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Cighbtd xesistory nctwork ty inputs wold . ow BRE the binary input pe connects the oi ane (-Yp) oP the input bit 15 0, wigsistom Eo the — gawund. P FA Ltt, a ate Ree) eat: 0 ee) ee XR voitage i Yo Long ee f bi ANncvie uses a Summing aarnpiificr) with a biety n-ciectrion'c — Swischos Carr: eas THESE ‘switches anc sing Ie toa porte iovtoy switch dsigance stio the” siéFe nonce = JY Cope 24 ten) No= Va Re iS oy. 45,3" dn consxoned by dou U4] por tbe switch connects > <4 OE-Vp dn dit 2p Scanned with CamScanner be O00 CO} So OF 190 $01 HH Ih Digital Proper code Toransfe Cone wenistics or a! SbiG Pre 2: The op~ amp is simpy working aS & cearment bo Voltage Conveytoor , 5 The pPolonity of the sicfeciencs Vo!bage ID actondance with the type OF the Swike Fon Enarople Foot is chosen Wy Used wee Com pattibie Swittebes the wiefejente voltage, shovid ve tev And Eh oot pub win be pegative, Pyaw back:- wide ange of HesiSbor Valyes wrequined Aral siope APS! sur r Nos mw eT 4 ao WH oF Scanned with CamScanner Autre 29 ; ‘ > time “| Te oN pests \Tncoqate = Vow { -va. Pi- High up impedance boffey Pa- precision Ene eqopitoy Aa~ ‘woibeg e Gorm porscort : The Convert inst int for Fae duragion of yn Choe, periods. Then it Inbeq oes on in Geanal Pposice Pooniry equates the enciog ” input Signal MO fencnee voirage ‘no “Until the Inbeq ma boo outputs 2010. 9 ThE humburwF aro , F GlOok Cyeles Mequinied to the MbEG rato Go 20 Ig Prepoacioncys Go the value of Vo Intequiation period, the ‘desined cot pub code. Sly cule ve evr ieee Operation :— , BfoNG the stay Somm aind - omnives the swith sw, bo a MPELEES GO goouRd Gnd Sw ig closed . Afet of Her SE -powsont in the 9, A 7 ap 2 and Ay Loop afeer 1 ECG mea BENS thE COPAcitos, car blu bh a of tte OMPartiton ic achieved. se cornpensston foe MMO Cre thee Provides custard io \npet ~ of Ea Bin pit Fa et Voibeqes OF any the ~ bbe e a Scanned with CamScanner - Fe a 2). AG the cotniva) oF the START command ab GF tI) the control jegic pens Bw, and connce’’s Sw, bo Va and Gnabies the Count Stating from 210. B) The ci duit 0886 an Mestage PPC counten ‘and therefore the Counter nesots to tee aebtn CorV bing 2 po 64. the WHE anaio4 Volbege 16 intequabed for a fined DUMbY aM counts OF IVEK pUISES Which the County NEscts toro OF Bht Clools Prried ig.7, the wboqeration paKy PIKE Foo i sy? : Bim T2237 and the Ovepes 15 4 stamp Going doom mur | 4) the Countey negets itsdg bo 2010 ab the end ofthe tnboival and the Switch Sw, i$ connected to the wibFenen’& Nuleqe CVn) the ovF i Vor hove a posivive 2 - pe Gage Vo with im s) AS tong as Vo is Hegative | the ovb put oF the, conpanatol is pesicive and The Gente! Zongle Atiows the coe isc to be connted. Pp 6) whom Vo becomes. dust 8B 201 , | at time be be. ol ogic -Ussus “an 6nd of -eonversion } fs , the cont forthy oloo< PLSe’ Gnters the wae Comraand and 12 zt Con be Shown that th ee : ; e \ 1 PIEPMAEIONGL bo the ana *Eading of the Gonntv cb % FRE™ gnaph. “J PPLE Watage va. oe . > County { $. TOR Tee CO AES cont Fos menreipecgoabeaira iy5 (bo yokee | 4N0 Foe Vip od | Scanned with CamScanner Gre vorageé Vo wit! be equalto Vat the ip stant boand) can be - custibOD AS Whoa : Nie a Na Cbp~tt simiyonty with Np ve De yal Cats) Re ? Na 5” { oe = Naw Cock [ate Cloak ate Naz\p \ WH ob Strwatiobei— rene ee ee I. since Vp and n ait constant, the enatog Voltage Nails Pre portionaL to the count atading Nand ts independent bE Bic and T- zs ! MQ the. duo slope AA Inbequraty the, input Signal foo & Fixed time hence te porovid ey, CxEeUERE POTse dojection OF Cee stad whose, periods axe‘ in pegrog MOI PS OF TAC inbugretion time Tt ! Y Bethe main disaduaniogs ‘oF the chunk ~ supe Ane i6 the Long SOMNVYSiION time. SpeeiFtoations BF DBS and Ader ‘ Reseietion:- . The segoiwtion of a Converbo ig The Smates & nang |S Votbeqe, usbich tray be Prteckcted at the aubpot (or inpee) a oes For Exampic an ge bit D/A Conwity ‘have Beaks WbeUAy Hence the Sineie ste chang ¢ in ‘astpot, vatege i ‘Pss ve The Fuel Scale Cut pur ange. Resoiution cin Volks) = veq ge Fer 3158 incaremear THONY. AHS “gegatubion of Gn Fld com vuyten Te defined 4S 7he SSPAUIESE enange in Analog Input for a one bit chengl citthe Otter: —__ Scanned with CamScanner ay i) Bloganiey i= . : | athe Lincatity oF an p/p om PIA boneytt 1S an Piped |Moo Suge OF its aeoundey and tells US how close the Conver AP isboOies Fdeck twansfey chajactorsh'es. En Gm Tdeat Pre, Cquos iMénoment Ip the “digit Wp should petoduce cquat the cement} tm the Anatoy o/p and THE ‘bmanSfoor ChanKetvtisbies shoo be bintor, Howevtn In cin aebuer PAS. dUEPYE Nolbaqes do not feu On — Shnaight jine become Gf Jain and afFyct Crow, ThE Gorion 1S ea Bpresed 26 % Praction Of LSB inVeement: oH porcenboge ef fui Scak Volbage th, copvurtey Ochi Fits la vinéoanity Cove of Aess than Ed bsg, iB) poy siaey Fbsoiv 6S Aeou sacy 6 the maximum deviation bet-weey the actocd Convey bs olp and the ‘dleat Converts obepy Roiadve eanmey IS the "roaximynn A Epue eviction agren’ qain Show: ea OFFSEE VoiaOS © EM vemoyed. Pare ich eet none pect Y Mlotve — -CACanee Tletthey, qhe aAcowkty aft Lonvor ty iseupa then sSollateseqeenSrany ceifled ince BSB Increments om fpormentage of Saw ora. €0IS of Bp iv) monote Dicibys - OC EAAS A monotonic Pac iS The One wivese anol -S% for an imeotcaye in dig irae in et Zp guecescive ApPpaoci mation AGS, oN pon = monotonic, Chanmuy Rad ty misting oo YR codes FEA pac hey to be monotonic pd 8% earn Shovld be yes than bp Le we] at toch YIP level » AI ths Commercicg es lavallabie the lincoxity enon reves yd i 4 exeusey +3 4B ey each ep be ‘ 9 output invteq Pod co BID OL Foo Jat Ho!" Diqipod Wonk fe S ve, bit PENQHON Monotonic \ Scanned with CamScanner

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