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1.1 Use English language correctly and appropriately. 3%
1.2 Comprehend written text. 3%
2.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in written discourse. 5%
3.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in oral discourse. 3%
4.1 Apply knowledge gained from local literary pieces 1%
4.2 Manifest comprehension to extract elements in major literary genres 2%
4.3 Relate insights to given situation 2%
5.1 interpret passages from master works of the world 2%


Subject-verb agreement
The rules of the subject-verb agreement are used to properly determine whether the singular or
plural form should be use in a sentence.
1) An intervening phrase or clause between subject and verb does not change the number of the
Margarita, together with her brothers, likes to party.
The gentlemen who attended the meeting are very punctual.

2) Singular indefinite pronouns take singular verbs. Plural indefinite pronouns take plural verbs.
Each student in this school does not pay for his tuition.
Many students perform well in surprise quizzes.

3) Compound subjects joined by and are always plural.

Miguel and Monica spend their free time at the gym
Chona and Fernan set aside a small percentage of their income for their children’s
educational plan.

4) With a compound subjects joined by or/nor, the verb agrees with the subject nearer to it.
Either alice or her badminton buddies are bringing the deserts.
Neither the students nor the teacher recognizes the strange markings.

5) Inverted subjects must agree with the verb.

There are 15 students in my class.
How is Maria handling a news of her grandfather’s death..

6) Collective nouns (group, jury, crowd, team, etc.) are always singular.
The jury decides that you are guilty of the crime.
The jury have been arguing for 5 days regarding the case.
2 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

7) Titles of single entities (books, organizations, countries, etc.) are always singular.
The grapes of wrath by john Steinbeck takes quite some time to read.
The Philippines strengthens its diplomatic ties with ASEAN nation.

8) Plural form subjects with a singular meaning take with a singular verb. (E.g. news, measles,
mumps, physics). Plural form subjects with a plural meaning take a plural verb. (E.g. scissors,
Measles is a contagious disease that spread among school children.
Scissors are used to cut the props for the stage play.

9) With subject and subjective verb complement of different number, the verb always agree with
the subject.
My favourite topic is short stories by Edgar Allan Poe.
Short stories by Edgar Allan Poe are my favourite topic.

10) With one of those ______ who, use a plural verb. With the only one of those ______ who, use a
singular verb.
Pocholo is one of those people who like to watch DVDs.
Patricia is the only one of those people who likes to read novels.

11) With the number of _____, use a singular verb. With a number of ______ use a plural verb.
The number of students who fail the exam increases at an alarming rate.
A number of students continue to fail the exam.

12) With every ______ and many a _____, use a singular verb.
Every driver knows his away around Makati.
Many a Filipino dreams of winning the lottery


Proper interpretation and understanding of literature requires familiarity with literary devices,
idioms and figure of speech. Literary devices are also called literary techniques, literary methods or
literary motifs. This pertains to identifiable rules of thumb, conventions or structures employed in
literature and storytelling. Some common literary devices are presented in the table below.

Literary Device

Concise statement that contains a cleverly stated subjective truth or

Aphorism observation.

Insertion of an apparently irrelevant object early in a narrative for a

Chekhov’s gun purpose only revealed later

The narrative ends unresolved, to draw the audience back to a future

Cliffhanger episode for the resolution
Forcing the reader to recognize common things in an unfamiliar or
Defamiliarization strange way, to enhance perception of the familiar
Dramatic Representing an object or character with abundant descriptive

Detail, or mimetically rendering gestures and dialogue to make a scene

Visualization more visual and imaginatively present to an audience

A sudden revelation or an insight-usually with a symbolic role in the

Epiphany narrative

General term for altering time sequences, taking characters back to the
Flashback beginning of the tale, for instance

Also called prolepsis, an interjected scene t5hat temporarily jumps the

Flashforward narrative forward in time

Foreshadowing Hinting an events to occur later

Using two themes, characters, phrases, words, or situatuaions together

Juxtaposition for comparison, contrast, or rhetoric
A phrase that describes an idea composed of concepts that conflict
Parody Ridicule by overstated imitation, usually humorous
Distortion of facts, alteration of the conventions of grammar or
language, or rewording of pre-existing text made by a writer to improve
Poetic License
a piece of art
Technique where the author writes down their thoughts as fast as they
come, typically to create an interior monologue characterized by leaps
Stream of consciousness in syntax and punctuation that trace a character’s fragmentary thoughts
and sensory feelings
Applied use in symbols: iconic presentations that carry particular
Symbolism conventional meaning
Threat of impending disaster-often used in thrillers scenario where
Ticking Clock salvation and escape are essential elements
4 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

Idioms are expressions, words, or phrases that have figurative meaning. They are comprehended
in regard to a common use of that expression that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the
words of which it is made up of. Some common idioms are presented in the column below.

Idiom Meaning
Lend a hand To help
In hot water In trouble
Put a lid on it Be quiet
Lose your shirt To lose all of or most of your money
Lose touch To fail to keep in contact/communication
Get the ball rolling Start
Once in a blue moon Once in a while, occasionally
Blow one’s own horn When a person boasts about how great he/she is
Hit the books To study, prepare for class
Poker face A face with no expression
A dime dozen Very common, easy to find
Curiosity killed the cat It’s not good to be too curious
The cat’s out of the bag The secret is not a secret anymore
It’s raining cats and dogs It’s raining hard
A penny for your thoughts Friendly way to say “what are you thinking about?”
Money talks Money has power/influence
Born with a silver spoon Born rich

Figures of speech are moods of expression in which words are used out of their literal meaning
or out of their ordinary use in order to add beauty or emotional intensity. They transfer the writer’s sense
impressions by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has a meaning familiar to the reader.

Figure of speech Meaning

Alliteration The repetition of an initial consonant word.

Breaking off discourse to address some absent person or thing, some abstract
Apostrophe quality, an inanimate object, or a no existing character.

Identity or simi9larity of the sound between internal vowels in neighboring

Assonance words.

Euphemism The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit.

An extravagant statement; the use if exaggerate terms for the purpose of

Hyperbole emphasis or heightened effect.

Irony The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning.

An implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have

Metaphor something important in common.

One word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely


Use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they
Onomatopoeia refer to.

Oxymoron Incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side.

Personification Inanimate object or abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities.

Rhetorical question Question posed for its persuasive effect without the expectation of a reply.

A stated comparison (usually form with “like” or “as”) between two

Simile fundamentally dissimilar things that certain qualities in common.

A part is use to represent the whole (for example, ABCs for alphabet) or the
synecdoche whole for a part (“England Won the World Cup in 1996”)
6 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)


1.1 use English language correctly an appropriately

PRACTICE TEST: choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
For numbers 1-10, select he letter of the pronoun which best completes each sentence.
1. Despite his parents’ complaints, she decided to live by ____ in Manila.
A. her C. oneself
B. herself D. himself

2. If you happen to see Adolfo this Friday, please give ____ my warmest regards.
A. her C. it
B. herself D. Them

3. I can never understand_____ when Rita speaks Spanish with ____.

A. her, me C. their
B. him, me D. him her

4. Cheaters should be ashamed of ____.

A. himself C. themselves
B. him D. them

5. Nene was worried about the children, so she told ____ husband not to accept the job.
A. his C. their
B. her D. my

6. Anna and I met a friend of ____ at Robinson’s yesterday.

A. ours C. ourselves
B. us D. them

7. I can’t find ____ ballpen. Can I use ____, Tristan?

A. my, yours C. your, yours
B. mine, yours D. yours, mine

8. I hurt ____ when I was slicing the onions.

A. me C. you
B. myself D. My

9. This condominium is too expensive for ____. You know we can’t pay such a high monthly
A. us C. them
B. we D. We

10. Each plan has ____ merits.

A. It C. it’s
B. Its D. Their
For numbers 11-15, select the most appropriate words to complete its sentence.
11. Igor’s nipa hut was destroyed ____ by typhoon Peping.
A. altogether C. altogether
B. all together D. at all

12. The buttered wife is seeking ____ separation from her husband.
A. judiciary C. judicious
B. morale D. jurisdical

13. The ____ of the story is not to count your eggs until they are hatched.
A. moral C. moralism
B. morale D. morality

14. The ancient people made a _____ that the end of the world is near.
A. Prophecy C. prophet
B. Prophesy D. prophetic

15. ____ wiring is the cause of the sudden blackout.

A. lose C. losing
B. lost D. loose

For numbers 16-20, select the word which means the SAME as the underlined word in each
16. Your findings are impertinent to the results of this investigation.
A. malicious C. important
B. violent D. irrelevant

17. Several elements must be transmuted to see the real implications of this event.
A. surpassed C. changed
B. estimated D. summed

18. You should be ashamed of yourself for having such carnal desires.
A. Spiritual C. worldly
B. Bold D. guilty

19. The president showed great aplomb while dealing with the reporters.
A. agitation C. composure
B. nervousness D. perturbation

20. Thank you for your candor, Mr. Secretary.

A. honesty C. shyness
B. frankness D. courage
For numbers 21-30, select the most appropriate form of the verb to complete the sentence. Be
guided by rule subject-verb agreement.
21. The price of this sneakers ____ reasonable.
A. Is C. seem
B. are D. aren’t

22. Bread and butter ____ our daily food.

A. is C. were
B. are D. am
8 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

23. The famous singer and composer ____ arrived.

A. have C. will
B. has D. is
24. Collecting stamps ____ one of his favorite pastimes.
A. are C. has
B. were D. is

25. Neither his father nor his sister ____ mahjong.

A. play C. are play
B. was D. are plays

26. Neither parent ____ fond of playing cards.

A. is C. am
B. are D. were

27. Some of my friends ____ here.

A. are C. will
B. was D. were

28. Many a man ____ to be rich and famous.

A. desire C. is desiring
B. desires D. desiring

29. The pair of scissors ____ on the table.

A. was left C. was leaving
B. were left D. is leaving

30. Mathematics ____ the most difficult subject in the board exam.
A. remain C. remaining
B. remains D. has remain

For numbers 31-35, select the best preposition to complete each sentence.
31. Joan lives ____ Santillan road.
A. in C. at
B. on D. to

32. Maggie will be ready to leave ____ about thirty minutes.

A. in C. on
B. at D. where

33. Mince he met his new girlfriend, Mico never seems to be ____ home.
A. on C. in
B. at D. towards

34. Jeremy responded to his mother’s demands ____throwing a tantrum.

A. with C. from
B. by D. through

35. I think Carmen spent the entire afternoon ____ the phone.
A. on C. at
B. in D. with

For numbers 36-40, choose the letter of the correct answer.

36. The nearest post office is on ___________________.
A. Twenty-second street C. Twenty Second Street
B. Twenty second Street D. Twenty-second Street

37. Have you ever been to my ___________________?

A. Brothers-in-law’s repair shop, Gus’s Garage
B. Brother-in-laws repair shop, Gus’ Garage
C. Brother’s-in-law repair shop, Gus’ Garage
D. Brother-in-law repair shop, Gus’s Garage

38. Please the chapter __________________________.

A. Filing your Income Tax Returns.
B. Filing Your Income Tax Returns.
C. “Filing your Income Tax Returns.”
D. “Filing Your Income Tax Returns.”

39. New students at the shop should bring ________________________.

A. Hammers wrenches and screwdrivers.
B. Hammers, wrenches, and screwdrivers.
C. Hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers.
D. Hammers wrenches, and screwdrivers.

40. Mrs. Navarro said that ____________________________________.

A. “The Chemistry II exam will be next wednesday.”
B. the Chemistry II will be next Wednesday.
C. the chemistry II exam will be next Wednbesday.
D. “The chemistry II exam will be next Wednesday

41. The test was hard for Paul and _____.

A. me C. myself
B. I D. himself

42. The flower smells _______.

A. sweetly C. sweeter
B. sweet D. himself

43. The suggestion of the employees _____ appropriate.

A. seems C. is
B. seem D. is very

44. He is the ______ of the two brothers.

A. most tall C. very tall
B. tallest D. taller
10 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

45. After ______ all day, she finally see the lake.
A. walking C. having walked
B. had walked D. have walked

46. We had the ______ news when he came.

A. latest C. very last
B. last D. last of all

47. I _______ gone with you.

A. have C. had
B. should D. am

48. I ________ walked two kilometers by the time you catch up with me.
A. have C. will have
B. would have D. had

49. If I _____ President, I would live in Malacañang.

A. Was C. should be
B. Am D. were

50. The means of transportation _______ dramatically since the end of the 20th century.
A. Have changed C. will change
B. Has changed D. will have changed

51. If I _____ the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as well as you
A. Should C. have
B. Had D. would have

52. If I could speak English well, I ______ next year studying in the states.
A. Has spend C. would spend
B. Would have spent D. will spent

53. We should work for the total ban _______ of pesticides.

A. With ` C. on the use
B. On using D. by the use

54. The Rizal Day celebration reminds us about Heroes worth ______.
A. Appreciating C. reading about
B. Emulating D. studying

1.2 Comprehend Written Text

Read the selection below. Select the letter of the best answer to questions #55-59.

Medical knowledge in ancient Egypt had an excellent reputation, and rulers of other empires
would ask the Egyptian pharaoh to send them their best physician to treat their love ones. Egyptians have
some knowledge of human anatomy, even though they never dissected the body. For example, in the
classic mummification process, they knew how to insert a long hooked implement through a nostril,
breaking the thin bone of the brain case and remove the brain. Egyptian physicians also were aware of the
importance of the pulse and of the connection between pulse and heart. They develop their theory of
“channels” that carried air, water and blood to the body by observing the River Nile. If the Nile became
blocked, crops became unhealthy. They applied this theory to the body – if a person is unwell, they would
use laxatives to unlock the channels.
55. What is the main idea of this selection?
A. Ancient Egyptian physicians
B. Medical knowledge in ancient Egypt
C. The Nile river in Egyptian medical knowledge
D. Infection in ancient Egypt

56. What would happen if the Nile River was blocked?

A. Egyptians would have problems washing their clothes.
B. Fermentation and molds became problem.
C. The diet of Egyptian would drastically change.
D. Crops would wither and die.

57. Why did Egyptians practiced brain removal?

A. To aid in mummification
B. To unblocked “channels” in the body
C. To purge the body of infection
D. To free the dead of the burdens of the human mind

58. Which of the following is an evidence that Egyptians were masters of human anatomy even if
they did not perform dissection of human bodies?
A. They have detailed drawing of the anatomy of the human body.
B. They knew how to remove brains during mummification.
C. Egyptians physicians prescribed laxatives to cleanse the body of infections.
D. They correlated the human body with the behavior of the Nile River.

59. Who did the Egyptians plead to when their loved ones had grave illness?
A. Best Egyptian physician
B. Prime Minister
C. Moses
D. PharaoH
12 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

Read the selection below. Select the letter of the best answer to question # 60-64.
Orville and Wilbur Wright built their own wind tunnel to test airfoils and measure how to
lift a flying machine into the sky. They were the first to discover that a long, narrow wing shift is
ideal for flight. They figured out how to move the vehicle freely, not just across land but up and
down on a cushion of air. They built the movable part of the tail to control the pitch of their craft as
it nosed up and down. They fashioned a pair of twin rudders in back to control its tendency to
swerve off course. They devised a pulley system that warped the shape of the wings in midflight
flight to turn the plain and to stop it from rolling from side-to-side. They used the data from wind-
tunnel experiments to design the first effective airplane propellers. When they discovered that a
light-weight gas powered engine did not exist, they design and built their own.

60. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Wright brothers and the first airplane
B. How the Wright brothers thought
C. Wright brothers’ knowledge
D. The genius of the Wright brothers

61. What does pitch mean in the context of this rate?

A. plunge forward C. deviation from the horizontal
B. move abruptly D. throw or toss horizontally

62. What are airfoils?

A. the surfaces of an airplane C. blades that turn
B. the force of air on an airplane D. parts that react against the air

63. A major problem that the article mentions is an airplane’s tendency to _______.
A. be unsteady C. lack power
B. be too heavy D. break part

64. Which of this terms best describes the best shape for an airplane?
A. Long, curved C. Short, narrow
B. Long, narrow D. Long, circular
Read the text carefully then choose the correct answer for questions #65-67.

Many factors play a role in determining a students’ learning style. Among those most often cited
in the research literature in learning style are Environmental, Emotional, Sociological, Physiological,
Psychological factors. Environmental factors include students’ reactions to research stimuli as sound,
light, temperature and room design.
Emotional factors include motivation, persistence, responsibility, and structure. Some students
are motivated intrinsically; they undertake and complete tasks because they see in value of doing so.
Sociological factors include whether or not students are social learners-preferring to work in pairs or in
groups-or whether they are independent learners-preferring to work alone.
Physiological factors include student’s preferences for food or drink, what time of day they learn
best, and their mobility needs.
Physiological factors include identifying student’s perceptual strengths like learning modalities
such as they are visual, auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic learners.

65. What factor is involved in learning situation when students prefer indirect lighting than bright?
A. Physiological C. Psychological
B. Emotional D. Environmental

66. When students are observed to be non-conforming and doing the unexpected what factor is
A. Psychological C. Sociological
B. Physiological D. Emotional

67. Some students learn best by seeing, hearing, and doing. When they perform a task well on what
they have read, what is their perceptual strength?
A. Tactile C. Auditory
B. Visual D. Kinesthetic

Read the text then answer questions #68-69.
Measures of learning outcomes have a special significance as indicators of quality in
education, as a basis for setting targets for improvement, and in monitoring progress towards
educational goals. From the point of view of classroom teachers, systematically-collected
information on student learning can be useful both for classroom decision making and for wider
reporting purposes.
All teachers, especially beginning teachers, are capable of benefiting from the reliable
information about what is being expected of, and achieved by students of a given age. When teachers
have access to explicit frame of reference in the form of achievement targets at particular grade
levels, and receive feedback on how their classes are performing in comparison with students in
other schools, they have a powerful basis for structuring and evaluating individual and classroom

68. What I the importance of measuring learning outcomes?

A. As factor for planning future programs and projects
B. As the reference for the implementation of programs and projects
C. As the basis of defining the vision, mission, and objectives set
D. As basis for setting targets for improvement and monitoring progress of goals set

69. How may a teacher use the information on learning outcomes?

A. Reporting to the parents and redesigning instructional plan
B. Restructuring the classroom environment
C. Redesigning the classroom environment
D. Making classroom decision and for reporting to stakeholders
14 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

Read the text then answer questions #70-73.

An international education initiative, known as global competence, was first noted in 1988 in a
report published by the Council on International Education Exchange.
Higher education institutions were enjoined to send students in exchange programs to universities
abroad where Americans are not the majority population and where English is not a dominant language.
Educational scholars have proposed definitions for the term global competence and postulates
regarding the required knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experience necessary to become globally
competitive. Cross-cultural awareness and interaction, familiarity with an environment, intercultural
facility, effective two-way communication, interconnectedness of people and systems, acceptance of people
and of their different cultural values, and attitudes are integral components of global competence

70. Which publish a pioneer report on the concept of global competence?

A. Council on International Scholars Exchange
B. Council on International Educators
C. Council on International Educationists
D. Council on International Education exchange

71. Are all overseas Filipino Workers globally competitive?

A. Yes C. No, partially
B. No D. Yes, partially

72. What are the integral concepts/components of global competence?

A. Communication knowledge skills, experiences and cultural awareness
B. Two-way communication, intercultural facility, cross cultural awareness and systems
C. Cultural values, interconnectedness with people, cultural awareness and systems
D. Acceptance of peoples’ values, attitudes, language, culture and environment.

73. Which country pioneered in conducting research on global competence?

A. United Arab Emirates C. United Kingdom
B. United States of America D. United Republic
Read the text then answer the questions # 74-79


The most important source of sediment is Earth and Rock material carried to the sea by the rivers
and streams; the same materials may also have been transported by the glaciers and winds. Other
sources are volcanic ash and lava, shells and skeletons, of organisms, chemicals precipitates formed in
seawater, and particles from outer space.
Water is the most unusual substance because it exists on the surface on the Earth in its three
physical states: ice, water, and water vapor. There are other substances that might exist in solid and
liquid or gaseous state at temperatures normally found at the Earth’s surface, but there are no other
substances which occur in all three states.
Water is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. It is the only substance known to exist in a natural
state as a solid, liquid, or gas on the surface of the Earth. It is a universal solvent. Water does not

corrode, rust, burn, or separates to its components easily. It is chemically indestructible. It can corrode
almost in metal and erode in the most solid rock. A unique property of water is that it expands and floats
in water when frozen or in the solid state. Water has freezing point of 0 degree Celsius and a boiling
point of 100 degree Celsius. Water has the capacity for absorbing great quantities of heat with relatively
little increase in temperature. When distilled, water is a poor conductor of electricity but when salt is
added, it is a good conductor of electricity.
Sunlight is the source of energy for temperature change, evaporation, and currents for water
movement through the atmosphere. Sunlight controls the rate of photosynthesis for all marine plants,
which are directly or indirectly the source of foods for all marine animals. Migration, breeding, and other
behaviors of marine animals are affected by light.
Water as the ocean or sea, is blue because of the molecular scattering of the sunlight. Blue light,
being of short wavelength, is scattered more effectively than light of longer wavelengths. Variations in
color may be caused by particles suspended in the water, water depth, cloud cover, temperature and
other variable factors. Heavy concentrations of dissolved materials cause a yellowish hue, while algae
cause the water to look green. Heavy of plant and animal materials will cause the water to brown.

74. Which of the topics best organizes the information in the text?
A. Properties of seawater, photosynthesis oceans and seas
B. Water as substance water and plants
C. State of water as a vapor, ice, solid
D. Properties of water, its physical states, effects of the sun in water

75. According to the passage, what is the most unique property of water?
A. Water is a poor conductor of electricity.
B. Water is odorless, tasteless, and colorless.
C. Water exists on the surface of the Earth in three physical states.
D. Water is chemically indestructible.

76. Which of the following beast defines the word distilled as it used in the last sentence of the third
A. Dehydrated soil C. Free of electrical energy
B. Free of salt content D. Containing wine

77. The writer’s main purpose of this selection is to ______.

A. Define the properties of water
B. Explain the colors of water
C. Examine the effects of the sun on water
D. Describe the physical states of liquids

78. Which of the following statements summarizes best the text?

A. Water is too unpredictable for most scientists.
B. Water may be used to serve many different functions.
C. Water should not be consumed in its most natural state.
D. Water may be found in most other liquids in this planet.

79. What is the unique property of soil?

A. It is odorless and colorless.
B. It expands in solid state.
C. It is chemically indestructible.
D. It can absorb great quantities of heat.
16 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

Read the text then answer questions # 80-84.

Building an institution, not just one individual is involved. An institution is perceived in terms
of the people who infuse it with life and ideas. In fact, an institution is the product of an evolutionary
process, shaped and transformed in complex and subtle ways by the collaboration of several minds
working under a common vision.
Those who are very much involved in building an institution, like true founding fathers,
understand too well the pains of birth. They create a foundation not so much for themselves but for the
generations who will follow them.
It takes a tremendous amount of dedication, patience and energy to build an institution. It is
bigger than any person or group of individuals. Like an edifice, it is created by brick by brick, day
after day. Persons come and go. But the institution, for the sake of the greater good, must remain.

80. The writer’s main purpose of the text is to ______.

A. Underscore the lifespan of an institution
B. Emphasize that an institution is a product of a commo0n vision
C. Lay the foundation of as structure
D. Perpetuate an institution

81. That an institution is the product of an evolutionary process means it is the result of
A. Instant change C. abrupt decision
B. revolutionary process D. serious study

82. What is the reason for the institution to remain and not to be fade?
A. For the sake of the donors
B. For the sake of the founders
C. For the sake of the greater good and benefits
D. For the sake of progress

83. What institution is referred to in the passage/text?

A. Industrial C. Entrepreneurial
B. Educational D. Political

84. Which statement best expresses the effort involved in building an institution?
A. It takes a tremendous amount of dedication, patience and energy to build an
B. It is created brick by brick, day by day.
C. It is not created not so much for themselves but for the generations who will
follow them.
D. It is perceive in terms of the people who infuse it with life and ideals.

Read the statement and answers questions # 85-87.

85. “You can’t make children grow faster by pushing them, just as you can’t make flowers bloom
faster by pulling them.” What message does the statement have for teachers?
A. Just look at the flowers when you are tempted to hurry up the development of a
B. Games will help develop children naturally.
C. Avoid comparing a child with other children.
D. Provide children with developmentally appropriate practices.

86. What is/are the best ways to a child’s development according to the statement?
I. Meet the child where the child is.
II. Allow the child develop according to his/her pace
III. Compare a child to another to motivate her/him to “hurry up” to catch up with other
children’s development

A. I and III C. I and II

B. I, II and III D. II and II

87. Which statement is in support to the given text?

A. Each child is unique and vastly different from one another.
B. We can’t make the child learn an abstract concept by pulling them along to complete
the right text.
C. It is the early childhood educator who has the responsibility of creating the learning
environment that will intrigue stimulate the whole child.
D. A teacher’s moment-by-moment actions and interactions by children are the most
powerful determinant of learning outcomes and development.

Situation –read the short paragraph and answers # 88-90.

Too much reliance on concrete experience may actually obstruct the process of meaningful
generalization. The best will be striking a balance between concrete and abstract, direct participation
and symbolic expression for the learning that will continue throughout life.

88. Which idea is NOT expressed by the paragraph?

A. Direct and symbolic experiences are important for lifelong learning.
B. Concrete and abstract experiences are necessary for lifelong experiences
C. Do away with concrete experience because it is a stumbling block to the development
of generalization skill.
D. There is such a thing in learning that lasts for life.

89. The content of the paragraph is intended for teachers regarding ___________________.
A. the use of educational technology in the classroom.
B. symbols and their meanings
C. developing a skills of drawing a generalization
D. the importance of lifelong education
90. Striking the balance between the concrete and the abstract, the direct and the symbolic follows the
principle of ______.
A. “both-and” C. “neither-nor”
B. “either-or” D. “and-or”
18 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

Situation – Read the paragraph and answer questions # 91-93.

School-based management (SBM) is in line with the spirit of decentralization. It aims to: 1)
empower the school heads to lead their teachers, students and the member of the society in a
continuous school improvement process leading to higher learning outcomes and improved health
and nutrition status of students; 2) bring resources within the control of the schools to support the
delivery if the educational services in the spirit of transparency; 3) strengthen school partnerships
with the communities, local government units to encourage them to invest time, money and other
resources in providing a better school of learning environment; and 4) institutionalize participatory
and data-based school improvement process.

91. In SBM, who is empowered to lead the school and the community for improvement?
A. School head C. Teachers
B. Supervisor D. Parent leaders

92. Which word/phrase does NOT go with school-based management?

A. Transparency C. Authoritarian leadership
B. Partnership D. Continuous improvement

93. What kind of an improvement process is in keeping with SBM?

I. Data-driven
II. Continuous
III. Participatory
A. I, II and III C. I and II
B. II and III D. I and III

94. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly”. This line means_________________.

A. important things are invisible to the heart

B. only the heart can see the beautiful in life
C. the heart is always correct of everything
D. the heart is visible if one is kind

95. Our favorite song goes:

No man is an island, no man stands alone.
Earth man’s joy is joy to me
Each man’s grief is my own.
What does this song express?
A. Solitude C. Brotherhood
B. Independence D. Individualize

96. What does the expression “love begets love” mean?

A. Love is offered, not waiting for love in return.
B. If you offer love, you will be loved in return.
C. Don’t expect love, though you love others.
D. Love not freely expected from everyone.

2.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in written discourse

For numbers 97-100, read the selection below. For each numbered blank, select the word or
group of words that best completes the sentence. Select your answer from the options provided.

Fingerprinting [1] a significant role in the investigative work ever since the late nineteenth
century, when Sir Francis Galton, a British Anthropologist, determined that [2] identical fingerprints.
Building on the research of Galton, Juan Vucetich of Argentina and Sir Edward R. Henry of Great
Britain [3] fingerprint classification systems during the 1980s. Fingerprints are one of the [4] of
identification because a person‘s fingerprints are unlikely to change during [5] lifetime.

97. The best verb for [1] is?

A. has played C. plays
Because a personB. played D. had played
98-A. The best phrase for [2] is?
A. no two people never have C. no two people don’t have
B. two people don’t have D. no two people have
98-B. The best phrase for [3] is?

A. introduced his C. had introduced their

B.introduce their D. have introduce their

99. The best phrase for [4] is?

A. more useful types C. most useful types
B. less useful types D. useful types

100. The best pronoun for [5] is?

A. his or her C. there
B. his D. their

For numbers 101-107, read the complaint letter below. Pay close attention to the numbered
items. Choose the answers shows the correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling of the
numbered parts.

2665 Pateros Street

Sta. Cruz, Manila 100

[6] January 15 2011

Mail-order Sales Manager
Direct Electronics, Inc.
214-C Roxas Boulevard
Malate, Manila 1004
20 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

[7] Dear Sales Manager,

The modem that I ordered from your company arrived today in [8] _______. The package
was [9] ________, ________ not to have been sealed properly. In addition, I have not received
the computer game that I also ordered. Please send me a new [10] ______ broken modem is
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
Benny Villar

101. The proper form for [6] is _______________.

A. January 15, 2011 C. January 15th 2011
B. January, 15 2011 D. 15 January, 2011

102. The proper form for [7] is _______________.

A. Dear sales manager; C. Dear Sales Manager:
B. dear sales manager: D. My dear Sales Manager:

103. The proper form for [8] is _______________.

A. pieces C. piece.
B. piece’s D. pcs.

104. The proper form for [9] is _______________.

A. open and appeared C. appeared
B. appeared open D. open-appeared

105. The proper form for [10] is ________________.

A. modem, the C. modem; the
B. modem; the D. modem. The

For numbers 106-110, select the most appropriate form of the adjective for each sentence.

106. Those are probably the blankets in the store.

A. least fancy C. most fanciest
B. fanciest D. most fancy

107. Lolo Jorge is really man.

A. an old sweet C. a sweet old
B. a sweet, old D. a sweety oldy

108. The Mustang used to be sportscar.

A. a fine German C. a fine, German
B. a German, fine D. fine German

109. Everyone was home for the holidays. What could make for Christmas than that?
A. a merry C. a merrier
B. the merriest D. a merriest

110. Magdalena and Marilyn grew up in house in Tacloban City.

A. a comfortable, little C. a comfortable little
B. a little, comfortable D. comfortable a little

For # 111-115, select the choice which corresponds to the proper usage of adverbs.

111. In which sentence is the wrodl well used correctly?

A. The airplane trip was not well.
B. The time they had in Florida was well.
C. Aecee and Ekee are a well team.
D. Julia and Elenita work well together.

112. In which sentence is the word good used correctly?

A. Melissa ran good to the car.
B. Melissa planned good for her wedding.
C. The chocolate cake tasted good.
D. Melissa danced good with the groom.

113. In which sentence does the adverb tell how the action is done?
A. Chrisitne wrapped the present carefully.
B. Then Christine came home to wrap the present.
C. Christine went to the store yesterday.
D. Christine ate ice cream after she was done.

114. Today we practiced than we did last Friday.

A. hardest C. more hard
B. harder D. most hard

115. The kitten play with each other happily. Which word in the sentence is an adverb?
A. kittens C. play
B. each D. happily

For # 116-125, select the sentence that clearly and effectively states the idead and has no
structural error.

116. A. Teaching is my career first. C. Teaching is my ambition

B. Teaching is my first choice as a career. D. Teaching is my ambition as a career.

117. A. I lacked the ways and means for my room and board so I depended on my parents for money
and support in college.
B. I depended on my parents for financial support in college.
C. I lacked the ways and means to support myself in college so my parents provided me financial
D. I depended on the means for board and lodging on my parents for financial support.

118. A. I visited the Teacher’s Camp in Baguio during my vacation.

B. I had the occasion to visit the Teacher’s Camp when I was vacationing in Baguio.
C. In my vacation, I visited the Teacher’s Camp in Baguio.
D. I had the occasion to visit the Teacher’s Camp while I was on vacation in Baguio.

119. A. The job fair is filled with talented highly motivated and well educated young people.
B. The job fair is flooded with talented, highly motivated, and well-educated young people.
C. The job fair is crowded with talented, highly motivated, and well-educated young people.
D. The job fair entertains only talented, highly motivated, and well-educated young people.
22 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

120. A. The examinees need pencils, a calculator and a ball pen.

B. The examinees need double pencils simply a calculator and a ball pen.
C. The examinees need two pencils a simple calculator, and a ball pen.
D. The examinees need two sharpened pencils, calculator and a ball pen.

121. A. The weather service expects temperatures not to rise.

B. The weather service expects temperatures to rise.
C. The weather service expects temperatures not to increase.
D. The weather service expects temperatures to not increase.

122. The Teacher instructed the pupils,

A. “Open your books to page 8” C. “Open your books to page 8”
B. “Open your books on page 8” D. “Open your books page 8”

123. A. I learned the distance of the sun from the earth was 90 million miles.
B. I learned that the sun was 90 million miles from the earth.
C. I learned that the sun is 90 million miles from the earth
D. I learned that the earth and the sun are 90 million miles apart.

124. A. the interest at a loan company is higher than a bank.

B. The interest of loan Company is higher than with a bank.
C. the interest of a loan company is higher than in a bank.
D. The interest at a loan company is higher than at a bank.

125. A. The teacher explain that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) in English of high school students
was much lower than it had been in previous years.
B. The teacher explained that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of high school students in
English was much lower than the previous years.
C. The teachers explained that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of high school students in
English was much lower than it has been in previous years.
D. The teacher explained that the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of high school students in
English was lowest than the previous years.

For # 126-135, which passage is expressed effectively and has no structural error?

126. A. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
B. Kind words can be easily said, but their meanings are real endless.
C. Kind words easily spoken but their echoes are reverberate.
D. Kind words are brief and easy but their meanings are really endless.
127. A. you make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.
B. you make a living by working, but you make a life by what you do.
C. you make a living by earning, but you make life by doing the beat.
D. you make a living by getting your wage, but you make life by living.

128. A. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge with it, and join the dance.
B. The only way to cope with change is to get involved and join the dance.
C. The only way to understand change is to participate actively in the dance movement.
D. The only way to dance with change is to understand and move with it dancing.

129. A. Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness, not in the methods but in their hearts – a
place where intellect, emotion, spirit, and will converge in the human self.
B. Good teachers possess a capacity for cooperation; not in the methods but in their hearts where
they knowledge, spirit, and emotion converge.
C. Good teachers are capable to promote interrelationship among learners, parents, school heads,
and community.
D. Good teachers habe the capacity to develop interpersonal relationship among the factors in the
learning environment.

130. A. Luciano Pavarotti was one of the great natural operatic talents of 20th century. He boasted a
bright, ringing tone with high notes that could sound effortless clarity, and there was a sensual
beauty to his singing that penetrated the heart.
B. Luciano Pavarotti was one of the great opera singers of the 20th century. He had a bright,
ringing voice with high notes and there was beauty in his songs appearing to the heart.
C. Luciano Pavarotti was talented as a great operatic singer. He had a clear, effortleaa voice and
sang with high notes appealing to the heart.
D. Luciano Pavarotti was a natural operatic singer and talent. He had a singing voci with a high
notes which appealed to the heart.

131. A. The students could not understand pronoun reference handout, which annoyed them.
B. The students, because they could not understand handout on pronoun reference, were annoyed.
C. The students were annoyed because they could not understand the pronoun reference handout.
D. The students got annoyed because the pronounce reference handout could not be understand.

