And Microbial Growth Effect of Synchronization of Energy and Nitrogen Supply On Ruminal Characteristics

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Effect of synchronization of energy and nitrogen supply on ruminal characteristics

and microbial growth

P. H. Henning, D. G. Steyn and H. H. Meissner

J Anim Sci 1993. 71:2516-2528.

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Effect of Synchronization of Energy and Nitrogen Supply on
Ruminal Characteristics and Microbial Growthl

P. H. Henning, D. G. Steyn, and H. H. Meissner2

Animal Nutrition Centre, Irene Animal Production Institute, Private Bag X2, Irene, 1675,
Republic of South Africa

ABSTRACT The effect of energy and N synchroni- tion). Continuous infusion of energy resulted in a 17%
zation in the rumen on microbial growth was inves- ( P < .05) and 14% ( P = .18) higher efficiency of
tigated. The same daily amount of readily available microbial growth than did pulse dosing in Exp. 1 and
energy and N sources ( 19 g of ruminally degradable 2, respectively. This coincided with lower ( P < .01)
N k g of fermentable OM) was supplied intraruminally ruminal pH and higher ( P < .05) ruminal lactic acid
to sheep, according t o different patterns, namely both concentration for energy pulse-dose treatments. The
energy and N as 12-hourly pulse-doses (fast syn- results suggest that merely improving the degree of
chronized supply), energy as 12-hourly pulse-doses
synchronization between energy and N release rates
and N as a continuous infusion (unsynchronized
in the rumen does not increase microbial yield.
supply), energy as a continuous infusion and N as
12-hourly pulse doses (unsynchronized supply), and Dietary manipulation, rather, should be aimed at first
both energy and N as continuous infusions (slow obtaining the most even ruminal energy supply
synchronized supply). The study was done near pattern, and then at providing the appropriate amount
maintenance (Exp. 1) and at a higher level of of ruminally available N. Thereafter some further
nutrition (Exp. 2). The degree of energy and N advantage may be gained in also ensuring a more
synchronization affected neither microbial flow even N supply pattern, particularly avoiding too rapid
nor efficiency of growth ( P > .2 for energy x N interac- a ruminal N release.
Key Words: Ruminal Fermentation, Energy, Nitrogen, Synchronization

J. h i m . Sci. 1993. 71:2516-2528

Introduction improved by synchronizing ruminal release of energy

and N over the shorter term (i.e., within a day).
Ruminal microbial protein production is generally Batch culture studies showed no improvement (Hen-
considered as a fixed amount per unit of digestible OM ning et al., 1991; Newbold and Rust, 1992), whereas
or energy intake, although published values vary in vivo studies (Casper and Schingoethe, 1989;
substantially (ARC, 1984). Nocek and Russell (1988) Herrera-Saldana et al., 1990; Matras et al., 1991)
suggested that efficiency of microbial growth and suggested a positive response with better synchroniza-
microbial protein production may be improved by tion. In the in vivo studies different ruminal release
balancing the overall daily ratio of ruminally available
rates of energy and N, to achieve various degrees of
energy and N in the diet. The question of concern in
this paper is whether, when feeding the required synchronization, were obtained by using different feed
balanced amount of ruminally available energy and N, ingredients. This implies that treatment effects may
microbial efficiency and production can be further have been confounded with ingredient effects and with
different total amounts and(or) ratios of nutrients
released in the rumen.
The aim of the present study was to determine to
lThe authors wish to thank A. Kistner and J. P. Pienaar for what extent the degree of synchronization of energy
valuable advice and discussions; W. M. Madutlela, W. K. Mashiane,
S. K. Mmola, and J. M. Ramaru for technical assistance; M. Basson, and N supply to the rumen influence ruminal environ-
J. Collier, E. Nel, and H. Smit for chemical analyses; M. F. Smith for ment and microbial growth. This was done by
help with statistical analysis; and E. Oberholzer and H. Olivier for supplying the same balanced amount of energy-
help with the preparation of the manuscript. yielding substrate and N, both in readily available
2Dept. of Livest. Sci., Univ. of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0001, Republic
of South Africa.
forms, directly to the rumen of sheep, but according to
Received August 14, 1992. different patterns to obtain different degrees of
Accepted March 11, 1993. synchronization.


