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Frontispiece: The ForglngoJthe Sampoby A Gallen-

This page: TheRapeoJGanymedeby PeterPaul

Author's Note
The entries in this encvcloDedia are all
Iisted alphabetically.Wft.r. more than one
name exists for a character the entry is
listed under the name used in the original
country of origin flor that particular myth.
Names in iralic caDitalletters indicate that
rhat name has an individual entry. Special
feature spreads examine specific
mythological themes in more detail. lf a
characteris included in a specialfeature
spreadit is noted at the end of their
indMdual entry.


P n e F A C E6

Introduction l0
L o v e r s o f .Z e u s 2 0
Heroes 30
Oracles and Prophecies 40
Voyagers 50
Monsters and Fabulous Beasts58
Forcesof Nature 6B
G i a nt s 7 6
Founders B4

Introduction 92
Celtic Otherworlds 104
S a g e sa n d S e e r s l l 4
Magic and Enchantment I24
Wondrous Cauldrons 132
Celtic Romance 140
Single Combat L48
Heroic Quests 156
Fabulous Voyages 164


Introduction I74
Nature Spirits 186
T r e a s u r e sa n d T a l i s m a n s 1 9 6
Norse Heroes 204
T h e V a l k y ri e s 2I2
Sorcery and Sp eIIs 220
Tragic Lovers 228
Rings of Power 236
Ragnarok 24+

P r c r u R EA c r x o w L E D G E M E N r2s 5 2
Ixnnx 2 53

of successfu\ confronted the Minotaur on Crete, but
mythology contains the three later abandoned his helper, the Cretan princess
ourstanding traditions of Europe - Ariadne. Full of his success against the bull-man,
Greek, Celtic and Norse. They form Theseus forgot the agreement made with his father
the core of European mythological thought, rhe abour changing the sail of his ship from black if he
early ideas and notions which underlie our escaped death himself. As a result of this moment
present-day consciousness. For the stories related of carelessness,Theseus' father committed suicide
in Greek, Celtic and Germanic myths touch upon by leaping from the Athenian acropolis when rhe
the fundamental issues of existence. They reveal black sail was sighred. So in lreiand rhe inability of
the power of love, with its accompanying anxiery Cuchulainn ro srop and think for a moment led to
and jealousy; the conflict between the generarions, his hlling of Conlai, his own son by the Amazon
the old and rhe new; the violence of men, Aoifa. In Norse myth, however, it is the pride of
especially on the battlefield or in single combat; the gods or their opponents, the frost giants,
the mischief of the trouble-maker, bored by rhe which causes disasters ro occur. Unlike the Greel.<s
steady pace of everyday events; the sadness of NEssuS,4 wild Greehcentaur,ties to abductHeracles'new bide whileJerryingher
illness or accidenral injury; the mystery of dearh, acrossthe RfuerEvenus GHER^pE
ByGurDo 1621
. c^NvAs. )

with a variety of after-life possibilities including

rebirth; the effect of enchantment upon the mind
and body; rhe challenge of the unknown, wherher
a voyage into uncharted waters or a quest fot a
sacred object; the personal danger of a contest
with a monster, even a beheading game; the
sadness of betrayal and treachery, nor least within
a family or a group of colleagues; the cycle of
fertility in human beings and animals, plus the
growth of plans; the horror of madness with its
disruption of human relations; the incidence of
misfortune and luck, plus the whole issue of fate;
rhe relation between human and divine, between
mankind and the gods; the crearion of the world
and the origins of sociery; and, last, but not least,
the nature of the universe.
Different myths rackle these great quesrions in
distinct ways. But heroes and heroines find
themselves in unreiated circumstances facing the
same basic problems in Greece, ireland and
Scandinavia. The Athenian hero Theseus

sea to Poseidon, is real owner. ln consequence of

this sacrilege Minos' wife Pasiphae was consumed
with passion for the beast, and her mating with it
led to the birth of the bull-man known as the
Minotaur: hence Theseus and his combat with the
strange creature. The Athenian hero's entangle-
ment with Minos' family did not stop with the
abandonment of fuiadne and the death of his own
father, however. For Theseus married Phaedra,
another daughter of Minos. She too was cursed
with an illicit passion, not for an animal this dme,
but for her stepson Hippolytus. Before Theseus
A CELTIC Drrv, posib! Dogda, donglestwo worriors high absvehishead, and thus Ieamed the truth, he banished honest Hippolytus
reveakhis awesomepwer, while the wariors in tum lift twoboa6, showingtheir on Phaedra's denunciation of his evil intendons,
supremaq overanirncls (curosrnupcauDRoN,
c lN Bc.)
and then lost his exiled son in a chariot accident.
and the Celts, the German peoples of northern The abiding interest of mythology, European or
Europe did not develop a heroic tradition of any otherwise, is is frankness about such basic human
significance. The great hero was Thor, the slow- drives. It could almost be described as sacred
witted but honest champion of the gods. He literature undisturbed by theologians. The raw and
delighted the tough Northmen, who appreciated ragged ends of existence are still visible in is tales
how his allergy to frost glants naturally led to skull- of both men and gods.
smashing encounterc in fields and halls. Yet those
who undertook raids as Vikings had a more Srcuto,thegreatNorsehero,helpshismmtor,Regln,re-Jorgehiswondroussword With
it, Srgurd sltv the dragon, Fafnir. {wuto aavtNc,.l2rHcENruRY)
suitable patron in Odin, the one-eyed god of batrle
and the inspirer of the dreaded berserkers.
Usually myths reveal an interwoven pattem of
circumstances ourcide the control of both mortals
and gods. Fate and destiny in European mythology
are almost beyond manipulation. Attempts may be
made to slow down the operation of fate's decrees,
sometimes to thwart them entirely, but they never
work. Odin can do nothing about his future death
at Ragnarok, the doom of the gods. The Celtic sun
god Lugh cannot save his son Cuchulainn on the
battlefield. And even immonal Zeus, the chief god
of the Greeks, has a duty to see that fate takes its
proper course. He cannot control events.
The tangled web of difficulties which besets
Theseus can thus be traced to a number of actions,
but one stands out clearly: the refusal of King
Minos of Crete to sacrifice the white bull from the

fl r r r , l x t I E N I C R I - F K 5 w l :nRr tr g r e a t
l l m y r h m u k , r * t r l E u r o p cT h t ' ) e r e n
tl MAcEDoNtA

J i g l r c u s r h c n r m e h 1 'w h r r h u e ,ftY
4E \1
refer today to the amazrngstonestold about
gods, henres,men and animals Around 400 E RUs

Bc the Arhenian philosopherPlatocoined the

w o r d r n y t h o l o g i ar n o r d e r t o d r s t i n g u i s h
b e t w e e n r m a g i n a r i v e z r c c o u n t so l d i v i n e
a c t t o n sl n d f e rr u a i i t ' : t r t p t i o n r ( , { t \ ' ( n t 5 .
supemamralor othenvlse Although he lived
in an age thzrtwas increasingly scrtntrllc in
o u t l o o k , a n d n o l o n g er i n c l r n e d t o b c l i e v e
cvery detail related about gods and god-
d e s s c s .P l r t t o r c c , , g n i z , ' dt h e p o w r ' r r h a t
resided in myth, and warned hrs followers tcr
beu'areof its seductrve charm
The strcngth of Greek myrholog', Likeall
active traclitions,lay in rrs collecrivcnature
Unlike a story composed by a partrcular during hrs abscnceat the
s l r r t r db y t h r ' s r ' w h ol i s r e n c t1l , 't h q 5 1 1 ' r y - t , ' l l c ru.r[eC.lytemnestra
author, a m)'th ah."'aysstood on its ou'n, *T rh or dramattst making use o[ tt When. for Trojan \Var

a plot and a set of charactersreadily under- i n s t a n c e ,t h e A t h e n r a n sw a t c h e d t h e g r e a t All this would have been famrliar to the
cyclc of plays that Aeschylusstagedabout the Athcnians beforeAcschylus' treatment of the
MAR5 AND NEpruNE, two gocls of ancrent Romc, ricir over m u r d e r o I A g a m em n o n . t h c y r v e r ea l r e a d y m 1 ' t h b e g a n u r t h . { g a m e m n ( ) nr e t u r n i n g
thc Ettnol .guarding itr mrhtary und monnmt homc liom the Trojan War Some of the audi-
a w a r e o f t h c m a i n c h a r a c t e r sa n d t h c i r
rntcrests At klt, an aifiomt putLo above Mdrs burs h$
actlons The audienceknew how the House ence doubtlessrecalledan even older curse
hr)rsd's h(lmcl, whiic Neptunc's putto .anies a seasheil,

symbol oJ thr god's dominion ttvar lhd watves {Mq* r:l of Atreus, Agamemnon'sfather,'"vasfated to laid on l'elops himself by the messengergod
N T P T L NBFY P 4 r r ryr r R ( ) N E sCEA, N L c n d u r e a t e r n b l e p e n o d o [ d o m e s t i cs t n f e H e r m e s P e l o p sh a d p r o v o k e d t h e g o d b y

Not only had Atreus and hrs brother Thycstes relusing a promiscd gift to one of his sons

bcen cursed by rherrown father, Pelops, for Nothing that Aeschylusrncludedin hrs plays

kLllrnghis favounte chrld, their half-brother was unexpected. neirher the murder o[

Chrysippus, but a bloody quarrel of their own Agamemnon, nor the revenge of his son

had also added to the family mrsfbrtune A Orcstes,nor Orestes'punuit by thc Funes for

dispute over the successionto Pelops'throne sheddrnga mother's blood What would have

at Mycenae led Atreus to kill three oI fascinatedthe audiencewas the dramatist's

T h y e s t e s ' s o n s ,a l t h o u g h t h e y h a d s o u g h t approach to these tangled incidents, his'raew

sanctuaryin a temple dedicatedto Zeus, the of motive, guilt and expiation For that rea-

supreme god Even worse, the murderer then son another dramatist was able to tackle the

served the bocliesof his nephews up to his same srory later in Athens during the fifth

brorher at a banquet, afrerwhich he dared to cenrury sC It needs to be remembered that

show Th1'estestheir feet and hands Atreus such drama remained very much part of

paid for the outrage wrth hrs life at the hands ancient religron Today we cannot expect to

of Thyestes' sumving son, Aegisthus, who appreciate the full meaning of these perfor-

l r r t c r h e c a m , ' t h r l o v e r r ' l A g a m e m n t t ns mances, but we are fortunate in halrng the


raw materials from which they were made,

the myths themselves
Myths retain much of rheir power, even
when told in summary, as rhey are in this Venone o

encyclopedia Because Greek myths were

fashioned and refashioned over so many gen-
erations, they acquired their essential form, a
shape that had been collectively recognized
for longer than anyone could remember Even
now, we conrinue to be fascinated by the
stories of Oedipus, rhe man who murdered <-r{
his father and married his morher; of the
Athenian hero Theseus, slayer of the strange
bull-headed man, rhe Minotaur, of rhe great
voyagerJason,who sailed acrossrhe Black Sea
ro disranr Colchis in order to ferch the Golden
Fleece;of Agamemnon, the doomed leaderof
the Greek expedrtion againsrTroy, o[cunning
Odysseus, one of rhe bravesr of the Greek
and the inventor of the Wooden Horse, rhe
means by which Troy was raken; of the hap- TYRRHENIAN SEA . .- -'!

