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JULIAN KLEIN 1 it is the other way round: it is the

specific artistic perceptive mode
being a perceptive mode. Here we
experience the world as consisting
that qualifies research as artistic (see of two or more layers of reality. Their
also Klein, 2011). borders divide our awareness and
The Mode is the Method Or How perception, like frames or the limits
Research Can Become Artistic MULTIPLE MODES
of a canvas. The world unfolds in
a presentation. We take the things as
something. We are having an artistic
In the various fields of research, we professional arts: although we can Our perception enables us to en- experience. We are standing with our
encounter many different methods: conceive of some art production counter the world in different modes. two feet in two different realities,
statistical testing of hypotheses; her- being conducted without both the- While these modes are overlapping and are sensing the threshold be-
meneutical interpretation; language oretical concepts and self-reflection, and not strictly separated, we are tween them (“mental decoupling”).
analysis of terms and concepts; in most cases (at least some) theory able to describe them like the colours We are aware of the liminality and
thought experiments and empirical and self-reflection are constituent of a spectrum of perception. the framing of the different reali-
experiments; surveys and interviews; parts of professional artistic projects. The first mode can be called the ties. We are able to watch ourselves
juridical negotiations about norms In other words, art production and transparent mode. In this mode we per- as if looking from the outside. This
or thresholds; series of trials and reflection are normally inextricably ceive reality without being aware that process is mostly highly dynamic
errors; defining axiomatic systems; linked. The formula “art plus thinking what we encounter is actually pro- and fluctuating. We can follow the
logical proofs; product development; about art” equals research obviously vided by our perception. We have direction of the branch as a hint for
programming algorithms and cal- falls too short. The same counts for the conviction that something is the where to go. We can also look at it
culating simulations. This list can “art plus writing about art”; it is not case, we have a “perception-that”. We as if it was an unknown species. It
be continued. Some of them can be thinking and writing that transform are just considering the mere present. can be a toy sword, or we can squash
combined, or applied in parallel in the arts into research. Thinking and By the next moment we might have a dangerous animal with our foot.
interdisciplinary ways, in order to writing about art can be done well forgotten that we even had a percep- We can even take the branch as
investigate a complex subject. The without researching, and artistic re- tion. For example, walking through a magic wand, thinking of a wish
artistic way of researching is also search can be done without think- the woods we see a branch lying on when treading on it.
part of this spectrum of methods ing and writing about art, such as in the path. As a result, we probably When these framed realities
applied in current research. This is thinking or writing artistically about step on it, hearing the cracking noise become stable and predefined, we
the proposition of this text: there is another topic beyond the investiga- without taking further notice. enter the semiotic mode of perception.
no method within artistic research tion of the arts. While art and artistic The second mode is the aesthetic In this mode we read the content of
because to research artistically is in production can certainly be subject mode. It comes into play when we start our perception as signs, we have the
itself a method, or, better, a strategy to any kind of research, whether it is to realise how a certain perception impression that we can understand
of undertaking research. artistic or non-artistic, there obvious- feels, or, in other words, when the their meaning. Here our perceptive
Every kind of research needs ly exist more possible, interesting, transparent perception becomes an processes become objects, they
a theoretical foundation, and re- relevant, important and promising aesthetic sensation. We are aware of gain properties, and are able to act
flection should always be a crucial topics that can be addressed in an the quality of our perception, the as representations. This mode of-
component. The same is true for artistic way during research. Rather, perception itself becomes part of ten appears within communicative
the content of itself, it is opaque refuges that are marked with estab-
and gets a presence, and so we have lished thresholds. Without knowing
a “perception-how”. We recognise the assumptions, conventions, defi-
the shape of the branch in its geo- nitions, habits and codes of a certain
metric details, we feel its physical refuge, we are not able to enter it.
resistance while stepping on it, and At the least, we have to know some
1. This text is a brief summary of what has been pub- we listen to its specific sound when vocabulary, if not actually speak the
lished by the author before in different articles. It is
not meant as original research or analysis. Therefore,
it cracks underfoot. local language. When we know that
it does not refer to any external sources. For detailed
explanations and references, please consult the cited
The third mode can be called another person has put the branch
original publications. the artistic mode. It defines art as down for us to mark the fork to take,

