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Rua Augusto Viana, s/n - Palácio da Reitoria,
Canela, Salvador - CEP: 40110-909

PROF mestrando Alexroney Oliveira/Tirocinista sob supervisão do PROF. DR. Lucas Moreira
Name: Klaus Stedile GRADE:________

Archival Value

n. the ongoing usefulness or significance of records, based on the administrative, legal, fiscal, evidential, or
historical information they contain, justifying their continued preservation.
In general, records with archival value are estimated to make up only a small percentage of an organization’s
records. In most organizations, the determination of which records are considered to have archival value is
made by archivists. Sometimes, archivists distinguish between the concepts of historical value and archival
value. In such cases, historical value is defined narrowly as the value of a record to support research in the
history of people and the world, and archival value is defined broadly to encompass value that supports any
type of research using permanent records, including psychological, sociological, and other types of scientific
Disponível em < > acesso em 03/06/21.

1. In the excerpt: “... historical value is defined narrowly as the value of a record to support research in the
history of people and the world”, the word in bold modifies the verb as to:

a) manner
b) time
c) place
d) frequency
e) degree

2. Which one of the items below is not qualifying the noun “information” in the first paragraph:

a) administrative
b) fiscal
c) evidential
d) significance
e) historical

3. According to the text, who mostly determines which records have archival value?

a) The organizations
b) The research
c) The world
d) The archivists
e) The significance

4. In the excerpt: “…archivists distinguish between the concepts of historical value and archival value”, the
cognate word does not refer to:

a) differentiate
b) discern
c) discriminate
d) determine
e) derive
The Care and Preservation of Archival Materials

Virtually everyone has a collection of Archival Materials that require preservation, whether they are
sentimental, financial, or educational materials. Archival collections can be preserved for years of use
provided that some basic care is given to their preservation. The conservation staff at the Henry Ford
Museum and Greenfield Village have compiled the information in this fact sheet to assist in promoting the
responsible care of archival collections. The first step in the care of collections is to understand and eliminate
or minimize conditions that can cause damage. The second step is to follow basic guidelines for care,
handling and cleaning.


Archival collections can be divided into three basic types: individual documents, books and photographic
materials. This information sheet addresses issues associated with the preservation of documents and
books. For information concerning photographic collections see the listing of available conservation
information sheets.


Documents generally consist of three basic components: the paper or parchment support upon which
information is recorded, a sizing material or ground layer that covers the surface of the paper or parchment,
and the media that is applied to the support to create the document.

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conservation.pdf?sfvrsn=2 > Acesso em 03/06/21.

1. In “individual documents, books and photographic materials.” Which word describes the noun materials?

a) collections
b) components
c) parchment
d) photographic
e) books

2. In the fragment: “Virtually everyone has a collection of Archival Materials that require preservation”, what
is the meaning of the word in bold:

a) by computer
b) practically
c) really
d) honestly
e) online

3. In “a sizing material”, what is the syntactic function of the word in bold?

a) conjunction
b) adverb
c) adjective
d) noun
e) verb

4. The idea in the excerpt: “The first step in the care of collections is to understand and eliminate or minimize
conditions that can cause damage” is:

a) decrease damage
b) cause injury
c) protect damage
d) increase damage
e) comprehend collections

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