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The same could be true of university education. Today, the average
student seems not to value general knowledge. If asked a factual question, they
will usually click on a search engine without a second thought. Actually
knowing the fact and committing it to memory does not seem to be an issue;
it’s the ease with which we can look it up.
However, general knowledge has never been something that you acquire
formally. Instead, we pick it up from all sorts of sources as we go along, often
absorbing facts without realising. The question remains, then: is the Internet
threatening general knowledge? When I put that to Moira Jones, expert in
designing IQ tests, she referred me to the story of the Egyptian god Thoth. It
goes-like this: Thoth offers writing as a gift to the king of Egypt, declaring it
an “elixir of memory and wisdom.” But the king is horrified, and tells him:
“This invention will induce forgetfulness in the souls of those who have
learned it, because they will not need to exercise their memories, being able to
rely on what is written.”
Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. Young people do not seem to bother themselves with memorising
factual information.
В. General knowledge tends to have been mainly acquired through
formal schooling.
C. The majority of undergraduates are reluctant to look for answers to
factual questions online.
D. On being offered the gift of writing, the king of Egypt was hopeful
about its potential.

Perez is not alone. Once the preserve of mavericks, hippies and
survivalists, there are now approximately 200,000 off-grid households in the
United States of America, a figure that Perez says has been increasing by a
third every year for the past decade. For all of the people who live off-grid,
self-sufficiency means guilt-free energy consumption and peace of mind.
Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. The number of ‘off-gridders’ in the US is said to have risen by 33%
over the past 10 years.
B. Some city dwellers have shown an interest in producing their own
C. ‘Off-gridders’ enjoy not doing harm to the environment.
D. People opting for off-grid living used to be considered quite eccentric.
In response to the increasing threat posed by the selfie, the authorities
have started to take action. The Russian Interior Ministry, for instance, has
launched a public education campaign advising selfie-takers against balancing
on dangerous surfaces or posing with their pets, among other things. But if
instructions like this are really necessary, then perhaps it is about time we
asked ourselves which is more important, a ‘like’ or a life?
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Taking a selfie with pets is considered the most dangerous.
B. Pictures of near misses are popular on social media.
C. Action has been taken to warn selfie-takers against dangerous
D. There was an increase in the number of selfie-related deaths in 2015.

Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple tally
method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a
count of sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under.
Counts could also be maintained by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone,
by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying knots in a string.
Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an early methods of counting?
A. Cutting notches B. Bending fingers
C. Piling stones D. Tying knots

The basic purpose of clothing was utilitarian. By putting on an artificial
skin, humans were able to move into regions for which they would otherwise
have been unsuited. An extreme example of this use of clothing can be seen
among the Eskimos, and other people who live in extreme climates. However,
clothing was not only used for protection from the elements, but has also been
a means of displaying one’s status and sense of style for as long as humans
have had civilization. Thus clothing also developed in countries where there is
no real practical need for it, apart from the other, very human function of
preserving the modesty of the wearer.
Which of the following does the author NOT give as a function of clothing ?
A. To show how wealthy or powerful the wearer is
B. To show the wearer’s taste
C. To adjust our micro – environment
D. To avoid indecency
With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting became
imperative. A tribe had to know how many members it had and how many
enemies, and shepherd needed to know if the flock of sheep was decreasing in
size. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple tally
method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a
count of sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under.
Counts could also be maintained by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone,
by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying knots in a string.
What is the basic principle of the tally method described in the 2nd
A. The count is recorded permanently.
B. Calculations provide the total count.
C. Large quantities are represented by symbols.
D. Each marker represents a singly object.

A problem that has often arisen has been with how a site crew-whether it
is demolition or construction crew determines and sorts what is “waste” and
what is recyclable. Architects and environmental scientists have to decide
whether or not a material is appropriate for use in new construction and how it
will impact the environment. They must evaluate the materials from the
demolition and determine what those materials contain, and if they meet the
standards set by the U.S, government’s Environmental Protection Agency (the
EPA). If the debris from the demolition contains hazardous materials that are
harmful to the environment or to the consumer, such as asbestos, then the
material is not salvageable. Use of the asbestos for insulation and as a form of
fire retardation in buildings and fabrics was common in the nineteenth century.
Asbestos was once used in shingles on the sides of buildings, as well as in the
insulation in the interior walls of homes or other construction. In new “green”
construction, insulation that once asbestos- based can be replaced with recycled
denim or constructed with cellulose-a fibrous material found in paper products.
The same-assessment applies to wood or wallboard painted with toxic lead-
based paints. In addition, gas-flow regulators and meters on both water and gas
heating systems constructed prior to 1961 must be carefully evaluated to
determine that they do not contain dangerous substances such as mercury.
Mercury can be harmful to humans and the environment if it is spilled during
the removal of these devices.
In paragraph 3, the author mentions all of the following hazardous
materials found in a debris from a demolition site EXCEPT___________.
A. cellulose B. mercury C. asbestos D. lead
One example which is often mentioned in popular press is the case of
dogs. In some cultures, like the US or UK, dogs are loved and considered a
great pet to have at home and with the family. In other cultures, such as those
where Islam is the majority religion, dogs may be perceived as dirty or
dangerous. Muslims treatment of dogs is still a matter of debate amongst
Islamic scholars, while these animals are widely considered by many Western
cultures to be “mans best friend”, the Koran describes them as “unhygienic”.
Muslims will therefore avoid touching a dog unless he can wash his hands
immediately afterwards, and they will almost never keep a dog in their home.
According to paragraph 2, which sentence is INCORRECT?
A. The dog is a typical example of different views in the world about
B. Dogs are well-treated and loved in the US and UK.
C. Muslims are those considering dogs as their best pets at home.
D. People whose religion is Islam don’t like having dogs in their home.

The setting of the job is one factor to take into account. You may not
want to sit at a desk all day. If not, there are diversity occupations - building
inspector, supervisor, real estate agent - that involve a great deal of time away
from the office. Geographical location may be a concern, and employment in
some fields is concentrated in certain regions. Advertising job can generally be
found only in large cities. On the other hand, many industries such as
hospitality, law education, and retail sales are found in all regions of the
According to paragraph 3, which of the following fields is NOT suitable for
a person who does not want to live in a big city?
A. plumbing B. law C. retail sales D. advertising

Another is option house-swapping. Several websites allow you to
connect with people who want to trade living situations. It’s usual to exchange
emails about favourite places in the city before the swap, meaning you can
have a truly local experience. But of course, you can only do this if you don’t
mind having strangers staying in your house.
Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
A. There are several websites used for house-swapping purposes
B. Tourists to Thailand prefer staying in a native structure to staying in a hub
C. Staying with local people is more popular than staying in hotels and resorts.
D. Dealing with oil lamps is the most thrilling experience for tourists to

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