132. A. The fans thought the best player to be him.

B. The fans thought the best player to be himself.
C. the fans thought the best player to be he.
D. The fans thought the best player to be his.

133. A. I would not want to be he/she.

B. I would not want to be himself/herself.
C. I would not want to be themselves.
D. I would not want to be theirselves.

134. A. Having called the other students and ourselves, the secretary went home.
B. Having called the other students and we, the secretary.
C. Having called the other students and they, the secretary went home.
D. Having called the other students and us, the secretary went home.

135. A. A strange car keep blinking the lights us as he followed closely.

B. A strange car followed closely, and he kept blinking his lights at us.
C. A strange car followed us closely, and its driver keeps blinking his lights.
D. A strange car, blinking the lights at us, followed closely.

For # 136 – 141, select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

136. _______ are activities which a heart patient must forego.

A. Heavy smoking and overeating C. To smoke heavily and overeating
B. Smoking heavy to overeat D. Smoking heavy and to overeat

137. In the small town of Tubao, _____ to the green hills and plains.
A. One can quickly walk C. where one can quickly walk,
B. Where one can quickly walk D. one can, quickly
24 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

138. One method of ending discrimination in business and industry is ________.

A. to demand that employers must meet quotas
B. to demand to be met by employers
C. that employers be demanded to meet quotas
D. that of demanding employees to meet quotas

139. Which word or phrase is nearest in meaning to italicized word? He has been very feeble since his
A. Unwell C. Foolish
B. Thin D. Weak

140. Which word or phrase is nearest in meaning to be italicized word? Jose was contemptuous of the
effects of the efforts of his rival to show greater ability.
A. Appreciative C. Scornful
B. Angry D. Deep in thought

141. Which word or phrase is nearest in meaning to be italicized word? Considering that nothing had been
organized, confusion seemed in evitable.
A. Unnatural C. Evident
B. Unlikely D. Certain

For # 142 -145, select the correct word/phrase.

142. It’s now two hours past his schedule; the facilitator may not come anymore, but we’ll still ready in
case he ________.
A. does C. May
B. will come D. Is coming

143. Your sister is paying for your tuition fee, ________?

A. aren’t C. Is she
B. isn’t it D. Why

144. These towels are _______ to use to dry the dishes.

A. very wet C. Too wet
B. so wet D. Very dry

145. ______ not making the most ______ opportunities.

A. You’re – your C. You – your
B. You’re – you’re D. You’re – you

3.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in oral discourse

For # 146-147, which is the correct option?

146. His ____ reasons for resigning were his _____ of right and wrong.
A. principal – principle C. principles – principle
B. principle – principal D. principals – principles

147. The book tells us about the disease and how it ______ the patient and what ______ it has on the
patient’s family.
A. affects – affect C. affects – effect
A. effects – affect D. effect – effects

For # 148-157, choose the sentence that expresses the thought clearly and that has no error
in structure/spelling.

148. A. The farmer did plow, plant harvest his corn in second time.
B. The farmer plowed, has planted and has harvested his corn in second time.
C. The farmer has plowed, planted and harvested his corn in second time.
D. The farmer plowed, planted, and harvested his corn in second time.

149. A. Because repairs were being made on potholes for a kilometer, traffic was stalled for a
B. Traffic was stalled for a kilometer. Because repairs were being made on potholes.
C. Traffic was stalled for a kilometer because repairs were being made on potholes.
D. Because repairs were being made on potholes for a kilometer, traffic was stalled.

150. A. While taking a shower, the doorbell rang.

B. While I was taking a shower, the doorbell rang.
C. While taking a shower, someone rang the doorbell.
D. While I was showering, the doorbell rang.

151. A. Everyone agreed that she had either the voice or /nor the skill to be a speaker.
B. Everyone agreed that she had either the voice nor the skill to be a speaker.
C. Everyone agreed that she had neither the voice or the skill to be a speaker.
D. Everyone agreed that she had neither the voice nor the skill to be a speaker.

152. A. It is a privelege to be a member of the prestigious organization.

B. It is a priviledge to be a member of the prestigious organization.
C. It is a privilege to be a member of the prestigious organization.
D. It is a privilege to be a member of the prestigos organization.

153. A. One of the examinees were not registered.

B. One of the examinees was not registered.
C. One of the examinees were not in the registry list.
D. One of the examinees have not been in the registry list.

154. A. You are a professional teacher, isn’t it

B. You are a professional teacher, aren’t you?
C. You are a professional teacher, ain’t you
D. You are a professional teacher, weren’t you.

155. A. The criterion was finalized for judging the candidate.

B. The criteria for judging the candidate has been finalized
C. The criteria has been finalized for judging the candidate.
D. The criteria for judging the candidates have been finalized.

156. A. A many gases are invisible and they have no odor and taste.
B. Many gases are invisible, odorless, and have no taste.
C. Many gases are invisible, odorless, and they have no taste.
D. Many gases are invisible, odorless, and tasteless.
26 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

157. A. The teacher education institutions, as well as the Department of Education, collaborates in
teacher education and training.
B. The teacher education institutions, as well as the Department of Education and training.
C. The teacher education institutions, as well as the Department of Education, coordinates in
teacher education and training.
D. The teacher education institutions as well as the Department of Education, coordinates in
teacher and training.

Choose the correct option.

158. He is an ______ member of the community.

A immanent C. eminent
B .imminent D. eminent

159. Which of the correct sequence of the sentence in the text below?
(1) It cannot guarantee financial security. (2) These are the moments I teach for. (3) Teaching
may not be a lucrative position. (4) Sometimes it means disappointments, heartaches and pains.
(5) But touching the hearts of people and opening the minds of children can give you joy and
contentment which money could not buy.
A. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 C. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2
B.1, 2, 4, 3, 5 D. 3, 2, 5, 4, 1

160. Which is the correct sequence of the sentence in the text below?

(1)The image of a good teacher is one who is constantly reflecting about how best to help
different types of learners learn. (2) The National Competency-based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)
defines a new paradigm of teaching where the teacher is viewed as the knowledge professional who is
responsible for facilitating learning. (3) Good teaching is defined in terms of these practices that help
students learn better. (4) Competency – based means that the standards or criteria for characterizing
good teaching are defined in terms of what the teacher is competent to do. (5) The NCBTS can be used
as self-assessment tool for professional development.

A. 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 C. 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
B. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 D. 4, 1, 3, 5, 2
161. Choose the correct answer.
A. The number of students in Boracay increases every year.
B. The number of students in Boracay increase every year.
C. The number of students in Boracay have increase every year.
D. The number of students in Boracay are increasing every year.

162. Susan _____ in bed so long that she missed her class.
A. lays C. lied
B. lay D. laid

163. Everyone is wondering _____ her successor will be.

A. whom C. who
B. whose D. who’ll

164. Both Randy and _____ plan to go.

A. my C. myself
B. me D. I

165. Choose the correct answer.

A. Albert himself told me it was true.
B. Albert, himself, told me it was true.
C. Albert told me it was true himself.
D. Albert told me himself it was true.

166. The spider isn’t an insect, _____?

A. does it C. is it
B. isn’t it D.’no

167. The daughter sings sweetly as the mother _______.

A. is C. does
B. can D. do

168. She _____ the laundry every other day.

A. is doing C. will do
B. does D. is going to do

169. Wise people can ______ with frustrations.

A. cope in C. cope
B cope up D. cope on

170. Which sounds like “when”?

A. Pin C. While
B. Whine D. Pet

171. They visited _____ children where _____ are pursuing post-baccalaureate degrees.
A. their-there C. their-they’re
B. there-their D. there-they’re

172. “Blessed are ____ sorrowing for _____ shall be comforted”.

A. you-they C. they-they
B. the-they D. the you

173. in his despair, Judas ______ himself.

A. hang C. hunged
B. hung D. hanged

174. “_______, _______ have to make do with what we have if we have to accomplish something”.
A. We’ll – well C. We’ll – well
B. Well – we’ll D. Will – will

175. The words “accentric, anesthesia, atypical” begin with the prefix “a” which means ______.
A. not or without C. feeling
B. with D. common

176. The words “inappropriate, illegal, irresponsible and unaware” have prefixes which are classified as
A. Neutral C. negative
B. Positive D. common

177. A good writer supports his generalizations with _______ examples.

A. unfamiliar C. abstract
B. convenient D. concrete
28 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

178. Students _______ near the registrar’s office to ask for their schedule.
A. crowd C. stay idling
B. congregate D. disperse

179. She will retire soon because she _______ working hard so long.
A. has been C. have been
B. had been D. was

180. “He is the black sheep in the family.” Which figure of speech is used?
A. Synonym C. Metaphor
B. Simile D. Hyperbole

181. The hostages are free. They paid their way. What does this statement tell us.
A. They escape after paying
B. After paying ransom they were released
C. They negotiated peacefully.
D. They were freed without ransom.

182. October 10 is a “red letter day” for the Chinese. Classify the quoted expression.
A. Idiom C. Metaphor
B. Simile D. synonyms

183. Space age _______ on October 21, 1975 when Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union.
A .commenced C. ended
B. cited D. flourished

184. The slow traffic ______ me.

A. aggravates C. worsens
B. irritates D. maddens

185. He was as helpless as a child. Classify this statement.

A. Simile C. Synonym
B. Idioms D. Metaphor

186. The statement, “She is a rose” is an example of _________.

A. Idiom C. Simile
B. Metaphor D. Hyperbole

187. Because the moon rotates on its axis as the same time as it ____________ around the earth, we see
the same side always.
A. revolve C. has been revolving
B. is revolving D. revolves

188. Children who have been exposed to TV suffer from unusually short __________.
A. learning C. concentration
B. understanding D. attention span

189. People who are too _________ are liable to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals.
A. demanding C. cynical
B. credulous D. wary

190. News travels as fast as the wind. This statement is a/an ________.
A. Simile C. Idiom
B. Metaphor D. Synonym

191. She wrote a “first-rate” report. What does it say about the report?
A. Ordinary C. Mediocre
B. Excellent D. Run-of-the-mill

192. “A man is known by the company he keeps”. This is an example of a __________.

A. report C. poem
B. rule D. proverb

193. His apocalyptic view seemed to doom the human race. This is to be taken as ________.
A. apathetic C. prophetic
B. lethargic D. spiritless

194. Our guest of honor was a loquacious speaker. This means ___________.
A. reserved C. reticent
B. verbose D. spiritless

195. Except for the profanity, I like the story. What is the story about?
A. Shamelessness C. Worldliness
B. Kinds words D. Obscenities

196. She has a penchant for red accessories. This indicates ___________.
A. strong aversion C. fondness
B. Kind words D. avoidance

197. Stop shilly-shallying and make up your mind. This serves as warning not to _________.
A. go ahead C. decide
B. hesitate D. continue

198. “I prefer a government run like hell by Filipinos rather than one run by foreigners”. Who said this
famous statement?
A. Manuel L. Quezon C. Apolinario Mabini
B. Jose Rizal D. Emilio Aguinaldo

199. Who said “The Filipino is worth dying for”?

A. Benigno Aquino Jr. C. Andres Bonofacio
B. Jose Rizal D. Carlos P. Garcia

3. ENGLISH 3 – Speech an Oral Communication

3.1 Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in oral discourse

200. “She is the vision of feminine pulchritude”. This stands for _______.
A. homeliness C. plain
B. loveliness D. simple

201. The statue was erected in ________ to war heroes.

A. protection C. irreverence
B. defense D. homage
30 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

202. She was a “Phantom of Delight” connotes that the woman is __________.
A. real C. an illusion
B. lovely D. virtuo

203. The line, “ under the bludgeoning of chance, My head is blo0ody but unbowed” depicts the person’s
A. determination C. confidence
B. courage D. optimism

4. LITERATURE 1 – Philippine literature

4.1 Apply knowledge gained from local literary pieces

PRACTICE TEST: choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions #

Exerpt from Like the Molave

Not you alone , Rizal. O souls
And spirits of the martyred brave, arised!
Arise and scour the land! Shed once again
Your willing blood! Infuse the vibrant red
Into your thin anemic veins; until
We pick up your Promethean tools and, strong,
Out of depthless matrix of your of your faith
In us, and on the silent cliffs of freedom,
We carved for all time your marmoreal dream!
Until our people, seeing, are become
Like the Molave, firm, resilent, staunch,
Rising on the hillside, unafraid,
Strong in its own fibre, yes, like the Molave!
- Rafael Zulueta Da Acosta

204. Which of the following best describes the form of literature employed in the excerpt?
A. Poem C. Sonnet
B. Essay D. Cinquain

205. What literary device is employed in the underlined portion of the excerpt?
A. Chekhov’s gun C. poetic justice
B. Aphorism D. Poetic license

206. Which of the following describes the figure of speech utilized in the last line of the excerpt?
A. Metaphor C. hyperbole
B. Personification D. simile

207. What figure of speech is employed when the author states, “O souls and spirits of the martyred
brave, arise!”?
A. Metaphor C. Onomatopoeia
B. Apostrophe D. Metonymy

208. Which of the following best describes the true meaning that the author wants to convey in this
literary piece?
A. Filipinos should learn from the lessons of Rizal.
B. Filipinos should pray to God I terms of trial and tribulations.
C. Filipinos have forgotten the true meaning of bravery.
D. Filipinos should stop illegal logging and plant more Molave trees.

Read the poem below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions # 209-213.

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is rest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree
- Joyce Kilmer

209. What is the predominant figure of speech employed by the author of this poem?
A. Simile C. Personification
B. Metaphor D. Hyperbole

210. Which literary device is exemplified by this poem?

A. Defamiliarization C. Stream of consciousness
B. Dramatic visualization D. Parody

211. What part of a tree does the underlined portion of the poem pertain to?
A. Roots C. Leaves
B .Stems D. Fruits

213. What is the subliminal message of the author of this poem?

A. Trees are the best creations among all of God’s creation.
B. Trees are the most religious and the most prayerful among God’s creation
C. Man should highly regard the dedication and devotion of trees
D. To inscribe of the minds of man the importance of trees

214. Archimedes shouted “Eureka”! What did we take this to mean?

A. Wonderful C. Mystery
B. Enjoyment D. Discovery

215. Shakespeare once said “My honor is my life, both grow as one, take honor from me and my life is
gone.” What is the correct interpretation of this?
A. His life is determined by his honor.
B. He values honor as much as his life.
C. He prefers honor instead of life.
D. He values life before honor.
32 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

4.2 Manifest comprehension to extract elements in major literary genres

Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to
questions # 216-220.

Excerpt from I am looking for a Filipino

Is it so hard to believe that we can remain Filipinos and still march onward, ever onward to our
national destiny? Are our minds so narrow, is our intelligence is so limited that we cannot realize this
truth? Can we not see that we can adopt foreign ways and yet retain the enduring, the admirable qualities
that can make the Filipino great? Have we been so westernized that we find the Filipino way alien to our
mode of living?

The Filipino way is our legacy. It is found in the determination and fortitude, the determination
that made it possible for our brothers in the mountains to build breath-taking rice terraces. It is found in
our courage that sustained us at Mactan, at Tirad pass,in bataan. It is found in our simplicity and
modesty, in the beauty of Angelus at twilight, and in the sincerity of our devotion to our god and our

These qualities are still in us – in all of us. They are still in our minds and in our hearts. We can
still dig them out if we would only forget about our obsessions with brown Americanism. We can still dig
out if we would only dig hard enough.

I am looking for a Filipino. I cannot find him among those who shout self-righteously about
nationalism and nationalization. I cannot see him among those who preach about Filipinism but whose
preachings are empty and meaningless.

Will may search be long and vain? It will be. I am afraid unless we make in time. It will never
and unless we realize the sacredness of our heritage, unless we see the richness and the beauty, the glory
and the wonder, the promise and the fulfillment of the Filipino vision.
- Professor Felix Bautista

216. This narrative mentions about the bravery of Filipinos in battles of the past. Which among the
following is a site of a historic battle NOT mentioned in this poem?
A. Cebu C. Cordillera
B. Bataan D. Isabela

217. According to the author, which value have the Filipino people at present lost?
A. Utang na loob C. Honesty
B. Nationalism D. Hospitality

218. What trait among Filipinos of the present is exemplified by the underlined portion of the excerpt?
A. Ignorance C. Hypocrisy
B. Sacrilege D. Moral absolutism

219. What is the predominant figure of speech utilized by the author of this literary piece?
A. Poetic justice C. Onotomatopoeia
B. Rhetorical question D. Hyperbole

220. Which of the following literary endeavors is this piece most suited?
A. Dramatic monologue C. Extemporaneous speech
B. Declamation D. Debate

4.3 relate insights to given situations

Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions # 221-225.

Boys: In our veins, pulses blood with traces of Chinese and Spanish and American, but it does not
stop being a Filipino, because of this.
Girls: Our culture is tinged with foreign influences, but it has become rich thereby.
All: This mingling, in fact could speed us on the road, to national greatness. Look at America, it
is a great country, and yet it is the melting pot of Italian, and German, British, an French, or
Irish and Swedish.
Boy: Filipinism after all, is in the heart.
All: If that heart beats faster, because the Philippines making progress, If it fills, with its
compassion because its people suffering, then it belongs to a true Filipino, And if it throbs,
with pride in our past, if it pulses with awareness of the present, if it beats with a faith in the
future, then we could ask, for nothing more, all other things are unimportant.
Boys: I have an American first name.
Girls: And I have a Chinese last name.
All: And I am proud, very, very proud, because underneath these names beats a Filipino heart.

221. Which of the following could be a possible name of the person speaking in this piece?
A. Pedro Sandoval C. China Anderson
B. Chona Shih D. Pamela Go

222. Which country is regarded as a great country in this literary piece?

A. Philippines C. Germany
B. America D. Pamela Go

223. Which among the following countries does NOT have a significant contribution to the Filipino
A. Chinese C. American
B. Spanish D. Japanese

224. For which of the following literary endeavors is this piece most suited?
A. Oration C. Stage play
B. Dramatic monologue D. Speech choir

225. Which among the following is most suitable as a title for this literary piece?
A. Where The Filipino Heart Should be
B. What True Filipinism Means
C. The Multicultural Heritage Of Filipinos
D. The Anatomy of a Filipino
34 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

226. “Run from everything that gives you the evil thought….. but stay close to anything that makes you
want to do right.”
It is about defeating __________.
A. wrong decisions C. temptation
B. righteousness D. faith

227. Thomas Carlyle said “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-awaif……” It
could be interpreted as ___________.
A. there should be sufficient energy in one’s life.
B. one’s life doesn’t need to be controlled.
C. direction can never come into one’s life.
D. there should be a strong driving force in one’s life.

228. The Bible tells us, “There is a right time and a right way to do everything.”
A. Plan well what you say and do.
B. You can determine your own time.
C. Your time is yours and nobody else.
D. Say and do things anytime.

229. Our commitments can develop us or they can destroy us, but either way, they will define us. Choose
the line below that has the same meaning.
A. Our lives are shaped by what we are committed to.
B. Our commitments need not be planned way ahead.
C. We must make full commitment to worldly goals.
D. Half-hearted commitment is what we need today.

230. What season is it, with the line, “He ruffles every lily-pond? Where blossoms kiss and parts”.
A. Spring C. Autumn
B. Winter D. Summer

231. The line from the Korean, “Woe to every backbiter,” talks of __________.
A. anguish for those who defend unrighteousness
B. misery to those who talk ill of others
C. punishment to those who say good things
D. sorrow for those who oppose other’s opinion

232. “The lord is my shepherd; I shall not want…….” Is an expression of one’s ___________.
A. love for self C. blind ignorance
B. poverty D. total submission to God

5. Literature 2- Master works of the world

5.1 Interpret passages from master works of the world

Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions #
Excerpt from the Cask of Amontillado
The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult
I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that gave
utterance to a threat. At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely, settled –but the very
definitiveness with which it was resolve precluded the idea of risks. I must not only punish but punish with
impunity. A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when
the avenger fails to make himself felt us such to hi who has done the wrong.

It must be understood that neither the word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my
good will. I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now
was at the thought of his immolation.
He had a weak point – this Fortunato – although in other regards he was a man to be respected
and even feared. He prided himself in of his connoisseurship in wine. Few Italians have the true virtuoso
spirit. For the most part their enthusiasm is adopted to suit the time and opportunity, to practise
impostures upon the British and Australian millionaires. In painting in gemmary, Fortunato, like his
countrymen, was a quack, but in the matter of old wines he was sincere. In this respect I did not differ
from him materially; --I was skillful in the Italian vintages myself, and bought largely whenever I could.

- Edgar Allan Poe

233. For which of the following statements best describes the theme of this literary piece?
A. Good never triumph over evil.
B. The ends must justify the means.
C. Getting even only counts if you get away with it.
D. Revenge drives human beings to great lengths.

234. From which viewpoint is this story conveyed?

A. From the murderer’s C. from a third party
B. From the victim’s D. From an unknown narrator’s

235. Why did narrator use to bait Fortunato into his plan for retribution?
A. Expensive European jewelry C. Millions of British and Australian money
B. Rare Italian vintage drugs D. A pipe of a rare old wine

236. What did the author mean with “A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It
is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the
A. Might makes right. The ends must justify the means.
B. If you rectify something, you should not get in trouble for doing so.
C. We should learn to forgive and forget and not be concerned about revenge.
D. Performing acts of revenge can justify a wrongful act.

237. What is the figure of speech used in this selection?

A. Metonymy C. Oxymoron
B. Irony D synecdoche

Read the excerpt below. Select the letter that corresponds to the best answer to questions #
Excerpt from the divine comedy
And lo! Almost where the ascent began,
A panther light and swift exceedingly
Which with a spotted skin was covered o’er?

And never moved she from before my face,

Nay, rather did impede so much my way,
That many times I to return had turned.

The time was the beginning of morning,

And up the sun was mounting with those stars
That with him were, what time the Love Divine
36 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

At first in motion set those beauteous things;

So were to me occasion of good hope,
The variegated skin of that wild beast,

The hour of time, and the delicious season;

But not so much, that did not give me fear
A lion’s aspect, which appeared to me.
- Dante Alighieri

238. What do you think is the main character of this literary piece?
A. Dante C. Panther
B. Virgil D. She-wolf

239. Which of the following wild beasts blocked the main character’s ascent to the top of the hill?
A. Leopard C. Lion
B. Panther D. She-wolf

240. Where in the world did the events of this excerpt probably take place?
A. Heaven C. Hell
B. Purgatory D. Earth

241. What is the main characters predicament in this selection?

A. Wild beasts are going to eat him.
B. he cannot find his loved ones.
C. He is running out of time.
D. He does not know where to go.
242. What is the allegorical meaning of “The Divine Comedy”?
A. Good people go to heaven while evil people go to hell.
B. Man’s soul must undergo a long journey towards God.
C. God sees the truth but waits before helping man.
D. Heaven, hell and purgatory do not exist.

Read the text below then answer questions # 243-248.

The Brook
First time I passed by the brook , it filled my eye.
The second time, it was a tiny snake.
The next few times, I only heard a cry.
Behind me and I was afraid for my own snake.
- G. Bruce Bunao

243. The first line tells us that the brook _________.

A. has gotten into the speaker’s eyes C. has much water
B. has delighted the speaker D. has less water

244. The second line tells us that the brook _________.

A. has a tiny snake C. has much water
B. is dangerous D. has almost no water

245. The third line tells us that the brook _________.

A. has no more water C. has less water
B. glides on D. cries in pain

246. What figure of speech is present in the second line?

A. Simile C. Personification
B. Metaphor D. Apostrophe

247. What figure of speech is present in the third line?

A. Metaphor C. Personification
B. Simile D. Apostrophe

248. Which among these ideas may best fit in “The Brook”?
A. Love the Brook C. Conserve your money
B. Take care of our waters D. Kill the snake in the brook

249. In Psalm 23 otherwise a Psalm of David, which meaning is closest to the line, “He maketh me to lie
down in green pastures: he leadth me beside the still waters”
A. He will be provided peace and prosperity.
B. He will be given riches and mercy.
C. He will be known throughout the land.
D. He will always obey his master for his glory.

250. The lion from the Koran, “Woe to every backbiter, defamer” talks of _______.
A. anguish for those who defend unrighteousness
B. misery who talk ill of others
C. punishment for those who give unsolicited advice
D. sorrow for those who oppose the opinion of their fellow

251. Herodotus, a Greek historian wrote: “All Egypt is the gift of Nile.” He talks of ________?
A. geography, the Nile gives abundance to Egypt
B. then Nile is the capital of Egypt geography
C. the Nile gives abundant water to Egypt
D. Egypt and Nile are one and the same

252. Shakespeare once said: but love is blind and lovers cannot see; the pretty follies that they themselves
commit. What do the underlined words mean?
A. Beautiful thoughts C. Careless act
B. Amazing facts D. nonsense words

253. What figure of speech is used in the line “I wondered lonely as a cloud…”
A. Alliteration C. Simile
B. Personification D. Metaphor
38 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)


1 B 54 B 105 D 157 C 209 C

2 B 55 B 106 B 158 C 210 B
3 A 56 D 107 C 159 C 211 A
4 C 57 A 108 A 160 A 212 D
5 B 58 B 109 C 161 A 213 A
6 A 59 D 110 C 162 B 214 D
7 A 60 A 111 D 163 C 215 B
8 B 61 C 112 C 164 D 216 D
9 A 62 D 113 A 165 A 217 B
10 B 63 A 114 B 166 C 218 C
11 A 64 B 115 D 167 C 219 B
12 B 65 D 116 B 168 B 220 B
13 A 66 D 117 B 169 C 221 D
14 A 67 B 118 B 170 D 222 B
15 D 68 D 119 D 171 C 223 D
16 D 69 A 120 A 172 B 224 D
17 C 70 D 121 C 173 D 225 D
18 C 71 B 122 A 174 B 226 C
19 C 72 B 123 C 175 A 227 D
20 B 73 B 124 A 176 C 228 A
21 A 74 D 125 A 177 D 229 A
22 A 75 C 126 C 178 B 230 C
23 B 76 B 127 A 179 A 231 B
24 D 77 A 128 B 180 C 232 D
25 A 78 B 129 A 181 B 234 D
26 A 79 B 130 A 182 A 235 A
27 A 80 D 131 C 183 A 236 B
28 B 81 D 132 C 184 B 237 B
29 A 82 C 133 A 185 A 238 A
30 B 83 B 134 D 186 D 239 B
31 B 84 A 135 C 187 B 240 C
32 A 85 D 136 A 188 D 241 D
33 B 86 C 137 A 189 B 242 B
34 B 87 B 138 A 190 A 243 B
35 A 88 C 139 D 191 B 244 B
36 D 89 A 140 C 192 D 245 A
37 D 90 A 141 D 193 C 246 B
38 D 91 A 142 A 194 B 247 B
39 B 92 C 143 D 195 D 248 B
40 B 93 A 144 B 196 C 249 A
41 A 94 B 145 A 197 B 250 B
42 B 95 C 146 A 198 A 251 A
43 B 96 B 147 C 199 A 252 C
44 D 97 A 148 D 200 B 253 C
45 C 98 -A D 149 C 201 D
46 A 98 -B B 150 C 202 B
47 B 99 C 151 D 203 B
48 C 100 A 152 C 204 A
49 D 101 A 153 B 205 D
50 B 102 C 154 B 206 D
51 B 103 A 155 D 207 B
52 C 104 A 156 D 208 C

1.1 Nagagamit nang may lalong mataas na antas ng kasanayan at kahusayan
ang Filipino sa akademikong larangan 6%


2.1 Nababasa nang may wastong pag-unawa ang mga teksto sa
iba’t ibang disiplina 5%


3.1 Nagagamit nang mau husay ang Filipino sa pagbuo ng isang
sulating pananaliksik 2%
3.2 Nagagamit ang angkop na repertwal (repertoire) ng wika
sa pagpapahayag ng kaalaman, karanasan at saloobin 2%


PASAWIKAIN ang pananalita kung ito’y nagpapahayag ng kahulugang iba, di-tuwiran o higit sa
karaniwang kahulugan ng bawat salita. Narito ang ilang mga halimbawa:

Pasawikain Kahulugan
agaw-buhay naghihingalo o malapit nang mamatay
balat-sibuyas maramdamin, medaling magtampo
bugtong na anak nag-iisang anak
utak-biya bobo
taingang-kawali nagbingi-bingihan
di-mahulugang-karayom masikip na masikip
di-maliparang-uwak napakalawak
kumapit sa patalim mapasubo sa mahigpit na sitwasyon
nagbuhat ng sariling bangko mayabang
namamangka sa dalawang ilog pagigigng salawahan o dalawang kasintahan
kumukulo ang dugo galit na galit
namuti ang mata nainip sa paghhihintay
tulog-mantika mahirap gisingin
sumakabilang buhay namatay

PRACTICE TEST: Subukin ang iyong pagkakaunawa sa mga kompetensya. Piliin ang titik ng tamang


1.1. Nagagamit nang may lalong mataas na antas ng kasanayan at kahusayan ang Filipino sa
akademikong larangan.
40 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

Para sabilang 1-5, Piliin ang titik ng pinaka-angkop na bigkas ng salita para sa bawat
1. Sa Noche Buena, kami ay maghahanda ng _______ at keso de bola.
A. hamón C. homán
B. hámon D. hóman

2. Hinipan ng pulis ang kanyang _________.

A. píto C. pítu-pito
B. pitó D. píto-pito

3. Si Heneral Gregorio Del Pillar ay nagapi sa _______ Tirad.

A. Pasóng C. Pásong
B. Pasòng D. Pasông

4. Kapag lumaki na ang mga tanim mo, ilipit mo na sila sa malaking _____.
A. pasó C. pásong
B. pasò D. pasô

5. Naku ! tumutulo na naman ang mga _________ ng NAWASA.

A. tubó C. tubô
B. túbo D. tubò

6. Magkano ang ________ mo sa lotto kahapon?

A. tayá C. tayà
B. tayâ D. táya

7. Nanligaw ang makisig na _________ sa marikit na dalagita.

A. bináta C. binatà
B. binatá D. binatâ

8. Ano ang ________ wika sa Cordillera?

A. katutubòng C. Katutubóng
B. katutubông d. Katutúbong

9. Pinatawad na kita dahil wala ka namang _______.

A. salâ C. Salá
B. salà D. Sála

10. Kailangang _________ ang mga nakatira sa paanan ng bulkang Bulusan.

A. ilíkas C. Ilikás
B. ilìkas D. Ilikâs
Para sa bilang 11-20, piliin ang titik ng pinaka-angkop na salita para sa bawat pangungusap.
11. Pinandirihan ni Mico ang aso niyang ______.
A. ma-galis C. magalis
B. mag-alis D. galis-aso

12. Hag laki ko, gusto gusto kong maging ________ ng Pilipinas.
A. pang-ulo C. panggulo
B. pangulo D. pa-ngulo

13. Hanapin mo ako sa ________ ng mga sasakyan.

A. pag-abangan C. bantayan
B. hintayin D. abangan

14. Gagawin mo lang yan ________ mo ako mahal.

A. kung di C. kungdi
B. kundi D. kun di

15. _______ ka na sa ilog. Nangigninig ka na.

A. Lumusong C. Umahon
B. Sumuong D. Humango

16. Kinakailangang _______ ang damit sa Huwebes.

A. may-ari C. yariin
B. mayari D. magyari

17. limang oras na pero hindi ko par in ________ ang nawawalang aklat.
A. mahanap C. hanapin
B. makita D. kitain

18. Nag-aaral ako ________ mabuti upang makakuha ako ng iskolarship.

A. nang C. mas
B. ng D. lalong

19. __________ natin ng mapa si Kenny para hindi sya maligaw.

A. Iwan C. Iwanan
B. Mag-iwan D. Pag-iwan

20. Tandaan mo na lahat ng paghihirap ni Luis ay ____ sa iyong magandang kinabukasan.

A. tungkol C. sanhi
B. upang D. ukol
Para sa bilang 21-30, Piliin ang titik ng pinaka-angkop na bigkas ng salita para sa bawat
21. _______ mo kay Luisito na may pasalubong ako sa kanya.
A. Sabihin C. Pakisabi
B. Sabihan D. Pakisabihan

22. Huwag mong _______ ng kalat ang kama ko.

A. ipatong C. patungan
B. magpatong D. pagpatungan

23. Ang pagdadasal at pananlig ay ________ sa tao at mapalapit siya sa Diyos.

A. nakakatulong C. nakakatulungan
B. nakatutulong D. mag-tulungan

24. Nawawala ang alahas na __________ mo sa akin.

A. pinatago C. ipinapatago
B. pinagtago B. ipinatago
42 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

25. ________ ni Penelope ang kanyang damit nang hindi niya sinasadya.
A. Nasira C. Masira
B. sinira D. Sinisira

26. _________ na ng magaling na barbero ang buhok ni felix.

A. Gugupitin C. Maggugupit
B. Gugupitin D. Hahagupitin

27. Marumi ang baso. Huwag mong ________ yan!

A. inumin C. uminom
B. inuman D. pag-inuman

28. ________ mo sana kay Ronald kung kailan siya uuwi ng Pilipinas.
A. Ipagtanong C. Tinanong
B. Ipagtatanong D. Itinanong

29. Kailan nga ba _______ si Mayor dahil sa pangungurakot ?

A. kinulong C. ikinulong
B. kinukulong D. ikinulong

30. ________ namin ang inyong pagdating dito sa Villa Escudero.

A. IKinakagalak C. Gagalakin
B. Ikinagagalak D. ikinukulog
Para sa bilang 31-34, Piliin ang titik ng pinaka-angkop sa puwang ng pangungusap.
31. Pinag-aaralan ng mabuti ng bawat abugado ang ________ ng 1987.
A. batas pambansa C. batas-militar
B. saligang-batas D. saklawang-batas

32. Ang paniniwala sa Diyos ay susi upang matamo natin ang _______.
A. kadakilaan C. kaligtasan
B. salvasyon D. kabutihan

33. Tapos na ang klase kapag tumunog na ang _______.

A. agunyas C. kampana
B. batingting D. kampanilya

34. Upang hindi madala ng agos ang barko, ibinaba ng mga mandaragat ang________.
A. pang-angkla C. angkora
B. salung-alon D.timpulan.

35. Ang aklat ni Dr. Tinsley Harrison ang ___________ sa pag-aaral na medisina.
A. saligan C. batayan
B. sandigan D. pundasyon

36. Winasak ng ________Katrina ang maraming bahay sa new Orleans.

A. bagyong. C. buhawi
B. sagwan D. ipu-ipo

37. Ang pagbibigay ng diploma ay nasa huling bahagi ng__________.

A. programa C. palabas
B. palatuntunan D. bilada

38. Inaabangan ng mga tao ang_________ sa simbahan.

A. agunyas C. kalampag
B.batingting D. kolambeng

39. Patapos na ang taon. Kailangan ko nang kumunsulta sa aking _________.

A. kalihim C. tagatuos
B. ingat-yaman D. bukkiper

40. Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang pagmamanipula sa mga _______ ng MERALCO.