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Materials and Methods maintenance requirements of the sheep (NRC, 1985)
and to obtain a ratio of approximately 19 g of
In Exp. 1 sheep were fed near the maintenance ruminally degradable N ( RDN)/kg of ruminally
level because the treatments were expected to cause fermentable OM ( FOMR) . Nitrogen contents of 5 g k g
ruminal acidosis at higher input levels. It was, of DM and 98 g k g of DM and ruminal degradations of
however, realized that the results may not hold true at 36 and 40% were allotted t o wheat straw (R. Meeske,
higher levels of nutrition. High-producing animals will unpublished results) and fish meal (Erasmus et al.,
have higher levels of intake and will supposedly be 1988), respectively. The ratio of 19 g of RDN/kg of
more dependent on increased microbial protein flows; FOMR is equivalent t o an average efficiency of
therefore, the initial study was followed by a second synthesis of microbial N in the rumen (Czerkawski,
similar, but independent, study (Exp. 2 ) that used 1986) and was aimed at ensuring a sufficient but not
higher nutrient inputs together with appreciable excessive N supply to the rumen. The ratio of urea:
amounts of buffer to prevent ruminal acidosis. sodium caseinate was selected to obtain a ratio of 3:l
for nonprotein N (NPN):amino acid N (Maeng,
Experiment 1 1975).
Experimental Protocol. Four sheep were randomly
Animals and Management. Sixteen mature South allocated to each experimental treatment for a first
African Mutton Merino wethers (average BW = 53.5 experimental period of 22 d. After completion of the
kg; SD = 8.29) were fitted with ruminal and abomasal first experimental period, intraruminal feeding was
cannulas. Surgical procedures and postoperative care terminated, whereafter all sheep were allowed free
were done by a qualified veterinarian in accordance access to the basal diet for the next 7 d. Thereafter,
with the National Code for Animal Use in Research, sheep were again allocated to different treatments for
Education, Diagnostics and Testing of Drugs and the second experimental period, which was a repeti-
Related Substances in South Africa. Animals were tion of the first. This allocation was random, except
housed indoors in metabolism cages ( 1.5 m long x 1.0 that no sheep received the same treatment it had
m wide) under continuous lighting and had free received during the first period. From d 1 of the first
access, from 14 d before the start of the experiment, t o experimental period, each sheep received a continuous
the following basal diet, fed in six equal portions at infusion (1,300 mL/d) and two intraruminal pulse-
4-h intervals (gramskilogram of DM): wheat straw doses (500 mL at both 0800 and 2000) of water. From
(hammer-milled, 25-mm sieve), 899; fish meal, 56; d 1 to 10 the amount of the basal diet offered was
molasses, 30; monosodium phosphate, 5 ; salt, 5; urea, gradually changed from ad libitum to 900 g of air-
4;and vitamin-mineral premix, 1. Orts were removed dried feed-sheep-1.d-l. Concurrently, the intrarumi-
once a day. The basal diet was fed to maintain normal nally added CH and N were gradually introduced into
ruminal function during intraruminal feeding. the respective continuous infusions or pulse-doses ( t h e
Animals had free access to drinking water. volumes of which were kept constant) until the total
Experimental Treatments. There were four ex- amount was added by d 10.
perimental treatments (i.e., two energy supply pat- Two days before the beginning of the experimental
terns and two N supply patterns in a 2 x 2 factorial period, and on d 12 of the experimental period, 180
arrangement). Treatments consisted of adding the mL of Cr-EDTA solution, prepared according to the
same daily amount of soluble carbohydrate (CH) method described by Binnerts et al. (1968), was
mixture (340 g of 6 maltose:2 dextrose:l maltotriose; mixed into the rumen of each sheep at 0800. Ruminal
African Products [Pty] Ltd, Johannesburg, South fluid samples were subsequently taken at 3, 8, and 24
Africa) as the energy source and N (9.18 g of urea and h after dosing of Cr-EDTA to determine the retention
10.17 g of sodium caseinate) t o the rumen of each time of water according t o the procedure of Downes
animal, according t o one of four different patterns: and McDonald (1964). On d 14, a controlled-release
Treatment EPNP, both the CH mixture and N as two capsule for continuous uniform release of Cr2O3
equal pulse-doses at 0800 and 2000 (representing (Captec Chrome for Sheep; Captec [NZI Ltd, Auck-
rapid synchronized energy and N supply); Treatment land, New Zealand) was placed into the rumen of each
EPNG, the CH mixture as two equal pulse-doses at sheep. Capsules were recovered on d 22, briefly rinsed
0800 and 2000 and the N as a continuous (gradual) under tap water to remove digesta particles, and then
infusion (representing unsynchronized supply); dried in a desiccator. Mass loss of individual capsules
Treatment EGNP, the CH mixture as a continuous was subsequently determined and used to calculate
infusion and N as two equal pulse-doses at 0800 and the average daily release of Cr203 into the rumen for
2000 (representing unsynchronized supply); and each sheep. The Cr203 was used as a digesta flow
Treatment EGNG, both CH mixture and N as marker.
continuous infusions (representing slow synchronized From d 18 to 22, samples of ruminal (150 mL/
energy and N supply). collection) and abomasal (140 mL/collection) digesta
The basal diet together with the intraruminally were collected from each sheep every 8 h, with a
supplied nutrients were formulated to provide for the 10-h interval between days to allow a shift in daily

