MATH 420 Introduction To Cryptography Syllabus

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Syllabus of MATH 420 - Introduct on to Cryptography

Department: Mathemat cs

Cred ts: B lkent 3, ECTS 5

Course Coord nator: Hamza Yeş lyurt

Semester: 2020-2021 Fall

Sect on: 001

Instructor(s): Hamza Yeş lyurt

Off ce & Off ce Hours:

Course Schedule:

Hybr d Mode Onl ne-Only Mode

Mon. Tue Wed Thu Fr Sat Sun
08:00 08:50

09:00 09:50

10:00 10:50 SA-Z01

11:00 11:50 (S)

11:50 12:30

12:30 13:20

13:30 14:20

14:30 15:20

15:30 16:20

16:30 17:20

17:30 18:20 SA-Z01

18:30 19:20 SA-Z01

19:30 20:20

20:30 21:20

Onl ne Lecture Onl ne Lab/Stud o/Others

S : Spare Hour
FS : F xed Spare Hour

Contact Hours: 3 hours of lecture per week

Textbook and Other Requ red Mater al:

Requ red - Textbook: Textbook: An Introduct on to Mathemat cal Cryptography2014/2, Spr nger, Jeffrey Hoffste n, J ll P p
Joseph H. S lverman, 2014/2, Spr nger [download]
Recomended - Textbook: Elementary Number Theory: Pr mes, Congruences, and Secrets, W ll am Ste n, 2000/1, Spr nger

Catalog Descr pt on:

Th s course s des gned as an ntroduct on to publ c key cryptology. We w ll rev ew the mathemat cal background mater al as neede
but rather than g v ng r gorous proofs of the theorems we emphas ze the r computat onal aspects by present ng algor thms and the r
mplementat ons . Top cs nclude D ff e-Hellman Key Exchange, Standard and Ell pt c ElGamal Publ c Key Cryptosystem, RSA Pu
Key Cryptosystem, The Knapsack Cryptosystem, D g tal S gnatures and Hash Funct ons.

Prerequ s te(s): None

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16.09.2020 https://stars.b ew/MATH/420/20201?sect on=1

Assessment Methods:
Type Label Count Total Contr but on
1 M dterm:Essay/wr tten 1 30
2 M dterm:Essay/wr tten 1 30
3 F nal:Essay/wr tten 1 30
4 Homework 5 10
5 Qu z 1 0

M n mum Requ rements to Qual fy for the F nal Exam:

To qual fy for the f nal exam your m dterm average must be at least 25 (out of 100) and you must attend at least 60% of lectures.

Course Learn ng Outcomes:

Course Learn ng Outcome Assessment
Demonstrate knowledge of cryptograph c pr m t ves and the r requ red propert es and commun cate M dterm:Essay/wr tt
mathemat cs n wr t ng M dterm:Essay/wr tt
F nal:Essay/wr tten
Qu z
Ident fy the hard mathemat cal problem a cryptosystem’s secur ty s based on, demonstrate knowledge of M dterm:Essay/wr tt
the problem by analyz ng ts use of effect veness over d fferent group structures M dterm:Essay/wr tt
F nal:Essay/wr tten
Qu z
Detect poor mplementat ons of a cryptosystem M dterm:Essay/wr tt
M dterm:Essay/wr tt
F nal:Essay/wr tten
Qu z
Determ ne the effect veness of a cryptograph c pr m t ve by dent fy ng relevant mathemat cal algor thms M dterm:Essay/wr tt
mplemented and by comput ng the r runn ng t me and by prov d ng the r computer mplementat ons M dterm:Essay/wr tt
F nal:Essay/wr tten
Qu z
Demonstrate knowledge of mult party computat ons and the r appl cat ons to mult party RSA M dterm:Essay/wr tt
M dterm:Essay/wr tt
F nal:Essay/wr tten
Qu z

Weekly Syllabus:

1. An Introduct on to Cryptography (1.2, 1.3)

2. An Introduct on to Cryptography (1.4, 1.5)
3. An Introduct on to Cryptography (1.1, 1.7)
4. D screte Logar thm and D ff e-Hellman (2.1--2.4)
5. D screte Logar thm and D ff e-Hellman (2.5--2.9)
6. Integer Factor zat on and RSA (3.1--3.3)
7. Integer Factor zat on and RSA (3.4--3.6)
8. Ell pt c Curves and Cryptography (5.1--5.3)
9. Ell pt c Curves and Cryptography (5.4--5.6)
10. Latt ces and Cryptography (6.1--6.5)
11. Latt ces and Cryptography (6.12--6.13)
12. D g tal S gnatures (7.1--7.3)
13. Secret Shar ng and Mult - Party Computat ons
14. Secret Shar ng and Mult - Party Computat ons

ECTS - Workload Table:

Act v t es Number Hours Workload
Preparat on for F nal exam 1 25 25

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16.09.2020 https://stars.b ew/MATH/420/20201?sect on=1
M dterm exam 2 2 4
Homework 10 1 10
Course hours 14 3 42
Preparat on for Qu z 10 1 10
F nal exam 1 2 2
Qu z 10 ,4 4
Ind v dual or group work 14 2 28
Preparat on for M dterm exam 2 15 30
Total Workload: 155
Total Workload / 30: 155 / 30
ECTS Cred ts of the Course: 5

Type of Course: Lecture

Course Mater al: Wr tten

Teach ng Methods: Lecture - Exerc ses

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