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Concept Check Quiz

Multiple Choice Questions

This activity contains 11 questions.

A marketing intelligence system is a set of

procedures and sources managers use to obtain
    everyday information about developments in the marketing environment
  insights into why things are occurring in the marketing environment
  past trends in the industry
  forecasts about future sales
  information about competitors offerings in the next quarter

A fad is _____.
    unpredictable, short-lived, and without social, economic and political
  a direction or sequence of events that has some momentum and durability
  predictable, short-lived, and without social, economic and political
  a direction or sequence of events that has no momentum or durability
  a large social, economic, political, and technological change

A trend is _____.
    a direction or sequence of events that has no momentum and durability
  unpredictable, short-lived, and without social, economic and political
  a large social, economic, political, and technological change
  predictable, short-lived, and without social, economic and political
  a direction or sequence of events that has some momentum and durability

A megatrend is _____.
    a large social, economic, political, and technological change
  a direction or sequence of events that has some momentum and durability
  predictable, short-lived, and without social, economic and political
  a direction or sequence of events that has no momentum and durability
  unpredictable, short-lived, and without social, economic and political

Which of the following is not an environmental force

which must be monitored by marketers?

Today, corporations need to make sure that they are

good corporate citizens and that their consumer
messages are honest. Such a view would be
consistent with which of the following views?
    views of others
  views of the universe
  views of organizations
  views of themselves

A subculture consists of _____.

    groups with shared values
  individuals with varying needs
  persistent cultural swings
  beliefs passed on from parents to children and reinforced by major social
  the society as a whole

The _____ environment is composed of laws,

government agencies, and pressure groups.

_____ has three main purposes: to protect

companies from unfair competition, to protect
consumers from unfair business practices, and to
protect the interests of society from unbridled
business behaviour.
    The FDA
  Business legislation

An organized movement of citizens and government

to strengthen the rights and powers of buyers is
called _____.
    organized consumers
  the consumerist movement
  business legislation
  competitive edge
  relationship marketing

Characteristics such as age or education are

examples of:
    income distribution
  social-cultural environment
  household patterns

Concept Chalengge Quiz

Multiple Choice Questions

This activity contains 11 questions.

RBC - Royal Bank has the ability to track and

analyze every bank transaction made by its
customers. The company then uses the information
to garner fresh insights. This technique is called
    data delivery
  data warehousing
  database management
  data mining
  data processing

Crocs clogs, Elmo TXM dolls are examples of a

    marketing force

The increased attention to physical fitness and well

being, especially in the under 30 group, is an
example of a _____.
    marketing force

The Yankelovitch Monitor interviews people to

ascertain the percentage of the population who share
a particular attitude. This type of research is
attempting to _________________ .
    spot threats and opportunities
  forecast the direction of the stock market
  spot cultural shifts
  change culture
  change attitudes

The company's marketing information system

should be a cross between what managers think they
need, what managers really need, and
    what consumers are willing to share.
  what is economically feasible.
  what the competition is doing.
  what the marketing research department is able to do.
  what is acceptable industry practice.

B.C.-based Corporate Cleaning Services found its

customer response time shortened following its
adoption of ______.
    internal records system
  marketing intelligence system
  data mining
  sales information system

"Creative Destruction" refers to _____.

    new technologies hurting industries with old technology
  the creative process being inherently a destructive process resulting in a more
complicated society
  the pollution caused by new technologies
  The idea that new technologies need new regulations which destroys the status
  the idea that the creative process depletes natural resources

Major new technologies stimulate the

    natural environment.
  economy's growth rate.
  growth of special interest groups.
  unemployment rate.
  rate of creative destruction.

The Food and Drug Act and the Hazardous

Products Act are regulated by the _____.
  Department of Justice
  Health Canada
  Agricultural Canada

Groups that lobby government officials and pressure

business executives to pay more attention to
consumers' rights are called _____.
    lobby committees
  political action committees

A staggering 10 billion applications were

downloaded from the Apple App Store barely two-
and-a-half years following its launch in July 2008.
Which trend in the technology environment does
this best represent?
    the accelerating pace of change
  varying research and development budgets
  increased regulation of technological change
  creative destruction and the economy
  unlimited opportunities for innovation

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