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sampling times. The abovementioned sequence al- Flows of dietary components from the rumen were
lowed samples to be obtained for every odd hour of the based on digesta flow, calculated by dividing Cr
24-h day (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 h after both the release from the capsule in the rumen by Cr concen-
0800 and 2000 dosing). The corresponding ruminal tration in the abomasal sample. Microbial N flow was
samples after the morning and the evening dose were calculated as purine N flow divided by the ratio of
pooled for each sheep, leaving six ruminal samples ( 1, purine N:total N in microbial isolates (Zinn and
3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 h after dosing) per sheep. A Owens, 1986).
subsample was taken from each ruminal sample and Statistical Analysis. The number of repetitions
pooled within sheep to obtain a representative pooled (experimental units) per treatment were eight (i.e.,
ruminal sample for every sheep. Abomasal samples four sheep in each of Periods 1 and 2 1. All data except
were pooled within sheep to obtain a representative pH, NH3, and soluble CH were analyzed using
abomasal sample for every sheep. Immediately after multifactor analysis of variance procedures as im-
collection, the pH of the ruminal digesta samples was plemented in S T A T G W H I C S (Statistical Graphics
measured using a pH electrode, whereafter both Corporation, STSC, Rockville, MD). Energy and N
ruminal and abomasal samples were frozen and stored supply pattern and experimental period were specified
at -10°C. as main effects. Residual mean square was used as the
Water intake of sheep was monitored daily before error term. Individual treatment means were com-
and during the experimental periods. Representative pared using the multiple-comparison method of Tukey.
samples of the basal diet were taken daily from d 18 to Data for pH, NH3, and soluble CH were analyzed
22 and composited. using GENSTAT (Lawes Agricultural Trust, 1987).
Sample Preparation and Analysis. The basal diet Energy and N supply pattern and experimental period
samples were analyzed for OM (by ashing at 600°C were regarded as whole plots and time after dosing as
for 4 h ) and N (AOAC, 1984). subplots in a split-plot analysis. Residual mean square
The pooled ruminal digesta samples were strained was used as the error term.
through cheesecloth and the ruminal fluid centrifuged
at 26,000 x g for 15 min at 4°C. The supernatant was Experiment 2
decanted and analyzed for lactic acid (Pryce, 1969).
The time-interval ruminal digesta samples were Animals and Management. A group of 16 South
treated similarly to the pooled samples and the African Mutton Merino wethers not previously used in
supernatant divided into two parts. One part was Exp. 1 (average BW = 56.1 kg; SD = 13.2) were
analyzed for ammonia N (NH3 N; Technicon Auto managed similarly to those in Exp. 1 except for diet
Analyser 11, Industrial Method No. 334-74A, January composition. The diet consisted of (gramskilogram of
1976). The other part was hydrolyzed with 1.0 N DM) wheat straw (hammer-milled, 25-mm sieve),
HzSO4 at 121°C for 60 min, to convert all of the added 881.5; fish meal 56; molasses, 50; dicalcium phos-
soluble CH still remaining to glucose. This was phate, 6; urea, 4; magnesium sulphate, 1.5; and
followed by neutralization with 1.0 N NaOH before vitamin-mineral premix, 1. Salt was excluded, because
determining glucose (GOD-Perid lut, Boehringer sufficient levels of sodium and chloride were consumed
Mannheim GmbH, Mannheim, FRG), as a measure of via NaHC03 and NH&1 used to stabilize ruminal pH.
added soluble CH still remaining. Magnesium sulphate was added to prevent any
A portion of each pooled abomasal digesta sample induced magnesium deficiency that may have resulted
was freeze-dried and analyzed for OM and N by the from high input of potassium (NRC, 1985) and was
same methods used for the basal diet samples. The also used to stabilize ruminal pH.
pooled sample was also analyzed for purine (Zinn and Experimental TYeatments. There were four ex-
Owens, 1986) and Cr (determined by atomic absorp- perimental treatments (i.e., two energy supply pat-
tion spectrophotometry after processing the samples terns and two N supply patterns in a 2 x 2 factorial ar-
according to methods described by Cheong and Salt, rangement). Treatments consisted of adding the same
1968). The remaining portion of each sample was daily amount of soluble CH mixture (680 g of 6
strained through cheesecloth and centrifuged at 1,000 maltose:2 dextrose:l maltotriose; African Products) as
x g for 5 min at 4°C to remove protozoa and solid feed energy source and N (32.6 g of NH4C1 and 22.8 g of
particles. The resulting supernatant was centrifuged sodium caseinate) into the rumen of each animal,
at 26,000 x g for 15 min and the supernatant thus according to one of four different patterns: Treatment
obtained was analyzed for NH3 N by the same method EPNP, one-half of the CH mixture plus all of the N as
used for ruminal digesta samples, whereas the bac- two equal pulse-doses at 0800 and 2000, with the
terial pellet was resuspended in distilled water and remaining half of the CH mixture as a continuous
similarly centrifuged. The supernatant was decanted infusion (representing rapid synchronized energy and
and the washed bacterial pellet was freeze-dried N supply); Treatment EPNG, one-half of the CH
before analysis for OM, N, and purine by the same mixture as two equal pulse-doses at 0800 and 2000,
methods that were used for the pooled abomasal and the remaining half of the CH mixture plus the N
digesta samples. as a continuous infusion (representing unsyn-

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chronized supply); Treatment EGNP, the CH mixture
as a continuous infusion and N as two equal pulse-
doses at 0800 and 2000 (representing unsynchronized
supply); and Treatment EGNG, both CH mixture and
N as continuous infusions (representing slow syn-
chronized energy and N supply).
A 4:3 (wt/wt) mixture of NaHC03:KHC03 was
supplied together with the CH mixture at a rate of 76
g/d and according to the same regimen as the CH
mixture t o help prevent the expected decline in
ruminal pH with high inputs of CH. Ammonium
chloride instead of urea was used as the NPN source
t o facilitate preventing metabolic alkalosis due to
feeding of high sodium bicarbonate and potassium
bicarbonate levels (Kronfeld, 1979). It was pointed -3 -1 1 3 5 7
out by Belasco (1954) and Acord et al. (1967) that
NH4Cl was equivalent to urea as a source of NH3 N in
Time relative to dosing, h
the rumen.
Initially, the protocol of this study was planned to
duplicate exactly that of Exp. 1, except for the higher Figure 1. Ruminal pH values in sheep receiving
total nutrient input. However, it was decided to similar amounts of soluble carbohydrates and nitrogen
modify the pulse-dosing by splitting the EP treat- intraruminally according to different patterns E P N P
ments half and half as pulse-doses and continuous (A),E P N G (e), E G N P ( + ) and E G N G (m) (Exp. 1).The
infusions. The reason was to minimize the rapid SE was .05 when comparing treatment means at a
decline in pH associated with pulse-dosing. It was specific time and .03 when comparing means at
evident from preliminary trials that higher levels of different times within the same treatment. E = energy;
buffer may result in metabolic disorders, but the N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even).
present level was insufficient to prevent ruminal pH
from declining to well below 6.0 when 680 g of soluble
CH was supplied as two, equally distributed, daily ences in digestibility of fiber fractions are indicative of
pulse-doses. errors made with the use of the digesta flow markers.
As with Exp. 1 and based on the same assumptions, The nature of the problem in the present study was
diet and intraruminally supplied nutrients were not apparent, although it may be related to incomplete
formulated to obtain a ratio of approximately 19 g of mixing of the Cr with the feed. In this respect ADL
RDN/kg of FOMR and a ratio of 3:l for NPN:amino has the advantage that it forms an integral part of the
acid N. feed, and hence digesta, and was present in the basal
Experimental Protocol. With a few exceptions, the diet in relatively large quantities. Flow was calculated
same protocol used in Exp. 1 was followed. Pulse-dose by dividing ADL intake by ADL concentration of
volumes were 700 mL instead of 500 mL and rate of abomasal digesta.
infusion was 1,800 m u d instead of 1,300 m u d . The Statistical Analysis. Data were analyzed as for Exp.
amount of basal diet offered changed from an ad 1.
libitum amount before intraruminal feeding to 1,200 g
of air-dried feed per day during intraruminal feeding.
Total feces and urine were collected daily from d 18 to Results
22 and bulked for each sheep. Feces samples were
dried to constant weight in a forced-draught oven at Experiment 1
Sample Preparation and Analysis. All procedures Ruminal pH and Lactic Acid. There was an
were similar to those described for Exp. 1. In addition interaction between energy supply pattern, N supply
NDF (Robertson and Van Soest, 19811, ADF and ADL pattern, and time ( P < .001; Figure 1).Ruminal pH
(Goering and Van Soest, 1970) were determined in for both EG treatments was relatively constant over
feed, abomasal, and fecal samples. Flow of dietary time (mean value 6.41, whereas that for the EP
components from the rumen was calculated using ADL treatments declined sharply after pulse-dosing to < 6.0
as flow marker. Chromium oxide was originally mixed by 1 h and returned to near predosing levels by 3 h
with the feed as a digesta flow marker. However, Cr after dosing. Ruminal lactic acid concentration was
values resulted in unacceptable flow data, as evi- higher ( P < .05) for EP than for EG treatments
denced by higher ruminal than total tract digestibili- (Table 1).
ties of NDF and ADF for some treatments. Owens and Ruminal Ammonia Nitrogen Concentration. Energy
Hanson ( 1992) suggested that such illogical differ- and N supply patterns and time all had an effect ( P <

