GADGRC - Assignment No.1

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MODULE 1 - Assignment

Name: _ _______ Instructor’s Name: ___________

Course/Year/Section_BSA 1-C________ Total Score:_____/30 Date:03-21-21____
Instructions: Write your answer on the space provided. Read the rubric for rating before you answer the
CRITERIA: 2- observed; 0 – not observed Total Score
1. The explanation is brief but understandable; thus, it contains at least 5 sentences.
2. The explanation provides relevant examples from the texts studied in the lesson.
3.The explanation contains ideas that are clearly connected and make sense.
4.The explanation is easy to read and is organized.
5.The explanation contains deep understanding and original ideas of the student.

a. Expound the difference between WID, WAD and GAD concepts. (10 pts)

WID focuses to improve women’s access to resources and their participation in

development. Focuses on how women could better be integrated into development
strategies and focuses on the productive aspects and not on the reproductive side.
Also, the use of “in” in WID, emphasizes that male experience was generalizable too in
females that women can do whatever man does. WAD, on the other hand, focuses on
the relationship between women and development rather than on strategies for the
integration of women into development. This shows also the mistreatment to the women
in the society. Gad, which uses the term ‘Gender’ and not ‘Women’, emphasize that
men and women are equal. Example, ‘If man can do construction, so are women.’, ‘If
women can do household, so are men’ like concepts. This also goes further than WID
and WAD in the underlying assumptions in the society.

a. Based on your own understanding, discuss the impact of climate change on both men and
women. (10 pts)

Climate change not only impacts through weather events but it also affect the
current gender inequalities. Women will be in frontline that have further burden
especially climate change can affect the agricultural activity. So women, as a head of a
household, usually engage in agricultural staffs that they may produce less since
climate change makes it harder to do these tasks. The depletion of natural resources
and decreasing agricultural productivity caused by climate change leaves additional
burdens on women and reduce their time to participate in decision-making process and
income generating activities. Reducing products in agricultural activity, men also
affected by which agricultural activity provides foods to both men and women.
c. Explain the consequences of Development to the Environment. (10 pts)

The environmental impact of economic development includes higher levels of

pollution, decrease of environmental habitats, and global warming. Also, it increased the
consumption of non-renewable resources. As building lots of infastructures and projects
by the government or private sectors, many natural resources have been eliminated.
Like constructions of large dams, many trees and tons of soils have been cut and dig
out which can cause soil pollution and floods to the low areas. Air, Land and Water
pollution that causes health problems and can damage the productivity of land and
seas. Global warming and volatile weather that leads to rising sea levels and changes in
weather patterns.

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