less Pentheus,victim of Dionysus' ecsraric
worshippers, who included his own morher;
of the unbeatable champron Achilles; of rhe
labours of Heracles, Zeus' own son and the
only hero to be granted immortaliry; and
many others As Greek lMng before and afrer
Plato evidently understood, myrhs were ficti-
tious stones rhar illusrrared rruh SIcILIAN SEA
The Romans were no less impressed by the AFR ICA AFRICAN SEA
range and interesr of Greek myrhology
Indeed, rhey adopred it wholesale and iden- people were executedbefore the cult of the Bellerophon Something s)'nthetic can be felr
tified many of their own haiian deities wrrh native wine god Bacchus discarded those in the story of Aeneas, rhe leader of the
those in rhe Greek panrheon, even adopring aspects of Dronysus which mer wrth official refugees {rom Troy His adoption as a
others for whom they possessedno real equiv- disproval This taming of a Greek god, albeir founder-hero made him of particular concem
alent The unruly Dionysus gave Rome Thracian rn ongin, could stand for rhe enrire to the lirst Roman emperor Augustus, but The
considerable rrouble Thrs god ofvegetation, processby which Greek and Roman myrh- Aeneid,the epic poem abour Aeneas written
wine and ecstasywas by no means a comfort- ologr merged in rhe second century BC There by Virgil in the 20s sc, turned out ro be a
able deity for the Greeks, but the Romans were just too many myths for rhe Romans to balanced celebrarion of Roman aurhoriry
were more deeply disturbed by his orgiastic resist, although rhey chose to impose a rypical rather than an exciting heroic narrative The
rites In 186 nc rhe Roman Senarepassed restraint on Greek extravagance hero heededthe call ofduty and abandoned
severe laws against the excesseso[ his wor- Roman heroes could never compare wrth the woman he loved, as Roman heroes were
shippers h is likely rhat severalthousand Heracles, Jason, Theseus, Perseus or expected to do rn every myth


ACUtt-leS was rhc son of Krng arranged the mamage of Thetis to knew that he was doomed to die at warrior quickly reached for the
Peleus of Thessaly and the sea a mortal Because she was scr Troy rf he went on the expedition w e a p o n s .g i v i n g h i m s e l I a w a y
nymph THETISHe was the greatesr attached to Achilies, Thetis tried to So Thetis arrangedfor him to be Unmasked, Achilles had no choice
of the Greek wamors, although in make him immorral by various disguised as a grrl and hrdden but to sail for Troy
compansonwith acar'tlllxov and mcans Thc bcst known wrs drp- among the women at the palaceof There he bitterly quanelled wrth
the other Greekhngs who went on ping the new-born baby in the Krng Lycomedeson rhe islandof Agamemnon, the leader o[ the
r h c e x p e d r t r o na g a i n s tT r o y . h e Sryx, rhe rrver rhat ran through Sc1'rosThe Greek felt that wrth- Greeks lt may be that he was
a p p e a r sr o h a v eb e e n s o m c t h i n g HADE-S, the world of the dead our Achilles therr chances of angeredby Agamemnon'suse o[
of a barbarian His anger was as Since Thcris had to hold him by beating the Trojanswere sLtm,but his name to bring IPHIGENTA ro
legendaryas his prowess the heel, thrs one spot was left vul- no one could identify the hidden Aulis, for she had been told she
The uncerrainnatureof Achilles nerable and at Troy brought about hero At last, cunning oDYssEUs was to marry Achrlles, whereas
is apparentin the story of his brrth A, hrlles de.rrh lrom a noisoncd was sent to discover AchiLles, Agamemnon intended to sacnfice
Both zEL'sand pttsr-iitrt.twanted anow shot from the bow ol PeRts which he did by meansof a tnck
to have a son by the beautiful Achrlles learned the skills of Haung tracedthe young man to ACHILLES, reluingbnde hrstentwth
The tis, but PROMETIlirt.'-s, the fire warfare from CHIRON, le ader of the Scpos, Odysseusplacedweapons hs tompdnion,Patroclus,welcomeshrs
god, had wamed them that her off- c.l:NlAt/R.s, who also fed him on among some jewellery in the comratles,Odysseus(centre)arul Aiax
spnng would be greaterthan his wild game to increase his f'erocity palace Whrle Achilles' female (right), who irnplorc tht moodyhero to
Iather Anxious ro avord the Under Chrron's care Achilles c o m p a n i o n sw c r r a d m i r i n gr h c retum Lobattle whereht s sorelyneeded
emergcnceof a powcr qupenorto became renowned as a courageous crafrsmanshipof rhejewels,a call ( A ( H i l | r ! f u i l r \ r , s A ( ; A M r M ! ( ) N ! N l l s s l \ c t : f , s
r h e m s e l v e s ,r h e g o d s c a r e f u l l y lrshrcr bur hi' immortal mothcr
. . b . . ' - . I to arms was sounded and the D l / l ' 4 \ A i i i i I l \ L ' 8 t \ L 1 \ t 1 \ l S L i l l


ClesstcAr- MvrHoLocY

her to the goddess ARTEMIS,to AnCeUS was the son of King suggesrion Theseus was sent to
ensure a favourable wind for the Pandion ofAthens, and farher of fight the wild bull of Marathon,
Greek fleer For a long time tne nero THfslus Ha!1ng twrce which he captured alive. Once
Achilles srayed in his rent and manied wirhout begetdng any chil- Aegeusrecognizedhis son, Medea
refused to fight the Trojans. He dren, Aegeuswent to consult the returned in disgust ro her native
even persuaded his mother to use Delphic Oracle bur received only Colchis on rhe Black Sea.But bad
her influence with Zeus to let the the ambiguous answer that he Iuck continued to dog Aegeus and
tide of war go against the Greels. should nor untie his wine skin wentually causedhis death. For it
But Achilles was roused to action until he reachedhome. When he was agreed that Theseus should
by the death of Patroclus, his sought advice from his friend travel ro Crete with the seven girls
squire and lover, at the hands of Pittheus. another ruler. the latter and sevenboys sent as ribute each
the Trojan HEcToR.Patroclus had realizedrhat the oracie had foretold year to feed the MINOTAUR,a bull-
bonowed Achilles' armour, which how Aegeuswould father a heroic headed man. If Theseus was
had been forged by the smith god son. To securethe sewices of such successfulin his dangerous mission
HEPHAISTOS, and entered the fray, ACTAEONwasayoungGreeh hunter a man, Pittheus made Aegeus ro kill the Minotaur, the ship bring-
but he cameup againstHectorwho whounluchily chanceduponthepoolwhae drunk and let him sleep wirh his ing him home was to fly a white
easilydefeatedhim. Artemisandhernymphs woebathingIn daughter Aethra. When Aegeus sail: if unsuccessful. a black sail
In brand-new arrnour Achilles outrage,thevir$ngoddess tumedhim into undersrood what had happened, would signalhis dearh. Retuming
sought out Hector, who asked for a srcgandhewastornapartbyhisovn he placed a sword and a pair of to Arhens after an incredible adven-
respect to be shown for his body if hounds,(IuusrunoN FRoM DlcnoNARy
oF sandals beneath an enormous ture in the Labynnth at Knossos,
he was defeated.Achilles refused, C6srclANTreuns, l89l) boulder. He rold the princessthat Theseus forgot the agreement to
slew Hector with his spear and if she bore a son who could move changehis sail from black to white,
draggedrhe Trojan hero round rhe had been wamed about by his the rock, he was to bring these wirh the result rhar, upon seeing
tomb of Patroclus for rwelve days. steed XeivlHUS, before rhe FURIES rokens to him in Athens on reach- the vesselwith is black sail,Aegeus
Only Thetis could persuade her struck the divine creature dumb. ing manhood. Thus it was that threw himself off the Athenian
son to le! the Trojans recover the An arrow from the bow of Paris, Theseusgew up and was eventu- acropolis to certain dearh
corpse and arrange a funeral, a guided by rhe god of prophecy ally reunited with his father.
serious obligarion for the living. APOLLO,gave Achilles a mortal Meantime, Aegeus had married AEGEUS , Ioohing
outto sea,sees
Backin rhe flght, Achilles struck wound. Heroic yet also arrogant, the sorceressMEDF-A, whose magi- ships
retuminghome, allwithblachsails
fear into the Trojans, of whom he Achilles was rhe myrhical figure cal powers had given him another hoistedThinhingthathissonhaddied,
killed hundreds. But his own life most admired by Alexander rhe son, Medus. lt was for this reason Aegeushurledhimsefintothesea,aJter-
was coming to an end, which he Great.At the commencementof char Medea did everything she wardsnamed theAegean
his Asian campaign against rhe could to thwart Theseus. Ar her (lrr/srMr,(,N 8v Nlck 8uLE. 1995)

ACHIIJ-ES Jallsbneath theTrojanwalk, Persians,the youthful Alexander

shotbyParisThesungodaimshisarrow pardcipared in funeral games that
Jor Achilles'
straight were held at Troy in memory of
partoJthehao'sbody.ln somemyths, Achilles. (Seealso HEROES)
ApolloguidedPais' bw; in othm, thegod,
shottheanow,a seenhere (ArcLLoshys ACfnfON was rhe son of a
ACHILLEry FMNZST ssEN,w^ftRconu{, 1869) minor royal god and Auronoe,
daughrer of. ceouus. A Greek
hunter trained by CHIROw,he
offended rhe goddess,rnrEMISand
paid wirh his life. There are several
reasons given for his terrible end.
Actaeon may have boasted of his
superior skill as a hunrer, or
annoyed the goddessby seeingher
bathing naked. To stop his boasr-
ing, futemis tumed him into a sug
and he was chased and devoured
byhis own hounds. But thesefaith-
ful animals were broken-heaned at
the loss of their master, unril
Chiron carved a statue of Acaeon
so lifelike that they were satisfied.