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Table 1. Ruminal lactic acid concentration and retention time of water in sheep receiving similar amounts of
soluble carbohydrates (energy) and nitrogen intraruminally according to different patterns (Exp. 1 and 2)

Carbohydrate-nitrogen supply patterna Significance of effect‘

Item EPNP EPNG EGNP EGNG SEM Energy Nitrogen

Exp. 1
Lactic acid concentration, mM 6.6 6.7 4.4 5.0 .86 <.05 NSC
Retention time of water, h 12.3 12.1 11.6 12.1 .81 NS NS
Exp. 2
Lactic acid concentration, mM 7.7x 7.OXY 5.OXY 3.9y .a1 <.001 NS
Retention time of water, h 13.9 12.4 12.8 12.5 .73 NS .15
aE = energy; N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even).
bEffect of energy x nitrogen interaction: P > .2 for all items.
‘NS = P > .2.
XJMeans within a row that do not have a common superscript differ ( P < ,051.

.001) on ruminal NH3 N concentration (Figure 2 ) . to just c 6.0 by 1 h after dosing but returned to > 6.0
There was also interaction between N supply pattern by 3 h after dosing. Nitrogen pulse-dosing resulted in
and time. Ruminal NH3 N levels remained relatively a greater decline ( P < .O 1) in pH than did the
constant and mostly higher when N source was corresponding NG treatments for some time after the
infused than when it was pulse-dosed. Supplying N as pulse. Lactic acid concentration was higher ( P < . O O l )
a pulse-dose resulted in a sharp increase in ruminal for E P than for EG treatments (Table 1).
NH3 N directly after dosing, followed by a rapid Ruminal Ammonia Nitrogen Concentration. There
decrease t o predosing levels by 5 h after dosing. was a n interaction ( P < .001) between N supply
Ruminally Soluble Carbohydrate Concentrations. pattern and time (Figure 5). The NG treatments
Energy supply pattern affected soluble CH concentra- resulted in a relatively constant ruminal NH3 N
tions in the rumen (Figure 3); a n interaction occurred concentration throughout the day. The NP treatments,
between energy supply pattern and time ( P < . O O l ) . conversely, caused a sudden fivefold increase in
For the EG treatments, appreciable levels of soluble
CH were present in the rumen at all times, whereas
for the E P treatments these were much lower (mostly
zero), except 1 h after dosing, when they were higher
( P < ,051 than for the EG treatments.
Intake, Flow, and Digestibility o f Organic Matter.
Microbial OM flow was higher ( P < .05) for EG than
for E P treatments (Table 2). Ruminal outflow of
dietary OM tended ( P = . 0 7 ) to be lower for the NP
than for the NG treatments. In accordance, true
digestibility of OM in the rumen was higher ( P < ,051
for NP than for NG treatments. There was no effect ( P
> . 2 ) of treatments on the ruminal retention time of
water (Table 1).Retention time of water was shorter
( P < .001) during than before the addition of water to
the rumen (Table 3 ) .
Microbia7 Growth Efficiency and Intake, Flow, and
Digestibility of Nitrogen. Total N, nonammonia N, and
microbial N outflow from the rumen ( P < .001), as
well as both apparent and true microbial growth
Time relative to dosing, h
efficiency (MOEFF; P < .05), were higher for EG
treatments than for E P treatments (Table 4). Neither
N supply pattern nor energy x N interaction had a n Figure 2. Ruminal ammonia N concentrations in
effect ( P > . 2 ) on these traits. sheep receiving similar amounts of soluble carbohy-
drates and nitrogen intraruminally according to differ-
Experiment 2 ent patterns EPNP (A), EPNG (.), EGNP ( + ) and EGNG
(H) (Exp. 1).The SE was .99 when comparing treatment
Rumina7 pH and Lactic Acid. Both energy and N means at a specific time and .81 when comparing
supply patterns showed interactions with time ( P < means at different times within the same treatment. E
.001; Figure 3 ) . After a pulse-dose of CH, pH declined = energy; N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual [even).