A. metro C. kuntador
B. mekanismo D. makina

41. Dalawang oras na kaming naghintay. __________________________.

A. Kumitid ang noo. C. Namuti ang aming mata.
B. Kumati ang kamay. D. Kumulo ang dugo.
Para sa bilang 42-50, Piliin ang titik ng pinaka-angkop na pasawikaing panghalili sa mga
salitang may salungguhit.
42. MAhimbing ang tulog ni Miguel kaya hindi niya napansin na limilindol.
A. Tulog-mantika C. Tulo-away
B. Taingang-kawali D. Utak-biya

43. Humihingi ako ng tawad. May mga sinabi akong di nararapat.

A. Nabilog ang ulo C. Nagdilim ang paningin
B. Matalas ang dila D. Nadulas ang dila

44. Nawala ang lahat kay Ryan nang mamatay ang kanyang mga magulang.
A. Pinagtampuhan ng langit at lupa C. Naglubid ng buhangin
B. Pinagtakluban ng langit at lupa D. Namangka sa dalawang ilog

45. Malimit magsinungaling ang mga batang hindi pinalaki ng tama.

A. Nagdilang kuneho C. Nagbuhat ng sariling bangko
B. Naglubid ng buhangin D. Namuti ang uwak

46. Galit na galit ako sa taong nagnakaw ng aking tanghalian.

A. mabigat ang dugo C. Matalas ang ulo
B. Mkitid ang noo D. Kumukulo ang dugo

47. Madaling lokohin si Anna.

A. Makitid ang noo C. Matuwid at paniwalain
B. Utak-biya D. Nagmurang-kamatis

48. Punong-puno ng tao ang Dallas Stadium kung saan ginawa ang laban ni Manny Pacquio.
A. Di mahulugang karayom C. Di makabasag pinggan
B. Di mahapayang gating D. Di maliparang uwak
44 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

49. Sa wakas, nagpakasal na si Crisostomo kay Leonora.

A. Namangka sa dalawang ilog C. Nagpalapad ng papel
B. Nagmahabang dula D. Nagsampay-bakod

50. Kapag naniwala ka kay Greg, para ka na ring umasa sa wala.

A. Pumuti anguwak C. Tumaga sa tubig
B. Umitim ang tagak D. kumindat sa dilim

51. Ang salin sa blangko para sa blank ay halimbawa ng pagtutumbas na _______.

A. Panghiram sa Espanyol at pagbaybay sa Filipino
B. Kung ano ang bigkas siyang sulat
C. Paggamit ng leksikong Filipino
D. panghihiram ng salitang katutubo
52. ‘‘Mahal kita, mahal kita hindi ‘to bola/ Ngumiti ka man lang sana ako’y nasa langit na‘‘. Ang
salitang pampanitkang ginamit sa linya ng kanta nangangahulugang ________.
A. napakasaya C. sinisinta
B. pakikipagkaibigan D. laruan
53. “Heto na, heto na, /wahh! doo bidoo bidoo, bidoo, bidoo”. Alin ang naboung salita o tunog sa linya
na nabou ayon sa toeryang pooh-pooh ?
A. wahh C. Na
B. Heto D. Doo bidoo

54. ‘‘pinutol mo/ dagkung kahoy/ dahil dito/ gumulong ang mga bato/ ania na, ania na, aniana…’’ Ang
linya ng awit ay nagpapatunay ng ____________.
A. diglossic na kalagayan ng wika C. code-switching
B. paggamit ng lalawiganing antas D. intelektwalisasyon

55. ‘‘Ang babae huwag mong tingnang isang bagayna libangan lamangkundi isang katuwang at karamay
sa mga kahirapan nitong kabuhayan‘‘. (E. Jacinto) Ang tungkulin ng wika sa linya ay _______.
A. pangheuristiko C. panrgulatori
B. pang-interaksyonal D. pang-instrumental

56. Pen pen de sarapen/ de cuchillo de almasen/ haw haw de carabao batuten’’. pinatutunayan ng linya
ang paglaganap ng wika dahil sa __________.
A. heaograpiya C. pakikipagkalakalan
B. pananakop D. modernisasyon

“… Kung kinakailangan ang lakas upang maigupo ang isang mapaniil na pamahalaan o ang isang hari-
hariang pinuno, wika ang tambuling tagapukaw sa mga anak ng lahi. Patay ang isang tao kapag walang
kaluluwa. Mahigit pa sa patay ang isang bayan kapag walang iisang wika.“ (Rufino Alejandro)

57. Alin sa mga sumusunod na malalim ang salitang ginamit sa talata ang may kasalungat na pares ?
A. Tagapukaw – tagagising C. Maigupo – matalo
B. Tambuli – trumpita D. Mapaniil – mapagkandali

58. May mga sasakyan sa Pilipinas na kababasahan ng ganito, “Katas ng Saudi” o kayo katas, ako
utang ’’. Anong katangian ng wika ang tinutukoy dito ?
A. Arbitraryo C. Nagbabago
B. May sistema D. Ginagamit

59. Alin ang may wastong baybay ?

A. Iba’t-iba C. Gamugamo
B. Paru-paro D. kurokuro

60. Alin ang wastong paraan ng pagsulat ng dayuhang salitang inuunlapian?

A. nag-ba-ballet C. magtext
B. rugby-han D. mag-shampoo

61. Alin sa m sumusunod ang salitang Pambansa ?

A. Mapagkumbaba C. Pinoy
B. kamusta D. Nagdadalantao

62. "Katulad ng wika ang isang samahan. Sa matabang lupa kusang lalago ito kung may sapat na tubig at
liwanag." Ang pahayag na ito ni Tengonciang ay umaayon sa __________.
A. puristang paniniwala C.Taglish
B. intelektwalisasyon D. dekolonisasyon

63. Alin ang naganap na pagbabagong morpoponemiko sa salitang Tagalog ?

A. Metatesi C. Pag-aangkop
B. Asimilasyon D. Pagpapalit

64. Ano ang salitang ugat sa Kanluran ?

A. Kalan C. Lunan
B. Kanlong D. Lunod

65. Ano ang tuntunin natin ngayon na susundin sa pagtutumbas sa Filipinong rice terraces ?
A. Gamitin ang katutubong katumbas.
B. Tumbasan sa Espanyol at baybayin sa Filipino.
C. hiramin nang ganap.
D. Kung ano ang bigkas siyang sulat.

66. Ilang ponema ang bumubou sa salitang gusali?

A. 6 C. 5
B. 7 D. 4

67. Kung sa pakikinig ang may layuning malibang ay mauuri bilang apresyatib, mauuri naman sa
pagbasa bilang ___________.
A. ekstensibo C. papel
B. intensibo D. makahulugan

68. kung ang encoder ay sa decoder, ang manunulat kung sa gayon ay sa ________.
A. mambabasa C. papel
B. Tagahatid D. panulat
69. Ang pagkautal ay matawag na ________ na sagabal sa salita.
A. semantiko C. pisikal
B. pisyolohikal D. saykolohikal

70. Tukuyin ang sugnay na makag-iisa.

A. Kung magkakasundo tayo C. Ang magiging tagasunod
B. Ako naman D. Ikaw ang mamumuno
46 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

Filipino 2 Pagbasa at Pagsulat tungo sa Pananaliksik

2.1 Nababasa nang may wastong pag-unawang mga teksto sa iba’t-ibang disiplina

Para sa bilang 71-75, basahin ang seleksyon. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot sa mga
katanungang sumusunod

Sa mga magulang, ang edukasyon ay isang obligasyon sa mga anak bilang paghahanda sa
isang magandang buhay, lalo na sa mga panahong ang mga magulang ay wala na. Ang edukasyon para
sa mga kabataan ay isang karapatang dapat ipagkaloobng kanilang mga magulang tungo sa isang
magandang kinabukasan. Samantala, para naman sa mga guro, ang isang edukasyon ay isang larangang
dapat bigyan ng ibayong pagpapahalaga at pagtingin lalo na ng pamahalaan at mga magulang sapagkat
ditto nakasalalayang magandang kinabukasan ng mga kabataan at mamayan ng bayan.

71. Anong uri ng pamamahayag ang ipinamalas sa seleksyon?

A. Paglalahad C. Pangangatwiran
B. Pagsasalaysay D. Paglalarawan

72. Alin sa sumusunod na pananaw ukol sa edukasyon ang HINDI ipinakita sa seleksyon?
A. Edukasyon bilang obligasyon
B. Edukasyon bilang karapatan
C. Edukasyon bilang serbisyo sa bayan
D. Edukasyon bilang isang larangan

73. Paano binigyang katuturan ng may-akda ang paksa?

A. Pagbibigay ng halimbawa
B. Paghahambing at pagtatambis
C. Pagslungat
D. Pag-uulit

74. Ayon sa seleksyon, alin sa sumusunod ang kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng mabuting edukasyon?
A. Upang matumbasan ang halagang ginastos ng magulang pambayad ng tuition
B. Upang makamit ang isang magandang kinabukasan
C. Upang makabou ng mas maraming propesyonal na mangingibang-bansa
D. Upang matamo ang natatagong talent ng indibidwal

75. Ayon sa seleksyon, ano ang pinakamagandang maipapamana ng isang magulang sa kanyang anak?
A. Wastong edukasyon C. Limang milyong piso
B. Mabuting asal D. Pagpapahalaga sa kapwa at sa bayan
Para sa bilang 76-80, basahin ang seleksyon. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot sa mga
katanungang sumusunod.
Naglipan ang mga mamayanang mahirap sa lungsod. Umaatungal at nagdarasal sa mga panginoon na
sana’y palayain mula sa kuko ng pagdarahop. Isang kagyat ng alinlangan sa buhay – isang kahig isang tuka –
simbolo ng isang pagkamaralita. Wala akong magawa kundi itistis sa mga salita ang nakikitang anyo n gaming
buhay. Kapalaran o sandigan ng pagasa? Kung basal naman ang aking tinig sapagka’t birhe akong nagnulila upang
lumaya. Subali’t ang sagot ay kung ang pawis ko’y kapalit ng hinaing at sigaw ng pagdurusa. Saan nga ba tutungo
ang buhay kung sa tagpi-tagping dampa naroon ang ulam na toyu at idinidildil sa asin upang bigyang-lasa ang
kaning isinusubo? Wala akong karapatang magsalita. Ang tinig ko ay paos. Ngunit ang ungol ko’y pumaimbulog
sa langit at sa libingan ng mga buhay doon ko dinaranas ang misteryo ng buhay.

76. Anong uri ng pamamahayag ang ipinamalas sa seleksyon?

A. Paglalahad C. Pagsasalaysay
B. Paglalarawan D. Pangangatwiran

77. Anong uri ng tayutay ang ipinahiwatig ng naka-salungguhit na pangungusap?

A. Tanong pagtutulad C. Pagtatawag
B. Pagwawangis D. Tanong retorikal

78. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng, “isang kahig, isang tuka”?
A. Matinging pagdarahop C. Lubhang karukhaan
B. Mariwasang pamumuhay D. Pamumuhay tulad ng mga manok
79. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng, “basal angaking tinig”?
A. Busilak C. Malakas
B. Hindi marinig D. Maytakip ang bibig

80. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang angkop na pamagat ng seleksyon?

A. Misteryo ng buhay C. Sigaw ng kahirapan
B. Buhay lansangan D. Pag-asan g maralita

Para sa bilang 81-85, basahin ang seleksyon. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot sa mga
katanungang sumusunod.

Alam mo, noong nasa restawran kami at kumakain, pinagmasdan ko siyang mabuti. Lalo
siyang gumaganda habang tinitigan. Pino ang kanyang kilos; kitang-kita ito habang kumakain.
Maya-maya, may nakita akong kakaibang kilos sa kanya. Nag-iba ang ekspresyon ng kanyang
mukha. Parang nahihirapan ngunit pilit pa rin siyang ngumingiti na parang may itinatagong kung
ano at pasulyap-aulyapsa kanyang inumin. Nahalata ko na lamang na nahihirapan siyang lumunok
dahil nabulunan. Nilapitan ko siya at binatukan, sabay abot sa softdrinks at winikaan kong,

81. Anong uri ng pamamahayag ang ipinamalas sa seleksyon?

A. Paglalahad C. pagsasalaysay
B. Paglalarawan D. Pangangatwiran

82. Saan naganapang mga pangyayari sa seleksyon ?

A. Simbahan C. Kusina
B. Opisina D. Restawran

83. Anong emosyon ng pangunahing tauhan sa pagsisimula ng seleksyon?

A. Pagkabighani C. Pagkainis
B. Pag-ibig D. Pagkakatotoo

84. Sa pagtatapos ng seleksyon, ano ang napagtanto ng pangunahing tauhan tungkol sa babaeng kanyang
A. Totoosa sarili ng babae C. Maganang kumain ang babae
B. Ubod ng hinhin ang babae D. Mayaman ang babae

85. Bakit nag-iba ang ekspresyon sa mukha ng babae sa seleksyon?

A. Pangit ang lasa ng kanyang kinakain.
B. Siya ay nabulunan at hindi makalunok.
48 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

C. Masakit ang kanyang tiyan.

D. Nahalata niyng pinapanood siya ng pangunahing tauhan.
Para sa bilang 86-89, basahin ang seleksyon. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot sa mga
katanungang sumusunod.

Sa panahon ngayon, may mga taong nalulukuban ng makahayop na damdaminat nakagagama ng

kasamaan sa kapwa. Isa na rito ang panghahalay ng ama ng sarili niyang anak dahil sa
matindingpagnanasa sa kamunduhan at kawalan ng katinoan sa pag-iisip. Ang mga ganitong uri ng tao ay
mawala sa lipunan.
86. Anong uri ng pamamahayag ang ipinamalas sa seleksyon?
A. Paglalahad C. Pagsasalaysay
B. Paglalarawan D. Pangangatwiran

87. Paano binigyang-katuturan ng may-akda ang paksa ng seleksyon?

A. Paghahambing at pagtatambis
B. Paglalarawan
C. Paghahalimbawa
D. Pagkilalasa anhi at bunga

88. Ano ang parusa para sa kreming nabanggit sa seleksyon ?

A. Pagkakataon C. Pagkulong sa mental Hospital
B. Lethal injection D. Pagkakakulong ng habang buhay

89. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang tumutukoy sa kreming nabanggit sa seleksyon ?

A. Concubinage C. Acts of lasciviousness
B. Incest D. Marital rape
Para sa bilang 90-94, basahin ang seleksyon. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot sa mga
katanungang sumusunod

1) Pagsamahin sa kaserola ang manok, suka, isang kutsara ng bawang, laurel, toyo, asin at paminta.
2) Pakuluin, pagkatapos ay hinaan ang apoy at lutuin hanggang lumambot.
3) Kapag natuyuan ay magdagdag ng tubig.
4) Kapag malambot na ang manok ay alisin na ito sa sarsa.
5) Sa isang kawali, igisa ang natitirang bawang.
6) Idagdag ang itinabing manok at lutuin hanggang matusta.
7) Ibuhos ang sarsa o pinaglutuan ng manok, pakuluin.
8) Maari ding dagdagan ng ½ kutsarang asukal para bawasanang asim ng suka.

90. Anung uri ng pamamahayag ang ipinamalas sa seleksyon?

A. Paglalahad C.Pagsasalaysay
B. Paglalarawan D. Pangangatuwiran

91. Paano binigyang -katuturan ng may-akda ang paksa ng seleksyon ?

A. Paghahambing at pagtatambis
B. Paghahalimbawa
C. Pagbibigay patnubay
D. Pagkilala sa sanhi at bunga

92. Bakit kailangang hinaan ang apoy pagkatapos pakuluan ang manok?
A. Upang kumapit ang lasa ng tuyo
B. Upang maalis ang lasa ng manok
C. Upang lumambot ang manok
D. Upang maging tuyo ang manok

93. Ano ang karagdagang pakinabang ng paglalagay ng suka sa pagkaing iniluluto?

A. Bilang pampaalat
B. Bilang pantanggal ng lansa
C. Upang maghiwalay ang mantika at toyo
D. Upang hindi ma-panis ang iniluluto

94. Ano ang pagkaing iniluluto ng may- akda?

A. Adobong manok
B. Kalderetang manok
C. Nilagang manok
D. Pocherong manok
Basahin ang seleksyon at sagutin ang # 95-97.

Ang tunay na pag-ibig ay walang ibinubungakung hindi tunay na ligaya at kaginhawaan.

Kalian pa ma’t sapin-sapin ang dusang pinapasan ng bayani, at ang kanyang biuhay ay nalipos ng
karukhaan at lungkot, ang dahilan ay sapagkat hindi ang tunay na pag-ibig ang naghahari kunng
hindiang taksil na pita sa yama’t bulaang karangalan.

95. Ang paghihirap ng bayan ay sanhi ng ________.

A. pagkamakasarili C. kawalang malay
B. kahinaan ng bayani D. digmaan

96. alin ang bunga batay sa talata ?

A. Hindi tunay na karangalan C. Totoong karangalan
B. Hindi tunay na ligaya D. Totoong kalungkutan

97. Kung gagamitan ng paghihibla sa mga konsepto sa talata, alin ang pinakagitna?
A. Pag-ibig C. Kaginhawaan
B. Ligaya D. Kabayanihan

98. Ano ang kahulugan ng pangungusap na ito?

Ilista mo na lamang sa tubig ang aking utang.
A. Kalimutan na ang utang C. Tubig ang listahan
B. Magbabayad din ng utang D. Nasa tubig ang utang

99. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pangungusap na may paksa?

1. May pasok bha bukas? C. Nagbabasa sila sa aklatan.
2. Kay ganda ng paglubog ng araw. D. Mainit ngayon
100. Sa taas ng bilihin ngayon kahit kahig ka nang kahig ay wala pa ring maiipon.
Ano ang ibig sabihin nito?
A. Hanap ng hanap C. Gastos ng gastos
B. Tago ng tago D. Trabaho ng trabaho
50 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

101. Ang pahayagan ay hindi dapat maglathala ng anumang uri ng pagbibintangna makakasira sa
reputasyon na di muna nagbibigay ng pagkakataon sa nasasakdal na marnig ang kanyang panig. Ito
A. walang kinikilingan C. makatarungan pakikitungo
B. kalayaan ng pagpapahayag D. Maaasahan mo ako

102. “You can count on me,” Ang pinakmalapit na salin nito ay ________?
A. bilangin mo kami C. Ibilang mo ako
B. bilangin mo ako D. Maaasahan mo ako

103. Anong uri ng tayutay ang pahayag na ito? “Ang kabutihan mo sa buhay ang magiging hakbang sa
A. Pagwawangis C. Pagtutulad
B. Pagpapalit-tawag D. Personipikasyon

104. “Malalim ang bulsa,” ng kanyang nanay. Ang ibig sabihin nito ay ________.
A. walang pera C. mapagbigay
B. mapera D. kuripot

105. Siya ay may kutsarang pilak ng ipinanganak. Ito ay nangangahulugang ______.

A. tahimik C. mayaman
B. masalita D. mahirap

106. Alin ang pinakamalapit na salin ng "you are the apple of my eye."
A. Ikaw ay kasing ganda ng mansanas.
B. Ikaw ay maganda sa paningin.
C. Ibibili kita ng mansanas.
D. Ikaw ang paborito ko.

107. “Pare-pareho kayo. Wala akong mapagpipilian,” wika ng isang gurong puno ng galit sa mga
lalaking mag-aaral.
A. Walang gana sa pagtuturo.
B. Nawalan ng tiwala sa mga lalaki.
C. Walang pagtingin sa mga lalaki.
D. Hindi pare-pareho ang mga lalaki

108. Ang pagtama sa lotto ay parang isang “Suntok sa buwan” Ano ang kahulugan nito?
A. Maaari C. Impossible
B. Pangarap D. Maaabot

109. “Panahon na upang magdilat ng mata at makisangkot sa usapin.” Itoy nagpapahiwatig na _____.
A. kalimutan ang usapin C. idilat ang mga mata
B. magising sa katotohanan D. umiwas sa usapin

110. Ang lumalakad ng mabilis, kung matinik ay malalim“.

ano ang ibig sabihin nito?
A. Mag-isip na mabuti sa paglalakad.
B. Mag-isip ng malalim kung paglalakad.
C. Ang nagmamadali ay madalas nagkakamali.
D. Ang naglalakad ng mabilis ay hindi makapag-isip.

111. Mahusay “maglubid ng buhangin“ ang taong gipit. Ano ang ibig sabihin?
A. Magyabang C. Magpaikot-ikot
B. Magsinungaling D. Magtali

112. Huwag “pagbuhatan ng kamay“ ang batang walang kalaban-laban. Ano ang ibig sabihin?
A. Itali ang kamay C. Pagbuhatan ng mabigat
B. pagtrabahuin D. Saktan

113. Iyon lamang nakakaranas ng mga lihim na kalungkutan ang maaaring makakilalang lihim na
kaligayahan. ang mga pahayag na ito ay nagsasaad ng __________.
A. paghihikahos sa buhay C. kapangitan ng buhay
B. kalungkutan sa buhay D. kagandahan ng buhay

114. Mahusay magtago ng lihim ang mga taong “mabigat ang bibig.” Ano ang ibig sabihin nito?
A. Hindi madaldal C. Malaki ang bibig
B. Mahiayain D. Tahimik

115. “Kung ang sa langit ay nabubuhay ang sa lupa ay namamatay ano’t kinatatakutan ang oras ng
kamatayan.” Anong damdamin ang ipinapahayag nito?
A. Maging matapang C. Mapagbigay
b. Maging mapagpasensiya D. Matatag sa buhay


3.1 Nagagamit ng may husay ang Filipino sa pagbou ng isang sulating pananaliksik
3.2 Nagagamit ang angkop na repertwal (repertoire) ng wika sa pagpapahayag ng
kaalaman, karanasan at saloobin

119. Alin ang pinakamalakas ang dating na pahayag kapag kabataan ang nag-uusap saisang kwento?
A. Ang ganda ng kanyang kasuotan!
B. Astig talaga ang ayos niya!
C. Katulad niya ang isang Bathala!
D. Ang porma niya talaga.

120. Alin dito ang pinakawastong salin sa pangungusap na: “I am sure he didn’t say that.”
A. Ang tiyak ko’y hindi niya sinabi iyon.
B. Ako ay tiyak na hindi niya sinabi iyon.
C. Ako ay nakatitiyak na na iyon ay hindi niya sinabi.
D. Natitiyak kong hindi niya sinabi iyon.

121. Alin sa sumusunod ang waston pagkakasulat ng bibliograpiya?

A. Antonio, Lila F., et al. (1975-76) retorikang pangkolehiyo. Quezon City: Unibersidad ng
B. Retorikang pangkolehiyo. Antonio, Lila F., et al. Quezon City: Unibersidad ng
C. Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, Antonio, Lila F. et al, Retorikang pangkolehiyo, Quezon City, (1975-
D. Quezon City: Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, 1975-76, Retorikang pangkolehiyo, Antonio, Lila F., et al

122. Ano ang salin ng “Bring home the bacon”?

A. Mag-uwi ng bacon. C. Bumili ng panalo.
B. Mag-uwi ng panalo. D. Dalhin ang bacon.
52 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

1 A 46 D 91 B
2 A 47 C 92 C
3 C 48 A 93 D
4 D 49 B 94 A
5 B 50 D 95 A
6 B 51 A 96 A
7 D 52 A 97 A
8 A 53 A 98 A
9 D 54 B 99 C
10 A 55 C 100 D
11 C 56 A 101 D
12 B 57 D 102 D
13 D 58 A 103 A
14 A 59 C 104 D
15 C 60 D 105 C
16 B 61 A 106 D
17 B 62 A 107 B
18 A 63 C 108 B
19 C 64 C 109 B
20 D 65 A 110 C
21 A 66 B 111 B
22 C 67 A 112 D
23 B 68 A 113 D
24 D 69 B 114 A
25 A 70 D 115 A
26 A 71 A 116 B
27 B 72 C 117 A
28 D 73 D 118 A
29 C 74 B 119 B
30 B 75 A 120 D
31 B 76 B 121 A
32 C 77 D 122 B
33 C 78 C
34 D 79 A
35 D 80 C
36 A 81 C
37 A 82 D
38 A 83 A
39 C 84 C
40 C 85 B
41 C 86 A
42 A 87 D
43 D 88 D
44 B 89 B
45 B 90 A

1.1 Use of four fundamental operations in problem solving involving: 4%
1.1. Operations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and integers
1.2 Prime, composite, denominate numbers
1.3 Prime factorization
1.4 LCM, GCF
1.5 Divisibility rules
1.6 Ratio and proportion
1.7 Percentage, Base and Rate
1.8 Measurement and units of measure 2%
1.8.1 Perimeter
1.8.2 Area
1.8.3 Volume
1.8.4 Capacity
1.9 Convertunits in the matrix system
2.1 Show mastery of basic terms and concepts in plane trigonometry 3%
2.1.1 lines and curves, perpendicular and parallel lines
2.1.2 angles, angle property
2.1.3 special triangles and quadrilaterals
2.1.4 polygons
2.2 Solve problems involving basic terms and concepts in plane trigonometry 2%


3.1 Show mastery of basic terms and concepts in Elementary Algebra 3%
3.1.1 Algebraic expression
3.1.2 Polynomials
3.1.3 Linear equations
3.1.4 Linear inequalities
3.2 Solve problems, evaluate and manipulate symbolic and numerical
problems in elementary algebra by applying fundamental rules, principles
and processes


4.1 Show mastery and knowledge of basic terms and concepts in
statistics and probability 1%
4.1.1 Counting techniques
4.1.2 Probability of an event
4.1.3 Measures of central tendency
4.1.4 Measures of variability
4.2 Solve, evaluate, manipulate symbolic and numerical
problems in statistics and probability by applying fundamental rules 2%
54 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

Read, analyze and reflect on these NOTES.
1. When evaluating mathematical expressions, always be guided by the order of operations:
a. Simplify all operations inside parenthesis.
b. Simplify all exponents
c. Perform all multiplications and divisions, working from left to right.
d. Perform all additions and subtractions, working from left to right.
Remember the mnemonic P-E-M-D-A-S ( Parenthesis-Exponents- Multiplications/Divisions-

2. Numbers may be classified as prime, composite and natural denominate:

a. A prime numbers is a positive numberwhich may only divided by 1or itself.
b. A composite number is a positive number which has a positive divisor other 1 or itself. All
even numbers are composite exceptthe number 2.
c. A natural number like 0 or 1 is neither prime nor composite.
d. A denominate number is a number with an attached unit of measurement.

3. Prime factorization is the process of finding which prime numbers tou need to multiply together to
get the original number. There are 2 methods of Prime factorization.
a. In the factor tree method, we use a pictorial method of finding factors, where the
number to be factorized is placed at the top and all its factors branch out one by one
till we get all prime factors, just like a tree.


12 2

3 4

2 2

3 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 24

b. In the continuous divivision method, we rperform repeated divisionsusing prime

factors as divisor until the last dividend becomes 1.

2 24
2 12
2 6
3 3

4. The least common multiple (LCM) is the smalles multiple that 2 numbers have in common. The
greatest common factor (GCF) is the larges multiple that can exactly divide 2 numbers. To obtain the
LCM or the GCF, prform prime factorization of the 2 numbers and compare their prime factors.
a. For LCM, after you list down the 2 factors, mark similar prime factors as one pair. After you have
done so, multiply together the pairedand unpaired prime factors.

24 = 2 2 2 2
36 = 2 2 2 2

LCM = ⏟
2x2x3 x 2⏟
𝑥3 = 72
paired factors 𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠

b. For GCF, after you list down the prime factors, mark similar prime factors as one pair. After you
have done so, multiply together the paired prime factors ONLY.

24 = 2 2 2 2
36 = 2 2 2 2

GCF = ⏟
2x2x3 x = 12
paired factors

1. Please be guided by the divisibility rules.

Divisor Divisibility condition Examples

2 The last digit is even (0, 2, 4, 6, or 8). 1294: 4 is even.
3 Sum of the digits is clearly divisible by 3. 405 => 4 + 0 + 5 = 9
4 The last two digits are divisible by 4. 40832: 32 is divisible by 4.
5 Thelast digit is 0 or 5. 495: the last digit is 5.
6 It is divisible by 2 or by 3. 1,458: 1 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 18, so it is divisible
by 3 and the last digit is even, hence the number is divided by 6.
Subtracttwo times the last digit from the rest.
483: 48 – (3 × 2) = 42: 42 is divisible by 7.
The result should be divisible by 7
8 The last three digits are divisible by 8. 34152: 152 is divisible by 8.
Ad four times the hundreds digit to twice the tens
digit to the ones digit. The result should be divisible 34152: (4 × 1) + (2 × 5) + 2 = 16
by 8.
9 Sum of the digits is divisible by 9. 2,880: 2 + 8 + 8 + 0 = 18
10 The last digit 0. 130: the las digit is 0.

2. Recall the concepts of ratio and proportion.

a. A ratio is an expression of the relative size of two quantities; it is usually expressed as the quotient
of one number divided by the other. The ratio of 1 to 2 is written as 1:2 or 1/2.
b. A proportion is a statement of equality between two ratios. The ratio of 1:2 to 3:6 forms of the
proportion 1:2 = 3:6 or ½ = 3/6.
3. Recall the concept of percentage, base and rate.
a. The percentage is the fraction of the original number that is obtained by multiplying the rate and the
base. In problems, it is the number that comes before the word is.
b. The base is the number or quantity which represents the original number. It also represents the total.
It is obtained by dividing the percentage by the rate. In problems, , it is the number that comes after
the word of.
c. The rate is the number represents the percent. It is obtained by dividing the percentage by the base.
In problems, is the number that is attached to the word percent or to a % sign.
d. To facilitate recall of the formulate for percentage, base and rate, draw a PBR triangle.
56 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

4. Measurment is the oprocess or result of determining the magnitude of a quantity.
a. Perimeter is the total distance around any 2 dimensional shape. The formulae for for perimeter as
i. perimeter of triangle = a + b + c, whare a, b and c represens the lengths of the three sides
of the triangle

a b

ii. perimeter of a rectangle = 2l = 2w, where l and w represens the length and the width


iii. perimeter of a square = 4s, where s represents the length of one side of a square

iv. perimeter of circle = 2 r, where represents the constant equal to 3.1416 and r represents the
radius of the circle

b. Area iWs the total amount of space that a 2 dimensional object occupies. It is measuresd in square
units (ie, square meters, square centimeters).
i. area of a triangle = ½ × b × h, where b represents the base and h represents the
perpendicular height.


ii. area of a rectangle = 1 × w, where l and w represens the length and the width

iii. area of a square = s², where s represents the length of one side of a square

iv. area of a circle = πr², where π represents the constant equal to 3.1416 and r represents the
radius of a circle

v. area of an isosceles trapezoid = x (b1 + b2) x h, where b1 and b2 represent the length of the
2 parallel bases and h is the perpendicular height

c. volume is the total amount of space occupied by a three dimensional object. It is measured in
cubic units (ie, cubic meters, cubic centimeters).
i. volume of a cube = s3, where s is length of 1 side of the cube.

ii. volume of a rectangular prism = 1 × w × h, where l is the length, w is the width and h is
the height.

l w
iii. volume of a cylinder = πr2h, where π represents the constant equal to 3.1416, r represents
the radius of the circular base and h represents the height of the cylinder.

58 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

iv. volume of a cone = (1/3) x πr2h, where π represents the constant equal to 3.1416, r
represents the radius of the circular base and h represents the height of the cone

v. volume of a pyramid = (1/3) x B x h, where B is the area of the base and h is the height

π 3
vi. volume of sphere = (4/3) x r , where π represents the constant equal to 3.1416, r
represents the radius

d. Capacity is the total amount of fluid that a 3-dimensional container can hold. It is used hand in
hand with volume and is calculated using the same formulae.

e. Weight is a measure of the amount of gravitational pull exerted on a mass. Beyond the realm of
physics, weight and mass are used interchangeably. Conventional units include kilograms and

5. The standard system of measurement in the present day is the metric or SI system. The alternative
system used in European countries is the English system.
a. Convertion of units in the SI system requires awareness of various key prefixes signifying
powers of ten.

SI Prefixes for Multiples

Name deca hecto kilo mega giga tera peta exa zetta yotta
Symbol Da H k M G T P E Z Y
Factoer 101 102 103 106 109 1012 1015 1018 1021 1024

SI Prefixes for Fractions

Name deci centi milli micro nano pico femto atto zepto yocto
Symbol d C m μ n p f a z y
Factor 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12 10-15 10-18 10-21 10-24

Dimensional analysis is done to determine equivalent SI units using different prefixes. For example, to
convert 8 kilometers into centimeters.

10𝑚3 3
8 km (
1 𝑘𝑚
) (11𝑐𝑚
) = 8 x 103-(-2)cm = 8 × 105 cm

b. Conversion of units from English system to the SI system requires memorization of convertion

1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds 1(lbs)

2.54 centimeters = 1 inch
12 inches = 1 foot
1 meter = 3.28 feet
3 feet = 1 yard
1 mile = 5,280 feet
1 kilometer = 0.62 mile

6. Recall the following concepts in plane trigonometry.

a. A line is a series of points that extends in two opposite directions without end. Two points are
needed to define a line. It has no fixed length or width. It is considered infinitely long.
i. The point of intersection is the point where two lines meet or come together.
ii. Perpendicular lines from right angles to the point of their intersection. They will never
intersect with each other.

b. A curve line is a line that representsa mathematical equation. IT may two-dimensional or three-

c. An angle is the figure formed by two rays sharing a common endpoint, called the vertexof the
angle. Angles are measured in degrees (0).
i. A right angle is an angle whose measure is exactly 90 degrees.
ii. An acute angle is an angle whose measure is lees than 90 degrees.
iii. An obtuse angle is an angle whose measure is more than 90 degrees but less than 180
iv. A straight angle is an angle whose measure is is exactly 180 degrees.
v. A reflex angle is an angle whose measure is more than 180 degrees but less than 360
vi. Two angles are complementary if their sum is 90 degrees.
vii. Two angles are supplementary if their sum is 180 degrees.

d. A triangle is a plane geometric figure with three verticesand three sides. The sum of three internal
angles of a triangle is always equal to 180 degrees.
i. Triangles may be classified on the length of sides:
1. An equilateral triangle has three sides of equal length. It is also called
equiangular triangles because all three angles measure exactly 60 degrees.
2. An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length. the two angles opposite the
two equal sides are also equal in measure.
3. A scalene triangle has three sides of unequal length. All three angles are also of
unequal measure.
ii. Triangles may also be classified based on the measure of internal angles:
1. A right triangle has exactly one right angle among its internal angles.
2. An acute triangle is composed of three acute internal angles.
3. An obtuse triangle has exactly one obtuse angle among its internal angles.
ii. Special triangles have properties that aloow us to compute algebraically the lengths of
their corresponding sides.
1. The dimension of the right triangle follow the Pythagorean theorem.


60 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

a. The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse (c).
b. The two other sides are called the legs (a, b).
c. For any right triangle, a2 +b2 = c2.
For a 45-45-90 right triangle:



a. The length of the hypotenuse is equal to the length of one the legs
multiplied by √2.

3. For a 30-60-90 right triangle:

a. The length of the hypotenuse is two time the length
of the shorter leg.
b. The length of the longer leg is equal to the length of
the shorter leg multiplied by √3.

