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TC 2 Rafael Cinco

Page 103

1. Instrumental good - ultimate good

Instrumental good is valued as a means for the sake of something else and the Ultimate good is fame
and honor.

2. Pleasure - Happiness

Pleasure is not lifetime; hence it is only enjoyable now once you have done it. Happiness is bliss as if you
find happiness in life, it is yours forever.

3. Virtue - Vice

Virtue is defined as showing high moral standard, in other words you behave in the right manner as the
means of right or wrong. Vice is the complete opposite, as it is defined as immoral.

4. Intellectual Virtue - Moral Virtue

Intellectual virtue belongs to the rational self, it implies knowledge and wisdom based of also from past
experiences. Then turned into virtues for oneself. Moral virtue is what the morality of a society teaches
us, what is right and what is wrong based of society itself.

5. Science and Technology- Good Life

Rather it is how the two interact into one another. How science and technology would shape us into
how our virtues and morality is in place. Science and technology are tools to achieve good life.
Page 109
P.S I do not own the picture, it is also dark at the time I am making this document, I cannot buy a milo
sachet pack. But we always consume milo everyday in the morning, but we ran out. And I do think this is
great example of how companies hide sugar labels.

Milo does not hide sugar labels, but they heavily market the brand as a healthy option for drinking milk,
in fact they market It as an energy booster, but with heavy researching I found out that 40 percent of
sugar is indeed what make the contents. As it is even heavily marketed as a healthy drink. Much so in
fact a decorated doctor from the US have posted an article basically saying that the commercial “energy
gap” is false advertising. 40 percent sugar is not healthy especially for kids, it is basically giving them
sugar rush as well as having to intake much sugar everyday would have the possibility for obesity.

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