in the atmosphere.
Natural factors, volcanic activity,the carbon cycle and others.
The change in concentrations causes warming and in affecting various aspects of climate,
including surface air and ocean temperatures and sea level.
Human health, agriculture ,water resources, forests.
Other factors affecting
climate change

In addition to green house gases, other related factors, including oth

radiatively import substances and albedo,can alter the Earth's clima
Impacts of climate
The Changi ng climate affects society and ecosystem in a
variety of ways. For instance:
A warmer climate is expected to both increase the risk of
heat- related illnesses and death and increase certain
types of air pollution.
The roe presents six indicators showing trends in green house gas
emissions and their associated environmental impacts:
1.Green house gas emissions
2.Green house gas concentrations
3.Energy use
5.Sea Level
6.Sea Surface Temperature
Sources of Green house
Total united states green house gas Emissions by
economic sector in 2018.
Green house gases trap heat and make the planet
H uman activities are all of the increase in green house
gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years.
The primary sources of green house gas Emissions in the United
States are:
2. Electricity sector
5.Land use and forestry
28.2 percent of 2018 green house gas Emissions
The Transportation sector generates the largest share of green gas
The majority of green house gas Emissions from Transpo rtation
are carbon dioxide (CO2).
27% in 2018
The electrity sectors involves the generation , transmission and distribution of
But smaller amounts of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are also
Such as coal,oil and natural gas to produce electricity.
22% of 2018 green house gas Emissions
Green house gas emissions from Indus try primarily come from
burning fossil fuels for energy,as well as green house gas
Emissions from certain chemical reactions necessary to
produce goods from raw materials.
12.3 % of 2018
Green house gas Emission from business and home arise
primarily from business and homes arise primarily from fossil
fuels burned for heat,the use of certain product that contain
green house gases and handing of waste.
Land use and Forestry
11.6% of 2018
In the United States, since 1990,managed forests
and other lands are anet sink.
9.9 %of 2018
Green house gas Emissions from agriculture come
from livestock such as cows, agricultural soils and
rice production.
Effect of green house
Green house gases have far-ranging environmental and
health effects.
Extreme weather, food supply disruptions and increase d
wildfires are other effects of climate change caused by
green house gases.
Although the green house gases is a nature cycle,
humans have greatly increased the concentrations of
green house gases,thus causing a significant increase in
the overall green house gases.
The gases include: Carbon dioxide,methane , nitrous
oxide,CFC's and ozone.
Source of green house gas Emissions overview -
transportation, electricity,industry, agriculture etc.
1.NASA GLSS; science: Green house gases
26 April 2016
2.climate change : atmospheric carbon dioxide
2 March 2020
3.Global green house gas Emission data
U.S. Environment agency
30 December 2019

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