Elster - ABB A1700 IEC1107 Release Note

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Elster_ABB A1700 IEC1107 Release Note

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Release notes for

Protocol Class, supporting
ABB / Elster A1700 Vision meter

Copyright  2005 EnergyICT NV

Elster_ABB A1700 IEC1107 Release Note
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1. Remarks - Compatibility

1 Implements IEC1107 flag protocol with or without ‘datastream’ mode (DSM)

2 Tested ABB1700 & A1700 Multi Utility
3 Communication settings 7,E,1

2. Revisions

Date Protocol Description Released in:

20/08/03 1.11 Initial Release EICT EIServer v6
1/11/03 1.15 Default meter registers added EIServer v6
27/01/04 1.17 * gaps could appear in profile when reading out over EIServer v6
midnight boundary and the ‘read_to’ – ‘read_from’ < 24h.
* Change to mechanism to handle power fails
* Serial number & Device ID will now be checked
17/02/04 1.19 Add multi-utility pulse input channels registers EIServer v6
24/05/04 Bug fix unsigned integer EIServer v6.3.7
24/08/04 1.28 Add Obis code mapping and extend exception handling to EIServer v6.7
clear error messages.
10/12/04 1.30 Communication robustness issues ProtocolImpl v6.7.1.5
07/01/05 1.32 Extend protocol to use input module external data entries ProtocolImpl v6.7.1.10
07/01/05 1.35 Registers now support Instantaneous values. ProtocolImpl v6.7.9.1
15/03/05 Change DST check behavior (6) ProtocolImpl v6.7.1.28
22/02/05 1.36 Bugfix for A1700 with input module ProtocolImpl v6.7.9.6
23/03/05 1.41 * Change DST behavior checking ProtocolImpl v6.7.9.10
* Add CT and VT registers
* Changed header to be compatible with protocol version
30/03/05 1.43 * Password validation (security level) ProtocolImpl v6.7.9.11
* Improved registerreading, configuration data
* Handle Stringoutofboundsexception in IEC1107
31/03/05 1.44 Minor changes ProtocolImpl V6.7.9.12
14/09/05 Extra checks added to prevent incorrect data to be read- ProtocolImpl v6.7.9.16
out in case or communication problems.
07/08/06 Bugfix in registermapping. Correct use of the rate ProtocolImpl v6.7.1.51
indicator in the registermappping.
15/01/08 Fix to allow configurationchange ProtocolImpl v7.
15/01/08 Fix to allow configurationchange ProtocolImpl v7.5.7.8
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3. Communication Profile

Function Supported Notes

Read Meter Y Reads out the specified meter registers
Read Demand Y Performs a profile data readout starting from last reading (5)
Read Meter Y Read the Meter events, starting from last reading
Write Time Y Automatically set of time within boundaries (clock difference)

All Read N Not available

(Ad Hoc)
Initialize N Not available
(Ad Hoc)
Force Time Y Not available in EIServer (1)
(Ad Hoc)
Daisy Chaining Y Available
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4. RTU Properties (AMR)

Fields Default Description

Address / DeviceID <none> The ID of the meter, eg. /GEC2090111111111@000
Serial number <none> The Serial number, eg. --------03010000
(In some cases you’ll have to add ‘–‘ in front.)
Password <none> Password (! Should match the security-level + should be 8
characters long)
NodeAddress 001 NodeAddress used in a multi-drop / handheld configuration

NodeAddress and Password always need to be filled in, only Address or Serial Number can be left
empty in case you don’t want to check them.

5. Custom Properties (protocol specific)

Fields Default Description

IEC1107Compatible 0 If ‘0’, profile will read using ABB/ Elster’s datastream mode.
This mode is much faster then normal IEC1107 profile read.
If ‘1’ ABB / Elster’s specific protocol extensions are disabled.
SecurityLevel 2 0 = Logon using no password
1 = Logon using non-encrypted password
2 = Logon using encrypted password
ExtendedLogging 0 0 = off, if 1, Extended logging can be used to get a list of
all possible registers configured in the meter.
MeterType (2) -1 -1 = automatically detect the Metertype. If 0, the meter
type is forced to a 16 TOU meter, if 1 a 32 TOU meter
EchoCancelling 0 Enable/disable echocancelling.
Set echocancelling to 1, only if you’re connected via a half-
duplex serial link (eg. Current loop convertor).