we can read the message. Or, per- population of individuals or groups. a reason to conclude that it is nec- of the artistic mode these objects
haps, the branch is in the shape of For example, a specific knowledge essarily unartistic. And if anything get an additional appearance in their
a cross, making us wonder wheth- could have been completely forgot- is artistic, the fact of it being artis- additional realities – we recognize
er someone has died here recently. ten for a long period before being tic does not automatically conclude them simultaneously from inside and
Then we might hesitate to step on it rediscovered by a later generation, that it is unscientific. Both qualities outside the frame. In the semiotic
in order not to destroy the memorial. again being considered as new. And can meet, although, of course, they mode objects become a meaning,
As these modes also overlap, the term knowledge, of course, can don’t always have to. Science and art dividing their appearance into sig-
the realm of art as a communicative comprise all kinds of knowledge, are two independent dimensions in nifier and signified, while we only
system begins within the aesthetic not only declarative, explicit, verbal a common cultural space. address the signification and forget
mode, and reaches quite far into the knowledge or measurable results, but about the signifiers (when we recog-
semiotic mode. But as significations also, for example, sensual, emotional SOME CHARACTERISTICS nize both at once we are already on
and meanings become more and and experiential knowledge. OF THE ARTISTIC MODE the way into the artistic mode). The
more stable and unquestioned, we To undertake research is a prac- semiotic mode is the region of what
take them for granted and cease to tice of various academic and non-aca- The artistic mode can be described could be called the “hermeneutical
notice the contingent framing. At demic professions. Notably, research- as the perceptive mode of felt or principle”: within a given context (or
a certain point, we stop playing with ing is a practice. It can be a scientific sensed framing of multiple layers of framing) we are mostly able to say
meanings and start simply to under- practice, a scholarly practice, an reality. It is accompanied by mental “what the things tell us”, independent-
stand them. At this point we trespass industrial practice, a journalistic decoupling and meta-awareness (for ly from our perception, which means
over the threshold of the frame with- practice, a cultural practice, a social a more detailed analysis of this per- that any analysis or interpretation of
out also looking from the outside: practice and, indeed, also an artistic ceptive and mental state, see Klein, a semiotic meaning has to be based
we have entered the refuge with our practice. This practice of researching 2010). How can this perceptive mode on the sign system (or refuge) that it
whole perception. In this moment, we can be qualified as artistic when it be fruitful in the context of research? is embedded in, i.e. that is used in the
have quit the artistic mode. is conducted in or with the artistic In order to benefit from its applica- respective communication.
perceptive mode. tion in research, we have to consider In the artistic mode, the con-
MULTIPLE MODES With this definition there is no some of its peculiarities. structive nature of perception and
OF RESEARCH need to distinguish between differ- First of all, the artistic mode the emergence of context come to-
ent “researches”, because the practice shares with the aesthetic mode gether. This might sound like a con-
Research is usually defined as a sys- of systematically trying to gain new a very obvious property: it is based tradiction, because we are so used to
tematic quest for new knowledge. knowledge is the same. What varies on sensual experience. They are both thinking in oppositions, such as sub-
Here, systematic means that the inves- is the amount of the many possible experiential and grounded in subjec- jectivity and objectivity, properties
tigation is undertaken intentionally attributes, of which more than one tivity, which means that they cannot and sensations, reality and fiction,
and contextually, especially knowing can be employed simultaneously. Par- be imparted or passed on directly, facts and imaginations.
on which existing knowledge the en- ticularly, the scientific, scholarly and but only shared or facilitated. A sen- The question seems to arise:
deavour is based. New is a knowledge artistic predicates can be valid for sual experience is undergone with- what is to be applied, the phenom-
that is original in the sense that it a certain research practice at the in ourselves; it cannot be delegated enological or the hermeneutical
cannot be achieved by just consult- same time. Being qualifying adjec- (also known as the qualia phenomenon). principle? But this contradiction
ing other sources (this kind of inqui- tives, they only modulate the common Any analysis or description of the turns out to be only superficial.
ry is sometimes described by the substantive “research” and are there- aesthetic mode has to regard what Nevertheless, we find this paradox
French term recherche). A knowledge fore able to superpose and interfere. could be called the “phenomenologi- in many discussions about artistic
already known elsewhere should In other words, if a research practice cal principle”: our senses provide us topics. Many authors thinking about
not be qualified as new, except in is called “scientific”, there is very little with access to the environment and aesthetics have proposed different
the case that the possible source said about the occurrence of an artis- therefore determine what we are able approaches to explain this observa-
of the knowledge itself is unknown. tic mode within it. And if a practice is to perceive. tion (for references, see Klein, 2010,
This illustrates that the “newness” rightly called “artistic”, there is equally On the other hand, we normally and Klein, 2011). To gain knowledge
of a knowledge is of course a rela- nothing said about its scientificity. In deal with the content of our percep- out of the artistic mode, the best solu-
tive quality; it can always only be other words, if anything is scientific, tion by supposing that there are ob- tion is to merge the two principles
qualified as new relative to a basic the fact of it being scientific is not jects with properties. In the framing in a framework of artistic relativity:

When we “phenomenologise” the WHEN IS RESEARCH References:

hermeneutical principle, or “semioti- ARTISTIC?
cize” the phenomenological principle, Klein, Julian. “The Other Side of
we are not only able to describe the I have argued that artistic research is the Frame: Artistic Experience as
transition from individual, indepen- not an artistic practice that claims Felt Framing.” In Habitus in Habitat
dent perceptions to interdependent, to be understood as if being research II – Other Sides of Cognition, edited
intersubjective communication, but (like the term “practice as research” by S. Flach and J. Söffner, 121–138.
also to provide a tool for analysing appears to sound). Instead, research Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.
the relationships between different itself is the practice, which some-
regions of semiotic systems (refug- times during its process may or may Klein, Julian. “What is Artistic
es). Then the assumed contradiction not be called artistic. This diagno- Research?” [online].
between (alleged “scientific”) objec- sis allows us to overcome artificially Research Catalogue 2011.
tivity and (“artistic”) subjectivity dis- constructed oppositions by asking Accessed on 30 December 2016.
appears. Since the Enlightenment, the more fruitful question: when does http://www.researchcatalogue.
we have become used to conducting a certain research practice become net/view/15292/15293.
a comprehensive critique of objec- artistic?
tivity. Hence, the qualia phenomenon The artistic mode can be em-
is also called the qualia problem. But ployed in different phases and for
the qualia problem only appears as different aims during the research
a problem when we believe in a re- process. For example, it can play
ality consisting purely of objectivity. a role in the initial motivation of from: Daniela Jobertová (Ed.)
If we also add subjective knowledge a research topic, problem or ques- Artistic Research: Is There Some Method?
we are able to dissolve many of those tion. It also can occur during the
alleged contradictions. This is the development and design of a proj- Academy of Performing Arts, Prague, 2018
core advantage and the strength of ect, or in phases of investigation,
artistic knowledge. Therefore, what discussion, experimentation, data
is needed for undertaking fruitful collection or interaction with people.
research in an artistic mode is a com- It may shape some of the products of
parable comprehensive critique of the project, or the dissemination of
its subjectivity. the knowledge gained. The artistic
The artistic mode is not at all mode may also appear in the result-
a new invention. It has been applied ing discourse. There exist research
throughout the centuries in differ- projects where the artistic mode is
ent contexts and under different only employed in a comparably lim-
names. But it proves to be surpass- ited, defined phase (which may not
ingly powerful in being able to bridge even necessarily be connected to
the realms of aesthetics and semi- a published product). And there are
otics, because it adds relativity to examples where the artistic mode
otherwise non-relativistic concepts permeates the whole process. As
that are still too often recognised a consequence, the actual differenc-
as incommensurable. In particular, es between artistic and non-artistic
this relativity helps to avoid the nec- ways of researching mean that they
essary circularity when thinking of exist as much more of a continuum
meaning as stabile properties of than two categorical and incompat-
objects. ible spheres.

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