ClnssrcAr- MvrHoLoGY

AENFASgdzes in wonderat thedecoratwe became, and ir seemed as i[ Italy

templeIn Carthage, whileDrdo,thequeen, and the new sute to be founded on
welromahim to heraotic hingCom its shoreswere both forgotten. But
Aroundthan,pillan,doorsand.beams are watchful;uetrrR, rhe chief Roman
madeoJbronze,whiletheJabulous walls god, dispatched urncuRv wirh a
aredecorated with thefamousale oJ messageto Aeneas,recalling him to
Aenens anil theTrolans his dury and commanding him to
ouuiRfloN BY NrcxBuE,1995) resume the voyage Honified by his
inrention to leave, Dido bitterly
on the eastem Adriatic coast From reproachedAeneas,but his deep
there it made for Sicily, but before sense of piety gave him strength
reaching the Iulian mainland itwas enough to launch the fleet again.
diverted to North Afnca dunng a Then the weeping queen mounted
sudden storm sent by the goddess a pyre which she had ordered to be
;ulo, the Roman equivalent o[ prepared and, having run herself
HERA, who harassed Aeneas rhrough with a sword, was con-
throughout the voyage Only the sumed by the flames
dmelyhelp of rurm;Nr, the Roman When the Trgans finallylanded
seagod, saved the fleet from ship- in laly, near the city of Cumae,
AfNneS was a Trojan hero and Anchises on his back, Aeneas wreck At the ciry of Canhage, the Aeneaswent to consult the SIBYL,
the son ofAnchises and vENUs,the managed to escape Troy with his great trading port founded by the who was a renowned prophetess.
Roman goddess of love He was the father and his son Somehow Phoenicians (which was located She took him on a visit to the
favourite of the Romans. who Creusabecame separatedlrom the in present-day Tunisia), Venus
believedthat some of their eminent party and disappeared Later, ensured that Aeneas fell in love A-ENE{Sandhiscomrddes battlewitha
families were descended from the Aeneassaw her ghost and leamed with is beauriful queen, the widow JbchoJraglnghorpieswho hwerabwe
Trojans who fled westwards with from it that he would found a new DIDO.Becauseofher own flrght to themin thesky,waitingtocanyofl the
him from Asia Minor, after the Troy in distant ltaly. Carthage, Dido welcomed the weahondwovndcl.Prsidclwrts sheher
Greek sack of their city. Upstart After sailing through the Aegean Trojan refugeeswith geat hndness htsfamily:ha blindJathcrAnchls,hs
Rome was only too aware of its Sea,where the small fleet Aeneas and unlimited hospitaliry. wiJeCmtsaandthar tvtosons.(ANs AND
lack of tradition and history in commanded stopped at a number Time passed pleasantly for the HE CoMpNloNs FlGm frE ll^mEs rv Fwcors

comparison with Greece(there was of islands, the fleet came to Epirus lovers, as Aeneas and Dido soon I'ERroE crwtr. 161#7)

a nouble absenceof a glorious past

peopled with mythical heroes and
gods), so the exploits o[Aeneas
conveniently provided a means of
reassertingnational pride. lt was
not a coincidence that the first
Roman emperor, Augustus, took a
personal interest in the myth.
During the Trojan WarAnchises
was unable to fight, having been
renderedblind or lame for boasdng
about his reladonship with Venus.
But young Aeneas distinguished
himself againsr the Greeks, who
fearedhim second only ro urcron,
the Trojan champion. ln gradtude
PRIAMgave Aeneas his daughter
Creusa to have as his wife, and a
son was born named AscANlus.
Although Venus wamed him of the
impending fall of Troy, Anchises
refused to quit the city until two
omens occurred: a small flame rose
from rhe top ofAscanius'head and
a meteor fell close by. So, carryrng

ClassIcAr- MyrHoLocY

AGAMEMNON waxha coolly ahis ACnunuNON, according ro Agamemnon's father. On her it around his body, rendering him
daughtu, Iphignia, is ofered a a Greek mythology, was the son husband's retum, Clytemnesrraar an easy targerfor Aegisthus' axe.
"sacnfciallamb" to apryase theanger oJ of erRrus and the brother of first pretended how pleased she
Artem(: but at the last moment, the MENEIAUS,long of Spana. He was wzlsto seehim Thanlcng the gods A;AX -as rhe son of Telamon of
goddesshenef rebnted and, descending married ro CLyTEMNESTM. From for his safe retum, Agamemnon Salamisand, like ACHILLES, was a
Jromheavat shecarried Iphignia ofl to his citadel at Mycenae,or nearby crossed the threshold ofhis palace, powerful aid to the Greeksin their
8YGIOVNNI Argos, he sent out a summons to ignoring the warning o[ his slave assault on Troy. Afrer Achilles'
BAmsr^, NEM, 1770-) the Greek to join the expedition cAssANDM, the prophetic daugh- death there was a contest for rhe
against Troy The causeo[ the war ter of PRIAM,the defeated Trojan armour of this great warrior, which
underworld. There Aeneasmet his was the flight of Menelaus' wife, king. He rhen rerired to a barhroom had been forged by the smirh god
father's ghost, who showed him HELEN,ro rhar ciry wirh PARI5. in order to change his clothes. HEPFIAISTOS. When ODY55EU5 was
the destiny of Rome.Anchiseshad However, rhe Greek fleer was Clytemnestra quickly threw a large awarded the armour, Ajax became
died of old age during the smy in delayed at Auhs by conrary winds net over Agamemnon and twisted mad with.;ealousy He planned a
Sicily, but his enthusiastic ourline Agamemnon then realized that he nighr attack on his comrades,but
of the future encouraged his son. would have to make a human sac- AJAXheadsof theTrqan onslaught wth rhe goddesserHrNA deceived him
Aeneas also saw Dido's ghost, but rifice in order to appeaseARTEMIS, Wical mightandcourageBeside htm,his into slaughtering a flock of sheep
it did not speak to him and the goddess o[ the forest and wild brother,Tatcerthearcher,aimshisbowat instead. In the light of dawn, Ajax
humedly rumed away animais. His daughter IPHTGENIA theTrojanswho,withJlamingtorches,hopewas suddenly overwhelmed by a
Afterwards, Aeneassreered for was therefore sent to Aulis under to settheGreehshipsalight 0uusmnoru fear of his evil intentions, and fell
che mouth of rhe River Tiber, on the pretexr rhat she was to be rRoM STORIE FROM HoMER. i885 ) on his sword and died
whose river banks the ciry of Rome married to the Greek champion
would be built centuries larer. and hero ACHILLESAccording ro
Conflict with rhe latins, the local one tradition, lphigeniawas sacri-
inhabirants, was bloody and pro- ficed, but accordingto another,she
longed But peacewas made when was savedby Artemrs herselfand
Aeneas mamed l-avinia, the daugh- uken ro Taurus to becomea priesr-
ter of King Larinus lt had been ess in the goddess'stemple
foretold that for the sake of the Clytemnestra never forgave
longdom Laviniamust marryraman Agamerhnon for lphigenia's loss,
from abroad The Tro.lans,in order and she took Aegrsthusfor a lover
to appeaseJuno, adopred the during the ten-yearsiegeofTroy.
Latins' rraditions and language. Aegisthus was rhe son ofThyesres,
(Seealso VOYAGERS) the brother and enemy of Atreus,


AlCfSftS, according ro Greek

mythology, was the daughrer of
Krng Pelias of Thessaly When she
was o[ an age to marry, many suit-
ors appeared and her father set a
test to discoverwho would be the
most suirable husband. Alcestis
was to be the wife of the firsr man
to yoke a lion and a boar (or, in
some versions.a bear) to a chariot.
Wirh rhe aid of epoLro, the god of
prophecy, a neighbounng monarch
named Admetus succeededin this
seemingly impossible task But at
the wedding he forgot to make the
necessarysacnfice in gratitude ro
ARTEMIS, the goddessof the foresr
and wrld animals. and so found his
wedding bed full of snakes Once
again Apollo came to the king's
assistanceand, by making rhe AlCUeNt was rhe daughrerof the seer TIRESIAS explained that Eileithyia,ro frusrate the delivery,
FATESdrunk. extracted from rhem Electryon,son of pEFsrus,and the zEUs had come ro Alcmene dis- but a trick savedAlcmene and her
a promise that if anyone elsewould morher of urnacrrs. She married guised as her husband in order to two sons. Hera then put snakes
die on Admetus' behalf, he might Amphitryon, king of Tir;'ns, near father a monal who would aid the into Heracles'cradle, but the infant
continue to live. fu no one would Mycenae in the Peloponnese. gods in their forthcoming battle hero strangled them
volunteer, Alcescisgaveher life for Alcmene refused to consummate against the GIANTS. ku s never ler H era f.a:e.llyinjur e
him prnstpuolr, rhe undenvorld her marriagero Amphitryon undl So Alcmene became pregnant Heracles, and always protected
goddess,was so impressedby this he had avenged the murder of her with rwins: Heracles, the son o[ Alcmene. Once Amphitryon tried
complete devotion rhar she brothers. This the king did, but Zeus, and lphicles, rhe son of ro bum her for infidelity, but was
restoredAlcestis to Admetus. and when he retumed he was amazed Amphirryon. Zeus could not hide stopped by a sudden downpour.
they had two sons who later took to learn from Alcmene rhat she hls sarisfaction from his wife HERA When Alcmene died naturally of
part in the Greek expedirion believedshe had alreadyslept with who realized what had happened old age,Zeus sent HERMES to bring
agarnstthe city ofTroy. him. Amphitryon was enrageduntil Shesent the goddessof childbirth, her body to the ElysianFields,

ALCESTISbelow)welcomes hersuitor, ALCMENE6ght) wasote oJrheslEgod

Admetus,whoanivesin o chaiotdrawnby Zeus'manyloers,but wospunished Jor
Jather, herinlideliry
Ioohsonin disbelieJ.
Admetus was Amphitryon, whohereisportr(lyed
theonlyherotoyohethebeasts, sowinning alighta pyrebeneath
her Shewassaved by
rnovsrorur a heawnly dwnpoursentbyZeus
r R o MG R r ( L A N DR o M r , 1 9 2 0 ) (lrLLsruTr)I 8YNtcKBilu. ,l995)