Some ABB/Elster A1700 firmware versions do not support the ‘datastream’ mode. For these versions,
IEC1107Compatible should be set to 1 AND the communication parameters should be 7,E,1.

6. Custom Properties (general)

Fields Default Description

Timeout 10000 Protocol timeout fail in msec
Retries 5 Max nr of protocol errors before end of communication

When using ProtocolTester, Edit->Protocol Properties also contains the general CommServer settings,
editable via the dialogs in EIServer. Following is a list of these settings.

RoundtripCorrection 0 Offset in ms to the get/set time

MinimumTimeDiff 5 Minimum difference between meter and system clock
before a write clock will happen.
MaximumTimeDiff 20 Maximum difference between meter and system clock. If
the difference > maximum difference, an exception will be
generated and the task will fail!
CorrectTime 1 Enable or disable the setting of the clock in the meter.
Set to 0 to avoid that the protocol will set the clock.
ProfileInterval 900 Integration time of the meter. This setting must be the
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same as the setting read from the meter. If not, an

exception will be generated and the task will fail.
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7. Meter events

Meter Events read-out from the logbook

Logbook event Code Manufacturer’s Code Manufacturer’s Description

Meter Events created from the interval status bits or other profile events
Logbook event Code Manufacturer’s Code Manufacturer’s Description
Power down 1 0xE6 Powerdown
Power up 2 0xE5 Powerup
Set clock 6 0xED Daylight saving change
Set clock 6 0xEA Time change
Clear data 12 0xEB Load profile cleared
Other 0 0xE9 Forced end of demand

The ABB A1700 doesn’t has a logbook, but uses “profile events”. These events are currently
translated into EIServer Events, and can be found in the first part of the table.

8. Interval status

Interval Status bits read-out from the meter

Status bit Code Manufacturer’s Code Manufacturer’s Description
Power down 0x01 0xE6 Powerdown
Power up 0x02 0xE5 Powerup
Shortlong 0x04 0xED Daylight saving change
Shortlong 0x04 0xEA Time change
Interval Status bits created from meter events
-> See “EIServer Events to Interval Status bit” document for more information.

If more than one event occurs in the same interval, the interval status will be a combination of them.
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9. Meter registers

EIServer is using the Standard OBIS Codes (3) to map registers to meter specific registers.
Not all OBIS codes will be supported by each protocol / meter configuration.
The following list displays an overview of all mappings made in EIServer for this protocol.

A : B : C : D : E : F Manufacturer Description – (Optional: Code)

1 B 1 D E F Active import fundamental
1 B 2 D E F Active export fundamental
1 B 5 D E F Reactive, Q1
1 B 6 D E F Reactive, Q2
1 B 7 D E F Reactive, Q3
1 B 8 D E F Reactive, Q4
1 B 9 D E F Apparent
1 B 128 D E F Custom specific 1 (unit read at runtime)
1 B 129 D E F Custom specific 2 (unit read at runtime)
1 B 130 D E F Custom specific 3 (unit read at runtime)
1 B 131 D E F External input 1
1 B 132 D E F External input 2
1 B 133 D E F External input 3
1 B 134 D E F External input 4
1 1 0 1 0 255 Billing counter
1 1 0 1 2 F Billing point timestamp
0 0 96 50 0 255 Current system status (32 bit word, see (4))
0 0 96 51 0 255 Historical current system status (32 bit word, see (4))

If any value in group C to F contains a value between 128 and 254 the whole code is considered as
manufacturer specific.
If the OBIS code contains a letter, convert them using one or more of the following rules:
A field: (no rules)
B field: 1 = all registers / 1..3 for a maximum demand register, 3 last max demand values!
(1=highest, 2=middle, 3=lowest)
C field: (no rules)
D field: 8 = energy / 6 = maximum demand (7) / 2 = cumulative maximum demand (7)
E field: 0 = total value (In case of energy) / 1..N = tariff 1..N
F field: 255 = current value / 0 = last billing point / N = last–N billing point