4. For equilateral triangle:

a. The height is defined by the following formula:

height = a2

The area is defined by the following formula:

area = a2

5. Heron’s theorem may be used to calculate the area of any triangle given the length of the three sides.
a. First, calculate the semiperimeter:

b. Use the semiperimeter to calculate the area using Heron’s theorem:

area = √𝑠 (𝑠 − 𝑎)(𝑠 − 𝑐)

c. A quadrilateral is a plane geometric figure with exactly four sides and four vertices. The sum of the
measures of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is exactly 360o.
i. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.
1. The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal in measure.
2. The adjacent angles of a parallelogram are supplementary.
3. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
ii. A rectangle is aquadrilateral with four right internal angles.
1. The diagonals are equal in length and bisect each other.
2. The length of each diagonal is equal to √𝑙 2 + 𝑤 2
iii. A square is a quadrilateralwith four equal sides and four right internal angles.
1. The diagonals of a square bisect each other and meet at 90 degrees.
2. The diagonals of a square bisect its angles.
3. The diagonals of a square are perpendicular.
iv. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides.
1. Oppositeangles of a rhombus are equal sides.
2. The two diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular.

d. A polygon is a plane geometric figure bounded by a closed path or circuit, composed of a finite
sequence of straight line segments.
i. The segments are called its sides, and the points where two edges meet are the
polygon’s vertices.
ii. Polygons are named based on the number of sides:

# of sides Name of polygon # of sides Name of polygon

3 Triangle 12 Dodecagon
4 Quadrilateral 13 Triskaidecagon
5 Pentagon 14 Tetradecagon
6 Hexagon 15 Pentadecagon
7 Heptagon 16 Hexadecagon
8 Octagon 17 Heptadecagon
9 Nonagon 18 Octadecagon
10 Decagon 19 Nonadecagon
11 Undecagon 20 Icosagon

iii. A regular polygon has equal length of all sides and equal measure of all interior
iv. The sum of all the interior angle of a regular polygon is equal to
(n – 2) × 180.
v. The measure of eac interior angle of a regular polygon is equal to
(n−2 x 180

7. Recall the following basic concepts in Elementary algebra:

a. An algebraic expression is a mathematical expression made up of the signs and symbols
of algebra. These symbols include the Arabic numerals, literal numbers, the signs of
operation, and so forth.
b. The components of algebraic expression are called terms. Based on the number of terms,
special designation is given to algebraic expressions:
i. An expression containing only one term (ie, 2x) is called a monomial.
ii. A binomial contains two terms (ie, 2x + 1).
iii. A trinomial consist of three terms (ie, 2x2 + 3x + 4).
iv. Any expressions containing two or more terms may also be called by the general
name, polynomial.
62 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

8. A ppolynomial expression is a monomial or a sum of monomials.

a. The degree of a polynomial expression with one variable is the value of the largest exponent
of the variable that appears in any term. For example, the degree of the binomial x2 + 4 is 2.
b. A functional relationship between quantities that can be described by an equation where y
equals a polynomial expression of x is a polynomial function.
i. A linear function is a polynomial function with a degree equal to 1 (ie, y = 5x + 3).
1. The graph of a linear function is a straight line.
ii. A Quadratic function is a polynomial function with a degree equal to 2
(ie, y = 5x2 + 3x + 3).
1. The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola.
iii. A cubic function is a polynomial function with a degree equal to 3
(ie, y = 5x3 + 3x2 + x + 3).
1. The graph of a cubic function is a curve.

9. Recall the principles in evaluation of polynomial expressions.

a. Group like terms using cummutative and associative properties.
b. Combine like terms using distributive property.
c. Simplifying powers can also help you multiply monomials.
i. multiplying powers with like bases: am x an = am+n.
ii. Raising apower to a power: (am)n = amn.
iii. Raising a product to a power: (ab)n = an x bn.
iv. Zero power: ao = 1.
v. Negative power a-n =
vi. Dividing powers with like bases: = a(m-n).

𝑎 𝑛 𝑎𝑛
vii. Raising a quotient to a power: ( ) =
𝑏 𝑏𝑛

10. Factoring a polynonmial means writing it as a product of 2 or more monomials.

a. Common monomial factor:
i. Consider the trinomial 2x3 – 10x2 + 6x. The common monomial factor is 2x. So using the
distributive property in reverse, we factor this expression as: 2x (x2 + 5x + 3).
b. Grouping:
i. Consider x3 – x2 + x – 1 = 0.
x3 – x2 + x – 1 =0
(x – x ) + (x – 1)
3 2
x2 (x- 1) + (x – 1) =0
(x – 1) (x2 +1) =0

c. square of a binomial (perfect square trinomial):

i. (a +b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2.
ii. (a +b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2.

d. Difference of two squares:

ii. (a = b) (a – b) = a2 - b2.

e. Completing the square:

i. Consider x2 + 6x + 5 = 0.
(x2 + 6x + 5 + 4) – 4 =0
(x2 + 6x + 9) – 4 =0
(X + 3)2 – 4 =0
(x + 3 + 2) (x + 3 + 2) =0
(x + 1) (x + 5) =0

f. Sum of two cubes:

i. (a+b)3 = (a + b) (a2 _ a + b2).

g. Difference of two cubes:

i. (a - b)3 = (a - b) (a2 + ab + b2)

15. A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which each term is either a constant or a product of a
constant and (the first power of) a single variable.
These may be expressed in the following forms:

a. Standard form: Ax + By + C = 0, where,

i. the x-intercept is (-C/A, 0).
ii. the y-intercept is (0, -C/B).
iii. the slope of a line is –A/B.

b. Slope intercept form: y = mx + b, where, m is the slope and (0, b) is the y-intercept.
𝑦 −𝑥
c. Two point form: y-y1 = 𝑦2 − 𝑥1 (x-x1) where, where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)are two different poits on
2 1
the line.

d. Point slope form: y – y1 = m (x – x1), where m is the slope of the line and (x1, y1) is any point on
the line.
𝑥 𝑦
e. Intercept form: 𝑎 + 𝑏 = 1, where (a, 0) is the x-intercept and (0, b) is the y-intercept.

16. A linear inequality is an inequality which involves a linear function. The solution to a linear
inequality is obtained by shading the corresponding half-space in the Cartesian plane after graphing
the expression as a linear equation.

17. Recall the various counting techniques:

a. Fundamental Principle of Counting: In a sequence of events, the total possible number of ways
all events can performed is the product of the possible number of ways each individual event
can be perform.
b. Factorial: n! = (n – 1) (n - 2) … (3) (2) (1); for example, 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1.
c. Permutation: A permutation is an arrangement of objects without repetation where order is
important. A permutation of n objects, arranged in groups of size r, without repetition, and order
being important is: nPr = (𝑛−𝑟)!
d. Combination: A combination is an arranement of objects without repetation where order is not
important. A combination of n objects, arrangedin groups of size r, without repetation, and order
not being important is: nCr = (𝑛−𝑟)!
18. Probability is a measure of certainty or uncertainty that an event will happen.
It arranges from 0 to 1.
a. The probability of an impossible event (an event that wil never occur) is 0.
b. The probability of an certain event (an event that will surely happen) is 1.
c. The probability (P) of an event (E) is expressed mathematically as:
(𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠)
P(E) = (𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑚𝑒𝑠)
64 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

19. Measures of central tendency are numerical descriptive measures which indicate or locate the center
of distribution or data set.
a. The mean of a set of values or measurements in the sum of all the measurements divided by the
number of measurements in the set.
b. The meadian is the middle value of a given set of measurements, provided that the values or
measurements are arranged in an array. An array is an arrangement of values in increasing or
decreasing values.
c. The mode is the value occurs most frequently in a set of measurements or values.
d. Measures of variability are measures of the average distance of each observation from the center
of distribution. They measure homogeneity or heterogeity of a particular group.
a. The range is the difference between the highest and the lowest values. This is the
simpliest and most unreliable measure of variability since it uses only two values in the
b. the mean obsolute deviation is the average of summation of the absolute deviation of each
observation from the mean. The formula for the mean absolute deviataion is:
∑ 𝑥−𝑥̅
mean absolute deviation =
where, x is a value or score from the raw data, 𝑥̅ is the mean and n is the total
number of cases.
c. Variance (s2) is the average of the squared deviation from the mean . The formula for
∑(𝑥 −𝑥̅ ) 2
finding the variance is shown below: s2 = 𝑛
where, x is a value or score from the raw data, 𝑥̅ is the mean and n is the total
number of cases.
d. The standard deviation is the square root of the average deviation from the mean. It is
mathematically equal to the square root of the variance.
∑(𝑥 −𝑥̅ ) 2
where, x is a value or score from the raw data, x is the mean and n is the total number
of cases.

PRACTICE TEST: Test your mastery of competencies. Choose the letter that correspond to the best

I Math 1-Fundamentals of math

1. Use of four fundamental operations in problem solving involving:
1.1 Operation with whole numbers, decimals, Fractions, and integers
1.2 Prime, composite, denominate numbers
1.3 Prime factorization
1.4 LCM, GCM
1.5 Divisibilty rules

1. Evalute the following expression: 5 + 3 (42 + 7) – 7 (2 + 32 x 8)0

A. 0 C. 72
B. 152 D. -444

3+4 (5−2 x 6)+12 (2+4)+1

2. Evaluate the following mathematical expression: 80
1+(3 x 6)−
A. 16 C. 36
B. 24 D. 12

3. Which among the following is NOT a prime number?

A. 31 C. 51
B. 41 D. 61

4. How many prime numbersare there between 1 and 100?

A. 23 C. 25
B. 24 D. 26

5. What is the largest prime number less than 100?

A. 91 C. 95
B. 93 D. 97

6. What are the prime factors of 128?

A. 1 x 2 x 8 C. 2 x 2 x 2 x 4 x 4
B. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 D.2 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

7. What are the prime factors of 153?

A. 3 x 3 17 C. 153 x 1
B. 3 x 3 x 7 x 9 D. 3 x 7 x 13

8. What are the prime factors of 273?

A. 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 C. 3 x 6 x 9 x 11
B. 3 x 17 x 11 D. 3 x 7 x 13

9. What is the least common multiple of 24 and 80?

A. 360 C. 240
B. 80 D. 480
66 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

10. One trip around a running track is 440 yards. One jogger can complete one lap in 8 minutes, the other
can complete it in 6 minutes. How long will it take for both joggers to arrive at their starting point
together if they start at the same time and maintain their jogging pace?
A. 12 minutes C. 36 minutes
B. 24 minutes D. 48 minutes

11. Josefa is making bead necklaces. She has 90 green beeds and 180 blue beads. What is the greatest
number of identical necklaces she can make if she wants to use all of this beads?
A. 12 C. 16
B. 15 D. 18

12. Lisa bought a big bag of candy at a warehouse store. There are 102 pieces of candy in a bag. Lisa needs
to divide the candy up into smaller bags. She wants to put the same number of pices in each small bag.
How many small bags could lacey use?
A. 17 C.19
B. 18 D. 20

13. A dish company needs to ship an order of 117 glass bowls. The company will put the bowl into several
boxes. Each box contains the same number of bowls. How many boxes could the company use for the
A. 11 C. 13
B. 12 D. 17

14. The number, 212115273999132, is NOT divisible by which of the following factors?
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 d. 8

15. When 2,000 pounds of paper are recycled, 17 trees are saved. How many trees are saved if 5,000 pounds
of paper is recycled?
A. 41 C. 45
B. 42.5 D. 63

16. A recipe calls for 2 eggs for every 5 cups of flour. A local chief will use 35 cups of flour, how many eggs
must be have?
A. 12 C. 14
B. 13 D. 16

17. Five out of every seven households have cable TV. If 42,000 households in a certain city hyave a TV,
how many do not have cable TV?
A. 12,000 C. 30,000
B. 21,000 D. 32,000

18. Our school has 8 male teachers who comprise 25% of all our teachers. How many teachers do we have?
A. 24 C. 32
B. 28 D. 40

19. Miss Santiago’s class has 20 boys and 15 girls in her English class. What percent of the students are
A. 28% C. 44%
B. 43% D. 50%

20. Jerome answered 80% of the 50 items correctly in math test. How many items did he answer correctly?
A. 40 C. 45
B. 44 D. 50

21. A business man had incurred the following expenses in his trips to the Visayanislands: P5100.00,
P4600.00, P3800.00, and P3200.00. What was his total for his trip?
A. P16000 C. P17000
B. 16700 D. P17500

22. Ms. Tonelada weighed 60 kg. She lost 4 kg on her first week of exercise, gained 2 kg on her second
week, lost 6kg on her 3rd week and and remained her weight on 4th week. What was her weight on the 4th
A. 52 kg C. 68 kg
B. 58 kg D. 72 kg

23. A group of young people from four countries gathered together for an international conference: 40 from
Manila, 60 from Japan, 35 from Thailand and 45 from Singapore. The participants will form
discussiongroups with equal number of members from each country in each group. What is the greatest
number of discussion groups that can be formed?
A. 5 C. 20
B. 15 D. 25

24. During summer, a lady visits Baguio 6 days, and his best friend every 4 days. If they visited Baguio last
April 11, what does the earliest date did both of them visit Baguio again
A. April 21 C. May 5
B. April 23 D. May 11

25. A recipe calls a ¾ of sugar. How much sugar should be used if only ½ of the quantities given in the
recipe is to be prepared?

3 1
A. C.
4 2

2 3
B. D.
3 8

26. In a bundle of new 100 bils, The bills are consecutively numbered RTC3432260 to RTC3432280. How
much is the total amount of the bills?
A. 3200 C. 3400
B. 3300 D. 3500

27. The sum of three consecutive integers is 96. What are the integers?
A. 31, 32, 33 C. 30, 32, 34
B. 32, 33, 34 D. 33, 34, 35

28. A farmer can plow 3
of a hectare in 1 hr. At this rate, in how many hours will 5 farmers plow the same
1 15
A. C.
5 2
B. D. 10
68 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

29. If the exchange rate of the US dollars to pesos is $1 = Php47.90 what is the value of Php1 in American
A. 02 C. 2
B. 479 D. 4.79

30. In a card game, a player got the following scores: 35, -60, -40, 80, -100, 25, -25. Whatis his final score?
A. -115 C. 85
B. -85 D. 115

31. The first 5 numbers in a sequence are 2, 3, 5, 8, and 12. What is the 7th number in the sequence?
A. 15 C. 23
B. 19 D. 25

32. A teacher wants to group his pupils into groups of 3 or 5 or 6. However, if she found out that if she do
that there will always be 1 pupil left. What is the least possible number of pupils in the class?
A. 81 C. 21
b. 31 d. 11

33. Twelve pesos more than twice Mico’s allowance is at most 600 pesos. What is her maximum allowance?
A. 300 pesos C. 588 pesos
B. 634 pesos D. 294 pesos

34. What integer should be added to 11 to get the sum of at least 37?
A. At least 15 C. At least 26
B. At least 25 D. At least 32

35. What are the largest two consecutive odd integers whose sum is at most 60?
A. 25, 27 C. 29, 31
B. 27, 29 D. 31, 33

36. Two numbers are in ratio of 3:4. If there sum is 84, what is the smallest number?
A. 24 C. 48
B. 36 D. 54

37. The numerator of a fraction is 3 less than the denominator. If the numerator and denominator are each
increased by 1, the value of the fraction becomes ¾. What is the original fraction?
A. 7/12 C. 8/11
B. 8/12 D. 6/13

38. Mr. Lucido deposited 225 pesos in the bank. If his deposit consisted of 29 bills, consisting of 5 peso and
10 peso bills, how many 10 peso bills did he deposit?
A. 13 C. 15
B. 14 D. 16

39. Brenda has saved 300 coins, consisting of 25 centavo and 10 centavo coins.if the total value of her
savingsis 4 pesos, how many 10 centavocoins did she save?
A. 100 C. 300
B. 200 D. 400

40. Julia can finish a project in 10 hours while Elenita can do the same project in 8 hours. How will it take
them to finish the project together?
A. 3.44 hours C. 4.44 hours
B.4.00 hours D. 18 hours

41. If a liter of chemical X is 95% pure, how many liters of water must be added to make a 50% solution?
A. 0.80% L C. 0.94% L
B. 0.90 L D. 0.09 L

42. Arthur has blended coffee worth 95 pesos per kilogram with coffee worth 115 pesos per kilogram to
make 50 kilograms of coffee that will be sold at 107 pesos per kilogram. How many kilograms of each
kind did he blend?
A. 20 kilos of 95/kg and 30 kilos of 115kg
B. 30 kilos of 95/kg and 30 kilos of 115kg
C. 30 kilos of 95/kg and 50 kilos of 115kg
D. 60 kilos of 95/kg and 30 kilos of 115kg

43. A Victory liner bus traveling at a rate 70 km/h leaves the station after a freight truck has left and
overtakes it in 5 hours. At what ratewas the freight truck traveling?
A. 20km/h C. 40km/h
B. 30 km/h D. 50 km/h

44. Don Antonio invested part of 30,000 pesos at 5% interest and the remaining interest at 6% interest at
BPI. If his investment yields annual income of 1,620 pesos, how much did he invest at 6% interest?
A. 12,000 pesos C. 16,000 pesos
B. 14, 000 pesos D. 18,000 pesos

45. The units digit of a two-digit number exceeds the tens digit by 2. Find the number if it 4 times the sum of
its digits.
A. 24 C. 48
B. 42 D. 82

46. Using t6he integers 4, 7, 9, 8 and 5, how many two digit numberscan be formed if repletion is NOT
A. 20 C. 25
B. 23 D. 28

47. In how many ways can 5 boys be seated in a row of 5 seats?

A. 72 C. 102
B. 9 D. 120

48. In how many ways can a term of 10 basketball players be chosen from 12 players?
A. 62 C. 66
B. 64 D. 72

MATH 1-1.6 Ratio and proportion

49. If a picture frame is 27 cm long and 18 cm wide, what is the ratio of its length to its width?
A. 3:2 C. 3:5
B. 2:3 D.5:3
70 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

50. Five bananas weigh as much as 3 star apples. Inthis rate, how many star apples will weigh as much as 45
A. 27 C. 33
B. 30 D. 36

51. It takes 20 men to build a building for 60 days. Assuming that all men work at this rate, how many men
will be needed to build the same building in 15 days?
A. 5 C. 100
B. 80 D. 120

52. The ratio of the numbers of carabaos, goats and cows in a farm is 5:1:2. If there are 48 animals of these
kinds in his backyard, how many of them are goats?
A. 2 C. 6
B. 4 D. 8

53. The ratio of the numbers of red, green and blue balls in a box is 2:5:6. How many green marbles are
there if there are 52 marbles in all?
A. 4 C. 20
B. 8 D. 24

54. In a university, the ration of the female professors to the male professors 8:5. If there are 75 male
professors, how many are female professors?
A. 120 C. 225
B. 180 D. 375/8

55. A meter stick is cut into 2 at the 25 cm mark. What is the ratio of the smaller piece to the larger pice?
A. 1:3 C.3:4
B. 2:5 D. 4:5

MATH 1-1.7 Percentage, Base and Rate

56. In asurvey to determine the reaction of people about having a new GSIS card, 80% of the 2,400 people
voted in favor of the new card. How many of the voters did not vote for the new card?
A. 1920 C. 800
B. 1600 D. 480

57. Lulu spends 15% of her monthly income for house rental, 10% for electric bill and 25% for food and
other miscellaneous expenses, she still has P6,000 left. How much does she earn every month?
A. P15,000.00 C. P9,000.00
B. P12,000.00 D. P8,000.00

58. If 500 or 25% of a graduating class are girls, how many are graduating?
A. 2,000 C. 10,000
B. 5,000 D. 20,000

59. At 25% discount, Ms. Barat paid P150.75 for a bag. What was the original price of the bag?
A. P37.69 C. P201.00
B. P150.75 D. P603.00

60. A man accepts a position at P14,250 basic salary with an agreement that he will receive a 2% increase
every year for 3 years. What will his salary be at the end of 3 years?
A. P14,950.00 C. P15,122.21
B. P15,105.00 D. P16,500.00

61. A man invested Php 100000. He put part of it in a bank at 5% interest. On the other hand, he invested the
remainder in bonds with a 9% yearly return. How much did he put in a bank if his yearly income from
the two investments was Php 7,400?
A. Php40,000.00 C. Php60,000.00
B. Php50,000.00 D. Php 70,000.00

MATH 1-1.8 Measurement and units of measure

62. Max is planning to take a leisurely stroll around their rectangular patio, which measures 27.7 m long and
21.5 m wide. Howfar does Max have to walk?
A. 96.4 m C. 98.4 m
B. 120.4 m D. 88.4 m

63. Which among the following has the largest perimeter?

A. Square pizza with perimeter of 80 cm
B. Circular pizza with radius of 13 cm
C. Rectangular pizza with dimension 10 cm x 14 cm
D. Circular pizza with radius 8.5 cm

64. You own a small rectangular box measuring 3 cm x 2 cm. If the dimensions of this box are increased by
10%, what is the area of resulting box?
A. 6.26 cm2 C. 7.12 cm2
B. 6.22 cm D. 7.26 cm2

65. What is the area of the rhombus whose diagonals measures10 m and 12 m respectively?
A. 120 m2 C. 60 m2
B. 100 m D. 360 m2

66. Find the volume of a toy ball whose radius is 2 cm.

A. 33. 49 cm3 C. 51.76 cm3
B. 48.56 cm3 D. 50.24 cm3

67. A tin can has a radius of 6 cm and a height of 20 cm. What is the volumeof milk that this container can
A. 3, 00cm3 C. 1,689 cm3
B. 2,261 cm3 D. 2,200 cm3

68. The total surface area of a cubic box is 600 cm2. What is the length one side of this box?
A. 6 cm C. 9 cm
B. 8 cm D. 10 cm

69. After a stone is dropped into a cylindrical container filled with 100 cm3 of water, the water rises and the
new reading is 106.5 cm3. What is the volume of the stone?
A. 6.5 cm3 C. 60.5 cm3
B. 60.65 cm3 D. 10.65 cm3
72 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

70. Which of the following length is the longest?

A. 555 cm C. .005 km
B. 5.5 m D. 5555 mm

71. One-fifth of the width and one-fourth of the length of a rectangular cardboardis cut off. What part of the
original cardboard is the area of the remained piece?
A. 30% of the original area C. 50% of the original area
B. 40% of the original area D. 60% of the original area

72. If the area of a triangle is 1 sq unit and its height is unit, what is the length of its base?
A. 1 unit C. 3 units
B. 2 units D. 4 units

73. What is the radius of a circle whose area is 25 cm2?

A. 25 cm C. 5 cm
B. 25 cm D. 5 cm

74. Refer to the figure. Given: m 2 = 55o and m 3 = 80. What is m 4?

4 1 2 5

A. 90o C. 115o
B. 105o D. 135o
1 1
75. Mrs. Dina Ta Tandadivided her lot among her 4 children. The first got 3 ha, the second 3 ha, the
2 3
1 2
third 34 ha and the fourth 35 ha.

How big is Ms. Tanda’s lot?

5 29
A. 1214 ha C. 1360 ha

B. 13 ha D. 14 ha

76. An elevator can carry a maximm load of 605 kg. How many passengers of weight50.5 kg each can the
elevator hold?
A. 12 C. 11
B. 11.9 D. 10

77. A room is 30 ft. long, 25 ft wide and 14 ft high. If 42 ballons are inside the room, how many cubic feet of
space does this allow for each balloon?
A. 25 C. 250
B. 69 D. 690

78. What is the volume of air in an atmospheric balloon with a diameter of 24 cm?
A. 144 cm3 C. 570 cm3
B. 240 cm D.2304 cm3 \

79. A photograph measuring 7 ½ cm by 5 cm is enlarged so that the longer side is 24 cm. What is the length
(in cm) of the shorter side?
A. 36 C. 6
B. 16 D. 1.6

80. How many cm are there in 2 m and 550 mm?

A. 75 C. 2055
B. 255 D. 2550

81. How much liquid containing 6% boric acid should be mixed with 2 quarts of a liquid that is 15% boric
acid in order to obtain a solution that is 12% boric acid?
A. 1 quart C. 3 quarts
B. 2 quarts D. 5 quarts

82. A defective ruler was found found 11.5 in long. Using this ruler, Samuel was found to be 4 ft tall. What
is Samul’s actual height?
A. 4 ft 2 in C. 3 ft 11.5 in
B. 4 ft 4 in D. 3 ft 10 in

MATH 1-1.9 Convert units in the metric system

83. How many grams are there in 1 petagram?

A.5 C.1015
B.5,000 D.5 x 1015

84. If an apple weighs about 170grams, about how many apples are in 3.5 kilogram bags of apple?
A. 20 C. 22
B. 21 D. 23

85. A new supercomputer measures 462 lbs in weight. How much does it weigh in grams?
A. 21 g C. 21,000 g
B. 2,100 g D. 210,000 g

86. How many liters are there in 353 quarts?

A. 353 L C. 326 L
B. 334 L D. 324 L

87. Paul and his son participated in a marathon. Paul traveled 3 km 50 m while his son ran 502 m 36 cm.
What is the total distance that the father and tandem covered?
A. 3,760 m C. 3,552 m
B. 5,452 m D. 3550 m

88. A slow moving snail traveled 4,800 mm. How far did it travel in kilometers?
A. 0.0048 km C. 0.48 km
B. 4.8 km D. 0.048 km

89. For the fruit punch, 3050mL of fruit juice is needed. How much fruit juice is needed in dekaliters?
A. 0.305 daL C. 5.03 daL
B. 3.05 daL D. 0.053 daL

90. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement. What is the measure of the larger angle?
A. 102.5 degrees C. 90 degrees
B. 77.5 degrees D. 110 degrees
74 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

2.1 Show mastery of basic terms and concepts in Plane Geometry
2.2 Solve problems involving basic terms and concepts in Plane Geometry

91. If the measure of angle is twice the measure of its complement, what is the measure of the angle?
A. 30 degrees C. 90 degrees
B. 60 degrees D. 120 degrees

92. Which among the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE?

A. The supplement of an angle is acute.
B. The supplement of an angle is obtuse.
C. The supplement of any acute angle is acute.
D. Two supplementary angles are congruent.

93. Which among the following statements is ALWAYS TRUE?

A. Two adjacent right angles are supplementary.
B. Complements of congruent angles are congruent.
C. Two intersecting lines form two pairs of vertical angles.
D. Angles that form a linear pair are complementary.

94. What is the measure of an angle if the measure of its supplements is 39 degrees more than twice the
measure of its complement?
A. 29 degrees C. 49 degrees
B. 39 degrees D. 59 degrees

95. Consider the triangle illustrated below. Find the measure of angle x.

3x - 5

5x + 5 3x – 15

A. 57 degrees C. 55 degrees
B. 47 degrees D. 22 degrees

96. Consider the triangle illustrated below. Find the value of x.


x 125

A. 55 C. 60
B. 35 D. 25

97. Two angles of a triangle measure 4 cm and 7 cm. What is the range of values for the possible lengths of
the third side?
A. 4 < x < 7 C. 7 < x < 11
B. 3 < x < 11 D. 11 < x < 15
98. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Arectangle is a square.
B. A parallelogram is a trapezoid.
C. A rhombus is a rectangle.
D. A square is a rhombus.

99. Consider the quadrilateral below. Find the value of x.

A. 22 C. 112
B. 56 D. 54

100. If the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is 1980 degrees, how many sides does it
A. 11 C. 13
B. 12 D. 14

101. What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of an icosagon?
A. 3100 C. 3240
B. 3140 D. 2850

102. What is the measure of an interior angle of a dodecagon?

A. 120 degrees C. 140 degrees
B. 130 degrees D. 150 degrees

103. How many unique diagonals can be drawn in the pentagon?

A. 5 C. 7
B. 6 D. 10

104. Nine unique diagonals can be drawn in a regular polygon.How many sides does it have??
A.9 C.7
B.8 D.6

105. A triangle has a perimeter of 50.If 2 of its sides are equal and the third side is 5 more than the equal
sides , What is the length of the third side?
A. 5 C. 15
B. 10 D. 20

106. A rectangle is4times as long as it is wide. If the length is increased by 4 inches and the width is
decreased by by 1 inche, the area will be 60 square inches. What were the dimensions of the
original rectangle?
A. 2 x 32 C. 3 x 14
B. 4 x 16 D 5 x 12

107. In a quadrilateral two angles are equal. The third angle is equal to the sum of the two equal angles.
The fourth angle is 60o lees than twice the sum of the other three angles. Find the measures of the
angles in the quadrilateral.
A. 25o, 35o, 90o and 220o C. 35o, 35o, 70o and 220o
o o o
B. 25 , 45o, 70 and 70 D. 35o, 35o, 70o and 210o

108. If one side of a square is doubled in length and the adjacent side is decreased by two centimeters, the
area of the resulting rectangle is 96 square centimeters larger than that of the original square. Find
the dimensions of the rectangle.
A. 17 x 24 C. 10 X 24
B. 24 x 24 D. 6 x 16
76 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

109. The smallest angle of a triangle is two-third the size of the middle angle, and the middle angleis
three-sevenths of the largest angle. Find all three angle measures.
A. 30o, 60o, 90o C. 35o, 45o, 110o
o o o
B. 45 , 45 , 90 D. 30o, 445o, 105o

110. If the height of a triangle is 5 inches less than the length of its base, and if the area of the triangle is
52 square inches, find the base and the height.
A. Base = 13, height = 8 C.Base = 11, height = 7
B. Base = 12, height = 9 D. Base = 13, height = 4

111. A wood frame for pouring concrete has an interior perimeter of 14 meters. Its length is 1 meter
greater than its width. The frame is to be braced with twelve-gauge steel croos wires. Assuming an
extra half meter of wire is used at either end of a cross-wire for anchoring, what length of wire
should be cut for its brace?
A. 6 m C. 8 m
B. 7 m D. 12 m

112. Find the largest possible rectangular area you can enclose, assuming you have 128 meters of fencing.
A. 256 m2 C. 1024 m2
B. 512 m2 D. 2048 m2

113. In a photograph, Bianca is 9 cm tall and his brother Tristan is 10 cm tall. Bianca’s actual height is
153 cm. What is Tristan’s actual height?
A. 148 cm C. 168 cm
B. 156 cm D. 170 cm

114. The measures of the angles of a triangle are in a ratio of 2:3:4. Find the measure of the middle angle.
A. 30o C. 60o
B. 40 D. 80o

115. The graph shows the number of socks, belts, handkerchiefs, neckties sold by a store in one week.

Number of items



Items Sold by Store

The names of the items are missing on the graph. Socks were the most often sold, and fewer neckties
than any other item were sold. More belts than handkerchiefs were sold. How many belts were sold?
A. 80 C. 120
B. 90 D. 140

116. An empty box weighs 1.3 kilos. A Math book weighs 1.5 kilos. Which expression gives the weight
of the box when filled with the y Math books?
A. 1.3y + 1.5 C. 1.3 + 1.5y
B. 1.5y - 1.3 D. 1.3y + 1.5y

2.2 Solve problems involving basic terms and concepts in plane geometry

117. A builbing 25 m tall casts a shadow 10 m long. How long is the shadow of a 5-foot girl standing
beside the buiding?
A. 2 ft C. 10 ft
B. 2.5 ft D. 250 ft

118. What is the maximum number of books, each 1.4 cm thick that can be put vertically in a shelf
which is 64 cm long?
A. 44 C. 46
B. 45 D. 64

3.1 Show astery of basic terms and concepts in
3.1.1 Polynomials
3.1.2 Linear equation
3.1.3Linear inequalities
3.2 Solve, evaluate, and manipulate symbolic and numerical problems in eelementary
algebra by
applying fundamental rules, principles and processes

119. Factor completely the expression: a2x – 5by – 5a2y + b2x.

A. (a2 + b2)(x – 5y) C. (a + b)(a – b)(x – 5y)
2 2
B. (a + b )(x + 4y + 3) D. (a2 + b2)(x2 – 5y2)

120. Which among the following is NOT a perfect square trinomial?

A. x2 + 8x + 16 C. 49x2 + 70x + 36
B. 9x + 12x + 4 D. x2 + 6x + 9

121. Factor completely the expression: 27a3 – 54a2b + 36ab2 – 8b3.

A. (3a – 3b)3 C. (4a – 3b)3
B. (a – 3b) 3
D. (3a – 2b)3

122. What is the greatest monomial factor of the expression: -13abc – 39bc +26ab?
A. 3b C. 13abc
B. -13b D. 26b

123. Which factoring technique will best help you to factor the expression: x2 + 6x – 7 = 0?
A. Difference of two cubes C. Grouping
B. Common monomial factor D. Completing the square

124. Find the general equation of the line which passes through the points: (2, -1) and (-3, 5).
A. 6x + 5y – 7 = 0 C. 6x + 7y – 5 = 0
B. 5x – 6y – 7 = 7 D. 6x + 6x – 5 = 0
78 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

123. What is the equation of the line with x-intercept of 4 and y-intercept of 3?
A. 3x + 4y = -12 C. 6x – 8y = 12
B.3x – 4y = 12 D. 4x – 3y = 12

124. Find the equation of the line with a slope of 4 and passing through the point (-5, 3).
A. x – 4y = -23 C. 4x – y = -23
B. 4x - 4y = 23 D. x – y = -4

125. Find the slope of the line describe by the following table of values:
x -2 0 2 4
y -7 -4 -1 2
A.1.50 C. 2.50
B. 0.66 D. 3.50

126. What is the equation of the line whose slope is -2 and whose y-intercept is 3?
A. 2x + 3y = 6 C. 2x +2y = 4
B. x + 2y = 3 D. 2x + y = 3

129. The length of rectangle is 18 cm. What are the possible widths that will give a perimeter less
than 150 cm?
A. 3 < width < 54 C. 18 < width < 36
B. 0 < width < 57 D. 12 < width < 57

130. What is the simplest form of the expression?

A. -2x + 4y – 17 C. 2x + 4y – 17
B. 2x + 4y + 17 D. 2x + 4y

𝑥2 3𝑥
131. If x = 1 and y = -2, what is the value of the expression 4x + ?
2𝑦𝑥 𝑦2

9 7
A. − C. −
2 2

15 17
B. 2 D. -

132. If -3x < 6, which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. x < - 2 C. x > 2
B. x < 2 D. x > -2


4.1 Show mastery and knowledge of basic terms and concepts in
statistics and probability
4.2 Solve, evaluate, and manipulate symbolic and numerical problems in statistics and
probability by applying fundamental rules, principles and processes.

133. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number divisable by 2?

A. 1/6 C.1/4
B.1⁄2 D. 1/3

134. Which among the measures of central tendency is NOT influenced by outliers?
A. mean C. median
B. weightend mean D. mode

135. Monica obtained the following results from her mathematics exams: 80, 82, 83, 91. What
score must she get on the next exam so that her average score is 85?
A. 92 C. 89
B. 93 D. 8

136. In the Filipino test, eight students obtained the following scors: 10, 15, 12, 18, 16, 24, 12,
14. What is the median score?
A.14 C. 15
B. 14.5 D. 15

137. The following table summarizes the scores of Section A on the recent periodic test in social
studies. What is the median score interval?

Score Frequency
16-23 2
24-31 4
32-39 6
40-47 12
48-45 10
56-62 8

A. 24-31 C. 40-47
B. 32-39 D. 48-55

138. The following measurements were obtained from the caliper: 20, 15, 20, 14, 18, 15, 6. What is the
A. 15 C. 14
B. 20 D. 15 and 20

139. The following are Joselito’s grades for the 3rd quarter. Find his general weighted average.

Subject Units Grade

Math 3 89
English 2 84
Science 3 90
Filipino 2 86

A. 87.08 C. 86.36
B. 89.50 D. 87.45

For the numbers 96-100, consider the following situation.The grades in math of the students in
section B are as follows: 70, 95, 60, 80, 100.

140. What is the mean absolute deviation of their group?

A. 11.7 C. 14.6
B. 13.2 D. 15.9

141. What is the population variance of their group?

A. 224 C. 264
B. 250 D. 280
80 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

142. What is the population standard deviation of their group?

A. 16.73 C. 1.58
B. 1.41 D. 14.97

143. What is the range of their group?

A. 60-95 C. 60-100
B. 70-100 D. 80-95

144. What can you infer from the measures of variability obtained from this population?
A.The population is very homogeneous.
B. The measures are very unstable.
C. The grades are very scattered.
D.The range of scores is a very reliable measure of variability.