AMUIJUS (Iet't) casts outhis nephews,

Romulusand Remus,the twin sonsoJ Rhea
Silviaand the war god Mars, ord.eing that
thq be drownedin the nver Tiber. But thq
are eventually
Jound fo a she-wolJwho
suchlesthem until a shepherd, Faustulus,
tahesthem home (ttlsrurrul rRoM
l ROM Ll\a, 1885 )

violent and tempestuous temper urs

wrth her. He even slew a comrade god laas, Amulius imprisoned her his father when he rurhlessly killed
who mentioned it Fascination and ordered that her rwin sons, the Trojan hng, PRIAM,ar rhe altar
with Amazon power affectedother REMUS ANDROMULUS, be drowned of zrus'remple. Andromache bore
heroesbesidesAchilles. The adven- in the Tiber Bur rhe rwo boys Neoptolemus three sons, and in
tures of borh rurnecrES and escapeda watery death and grew consequen'cesuffered the hatred of
ll-tt5tu) lnvolveo Datlles wltn up in the countryside Once rhey his barren Greek wrfe When
Arnazons.One of Heracles'famous realized their parenrage, Romulus Neoptolemusdied, Andromache
labours was the seizure of a girdle and Remusretumed ro Alba Longa went on to marry Helenus who,
belonging to the Amazon queen and lalled their uncle Amulius. like her, was a Trojan captive Her
Hippolyta, a theft that required finalyearswere spent in fuia Minor
considerablenerve. ANonOveCHE, the daughter at Pergamum,which was a new ciry
of Eetion, a king of Mysia in Asia founded by one of her sons.
AUUIIUS, in Roman my'thology, Minor, was the wlfe of nncton, rhe
was a descendant of the Trojan foremost Trojan warrior Her entire ANDROMACHE, Hector'syoungwtJe,
hero AENEAS.He usurped the family - parens, brothers, husband bowsherheadin captivityOneoJthe
throne of Alba Longa from his and son - was killed during the noblestbut mostll-starredofheroines,she
younger brother Numitor and Trojan War. After the sack of Troy, seesherhusband, Jatherandseven brothers
forced Numitor's daughter RHEA Andromache was taken off into hilledbyArhilles,
andhersonhurled Jrom
SILYIAto become a Vestal Mrgin so captlvityby Neoptolemus, rhe son thecirywalls;whilesheJallsasa pize oJ
as to deny her father an heir When of the great Greek hero ACHILLES war to Achilles' son (cAf lvr: ANDRi)MAcHli

RheaSihra was raped by the war Neoptolemus had shown rhe same L0RDLErcHroN,cnNVAs,
c 1890)

ANTIGONE (abwe) sp'inhlesmrth on

the body oJha brother, Polynices,as a
symbolicat oJbunal For the Greelu,
buial wasa sacredduty, wrthout which a
soul couV not rest;yet Creon, ha uncle,
had daied Polynicesa bunnl, iolating
diine l,||n 04usrunoN ByNrcKBilrE 1995

ANDROMEDA Q$), chainedto a roch os

a sacifice m a seamonster,can only pray,
whilehlgh owrhead,theheroPerseuss on
his way Swoopingdwtn on thewinged
hone, Pegaw, he cu* Andromedafree and
slaysthe monster (PERSEUS
ANDRoMED 1630)

in an uprising against the new ruler

cREoN, and his body was con-
demned to rot unburied outside
the ciry. Antigone refusedto accept
this impiety and spnnkled earth
over the corpse as a token burial
For this she was walled up in a
cave,where she hangedhenelflike
her mother Jocasta. There are a
number of different versionsof the
myth, but they all castAntigone as
the heroic victim of a family
wrecked by a terrible deed.
ANDROUEDA was the daugh- sandals carrying the head of the ANilCONE was rhe daughrerof
ter o[ Cassiopeand Cepheus,king Gorgon Medusa He fell in love IEDIPUS,king ofThebes, and his ANNOPN LOYER5
of the Ethiopians When Cassiope with Andromeda, and obtained wrfe and motherJocasta On leam-
boasted that Andromeda was more both her and her father's consent ing of their unwitting incest, APnnOOtfE was the Greek
beautiful than the Nereids, the sea to mamage if he defeatedthe mon- Oedipus tore out his eyes while goddess o[ Iove, beauty and fertil-
nymphs, they complained to the ster. This Perseusdid by using Jocastahanged herself.The peni- iry Unlike her Roman counterpan
tent Oedipus was then guided by yENUs,with whom she was idend-
seagod PosEIDoN He avengedthis Medusa's head, the sighr of which
insult by flooding the land and tumed all living things to stone. Antigone in his wanderings round fied, Aphrodite was not only a
sending a seamonster to devastate After sorne time, Perseus and Greece. She was with him at the goddess of sexuai love but also of
Cepheus'kingdom To avoid com- Andromeda settled in Tirfns, sancuary of Colonus, near Athens, the affection that sustains social
plete disaster it was decided to which Perseusruled. The constel- when her distraught father gained life. The meaningo[ her name is
sacriliceAndromeda to the beast Iation of Andromeda lies close to some hnd of peacejust before his uncertain, although the ancient
and she was chained to a rock at that of Pegasus,and both Cepheus death. She retumed to Thebes, but Greek came to believe it refened
the foot of a cliff. There PERSEUS and Cassiopewere also commem- her troubles were not over. Her to foam Quite possibly this belief
saw her as he flew past on winged orated in the stars. brother Polyniceshad been killed arosefrom the story ofAphrodite's

ClnssrcAr- MyrHoLocY

Roman religions, and was the god with healing and connected with
of prophecy, archery and music sitesin nonhem Greece Indeed, so
The origrn of his name is uncenain accomplished was Asclepius in
but it is probably non-European medicine that Zeus slew him with
A light with the gigandc earth- a thunderbolt for daring to bring a
serpent Python at Delphi gave man back to life. (Seealso FORCES
Apollo rhe sear o[ his famous OFNATURE)
oracle. $rthon was an offspring of
GAIA,mother earth, which issued AnrS, the son of zr.vs and srna,
revelations through a fissurein the was the Greek god of war, and was
rock so that a priestess,the $nhia, Iater idenrified with the Roman war
I.PHRODITE, goddessof lwe andbeauty, queen of the dead. Their birter could give answers to any ques- god uens. Although Ares had no
was bom Jrom theJoam ol the su; sherose quarrel was only ended by zrUs, tions that might be asked.After he wife of his own, he had three chil-
lrom the waveson a seashell,stepping who ruled that for a rhird of the slew the eanh-serpent, Apollo took dren byAPHROOIr, the goddessof
ashoreon Cyprus At hu sile, the west year Adonis was to dwell with its place, though he had to do Iove The rwins, Phobos, "panic",
wtnd, Ztphyus, andFlora, the spingblow himself, for a third parr wirh penance in Thessalyfor the hlling. and Deimos, "[ear", alwaysaccom-
her gently uhore in a showeroJ roses,her Persephone, and for a third part Indeed, Zeus rwice forced Apollo panied him on the bardefield. ln
sacredflower, (THE oFvENUs
BrRrH BysANDRo with Aphrodite. So it was rhar rhe to be the slave of a mortal man to Greek mythology, Ares is depicted
c 1482
) ancient Greels accommodated a pay for his crime. as an instigator of vrolence, a
West Asian mother goddessand Apollo's interest in healing tempestuous and passionatelover
binh. When rheTiran CRONOS cur her dying-and-rising husband. suSges6 an anclent assoclatlon and an unscrupulous fnend The
off the penis of his farher Ouranos Indeed the Adonia, or annual with the plagueand is conrrol. His Roman god Mars, however, has
with a sharp sickle, he casr rhe festivals commemorating Adonis' son ASCLEPIUS was also identified nothing of Ares' fickleness
immortal member into the sea, death, were celebrated in many
where it floated amid white foam pars of the eastemMediterranean
Inside the penis Aphrodite grew Becauseof her unruly behav-
and was then washed up at Paphos iour, Zeus causedAphrodire ro fall
on C1prus. There were in fact sanc- in love wirh Anchises, the farher of
tuaries dedicared to her on many AENEAS.ln the Roman version o[
islands, which suggesrsrhar she this myth Venus herself is deeply
was a Westfuian goddesswho was attracted ro rhe Trojan, but wams
brought to Greeceby sea-traders. him to keep the parentageof their
Once she arrived. the ancient son Aeneasa secret.This Anchlscs
Gree}<smarried her in their myth- fails to do, and as a resuk suffers
ology to the crippled smith god blindness or a disability of the
HEPFIAISTOS. But Aphrodire was Iimbs. While the Roman goddess
not content to be a hithful wife and provided, througlr the leadership of
she bore children by severalorher Aeneas, a means for some of the APOILO (abate), the sun gd, urgcs the ARES @lov,t), infuIl atmour,luik the
gods, including DIONYSUSand Trojans to escape and flourish sun-chaiot ta ise in the slty This unusual gods into battle. Howarcr, in war, the gods
ARES.When Hephaisros found out anew in ltaly, the GreekAphrodite wsion oJ themythhas Apollo, rather tlnn were not im4rtial; Ares,Aphrodi? Ael),
about Aphrodire's passion for rhe actually helped to causethe Trojan Helios, as ider, andlbns, insteadoJ Poseidonand Apolb (cntre) wouV oJtm
war god Ares, rhe ourraged smith War. ln order to ensure that he horses, pull the chaiot, ruallingthe linh ad the Trojans, whilc Hqa anil Athena
god made a mesh of gold and would name her zlsthe most beau- fuween lzo anil the sun. (H{oEBUs
Arcrc By (ri$t) supporttt the Greek. orurmroN
caught the lovers in bed togerher. tiful of the goddesses,Aphrodite EMoNRMEtrcANvs,c .1870) noM SroruBrcM HoMER.
l8ll5 )
He called rhe other gods from promised PARIs,son of pRraU rhe
Mount Olympus ro see the pair, hng of Troy, the hand of the most
but they only lauglred at his shame, beaudful woman in the world. This
and posenoru, the god of the sea, fatefully rumed our ro be HELEN,
persuaded Hephaisros to release wife of vrruruqus, kingof Spana.
Aphrodite and Ares.
Perhaps Aphrodire's grearesr APOILO was rhe son of zEUs
Iove was for rhe handsome yourh and the Timness LETO,and the
Adonis, another West Asian deity. twin brother of the goddess
Killed by a wild boar, Adonis ARTEMIS,the virgin hunrress. He
became the object of admirarion for was one of the most important
both Aphrodite and pERsEpHorur, deities of both the Greek and

LovERs oF Zr,us
s rRtKtNG ASpEC-T op GRr,t,KN4yt-tIt)Lt)GY is thc
maritai conilict between the two chicf
deities, Hera, an earth gc-rddess, and her
husband, Zcus, suprcmc power on
Olympus One of the most amorous gods in
mytholo gy,Zeus loved countlesswomen and he
courtcd them in as many forms, somctimesas a bull,
a s a s a t y r .a s a s w a n . s r r m c t i m c sa s a m o r t a l m a n ,
and erren in the form of a golden shower. Hera rvas
notoriously jealous and r,engeful,pursuing without
mercy his loversand their offspring.The antagonism
between the two could be viewed as a clashbetween
different religious traditions or local cults, each cult
recognizing a different lovcr who was often regarded
as the anccs[orof a ruling family
ANTIOPE (uhort), rlrughtir,r/u rrvergrtl,w(r\ior((1hl Zeustn tht lom LtJd sdtvr,d
gout-lihccrtaturt 5hc iorl hrn twlr soils,Atlphtotrurcl Zrlhus tlerc,Zus, dtstrtiscc,l
Eros,sucl grrd
ct vttuthlulsutl'r,gcnliv sfiaJrrAntrrpe/rom thr sunwhilcshcsicrpsbe-side
Oflove td.roil \f\r'u)rf /r r\nr\(,rr\rr)$1S{r\R8}Atr1)\rr(i)tsRr('(r),(r\l:A-\, 152125J

