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Elis Czerniak

‘Cello and Clarinet’.


‹ n~
All harmonics are natural, played on the
‹ first and second string (as shown).

‹ n~
& II The chords should be played with con-
stantly moving sound where there is no

‹ n~
attempt to balance the volume of both
pitches. Bow position should be free and
& II

continuously moving.
There is no start or end point. You can
& II choose whatever path you like i.e. clock-

wise/counter clockwise/skipping/jumping
#~ ‹
etc. However you must keep in tandem

&I with the clarinet when it comes to chang-

n~ &I
ing between chords.
& II ‹ Sounds can last between 3-10 seconds.
There can be silence in between sounds
& II
or they can blend together.

slow. soft.

‹ nœ
‹ #œ
Fingerings given are to achieve the
harmonic partiel notated (sounding pitch). &
There is no start or end point. You can
choose whatever path you like i.e. clock- ‹
wise/counter clockwise/skipping/jumping & #œ
etc. However you must keep in tandem
with the cello when it comes to changing clarinet
between pitches.
Sounds can last between 3-10 seconds. ‹ ‹
There can be silence in between sounds
#œ nœ
or they can blend together. &

duration 8’

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