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maining blank pages. be treated as 50, wi 28 USN 10 ECS eENE Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2019/Jan.2020 Operation and Maintenance of Solar Electric Systems 15EE832 Time: 3 hrs, Max. Marks: 80 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Module-1 a. The standard value of power in irradiance is 1000 Wim. Ifthe cell efficiency is 22% and it has an area of 0.2 m?. Calculate the power out. (04 Marks) b. Compare the different solar technologies in PV industry. (04 Marks) ¢. Define: (i) Peak sun hours Gi) Irradiation (ii) Solar attitude angle (iv) Solar azimuth angle (08 Marks) oR a. Describe creating a string of modules and array. (10 Marks) b. Explain buying, standards and certifications of solar PV modules. (06 Marks) Modute-2 a, Why inverters are used in PV system and explain the types of inverters used. (08 Marks) b. Write a note on net metering and gross metering, (08 Marks) oR a. Explain in detail the balance of system equipment. (04 Marks) Describe building integrated system. (08 Marks) List the various mounting systems used in PV system. (04 Marks) Module-3 a. Explain fault current protection with an example. (06 Marks) 'b. What are the features to be considered when selecting inverters? (06 Marks) ¢. Write a short note on existing system evaluation, (04 Marks) or Explain the calculation of maximum and minimum number of modules in a string. (08 Marks) 'b. Describe the solar path finder and solmetric suneye. (08 Marks) Module-4 a. With a neat diagram, explain cabling routes and required lengths of photo voltaic system. (08 Marks) bb. What are the safety precautions to be followed during installing photovoltaic system? (08 Marks) oR a. Explain the rules to be followed during system documentation. (10 Marks) 'b. Explain how to identify the problem in photovoltaic systen (06 Marks) lodule-5 a. Explain the photovoltaic system costing, (06 Marks) b. With an example calculate payback time for photovoltaic system receiving rebates. (06 Marks) ‘What are the important features of rebate schemes? (04 Marks) oR a, Explain the marketing process involved in photovoltaic system. (08 Marks) b. Explain the process of simple payback and valuing a photovoltaic system (08 Marks) 1s on the remaining blank pages. Important Note: 1. On competing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross \ CBCSISCHENME ] 15EE832 IS) -Bighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2019 ration and Maintenance of Solar Electric Systems J Time: 3 hrs. ‘Max. Marks: 80 ‘Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. Module-1 a, Define: (j) Insolation (ii) Iradiation (ii) Air mass (06 Marks) b. Compare Mono crystalline silicon, Multi crystalline silicon.and Thin film solar cells. (05 Marks) . List and explain the factors which affect the performance of photo voltaic array. (0S Marks) OR a. Explain effect of earth’s atmosphere on solar radiation. (05 Marks) b. Explain emerging technologies of solar cells. (06 Marks) c. Explain PV cell. performance indicator’ Voc, (open circuit voltage), Isc (short circuit current) and Maximum power point (Prax): (05 Marks) cw Module-2 a. Compare basic functions of Grid interactive inverters with Battery inverters. (06 Marks) . Explain different techniques to mount PV arrays on Roof. (06 Marks) c. What is Sun tracking system? (04 Marks) OR a. Compare different categories of grid interactive inverters. (06 Marks) Explain different ground mounting systeins and their applications. (06 Marks) ¢. Compare Net metering with Gross meteving (04 Marks) Module-3 Explain iiiformation to be collected during site assessitient for PV system installation, (06 Marks) ’b. List and explain important fitors to be considered when choosing system components. (05 Marks) What is de-rating? Explain the factors that cause de-rating, (05 Marks) OR a. Explain use of Solar Pathfinder anid Horicatcher. (04 Marks) b. What is Fault-Current protection? (03 Marks) ©. Fora PV system to be installed in Sydney (Ambient temperature varies from 0°C to 50°C), calculate minimum number of modules in a string with the given data: Characteristics from