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Intellectual Property
Intellectual property is separated into two branches, Industrial Property and Copyright.
Industrial property means protecting the innovations using patents, protecting some
business interests referring the trademark laws, the brand names laws and etc.
Copyright is the law in the benefit of authors or generally creators of mind works
(Literature, Music, and Art), certain rights to authorize or forbid for a limited amount of
time, for definite uses from their works.

“The following rights should be covered in Intellectual Property:

• Literary, artistic and scientific work; (copyrights)

• Performances of performing artists, phonograms and broadcasts;(neighbouring


• Inventions in all fields of human endeavours;(industrial property)

• Scientific Discoveries ;

• Industrial Designs;(industrial Property)

• Trademarks, service marks, and commercial names and designations ( industrial


• Protection against unfair competition; (industrial Property)
Dispute Resolution
Arbitration is one of the forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution, A legal technique in
which the dispute will be resolute outside the courts. This is a settlement system in which
a third party goes over the case and imposes a decision that is officially compulsory for
both sides. A tangible instance regarding arbitration is in our Carry-On production;
according to our brief study on legal dispute resolutions, since the production process is
set to be done inside UK, taking the probable dispute to the court is going to be cost and
time consuming. Therefore the politic of the company is predicted to be in a way to solve
the problems outside the courts as much as possible In other words using the arbitral
tribunals for solving the probable disputes. 1

Contract law
In contracts it must be specifically clarified what is agreed on for instance if it is not clear
what was agreed, the courts can rule no true agreement exists and the possibility of
misunderstanding has led to such dispute.


Sullivan, Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin ;Economics: Principles in Action, Prentice Hall
A contract is an agreement which is legally compulsory enforceable in a court of law
between two or more corporate that obliges both parties to grant other sides
expectations in exchange.
Contracts are generally referred to in case of dispute so as long as everything goes well
and both parties are satisfied; there will be no everyday use for a contract. Each contract
must be conceived from a number of fundamental elements which their existence is
crucial in order to have a valid, legal and applicable contract.

Offer, acceptance and consideration are the three most important elements in a contract.
Beside these three, there are other requirements which should be taken into account for
writing a contract; competence, consent and legality are among those requirements.

According to England/Wales legal system, a contract has to meet a number of

requirements to be valid in UK;

• An offer from an offeror

• An acceptance by offeree of that offer

• An intention to create contractual relationship

“Plan A is to work together to deliver the best win-win for everyone. The contract is always Plan B.”

Contractual law for the carry on project:

Applying the UK contractual law directly to the carry on project the following actions
are planed to take place in order to prevent any legal problems in future:

I. Choosing an expert attorney

II. How much does their service cost for the company

III. Review the similar contracts relative to our case

IV. Is the contract fair to all parties involved

V. Possibility of any legal problem in the future and the company’s capability to deal
with them properly in the future

1. Bennett, Sherrie. cantracts basics. lawyers. [Online] 2010. [Cited: 18 Apr 2010.]

2. mason, lesley. contract law 101. helium. [Online] 2010. [Cited: 18 Apr 2010.]

3. Matters, Legal. Contract Law Basics- England/Wales. landlordzone. [Online] 2010.

[Cited: 18 Apr 2010.]

4. organisation, world intelectual property. Introduction to intellectual property:

Theory and Practice . s.l. : kluwer law international, (1997).
5. Sullivan, Arthur and Steven M. Sheffrin, S. Economics: Principles in Action. s.l. :
Prentice hall.

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