CALLI-S1-O (ahrrr'), /r,rlt nrrnph und FI/ROPA lr.ghl) ucrs ir(rrr(/ l^ Zt'ti\ In

(()ntfdnl()il()/Atfttnl\ rn t/tr thrlSa trcts t h ( ' \ h d 1 l i , / i r b c a L r t r / r lh u l l r . l t r , t n t t t g t d

l o \ a ( 1h : r r i \ r t n t . /b o r r h t t t t c t s o n , A t i a s / r r r n rl h t n t l l c s o n t l t a n t L t l h r t r n r l h r

-Shcw,us lhcn , hun(t r.l rnlo u bcur erlhcr la st'a trr (.rtft whcri'shr bort hun Lhrtt

ZLus, wrshrrrg to hrclL htr lrom I lcra, or lry srrns I ht' r'anous \tug6 ol th( hdntu drt

Htru htrvll A\ d btdr rhc was shol hv rrprr'sr'ntcd htrt on tht klt, ['uropu

Arl.mrs rn thr /orcsr aar.l wus plared among nr()unl5 tLc bull tntouruged ht ls

fht stcrs ds tht 5h. Baar Hrre, surrounciccl tcrflr'nrss On the nght, she ts homr

lrr th. t(rfhr( \ ry' thr Lhctsc,Arlemrs on,.l ht r selulrlv Jown to rhr sea, w'rlh mrlnl Lltlt

m m p h s r o n r / o r t ( a i l r s t o p o s s r b i va f t er h i ' r I:rotcs (Lrr sprnts) horenng rn lhr riry

(n(ount(r wrth th" ovemhclmtng god, Ztus I rnulh shc foats happiy away, ltdvrng lo

( l l h N AA \ r ) ( r \ | r \ r ( r t r I ' r r f RP 4 rr R rB t N \ , htr moukns (Trlr R{n ,r F( R(n'AB) I)^rrr)

al\vAs l6J640 )

M YTTt o

childlry Semdt,apptarshtre
huggrnghis mothcr,whilc Apolkt
s t c r n Jhs w r t hu h u yt t r t ( l r t r i i t r '
becanta goc,l, raisedhts ntothrt
to heavenand placedher arnongthe starsus
ThyoneThisEtmsrdnmitror is borderedwith iw,
which was l)tonysus' sutred plant (lrrr \ ru rr()Nrn()M
DRSvI Hs Cliss(il Dr(Ir()\ARY

DANAE below) u,usconfinedin a brazt'n tLtwer

lry her father whofearedan oracleprtdtctrng thut
ht woukl be hilledby o gundson In htr lout'r shs
n s/roxd ,
wds visiledby Zeusn tfu lonn oJa
anclbort hun o son, Pcrsrus When htr lttthtr
thebaby,ht tdsthothoJ thtm out to
seain a woodenchest,hut thq ftoattd ushorc
on the Isleol Senphoswherethqt wert rtt uttl
lry Dictls (llrr \rMrr()! Bl(rrr)Rc[,s(
)rFR )\'
T { \ ( , [ u ( x ) r ) T A l(t 5] 9 2 C 1

SEMELE (klt) encourugtd

14'Htro, ptrsuudtd
in all his qlenJour Whenh,'
Zcrs lo shor hrrnscl/
apptarttl beJorthcr as tht radiunt gil ttl thwtdtr
wasconsumediry thc /icrrnes
anrl lightning,-Senreic
unLl,dymg, gavcbrrth prtmuturdy to Diorrysus,
whom Zeussavedlrtnn tht Jirt In thrspowerful
veirion oJ the myth, thegeat godrodutes

Itery.bloodredhghtnrngA wingedchrldhtdrng
from thehght coulclbc Dionysus,whrle thet)arh,
homed godscemsto be a fusion oJ Hudrs und Pun
(l( filR4NrSl\1lrr r) a,t\r4\'rM()RF;t (1\\1\ ltiq6)
CrnssrcAL MYTHoLoGy


THE AncoNAUTS were very THE ARGONAUTS (top) commissioned which Jason did at the cost of one ARIADNE (qbove) hands the vital shetnto
earlyexplorers,mosr likely rhe first Argus to build theArgo, a ship with th,enty of his sandals Thus the prophecy Theseus,whirh allows hrm to trach his way
Greek voyagers to the Black Sea oars Hereht caruesout thestem,while was fulfilled: a man weannS only throughthe Itfuyinth AItu hilling the
They sailed from Thessaly,where Athenamahessails Behindher,perchedon one sandalarrived at lolcus to chal- bull-Iihebeast,the Minotdur, in the
their leader,TAsoN,was the nghtful a pillar, her sacredcreature,the owl, lenge Pelias BecauseJason made Ltbynnth, he sailedaway with her, but
k r n g o f I o l c u s A c c o r d i n gt o r h e symbolizesher wisdom (lLLUsrMroN
rRoM his intentionsknown ar the time of then desertedher on Dia, possiblybelieving
myrh, Jason'sfather,Aeson, was DI(TIoNARY oF ChsSIcAI ANTIQUITIEs ]89] ) a religrousfestival,Peliascould not that shewasdestrnedto marry a god
deposedby his half-brorherPelias, krll his nephew wrthout the nsk o[ (ir l l'srRAnoN FRoM I Alcl s,ooD IAr Es, c I 920 )

who was wamed at the time how JASON (abne IeJt),helpsHera, disguised suffenng divine disfavour So the
he would in tum be overthrown by as an old woman,dcrossthe stredm In the king toldJason that he could have wamors to Join his expedition and
a man wearing only one sandal In cunent he losesa sandal, Julfilling parl oJ the throne provided he obtained they became known as the
order to protectJasonfrom Pe]ias, an oraclethat ahalJ-shodman would tahe rhe Golden Fleece,which was an Argonauts, the crew of the ship
Aeson had secrerlysent his son to Pehas'throne ThepeacochbesideHera apparently impossible task This Argo Among their number were
CHIRON to educatethe young man, her all-seeingvision (ItusrurrcN
denoLes miraculous fleece belonged to a Castor and Polydeuces,ORPHEUS
iike many other heroes On reach- FROM TANGLEWOOD TALI.S, ( 1924 ) ram which had flown to Colchis, a rhe poet, Calaisand Zetes the sons
ing manhood,Jasondeterminedto distant land identified wrth mod- of BoR-EAS and rhe hero HTMCLES
return to Iolcus and reclarm che IASON (abne), with Medea'shelp- she ern Georgia It hung from a tree Together they crossed a sea of
throne During the joumey, how- anointshim wtth a salveto protect him there, guarded by an enormous marvels, visited strange lands and
ever, he was tested by the goddess Jromlire and steel ploughstheJreldswith snake that never slept overcame many obstaclesbefore
HERA,who was disguised as an old the bulls oJ Aietes He was the fvst hero to The DELPHICOMCLE encoul- reaching Colchis, where Hera used
woman She begged him to carry yohe thewlld and,Jiery credtures agedJasonro undertakethe quest the goddessof love APHRODITE to
her safelyacrossa swollen river, (lLLUsrMTpN FRoM TA\GI l,s,ooDTALES ( lg20 ) Hera inspired a group o[Thessa]ran make MEDEA,rhe seconddaughter

ClesslcAI- MvrHoLocY

of King Aietes, fall in love with

Jason. The king hated Greek but
he kept his feelings hidden from
the Argonaus. He even consented
toJason's attempt to capture the
Golden Fleece. But first Aietes set
Jason a challenge that was intended
to result in his death. The hero was
required to yoke a team of fire-
breathing bulls, plough and sow a
field with dragon's teeth, and slay
the armed men who would at once
rise from the gound.
With the assistance of Medea's
skills in the magic arm, Jason
accomplished Aietes' task within a
single day. Bur the hng of Colchis
was not prepared to give up the
Golden Fleeceso easily. He secrerly
planned to attack the Argonaus,
who were wamed by Medea, now
Jason's lover. She employed her
magic once again to deal y"ith the
unsleeping snake,andJasonseized
the Golden Fleece The Argonaus
quickly rowed away from Colchis
with the fleece and Medea, whom
Jason had promised to marry once
back in Thessaly it into a constellarion. The Golden version offar older tales of the spon ARTEMIS,virgin goddess oJthewild,
The Colchian princessseemsro Fleece also appear in the heavens of bull-leaping, which dated from alwaysresisted
theloveor attentions
have been associatedwirh rhe rires as the first constellarion of the the pre-Greekera of Cretan history. men WhenthehunterActaeon sawhoin
of dismemberrnent as well as Tndiac, Aries the ram. Dionysus himself was known to thenude,bathingwithhu nymphs, she
magic, for during the pursuit of rhe the Greeks as "the roanng one", a indignantlytumedhimintoa sta&which
Argonauts across the Black Sea, ArunONf, in Greek myrhology, "bull-homed god" who was full of wassetuponfo hisownhounds(Durrrro
Medea slowed the Ileet of her hther was the daughter of pestprl,4nand powerand feniliry. AcAEoN ByTrruN,
Aietes by hlling and cutring up her King MINos, rhe ruler of Knossos
own brother, Apsyrtus. Piecesof on the island of Crete. When the AruON SECVOYAGER5 atAulis. Only a promise to sacrifice
Apsynus' body were thrown over- Athenian hero THESEUS came to his daughter PHIGENIAwas enough
board, forcing the Colchians to Knossos to pay the annual tribute AnfgUtS was rhe daughter of to appeasethe goddess,although
gather up the remains for a decenr of seven young men and seven the Tiraness LETOand ZEUS,and there are differing accounts as to
burial. t-ater, in Thessaly, Medea girls, fuiadne gavehim a sword and the rwin sisrer of APoLLo. She was whether the girl was acually hlled.
also persuaded the daughters of a skein of thread that allowed him in all likelihood averyancient deity Another monal punished by
King Pelias ro cur rheir father to to escapefrom Daedalus'kbynnth whom the Greeks adopted as god- Anemis was ACTAEON.He had the
pieces and boil him, so as ro rcsrorc after a bloody struggle with the dess of the wild Traces of human misfonune while hundng to come
his youth. This they did, and in dreaded bull-headed man, the sacrifice could still be found in her upon the goddess as she was
hlling him avenged rhe disgrace of MINOTAUR.Theseus and Ariadne worship. Most of all, Anemis liked bathing She changed him into a
Jason's htherAeson. then fled from Crete. but for some to roam the mountains with a com- stag and he was chased and tom
Jason and Medea led an unser- unknown reason the hero aban- panion band of nymphs Cenainly apart by his own hundng dogs.
tled life in Greece. After a few years doned the princess on the nearby the virgin goddess resented any However, according to a different
he deserted her for another island of Dia. The desened princess kind of inmrsion into her domain, version, Actaeon actually tried to
wonvul, butMedeahlled rhis riral may then have become the wife of or any harm done to her favourite approach the naked goddess
and her own children byJason. DloNysus, rhe god of ecsmsy and animals. For killing a sug sacred to hidden beneath a stag's pelt
Jason died in Corinrh as a result of wine. Local legend would suggest Artemis. the leader of the Greek To the Romans, Artemis was
a rotten piece of rhe Argo hlling on such a connection, although the expedition against Troy, King closely identified with their god-
his head. Afterwards rhe gods whole story of the Minotaur was AGAMEMNONof Mycenae, found dess Diana, who was also a goddess
raised the ship to the skyand made probably no more than a garbled his fleet sranded by contrary winds of light as well as of the wild.