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a 5% ruminal NH3 N by 1 h after dosing, whereafter levels
gradually declined back to predosing levels, which
were reached by 9 h after dosing.
I Ruminally Soluble Carbohydrate Concentrations.
There was a n interaction ( P e .001) between the
effects of energy supply pattern and time on soluble
CH concentrations (Figure 6 ) . The EG treatments
resulted in relatively constant soluble CH levels,
whereas E P treatments produced comparatively lower
soluble CH levels, which increased drastically after
pulse dosing and then declined to prepulse levels by 7
h after pulse-dosing.
Intake, Flow, and Digestibility of Organic Matter.
Organic matter infused was slightly ( 5 9% ) higher for
EP than for EG treatments (Table 5 ) . This difference
-3 -1 1 3 5 7 was unintentional and was a n artifact of the infusion
apparatus. Microbial OM flow was 12% higher ( P =
Time relative to dosing, h .07) for NG than for NP treatments. Total tract OM
digestibility was 3% higher ( P < .05) for E P than for
Figure 3. Total soluble carbohydrate concentrations EG treatments. True and apparent ruminal OM
in the rumen of sheep receiving similar amounts of digestibility showed the same tendency ( P > .2).
soluble carbohydrates and nitrogen intraruminally ac- There were no differences ( P > . 2 ) in retention time of
cording to different patterns EPNP (A),EPNG (e), water between treatments (Table 3). Treatments
EGNP ( + ) and EGNG (B) (Exp. 1). The SE was 55.1 resulted in larger increases in total water intake ( P <
when comparing treatment means at a specific time and .001) during the experimental period than before it
37.7 when comparing means at different times within began.
the same treatment. E = energy; N = nitrogen; P = Microbial Growth Efficiency and Intake, Flow, and
pulse; G = gradual (even). Digestibility of Nitrogen. Apparent and true MOE ?F
were 20% ( P = .16) and 14% ( P = . I S ) higher,
respectively, for EG than for E P treatments (Table 6 ) .


>-3 -1


3 5
7 -3 -1 1 3 5 7

Tire relative to dosing, h Tile relative to dosing, h

Figure 4. Ruminal pH values in sheep receiving Figure 5. Ruminal ammonia N concentrations in

similar amounts of soluble carbohydrates and nitrogen sheep receiving similar amounts of soluble carbohy-
intraruminally according to different patterns EPNP drates and nitrogen intraruminally according to differ-
(A), EPNG (@I, EGNP ( + ) and EGNG (m) (Exp. 2). The ent patterns EPNP (A), EPNG ( @ ) , EGNP ( + ) and EGNG
SE was .05 when comparing treatment means at a [B) (Exp. 2). The SE was .67 when comparing treatment
specific time and .03 when comparing means at means at a specific time and .48 when comparing
different times within the same treatment. E = energy; means at different times within the same treatment. E
N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even). = energy; N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even).

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Table 2. Intake, flow, and digestibility of organic matter in sheep receiving similar amounts of soluble
carbohydrates (energy) and nitrogen intraruminally according to different patterns (Exp. 1)

Carbohydrate-nitrogen supply patterna Significance of effectb

Item EPNP EPNG EGNP EGNG SEM Energy Nitrogen
Intake, gid
Feed 676 650 691 710 20.4 .10 NSC
Infusion 318 3 18 3 18 318 - - -
Total 994 968 1,009 1,028 - - -

Ruminal outflow, gid

Total 494x 541'y 539Xy 600y 22.3 .12 .10
Microbial 87'y 83x 94Y 93xy 2.9 <.05 NS
Dietary (apparent) 408 458 445 507 29.5 .16 .07
Ruminal digestibility, %
Apparent 50.4 44.5 46.4 41.7 1.99 NS .06
True 59.2' 53.0q 55.8'y 50.7y 1.89 NS <.05
aE = energy; N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even).
bEffect of energy x nitrogen interaction: P > .2 for all items.
'NS = P > .2.
XJMeans within a row that do not have a common superscript differ ( P c .05).

The NP treatments resulted in a 25% higher ( P = .2) Intake, FZow, and DigestibiZity o f CeZZ WuIZ Consti-
urinary N excretion, a 54% higher ( P < .001) ruminal tuents. There were no differences ( P > .2) between
outflow of NH3 N, a 47% lower ( P = .09) N retention, treatments in any of these traits (Table 7). Ruminal
an 11%lower ( P= . 0 7 ) microbial N flow, and a 10% digestion of NDF and ADF, expressed as a percentage
lower ( P = ,19) true MOEFF than the NG treatments. of total tract digestion, averaged 72 and 7996, respec-


Effectiveness o f Buffer

From the pH data presented in Figure 4,it seems

200 - that the use of a buffer, in conjunction with giving
only half the soluble CH in the EP treatments as a
pulse-dose, was successful in preventing a major
decline in ruminal pH in Exp. 2. The decline in pH for
EP treatments to between 5.6 and 5.9 at 1 h after
dosing is in agreement with a pH of 5.8 observed by
Chamberlain et al. (1985) after they dosed silage-fed
sheep with 190 g of sucrose plus 50 g of NaHC03. The
present data, furthermore, suggest that adding high
-3 -1 1 3 5 7 levels of buffer to fast-fermenting diets may not
prevent pH from falling to < 6.0 for at least part of the
Time relative to dosing, h time. This is confirmed by the results of Kovacik et al.
(19861, who allowed sheep ad libitum access to a 50:
Figure 6. Total soluble carbohydrate concentrations 50 c0ncentrate:roughage mixture but with only one
in the rumen of sheep receiving similar amounts of 90-min period per day in which to consume it. They
soluble carbohydrates and nitrogen intraruminally ac- found that even with 4.5% NaHC03 included in the
cording to different patterns EPNP (A),EPNG (a), diet, pH remained < 6.0 for up to 10 h.
EGNP ( + ) and EGNG (m) (Exp. 2). The SE was 23.4 The lower ( P < .01) pH values for the N P than for
when comparing treatment means at a specific time and the NG in Exp. 2 reflect the fact that NP treatments
17.9 when comparing means at different times within included the addition of a 2.3% (wt/wt) NH4C1
the same treatment. E = energy; N = nitrogen; P = solution, with a pH of approximately 5.5, as a pulse-
pulse; G = gradual (even). dose to the rumen.