Register group Value From time To time Event time

Cumulative Value of the Start of billing End of billing Billing period reset
current and rate register period period timestamp
registers (if billing is used) (if billing is used) (if billing is used)
Maximum demand Value of the Start of billing End of billing Maximum demand
registers register period period event timestamp
(if billing is used) (if billing is used)
Cumulative max. Value of the Start of billing End of billing Billing period reset
demand registers register period period times stamp
(if billing is used) (if billing is used) (if billing is used)
Billing period Billing period Start of billing End of billing Billing period reset
timestamp reset cause * period period timestamp
All other registers Value of the empty Read time of the empty
register register
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This table explains how the RTU Register Readings are calculated in EIServer.

* The last billing point timestamp register will save the billing point reset cause in the value field. This
is an 8 bit value with the following meanings:
Bit 0: billing date
Bit 1: Season change
Bit 2: Tariff change
Bit 3: Serial communications port
Bit 4: Optical communications port
Bit 5: Push button
Bit 6: External input
Bit 7: Power-up process

The bits can be or-ed together if a billing point has more then 1 reason.
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10. Instantaneous registers

EIServer can also be used to read-out instantaneous values from the meter, and store/post them
to EIBalance or other systems.

A : B : C : D : E : F Manufacturer Description
1 1 1 7 0 255 Active Power Total
1 1 3 7 0 255 Reactive Power Total
1 1 9 7 0 255 Apparent power total
1 1 13 7 0 255 Power factor total
1 1 21 7 0 255 Active power L1
1 1 41 7 0 255 Active power L2
1 1 61 7 0 255 Active power L3
1 1 23 7 0 255 Reactive power L1
1 1 43 7 0 255 Reactive power L2
1 1 63 7 0 255 Reactive power L3
1 1 31 7 0 255 RMS Current L1
1 1 51 7 0 255 RMS Current L2
1 1 71 7 0 255 RMS Current L3
1 1 32 7 0 255 RMS Voltage L1
1 1 52 7 0 255 RMS Voltage L2
1 1 72 7 0 255 RMS Voltage L3
1 1 33 7 0 255 Power factor L1
1 1 73 7 0 255 Power factor L2
1 1 93 7 0 255 Power factor L3
1 1 144 7 0 255 Apparent power L1
1 1 164 7 0 255 Apparent power L2
1 1 184 7 0 255 Apparent power L3
1 1 34 7 0 255 Freq L1
1 1 54 7 0 255 Freq L2
1 1 74 7 0 255 Freq L3
1 1 81 7 70 255 Angle L1
1 1 81 7 71 255 Angle L2
1 1 81 7 72 255 Angle L3
1 1 204 7 0 255 Phase rotation
1 1 200 7 0 255 Active power total
1 1 201 7 0 255 Reactive power total
1 1 202 7 0 255 Apparent power total
1 1 141 7 0 255 Active power L1
1 1 161 7 0 255 Active power L2
1 1 181 7 0 255 Active power L3
1 1 143 7 0 255 Reactive power L1
1 1 163 7 0 255 Reactive power L2
1 1 183 7 0 255 Reactive power L3
1 1 151 7 0 255 RMS Current L1
1 1 171 7 0 255 RMS Current L2
1 1 191 7 0 255 RMS Current L3
1 1 152 7 0 255 RMS Voltage L1
1 1 172 7 0 255 RMS Voltage L2
1 1 192 7 0 255 RMS Voltage L3
1 1 145 7 0 255 Apparent power L1
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1 1 165 7 0 255 Apparent power L2

1 1 185 7 0 255 Apparent power L3
1 0 0 0 1 255 Schema ID
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11. Additional information

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1 If needed, use protocoltester to force a clock setting in the meter.