Cr-RssrcAL MYTHoLocY

Jatho, AateasCloseby,in a mantleoJ
Aeneas' divinemother,Venus,
dacendsJromheaven wttha spngof
/orceps(wouxoeo AENW,ANoN,AD62AND

the CentaurCHIRoN, whose Imowl-

edge was so great that zEUshimself
fearedthat Asclepius mrght leam a
way of overcomrng death. When he
did succeed in resurrecdngone of
his patients, Zeus decided that
Asclepius should be punished for
threatening the gods' monopoly
over immortality. Asclepius was
slain by a thunder-bolt, but at
Apollo's request the god of medi-
cine was placed among the stars, zls
Ophiuchus, the serpent-bearer.
So impressed were the Romans
with Asclepius' cult that during a
time of plague they requested aid
from Epidauros and a sacredsnake
was duly shipped to Rome.

ArnreNfn, in Greek myth-

olory, was the daughter of Iasus of
Arcadia and was known as a
famous hunness. As an unwanted
daughter she was exposed and left
to die on a mounainside, bur was
suckled by a bear and later brought
up by hunters. This experience
may have inclined her to manly
pursuits. She even tried to enlist
ASCANIUS was rhe son o[ The family ofJulius Caesar,rhe believed to embody the god's heal- with the ARGONAUTS, but fiSOw
AENEASand Creusa According to Julii, claimed descent from Aeneas ing power. The ancient associadon refused herbecause the presenceof
the Romans, he founded the city of through Ascanius, who was also between snakes and medicine is one woman on rhe ship mighr
AIba Longa thirry-rhree years after called Iulus llus ("made of llium"), probably due to the snake's appar- causejealousies amongst them.
the arrival of the Trojan refugeesin Ilium being the old name for Troy enr abiliry to renew its youth each Atalanra's most famous myth
Italy. An altemadve radirion makes year by sloughing off is own shn. concems the lengths to which she
Ascanius' mother l-avinia, a l-atin ASCrnPtuS, the Greek god of Only the stories of Asclepius' went to avoid marriage. She said
princess whose marriageto Aeneas healing, was rhe son of epotto, birth and death were ever well rhat her husband must first beat
brought peace and unity to the god of prophecy, and the lake known to the Greek and Romans. her in a race and any man who lost
L-arinand Trojan peoples. It was in nFmph Coronis. In myrhology he When Coronis dared to take in would be put to death. Despite the
her honour that Aeneas founded is a somewhat shadowy figure, secret a monal as a second lover, an awful consequence of losing, there
Lavinium within three years of which suggess his late arrival as a enraged Apollo sent his sister were many who admired Atalana's
landing. This would mean that major deiry. fuclepius would seem ARTEMISto kill the lake nymph beauty and paid the price against
Ascanius was hng of lavinium fol- to have been a Thessalianhealer with a disease. However, as the herspeed. None could catch her,
Iowing Aeneas' death, and before whose skills became known flames of the funeral pyre bumed although they ran naked while she
he left to take up residence in a throughout Greece: his cult even- Coronis, Apollo felt sorry for his was fu\ clothed Finally, the love
new ciry at Alba Longa. Early rilalry tually took over the sanctuary at unbom son and removed him from goddess ernnoorn took piry on a
between the two cities probably Epidauros in the Peloponnese the corpse. Thus was Asclepius young man named Melanion and
explains the removal myth. Sacred snakes resident there were bom..He was taught medicine by provided him with a way to delay


miraculously disappearedso rhat

the semen of the smith god fell to
the ground, where it grew into the
serpent Erichthonius The three
daughterso[ Cecrops,the semi-
serpent who first ruled Athens,
were given a box by Athena and
told not to look inside it Ignoring
this command, two of them looked
inside, found themselves gazing
upon Erichthonius, and went
insane However, Athena connn-
ASCLEPIUS, Greehgod oJhealing tends AfnfNn, somerimesArhene, rhe ued to protect Athens. Although ATHENA, goddess oJwisdomarul craJts,
a man on his sichbedA sonof ApoIIo,the daughter ofzrus and rhe Titaness the ciry fell into enemy hands dur- guidedand helpedherJavouites Here she
gredtesthealer,AsclepiuswasglJted wrth Metis, was the Greek goddess o[ ing the Persianinvasion of Greece visits thehero Bellerophonwith a g'Jt - the
mtraculousp(Nters,oncercune(ling d war and crafts Although a fierce in 480-479 nc, the Athenians later bndlewith whichto tameand mount tht
mortalJrom death His attibutes, stafl and urgin like ARTEMIS,she did not went on to achievemasteryof the wingedhorse,Pegdsus{tulsrmn,r rr,,v
setwL sign{ypowerandrnaval oJhJe shun men but on the contrary seaand found their own empire It SToRrEs FRoM GREECE AND RoME, ,l930 )
(IIUsBfloN BYNICK B4E, 1995 ) delighted in being a city-goddess, was during this period that the
most notably at Athens. This city Parthenon was built on the hero took over his job of holding
Atalanta. She gave him three adopted her cult when an olive tree Athenian acropolis up the sky When Atlas returned
golden apples, which he placed at grew on its acropoiis: the other Athena was alwaysregarded by wrth the appleshe suggestedthat
different points on the course diune nval for worship was rhe god the Greeks as an active goddess, he should deliverthem himself, as
Curiosiry gor the better o[Atalanta, POSEIDON, who produced only a involved in the affairs of men She Heracleswas doing so well The
who stopped three times to pick spnng of brackish water Arhena helped several heroes such as hero pretended to agreeand then
up the apples So Melanion won sprang into being fully grown and BELLEROPHON, JAsON,HERACLES askedifAt]as would take the world
the race and Atalancaas a wife. Bur armed from the head of her father and prRsrus Also, it was she who for a moment so that he could
in his hasre to make love to her, Zeus, afrer he had swallowed the eventuallygot ODYSSEUS back to adjust the weight on his shoulder,
Melanion either forgot a vow to pregnant Metis The smith god the island of Ithaca, followrng his so tncking Atlas into resuming his
Aphrodite or consummated their HEPFIAISTOS assistedrhe birrh wirh epic voyagehome from the Trojan lonely duty (SeealsoGIANTS)
union in a sacredplace To pay for a blow from his axe Quire likely War PerhapsAthena's most sig-
the sacrilegeboth he and Aralanta this intervention accounts for her nificant aid was given ro the ATIAS,thegreatTitanglant,wds
were tumed into hons. title of Hephaistia,rhe companion matncide ORESTES Not only did condemned to shouldutheheavms Jorever,
of the smith god. Athena's symbol she offer him protection, but she aspunishment Jorj.ghtingtheslEgod
ATAIr{NTA,thegtJtedhuntress dnd was the wrse owl, which featured also arranged for him to be rried Zeus (Iuvsrunou moM DrcnoNAfr oF cwsrql
unusually athletichuoine,Joundhermatch on Athenian coins. The Romans and acquitted of his terrible crime ANrreurilE, i89l )
in theequally resourceJul andarugetic idendfied her wirh MINERvA,a god- by the ancient court o[ the
MelanionHeretheheroic pairhuntand dessofwrsdom and the arts. Areopagus,in Athens The verdict
sW themonstrous wiWboarwhichhas An early myth relares how meant an end to the blood-feud,
beenravaglngthe plainsoJCalydon Hephaistos tned to rape Athena not leastbecausefor the firsr nme
(lltusrunoN FRoM TANGLTooD TALB c 1920 ) To avoid losing her virginity, she even the FURIES acceptedOresres'
deliverancefrom guilr

ATIAS was a rlTAN, rhe son o[

Iapetus and the Oceanid Cl)'mene
He was thought by the ancient
Greek to hold up the sky, and his
name means"he who cames" His
most famous encounter was wirh
the hero HEMCLES,one of whose
labours was to obtain the golden
apples of the HESPERIDES, female
guardiansof the fruit that morher
earrh, GAIA,presented ro HERAar
her mamage LozEUs Atlas offered
to fetch them for Heracles if the

finished eating, Atreus showed his BOREAS, oneoJtheJour wnds, blewJrom

brother rhe hands and feet of his the north, whistling through his conch He
dead sons and told him what he oJtn helped sailorsilth aJiendlJ breeze
had consumed ln horror the sun Alongwtth his brother winds, Eurus,
halted in its course Thyesres'only Zephyrusand Notus,he wasdepicLedLnthe
survmng son, Aegisthus, may have TempleoJWinds (llusrunoN FRoM
slain Atreus in revengefor this out- CHSIaL DIOIoNARY, i895 )