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Table 3. Mean intake and ruminal retention time of water in sheep before and during intraruminal supply
of carbohydrate-nitrogen solutions (Exp. 1 and 2)

Before During
Item infusioddosing infusioddosing SEAM Significance
Exp. 1
Water intake, gld
Voluntary 3,230 2,002 124.9 <.001
Infused/dosed 0 2,300 - -
Total 3,230 4,302 - -
Retention time of water, h 17.1 12.0 .77 <.001
Exp. 2
Water intake, gld
Voluntary 2,187 2,275 283.3 NSa
Infuseddosed 0 3,200 - -
Total 2,187 5,475 - -
Retention time of water. h 16.6 12.8 .93 <.001

Effect of Energy and Nitrogen Synchronization remained >7 mM at all times, that for treatments
on Rumen Characteristics and EPNP and EGNP, respectively, declined to between
Microbial Growth 4.6 and 5.2 mM and 3.3 and 4.3 mM for 65% of the
time. These values are, however, still at or above the
Experiment 1 . Degree of energy N synchronization mean concentration of 3.5 mM generally considered
had no significant effect on microbial N flow or sufficient for maximum microbial growth (Satter and
MOEFF, as is evidenced by the absence of any energy Slyter, 1974; ARC, 1984). The argument is further
x N interactions ( P > . 2j for these traits (Table 4 j. supported by the fact that microbial flow and MOEFF
This is in agreement with results obtained in vitro did not differ between the NG and NP treatments
(Henning et al., 1991; Newbold and Rust, 1992). It (Table 4).
may be argued that, although the time pattern of The data presented in Figure 2 suggest that the N
ruminal N H 3 N concentration differed between treat- supplied as pulse-doses in the NP treatments was
ments, the actual concentration was never limiting "depleted" by 5 h after dosing. Ruminal NH3 N
relative to the microbial growth resulting from the concentration nevertheless remained above approxi-
various energy supply patterns. From Figure 2, it can mately 3.5 mM until the next dosing (Figure 2).
be seen that, whereas NH3 N for the NG treatments Although N released from the basal diet would have

Table 4. Intake and flow of nitrogen and microbial growth efficiency in sheep receiving similar amounts of
soluble carbohydrate (energy) and nitrogen intraruminally according to different patterns (Exp. 1)

Carbohydrate-nitrogen supply patterna Significance of effect'

Item EPNP EPNG EGNP EGNG SEM Energy Nitrogen
Intake, gld
Feed 8.5 8.2 8.6 8.9 .25 .ll NSC
Infusion 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 - - -
Total 14.2 13.9 14.3 14.6 - __ -

Ruminal outflow, g/d

Total 16.2x 15.gX 19.5y 19.0s .74 <.001 NS
Ammonia 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.1 .10 .14 .17
Nonammonia 14.BX 14.6' 18.2Y 17.9y .69 <.001 NS
Microbial 7.3xy 7.1' 8.2xy 8.g .33 <.001 NS
Dietary (apparent 1 7.5x 7.5x 10.1y 9.5xy .65 <.01 NS
Microbial growth efficiency, g of microbial Nlkg of organic matter fermented
Apparent 15.0 17.3 18.7 20.3 1.77 <.05 NS
True 12.6 14.2 15.0 16.3 1.12 <.05 NS
___ ~ ~ ~

aE = energy; N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even).

'Effect of energy x nitrogen interaction: P > .2 for all items.
'NS = P > .2.
XJ'Means within a row that do not have a common superscript differ ( P < ,051.

Downloaded from by on March 31, 2011.

Table 5. Intake, flow, and digestibility of organic matter in sheep receiving similar amounts of soluble
carbohydrates (energy) and nitrogen intraruminally according to different patterns (Exp. 2)

Carbohydrate-nitrogen supply patterna Significance of effect

E x N
Item EPNP EPNG EGNP EGNG SEM Energy Nitrogen interaction
Intake, gld
Feed 718 838 783 786 48.1
Infusion 590 590 560 560 -
Total 1,308 1,428 1,343 1,346 -

Ruminal outflow, gid

Total 642 730 696 758 50.4 NS .11 NS
Microbial 159 182 169 186 12.4 NS .07 NS
Dietary ( a p p a r e n t ) 483 548 527 572 41.3 NS .18 NS
Ruminal digestibility, %
Apparent 50.8 48.9 48.1 44.5 2.87 NS NS NS
True 62.9 61.7 60.8 58.2 2.37 NS NS NS
Fecal output, gid 402 465 463 452 27.1 NS NS .18
Total tract apparent digestibility, % 69.4 67.4 65.6 66.7 1.13 <.05 NS .19
aE = energy; N nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even).
bNS = P > .2.

made some contribution in this respect, it is likely fermentation in the rumen (Houpt, 1970; Kennedy
that recycling of N from blood urea, via saliva or and Milligan, 1980).
through the ruminal epithelium, played a n important The plasma urea pool may be considered as a
role (Preston and Leng, 1987). This recycling can be “reserve N pool.” During periods of excessive N
considerable, as shown by Potthast et al. (19771, who availability in the rumen, NH3 N is absorbed and
calculated that 9.5 g of urea N daily entered the appears as urea in the plasma urea pool. This N may
rumen of sheep given a N-free basal diet plus 300 g of then be recycled back to the rumen during subsequent
sucrose per day. Recycling of urea to the rumen seems periods of N shortage. Nitrogen recycling may explain
to be positively related to the amount of soluble in the present study the lack of response to better
carbohydrate entering the rumen or to the rate of OM synchronization of energy and N supply t o the rumen.

