Recognition Day Script

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Recognition Day is the culmination of all hard work and a year of study. It is the day
when our students can say, “I’ve done it”.
Today ladies and gentlemen mark another milestone in our life and in the history of our
school Gov. Vicente Duterte National High School, as we gather and celebrate success
on this 24th Recognition Rites with the theme “K to 12 Learners: Ready to Face Life’s

To our ever equal School Principal Dr. Reuel A. Alvarez Principal IV, to our highly
competent and deeply motivated members of the faculty and staff; to the proud and
loving parents, visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant afternoon.

To formally start the program, let us all stand for the opening prayer to be lead by Mrs. Sheila O.
Abogado, followed by singing of the Philippine National Anthem to be conducted by Mrs. Analyn E.

Please be seated.

Indeed, we are celebrating a very momentous event especially to our talented and diverse students
who will be marching on their way to the stage and receive their awards and recognition.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome and listen to the opening remarks to be given to us by our
Designated Administrative Officer, Laurita B. Torralba. Let us all give her a resounding round of
applause. Maam…

Thank you maam.

We believe that not only the students should be given recognition but also the parents and guardians
who have worked so hard, gave their best to their children no matter how hard life is, they kept on
working even if their chin touches the ground because of hard work. Parents guardians who give
them the support financially and love and encouragement in every activities in the

And we believe that the secrets behind this significant event are the teachers who have rendered their
invaluable service and shared their ideas and wisdom to us, their students, who had guided us to the
right path and able to sit down in this gymnasium and soon walk up the stage in just a few minutes

To entertain our beloved parents, guardians, and teachers, let us all welcome the selected students in
their intermission number.

Thank you for that fabulous special number.

At this juncture ladies and gentlemen, let us pay attention, pin our ears to our dedicated
principal IV, no other than, Dr. Reuel A. Alvarez for his message. Sir…

Thank you sir…

In every endeavor, there are always victors and under dogs but it doesn’t mean that if you lost it is
already a defeat as attested by one of the quotes run like this “Losing is not always a defeat and
winning is not always a victory. Today, not everybody made it to the top, but those who did are the
ones called “the cream of the crop.”

At this moment, ladies and gentlemen, let us proceed to the awarding of Academic excellence and
Special Award to students of the different year levels. Students will received medals and certificate.
And for the information of everybody, Demerie Foundation will also give a medal to students who are
actively participated from their class under Values Education subject.
To give the medals and certificates, may we call our principal, Dr. Reuel A. Alvarez and to be assisted
by our Designated Administrative officer, Laurita B. Torralba.

Requesting the parents or guardians to escort their son or daughter in receiving their awards.

To start with the Grade 7 Level…

Let’s clap our hands once again for the Grade 7 awardees.

Let’s move on the next Grade level, Grade 8…

Let’s clap our hands once again for the Grade 8 awardees.

Moving on to the next level, the Grade 9…

Let’s clap our hands, once again, to our Grade 9 awardees.

Moving on to the next level, the Grade 11…

Let’s clap our hands, once again, to our Grade 11 awardees.

Many wants being recognized, but a few are worthy of recognition. It is worth it because
you guys work hard for that recognition. Congratulations to all of the successful students
of this school year 2017-2018.

At this moment, to show our acknowledgment for our students and to entertain them,
let’s give them another intermission number to be performed by Jake Mangoba from
Grade 7 Makakalikasan.

Let’s give him another resounding round of applause.

Thank you Jake…

Every journey has its end and every path does stop somewhere. And now, we have to
end of that journey. However, this only marks the end of your School Year, not the
knowledge and learning which should be carried on and enhance further.

To end this memorable occasion, let us pay attention, pin our ears to our Faculty
President, no other than, Mrs. Nenes Yurango, for her closing remarks. Maam…

Thank you maam…

Thank you so much for your participation and congratulations.

Once again this is Mrs. Mae Donna T. Pastor, your master of ceremony and let me
leave you with this wisdom from Brad Gerrard,” Believe in yourself, be strong, never
give up no matter what the circumstances are. You are a champion and will overcome
the dreaded obstacles. Champions take failure as a learning opportunity, so take in all
you can, and run with it. Be your best and don’t ever give up.”


Thank you for coming and For God be the Glory!!!

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