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Name: Balino, Shedina D. Year/Section: 2-C

Course: BEED Date:

Write three positive experiences that have Write down your reflection for why these three
happened during the presentation and experiences were positive and/or why they
discussion day of your first digital stories last occurred.
week (this includes your group and other
groups’ digital stories).

Response Response
1. I learned to master my assigned topic than During the presentation I learned that in order
merely familiarizing it. to come up with a narrative output one should
know what he/she is talking about. I noticed
that some are uncertain to their topics and it
affects the story they want to convey. I
considered this as a positive experience for I
learned from this.

2. During presentation I am amazed by the The presentation also taught me to bring out
other groups' video presentation and I got the most creative me in order to create a
some ideas to be more creative on the next masterpiece, for it entice the target audience to
task. watch, enjoy and learn from the video being

3. During the presentation day my internet This kind of situation really tests how
connection was poor and so I decided to go courageous and how eager I am in pursuing this
at the center part of our municipality and I path despite of so many hurdles that comes my
directed to the milktea shop where wifi is way. That day I realized that there's no easy
free and fortunately the cashier there is my way, but there's always a way. And that day I
friend so I avail their free wifi and I got to join surpassed internet connection failure and I still
the class. got to join the class despite of tihat.

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