Table 6. Intake, flow, and retention of nitrogen and microbial growth efficiency in sheep receiving similar
amounts of soluble carbohydrate (energy) and nitrogen intraruminally according to different patterns (Exp. 2)

Carbohydrate-nitrogen supply patterna Significance of effect

Item EPNP EPNG EGNP EGNG SEM Energy Nitrogen E x N interaction
Intake, gld
Feed 9.5 11.0 10.3 10.3 .56 NSb NS .14
Infusion 10.8 10.8 10.3 10.3 - - - -
Total 20.3 21.8 20.6 20.6 .56 NS NS .14
Ruminal outflow, gld
Total 25.2 27.1 27.4 28.0 1.99 NS NS NS
Ammonia .64x .55x .88Y .44x ,061 NS <.001 <.01
Nonammonia 24.5 26.6 26.5 27.5 1.95 NS NS NS
Microbial 14.1 16.2 15.0 16.5 1.10 NS .07 NS
Dietary (apparent) 10.4 10.4 11.4 11.0 1.07 NS NS NS
Microbial growth efficiency, g of microbial N k g of OM fermented
Apparent 22.1 23.3 24.7 29.7 2.90 .16 .20 NS
True 17.4 18.4 19.0 21.8 1.72 .18 .19 NS
Fecal output, gid 8.1X 9.1XY 9.7y 9.1XY .41 .07 NS <.05
Urinary output, g/d 8.4 7.1 9.3 7.1 1.13 NS .20 NS
Retention, gid 3.7 5.6 1.7 4.5 1.16 .20 .09 NS
aE = energy; N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even).
bNS = P > .2.
xJ’Means within a row that do not have a common superscript differ ( P < ,051.

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Table 7. Intake, flow, and digestibility of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) in
sheep receiving similar amounts of soluble carbohydrates (energy) and nitrogen intraruminally
according to different patterns (Exp. 2)

Carbohydrate-nitrogen supply patterna

Significance of
Item EPNP EPNG EGNP EGNG SEM effect. nitroeen’
Intake, gld
NDF 555 647 605 608 37.2 .20
ADF 330 383 362 359 22.1 NSC
Ruminal outflow, g/d
NDF 381 427 405 429 35.3 NS
ADF 208 243 2 18 238 17.8 .13
Ruminal digestibility, r0
NDF 29.9 34.1 32.8 31.1 4.19 NS
ADF 35.9 36.6 39.4 35.1 3.16 NS
Fecal output, gid
NDF 307 345 345 342 22.3 NS
ADF 177 189 196 199 13.2 NS
Total tract digestibility, %
NDF 44.5 46.5 42.4 43.9 2.17 NS
ADF 46.0 50.4 45.4 44.8 2.07 .14
aE = energy; N = nitrogen; P = pulse; G = gradual (even).
bEffect of energy and energy x nitrogen interaction: P > .2 for all items.
ws = P > .2.

This may not hold true at higher levels of energy and the time (Figure 4). This is lower than the mean
N input, at which point excessive absorbed N may be concentration of 3.5 mM generally considered to be
excreted in urine and recirculation of N to the rumen sufficient for maximum microbial growth (Satter and
at a later stage may be insufficient to meet the needs Slyter, 1974; ARC, 1984) and suggests the possibility
dictated by the higher energy supply. Cocimano and of insufficient recirculation of N H 3 to the rumen
Leng (1967) showed that high NPN input into the during the later stages of fermentation. This notion is
rumen, without a concomitant utilization of the further supported by the lower microbial N flow,
resulting N H 3 N, led t o more NH3 N being absorbed MOEFF, and N retention for treatment EGNP than
from the rumen into the blood, resulting in increased for EGNG.
plasma urea concentrations and subsequent increased The average ratio of N:energy for all treatments in
urinary excretion of urea. Inefficient ruminal utiliza- the present study was approximately 19 g of RDNkg
tion of NH3 N would thus be reflected in increased of FOMR. This corresponds to the value suggested as
urinary N excretion. ideal for ruminal microbial growth by Newbold and
Experiment 2. Similar to Exp. 1,better synchroniza- Rust (1990), based on their own results and those
tion of energy and N supply to the rumen at the presented by Czerkawski (1986). The need to balance
higher level of nutrition gave no significant improve- daily inputs of ruminally available energy and N is
ment ( P > .2 for energy x N interaction) in microbial well recognized (Stern, 1986; Nocek and Russell,
protein flow or MOEFF (Table 6). The higher N H 3 N 1988). From the foregoing discussion, it may be
outflow and urinary N excretion and the lower N postulated that, provided the overall balance between
retention, microbial N flow, and MOEFF for NP than
ruminally available N and ruminally fermentable OM
for NG treatments (Table 6 ) support the abovemen-
in the daily intake is sufficient, there is no further
tioned notion that high inputs of readily available N
advantage in synchronizing the release of energy and
into the rumen may result in inefficient NH3 N
utilization for microbial growth. A more synchronized N in the rumen over the shorter term.
energy supply did not seem to improve the situation, Salter et al. (1983) added tapioca or glucose ( a s
as is evidenced by a comparison of microbial N flow energy source) and urea ( a s N source) t o the rumens
and MOEFF values between EPNP and EGNP treat- of straw-fed steers according to various degrees of
ments in Table 6. In contrast, the lower ( P< ..05) NH3 synchronization. Their results support our conclusion
N outflow from the rumen for treatment EPNP than that no advantage is gained from diets and feeding
for treatment EGNP does suggest some advantage to regimens that aim at a high degree of energy and N
better energy and N synchronization with a fast N synchronization in the rumen. Studies with silage-
supply. based diets apparently yielded contradictory results.
Ruminal N H 3 N concentration for treatment EGNP The synchronization of N and energy release from
was approximately 2.5 mM for approximately 30% of silage is often considered to be poor (Rooke et al.,

Downloaded from by on March 31, 2011.