145. What measure of central tendency can best describe the size of t-shirts commonly used by
A. mean C. mode
B. median D. both A and C

146. The following aree the results of the recent achievement test in mathematics of four

Division Mean Standard deviation

I 34 4.5
II 34 3.0
III 23 1.0
IV 20 2.0

Which division performed best?


147. What is the probability of getting a multiple of 3 when a die is tossed?

A. 1/6 C. 1/3
B. 1/4 D. 1/2

148. In how many ways can a 5 basketball players be choosen from a group of 9 players?
A. 126 C. 15,120
B. 212 D. 362,880


1 B 54 A 106 B
2 A 55 A 107 C
3 C 56 D 108 C
4 C 57 B 109 D
5 D 58 A 110 A
6 B 59 C 111 A
7 A 60 C 112 C
8 D 61 A 113 D
9 C 62 C 114 C
10 B 63 B 115 C
11 D 64 D 116 C
12 A 65 C 117 A
13 C 66 A 118 B
14 D 67 B 119 A
15 B 68 D 120 C
16 C 69 A 121 D
17 C 70 D 123 B
18 C 71 D 124 D
19 B 72 C 125 A
20 A 73 D 126 C
21 B 74 D 127 A
22 A 75 D 128 D
23 A 76 C 129 B
24 B 77 C 130 C
25 D 78 D 131 C
26 B 79 B 132 D
27 A 80 B 133 B
28 A 81 A 134 C
29 A 82 D 135 C
30 B 83 C 136 B
31 C 84 A 137 C
32 B 85 D 138 D
33 D 86 B 139 A
34 C 87 C 140 B
35 C 88 A 141 A
36 B 89 A 142 C
37 C 90 A 143 C
38 D 91 B 144 C
39 B 92 C 145 C
40 C 93 D 146 B
41 B 94 B 147 C
42 A 95 A 148 A
43 D 96 D
44 A 97 B
45 A 98 D
46 A 99 B
47 D 100 C
48 C 101 C
49 A 102 D
50 A 103 A
51 B 104 D
52 C 105 D
53 C 105 B
82 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)




1. Identify scientific traits and attitudes exhibited in varius situation 3%
2. Use scientific inquiry to investigate materials, events and
phenomena in the natutal world (designing experiments,
collecting, organizing, analizing and interpreting data, making 5%
conclusions and communicating results)
3. Use scientific knowledge to explain natural phenomena and
protect earth’s resources 5%
4. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of different solutions to 4%
particular problems
5. Analyze the impact of technology on living and non living things 3%

PRACTICE TEST: Test your mastery of the competencies. Choose the letter that corresponds to the best

1. Identify scientific traits and attitudes exhibited in various situations

Read the text below then answer items 1 – 3.

The students were arguing about the results of their experiment.following were their commnts:

Student A : “Our conclusion is wrong. It is the opposite of what we learned in the lecture.”

Students B and C: That’s what came out. After we designed the experiment and observed for two weeks
we should not change the result.

Student D: Maybe, it’s good to find out why our findings differ from what was given in the lecture.
Why not repeat the same experiment?

1. Which trait of a scientist does Student A seem NOT have?

A. Open-mindedness C. Blind obedience
B. Truthfulness D. Ojectivity

2. Student B and C display which trait of a scientist?

A. Odjectivity C. Truthfulness
B. Authoritativeness D. Critical attitude

3. Why can Student D be said to have the bearing of a scientist.

A. He/She can relate to people. C. He/She has a critical mind.
B. He/She is objective. D. He/She is open-minded.

4. Marco is always interested in asking questions. He is also very eager to find the
answers to his questions. What scientific attitude is he displaying?
A. Curiosity C. Absence of prejudice
B. Rationality D. Wonder

5. Monica respects the ideas of her colleagues even if they are very much contrary to her own beliefs.
What important scientific altitude is seen in her actions?
A. Honesty C. Open-mindedness
B. Absence of prejudice D. Acceptance

6. Carlito weighs evidences dutifully before making any conclusions or decisions. He dissects the
information individually before coming to a final conclusion. What scientific attitude is he
A. Carefulness C. Precision
B. Rationality D. Accuracy

7. While performing an experiment, Mico expresses his opinions and tries new ideas even at the risk of
failure or criticism. What scientific trait is displayed in this situation?
A. Curiosity C. Diligence
B. Risk-taking D. Absence of ambiguity

8. Paul admits that he is not free from committing errors. He recognizes that there may be better ideas
and reliazes that there are individuals whom he may have to consult to arrive at correct observations
and conclusions. What scientific trait is he displaying?
A. Open-mindedness C. Rationality
B. Objectivity D. Humility

9. While performing research for a pharmaceutical company, Melanie gave a truthful report of
observations. She did not withhold important information just to please herself or her company.
What scientific attitude did she display?
A. Absence of bias C. Intellectual honesty
B. Faith in God D. Critical mindness

10. Chona actively participates in a task and also dutifully performs tasks assigned to her. What
scientific attitude is displayed in this situation?
A. Camaraderie C. Being a team playe
B. Responsibility D. Unity

11. Fernan always seeks to think outside the box. He always aims to generate new and
original ideas. What scientific attitude is he displaying?
A. Inventiveness C. Indiffernce
B. Nobility D. Absence of prejudice
12. Adolfo does not allow his fellings and biases of influence his recording, of observations,
interpretation of data, and formulation of conclusions.What scientific attitudes reflected in his
A. Absence of bias C. Rationality
B. Concern for the environment D.Objectivity
13. Dennis bases suggestions and conclusions on evidences. When in doubt, he questions the veracity of
a statement in relation to the evidences presented. What scientific attitude is seen in his actions?
A. firm set of beliefs C.Critical-mindedness
B. Absence of bias D. Intellectual honesty

14. Jose believes that everything that happens in this world has cause or reason. What scientific attitude
is seen in his actions?
A. Curiosity C. Honesty
B. Firm set of beliefs D. Critical mindedness
84 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

15. Pepita believes that God is the ultimate source of all scientific wisdom. She also upholds that it is
through God’s grace the she is able to discover the mysteries of God’s creations. What scientific
attitude is seen in his actions?
A. Faith in god C. Honesty
B. Fatalisim D. Concern

16. Alice does not allow her judgment to be influence by her likes or dislikes. What scientific attitude is
seen in her actions?
A. Prejudice C. Honesty
B Crritical thinking D. Absence of bias

17. Miguel only creates inventions that respect and help conserve natural resources. He is advocate
against pollution and illegal logging. What scientific attitude is seen in his actions?
A. Concern for the invironment C. Belief in evolution
B. Love of nature D. Conservatism

18. Nicaulus Copernicus Believed That the church was wrong about the Sun revolving around the Earth.
Advancing his theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun eventually cost him his life. What
scientific attitude is seen in his actions?
A. Egotism C. Revolutionary
B. Selflessness D. Positivism

2. Use scienticfic inquiry to investigate materials

19. If two variables X and Y are directly related, which of these is NOT true?
A. As X increases, Y also increases.
B. A high Y is associated with a high X.
C. When X increases, Y increases.
D. When X is low, Y also is low.

Situation: Read the following then answer questions # 20-22.

Beda wants to find out if different types of wood soak up the same amount of water when wet. She
plans to do the following:
I. Weigh a dry block each type of wood.
II. Put each block into a container full of water.
III. Leave the wood in the water.
IV. Take the wood out, dry the outside of each block and reweigh.
V. Calculate the amount of water soaked up.

20. To be a fair test, what variables should she control?

I. Size of each block
II Time left in water
III. Type of wood
IV. Amount of water
A. I and III C. I and II
B. III and IV D. II and IV

21. In this experiment, what is the dependent variable?

A. Type of wood used C. Time left in water

B. The amount of water soaked up D. Dry weigh of each block

22. What is the independent variable?

A. Type of wood used C. Amount of water soaked up
B. Dry weigh of each block D. Time left in water

Read the following, then answer questions # 23-27.

The class was asked to design an experiment to test the effect of detergent on fish. One group came up
with this experimental design.
For detergent they got Tide, Surf, and Champion.
For fish, Tilapia, Fingerling, goldfish and baby janitor fish contained in different sizes and shapes of
battles. To the tilapia fingerling, they put 1 tbsp of Tide. To the goldfish, they put 1 tbsp of surf and to
the baby janitor fish, 1 tsbp of champion.

23. What is the control group?

A. The tilapia with 1 tbsp of Tide
B. The baby janitor fish with 1 tsbp of champion
C. The goldfish with 1 tbsp os surf
D Cannot be determined

24. What is the experimental group?

A. Cannot be determined
B. The baby janitor fish with 1 tsbp of champion
C. The goldfish with 1 tbsp os surf
D. The tilapia with 1 tbsp of Tide

25. What is the dependent variable?

A. The brand of detergent
B. The effect of detergent on fish
C. The amount of detergent
D. The amount of water

26. Is there any defect of the experimental design?

A. None, it is a simple yet perfect design.
B. Yes, not only one but several.
C. Yes, there is, but was remedied by the fact that 3 kinds of detergent were used.
D. Yes, there is but was compensated by the use of not ony one type of fish but 3.

27. If you were to improve the experimental design what should you do?
I. Just focus on one independent variable at a time, e.g. brand of detergent
II. Make use of the same type of fish.
III. Increase the number of fish and reduce the number of detergent brand involved.
A. I and II C. I and III
B. II only D. I only

28. Printed on the label of the bottle of cough medicine is the following instructions: “Store away from
light, below 30 degrees C.” What can you infer about the cough medicine?
A. It should be hidden away from children.
B. It should be stored at the refrigerator.
C. It is in the dark, light-proof bottle.
D. It is affected by heat and light.
86 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

29. It is commonly observed that the most respondents to survey questionnaire checklists just check
answers without really reading them. What conclusion can be derived from the common
A. Data gathered by way of questionnaire checklists are not very reliable.
B. Respondents need to be convinced of the importance of tre research data.
C. Researchers resort to questionnaire checklists for data-gathering because it is the easiest
D. Good survey questionnaires are not easy to make.

Teacher M showed the class the pottd plants placed on the window sill. She asked them to
observe the direction of their growth. The pupils observed that the plants tended to grow
outward. Then teacher asked the class this question: “Why do you think they tended to grow
What was teacher M engaging to do?
A. Formulate hypothesis C. Design an experiment
B. Draw conclusion D. Observe

31. The existence of extraterrestal life may never be proben, but this idea will become more
scientifically acceptable over time if_____________.
A. hyphotheses are made related to the idea
B. no one disputes this idea in a scientific forum
C. alternative hyphotheses are proposed and confirmed
D. increasing scientific evidence supportd the idea

32. Which comes ahead in the scientific method-observation or defining the problem?
A. Observation so that you can come up with a scientific problem.
B. Defining a problem so that your observation becomes focused.
C. No defined answer. What you observe makes you think of a problem and a problem
makes you observe.
D. They happen at the same time. Both are steps of the scientific method.

33. You like to know how many of your pupils have mothers and/ mothers who are presently employed
as OCWs. What is/are the most rialable way to gather data?
I. Intrview the pupils.
II. Give questionnaire checklist to selected pupils.
III. Study the grades of the pupils because those performing poorly usually have parents who
work as OCWs.
A. I only C. II only
B. I and II D. I, II and III

34. Which of the following has the smallest mass when measured in an equal arm balance?
A. 1/8 sheet of pad paper C. 1/4 sheet of pad paper
B. 1/3 sheet of pad paper D. 1/2 sheet of pad paper

35. In computing data, Student F computes up to the second decimal place. As a researcher or scientist,
what trait/s do/es Student F posses?
I. Accuracy III. Objectivity
II. Critical-mindedness IV. Truthfulness
A. I and IV C. I and II
B. II and III D. III and IV

36. Which does not belong?

A. Conclusion C. Hyphothesis
B. Surmise D. Conjecture

For numbers 37 – 41, refer to the scientific case described below. Choose the best answer to the
questions that follow.

Nancy wanted to find out if virgin coconut oil can be used as a preservative for peanuts. She
placed 10 peanuts each in 2 glasses. In one glass, she added enough virgin coconut oil to cover the
peanuts completely. She did not put any liquid on the other glass. She then kept the two glasses on a
shelf and observed them for two weeks.

37. Which among the following statements is the best problem statement in Nancy’s expirement?
A. Is virgin coconut oil useful as a preservative for peanuts?
B. How many peanuts can be preserved using virgin coconut oil?
C. How long can virgin coconut oil act as a preservstive?

38. Which among the following is NOT a controlled variable in this experiment?
A. Number of peanuts C. Amount of virgin coconut oil
B. Type of glass used D. Two week observation period

39. Which among the following is an observation that may be derived from this experiment?
I. Only four peanuts dried up in the glass without virgin coconut oil because of room temperature.
II. Six peanut did not dry up in the glass with virgin coconut oil.
III. The duration of two weeks for this experiment is too long.
IV. Peanuts did not wither in virgin coconut oil beause of the presence of stearic acid.
A. I only C. II and IV
B. I and II D. IV

40. How many manipulated variables are present in this experiment?

A. one C. Three
B. Two D. Four

41. What is suitable null hypothesis for this experiment?

A. If virgin coconut oil is used, peanuts will be well-preserved.
B. Virgin coconut oil is equally effective as commercial nuts preservatives.
C. The threshold for preservatives effect is 10peanuts only.
D. Virgin coconut oil Has no significant preservative effect on peanuts.

3. Use scientific knowledge to explain natural phenomena and protects earth’s


42. During periods of increased global temperaturs, which of the following is likely to occur?
A. An increase in atmospheric CO2
B. A decrease in atmospheric CO2
C. A decrease in in earthquakes
D. A increase in in earthquakes
88 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

43. Why is the Philippines much hotter than Canada? The Philippines ________.
A. receives sun rays closer to vertical position
B. has more vegetation to absorb sunlight
C. has days with more hours of light
D. has a denser population than Canada

44. Geothermal energy, an energy resource in the country, is based on what phenomenon?
A. Earth’s internal energy heats its surface more than the sun does.
B. There are concentrations of heat in some places of Earth’s crust.
C. Heat energy from the sun penetrates deep into the earth.
D. human activity is the largest source energy on earth.

45. Which of these effects generally occurs as a result of warm air mass and a cooler air mass
converging at earth’s surface?
A. Stormy weather patterns develop. C. Winds die down
B. The sky becomes clear D. Cloud formation decreases

46. Why do fisherfolks catch more fish during the new moon than during the full moon?
A. Fishes are more active during the new moon because the salt content of water is just right.
B. Fished look for mates during the new moon.
C. Fishes go near the surface during the new moon because the water is warmer.
D. Fishes attached to the light from the fishing boat which fisherman makes use of during
the new moon.

47. Bagoong smells because ______________.

A.air and volatile particles from bagoong mix and get spoiled further
B. that is the natural scent of bagoong
C.molecules from bagoong spread in air uses spoiled fish ingredients

48. Every morning when the sun shines through the glass jalousie of Maria’s window, she sees a
rainbow on her wall. Which could explain this?
A.The glass jalousies break up the beam of sunlight into the colors of the rainbow.
B. The glass jalousies cast colored shadows.
C. In the morning, sunlight shines on the wall painted with rainbow colors.
D. There are water droplets on the glass that act like a prism

49. Which of the following is TRUE about light and seeing?

A. light hits an object, bounces, and then enters the eyes.
B.Light goes out from eyes, hits an object, and then returns to the eyes.
C. Light rays coming from an object meets light coming from a light source, and then enters
the eyes.
D. Light enters the eyes enabling people to see objects.

50. Why do leaves with green color look green in the sunlight?
A. The blue and yellow bounces off from the leaves.
B. They absorb the blue and yellow object and yellow light.
C. They absorb the green light.
D. they reflect green light.

51. Why does the level of water in a beaker rise after a stone is placed in it?
A. The stone takes the place occupied by water.
B.The stone has more mass than water.
C. The water weighs less than the stone.

52. Why do people feel their ears pop or crack when they are up in the air?
A. There are less air particles. C. Air is cooler.
B. There are more air particles. D. Air is cleaner.

53. Which of the following activities help reduce water pollution?

A. Cleaning of soap instead of detergent.
B. Treating wastewater before it is discharged.
C. Throwing only liquid wastes.
D. Using organic fertilizers in farms.

54. The manager of textile factory considers it too expensive to treat liquid wastes so he suggested
digging a hole near the factory where the wastes can be stored is this environmentally safe?
A. No, the liquid can be recycled.
B. No, the liquid wastes will seep to the groundwater.
C. Yes, the liquid will pass to the layers of soil and becomes clean.
D. Yes, the liquid can be recycled.

55. Why are nights cooler when the sky is clear than when it is overcast?
A. Rain falls when water vapor condenses above freezing point.
B. Cooler air holds less vapor.
C. The sun is hidden during the night.
D. There is no cloud cover to prevent heat from escaping.

56. Water covers about 75% of the Earth’s surface and yet some people still do not have enough water
to drink. Why?
I.Most of world’s water is salty.
II. Most of our bodies of water are polluted by chemicals.
III. Most freshwater are frozen in ice caps.
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I, II and III D. I and II

57. Children born with a deficiency of thyroxin _________ if deficiency is not checked.
A. lose their hair C. grow too rapidly
B. have weak bones D.become mentally retarded

58. The correct way of eating fruits is when eaten ____________.

A. with an empty stomach C. before sleeping at night
B. after meals D. during snacks

59. An eclipse of the sun throws the shadow of the _______.

A. moon on the earth C. earth on the sun
B. moon on the sun D. earth on the moon
90 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

60. The following are effects of global warming EXCEPT ___________.

A. thinning of the ozone layer
B. extreme weather events
C. changes in the aiming of seasonal patterns in ecosystem
D. expansion of tropical diseases.

61. John experienced a lack of growth hormone (GH) as a child. Now that John is an adult, it is likely
that he _________.
A. has cognitive and emotional problems as a result of his hormone deficiency
B. has normal adult body proportions, but an extremely short stature
C. is of normal height, but has child-like body proportions
D. has develop a physique similar to that typically seen in females

62. Which among the following represents the smallest unit of life?
A. Embryo C. Cell
B. Organelle D. Atom

63. Which of the following statements about living things is FALSE?

A. All living things use energy to function.
B. All living things are composed of cells.
C. All living things have a nervous system.
D. All living things are capable of reproduction.

64. Which of the following best describes a group of cells that work together to perform a function?
A. Tissue C. Organ
B. Organ system D. Organism

65. Which among the following are duplicated during the process of mitosis?
A. Centromeres C. Chloroplasts
B. Chromosomes D. Centrosomes

66. Plants create their own food by absorbing and processing sunlight. The ability to produce one’s own
food source is a metabolic process known as ___________.
A. Heterotrophy C. Homotrophy
B. Autotrophy D. Ditrophy

67. Fungi absorb the nutrients from dead organisms. In an ecosystem what roles do they play?
A. Producers C. Saprophytes
B. Carnivore D. Epiphytes

68. Which among the following cell organelles does NOT participate in cellular division?
A. Ribosomes C. Mitotic spindle
B. Chromosomes D. Cytoplasm

69. Which of the following is an example of a symbiotic relationship?

A. Wolves working together to hunt in a pack
B. Plants growing in the same rolling meadow
C. Humans and their pets living in the same home
D. Weeds clinging to the roots of trees in your backyard

70. Which of the following is NOT an example of a naturall-occurring sugar?

A. Sucrose C. Glucose
B. Mitose D. Galactose

71. Which of the following is a proper example of natural selection?

A. Human beings continue to get taller because of thousands of years of proper nutrition.
B. A community of lady bugs begins having offspring with darker shells, in order to hide
from their predators.
C. Albino rodents die off quickly in a community, being more vulnerable to certain
pancreatic diseases.
D. Seagulls begin to eat so many fish so that only those with dark blue scale color survive.

72. What is the main difference between prokaryotes and the eukaryotes?
A. The eukaryote has a nucleus, but the prokaryote does not have.
B. The prokaryote has a nucleus, but the eukaryote does not have.
C. The eukaryote is always larger than the prokaryote.
D. The eukaryote is the only type of cell than is capable of photosynthesis.

73. Which of the following statements is TRUE about parasites and their relationships with their hosts?
A. The parasite and the host enjoy a mutual relationship, where both organisms benefit.
B. The parasite enjoys the benefits of a relationship in which the host is harmed or killed.
C. The host enjoys the benefits of a relationship in which the parasite is harmed or killed.
D. Neither the parasites nor host is really harmed in their symbiotic relationship.

74. Vascular tissue that transports water and leaves connects directly to which of the following?
A. Meristems in the root tip C. Root hairs in the epidermis
B. Pistils in the flower D. Xylem in the stem

75. One immediate cause of a decrease in the rate of photosynthesis is the reduction in the availability of
which of the following substances?
A. Carbon Dioxide C. Hydrogen
B. Carbon monoxide D. Oxygen

76. Which type of digestion occurs in the mouth when an individual chews a piece of bread?
A. Mechanical digestion only
B. Chemical digestion only
C. Both mechanical chemical digestion
D. Neither mechanical nor chemical digestion

77. Which among the following gases is green in color?

A. krypton C. Radon
B. Neon D. chlorine

78. What does a pH below 7 indicate?

A. Presence of ions C. Alkalinity
B. Purity of the sample D. Acidity

79. Which of the following best describe the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a
gaseous atom?
A. Activation energy C. Ionization energy
B. Free energy D. Lattice energy
92 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

80. Which of the following has the most pollar bond?

A. N2 C. F2
B. HF d. HCI

81. A molecule or an ion is classified as a lewis base if it has of the following properties?
A. Donates a proton to water C. Has a resonance structure
B. Accepts a pair of electrons D. Accepts a proton from water

82. Which among the following elements can be drawn into thin wires and hammered intop thin sheets?
A. Ag C. Cu
B. Na D. Sn

83. Alchemists in ancient Egypt tested gold for purity by remelting it and heating it. if the gold became
whiter, it contained ___________.
A. copper C. silver
B. lead D. tin

84. Salts of water of the following metals are added to fireworks to make them brilliant red?
A. Copper C. Potassium
B. Barium D. Strontium

85. What inter molecular forces do geckos and other lizards use to stick to walls and ceilings?
A. Van der waals forces C. Hydrogen bonding
B. Static ionic attractions D. dipole-dipole attractions

86. If no more solute can be dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature, then that solution is called
A. saturated C. saturable
B. unstable d. dispersed

87. A horizontal row of elements on the periodic table is known as a(n) ________.
A. group or family C. size
B. atomic number D. period or series

88. According to the modern periodic law, the chemical property of the elements are periodic functions
of their ___________?
A. atomic weight C. atomic number
B. isotopic weight D. atomic mass

89. The amount of substance having 6.02 x 1023 of any kind of chemical unit is called a(n) _____.
A. mass number C. formula
B. mole D. atomic weight

90. Breaking up solid speeds dissolving in a liquid by _________.

A. raising the temperature C. increasing surface area
B. decreasing the pressure D. slowing hydration

91. Fats do not dissolve in water because fats ___________.

A. are polar and wateris nonpolar C. are nonpolar and water is polar
B. and water are both nonpolar D. and water are both polar

92. What is the location on the Earth’s surface that is directly above the place where an earthquakes
A. focus C. Hypocenter
B. Epicenter D. Fault

93. If there are several earthquakes in a row, what is the name of these earthquakes?
A. Tertiary shock C. Mainshock
B. Foreshock D. Aftershock

94. What is the partially molten layer of the earth called?

A. Asthenosphere C. Hydrosphere
B. Biosphere D. Lithosphere

95. What part of earth is thought to be composed of iron and nickel?

A. Hydrosphere C. Lithosphere
B. Asthenosphere D. Core

96. What is the numerical value for the hardest mineral on the Mohs hardness scale?
A. 10 C. 20
B. 11 D. 100

97. Which among the following properties is a measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched?
A. Streak C. Luster
B. Specific gravity D. Hardness

98. Rock fragments thrown into the air during a volcanic eruption are called ________.
A. Tephra C. Granite
B. Extrusive D. Lava

99. What is a pyroclastic flow?

A. When lava comes out of the volcanic vent
B. A mixture of volcanic gas, ash, and other tephra
C. Poisonous gas of a volcano
D. Lava that is harden into a batholiths

100. What type of clouds produce thunderstorm?

A. Cirrus C. Cumulus
B. cumulonimbus D. Stratus

101. What is an example of natural air pollution?

A. Smoke from forest fires
B. Carbon monoxide from engine exhaust
C. Dust from desertification
D. Acid precipitation

102. How is oxygen released into the Earth’s atmosphere?

A. Burning forests C. Burning fossil fuels
B. Photosynthetic plants D. Volcanic eruptions
94 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

103. Which is TRUE of the earth throughout geologic time?

A. Always colder than the present C. Only warmer than the present
B. Warmer and colder than the present D. A steady temperature

104. Where are most asteroids located?

A. Orbiting all planets C. Between Earth and Venus
B. Outside of plotu’s orbit D. Between Mars and Jupiter

105. Before metamorphism, marble was what type of rock?

A. Schist C. Silstone
B. Rock salt D. Limestone

106. What type of lens is a magnifying glass?

A. Convex C. Plane-concave
B. Concave D. Plane glass

107. What is the name of the point where light rays from infinity converge after passing through a
A. Parabola C. Focus
B. Center D. Infinity

108. Which of the following is NOT a good heat insulator?

A. Wood C. Feathers
B. Wool D. Iron

109. Bending of light rays when they enter a different medium is known as ________.
A. reflection C. convection
B. refraction D. radiation

110. When a spring is released, its potential energy is converted to ________ energy.
A. magnetic C. light
B. mlectrical D. kinetic

111. A car is travelling in a circle with a constant speed. Which statement is TRUE?
A. The car has a constant velocity but changing acceleration.
B. The car has a changing velocity but constant acceleration.
C. The car has a changing velocity but changingacceleration.
D. The car has a constant velocity but constant acceleration.

112. A rock is dropped out of the window of a moving car. At the same time a ball is dropped
from rest from the same height. Neglecting air resistance, which will reach the ground first?
A. Rock will hit the ground first. C. Both will hit t the same time.
B. Ball will hit the ground first. D. Neither will hit the ground.

113. A boy and a girl riding on a merry-go-round which is turning at a constant rate. The boy is
near the outer rim and the girl is closer to the centre of rotation. Hoe do magnitudes of their
accelerations compare?
A. The girl’s acceleration is greater.
B. The boy’s acceleration is greater.
C. The boy and the girl both have zero acceleration.
D. They both the same non-zero magnitude acceleration.

114. A piece of mud flies off the rim of a bicycle wheel. In what direction will it be going
immediately after leaving the wheel?
A. On a line directly away from the center of the wheel.
B. On a line at at a tangent to the edge of the wheel.
C. On a curved path moving around the wheel.
D. On a straight line directed somewhere between the center and the edge.

115. A golf ball is fired at a bowling ball initially at rest and bounces back elastically. Compared
to the bowling ball, the golf ball after the collision has __________.
A. lower magnitude momentum and less kinetic energy.
B. lower magnitude momentum but more kinetic energy.
C. greater magnitude momentum but less kinetic energy.
D. greater magnitude momentum but more kinetic energy.

116. A boy and a girl riding on a merry-go-round that is turning. The boy is twice as far as the
girlfrom the merry go round’s center. If the boy and the girlare of equal mass, which
statement is true about the boy’s moment of inertia with respect to the axis of rotation?
A. It is four times the girl’s.
B. It is twice the girl’s.
C. It is the same for both.
D. The boy has a greater moment of inertia but it is hard to determine how much more than
the girl’s it is.

117. Some children are riding on the outside edge of a merry-go-round. At the same time, the
children all move towards the center of the merry-go-round. When they do this, which
among the following happens?
A. The angular momentum of the system stays constant.
B. The moment of inertia of the system stays constant.
C. The angular velocity of the system stays constant.
D. The merry-go-round slows down.

118. A convex mirror has a focal length f. An opbject is placed between f and 2f from the mirror.
The image form is _______.
A. vrtual and enlarged C. real and enlarged
B. virtual and reduced in size D. real and reduced in size

119. Rays that pass through a lens very close to the principle axis are more sharly focused than
those that are very far from the axis. This spherical aberration helps us understand which of
the following phenomena?
A. We become more far-sighted as we become older.
B. We become more near-sighted as we become older.
C. We can only see in the black and white in dim light.
D. It is easier to read in bright light than it is in dim light.

120. If you lower a frequency of a wave in a string you will ___________.

A. shorten its period C. increase its wavelength
B. lower its speed D. lower its amptitude

121. Which is the method that uses organisms to clean up toxic waste?
A. Bioremediation C. Deforestation
B. Carrying capacity D. Monoculture
96 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

122. The process of restoring mined land to its original contours and vegetation is called
A. bioremediation C. reclamation
B. recycling D. reforestation

123. Which is NOT an effect of increase urbanization?

A. Increase of flooding C. Decrease of wetlands
B. Increasing volume of solid waste. D. Preservation of antural habitats

124. Why are ecosystems with high biodiversity more stable than those with fewer species?
A. They have a higher carrying capacity.
B. They have a higher number of species.
C. They recover from negative events more quickly.
D. They have a higher groth rate.

125. What combine with atmospheric moisture to create acid precipitation?

A. Carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide
B. sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide
C. Carbon dioxide and ozone
D. nitrogen oxides and methane

126. Which one CORRECTLY explains global warming?

A. An increase in the concentration in ozone
B. A decrease in the amount of deforestation
C. A decrease in Earth’s average surface temperature
D. An increase in Earth’s average surface temperature

127. Which is an example of a way to improve efficiency in transportation?

I. se of fuel-efficient, hybrid, or electric cars
II. Carpooling
III. Use of public transportation
A. I, II and III C. II and III
B. I and II D. I and III

128. What is the production of two usable forms of energy at the same time from the same
A. Sustainable energy C. Conservation
B. Energy efficiency D. Cogeneration

129. How is biogas produced?

A. Conversion of plant and animal waste in a digester
B. By mixing methane and oxygen
C. Using fertilizer in a digester container
D. Conversion of anaerobic bacteria to carbon dioxide gas

130. What is the process in which a heavy nucleus divides to form smaller nuclei, one or two
nucleus, and a large amount of energy?
A. Radioactive decay C. Nuclear fission
B. Nuclear reaction D. Nuclear fussion

131. Iodine is the mineral found in seafood and iodized salt. Which gland in the human body
needs iodine for the regulation of growth?
A. Pancreas C. Kidneys
B. Pituitary Gland D. Thyroid gland

132. Scurvey is caused by the lack of _______.

A. Vitamin B C. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin E D. Vitramin A

133. Which of the following parts of the digestive system is CORRECTLY paired with its
A. Esophagus – Digests carbohydrates C. Small intestine – absorbs water
B. Stomach – digests fats D. Liver – produces bile

134. A food label on a cereal box gives you the following information: a serving size equals one
cup and there are 110 Calories per serving. You measure the amount of cereal you plan to
eat and find that it measures 1 1/2 cups. How many calories will you consume?
A. 110 Calories C. 220 Calories
B. 165 Calories D. 1,100 Calories

135. Which blood type is universal donor?

A. Type AB C. Type O
B. Type A D. Type

136. What is the largest organ in the human body?

A. Skin C. Heart
B. Liver D. Fish

137. Osteoporosis is a disease that results in weak bones. What food s would you need to eat to
help prevent tyhis disease?
A. Vegetables C. Root crops
B. Dairy products D. Fish

138. What do you call the device used to measure the blood pressure of a person?
A. Seismograph C. Stethoscope
B. Thermometer D. Sphygmomanometer

139. The process that most living organisms perform to obtain energyfrom suger and oxygen is
called __________.
A. breathing C. digestion
B. respiration D. glycolysis

140. Breathing is controlled by the part of the brain called __________.

A. cerebrum C. medulla oblongata
B. pons D. spinal cord

141. Why do seasons occur on Earth?

A. The sun rotates on its axis. C. Earth’s axis tlted.
B. Earth revolves on its axis D. Earth rotates on its axis.
98 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

142. Which part of the flower develops into fruits?

A. Ovule C. Petal
`B. Ovary D. Anther

143. Trace the energy transformation when a flashlight is on.

A. chemical light electrical
B. electrical chemical light
C. chemical electrical light
D. electrical light chemical

144. Which of the following is unit of structure in all living things?

A. Tissue C. Cell
B. Organ D. Musle

145. Which is the correct sequenceof the stages of mitosis

A.Telophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Prophase
B. Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Prophase
C. Anaphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase
D. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

146. The propulsion of jets and rockets is based on newton’s law of __________.
A. Acceleration C. Inertia
B. Interaction D. Gravitation

147. Why are shadows formed?

A. Light travels through opague objects.
B. Light is reflected.
C. Light is refracted.
D. Light travels in a straight line.

148. What produces tremendous energy from the sun?

A. Nuclear disintegration C. Nuclear Fusion
B. Nuclear fission D. Nuclear decomposition

149. Which has a higher specific heat?

A. Sand C. Soil
B. Water D. wood

150. Sounds travel fastest in __________.

A. gas C. solid
B. liquid D. air

151. Which explains the absence of weather on the moon?

A. Moon rotates on itrs axis fast . C. Moon’s gravity is high.
B. Moon revolves very fast. D. Moon has no atmosphere.

152. Which law states that heat flows from the bodies at high temperature to one at low
A. Thermodynamics C. Transformantion of renergy
B. Energy change D. Retention of energy

153. Which atomic particle determines the isotope of an element?

A. Positron C. Electron
B. Proton D. Neutron

154. Who proposed the theory of evolution that is based on natural selection?
A. Watson C. Lamarck
B. Darwin D. Mendel

155. What gas is released during photosynthesis?

A. Carbon dioxide C. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen D. Hydrogen

156. Which instrument is used to detect earthquake intensity?

A. Anenometer C. Seismograph
B. Barograph D. Clinometer

157. Which of the following radioactive emissions are arranged in the order of increasing
penetrating power?
A. Alpha, Gamma, Alpha C. Gamma, Beta, Alpha
B. Alpha, Beta, Gamma D. Beta, Gamma, Alpha

158. When light falls on a soap bubbles, the band of seven colors seen is due to _________.
A. Difraction C. Scaattering
B. Reflection D. Interference

159. Why can mirrors form clear images?

A. Light is regularly refracted.
B. Light is irregularly refracted.
C. The angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection.
D. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of refraction.

160. Why do we see the sun rising the east?

A. Earth rotates from west to east. C. Earth rotates from east to west
B. Earth revolves from east to west. D. Earth’s axis is tilted.

161. A community of living organisms interacting with their nonliving environment constitutes
a/an __________.
A. population C. species
B. ecosystem D. biosphere

162. Choose a possible food chain.

A. Corn rat cat C. Rice rat man
B. Corn man cat D. Rice cat rat

163. In the energy pyramid which is the ighest point?

A. Second order produces C. Firat order consumers
B. Produces D. Third order consumers

164. Which of the following pairs demonstrates symbiosis?

A. Man and lice C. Chick and corn plant
B. Monkey and banana D. Butterfly and bean flower
100 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

165. The zigzag to Baguio represents which kind of simple machine?

A. Lever C. Wedge
B. Wheel and axle D. Inclined plane

166. Why does mercury in the thermometer rise when in contact with hot water?
A. Heat increases number of molecules.
B. Heat makes molecules become bigger and farther apart.
C. Heat makes molecules move faster and farther apart.
D. Heat makes the molecules move slower.