rage Cenanly he became the lover

of cryrrvNrslRa, whose husband Proteusdspatched Bellerophon ro
ArnruS was the son o[ prLops, ATREUS, sonoJPelops,cherisheda golden AGAMEMNON was the eldest son of southem Asia Minor, where he was
an early king after whom the ram, a double-edgedglJt of the god Hermes Atreus and his successoras king of supposedto meet his end, but ser-
Peloponnesein southern Greeceis The godgave thecovetedtreasureto Atreus, Mycenae, or Argos. Not until vice in the local hng's lorces saved
named, and Hippodaemia The hopingto sowstiJe and discordm the Clytemnestra and Aegisthus had his life Mounted on Pegasus,the
house of Atreus was infamous for houseoJ Pelops,in revengeJor the murder murdered Agamemnon, and were hero was able to overcome the
rhe heredimry curse laid upon it by oJ his son,Myrtilus rhemselveshlled by Agamemnon's monsuous Chimaera,defeatneigh-
the son of urRvrs, rhe messenger (ll r usrMroN By NrcK BTAIE, 1995 ) son ORESTES, did the curse of bouring peoples, including the
god A terrible cycie of murder and Myrtilus come to an end Amazons, and even become the
revengewas ended only by the tnal champion of Lycia A constelladon
Ln Arhens of Atreus' grandson BnUnnOPHON was a Greek was named after his fabulous
oREsTEson a charge of matricide hero from the city of Corinth and winged horse
Family misfortune stemmed the son of Glaucus. He possessed Two mlescast a cenain shadow
from the action of Pelops, the a wonderful winged horse named over Bellerophon's character. In the
fatherofAreus He seemseither to PEGAsus,which had sprung out of firsr he is credited with a brutal
have brought about the death of the GoRGoNMedusa's blood when revenge on the false Argive queen.
Hermes' son Myrtilus, or to have she was beheadedby PERSEUS The By pretending that he really loved
caused him great grief by refusing goddessATHENAgave Bellerophon her, Bellerophon persuaded the
to make a promised gift Fnctron a specialbridle in order to help him queen to elope with him on
berween the sons of Pelops, tame Pegasus. Pegasus,only to pushher off the
Arreus, Thyestesand Chrysippus, Bellerophon's problems began, winged horse's back in mid-air.
arose about the ownership of a as his own name indicates, with a The second nle almost ends in the
golden ram, a wondrous animal murder He evidently killed an hero's death when he attempted to
placed in Atreus' flock by Hermes important Corinthian becausein fly ro Mount Olympus, the home
First, Chrysippus was murdered by exile he changed his name from of the gods. zEUs in anger caused
Atreus and Thyestes,then Thyestes Hipponous to Bellerophon ("hller Pegasusto unseat Bellerophon,
seducedAerope, the wrfe of Atreus, of Bellerus") Although he was who was lamed for life.
in order to gain her help in seizing BELLEROPHON swoopsdownJor the hiII given refuge in Argos by King
the golden ram An enragedAtreus on his wingedhorse,Pegasus,diving Proreus, rhe passion of the local BORBS. the nonh wind. was the
slew Aerope and exiled Thyestes throughthe smoheandJlamesoJ thefire- queen Stheneboeafor him caused son ofEos, the goddessofdawn,
At a banquet supposedly for breathingChimaera,a monsterwith the further difficulties, and not least and the Titan Asraeus. His home
reconciliation, Atreus served his t'orepartoJa lion, thehindpart ol a dragon becausehe steadfastlyrejected her was rhought to be Thrace, which is
brother Thyestes with the flesh of and its middleJormedfrom a goot advances.Srheneboea accused him siuated to the nonh of theAegean
his children When Thyestes had (lrlr,srMroN FROM TANGTTmD TAL6, c i920) of attempted rape and the enraged Sea. In contrast to Zephynrs, the


gende west wind, Boreaswas capa-

ble of great dessucdon. During the
Persian invasion of Greece, he
helped the Greek cause by damag-
ing the Persianfleet at the battle of
Anemisium in 480 sc
Boreas abducted Orithyia, a
daughter of King Erechtheus of
Attica. Coming across Onthyra
dancing near a stream, he then
wrapped her up in a cloud and
canied her off to Thrace. She bore
Boreas twin sons, Calais andZrtes,
who were lcrown as the Boreades
At birth these boys were enrirely
human in appearance,but later
they sprouted golden wings from
their shoulders. Theywere hlled by
the geat hero HEMCLES.
Boreas was worshipped in the
city of Athens, where an annual
festival, known as the Boreasmi,
was celebratedin his honour BruroueRrlS ("sweet maid") sought sanctuary in the sacred BRUTUS, thefirst consuloJthe new
was said to be the daughter of grove ofARTEMtS, and becameher republicoJ Rome,condemnshis sonsto
zEUS.She lived on the island of close associate The myth is almost deathJor isingagainst the gwemment
BRITOMARTISIedJromRing Minos Crete, where she spent her rime as certainly an account of the amalga- Brutus, 4s his name implies,t'agned
whopursuedho Jorninemonths, untilat a hunuess l(ng MINos of Knossos mation of rwo ancient culs. idioq but was noJool; wrse\ and duttfuIly,
Itst,in desryir,shelmptintothesea tried to make Britomanis his mis- he led the tial againsthis rebelsons
Luchily,shebecame ottangledin some tress But she fled from him and in BRUTUS was said to be the son (IrLUsrMroN FROM SToruE FROM Llw, ,I885 )

ftshingnets, her desperation to preserve her of Tarqurnia, who was rhe sister o[
ho intoa god&ess shewashnavnas virginiry threw herself off a clilf into TARQUINIUS sUPERBUs. He was the Shortly after their return to
Dictynnd, which means "net" rhe sea. The lcng finally gaveup the founder of the Roman Republic Rome, the youngest prince raped
(I[UsIMfloN BYNICXBuE. 1995) pursuit when the Cretan goddess Like most Roman myths, the story LULRLItA. a Koman matron. r nls
o[ Lucius Junius Brutus lays act of violation was the lasr srraw
emphasison dury to the sute, even for the oppressed Roman aristoc-
though in this instance it invojved racy, especiallywhen it was leamed
the sacrifice of two sons. Dunng rhat Lucreria had subbed hdrselfto
the early part of his life Bnrtus was death The outrage was cleverly
regarded as a simpleton, which his used by Brutus as a means of over-
name implies. Indeed, he was throwing the monarchy and setting
something of a joke in the court of up a republic. The now eloquent
Tarquinius Superbus, the last Brutus was elected consul, one o[
Elruscan king to rule Rome When the rwo highest offices of scate.But
a snake was found in the king's this fulfilment of the Oracle was
palace, two princes travelled to soon to cause him grief, when a
Delphi to ask the Oracle to explain conspiracy to restore Tarquinius
this event and Bruus accompanied Superbus to the throne was found
them almost in the role of a jester. to have the suppon ofTitus and
The Oracle told the Romans that Tiberius, rwo of Brutus'own sons
the first person in the delegation to As he was the chiel magistrate,
hss his mother would be the next Brutus, with great digniry, oversaw
ruler of Rome. The princes drew their arrest, trial and executlon
loa to decide who was to hss their Thus, at the moment of the new
mother on their retum home, but Republic's triumph, the qplcally
Brutus tnpped and kissed the Roman idea of self-sacrificeappears
earth, much to their amusement. as part of is foundation myth.


are in fact a number o[ ancient

accounts o[ Phoenicianactiviryin
the Aegean Sea For instance, on
the island of Cythera,which lies off
the southem Peloponnese,a shrine
to Aphrodite is known to have
been erected based on the god-
dess'schief temple in Phoemcra. CERBERUS snafuandgrwlsby the
mouthoJHodesA threz-headed hound
CEICNES SCE OMCLE5 AND witha snahe for a uil, heallowedno
PROPHECIES shadesto retumJromthedead,though a
Ju slippedby wtththehelpol thegds Hts
CRt-t-sro see Lowks oF zEUs darhdn openedontotheStyt(alongwhxh
CharonJemed theikad Qrusrunop w
C,eSSnNonn was rhe daughrer GUNN 5w m.1995 )
of pruaivl,krng of Troy, and his wife
Hecuba. Herbeaurywas asremark- AGAMEMNON,to whom she was
able as her power of prophecy, awarded as part of his share of the
which was said to have been a gift spoils But ultimately Cassandra
CECUS SCCGIANT5 CADMUS sowsthe teeth oJa dragon he from APoLLo,who loved her, but had her revenge on the Greeks.
has slain, and instantly the soil bnstles wtth becauseshe refusedhis advances When Troy fell, she had sought
CenUUS was rhe son ofAgenor, armed wantors, who sping up to attnch he condemned her to prophesy the sanctuaryin ATHENA'stemple but
i<rngof Phoenicia,and Telephassa, eachother OnlyJivesuwived,to become rruth but never ro be believed. was raped, and so the goddess
and the brother of ruRop,r When ancestos oJthe Thebans,whosecity Cassandraforetold the Trojan punished this sacnlegeby killing
Europa was forcibly taken to Crete CadmusJoundedon the site War, the true purpose of the many of the Greeks during rheir
by zEUs, disguised as a bull, (IIU5IMIIoN 8Y NICX BAE, 1995 ) Wooden Horse and the murder of voyagehome However, Cassandra
Cadmus and his four brothers were met her own end at the hands of
sent after her, wrth instructionsnot that the Theban aristocracy was CASSANDM,/rcnnd seer, Jleesthrough Agamemnon's wife CLYIEMNESTM
to return home without her. descended from the five wamors bumingTrq,aghast dt thesightolho an (Seealso ORACIESAND PROPHECTES)
Although the five Phoenician who survived the mutual slaughter predictionsGiJtedwtthpropheq,she
princes failed in their task, they After a penod of penance for clearly Joresaw theTrolanWarandthe cncRops see FouNDERs
seem to have had an impact on the killing Ares' serpent, Zeus gave hcheryoJtheWoodetHorse, butnoone
places where they eventually set- Cadmus a wife - none other than believed ho Jor shewasJatedto beignored CeNfeUnS, according to Greek
tled Cadmus himself was told by Harmonia, the daughter of Ares (IuusrMfloN BvNrcK BilE, 1995) mythology, were said to be the
the Oracle at Delphi to forget about and epuRoottr, goddessoflove descendanmof xlo,v, son of ARE5.
Europa and instead find a cowwith Since he was marr;nnga goddess, These strange creatures had the
a moon-shaped mark on its flank the gods themselvesartended the head, arms and chestof a man but
He was to follow the animal and wedding and gavewonderful gifts the legs and lower half of a horse
build a city on the spot where it The unusual union o[ mortal and They lived in Thessaiy,fed on meat
chose to lie down and rest Har,rng immortal was not blessedby par- and were given to riotous behav-
found the cow and followed it east- trcularly success[ul offspring, iour They were usually depicted as
wards to Boeotia,where at last it however One of their descendans, drunken followers of ololysus,
sank in exhaustion,Cadmus then Pentheus,suffereda homble fate except for wise CHIRONwho was
sent some o[ his men for warer so Having insulted DIoNYsus,he was the tutor to severalheroes,includ-
that they might sacrificethe animal tom to piecesby the god's female ing ACHILLES(Seealso MONSTERS
to ATHENA But rhesemen were worshippers when he spied on ANDFABULOUS BFAsTs)
attacked by a serpent sprung from their secret rites. Among the fren-
the war god enrs After Cadmus zred worshippers was Pentheus' CfnngnUS was a three-headed
had killed the monster, the god- own mother, Agave, the daughter hound, the offspringof rwo mon-
dessAthena adnsed him to remove of Cadmus and Harmonia sters,TYPHON and Echidna He was
its teeth and sow half of them in The ancient Greeks always the watchdog of the Greek under-
the ground lmmediately,armed acknowledged the importance oI world and stopped anyone trying
men arose,but wrly Cadmus rhrew Cadmus' reign, hence, his divrne ro rerum to the land of rhe living.
stones among them so that, sus- wife He was credited with the One of grRacLES'labours was ro
pecting each other, they fell upon introduction from Phoenicia of an fetch Cerberus,a challengethe god
themselves lt was later believed alphabet o[ sixteen letters There of rhe dead. uenrs. allowed him ro