1987). Dietary treatments aimed at rectifying this (Compare Figures 1 and 4 with 3 and 6, respectively.)
problem gave positive results, which were interpreted The fact that in the present in vivo study energy
as indicating a response in microbial growth to energy gradually supplied to the rumen resulted in higher,
and N synchronization in the rumen (Rooke et al., more efficient microbial production than the same
1987; Dawson et al., 1988; Rooke and Armstrong, amount of energy supplied according to a rapid
1989). None of these studies was, however, designed pattern seems t o conflict with results obtained using
to critically test the “energy and N synchronization” similar treatments in vitro (Henning et al., 1991).
idea per se and other factors may have played a role. This, however, may be explained by the fact that in
There are a number of recent studies specifically the in vitro study, pH remained well above 6.0 for
aimed at determining the effect of synchronizing the most of the incubation time for all treatments under
supply of protein and energy to the rumen on consideration and never declined below 6.0. Further-
microbial protein synthesis and animal production more, the MOEFF values referred t o were only
(Casper et al., 1990; Herrera-Saldana et al., 1990; calculated up to the point at which the energy-yielding
Matras et al., 1991). In all these studies, ingredients substrate was depleted. This is in contrast to the
with different rates of starch and N fermentation in periods of low pH and low levels of readily fermentable
the rumen were used t o formulate diets supposedly substrate encountered in the present study. The
varying in degree of synchronization of energy and N present results are also in contrast to those of Salter
released in the rumen. Some studies did show et al. (19831, who added starch or glucose to the
increased microbial flow and efficiency of growth for rumens of straw-fed steers, either as single doses or as
“better-synchronized” treatments (Herrera-Saldana et three, equally divided doses at 2-h intervals. They
al., 1990), whereas others showed no response found no significant differences in MOEFF between
(Casper et al., 1990). Treatments in these studies, the various supply patterns, in spite of the fact that
however, differed in ingredient composition, so degree the pulse-dose resulted in the decline of ruminal pH to
of energy and N synchronization may have been approximately 5.5, whereas pH remained well above
confounded by other ruminal effects inherent to 6.0 for treatments in which CH was more evenly
specific ingredients. Furthermore, using different in- supplied. Results of Casper and Schingoethe ( 1989)
and Casper et al. (1990) with diets that differed in
gredients, each with a different fermentation rate,
starch degradation rates also suggest that there is no
would also cause differences between treatments in
difference between faster or slower release of energy
respect to the ratios and total amounts of energy and
in the rumen. In contrast to these findings, Herrera-
N released into the rumen. It is quite likely that
Saldana et al. (1990) and Matras et al. (1991), using
responses in microbial growth ascribed to improved
complete diets varying in the ruminal degradation
energy and N synchronization may instead have been rate of ingredients, found improved microbial protein
the result of an improvement in overall balance of flow and efficiency of growth with the faster-ferment-
energy and N supply t o the rumen. ing diets. Again, it must be emphasized that treat-
ments in these studies differed not only in energy
Effect o f Energy Supply Pattern on Ruminal supply pattern but also in ingredient composition.
Characteristics and Microbial Growth Thus, the effect of energy supply pattern may have
The EP treatments in Exp. 1 resulted in lower been confounded with other ruminal effects inherent
to the specific ingredients. The use of different
microbial N flows ( P < .OO 1) and MOEFF ( P < . 0 5 )
ingredients with different fermentation rates also
than the respective EG treatments (Table 4). Effi-
implies treatment differences in the total amount of
ciency of microbial growth in Exp. 2 showed a similar
energy released in the rumen.
trend ( P = .16) (Table 6). This may be ascribed t o the
abundance of rapidly fermentable CH in the rumen
Fiber Digestion (Experiment 2)
directly after dosing for the EP treatments (Figures 3
and 61, which in turn would have caused the observed The absence of any significant treatment effects on
increase in ruminal lactic acid concentration (Table ruminal or whole-tract fiber digestibility (Table 7 ) is
1) (Dawson and Allison, 1989). Although lactic acid similar to the findings of Herrera-Saldana and Huber
as such is not detrimental to MOEFF (Jaakkola and (1989) when they fed diets that varied in protein and
Huhtanen, 19891, lactate production implies a lower starch degradation to dairy cows. The NDF and ADF
energy yield per unit of carbohydrate fermented digestibility values are in the expected range for high-
(Strobel and Russell, 1986). Energetic uncoupling of concentrate diets, in which the presence of CH and the
microbial growth was also found to occur at a pH of 5 lower ruminal pH may have had a negative effect on
6.0 (Russell and Dombrowski, 1980; Strobel and fiber digestibility (McCarthy et al., 1989). Ruminal
Russell, 1986). The combined effect of these events digestibility of NDF and ADF was on average 72 and
would be a decrease in MOEFF and microbial flow. 79% of the respective total-tract digestibilities. This
The situation may have been further aggravated by compares well with corresponding values of 72 and
the relatively lower soluble CH availabilities that 76% found by Cecava et al. (1990).
coincide with the return of ruminal pH to levels Fahey and Jung (1983) reviewed the use of lignin
similar to those before the pulse-dose was given. as a digesta flow marker. They pointed out that many

Downloaded from by on March 31, 2011.

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