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19/02722 Alvins Wanjohi Kamau Fulltime

a) The name isn’t as appealing as the owners intended its most likely to repel buyers rather than
attract them
b) The major people in the theory are
i) Innovators; People who are risk takers and are always the first to try out new ideas
ii) Early adopter; People who are interested in trying out new stuff and technologies in order to
establish their usefulness and value in the society
iii) Early majority; They lay out a way to use innovations within the society and they are part of
the general public
iv) Late majority; They are a group of people who follow the early majority into using the
innovation as an everyday type of thing
v) Laggards; These are people who are last to adopt innovative idea and products because they
avoid risk via any means necessary n are usually hell bound on following their set ways

c) S
d) Types of innovation strategies they can use are;
i) Disruptive innovation; where new value chains are created via entering already existent
markets or creating new ones
ii) Incremental innovation; With these the new product should be slightly better than the
existing gone
iii) Radical innovation; Here solutions to needs and problems we didn’t know about or we
didn’t know existed
a) This is where filtering or sifting on products occurs …so many products enter here but are cut
off. Here the marketing philosophy the 4 Ps which stand for Product Price Place Promotion is
applied. It’s used to determine wat products to create at what prices to sell them and the target
customers. Patents and other legal measures are taken to protect a product’s intellectual right.
Here is where Ericsson’s products would have passed to get sales for it.
i) Organizing prelaunch giveaways to create excitement and expectation.
ii) Establishing relationships with influencers to showcase or spread word out of their products
iii) Making sure organic visibility is high
iv) Making attractive websites
c) This is because the technological market keeps changing. things that did not exist so many years
ago have become norm and are being used. A new product comes in and replaces and older
technology while at the same time creating a new market. Because of this marketer must be
watchful for emerging technologies. a
3) D
a) Limited decision making
b) Characteristics of the product
i) Socially acceptable
ii) Unique presentation
iii) Quality product
19/02722 Alvins Wanjohi Kamau Fulltime

iv) A product with limited stock

c) Prospective brands
d) Purchase decision
e) S
i) Cultural factors; What the society finds acceptable
ii) Psychological factor What Janes thinks believes or perceives to be right
iii) The price of an object.

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