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Enumerate the Political and Economic Situation of the Philippines that caused the

acceleration of the Philippine Nationalism.

Celebrating the 123rd Philippine Independence Day today, June 12 and

looking back at the events which happened before, there are numerous happening
which abled the Filipinos to show how they greatly loved their own country and
showed how nationalism is important in every native living in this country. As a
Filipino, we have experienced many occurrences which have challenged our
nationalistic side and how we are loyal to our country just like when we were
controlled by a Dictator who was the former President Ferdinand Marcos which
eventually led to the EDSA People Power Revolution and united the Filipinos around
the world. However, I think that the number one event involving a political and
economic aspect and caused the acceleration of the Philippine Nationalism is during
the Spanish colonization which had lasted for 333 years.

Being held captive for a long time in the hand of the oppressors have brought
the Philippines a brutal and harsh reality. Many natives have been scrapped of their
own rights and experienced injustices especially among the government officials
during that time which was mostly occupied by the Spanish natives. Our ancestors
had been killed without proper process and have been tortured without a proper
cause. They have also been thrown to prison for the smallest crime and even been
killed for it. Life before was harsh and I could say that I am thankful that I have been
born in this era were peace and order is now attained. Talking back about the main
topic, there was one person who was able to ignite the strength for the Filipinos to
fight back; fight for their rights of their own country and fight for their freedom against
the hands of the tyrannical colonizers. He is the famous Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal
Mercado y Alonso Realonda who served as a bridge and opened the eye of the
Filipinos to see what really is happening. He is not like any other heroes we have
today because he fought in a unique way. He can be considered as a knight but
instead of carrying an armor and a sword, he carried a pen. He showed about how
the Spanish colonizers have treated the natives inside their own country, in short, the
reality of the situation and he used his expertise in writing. He wrote novels namely
the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo which tackles the experiences of his own
countrymen under the hand of the brutal government. As a result, the Spanish along
with the church had treated his action as betrayal and arrested him for treason. He
died in Bagumbayan, now known as the Rizal Park, on December 30, 1896.

Rizal’s death paved as a way for the Filipinos to finally see the unfairness and
gave courage for them to fight for their freedom. He may not have fought a bloody
battle but he is one of the reasons why we, the people from the present time, have
our own freedom in our own country. Dr. Jose Rizal for me was considered as the
person who showed nationalism during the Spanish era and his nationalism spread
to every Filipinos and ignited their nationalism fire in their heart. He accelerated the
Philippine Nationalism and believed that someday, the Philippines, his own home
country, will be free from colonizers and be mandated and controlled by their own
people, the Filipinos. Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
nationalism is something to be inspired of and followed and I believed that we have
our own Rizal in us, ready to come out if our country has been treated unfairly. The
Philippines is for the Filipinos only. Happy Independence Day

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