2 2 types of the ABB A1700 exist. One with 16 TOU registers (mostly used in the UK) and one
with 32 TOU registers, mostly used elsewhere.
By default, the meter type is extracted from the sign-on message: /GEC5090100100400@000
GEC Manufacturers ID (GEC, then ABB/Elster -> original has been kept for continuity)
5 Baud Rate ( 0 - 300, 1 - 600, 2 - 1200, 3 - 2400, 4 - 4800, 5 - 9600)
09 Master Unit Id (09 - A1700), 01 - 08 PPM)
010 Product Range (010 - A1700, 001 - PPM)
010 Device No. The Device No is used for the firmware issue.
04 Issue No.

3 OBIS codes are a combination of six value groups: A : B : C : D : E : F

Group A defines the characteristic of the data (electricity, gas, heat, water, …).
Group B defines the channel number, i.e. the number of the input (channel) of a metering
equipment having several inputs for the measurement of energy (default=channel 1).
Group C defines the abstract or physical data items: current, voltage, power, volume, …
The definitions are depending on group A.
Group D defines types, or the result of the processing of physical quantities identified with
the value groups A and C, according to various specific algorithms. The algorithms can
deliver energy and demand quantities as well as other physical quantities (e.g. time
Group E defines the further processing of measurement results identified with value groups
A to D to tariff registers, according to the tariff(s) in use. For abstract data or for
measurement results for which tariffs are not relevant, this value can be 0 = total value/no
Group F defines the storage of data, identified by value groups A to E, according to
different billing periods. Where this is not relevant, this value group can be 255 = current

More information can be found in the international standard (2002) IEC62056-61 (OBIS
Object Identification System)

4 Service Registers (Standard COP5 firmware):

bit 31 = "Backup register set corrupt", bit 15 = "Meter comms write session",
bit 30 = "Normal register backup used", bit 14 = "Reverse run",
bit 29 = "OB batt fail", bit 13 = "Phase C overcurent",
bit 28 = "OB transient reset", bit 12 = "Phase B overcurent",
bit 27 = "OB device failure", bit 11 = "Phase A overcurent",
bit 26 = "Meter powerdown event", bit 10 = "Phase C failure",
bit 25 = "Last powerdown incomplete", bit 9 = "Phase B failure",
bit 24 = “Billing reset", bit 8 = "Phase A failure",
bit 23 = "Powerup battery failure", bit 7 = "spare",
bit 22 = "Elapsed batt failure", bit 6 = "spare",
bit 21 = "ASIC intB event", bit 5 = "spare",
bit 20 = "ASIC device failure", bit 4 = "spare",
bit 19 = "RTC not incrementing", bit 3 = "spare",
bit 18 = "RTC device failure", bit 2 = "Meter comms write event",
bit 17 = "Module B hotswap detected", bit 1 = "Time synchronisation",
bit 16 = "Module A hotswap detected", bit 0 = "Meter transient reset"

5 If the meter is equipped with an input module, then, between powerdown and powerup, the
profiledata will contain 0 for internal channels and values for the input channels.
6 The DST behaviour in the meter is only checked if the configured AMR timezone is a DST
corrected timezone.
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7 From protocolimpl V6.7.1.51 there is a change in the registermapping for maximum demand
registers and cumulative maximum demand registers

The max demand register codes will have changed as follows:


B --> 1..3 with 1 the highest value (2 and 3 are respectively the 2-the and 3-the value)
C --> max demand phenomenon. (*)
E --> rate 1..8 (*)
(remark: to be backwards compatible with previous releases, i left E=0 equal to E=1)
F --> billing point (255 current, VZ previous billing period, VZ-1 second billing period, etc...)

(*) remark: C and E are in some way related to each other because the configuration of the
Elster A1700 connects a register source (c field) AND a rate code (E field) to a max demand
register. So, to find out what registers the meter really has, dial the meter with custom property
"extended logging" set to 1 and the commserver (or protocoltester) log window will generale a
list of all present registers in the meter!


The cumulative max demand register codes will have changed as follows:
There are 8 cumulative maximum demand registers (remember, 8 maximum demand rates).
Yes, each maximum demand register has its cumulative maximum demand register.


C --> cumulative max demand phenomenon.

E --> rate 1..8
(remark: to be backwards compatible with previous releases, i left E=0 equal to E=1)
F --> billing point (255 current, VZ previous billing period, VZ-1 second billing period, etc...)

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