A Letter To Your Younger Self

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A letter to your younger self

It’s a message from present to the past

To tell it that time swooshes away fast

And left will be not enemies

But strangers with some memories

Truth always sounds strange

But the only constant is change

It’s a message from present to the past

To tell it that its not gonna last

Burn if you have to

To your weakness bid adieu

For those who rise from their ashes

Their strength never crashes

It’s a message from present to the past

To tell it that the only unique is the outcast

In this fake world its an art to be real

And being the artist is so surreal

Don’t let criticism make you cower

Your imperfections reflect your power

It’s a message from me to me

To tell that it’s okay to be

To be a villain with his sins

a phoenix with his burning wings

To be an outcast with his flaws

An eagle with his deadly claws

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