module data sheet Open circuit voltage (Voc) =30.2V_; ‘Temperature coefficient of Voc 0.104 VPC. ‘Maximum power yoltige (Vpn) =24 V ; ‘Temperature coeflicient of Prax =~ 0.4859%/°C Expected voltage drop across DC cables = 1% ; MPP voltage tange : 268 V — 480 V; Safety margin for minimum inverter input voltage = 10% (09 Marks) Lof2 10 15EE832 ‘What are the issues to be taken care during installation of Grid connected PV system. (08 Marks) ‘What system documents are to be supplied to the owner after complet ‘OR Why voltage drop is crucial issue in.PV system? Calculate voltage dfop if length of cabling route is 15 metres from PV array to inverter. Copper cabling (resistivity is 0.0183 Q/m/mm’) is used with across sectional area of 2.5mm*, It must carry 5 A current. (08 Marks) ‘What are the risks associated with installing PV systems. How the risks are classified (08 Marks) ividual components of the PV system. (08 Marks) ‘What are the unique features of PV systemamong electricity generating technologies that contribute to its popularity. (08 Marks) ‘OR What “is feed-in tariff? What aréthe two different ways of FiT(Feed in Tariff). Give important features of feed in Tatiffs. Sar ie (08 Marks) List and explain strong barriers to PV technology, .CMRIT LIBRARY (08 Marks) 2of2 GHGS SOnEME 15EE832 || Bighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Aug,/Sept. 2020 Operation and Maintenance of Solar Electric Systems Hoe 3s Max Mas: 80 Note: For Regula Students: Answer any FIVE fall questions irrespective of modules. i) For ArenrSidants Aner any FIVE full question, choosing ONE al question from each module Module-1 a. Define irradiation, diffuse radiation and air mass. (06 Marks) b. Compare different solar technologies with help of a tabular column. (04 Marks) ©. Inan array, 3 PV modules are connected to form a string and 3 such strings are connected in parallel. The rating of string 1 is Vey = 240V and Inp = 5 Amps, string 2 18 Vp = 210V and Imp = 6 Amp and string 3 is Vap = 180V and Imp =4 Amps. Find the total voltage, current ‘and power of the array with diagram, (06 Marks) a. Define azimuth angle, solar altitude angle and tilt angle. (06 Marks) bb. What are the standards, certifications and warranties applicable to PV modules? (06 Marks) . Explain the I-V characterists and power-voltage characteristics of PV cells. (04 Marks) ‘Module-2 a. What are the basic functions of grid ~ interactive inverters? (04 Marks) b. Explain different types of grid ~ interactive inverters. (06 Marks) Briefly explain the types of roof mounting systems. (06 Marks) a. Write short notes on lightering protection and wind loading, (04 Marks) b. Briefly explain inverter protection systems. (06 Marks) Explain the types of meters used in PV systems. (06 Marks) CMRIT LIBRARY (GALORE - 580 037 Bs =e Module-3 2= 5 a. What are the roof specifications to be considered in site assessment? (04 Marks) 2s b. When is string fuse protection required? Give examples. (06 Marks) E22 Whotae the losses in ullty~ interactive PV systoms? (06 Marks) Fe SF 6 5. whatarethe potential sources of shading? Describe solr path finder (06 art) i Write the importance of fale current protection when designing a PV system, (06 Marks) i 2 Mention the two votlage specifications need fo be met in sizing PV system with graphical 5 representation (oe mars) i i 1of2 10 15EE832 Explain interconnection of PV array with utility grid using net metering and gross metering arrangements (08 Marks) Briefly explain the testing of PV systems (08 Marks) ‘What are the safety measures in installation of PV systems? (08 Marks) Explain in detail about identifying a fault and troubleshooting PV arrays and inverters. (08 Marks) Module-5 ‘What are the various costs involved in PV systems? Explain in detail witha curve. (08 Marks) Discuss the general guidelines that should be provided to the owners on completion of PV system instalation, (08 Marks) State the method to caleulate upfront costs and simple pay beck method. (04 Marks) ‘What are the positive and negative attributes of PV systems need to be considered while marketing? (12 Maris) : 20f2

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