167. Which blood type is a universal donor?

A. A C. AB
B. O D. B

168. Which nerve transmit message receive to the center of hearing of the brain?
A. Sensory C. Olfactory
B. Optic D. Auditory

169. Whcich affects theair sacs of the lungs and is common among cigarette smokers?
A.Asthma C. Emphysema
B. Tuberculosis D. Tracheal disorder

170. What tyoe of joint is responsible for bending our arms and legs?
A. Hinge C. Ball and socket
B. Pivot D. Sliding

171. Which protein found in plasma is responsible for blood clotting?

A. Globulin C. Serum
B. Albumin D. Fibrinogen

172. Which part of the brain is responsible for memory and intelligence?
A. Cerebellum D. Medulla
B. Cerebrum C. Thalamus

173. The Philippines belong to a biome called _________.

A. decidous forest C. tropical rainforest
B. taiga D. grassland

174. The factors that significantly contribute to an increase in human population are
A. immigration and natality C. immigration and mortality
B. emigration and natality D. emigration and mortality

175. What is the common cause of the temporary wilting of plants at noon?
A. Increased condensation C. Rapid transpiration
B. Rapid respiration D. Increased oxidation

176. How can we identify a dicot leaf from a monocot leaf?

A. A dicot leaf has a smooth surface. C. A dicot leaf has parallel venation.
B. A dicot leaf has netted venation. D. A dicot leaf has a wide margin.

177. When the stems of vines grow around poles of fences, what kind of response is exhibited?
A.Geotropism C. HYdrotopism
B. Thigmotropism D. phototropism

178. Which of the following is the greatest contributor to our “greenhouse effect”?
A. Increase of Oxygen C. Increase of herbivores
B. Leaching of the soil D. Cutting forest trees

179. Why does a tree slowly die when its bark all around it is removed?
A. The cambium is injured.
B. The phloem vessels are cut.
C. The tree cannot manufacture food.
D. Its protective layer is cut.

180. Which is the growing vegetables and low plants in a nutrient-packed, aerated solution with
no soil at all?
A. Vegetative cultivation C. Hydroponics
B. Natural farming D. Aerial cultivation

181. When you carry a heavy load with one arm, you tend to hold your freehand away from your
body in order to ____________.
A. change the weight of your body and load
B. change the mass of your body
C. be ready to grab something in case you fall
D. change the center of gravityof your body and load

182. Why are door knobs placed at the edge of a door rather than in the center?
A. To increase the lever arm
B. To increase the force on the door
C. To help give momentum to the door
D. Closer to the edge of the doorway

183. Why is a dam built wider at the bottom than at the top?
A. To withstand the greater pressure at the bottom
B. To balance the pressure at the top
C. It holds up the dam better than at the center.
D. It anchors the dam better.

184. Archemedes’ principle states that an object is buoyed up by a force that is equal to the
A. volume of the fluid
B. weight of the fluid displaced
C. mass of the fluid displaced
D. mass of the object

185. When an ice cubein a glass of water melts, the water level _____________.
A. falss C. rises and spills
B. remains the same D. varies
102 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

186. Two pots of the same size are filled with boiling water. One pot is colored white and the
other is black. In which pot will water cool faster?
A. Will cool at the same rate C. In black pot
B. In white pot D. In both pots

187. You inherited tallness from your father. Pysical trait are transmitted from parents to
offspring through __________.
A. gametes C. alleles
B. chromosomes D. genes

188. The handle of a spoon is dippedin a cup of hot water becomes warm. what is the method of
hot transfer?
A. Condensation C. convention
B. Radiation D. Conduction

189. The force required an object at a constant speed in free space is equal to ____________.
A. the weight of the object C. zero
B. the mass of the object d. the force required to stop it

190. Two people pull on a rope in a tug-of-war, each pull with a 400 N force. What is the tension
of the rope?
A. 800 N C. 400 N
B. 600 N D. 200 N

191. Why does a pressure cooker cook food faster?

I. Water boils faster.
II. It raises the boiling point of water.
III. It raises the cooking temperature of food.
IV. It is tightly closed.

A. II and III C. I, II and III

B. I, II and IV D. II and IV

192. You noticed that big industries have tower-like tall stacks. What is the structure for?
A. To control emission of hazardous gases
B. To induce rain and air pressure
C. To get enough air from the atmosphere
D. To make the interior cool

193. Stems burn are more damaging than burns caused by boiling water because steam
A. has a higher temperature than boiling water
B. has more energy pe kilogram than boiling water
C. is vapor of water molecules during boiling
D. occupies more spaces that water during boiling

194. The removal of broken pieces of rocks from the parent rock by the action of wind or water is
termed ____________.
A. erosion C. weathering
B. deposition D. silting

195. The voltage across a transformer primary coil that has 100 turns is 10 V. What is the voltage
across the secondary coil which has 20 V turns?
A. 100 V C. 2 V
B. 10 V D. 20 V

196. Trace the conversion of energy that occurs when plants manufacture food.
A. Radiant energy to chemical energy
B. Radiant energy to kinetic energy
C. Mechanical energy to potential energy
D. Light energy to kinetic energy

197. Riders in a bus are pushed forward during a sudden stop. Which law of motion provides an
A. Law of Inertia C. Law of Universal Gravitation
B. Law of Interaction D. Hook’ Law

198. What type of eclipse occurs when the moon is directly between the sun and the earth?
A. Partial Lunar C. Stellar
B. Lunar D. Solar

199. In our daily weather forecast, the region where two tropical wing systems converge,
characterized by showers and widespread thunderstorm is called?
A. warm and cold fronts C. Stellar
B. Intertropical convergent zone D. local disturbance zone

200. While travelling at a night, you lost direction. Which star would you look for and in what
I. Polaris III. Ursa Minor
II. Rigel IV. Ursa Major
A. I and IV C. II and III
B. I and III D. II and IV

201. At present, a patient figth cancer by surgery or by drug treatment called _____________.
A. irradiation C. chemotherapy
B. viral treatment D. immune therapy

202. The U.S. was able to produce a test-tube baby through a process called __________.
A. gne pairing C. protoplast fusion
B. internal fertilization D. in vitro fertilization

203. Patients suffering from malfunction of the kidney are now assisted by a machine that serves
as artificial kidney called _____________.
A. hemoscope C. hemodializer
B. pacemaker D. homeostatic machine

204. The sun appears more reddish at sunset than at noon. Which of the following phenomena is
responsible for this effect?
A. Dispersion C. Scattering
B. Reflection D. Interference
104 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

205. Why do we hear thunder some seconds after seeing lightning?

A. Light travels faster than sound. C. Sound is released later actually
B. Sounds travel at 1,331 m/s. D. Light appears brighter in the sky.

4. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of different solutions to particular problems

206. Which is/are (an) advantage/s of the coming of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)?
I. Improved resistance of plants to disease, pests and herbicides
II. Increase maturation time of fruits
III. Enhanced taste and quality
A. II and III C. I and II
B. I and III D. I only

207. Which is disadvantage of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)?

A. Potential human health impact like allergens
B. Reduce maturation time
C. Fast food production
D. High cost of GMO food items

208. In the desire of governments to control population growth, which one is highly promoted?
A.The use of natural birth control methods C.Early marriage
B.The use of artificial birth control methods D. “Balik probinsya program

209. How many the establishment of housing subdivisions to address housing problem contribute
to decreased food production
A. Men get occupied with construction and leave their farms untilled.
B. Ariable lands are reduced for these are converted into housing subdivisions.
C. Housing divisions become overcrowded.
D. People who flocked to the center where most subdivisions are located have no skills.

210. The use of plastic bags, disposable cups, plates, spoons, diapers, etc. makes life more
convenient. However, as a result what problems has/have come about?
I. Heaps on solid garbage
II. Floods
III. Epidemic
A. I and IV C.I, II and III
B. II and III D. I and II

211. The use of pesticides may increase crop yield but __________.
I. contributes to air pollution
II. cause water pollution
III. brings about pest resistance
A. I, II and III C. I and II
B. II and III D. II and III

5. Analyze the impact of technology on living and non-living things.

212. A nuclear power plant may solve perennial brown outs but may bring about problems like
I. thermal pollution
II. water pollution
III. release of pollution
A. I only C. I and II
B. II and III D. I and III

213. Endangered species are species which are threatened due to _________.
A.habitat destruction C.mutation
B. extinction of the species D. domestication

214. If we experience greenhouse effect, we shall have________.

I. warmer climate
II. increase in level of CO2 in the atmosphere
III. cooler climate
IV. increase in the level of O2 in the atmosphere
A.I C. III and IV
B. I and II D. II

215. One consequence of global warming is coastal flooding because of the ___ which is in turn
caused by _______________________.
A. el niño phenomenon - Changed precipitation pattern
B. melting of the ice caps – the rising of the sea level
C. rising of the sea level - melting of the ice caps
D. La niña phenomenon - Changed precipitation pattern

216. The contributory factors to acid rain are the use of ___________.
A. fossil fuels C. nuclear energy
B. pesticides D. refrigerants

217. The thinning down of the ozone layer is believed to cause ____________.
A. Heat stroke C. ulcer
B. baldness D. skin cancer

For numbers 218-222, refer to the vignette that follows. Choose the letter of the best
answer from the choices that follow.

At Malaya Farms, a swarm of locusts and insects has been infesting the rice fields. This
has forced some local farmers to stop the Farming process until a solution has been done.
Meanwhile, in the adjacent barrio, an outbreak of malaria is ongoing. With all this insect-borne
problems happening in his locale, the mayor has decided to initiate a pesticide intervention to
solve his town’s problems. Considering their town budget, the city council is contemplating on
the use of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) to eradicate the insects plaguing their
106 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

218. Which among the following is an expected effect of DDT on the insects plaguing the town?
A. DDT will act as a contact poison on the swarming insects.
B. DDT will increase fertility of the soil so that plants can grow.
C. DDT will cause the insects to develop cancer and die.
D. DDT will make the insects infertile and prevent their multiplication.

219. Which among the following is an expected effect of DDT on the natural ecosystem of the
A. DDT has no effect on natural wildlife.
B. DDT will cause increased fertility among chickens.
C. DDT is a productive toxicant causing ecosystem disruption.
D. DDT will cause pronounced carcinogenicity amog the farmers.

220. Which among the following are expected effects of DDT on the health of the people living
in the town?
I. Severe kidney damage
II. Diabetes mellitus
III. Breast cancer
A. I, II and III C. III only
B. I and II D. I only

221. Which alternatives to pesticides may be suggested to eradicate the insects causing malaria in
this region?
A. Cultivation of snails
B. Eradicating insect breeding pools
C. Use of insecticide-treated bednets
D. Vaccination against malaria

222. Which alternatives to DDT may be suggested to control the swarm of insects ravaging the
rice fields?
A. Cultivation of frogs C. Relocation of rice plantation sites
B. Fumigation D. Use of malathion or palathion

For numbers 223-227, refer to the vignette that follows. Choose the letter of the best
answer from the choices that follow.

The town of Pulang Bato is experiencing a surge in population growth. Epidemiologic

has revealed that the rate of teenage pregnancies in their locality is increasing at an alarming
rate. City health officials have expressed concern over this matter. They intend to launch a safe
sex campaign advocating the use of artificial methods of contraception like condoms and pills.
The local church is vehemently opposing this move by the city government, advocating only
the use of natural contraception like the rhythm method.

223. Which among the following methods of contraception has the least success rate?
A. Birth control pills
B. Condoms
C. Rhythm method
D. Intrauterine device

224. Base on cost-benefit analysis, which of the following methods of populationcontrol would be
most appropriate if the town only had limited funds?
A. Oral contraceptive pills
B. Barrier contraception
C. Intrauterine device
D. Injectable contraceptives

225. Which intervention should be advocate to address the problem among teenagers?
A. Forums on safe sex and population education in school
B. Conducting a population education seminar for the parents
C. Offering abortion to interested parties
D. Accepting that there is no way to control teenage pregnancies

226. Which among the following is an expected long term complication on women’s health in the
town if safe sex practices are not initiated?
A. Incresedincidence of ectopic pregnancies
B. Incresedincidence of suicide among females
C. Incresedincidence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension
D. Incresedincidence of cervical cancer

227. Which among the following is the only method of contraception that has 100% success rate?
A. Injectable contraceptives
B. Withdrawal method
C. Abstinence
D. Daily oral contrseptive pills

For numbers 228-232, refer to the vignette that follows. Choose the letter of the best
answer from the choices that follow.

The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power plant based in MOrong, Bataan,
Philippines. It was commissioned by President Ferdinand Marcus and building commence in
1976. The plant’s construction was completed in 1984. When Marcos was overthrown and
replaced by Corazon Aquino, the powerplant project was crapped. A major concern is that the
nuclear plant is located in an area where aerthquakes are likely to occur. To this day, th
Bataan Power Plant has remained unused. I+UP until April 2007, the Philippine government
had to pay 155,000 dollars every day to pay for the loan that funded the power plant’s

228. The following are known advantages of the use of nuclear power EXCEPT _____________.
A. decreased release of greenhouse gases
B. increased reliance on fossil fuels
C. astronomical amounts of energy generation
D. decreased cost of energy expenditure

229. Which among the following represents the single most important deterrent for the use of
nuclear power?
A. Disposal of radioactive wastes
B. Possibility of radioactive elements
C. Time frame needed for formalities, planning and buildingof a new nuclear plant
108 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

230. Nuclear power relies on which of the following chemical reactions?

A. Nuclear fusion C. chemiosomosis
B. Binary fusion D. Nuclear fission

231. Which among the following world events sparked international debate against nuclear
A. Chernobyl accident C. Haiti incident
B. Minamata accident D. Ormoc tragedy
232. Which among the following is the single most important effect of radiation exposure on
human health?
A. Hypertension C. Heart disease
B. Cancer D. Skin, muscle and bone problems
For numbers 233-237, refer to the scientific case described below. Choose the best answer to the
questions that follow.

Wast disposal is a huge challenge for the urban municipally of Metropolis. it’s
expensive and time consuming to collect millons of tons of trash every year, and there are risks
to the invironment no matter how waste disposal is done. The city government is presently
determining which method of waste disposal is best suited for their municipality.

233. Which among the following is NOT a suitable option for wate disposal in this city?
A. Vaporization C. Incineration
B. Landfills D. Recycling

234. The following are possible adverse effects of the use of sanitary landfills, EXCEPT
A. pollution of local government
B. fatal accidents (scavengers buried under waste piles)
C. decrease amount of disease vectors
D. dust, odor and noise pollution

235. Which is the single most important deterrent on the use of incinerators for garbage disposal?
A. Heavy metal toxicity
B. Dioxin and furan emission
C. Highly toxic ashes flying around incinerator site
D. Cost of operation

236. The following are solid waste products which can be recycled, EXCEPT ___________.
A. leftover food C. beverage cans
B. pet bottles D. pvc materials

237. At the level of people’s homes, which among the following interventions can best help in
solid waste management?
A. Backyard burning of trash
B. Composting
C. Four o’clock habit
D. Trash sorting prior to disposal

1 A 53 B 105 D 157 B 209 B
2 C 54 B 106 A 158 D 210 D
3 C 55 D 107 C 159 C 211 A
4 A 56 B 108 D 160 A 212 D
5 C 57 D 109 B 161 B 213 A
6 B 58 A 110 D 162 A 214 B
7 B 59 A 111 C 163 D 215 C
8 D 60 D 112 C 164 D 216 A
9 C 61 B 113 B 165 D 217 D
10 B 62 C 114 B 166 C 218 A
11 A 63 C 115 D 167 B 219 C
12 D 64 A 116 A 168 B 220 A
13 C 65 B 117 A 169 D 221 B
14 B 66 B 118 B 170 A 222 C
15 A 67 C 119 D 171 D 223 C
16 D 68 A 120 C 172 B 224 B
17 A 69 D 121 A 173 C 225 A
18 B 70 B 122 C 174 A 226 D
19 A 71 D 123 D 175 C 227 C
20 C 72 A 124 C 176 B 228 B
21 B 73 B 125 B 177 B 229 A
22 A 74 D 126 D 178 A 230 D
23 D 75 A 127 D 179 B 231 A
24 A 76 C 128 D 180 C 232 B
25 B 77 D 129 A 181 D 233 A
26 B 78 D 130 B 182 A 234 C
27 A 79 C 131 D 183 A 235 B
28 D 80 B 132 C 184 B 236 A
29 A 81 D 133 D 185 B 237 D
30 A 82 C 134 B 186 C
31 D 83 C 135 C 187 D
32 C 84 D 136 A 188 D
33 A 85 A 137 B 189 C
34 A 86 A 138 D 190 C
35 A 87 D 139 B 191 A
36 A 88 C 140 C 192 A
37 A 89 B 141 C 193 B
38 C 90 C 142 B 194 A
39 B 91 C 143 C 195 C
40 A 92 B 144 C 196 A
41 D 93 C 145 D 197 A
42 A 94 A 146 B 198 D
43 A 95 D 147 D 199 B
44 B 96 A 148 C 200 B
45 A 97 D 149 B 201 C
46 D 98 A 150 C 202 D
47 C 99 B 151 D 203 C
48 A 100 B 152 A 204 C
49 A 101 A 153 D 205 A
50 D 102 B 154 B 206 B
51 A 103 B 155 B 207 A
52 A 104 D 156 C 208 B
110 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)



1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the various forms of government

from the barangay to the present system 1%
1.2 Explain the nature and provisions of the present Constitution, its advantages
and disadvantages over the others in the past and its fuction as fundamental
low of the state 2%

2.1 Trace the history of the Philippines from pre-colonial to contemporary periods 2%
2.2 Draw the implications of the historical evolution of the Philippines to its present
socio-political condition 2%


3.1 Manifest understanding of the Philippines economic condition with respect to
taxation, land reform and cooperative as well as to the growth of its Gross 2%
national product
3.2 Apply the fundamental economic principles to the current economic condition
of the Philippines 1%


4.1 Apply basic concepts, theories and perspectives which relate to society, culture
and family planning in life 1%
4.2 Recognize cultural elements that are distinctly Filipino 1%


5.1 Analyze how Rizal’s life and works have contributed to the country’s
development 1%
5.2 Evaluate the contribution of other Philippine heroes and heroines to the
development of the country 1%

6.1 Analyze the nature of the Filipino, the Filipino society and the emerging Filipino
philosophy 1%
6.2 Manifest a critical and analytical attitude toward specific issues and problems
in daily life 1%


7.1 Demonstrate understanding of the totality of human experience by formulating a
human perspective that integrates all areas of knowledge 1%
7.2 Manifest appreciation of art as a result of an integrative and wholistic view of life 1%

8.1 Apply the basic concepts and theories of human behavior 2%

PRACTICE TEST: Test your mastery of the competencies. Choose the letter that corresponds to the best


1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the various forms of government from barangay to the
present system

1. Which statement is TRUE of the pre-Spanish Filipino government?

A.The datu exercised all powers of government.
B. Laws were formulated by a law making body elected by the datu.
C. Laws were formulated by a law making body elected by the community.
D. There was a court created by the datu to hear complaints.

2. What characteristic/s of government is istablished by the 1987 Constitution?

I. Presidential system of government with three branches
II. Parliamentary system of government
III. The three branches of government are separate and independent of one another.
IV. The three branches of government have a check and balance over one another.
A. I only
B. II only
C. II, III, and IV
D. I, III, and IV

3. If four present government is a democracy, where does power reside?

A. IN the Filipino People
B. In congress
C. In the President
D. In the Supreme Court

4. In President’s Quezon time, the coutry had the Philippine Commonwealth. What is TRUE about
Philippine Commonwealth?
A. were fully independent
B. were partially independent
C. were granted total freedom to course their destiny only in matters of education
D. were citizensof the United States

5. In the decade of 70s, one clamor of the activists who steged street demonstration on the streets was
“Down with the oligarchs!”
What did they accuse the governmentof as suggested by the underlined word?
A. a rule of the few rich C. anti-poor
B. a form of dictatorship D. elitist

6. With the Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers in the Marcos regime,
which form of government implemented?
A. Parliamentary C. Monarchial
B. Dictatorial D. Presidential

7. What form of government is characterized by the separation of powers?

A. Parliamentary C. Aristocracy
B. Presidential D. Monarchial
112 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

8. To which type of political system do we belong?

A. Colonialism C. Democracy
B. Totalitarianism D. Capitalism

9. In which form of government does power and authority reside in a few persons who govern for their
own interest?
A. Oligarchy C. Democracy
B. Monarchy D. Parliamentary

10. Which of the following represents the smallest subunit of government in the Philippines at present>
A. Purok C. Sitio
B. Barangay D. Zone

11. The Pilippine Government is divided into three branches: Exacutive, Legislative and judiciary. Wich
among the following best describes this division of the legislative body of the country?
A.Tricameralism C. Emancipation of state
B. Separation of powers D. Division of labor

12. The Pilippine Legislature is divided into two major bodies, the Senate and the House of
Representative. Which among the following best describes this division of the legislative body of the
A. Bipartisanism C. Unicameralism
B. Co-legislative power D. Bicameralism

13. Which type of governance is characterized by a union of partially self-government states or regions
united by a central government?
A. Federalism C. Democracy
B. Socialism D. Totalitarianism

14. In England, Queen Elizabeth acts as head of state. This country has a parliament and a Prime
Minister. Which among the following best describes the form of government in this country?
A. Absolute monarchy C. Oligarchy
B. Constitutional monarchy D. Aristocracy

15. In which form of governmentare all citizens treated as equals on certain dimensions such as religion,
politics, economics, social status and culture?
A. Totalitarianism C. Socialism
B. Democracy D. Egalitarianism

1.2 Explain the nature and provisions of the present Constitution, its advantages and
disadvantages over the others and the past and its functionas fundamental law of the

16. What human right is violated when one opens a letter without permission from the addressee?
A. Right to privacy of communication and correspondence
B. Right to read the letter
C. Right to open the envelope without permission
D. Right to private affairs

17. When an individual is imprisoned without proper investigation what right is violated?
A. Right to process of law C. Right to process paper
B. Right to secure persons D. Right to protection

18. What law was passed by Philippine Congress in 1995 which affirms the total integration of persons
with disabilities into the mainstream of society?
A. Republic act No. 7277 C. Republic act No. 7722
B. Republic act No. 7784 D. Republic act No. 7776

19. Which is the best definition of inclusive education endorsed by DepEd?

A. It is a flexible and individualized support system for children and youth with special
education needs
B. It is a mandate to include all children and youth in community activities.
C. It is a system to support children and youth in exclusive schools.
D. It is a special support for children and youth who cannot attend school.

Read the text below then answer item # 20.

Inclusion is a basic right of every Filipino child with special needs to education, rehabilitation, sup
services, work training and employment opportunities, community participation and independent living.

20. To prepare teachers to handle inclusive education what specialization is offered in teacher
educational institution?
A. Special Education C. Kindergarten courses
B. Special Course D. Pre school education

Read the text below then answer items 21-22

Article XIV Section of the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates that the “State shall protect and
promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make s
educational accessible to all.

21. Which of the gaols of EFA 2015 aims to achieve the above mentioned constitutional mandate?
A. Universal completion of full cycle of basic eduation schooling with satisfactory
achievement levels by all at every grade or year
B. Universal completion of primary education with satisfactory
achievement levels at every grade level
C. Universal completion of secondary education with satisfactory
achievement levels at every grade level
D. Universal elimination of drop outs and repetition by all at every grade or year including
satisfactory achievement levels

22. What is the best indicator of “quality education” as invoked in the constitution?
A. Generation of reliable measurements on dropout rate
B. Generation of reliable measurements on cohort survival rate
C. Generation of reliable measurements of educational outcomes
D. Generation of reliable measurements on participation rate
114 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

23. An individual has the right to file writ of amparo before the investigation of an administrative cased
against him/her. What fundamental right is invoked by the individual?
A. Rigth to lif, liberty and security
B. Right to due process
C. Right to be defended by a public attorney.
D. right to self-defence

24. What is the writ of habeas data?

A. Right to information privacy C. Right to transmit data
B. Right to accumulate data D. Right to search private information

25. The code of ethics of Professional Teachers provides that a teacher has the right and duty to
determine the academic marks and the promotion of learners. What the obligation of the teacher in
relation to the aforementioned right is as mandated in the Education Act of 1982?
A. Refrain from making deductions in students’ scholastic rating for acts not of poor
B. Refrain from discriminating high and low achievers in the classes he/she handles.
C. Refrain from inflecting corporal punishment and make it a basic for deductions in
scholastic ratings.
D. Refrain from segrating the fast and slow learners for convenience in rating them.

26. When a teacher is charged with an administrative case commited in the lawful discharge of
professional duties, what right may the teacher invoke for her defense?
A. Right to receive compensation in the duration of the case
B. Right to be given the due process of law
C. Right to be defended by the organization of teachers to which he/she is a member
D. Right to be provided with free legal service by the appropriate office

27. What is the teacher’s accountability in the achievement of quality education?

A. Be accountabl for the grading performance of learners
B. Be accountable for the effective attainment of specified learning objectives and outcomes
C. Be accountable for reporting the performance of learners to parents
D. Be accountable for reporting the performance of learners to the school head and

28. Which is the overriding aim of the constitutional mandate on social justice?
A. To bridge the gap between the rich and the poor
B. To protect the squatter in the possession of the premises occupied by him because he is
C. To authorize the taking of what is in excess of one’s personal needs and the giving it to
D. To work for social equality

29. Which principle states that no man in this country is above the law and that law must be obeyed by
all and applied to everyone – rich or poor, lowly or powerful – without fear or favor?
A. Rule or law C. Separation of church and State
B. Rule of the majority D. Social justice

30. In connection with government transactions involving public interest, which policy is adopted in the
Constitution to assure the public of accountability and transparency?
A. Full public disclosure
B. Balanced healthful ecology
C. Private enterprises and incentives to needed investments
D. Rural development and agrarian reform

31. Filpino citezens have the power to participate in the establishment or administration of government
such as right to vote and be voted upon as an exercise of ________________.
A. political rights C. social rights
B. civil rights D. economic rights

32. Can the accused waive his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent councel?
A. NO, except in writing andin the present of the councel.
B. Yes, if there is no counsel offering his service.
C. No, it cannot be waived.
D. Yes, if he voluntarily does so.

33. Which is right violated wiretapping

A. Freedom of expression
B. The right to private property
C. The right to privacy of communication
D. The right to information on matters of public concern

34. Which act is deprivation of life without due process?

A. Killingin self-defense C. Imposition of the death penalty
B. Salvaging D. Death resulting from illness.

35. Is land grabbing an act of deprivation of property without due process?

A. Yes. C. Yes, if the land grabber is rich.
B. No. D. No, if the land grabber is landless.

36. Can you be arrested without warrant of arrest?

A. No, if you are a minor.
B. No, if you are more than 60 years old.
C. Yes, if you were reported to have committed a crime.
D. Yes, if you are in the act of committing a crime.

37. Can religious instruction be taught to schools?

I. Yes, if given free.
II. Yes, if given outside class hours.
III. Yes, only to those children whose parents give their consent in writing.
A. I and III C. I, II, and III
B. II and III D. III only

38. Can an accused avail of free legal assistance?

A. No, there is no such thing as free lunch.
B. Yes, provided he is classified as poor litigant by the court.
C. Yes, if the act committed is a minor offense.
D. No, if the offense is grave.
116 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

39. My right is another man’s duty. Which one CORRECTLY illustrates this?
A. My right to my private property requires my neighbor’s duty not to trespass the same.
B. I have freedom of speech but see to it that I speak only what is true.
C. Suffrage is both a right and a duty.
D. I exercise my right in such a way that it does not violateanother person’s right.

40. Every right has abuilt-in duty. Which of the following illustrates CORRECTLY?
A. I have the right to vote, and it is the duty of the COMELEC to allow me to vote.
B. My right to privacy requires my neighbor to respect it.
C. I have the right to sell you my cellphone but it is your duty to pay for it.
D. I have the right to my car but I must see to it that I obey traffic rules.

41. Can a person be imprisoned for debt?

A. No, if he can’t he pay the interst of his debt.
B. Yes, if he has no property with which to pay his debt.
C. No.
D. Yes, if he stubbornly refuses to pay.

42. What does “presumption of innocence” mean in so far as human right is concerned?
A. A suspect is considered guilty until proven otherwise.
B. A suspect has the right to remain silent.
C. A suspect has the right to a legal counsel.
D. A suspect remains innocent until proven guilty.

43. No person may be elected as a President of the Philippines unless he? She a ___________.
A. natural born citizen
B. resident for Philippines for atleast 2 years
C. At least 21 years old
D. professional

44. Who does the canvassing of votes for President and Vice President in every election?
A. Comelec and Chief Justice C. Supreme Court and Congress
B. Senate and Congress D. Joint committee of Congress

45. All appropriations, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively from the ____________.
A. Senate C. House of Representatives
B. Sangguniang Panlalawigan D. Department of budget

46. Which department has the authority to make laws and to alter them when needed?
A. Executive C. Judicial
B. Legislative D. Administrative

47. A bill becomes a law even if not signed by the President after _______ days.
A. 60 C. 20
B. 40 D. 30

48. Which refers to the act of the President to stay the execution of a convict?
A. Commutation C. Pardon
B. Amnesty D. Reprieve

49. Who has the power to declare the existence of a state of war?
A. Chief Justice C. Senate President
B. Electoral Tribunal D. Congress

50. A losing senatorial candidate may file a protest against the winner. What body will assume
jurisdiction over the case?
A. Supreme Court C. COMELEC
B. Electoral Tribunal D. Regional Trial Court

51. How is the crime of rape classified?

A. Heinous C. Slander
B. Homicide D. Malicious Mischief

52. All Filipino citizens have the right to vote and to be voted upon as a governmental official. What is
the constitutional right called?
A. Passive right to vote C. Suffrage
B. Political franchise D. Electoral right

53. Any individual has the right to question why he is being arrested, and to summon his accusers to
court so that due process may be performed. This right is embodied in which of the following?
A. Reclusion perpetua C. Prison mayor
B. Res ipsa loquitur D. Habeas corpus

54. Which among the following represents political process involved in amending or revising the
Philippine constitution to adapt the present Philippine situation?
A. Constitutional conversion C. Charter change
B. Citizens’ assembly D. Constitutional correction

2.1 Trace the history of the Philippines from pre-colonial to contemporary periods.
2.2 Draw the implications of the historical evolution of the Philippines to its present
socio-political condition.

55. Which is TRUE of the historical development of the Philippines?

A. It has never been an independent nation.
B. It ahs been an independent nation ever since.
C. It has evolved from a colony to a fully ndependent nation.
D. It has not achieved full independence from the very beginning.

56. Which problem is common from the Presidency os Marcos, Aquino, Ramos, Estrada, Macapagal-
Arroyo and Benigno Aquino III.
A. Social Justice C. Poor governance
B. Peace and security D. Moral degeneration

57. Basically, the Philippine agrarian problem is a question of ____________.

A. land distribution C. graft and corruption
B. nepotism and corruption D. environmental degration
118 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

58. Every elected PResident of the Philippines delivers SONA. What does SONA mean?
A. Speech of the Nation Assembly
B. Speech of the Nation Address
C. State of the Nation Address
D. State of the Nation Advocacy

59. Rizal founded the La Liga Filipina ______________.

I. unite the whole country.
II fight violence and in justice
III. revolt against the Spaniards
A. I and III C. I and II
B. II only D. IIand III

60. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?

A. It was colonized by Spai, Portugal, Anerica, and Japan.
B. It has been part of the world’s economy since the Spanish colonial rule.
C. It is one of the least populated countries in the world.
D. It has teo autonomous regions – ARMM and NCR.

61. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?

A. It has been colonized by two European colonial powers.
B. It has never been united as nation.
C. There have been attempts to change its government to a parliamentary form.
D. It is the only Christian country in Asia.

62. As a result of EDSA 1, The Philippines ________.

A. became known worldwide for its People Power Revolution
B. changed its form of government to parliamentary
C. saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president
D. intensified its participation in international affairs

63. Which is true of a former President Corazon Aquino?

I. The first female president of the Philippines.
II. The first female president in Asia.
III. Described as the “icon of Democracy”.
A. I, II and III C. I and III
B. I an II D. I only

64. A year ago “Cha-cha” and “con ass” were popular words oin the Philippines. With which the words
“Cha-cha” and “con ass” associated?
A. Imposition of martial law
B. Return to a dictatorial form of government
C. Amendment of the present Constitution
D. Division between Senate and Huose of Representatived

65. The Philippine revolts against Spain,

the Philippine-American war, the Muslim rebellion, the NPA, the MILF and Abu sayyaf movement
point to the reality of ________ in the Philippines.
A. multi-ethnicity C. poor quality of education
B. poverty D. insurgency

66. Which of the following was the first to happen?

A. Aguinaldo was captured.
B. Aguinaldo declared Philippine independence.
C. Guerilla warfare against the US was initiated.
D. The Philippines was ceded to the US by the treaty of Paris.

