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Jam Althea O.



1. Name three (3) companies that are not in the examples on the pdf, and describe their core
organizational strategies in terms of the following options:
Differentiation: Quality
 Intel definitely uses this strategy in achieving their goal. The products they sold needs
to be of high quality since they are being used for a long period of time. They are also
one of the top companies in this kind of industry and without a doubt they are one, if
not the best, high quality producers in the industry.
Differentiation: Newness
 Innovation is one of the hallmark of Intel. In this kind of field, the one who stops
innovating will flop. Intel does consistent innovation and every year they surprises us
with something new and unique wherein this kind if strategy really lead them to
Differentiation: Variety
 Intel works exclusively on designing, manufacturing and selling computer products
and other technologies such as phones, Bluetooth chipsets, vehicle automation
sensors, et c. This strategy works well on Intel since some of the products are related
to each other (e.g low-end gpu and processors) where buyers can buy products that go
together in one go.
Low Price
 One of the features of Everlane is they offer products that have great quality for a
reasonable price. This strategy is really effective considering that their products are
apparel which are of high demand and are used for a long period of time. People can
easily get clothes that are cheap, but will last for a long time. A low risk, high reward
type of products.
Differentiation: Quality
 Just what I have mentioned above, they care for the quality of the products they make
which is a suitable strategy for this kind of industry. They are also able to compete
with other competitors and remain successful even though Everlane is still considered
a small business and is still growing.
 Crocs only manufactures a single product and this helps them achieve their goal of
providing comfort to people by only focusing on shoes that are durable and
comfortable to wear. Focusing on one product also makes it easier to connect to the
people and also use the same materials for production, that are environmental friendly
and animal-cruelty free.
Differentiation: Quality
 Croc’s products are definitely durable to the point that you’re just going to graduate
high school and college and your crocs are still alive. This helps them achieve their
goal of providing comfort to families, animals and the environment. They provide
comfort to the environment since they use environmental friendly materials. They
provide comfort to the animals seeing that it is an animal-cruelty free company.
Lastly they provide comfort to people, because having something that lasts for a long
time gives a really comforting and assuring feeling to the people, and also, Crocs are
just straight up comfortable to wear.

2. Go online and find the mission statements of the three companies (Include the website where
you find the mission statements). Are their strategies aligned with their mission statement?


We engineer solutions for our customers’ greatest challenges with reliable, cloud to edge
computing, inspired by Moore’s Law.

The mission statement if Intel’s aligns with the strategies particularly innovation. They
are a company that never stops changing and will deliver great and unprecedented products not
just for their customers but also for the advancement of our technology.



We believe we can all make a difference. Our way: Exceptional quality. Ethical factories.
Radical Transparency.

Everlane’s mission statement aligns with the strategies being used specifically when it
comes to the quality of their products, Everlane never disappoints the people.


Crocs Cares is our philanthropy division, and its mission is to provide comfort for three
key segments of our local and global communities: families, animals and the environment. We
achieve this through employee-driven volunteer initiatives.

Crocs’ strategies aligns with their mission statement. Crocs focus on the quality of their
products. Yes, they are expensive, but they are worth the price. No other shoes can last as long as
Crocs. The quality is unbelievably good. It is also nice to know that Crocs is a company that
practices Corporate Social Responsibility which is also a nice strategy for them to be successful
(but CSR is more than just a strategy).

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