Exercises of Asking and Offering Help

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Part A. Complete the dialogue by using expressions of Asking for or Offering Help, Accepting /
Rejecting an offer. Please pay attention to the situation (formal /informal)
Security : Good afternoon, Sir. May I help you? 
Mr. Christian : Yes, please. I cannot find the bookstore. Where is it? 
Security : The book store is on the third floor, Sir. It is next to the shoe store. 
Mr. Christian : Oh, I see. 
Security : Shall I take you there, Sir? 
Mr. Christian : No, I’m fine. Thank you. 
Security : You’re welcome, Sir.

Felicia Potter : I don’t think I will pass chemistry this semester. 
Zenabiah Cleo : What? Why? 
Felicia Potter : I got C- for my last assignment. As well as for my other assignments. 
enabiah Cleo : Well, there will still be a final test, right? What did you get for the midterm test? 
Felicia Potter : B-. 
enabiah Cleo : Well, that’s a start. Don’t give up just yet. We still have three weeks before finals. What
you want me to do?
Felicia Potter : I suppose I could have a little tutoring with chemistry. 
Zenabiah Cleo : I can help you with that! you want me to tutor you? 
Felicia Potter : Yes, if you want to and doesn’t bother you.
Zenabiah Cleo : Of course, I don’t mind! I would love to! Let’s start with three days a week, just an
hour each after school. You pick the days. How about that? 
Felicia Potter : Thank you so much, Cleo!

alleroy Lopez : Excuse me, Sir. Can I take this trolley to the parking lot? I can’t lift all these.
Caesaf Nichol  : I'm afraid you can't do that, Ma’am. This is not the right trolley.
Valleroy Lopez : I want to take another trolley but I can’t leave my groceries here.
Caesaf Nichol : Would you like me to bring that groceries to your car?
Valleroy Lopez : Just what I need! Thank you.

Ramirez Fernandez : Jeconia, I don’t feel so good today. I think I’m going pass on the futsal game, I’ll
stay at the dorm instead. 
Jeconia Geraldine : Are you sick? 
amirez Fernandez: Not really, just a bit under the weather. I’ve been coming home very late these past few
days. I think that’s the culprit. 
Jeconia Geraldine : Are you sure? I can take you to the doctor if you want. 
Ramirez Fernandez: No, I’ll just take high dose of Vitamin C and take some rest. 
Jeconia Geraldine : Okay, then.would you like me to bring you anything when I come
Ramirez Fernandez: Hmm… pizza would be nice, Jeconia. 
econia Geraldine : All right. We’ll have pizza for dinner. Are you sure you’re okay? Because if you need
any help, I will stay here to accompany you. 
Ramirez Fernandez: Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I’d just like to sleep. 
 Jeconia Geraldine : Okay, take care. I’ll be home right away after the game. 


Syarien Islan : This calculus homework is too hard for me. I can’t understand anything.
Micko Back : Do you mind if I help you?
Syarien Islan : Do you understand calculus? I’d be happy if you can work on these problems with me.
Micko Back : Well, not much, but I think I can help.
Syarien Islan : Really? oh my, that's very kind of you.

Create a short dialogue based on the situation given. The dialogue should consist of
expression help!(offering help/service and accepting/refusing an offer)

pict 1:
Stewardess : “Hello sir, may I help you?
Passenger : “can I have the burger from the menu?” 
Stewardess : “Yes, Sir. I will bring it right away. Anything you want to drink?” 
Passenger : “What kind of soda do you have?” 
Stewardess : “Coke, Sprite, and Orange.” 
Passenger : “I want a Coke.” 
Stewardess : “Do you want me to put some ice?” 
Passenger : “No, without ice.” 
Stewardess : “Would you like anything else?” 
Passenger : “Yes please, can I have a pillow?” 
Stewardess : “Sure.” 
Passenger : “Thank you so much.”

pict 2:
Ma’am : “Excuse me ma’am, may I help you?
Sir : “Yes, please. I would love if you can across the street.”
Ma’am : “Sure, let me help you.”
Sir : “I think it’s heavy, let me take your groceries.”
Ma’am :”No thanks. I can manage.”

Asking for help
Offering for help

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