67. With whom is the “Strong Republic” associated?

A. Fidel V. Ramos C. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
B. Joseph Estrada D. Corazon Aquino

68. Which of th four pillars of education for the 21st century is crucial in the light of conflicts between
Isreal and Palestine?
A. Learning to do C. Learning to live together
B. Learning to be D. Learning to know

69. Who is the General who said “I shall return” A monument in his honor stands in corridor by the bay.
A. William H. Taft C. John Dewey
B. Douglas Mcarthur D. Schurmann

70. In 1565 Legaspi concluded a blood compact with the chief os Bohol. Who is referred to?
A. Raja Sulayman C. Lakandula
B. Sikatuna D. Rajah Tupas

71. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of joint Filipino-American forces
on May 6, 1942. Where did theis happen?
A.Bataan C. Capas
B. Corridor D. Manila

72. The Phlilippines objectad to the advisory of travels to Mindanao by the Australian government. What
should the government do?
A. Declare war against the country C. Recall the Nationals
B. Fiule diplomatic protest D. Arrest their nationals

73. Foreign investors are discouraged in doing business in our country. To what condition/s to this be
I. Deteriorating peace and order II. High teriffs
III. Poor technology III. Poor standards
A. I and II C. II only
B. I, II and III D. IV only

74. Who is the President who is known for his “Filipino First Policy” and Austerity program?
A. Diosdado Macapagal C. Manuel Roxas
B. Carlos P. Garcia D. Ramon Magsaysay

75. Pre-colonial trade in the Philippines was prosperous. What system did they usefor their business
A. Money C. Credit
B.Barter D. Banking
120 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

76. After Negritos, What was the second group of people who migrated by sea to the Philippines?
A. Indonesians C. Indians
B. Arabs D. Malays

77. Forsign influences are evident on most aspects of Filipino culture including Philippine languages.
From which Asian languge do these words come: alam, hukom, salamt?
A. Malayo-Polenesian C. Arabic
B. Sanskrit D. Mandarin

78. What is considere the earliest form of writing in the Philippines?

A. Abakada C. Alibat
B. Roman alphabet D. Balitaw

79. Who was the American president who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation policy during the
American colonial years of the Philippines?
A. William Mckinley C. Woodrow Wilson
B. Franklin Roosevelt D. Theodore Roosevelt

80. Who first introduce the Islamic religion in the Philippines?

A. Rajah Baguinda C. Mukdum
B. Idi Amin D. Abu Bakr

81. The following are among th five ships involved Ferdinand Magellan’s Voyage EXCEPT
A. Conception C. Trinidad
B. Cartagena D. Victoria

82. Who was among the last Filipino Generals who fought the Americans and established the so-called
“Tagalog Republic”?
A. Gregorio Del Pillar C. Macario Sakay
B. Miguel Malvar D. Manuel Tinio

83. In the Philippine history, who was known as “the Great Dissenter”
A. Camilo Osias C. Claro M. Recto
B. Manuel Roxas D. Eulogio Rodriguez

84. During the Spanish era, who was the revolutionary leader who waged a long war against the
government because it did not allow proper burial for his brother?
A. Macario Sakay C. Diego Silang
B. Andres Bonifacio D. Francisco Dagohoy

85. The late president Ferdinand Marcos placed the Phillippines under Martial Law through which of the
following laws?
A. Article 6 Section 14 of the 1973 Constitution
B. R.A. 274
C. Prclamation 1081
D. Kautusang Tagapagpaganap blg. 25 S. 1974

86. What building was the only one left intact after the distraction of Intramurus during the battle of
A. Manila Post Office C. Manila Cathedral
B. San Agustin Church D. Quiapo Church

87. What was the first book published in the Philippines?

A. Del Superior Govierno C. Pasion Mahal
B. Doctrina Cristina D. Barlaame Josphat


3.1 Manifest understanding of the Philippine economic condition with respect to taxation,
land reform and cooperative as well as to the growth of its Gross Nation Product

3.1 Apply the fundamental economic principles to the current economic condition of the

PRACTICE TEST: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

88. The world of nations is suffering from recession and so nations are experiencing th following
EXCEPT ____________.
A. people are loosing their jobs
B. businesses are raking bigger profits
C. there is a drop in total spending
D. production is slowing down

89. When one company controls the supply of sugar, which term applies?
A. Monopoly C. Economic stability
B. Inflation D. Law of supply and demand

90. Tomatoes are off season and so price of tomatoes is up. Which law/principle economics explains it?
A.Substitution effect C. Principle of marginal utility
B. Law of cause and effect D. Law of supply and demand

91. Which explains GNP?

A. The total value in pesos of goods and services produced during the year
B. The total value in pesos of goods produced during the year
C. The total value in pesos of services produced during the year
D. The total value in pesos of goods and services produced for 2 quarters

92. How can the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program bring about social equityand economic
prosperity in the country?
I. By distributing the agricultural lands to landless farmers free of change
II. By transferring the ownership of land to farmers for a value
III. By helping the affected land owners to use their land comprehension in viable
business activities
IV. By providing support services to farmer-benefeciaries
A. II, III, and IV C. I, II, and III
C. I, II, and IV D. I, III, and IV
122 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

93. While in the capitalist system, “to the strongest goes the spoil”, what happens in the cooperative
A. All benefits are shared to the members proportionate to the shared capitals.
B. Goods are distributed among the members but benefiting mostly the policy-making body.
C. Goods are distributed among the members.
D. Goods are distributed among the members but elected and appointed officials get more to
compensate their services.

94. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform and cooperatives are meant to ___________.
A. eradicate poverty in the country
B. bridge the gap between the rich and the poor
C. to make all citizens equal
D. to improve on the country’s literacy rate

95. When parents decide to send their children to private school and pay their tuition fee instead of
sending them to the public school, they don’t get their share in the benefit derived from the taxes
they pay. This is a case of ________________.
A. social justice C. double taxation
B. double jeopardy D. social inequity

96. Which one CORECTLY applies to Philippine foreign trade?

A. Philippine expenditure exports and earning from imports fluctuate.
B. The Philippine spends less on imports than it earns from exports.
C. The Philippine expenditure on imports is balanced with its earnings from exports.
D. The Philippine spends more on imports than it earns from exports.

97. The ultimate objective of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform is to _________.

A. ensure the cultivation of all idle lands
B. abolish share tenancy in favor of lease tenancy
C. distribute arable lands to the landless
D. establish owner–cultivated farms

98. What is TRUE of a progressive syste m of taxation?

A. The rate of tax increases as the income tax basse or income bracket increases.
B. the tax is equal regardless of class and place.
C. The rate of tax decreases as the income tax base decreases.
D. The rate of tax increases as the income tax base decreases.

99. I rent out of P 10,000 per month my only building and a lot to the Jesus is Lord group which uses it
excluysively for religious purposes. I am exempt from payment of _________.
A. property tax C. income tax
B. professional tax D. community tax

100. You are a member of a cooperative which operates taxis tricycle buses. Of which type of
cooperative are you a member of?
A. Service cooperative C. Marketing cooperative
B. Multipurpose cooperative D. Producers cooperative

101. You have a property of P500, 000. The tax is 1% he pays P5000. If his property is worth
P1, 000,000 he pays P10, 000. Which does this illustrate?
A. Progressive taxation C. Equity in taxation
B. Uniformity of taxation D. Equality in taxation

102. Which in an unlawful act of escapingfrom payments of taxes?

A. evasion C. Exemption
B. avoidance D. Shifting

103. Which is required of cooperative members for the operation of their cooperative?
A. Share capital C. Net surplus
B. Interest on share capital D. Patronage refund

104. The primary purpose of taxation is to _______.

A. Raise revenue for the support of government
B. reduce inequlities in wealth and incomes
C. sortify the government against invaders
D. make the country leading industrialized country in the world

105. Which is/are essential for the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program to truly succeed?
I. Granting the benefeciaries the right to sell the piece of land awarded to them
II. Change of heart the landlords and lawmakers
III. Education of the benefeciaries
A. II and III C. II only
B. I, II and III D. III only
106. Which is/are TRUE of cooperatives and the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform?
I. Intended to eliminate poverty in Philippine society
II. Mean to alleviate poverty
III. Are programs for people empowerment
A. II and III C. II only
B. III only D. I and III

107. Which assumption underlies the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program?

A. People are more productive if they own what they cultivate.
B. Our country has very very few landed people and very many landless.
C. The wealth of the country is concentrated in the lands of a few.
D. There is so much poverty in the country because of overpopulation.

108. What does “capital” in economics refer to?

A. Investments and loss computed
B. Outcome of a business transaction
C. Money/ machines invested to transact business
D. profit and labor spent for the business

109. What result when the government spends more than what it collects in the form of taxes?
A. Excessive allotment C. Fiscal deficit
B. Fixcal overspending D. erroneous appropriations

110. What is the type of cooperative which promote thrift among members and creates funds in
order to be able to grant loans?
A. Service C. Consumers
B. Producers D. credit
124 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

111. One of the major functions of taxes is to finance real govenrmnet expenditures. This function
can simply be stated as to ____________.
A. promote development C. raise rvenues
B. secure price stability D. raise national security

112. Which term refers to the measures undertaken by the government which would remove
anything that hinders the entry of foreign products, services and capital between countries?
A.Liberalization C. Privatization
B. Globalization D. Internationalization

113. What do we call the sum of money collected for our use of a road, bridge and highwy?
A. Tax C. Penalty
B. Assessment D. Toll

114. Which term refers to duties payable on goods, whether imported or exported?
A. Assessment C. Subsidiary
B. Tariff D. Revenue

115. Which term refers to the social aspects of sex or to socially defined roles expectations that
are associated with sex?
A. Social differentiation C. Gender
B. Social class D. Cultural context

116. Among the developing Asian nations, which of the following is widely promoted to be the
better solution to poverty and unemployment?
A. Privatization C. Industrialization
B. Urbanization D. Importation

117. Stagflation occurs when the economy experiences __________________.

A. rising prices and rising output
B. rising prices and falling output
C. fallig prices and falling output
D. fallig prices and rising output

118. Which among the following is an example of a transfer payment?

A. Profit C. Unemployment benefit
B. Rent D. Government purchases

119. Which among the following best describes a recession?

A. A fall in real GNP over two consecutive time periods
B. An increased in real GNP from one period to the next
C. Nominal GNP declines from one period to the next
D. No change I real GNP from one period to the next

120. Gross Domestic Product is the sum of the market value of the ______________________.
A. Intermediate goods C. manufacture goods
B. final goods and services D. inferior goods and services

121. Which of the following statements is TRUE about a market economy?

A. With a large enough computer, central planners could give production more efficiently
than markets.
B. Market participantsact as if guided by an invisible hand to produce outcomes that
maximize social welfare.
C. The strength of a market system is that it tends to distribute resources evenly across
D. Taxes help prices communicate costs and benefits to producers and consumers.

122. In a free-market economy the allocation of resources is determined by _________.

A. votes taken by consumers C. Consumer preferences
B. central planning authority D. the level of profits of firms

123. Trade-offs are required because wants are unlimited and resources are ___________.
A. economical C. scarce
B. unlimited D. marginal

124. Raising taxes and increasing welfare payments ____________.

A. reduce market power
B. prove that there is such a thing as a free lunch
C. improve efficiency at the expense of equity
D. improve equityat the expnse of efficiency

125. The burden of a tax falls more heavily on the sellers in a market when ____________.
A. both supply and demand are elastic.
B. both supply and demand are inelastic
C. demand is inelastic and supply is elastic
D. demand is elastic and supply is inelastic


4.1 Apply basic concepts, theories and perspectives which relate to society, culture
and family planning in life
4.2 Recognize cultural elements that are distinctly Filipino.

PRACITCE TEST: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
126. Which situation is the BEST example of a culture shock?
A. A native from New Zealandis so afraid of the big crowd in malls and along the roads
during rush hours that he remarked “so many people!”
B. The Hippies’ rejected “The Establishment” in the 1960s and sported long hair.
C. The Canadians use folks while the Filipinos use spoon and fork and sometimes their
hands on eating.
D. The Aetas don’t like sardines but like sweet potatoes.

127. Under which group do the Sunday churchgoers in a cathedral fall?

A. Secondary group C. Tertiary group
B. Primary group D. Elementary group
126 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

128. Which does one portray when he thinks that what is foreign is best and that what is local is
A. Xenocentrism C. Ethnocentricm
B. Relativism D. favoritism

129. Upon which is based the claim that there is no single universal standard to be used to judge
any culture-based?
A. cultural relativism C. Cultural diversity
B. Culture shock D. Ethical relativism

130. You will be in good hands when your host is a Filipino because one outstanding trait of
Filipinos is __________.
A. hospitality C. industry
B. thrift D. cleanliness

131. The Philippine is dominantly a Christian country in the Orient, yet according to survey it is
on the top 5 as the most corrupt in Asia. what this point to in Philippine Society?
A. Lack of cultural integration C. Prevalence of ethnocentrism
B. Presence of cultural differences D. Prevalence of xenocentrism

132. You have to take extra care when you critiquethe work of a Filipino. Your negative
comment may be mistaken to be an attack against his/her person. Upon which Filipino trait
is this advice based?
A. Extreme personalism C. “Sakop” mentality
B. Adaptibility D. “Bayanihan” spirit

133. The expression promdi connotes _________.

A. ethnocentrism C. favoritism
B. tenocentrism D. racial desriminition

134. Children learn to how to open a coconut and other common chores in a coconut farm. In this
instance culture is transmitted by ___________.
A. immersion C. enculturation
B. assimilation D. acculturation

135. When a person shows the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences
in the costumes, values and beliefs of one’s culture, he/she is said to _______.
A. possess multicultural literacy C. possess global awareness
B. sosciocultural aware D. possess social literacy

136. Which of the following statements accurately reflects a strong “school culture”?
A. Has definite organizational core values
B. Has a network of communications
C. Has a informal rules of behavior
D. Has high standards of performance

137. What are considered major goals of multicultural education?

I. Catering to diversity of learners
II. Considering social class and ethnic groups
III. Providing equal opportunities to education
IV. Helping individuals and groups survive despite differences in culture and beliefs

A. I, II, III, and IV C. II and III

B. I, II, and IV D. III and IV

138. World history recoerded that art became emotional and dramatic during the renaissance.
What popular painting is part of the “idyllic golde age” of Art?
A. Mona Lisa by Da Vinci
B. Last Suffer by Tintoretto
C. Saint Teresa by Bernini
D. The calling of St. Mathew by Caravaggio

139. The cultural heritage os Southeast Asia has been designated by UNESCO as __________.
A. World Heritage Site C. World Cultural Heritage
B. World Tourist spots D. World International Center

140. Teachers should be encouraged to teah folk knowledge because ____________.

A. it is crucial in facing the basics of daily living.
B. it is included in National Achievement Test.
C. it is a mandate of Dep Ed.
D. it is in keeping with curriculum change.

141. What does a professional code of ethics prescribe for all?

A. Moral standards and ethical behavior
B. Rules and regulations in practicing the profession
C. Strict implementation of laws of the land
D. Civic- mindedness and social consciousness

142. “Man is to be hailed as a social being.” What does this line mean?
A. He necessarily attends social events
B. He must introduce himself in social gatherings.
C. He does not live only for himself.
D. He does not need other people.

143. Which is at the base of a triangle that shapes us into what we are?
A. Environmnet C. Training
B. Heredity D. School attended

144. How do you describe a typical social structure which describes a pattern through which
relationships at work are ordered?
A. Technological C. Capitalistic
B. Communistic D. Bureaucratic

145. A society cannot exist without a government. Which word is synonymous with government.
A. Domination C. Retraint
B. Authority D. Check-and-balance

146. What does a “nuclear family” consist of?

A. Granfathers and grandmothers
B. Father, mother, sons and daughters
C. Sons, daughters and cousins
D. Sons, daughters and in-laws
128 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

147. What is the principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to
A. Community action C. Family
B. Church D. Language

148. Material culture refers to the tangible and concrete objects produce by man. Which are
example of material culture?
A. Stone walls of Tasadays C. Sinulog celebrations
B. Ceremonies of ivtans D. Moriones festival

149. Which human need is considered basic?

A. Pleasure C. Wealth
B. Security D. Order

150. Which among the following represents a detrimental aspect of Philippine Culture Society?
A. Palabra de honor C. Amor propio
B. Delicadeza D. Ningas cogon

151. Which among the following pertains to the passionate Filipino dance that makes use of a fan
or handkerchief to illustrate a couple in romance?
A. Itik-itik C. El Bimbo
B. Pandango D. Carinosa

152. Which of the following best describes the concept of society?

A. A political entity
B. The same as culture or antion
C. Limited by geographical boundaries
D. Organized interaction of people sharing land and culture

153. The primary biological limitation of natural family planning is that it is __________.
A. expansive and very reliable
B. only suitable for females with regular period
C. cannot satisfy people’s urges
D. Goes against the teets of the Catholic Church

154. Which of the following types of societies came first during societal evolution?
A. Horticultural C. Agricultural
B. Industrial D. Mass

155. In a sociological sense, earning a 1.0 Grae Weighted Average (GWA) makes you a deviant
because ___________________.
A. you only could have gotten that GWA by cheating
B. a GWA of 1.0 is not the norm
C. it alienates you from your peer group
D. it improves your status

156. What is the underlying theory of the belief that the DepEd and other stakeholders should
exert deliberate efforts to construct a satisfying cuture for education?
A. Cultural revitsalization Theory C. Anarchestic theory
B. Utopian theory D. Revival theory

157. What committee was founded in 1978 promote effective cooperation and enhance solidarity
among the peoples of ASEAN?
A. Committee on Culture and Information
B. Committee on Regional Cooperation
C. Committee on Cultural heritage

158. Teachers should be encourage to teach folk knowledge because ____________.

A. it is a mandate of DepEd.
B. it is concludedin national Achievement Test.
C. it is crucial in facing the the basics of daily living.
D. it is in keeping of curriculum change.


5.1 Analzye how Rizal’s life and works have contributed to the counry’s development.
5.2 Evaluate the contribution of other Philippine heroes and heroines to the development of
the country.

PRACTICE TEST: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.
159. If one agrees with Rizal on the best way to redeem our country, what would he do?
A. Work for quality education for all.
B. Campaign for more foreign investors.
C. Attract tourists to come to the country.

160. Based on his work “Sa Aking Mga Kababat”, would Rizal Favor the use of mother tongue in
the early grades?
A. Yes. C. He did not express it clearly.
B. No. D. Yes, but mixed with English.

161. How did Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere contribute to the development of his countrymen?
A. It awakened them to the oppressive rule of Spain.
B. It exposed to them the scandals of the friars.
C. It tught them to love their local language.
D. It pictured for them the ideal Filipina.

162. If they were to come back to life, who among the following would be the most vocal to
speak against the country’s foreign policy of close association with America?
A. Claro M. Recto, Leon Ma. Guerrero
B. Claro M. Recto, Jose P. Laurel
C. Leon Ma. Guerrero, jr., Jose P. Laurel
D. Jose P. Laurel, Elpidio Quirino

163. Why was Melchora Aquino arrested and exile to Guam? Because she _____________.
A. supplied the katipuneros with food and clothing
B. fought side by side with Katipuneros]
C. openly disagreed with the encomenderos
1. published an article against Spaniards
130 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

164. To stimulate nation’s economy and increase employment, former President Diosdado
Macapagal __________.
A. abolished government repressive control
B. borrowed money from the World Bank
C. standardized the salaries of government employees
D. gave incentives to whome cottage industries

165. In his “la Indolencia Del Filipino”, Rizal’s thinking was the rich natural resources of the
Philippines and the favorable climate were not a blessing after all the Filipino. Which
explains this?
The rich natural resources and the favorable climate of the country __________.
A. encouraged the “get-by” mentality
B. led to disunity
C. made the Filipino complete against one another
D. enable the Filipinos to earn college degrees

166. “There are no tyrants where there are no slaves.” Which logically explains this?
I. If the Filipinos were treated as slaves by the Spaniards it was because they lowed
themselves tyo be treaed as such.
II. It was equally the fault of the Filipnos Why the Spaniards treated them as slaves.
III. The Spaniards were tyrants and so they treated the Filipnios as slaves.
A. I and II C. III
B. I D. II

167. In what sense is the Filipino likened to a bamboo?

A. He is Flexible. C. He is ambitious.
B. He is sturday. D. He is versatile.

168. The Filipino’s indomitable spirit is shown in his ________.

A. ability to survive C. freindlessness
B. utang-na loob D. self-reliance

169. On which Filipino trait does not Gawad kalinga build on?
A. Bayanihan spirit C. Adaptability
B. Joy and Humor D. Extreme personalism

170. Out of used illustration boards, students came up with cute and functional bagsfor school
children. Which Filipino trait is exhibited?
A. Creativity C. Pagkabayani
B. Adaptability D. Family-orientedness

171. To which trait are the organization and success of cooperatives in the country attributed?
A. Pagsasamahan C. Pakikisama
B. Creativity D. Adaptability

172. Noli Me Tanghere was Jose Rizal’s first novel. Experts consider this work historically
significant because it was instrumental in establishing which of the following?
A. National identity C. Inciting the seeds of revolution
B. fight against graft and corruption D. Love for education

173. Which among the following is NOT a Filipino quality emphasized in the Noli Me Tanghere
of Dr. Jose Rizal?
A. Devotion of a Filipina C. Common sense of Filipinos
B. Deep sense of gratitude D. Inmate subversiveness

174. In Rizal’s time which among the following were pressing issues in Philippine society that
were presented in the El Filibusterismo?
I. Education reform
II. Superstition masquerading as religion
III. Abuses of friars
A. II and III C.I and II
B. I II and III D. I and II

175. Which among the following is the main theme of the El Filibusterismo?
A. Ideal means of achieving social reform
B. Rizal’s hope for a revolution
C. Curing the social cancer
D. Abuses and indecency of friars

176. Apolinario Mabini was known as the “sublime paralytic.” Which among the following
represents his most significant contribution to the development of the Filipino nation?
A. Peaceful social reform C. Revolutionarism
B. Resilience D. freemasonry

177. Marcelo H. Del pilar demonstrated a militant and progressive outlook derived from the
classic Enlightenment tradition of the French philosophesand the scientific empiricism of the
Europian bourgeoisie. Which of the following represents the tenets of his ideology?
II. Fairness
III. Impartialy
A. II and III C. I and II
B. I, II and III D. I and II


6.2 Manifest a critical and analytical attitude toward specific issues and problems in
daily life

PRACTICE TEST: Choose the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

178. Read the following then answer the question :

“Your honor, ho can the persecution dare try to send this poor, defenseless child to jail for
the murder of his father and mother? Have a heart! The boy is an orphan. In his argument
A. No, this is a fallacy, an appeal to pity.”
B. No, this is a faulty reasoning.
C. Yes, nobody can disagree.
D. No, this violates the rules of logic.
132 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

179. “All the laws are the product of legislative activity.”

“Newton discovered several products of legislative activity.”
In this argument logical?
A.No, the error is due to the equivocal use of the world “law”
B. Yes, they are logical.
C. No, unless “laws” in the first premise is changed with “some laws”.
D. Patially logical.

180. Let’s assume that universities will be required tro offer education programs at the graduate
rather than at the undergraduate level. Based on this information, how should you respond?
A. Improbable C. Disagree
B. Agree D. Neutral

181. One reason why the NCEE was abolished was because it was anti-poor.Which explanation
logically supports this reasoning?
A. Most of those who did not pass the NCEE were graduates of deprived schools.
B. It’s good that the NCEE was abolished because that would mean only those fit for college
would go to college.
C. The NCEE served as a measured to counteract the “diploma mill” mentality of the
D. College education liberates the poor from the bondage of poverty.

182. Which philosophical premise does NOT support scientific inquiry?

A. Reality is objective.
B. Group awareness is an integral part of knowledge.
C. Human perceptual systems correctly perceive reality.
D. Rational explanations exist for real- world phenomena.

7.1 Demonstrate understanding of the totality of human experience by formulating a
human perspective that integrates all areas of knowledge
7.2 Manifest appreciation of arts as a result of an integrative and holistic view of life

183. The expressionist painters at the turn of the century tried to depict state of mind rather than
to make a realistic copy of some object. In other worlds, expressionist paintings _______.
A.give the felling rather than the appearance of things
B. resemble camera snapshots
C. are all about people
D. are all done in oils.

184. Those who have a deep appreciation of the beautiful tend to _______ the good and the
A.preserve C. spoil
B.discard D. hide

185. Art and music are necessary ingredients to a child’s education. Which statement/s supports
the idea of this sentence?
I.Music and art intensify a child’s imagination
II. Music teachers discipline, taem work, math and poetry through rhythem.
III. Painting helps a kinesthetic learner express abstract concepts in concreate forms.
A. I, II, III C. I and II
B. III only D. I only

186. Art and music are essential ingredients to a child’s education, yet ironically both subjects are
the first disciplines to be eliminated when budget is inadequate. In an effort to streamline
school budget and teach only the basics, we usually reduce curriculum to a lifeless routine of
issues that lack colors, shapes, sounds and rhythm. What does the paragraph confirm?
I. The importance of the arts in the education to children
II. The meaninglessness of the school curriculum
III.The insignificance of the arts in the school curriculum
A. I C. II
B. III D. I and II

187. Is it mortal to suppress workers’ rights to form unions in times of national emergency and
I. No. Suppression of rights will always be a violation of human rights.
II. Yes. The nation’s security takes precedence over the rights of any private association.
III. Yes. Public safety must be thought of before private gain.
A. II and III C. I

188. Intimes of war, soldiers must be ready to give up their lives indefense of the nation. Which
normative relationship applies in this case?
A. Greater urgency – saving the living before burying the dead
B. Wide social order – the family before the individual
C. More common good - public safety before private gain
D. Higher law – inalienable rights vs. alienable

189. Your classmate had been sick and so had been absent from class. To help him pass, you
allow him to copy your answer. Was allowing him to copy your answer morally justified?
A. Yes. The end justifies the means.
B. No. The end does not justify the means.
C. It depends on how sincere you were.
D. It depends on how much assistance to your classmate.

190. A wife who loves her husband dearly becomes so jealous that in a moment of savage rage,
kills him. Is the wife morally responsible and why?
A. No, Antecedent passion may completely destroy freedom and consequently moral
B. Yes, She killed her husband simply because of jealousy.
C. It depends on the mental health of the wife.
D. It depends on the cause of the wife’s jealousy
134 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

191. You failed the LET twice. You heard of someone processing fake professional teachers’
license for failed LET examinees for a fee of P50, 000. You approached her and get a fake
license for a fee. Are you morally responsible?
A. No, while I know it is wrong, it is my only way to redeem myself.
B. Yes, but my desperate need for a license will lessen my moral responsibility.
C. No, I’m not the only one doing it.
D. Yes, I acted with full knowledge and consent.

192. Who has a greater responsibility and why? The lazy master teacher who doesnot teach well
or the beginning teacher who is grouping whileshe teaches and so does not teach well either.
A. The master teacher, who is older and more experienced.
B. The master teacher, who is expected to have more knowledge and freedom.
C. Cannot be determined; age and experience do not necessarily make one more
knowledgeable and free.
D. Both are morally responsible; theyu are both professional teachers.

193. I happen among to have unknowingly received counterfeit money from someone. At the
earliest opportunity. I pass it on to someone who is not aware. Am I morally responsible?
A. No, you are only passing on to another the burden that you unknowingly received.
B. No, the counterfeit money did not originally come for you.
C. Yes, your act is a perfect voluntary one.
D. Yes, you commit another wrong.

194. Can children who have not reached the age of reason and have acquired foul language be
held responsible?
A. No, the bad habit has been contracted involuntarily and unintentionally.
B. Yes, while they have not reached the age of reason, they already have a sense of what is
good and bad.
C. Yes, from their parents they have come to know that it is bad habit.
D. We cannot say yes or no; we don’t know what is inside the children’s mind and heart.

195. A boy scout leaps into the sea to save a companion in danger of being drowned, though he
may lose his life. Is he morally justified to risk his life?
A. No.
B. It depends on whether the Boy Scout can swim or not.
C. Yes.
D. No, if the boy being drowned did it to commit suicide.

196. Which oe goes with this principle: “The end does not justify the means”.
A. An objective evil act can never become good inspite of the good motive.
B. An objectively good act may become morally evil because of a bad motive.
C. An indifferent act may become morally good or evil depending on the motive.
D. Both are morally responsible: They are both professional teachers.

197. I get P5, 000 from the funds raised during Valentine’s Day without the knowledge of the
committee and donate it to the foundation serving a group of handicap. Is my act of getting
P5, 000 from the funds justify?
A. Yes, the means justify the end.
B. Yes, the end justifies the means.
C. No, the end does not justify the means.
D. Yes, if you intend to tell the committee afterwards.

198. While illustrates the principle: “Circumstances may change a good or an different act into a
punishable one”.
A. You, the teacher, insulting a student is worse than a student belittling the classmate.
B. To steal money from a poor classmate is worse than to steal from a rich classmate.
C. Slapping someone at a moment of rage is not as worse as slapping someone for thrill.
D. You sleep seated on a chair at the back while you make your class copy notes from the

199. I don’t like to read the bulletin board, for I suspect the deadline for grades is posted there.
Which type of ignorance do I possess?
A. Affected ignorance C. Invincuble ignorance
B. Vincible ignorance D. Crass ignorance

200. I pretend not to be able to play several musical instruments. I may get tied as an
instrumentalist of the church choir. Which type of ignorance do I have?
A. Invincuble ignorance C. Affected ignorance
B. Supine ignorance D. Vincible ignorance

201. Which illustrate/s this principle: “Antecedent passion may completely destroy freedom and
consequently moral responsibility.”
A. A teacher harbors a grudge against a colleague and builds himself up to a state of frenzy
and strikes his colleague.
B. A man broods over an insult received from an enemy, goes drinking and finally attacks
his enemy.
C. A person in danger of being drowned goes into panic and holds on to a companion who
also drowns.
D. B and C

202. When can we say that a person has values?

A. Lives a life of integrity, sincerity and commitment
B. Enjoys life of leisure and pleasure
C. Works towards self-aggrandizement
D. Lives a life of merriment in the company of others

203. What does the term “chiaroscuro” refer to?

A. An exaggerately dark background and light foreground creating the effect of space.
B. Exaggerated shadows making colours more intense.
C. A dark-shaded pigment created from a mixture of water and egg yolk.
D. A style of brush work which creates shading.

204. What is the purpose of an underpainting?

A. It prevents the paint from seeping through the canvas.
B. It helps the date painting.
C. To create a rough sketch directly on the work surface.
D. It avoids over painting.

205. What is a glaze?

A. Paint diluted with water C. Paint diluted with olive oil
B. A color diluted with white D. Paint diluted with linseed oil
136 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)

206. What a student can do differs from what he will do. What does this prove?
A. Motivation and ability always go together,
B. Students of today are hardly motivated.
C. Ability is the opposite of motivation.
D. Motivation differs from ability.

207. You are often called: “Pverty is not a haindrance to success”. What does this imply?
A. The “promdi” student does not succeed because of his/her origin.
B. What a person becomes in life is a product of his/her environment.
C. A person is totally conditioned by his/her environment.
D. It is other people that hinder people succeed.

208. Pedro easily carried the television by himself when his neighbor’s house was on fire. But
when the fire was over, he could not bring it back to the house alone. This is on account of
the hormone __________.
A. pancreatic C. adrenalin
B. insulin D. ptyalin

209. Stimulation is good for the brain. Which action is a logical application for this?
A. Train your child to obey orders blindly.
B. Retire early so youy will be spared of the challenge of work.
C. Avoid giving challenging tasks to teenagers for they easily discouraged.
D. Give top children toys that they can manipulate.

210. A biology teacher asked each one in the class to introduce himself/herself using biological
concepts. Foru students introduced themselves as follows:
I have XX chromosomes
I have XY chromosomes
I have so much testosterone in my blood stream.
I have much estrogen circulating within me.
What is true of the four students?
A. Two are girls. C. Two are effeminate
B. Two are “tomboys”. D. The four have identity problems.

211. A biology teacher describe herself biologically: “My estrogen level is decreasing and I have
sign of osteoporosis.” What is the TRUE of the biology teacher?
A. She is a spinster.
B. She is in her latwe adolescence.
C. She is in her post-menopausal period.
D. she is a chain smoker.

212. Which statement on human intelligence is CORRECT?

A. It consists of multiple intelligences.
B. It is reliably measured by a verbal test.
C. It is verbal ability and abstract reasoning.
D. It is fixed at birth.

213. Which idea contradictsthe concept of free will?

A. Evolutionary theory C. Memetics
B. Creationism D. Biological determinism

214. A behavioural psychologist would probably say that ____________.

A. introspection is a useful way to study mental processes.
B. the mind is most important when analyzing behaviour.
C. we act based on rewards and punishments received.
D. the unconscious stimulates our behavior.

215. Which among the following are qualities of an authoritarian parent?

A. High level of both control and warmth.
B. High level of control, and a low level of warmth.
C. low level of both control control and warmth.
D. low level of control, and a high level of warmth.

216. An individual who can find minute differences between small objects possesses which of the
A. A good long-term memory C. A low difference threshold
B. A high difference threshold D. A good short-term memory

217. The method of classical conditioning begins with ______________.

A. the conditioned stimulus and response
B. the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned response
C. the unconditioned stimulus and response
138 LET Comprehensive Reviewer Based on NCBTS and Table of Specifications (TOS)


1 A 53 D 105 A 157 A 209 D

2 D 54 C 106 A 158 C 210 A
3 A 55 C 107 A 159 A 211 C
4 B 56 B 108 C 160 A 212 A
5 A 57 A 109 C 161 A 213 D
6 A 58 C 110 D 162 A 214 C
7 B 59 C 111 C 163 A 215 B
8 C 60 B 112 A 164 A 216 C
9 A 61 C 113 D 165 A 217 C
10 B 62 A 114 B 166 A
11 B 63 A 115 C 167 A
12 D 64 C 116 C 168 A
13 A 65 D 117 B 169 A
14 B 66 D 118 C 170 A
15 D 67 C 119 A 171 A
16 A 68 C 120 B 172 A
17 A 69 B 121 B 173 D
18 A 70 B 122 C 174 B
19 A 71 B 123 D 175 A
20 A 72 B 124 D 176 B
21 A 73 A 125 D 177 B
22 C 74 B 126 A 178 A
23 A 75 B 127 A 179 A
24 A 76 A 128 A 180 A
25 A 77 C 129 A 181 A
26 D 78 C 130 A 182 B
27 B 79 A 131 A 183 A
28 A 80 C 132 A 184 A
29 A 81 B 133 A 185 A
30 A 82 C 134 A 186 A
31 A 83 C 135 A 187 A
32 A 84 D 136 A 188 C
33 C 85 C 137 A 189 B
34 B 86 B 138 A 190 A
35 A 87 B 139 A 191 D
36 D 88 B 140 A 192 B
37 A 89 A 141 A 193 C
38 B 90 D 142 C 194 A
39 A 91 A 143 B 195 C
40 D 92 A 144 D 196 A
41 C 93 C 145 B 197 C
42 D 94 B 146 B 198 D
43 A 95 C 147 D 199 A
44 D 96 D 148 A 200 C
45 C 97 B 149 B 201 C
46 B 98 A 150 D 202 A
47 D 99 A 151 D 203 A
48 D 100 A 152 D 204 C
49 D 101 A 153 B 205 D
50 B 102 A 154 A 206 D
51 A 103 A 155 B 207 B
52 C 104 A 156 A 208 C


Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. A business man had incurred the following expenses in his trips to the Visayan Islands: P5100.00,
P4600.00, and P3200.00. What was his total expense for the trip?
A. P16000 C. 17000
B. P16700 D. 17500

2. Ms. Tonelada weighed 60 kg. She lost 4 kg on her first week of exercise, gained 2 kg on her
second week, lost 6 kg on the 3rd week and remained her weight during the fourth week. What
was her weight on the 4th week?
A. 52 kg C. 68 kg
B. 58 kg D. 72 kg

3. A group of young people from four countries gathered together for an international conference:
40 from Manila, 60 from Japan, 35 from Thailand and 45 from Singapore. The participants will
form discussion group with equal number of members from each country in each group. What is
the greatest number of discussion groups that can be formed?
A. 5 C. 20
B. 15 D. 25

4. During summer, a lady visits Baguio every 6 days, and his best friend every days. If they visited
Baguio last April 11, what was the earliest date did both of them visits Baguio again?
A. April 21 C. May 5
B. April 23 D. May 11

5. In a survey to determine the reaction of people about having a new GSIS card, 80% of the 2,400
people voted in favor of the new card. How many of the votes did not vote for the new card?
A. 1920 C. 800
B. 1600 D. 480

6. Lulu spends 15% of her monthly income for house rental, 10% for electric bill and 25% for food
and other miscellaneous expenses, after paying all these expenses, she still has P6,000 left. How
much does she earn every month?
A. P15,000.00 C. 9,000.00
B. P12,000.00 D. 8,000.00

7. If 500 or 25% of a graduating class are girls, how many are graduating?
A. 2,000 C. 10,000
B. 5,000 D. 20,000

8. A man sleeps 6 hours a day. What is the ratio of the time he is asleep to the time he is awake?
A. 1:6 C. 1:3
B. 1:4 D.1:2


9. A recipe calls for ¾ cup of sugar. How much sugar should be used if only ½ of the quantities
given in the recipe is to be prepared?
A. ¾ C. 1/2
B. 2/3 D. 3/8

10. If a picture frame is 27 cm long and 18 cm wide, what is the ratio of its length to its width?
A. 3:2 C. 3:5
B. 2:3 D. 5:3

11. Five bananas weigh as much as 3 star apples. In this rate, how many star apples will weigh as
much as 45 bananas?
A. 27 C. 33
B. 30 D. 36

12. It takes 20 men to build a building for 60 days. Assuming that all men work at this rate, how
many men will be needed to build the same building in 15 days?
A. 5 C. 100
B. 80 D. 120

13. The ratio of the number of carabaos, goats and cows in a farm is 5:1:2. If there are 48 animals of
these kinds in his backyard, how many of them are goats?
A. 2 C. 6
B. 4 D. 8

14. A defective ruler was found to be 11.5 in long. Using this ruler, Samuel was found to be 4 ft tall.
What is Samuel’s actual height?
A. 4 ft 2 in C. 3 ft 11.5 in
B. 4 ft 4 in D. 3 ft 10 in

15. Which of the following lengths is the longest?

A. 555 cm C. .005 km
B. 5.5 m D. 5555 mm

16. One-fifth of the width and one-fourth of the length of a rectangular cardboard is cut off. What
part of the original cardboard is the area of the remaining piece?
A. 30% of the original area C. 50% of the original area
B. 40% of the original area D. 60% of the original area

17. If the area of a triangle is 1 sq unit and its height is unit, what is the length of its base?
A. 1 unit C. 3 units
B. 2 units D. 4 units

18. What is the radius of a circle whose area is 25 cm2?

A. 25 cm C. 5 cm
B. 25 cm D. 5 cm

19. Refer to the figure given: m 2 = 55 degree and m 3 = 80 degree. What is m 4?

4 1 2 5

A. 95 degree C. 115 degree

B. 105 degree D. 135 degree

20. The sum of three consecutive integers is 96. What are the integers?
A. 31, 32, 33 C. 30, 32, 34
B. 32, 33, 34 D. 33, 34, 35

21. What is the simplest form of the expression?

A. -2x + 4y - 17 C. 2x + 4y - 17
B. 2x + 4y + 17 D. 2x + 4y

𝑥2 3𝑥
22. If x = 1 and y = 2, what is the value of the expression -4x + ?
2𝑥𝑦 𝑦2
9 7
A. − C. −
2 2
15 17
B. − D. −
2 4

23. At 25% discount, Ms. Barat paid P150.75 for a bag. What was the original price of the bag?
A. P37.69 C. 201.00
B. P150.75 D. 603.00

24. An elevator can carry a maximum load of 605 kg. How many passengers of weight 50.5 kg each
can the elevator hold?
A. 12 C. 11
B. 11.9 D. 10

25. The ratio of the number of red, green and blue balls in a box is 2:5”6. How many green marbles
are there if there are 52 marbles in all?
A. 4 C. 20
B. 8 D. 24


1 1
26. Mrs. Dinah Tah Tanda divided her lot among her 4 children. The first got 3 ha, the second 3
2 3
1 2
ha, the third 3 ha and the fourth 3 ha. How big is Mrs. Tanda’s lot?
4 5
5 29
A. 12 ha C. 13 ha
14 60
B. 13 ha D. 14 ha

27. A room is 30 ft long, 25 ft wide and 14 ft high. If 42 balloons are inside the room. How many
cubic feet of space does this allow for each balloon?
A. 25 C. 250
B. 69 D. 690

28. What is the volume of air in an atmospheric balloon with a diameter of 24 cm?
A. 144 cm3 C. 570 cm3
B. 240 cm3 D. 2304 cm3

29. A photograph measuring 7 1⁄2 cm by 5 cm is enlarged so that the longer side is 24 cm. What is the
length (in cm) of the shorter side?
A. 36 C. 6
B. 16 D. 1.6

30. A man accepts a position at P14,250 basic salary with an agreement that he will receive a 2%
increase every year for 3 years. What will his salary be at the end of 3 years?
A. P14,950.00 C. P15,122.21
B. P15,105.00 D. P16,500.00

31. In a university, the ratio of female professors to the male professors is 8:5. If there are 75 male
professors, how many are female professors?
A. 120 C. 225
B. 180 D. 375/8

32. A farmer can plow of a hectare in 1 hr. At this rate, in how many hours will 5 farmers plow the
same field?
1 15
A. C.
5 2

B. D. 10

33. A building 25 m tall casts a shadow 10 m long. How long is the shadow of a 5-fot girl standing
beside the building?
A. 2 ft C. 10 ft
B. 2.5 ft D. 250 ft


34. What is the maximum number of books, each 1.4 cm thick that can be put vertically in a shelf
which is 64 cm long?
A. 44 C. 46
B. 45 D. 64

35. If the exchange rate of US dollars to pesos is $1 = Php47.90. What is the value of Php1 in
American cents?
A. 02 C. 2
B. 479 D. 4.79

36. In a bundle of new 100 bills, the bills are consecutively numbered RTC3432260 to RTC343228.
How much is the total amount of the bills?
A. 3200 C. 3400
B. 3300 D. 3500

37. In a card game, a player got the following scores: 35, -60, -40, 80. -100, 25. -25. What is his final
A. -115 C. 85
B. -85 D. 115

38. A meter stick was cut into 2 at the 25 cm mark. What is the ratio of the a smaller piece to the
larger piece?
A. 1:3 C. 3:4
B. 2:5 D. 4:5

39. How many cm are there in 2 m and 550 mm?

A. 75 C. 2055
B. 255 D. 2550

40. The first 5 numbers in a sequence are 2,3,5,8 and 12. What is the 7 th number in the sequence?
A. 15 C. 23
B. 19 D. 25

41. A teacher wants to group her pupils into groups of 3 or 5 or 6. However, she found out that if she
do that there will always be 1 pupil left. What is the least possible number of pupils in the class?
A. 81 C. 21
B. 31 D. 11

42. What measure of central tendency can best describe the size of t-shirts commonly used by teen-
A. Mean C. Mode
B. Median D. Both A and C


43. The following are the results of the recent achievement test in Mathematics of the four divisions.
Division Mean Standard deviation
I 34 4.5
II 34 3.0
III 23 1.0
IV 20 2.0

Which division performed best?


44. An empty box weighs 1.3 kilos. A Math book weighs 1.5 kilos. Which expression gives the
weight of the box when filled with y Math books?
A. 1.3y + 1.5 C. 1.3 +1.5 y
B. 1.5y +1.3 D. 1.3y +1.5y

45. A man invested Php100,000. He put part of it in a bank at 5% interest. On the other hand, he
invested the remainder on bonds with a 9% yearly return. How much did he put in the bank if his
yearly income from the two investments was Php7,400?
A. Php40,000.00 C. Php60,000.00
B. Php50,000.00 D.Php70,000.00

46. How much liquid containing 6% boric acid should to be mixed with 2 quarts of a liquid that is
15% boric acid in order to obtain a solution that is 12% boric acid?
A. 1 quart C. 3 quarts
B. 2 quarts D. 5 quarts

47. A man, 32 years old, has a son 8 years of age. In how many years will the man be twice as old as
his son?
A. 16 years C. 32 years
B. 24 years D. 48 years

48. What is the probability of getting a multiple of 3 when a die is tossed?

A. 1/6 C. 1/3
B. ¼ D. 1//2

49. In how many ways can 5 basketball players be chosen from a group of 9 players?
A. 126 C. 15,120
B. 212 D. 362,880


50. The graph shows the number of socks, belts, Handkerchiefs and neckties sold by a store in one


Number of items


Items Sold by Store

The names of the items are missing from the graph. Socks were the item most often sold, and
fewer neckties than any other item were sold. More belts than handkerchiefs were sold. How
many belts were sold?
A. 80 C. 120
B. 90 D. 140


1. Why do you seasons occur on Earth?
A. The sun rotates on its axis.
B. Earth revolves on its axis.
C. Earth’s axis is tilted.
D. Earth rotates on its axis.

2. Which part of the flower develops into fruits?

A. Ovule
B. Ovary
C. Petal
D. Anther

3. Trace the energy transformation when a flashlight is on.

A. chemical light electrical
B. electrical chemical light
C. chemical electrical light
D. electrical light chemical

4. Which of the following is the unit of structure all living thing?

A. Tissue
B. Organ
C. Cell
D. Muscle

5. Which is the correct sequence of the stages of mitosis?

A. Telophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Prophase
B. Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Prophase
C. Anaphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase
D. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

6. The Propulsion of jets and rockets is based on Newton’s Law of ________.

A. Acceleration
B. Interaction
C. Inertia
D. Gravitation

7. Why are shadows formed?

A. Light travels through opaque objects.
B. Light is reflected.
C. Light is refracted.
D. Light travels in a straight line.


8. What produces the tremendous energy of the sun?

A. Nuclear disintegration
B. Nuclear fission
C. Nuclear fusion
D. Nuclear decomposition

9. Which has a higher specific heat?

A. Sand
B. Water
C. Soil
D. Wood

10. Sound travels fastest in ________.

A. Gas
B. Liquid
C. Solid
D. Air

11. Which explain the absence of weather on the moon?

A. Moon rotates on its axis fast.
B. Moon revolves very fast.
C. Moon’s gravity is high.
D. Moon has no atmosphere.

12. Which law states that heat flows from bodies at high temperature to one at low temperature?
A. Thermodynamics
B. Energy change
C. Transformation of Energy
D. Retention of Energy

13. Which atomic particle determines the isotope of an element?

A. Positron
B. Proton
C. Electron
D. Neutron

14. Who proposed the theory of evolution that is based on natural selection?
A. Watson
B. Darwin
C. Lamarck
D. Mendel

15. What gas is released during photosynthesis?

A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen

D. Hydrogen
16. Which instrument is used to detect earthquake intensity?
A. Anemometer
B. Barograph
C. Seismograph
D. Clinometer

17. Which of the following radioactive emissions are arranged in the order of increasing penetrating
A. Alpha, Gamma, Alpha
B. Alpha, Beta, Gamma
C. Gamma, Beta, Alpha
D. Beta, Gamma, Alpha

18. When light falls on soap bubbles, the band of seven colors seen is due to
A. Diffraction
B. Reflection
C. Scattering
D. Interference

19. Why can mirrors form clear images?

A. Light is regularly refracted.
B. Light is irregularly reflected.
C. The angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection.
D. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of refraction.

20. Why do we see the sun rising in the east?

A. Earth rotates from west to east.
B. Earth revolves from east to west.
C. Earth rotates from east to west.
D. Earth’s axis is tilted.

21. A community of living organisms interacting with their nonliving environment constitutes a/an.
A. Population
B. Ecosystem
C. Species
D. Biosphere

22. Choose a possible food chain.

A. Corn rat cat
B. Corn man cat
C. Rise rat man
D. Rice eat rat


23. In the energy pyramid which is at the highest point?

A. Second order producers
B. Producers
C. First order consumers
D. Third order consumers

24. Which of the following pairs demonstrates symbiosis?

A. Man and lice
B. Monkey and banana
C. Chick and corn plant
D. Butterfly and bean flower

25. The zigzag road to Baguio represents which kind of simple machine?
A. Lever
B. Wheel and axle
C. Wedge
D. Inclined Plane

26. Why does mercury in a thermometer rise when in contact with hot water?
A. Heat increases the number of molecules.
B. Heat makes molecules become bigger and farther apart.
C. Heat makes molecules move faster and farther apart.
D. Heat makes the molecules move slower.

27. Which blood type is a universal donor?

A. A
B. O
D. B

28. Which nerve transmits the message received to the center of hearing in the brain?
A. Sensory
B. Optic
C. Olfactory
D. Auditory

29. Which disease affects the air sacs of the lungs and is common among cigarette smokers?
A. Asthma
B. Tuberculosis
C. Emphysema
D. Tracheal disorder

30. What type of joint is responsible for bending our arms and legs?
A. Hinge
B. Pivot
C. Ball and socket

D. Sliding
31. Which protein found in the plasma is responsible for blood clotting?
A. Globulin
B. Albumin
C. Serum
D. Fibrinogen

32. Which pat of the brain is responsible for memory and intelligence?
A. Cerebellum
B. Cerebrum
C. Medulla
D. Thalamus

33. The Philippines belong to a type of biome called _______.

A. deciduous forest
B. taiga
C. tropical rainforest
D. grassland

34. The factors that significantly contribute to an increase in human population are ________.
A. immigration and natality
B. emigration and natality
C. immigration and mortality
D. emigration and mortality

35. What is the common cause of the temporary wilting of plants at noon?
A. Increased condensation
B. Rapid respiration
C. Rapid transpiration
D. Increased oxidation

36. How can we identify a dicot leaf from a monocot leaf?

A. A dicot leaf has a smooth surface
B. A dicot leaf has netted venation.
C. A dicot leaf has parallel venation.
D. A dicot leaf has a wide margin.

37. When the stems of vines grow around poles of fences, what kind of response is exhibited?
A. Geotropism
B. Thigmotropism
C. Hydrotropism
D. Phototropism


38. Which of the following is the greatest contributor to our “greenhouse effect”?
A. Increase of Oxygen
B. Leaching of the soil
C. Increase of herbivores
D. Cutting forest trees

39. Why does a tree slowly die when its bark all around it is removed?
A. The cambium is injured.
B. The phloem vessels are cut.
C. The tree cannot manufacture food.
D. Its protective layer is cut.

40. Which of the method of growing vegetables and low plants in a nutrient-packed, aerated solution
with no soil at all?
A. Vegetative cultivation
B. Natural farming
C. Hydroponics
D. Aerial cultivation

41. When you carry a heavy load with one arm, you tend to hold your free hand away from your body
in order to
A. Change the weight of your body and load
B. Change the mass of your body
C. Be ready to grab something in case you fall
D. Change the center of gravity of your body and load

42. Why are door knobs placed at the edge of a door rather than in the center?
A. To increase the lever arm
B. To increase the force on the door
C. To help give more momentum to the door
D. Closer to the edge of the doorway

43. Why is the dam built wider at the bottom than at the top?
A. To withstand the greater pressure at the bottom
B. To balance the pressure at the top
C. It holds up the dam better than at the center
D. It anchors the dam better

44. Archimedes’ principle states that an object is buoyed up by a force that is equal to the
A. volume of the fluid
B. weight of the fluid displaced
C. mass of the fluid displaced
D. mass of the object


45. When an ice cube in a glass of water melts, the water level ___________.
A. falls
B. remains the same
C. rises
D. varies

46. Two pots of the same size are filled with boiling water. One pot is colored white and the other is
black. In which pot will water cool faster?
A. Will cool at the same rate
B. In white pot
C. In black pot
D. In both pots

47. You inherited tallness from your father. Physical traits are transmitted from parents to offsprings
through ____________.
A. gametes
B. chromosomes
C. alleles
D. genes

48. The handle of a spoon dipped in a cup of hot water becomes warm. What is the method of hest
A. Condensation
B. Radiation
C. Convention
D. Conduction

49. The force required to maintain an object at a constant speed in free space is equal to
A. weight of the object
B. mass of the object
C. zero
D. force required to stop

50. Two people pull on a rope in a tug- of- war, each pull with a 400 N force. What is the tension of
the rope?
A. 800 N
B. 0
C. 400 N
D. 200 N


51. Why does a pressure cooker cook food faster?

I. Water boils faster.
II. It raises the boiling point of water.
III. It raises the cooking temperature of food.
IV. It is tightly closed.

A. II and III
B. I, II and IV
C. I, II and III
D. II and IV

52. You noticed that big industries have tower – like tall stacks. What is the structure for?
A. To control emission of hazardous gases
B. To induce rain and air pressure
C. To get enough air from the atmosphere
D. To make the interior cool

53. Steam burns are more damaging than burns caused by boiling water because steam ________.
A. Has a higher temperature than boiling water
B. Has more energy per kilogram than boiling water
C. Is vapor of water molecules during boiling
D. Occupy more spaces that water during boiling

54. The removal of broken pieces of rocks from the parent rock by the action of wind of water is
termed ___________.
A. Erosion
B. Deposition
C. Weathering
D. Silting

55. The voltage across a transformer primarily coil that has 100 turns is 10 V. What is the voltage
across the secondary coil which has 20 V turns?
A. 100 V
B. 10 V
C. 2 V
D. 20V

56. Trace the conversion of energy that occurs when plants manufacture food.
A. Radiant energy to chemical energy
B. Radiant energy to kinetic energy
C. Mechanical energy to potential energy
D. Light energy to kinetic energy

57. Riders in a bus are pushed forward during a sudden stop. Which law of motion provides an
A. Law of Inertia
B. Law of Interaction
C. Law of Universal Gravitation
D. Hooke’s Law

58. What type of eclipses occurs when the moon is directly between the sun and the earth?
A. Partial Lunar
B. Lunar
C. Stellar
D. Solar

59. In our daily weather forecast, the region where two tropical wind system converge, characterized
by showers and widespread thunderstorm is called ______.
A. Warm and cold fronts
B. Intertropical convergent zone
C. Tradewinds
D. Local disturbance

60. While travelling at night, you lost direction. Which star should you look for and in what
I. Polaris
II. Rigel
III. Ursa Minor
IV. Ursa Major

A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

61. At present, a patient fights cancer either by surgery or by drug treatment called .
A. Irradiation
B. Viral treatment
C. Chemotherapy
D. Immune therapy

62. The U.S was able to produce a test-tube baby through a process called .
A. Gene pairing
B. Internal fertilization
C. Protoplast fusion
D. In vitro fertilization

63. Patients suffering from malfunction of the kidney are now assisted by a machine that serves as
artificial kidney called ______.
A. Hemoscope
B. Pacemaker
C. Hemodializer
D. Homeostatic machine


64. The sun appears more reddish at sunset than at noon. Which of the following phenomena is
responsible for this effect?
A. Dispersion
B. Reflection
C. Scattering
D. Interference

65. Why do we hear thunder some seconds after seeing lightning?

A. Light travels faster than sound.
B. Sound travels at 1,331 m/s.
C. Sound is released later actually.
D. Light appears brighter in the sky.



1. What does a professional code of ethics prescribe for all?

A. Moral standards and ethical behavior.
B. Rules and regulations in practicing the profession
C. Strict implementation of laws of the land
D. Civic-mindedness and social consciousness

2. “Man is to be hailed as a social being.” What does this line mean?

A. He necessarily attends social events.
B. He must introduce himself in social gatherings.
C. He does not live only for himself.
D. He does not need other people

3. At the base of a triangle that shapes us into what we are, is one of the following. Which one?
A. Environment
B. Heredity
C. Training
D. School attended

4. What does “presumption of innocence” mean in so far as human rights is concerned?

A. A suspect is considered guilty until proven otherwise.
B. A suspect has the right to remain silent.
C. A suspect has the right to legal counsel.
D. A suspect remains innocent until proven guilty.

5. No person may be elected as President of the Philippines unless he/she is a ______.

A. natural born citizen
B. residents for at least 2 year
C. at least 21 years old
D. professional

6. What do we call a typical social structure which describe a pattern through which relationships at
work are ordered?
A. Technological
B. Communistic
C. Capitalistic
D. Bureaucratic

7. A society cannot exist without a government. Which word is synonymous with government?
A. Domination
B. Authority
C. Restraint
D. Check-and-balance


8. What does a “nuclear family” consist of?

A. Grandfathers, and grandmothers
B. Father, mother, sons and daughters
C. Sons, daughters and cousins
D. Sons, daughters and in-laws

9. What does “capital” in economic refer to?

A. Investment and loss computed
B. Outcome of a business transaction
C. Money/ machines invested to transact business
D. Profit and labor spent for the business

10. Which of the four pillars of education for the 21 st century is crucial in the light of conflicts
between Israel and Palestine?
A. Learning to do
B. Learning to be
C. Learning to live together
D. Learning to know

11. Which is the most important element of a state?

A. People
B. Government
C. Territory
D. Sovereignty

12. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, what are the three fundamentals human
A. Life, liberty and Self-development
B. Life, liberty and Security
C. Life, dignity and security
D. Life, dignity and self-development

13. What form of government is characterized by the separation of power?\

A. Parliamentary
B. Presidentially
C. Aristocracy
D. Monarchical

14. Who does the canvassing of votes for Presidents and Vice President in every election?
A. Comelec and Chief Justice
B. Senate and Congress
C. Supreme Court and Congress
D. Joint committee of Congress


15. All appropriations, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively from the .
A. Senate
B. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
C. House of Representatives
D. Department of Budget

16. What occurs when the government spends more than what it collects in the form of taxes?
A. Excessive allotment
B. Fiscal overspending
C. Fiscal deficit
D. Erroneous appropriations

17. Which department has the authority to make laws and to alter them when needed?
A. Executive
B. Legislative
C. Judicial
D. Administrative

18. When can we say that a person has values?

A. Lives a life of integrity, sincerity and commitment
B. Enjoys life of leisure and pleasure
C. Works towards self-aggrandizement
D. Lives a life of joy in the company of others

19. What is the type of cooperative which promotes thrift among members and creates funds in order
to be able to grant loans?
A. Service
B. Producers
C. Consumers
D. Credit

20. One of the major functions of taxes is to finance real government expenditures. This function can
simply be stated as .
A. To promote development
B. To ensure price stability
C. To raise revenues
D. Raise national security

21. Who is the general who said, “I shall return”? A monument in his honor stands in Corregidor by
the bay.
A. William H. Taft
B. Douglas McArthur
C. John Dewey
D. Schurmann


22. A bill becomes a law even if not signed by the Presidents.

A. 60
B. 40
C. 20
D. 30

23. Which refers to the act of the President to stay the execution of a convict?
A. Commutation
B. Amnesty
C. Pardon
D. Reprieve

24. Who has the power to declare the existence of a state of war?
A. Chief Justice
B. President
C. Senate Presidents
D. Congress

25. A loosing senatorial candidate may file a protest against the winner. What body will assume
jurisdiction over the case?\
A. Supreme Court
B. Electoral Tribunal
C. Comelec
D. Regional Trial Court

26. Which was the main vision of the DECS when it formulated Values Education Program?
A. A productive society
B. A globally competitive nation
C. A just and humane society
D. An industrialized nation

27. In 1565 Legaspi concluded a blood compact with the chief of Bohol. Who is referred to?
A. Raja Sulayman
B. Sikatuna
C. Lakandula
D. Rajah Tupas

28. How is the crime of rape classified?

A. Heinous
B. Homicide
C. Slander
D. Malicious Mischief

29. When is the United Nations Day celebrated?

A. March 17
B. October 21
C. September 21
D. October 24

30. Which landmark located in New York City was attached by terrorists on September 11, 2001?
A. Sears Tower
B. Empire State Buliding
C. Rockefeler Center
D. World Trade Center

31. The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of the joint Filipino – American
forces on May 6, 1942. Where did it happen?
A. Bataan
B. Corregidor
C. Capas
D. Manila

32. The Philippines objected to the advisory on travels to Mindanao by the Australian Government.
What should the government do?
A. Declare war against the country
B. File diplomatic protest
C. Recall all nationals
D. Arrest their nationals

33. Foreign investors are discouraged in doing business with our country. What condition is being
blamed for this?
A. Deteriorating peace and order
B. Poor technology
C. High tariffs
D. Poor standards

34. Which term refers the measures undertaken by the government which would remove anything
that hinders the entry of foreign products, services and capital between countries?
A. Liberalization
B. Globalization
C. Privatization
D. Internationalization

35. Which is one of the World Heritage Sites of our country?

A. Intramuros Walled City
B. Palawan Underground River
C. Banawe Rice Terraces
D. Batanes Stone Houses

36. What do we call the sum of money collected for our use for a road, bridge and highway?
A. Tax
B. Assessment
C. Penalty
D. Toll


37. Which term refers to duties payable on goods, whether imported or exported?
A. Assessment
B. Tariff
C. Subsidiary
D. Revenue

38. What is the principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to generation?
A. Community action
B. Education
C. Family
D. Language

39. When people are experiencing problems which may be considered global in perspective, what set
of values must they possess in order to cope successfully?
A. Personal authority, independence, vision
B. Security, survival, self-restraints
C. Intimacy, independence, security
D. Work ethics, positive vision and self-acceptance

40. Material culture refers to the tangible and concrete objects produced by man. Which is a material
A. Stone walls of Tasadays
B. Ceremonies of Ivatans
C. Sinulog celebrations
D. Moriones festival

41. Which human need is considered basic?

A. Pleasure
B. Security
C. Wealth
D. Order

42. Which factors determine population growth?

A. Industry, investments and societal demands
B. Birth rate, death rate and migration trends
C. Mortality, birth control and economic growth
D. Laws, government and civic responsibility

43. Which term to the social aspects of sex or to socially defined roles and expectations that are
associated with sex?
A. Social differentiations
B. Social class
C. Gender
D. Cultural context


44. To which type of political system do we belong?

A. Colonialism
B. Totalitarianism
C. Democracy
D. Capitalism

45. In which form of government does power or authority resides in a few persons who govern for
their own interest?
A. Oligarchy
B. Monarchy
C. Democracy
D. Parliamentary

46. Which is the biggest and most populated island of the Philippine Archipelago?
A. Mindanao
B. Luzon
C. Cebu
D. Leyte

47. In what part of the globe can we trace the International Date Line?
A. North pole
B. Atlantic ocean
C. Pacific ocean
D. South pole

48. Which of the following countries is not part of ASEAN (Southeast Asian Nations)?
A. Singapore
B. Thailand
C. Malaysia
D. Taiwan

49. What is the present population of the Philippines?

A. 83 m
B. 73 m
C. 60 m
D. 90 m

50. Which cities are three leading financial centers of the world?
A. Hongkong, Paris, Rome
B. London, New York, Tokyo
C. Beijing, Sydney, Seoul
D. Singapore, Berlin, Moscow


51. Among the development Asian nations, which of the following is widely promoted to be better
solutions to poverty and unemployment?
A. Privatization
B. Urbanization
C. Industrialization
D. Importation

52. Which is the oldest university in the Philippines which was founded by the Dominicans in 1611?
A. Ateneo de Manila
B. University of the Philippines
C. University of Santo Thomas
D. San Juan de Letran

53. Who is the President who is known for his “Filipino First Policy” and Austerity Program?
A. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Carlos P. Garcia
C. Manuel Roxas
D. Ramon Magsaysay

54. Which city suffered from the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945?
A. Hiroshima
B. Chernobyl
C. Moscow
D. Nagasaki

55. Pre-colonial trade in the Philippine was prosperous. What system did they use for their business
A. Money
B. Barter
C. Credit
D. Banking

56. Which tools were made of during the Lower Paleolithic period?
A. Stones
B. Bronze
C. Iron
D. Ceramics



1. He ran for the bus and on.

A. had jump C. jumps
B. jump D. jumped

2. The test was hard for Paul and .

A. me C. myself
B. I D. himself

3. The flower smells .

A. sweetly C. sweeter
B. sweet D. more sweet

4. The suggestions of the employees _______ appropriate.

A. seems C. is
B. seem D. is very

5. He is the of the two brothers.

A. most tall C. very tall
B. tallest D. taller

6. After all day, she finally saw the lake.

A. walking C. having walked
B. had walked D. have walked

7. Be sure to fill the forms correctly.

A. over C. with
B. on D. in

8. We had the news when he came.

A. latest C. very last
B. last D. last of all

9. I gone with you.

A. have C. had
B. would have D. am

10. I walked two kilometers by the time you catch up with me.
A. have C. will have
B. would have D. had


11. If I President, I would live in Malacañang.

A. was C. should be
B. am D. were

12. The means of transportation ________ dramatically since the end of the 20 th century.
A. have changed C. will change
B. has changed D. will have changed

13. If I ________ the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as well as
you have.
A. should C. have
B. had D. would have

14. If I could speak English well, I _____ next year studying in the States.
A. has spend C. would spend
B. Would have spent D. will spent

15. I live in a house ______ of the road.

A. in the side C. at the side
B. beside D. by the side

16. The boy likes to slide _____ the banisher.

A. beside C. along
B. by D. down

17. It is cooler _______ part of the garden.

A. in the shaded C. render the shade
B. in the shady D. on the shady

18. I cannot sleep ____ I am surrounded with books.

A. if C. when
B. unless D. except

19. The hawk glided ____ the mountain.

A. in C. toward
B. into D. by

20. We should work for the total ban ______ of pesticides.

A. with C. on the use
B. on ` D. by the use


21. The Rizal Day celebration reminds us about heroes worth _______.
A. appreciating C. reading about
B. emulating D. studying

22. Mary’s eyes blurred because she ______ at the computer for five straight hours.
A. was C. have been sitting
B. had been sitting D. would have been

23. A good writer supports his generalizations with _____ examples.

A. unfamiliar C. abstract
B. convenient D. concrete

24. Student’s ____ near the registrar’s office to ask for their schedule.
A. crowd C. stay idling
B. congregate D. disperse

25. She will retire soon because she ____ working hard so long.
A. has been C. have been
B. had been D. was

26. “He is the black sheep in the family.” Which figure of speech is used?
A. synonym C. metaphor
B. simile D. hyperbole

27. The hostages are free. They paid their way. What does this statement tell us.
A. They escaped after paying
B. After paying ransom they were released.
C. They negotiated peacefully.
D. They were freed without ransom.

28. October 10 is a “red letter day” for the Chinese. Classify this expression.
A. Idiom C. Metaphor
B. Simile D. Synonyms

29. Space age ____ on October 21, 1957 when Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union.
A. commenced C. ended
B. cited D. flourished

30. When he completed the assignment, he it was well done.

A. realize C. worsens
B. had realized D. maddens


31. The slow traffic _____ me.

A. aggravates C. worsens
B. irritates D. maddens

32. He was as helpless as a child. Classify this statement.

A. Simile C. Synonym
B. Idioms D. Metaphor

33. The statement, “She is a rose” is an example of a _____.

A. Idiom C. Simile
B. Metaphor D. Hyperbole

34. Because the moon rotates on its axis at the same time as it _______ around the earth, we see the
same side always.
A. revolve C. has been revolving
B. is revolving D. revolves

35. Children who have been exposed too much to TV suffer from unusually short _______.
A. learning C. concentration
B. understanding D. attention span

36. People who are too ______ are liable to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals.
A. demanding C. cynical
B. credulous D. wary

37. News travels as fast as the wind. This statement is a/an ________.
A. simile C. idiom
B. metaphor D. synonym

38. She wrote a “first rate” report. What does it say about the report?
A. Ordinary C. Mediocre
B. Excellent D. Run-of-the-mill

39. “A man is known by the company he keeps.” This is an example of a ______.

A. report C. poem
B. rule D. proverb

40. His apocalyptic views seemed to doom the human race. This is to be taken as _____.
A. apathetic C. prophetic
B. lethargic D. spiritless


41. Our guest of honor was a loquacious speaker. This means ________.
A. reserved C. reticent
B. verbose D. spiritless

42. Except for the profanity, I liked the story. What is the story about?
A. Shamelessness C. Worldliness
B. Kinds words D. Obscenities

43. She has a penchant for red accessories. This indicates ________.
A. strong aversion C. fondness
B. dislike D. avoidance

44. Stop shilly- shallying and make up your mind. This serves as warning not to _______.
A. go ahead C. decide
B. hesitate D. continue

45. My grandma had some lucid moments before she died. This means _______.
A. confused C. clear thinking
B. ambiguous D. sad

46. The speech was full of gobbledygook. What does this mean?
A. Jargon C. Ideas
B. Sense D. Facts

47. “She is a vision of feminine pulchritude.” This stands for ________.

A. homeliness C. plain
B. loveliness D. simple

48. The statue was erected in _______ to war heroes.

A. protection C. irreverence
B. defense D. Homage

49. She was a “Phantom of Delight” connotes that the woman is _______
A. real C. an illusion
B. lovely D. virtuo

50. The line, “Under the bludgeoning of chance, My head is bloody but unbowed” depicts the
person’s _________.
A. determination C. confidence
B. courage D. optimism

51. Who is the author of “Without seeing the Dawn”?

A. Maximo Ramos C. Paz M. Benitez
B. Magdalena Jalandoni D. Stevan Javellana

52. Which among these is Nick Joaquin’s pen name?

A. Douglas Quijano C. Mang Niko
B. Quijano de Manila D. Santa Claus

53. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.” This line means _______.
A. important things are invisible to the heart
B. only the heart can see the beautiful things in life
C. the heart is always correct about everything
D. The heart is visible if one is kind.

54. “I prefer a government run like hell by Filipinos rather than one run by foreigners.” Who said this
famous statement?
A. Manuel L. Quezon C. Apolinario Mabini
B. Jose Rizal D. Emilio Aguinaldo

55. Our favorite song goes,

No man is an island, No man stands alone,
Each man’s joy is joy to me
Each man’s grief is my own,

What does this song express?

A. Solitude C. Brotherhood
B. Independence D. Individualization

56. ”My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begin,”

Who said this famous quotation?
A. Manuel L. Quezon C. Carlos P. Romulo
B. B. Manuel Roxas D. Ferdinand E. Marcos

57. What does the expression “love begets love” mean?

A. Love is offered, not waiting for love in return.
B. If you offer love, you will be loved in return.
C. Don’t expect love, though your love others.
D. Love is not freely expected from everyone.

58. Who said The Filipino is worth dying for?”

A. Benigno Aquino Sr. C.. Andres Bonifacio
B. Jose Rizal D. Carlos P. Garcia

59. The famous line goes, “A thing of beauty is a ______ forever.”

A. joy C. vision
B. dream D. good


60. Archimedes shouted “Eurika!” What did we take this to mean?
A. Wonderful C. Mystery
B. Enjoyment D. Discovery

61. “I die just when the dawn breaks to herald the day.” This is a famous quote from
A. Andres Bonifacio C. Benigno Aquino
B. Jose P. Rizal D. Manuel L. Quezon

62. Shakespeare once said. “My honor is my life, both grow as one, take honor from me and my life
is gone,” What is the correct interpretation for this?
A. His life is determined by his honor
B. He values honor as much as his life
C. He prefers honor instead of life
D. He values life before honor

63. “Run from anything that gives you the evil thought...... but stay close to anything that makes you
want to do right.”
It is about defeating ______.
A. wrong decisions C. temptation
B. righteousness D. faith

64. Thomas Carlyle said “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif.....”It
could be interpreted as ________.
A. there should be sufficient energy in one’s life.
B. one’s life doesn’t need to be controlled.
C. direction can never come into one’s life’
D. there should be a strong driving force in one’s life.

65. The bible tells us, “There is a right time and a right way to do everything.”
A. Plan well your words and deeds.
B. You can determine your own time.
C. Your time is yours and nobody else.
D. Say and do things anytime.

66. Our commitments can develop us or they can destroy us, but either way, they will define us.
Choose the line below that has the same meaning.
A. Our lives are shaped by what we are committed to.
B. Our commitments need to be planed way ahead.
C. We must make full commitment is what we need today.
D. Half-heated commitment is what we need today.

67. Who wrote about the ill fated love affair of Jose Rizal and Leonor Rivera?
A. Francisco B. Icasiano C. Arturo R. Rotor
B. Nick Joaquin D. Zoilo Galang


68. What is known as a body of poetry, which originated from among the common people of
A. Ode C. Lyric Poems
B. Ballad D. Elegy

69. What is a distinguishing characteristic of a sonnet?

A. 31-syllable poem C. 16-line lyric
B. 14-line lyric D. 17-syllable poem

70. “If eyes were made for seeing, then ______ is its own excuse for being.”
A. beauty C. friendship
B. love D. joy

71. What season is it, with the line, “He ruffles every lily-pond? Where blossoms kiss and part.”
A. Spring C. Autumn
B. Winter D. Summer

72. The line from the Koran. “Woe to every backbiter,” talks of _______.
A. anguish for those who defend unrighteousness
B. misery for those who talks ill of others
C. punishment for those who say good things
D. sorrow for those who oppose other’s opinion

73. “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want......” is an expression of one’s

A. love for self C. blind ignorance
B. poverty D. total submission to God

74. Who is considered the most outstanding among Filipino Playwrights in English?
A. Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero C. Severino Montano
B. Carlos P. Romulo D. Leon Ma. Guerrero


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