CHIRON (elt) instructstheyouthJul

Achillesin the afts oJwar, medicine,
hunting, musrcand propheq Uniihe his
brother Centdurs,who Lndulgedin iotous
revelnes,Chiron was notedJor his wisdom
and gtntleness(THrEr)uGlloN
oFA( Hill I t 0v
PoMPEo BAToNr, aANn-s, c I/70)

CtNctNNerUS wasa Roman

hero who was instrumentalin sav-
ing the early Republic ln 458 nc,,
Romc was in danger of berng
d c s t r o l ' e db ; r h e A c q u i . a n ei g h -
bounng lralian tnbe To defeatthis
threat,the Senatevoted to appolnr
C i n c i n n a t u sa s d r c t a t o r ,a t e m
poraryofficevcstcdrvith unlimired
powers A deputationwas senr ro
his small farm, rvhich was the
s m a l l e s tl a n d h o l d i n ga l l o w e d t o
quah$'for citizenshrpThe senators
found Crncrnnatusar work tending
hi< , r,rn< Hr u'as rnld 6[ thg
S en a r e ' s d e c r s i o n a n d r ' " . a ss a l u t e d
as dictaror However. the plebeians,
thc ordinary people, feared that
( in, Lnnatusmight abuse his pos-
ition fears proved groundless
and, after the dcfeat o[ the Aeqr-ri.
rhel""oted Crncinnatus a golden
wreath at the end of his sixty days
of office He then returned to his
fields and was remembered as the
perfect example of a r'rnuous and
dutilul Roman citizen

CINCINATTUS, oneoJthe mostmodest

oJ Romanheroesand a modeloJ Roman
integnry AIter 60 daystn ot'fice,he quietly
to hlsJanfl (lrrr,rtqtn,".",,u
5r()Rlr5 rR()MIr\ry, 188-5)

undertake,but only on condition a p p c a r a n cocf a r y p i c a (l . E N t A t r R ,

thar he was unarmed Like thc wlth the body and legsof a horsc,
GORGONS, Cerberuswas so dread- and the armsand hcad of a rnan
ful to behold that anyone who His unusualparentagcexplains
looked upon him was turned to why Chiron was so wrse, unlikc
stone He was brother to the Hydra other Centaurs,for he was leamcd
and the Chimaera i n m u s i c ,m e d i c i n e h
, untingand
warfare He was a fnend of 'cPot-trl
CHTRON was rhe son of PhilJra, and the ruror ro several Greek
daughter of ocEANos, and the heroessuch asACHILLES, A-Sa.LEPlL/-S
Titan CRoNoS,who had adopted andTeso,v He lived rn a cave on
the form of a horse to hide from his Mount Pelionin and
wrfe RHrAhis passion for Phillra, when he died zru-sscr him rn thc
which is why Chiron had the slryas the constellationCentaurus

CrassrcAr- MvrHoLocY

HE MYTHS OF ALL CULTUREScontain inspiring individuals
who express ideal traits and talens, such as the courage
of Achilles, might of Heracles, wit of Odysseus and
endurance of Oedipus. A classic hero is a champion
rn every sense, overcomrng trials, ridding the world of
troublemakers , blazrng trails and winning through
despite all the odds. Yet he is neither inr,ulnerablenor
immortal, though often helped, and sometimes
hindered, by the gods. Greek mythology is
unusually rich in heroes and heroines of every kind.
Some, such as Achilles and Hector, are wartime
champions; others, such as Odysseus or Theseus,
are heroes for peacetime, some are positive and
outgoing, such as Heracles or Perseus; still others
are heroes of attitude rather than action, such as
Oedipus, Antigone, or Hector, who, at the end,
remained steadfastin the face of hopeless defeat.
HEMCLES (bdow) shootshis poisonedanows at his oldJoe, the Centaur Nessu.s,
who racedaway wth his
wile, Deuntru, whik lerrying her acrosstheiver EvenusThe dying Centaur olJeredDeianira the glJtof his
bloodus u sulvelor prcseruingthe loveo[ HeraclesThe lovephiltre provedto be a futal tnch Lrywhich Heracles
tlied manyyears later, tragcally, by the handsoJhis insecurebut loting wife, Deiantra, who in her sorrow
h i l l e d h e r s t(llll.r R ( L U s ^ N r ) N r \ \ L r \ a i F R A N : \ ( ) N - s r r i . r k , . ^ N v A s l 8 6 J l 9 2 8 )

HEMCLES (above), best hnow Jor his mighry labour:, was aII his hJea
helper oJ godsand men, setting theearthJree oJmany monstus and rascak
Worshrypedas a heroand deity,he was invohedas d saviour;as the herooJ
labourand strug,le,he waspatron deity oJthe gmnasium In art he appears
as the ideal oJ manly strength, wrth massivemusclesand graveocpression This
celebratedGreehsculptureshowsthehero in reposeleantngon his club, draped
wth thefamous lion's shin (THLFANrsri
HrRcuL c 200Bc)

A C H I L L I . S ( a b o v c ) . y 9 J l i h eh c r r r u n d p c e r l t ' s s u t n r o r w u r l l l l d o r i r u / / y , t / i r g u i s e c r. lr ' r r { r f / r n h r \ r r r r i t h H i i t L r r r r r

t n o t h r t , f l t r t t r . t r r r / t t r t g1 i r\ d 1 c h r n r / r r ) r i f h ( l f ( ) / d n \ l ' c l , l r r r / l r r r l d r ) ) ( l t ( \ l r l t d r r L r q i r rt ,r r r / l - \ r r , r r r r t L r 1 r 1-1\ 1 1 1 1 , rf 1 1 1 1 1

( ) d _ y s s e t r s L r r n t , d t s t r r r s r J a s d l l r r ' r i h d n t , la/ rn,cr .wl ' c J t h c t r r / s l r w r l sr l r r \ \ r \ . u r J L m r r \ ( ) r r i r , 4 , h r / i r . \ i ' l i a r f/ / r ( ( t r l r j

eagerlv, suJJcnly n,ulrtrns iris trur rlr and nit, m hlt Hc l/rr rr arconrpanrr i./ Odlsirrr lrr Inl

PI:RSIU.S, guded tnJ nnrdtd hv tfu gods,utii rble ro

thc nrorla/Crrr-qorr
,\Icdusa,orr ,y'thrri /rrtht/Lrl
stslcrswlrrrlwt:lt rtntfu larLhest
sh,,n,11tht orrut. untl
tthosf l()()lis
lutned mot lrr\lol1{'lJ}rvicvingMlr.lururn hrs
s h r n r nrql r r t L iP e r r ' r rn t r sa b l cl o , r i tr y ' / h ehrr a , / u s h r
rltpt Hrtltitn lry thr rnrrrrbl he/nrtr ,y'Hadcshr /ior to
on wtnuL:cl sanJrr/s gilcn hirn,lry/he n-ynr|hr
\lcdusu r /l ctclrvrtsplrrrt J rrnAlhuru r hreasfllrtr rl
parall,stttt' pttirer rn,lrrtll/c' t r i r i r ! \ i i ) \ I r , r J ' I \ f , ( L I ! , . 1r l i

J\rr\ i lr,)rrl

, ; r 1 , 1

( . L O F , I l A l r r h r l r ' . t ,l i o r r r r r nh L r r , r r r , $ t r s
$lrr1 rt\ d itoildg . / A S O N i , r / r r r i ) t / r r ' rr ' / r ' h r c i t r '(r(j/ l ) l ( / i r )r r / t h t . \ r r l r r r r r r l : l i O R A T I t r . S ' i ? h r ) \Ir / r r d 1 r ' R , r r l u r/ r Lr o h i l , l r l r ,
l() fhf lrllli\(d|, L r t r s / ) , r r s L r r n ur,/ r 0 r r r t / r i l r ( | | / t / r ! . r r ' n r b a r / rr . /r ) r i t , q l 1 t / lt r , / i r l f r l l lrr hrrrv hut /l tltr (,oltkrt \ t t b l t ,t r t t t/ J i l r i L tI t l l t l r ! r r( ( ) l ] i l ( t r \l ( r l q . / t i t \ l/ / t r / t l l l l s ( r 0 )
(lgdinst ll()nr( But \h( (lup(d
lr(nn hr tttmp unr.l swcrm Ik'ct,:.whth was sus7;rrrr.lcr./fru
r rbnr u n t h o l t t n d t h h 1 ( r t r m t , W / r / r ' h t h t l , l o l l l h r ' F l r u s r r r r r s ,l h r i l r r r r r r r r rhsa r h r r /
d( rllst lhr / r,b0 lrr lirrrrrr \{rhen l/rt ii()ritdI\ \r,Il }tr'i bd( li t t t t l t r g r r t l r / , \ r t r r r r( ' r 1 1 J 1 1
115l r t s g r r ' u f l r r l t , r r r I i chj t it c b l , l t r h r ' h r r r Jh r r r r r l l j l l t ( ( ) J L / l ) \J( I I , r r r r L , ' , l r / r r r ,h
t r ) I ) a r A d t i t d ,h a r " d s r , , / ( { h r ' nn L / t r I L ( / l / d r f n , t l r r t l h a \ c l r \ t t / r : s l, l r r h r r r q i y ' ( r r l i r r s l V r t / rt l r r h L l p o l 1 p , t 1 7 , 1 1, ,t ' , , t n l i l \ r ( ) f r i ( i r /\r H ( ) r r / l i r i r\ l , l l l . r j r r r r r r o r t r lt j r , j r r r , l ( , / , l l

htr lrct'wtlh:ornc ot|rr hoslagi,s rirrri guvc htr t spk'nJitl l h t s r r r ri r r ' s s, \ I c d c a ,J t r r r r l r t c r r t l t h L t n g o l ( . r r i ri r r s / a s r r n l l t r ' n / t r ' s r [ 0 n l d \ . ] / r t \ ' ( r (f 1 r \ \ l / r r r r t g r r r gI t l l r , , r r r r r Jr l 0 r r V
h r r t r e l J r ' r r r h c r r d r r l r r l r r p h a l r l h t , , f r r r J o n r n ' r l i rh L r , J r r t n r t r l l r , ' L i T r f l r r Lr r r r r u f i h / r r / r / r i r g o n l h r r r r r r r l i i t d l l r , ,lnrlrr 1 / t , \ f t t t c r , r i l ( ( 1 r\ tl { t l r i rr r ) l | 5 i t ( ) | 1 ) | irl t t / t (
r ( ) n l p t l l l l { ) l l \i r . r r i \ i , ' .r r ' | \ ' , , , , , . t l i , . rl 5 r ,

CIRCE Q4t), an enchantingnynph, CLYTEMNESTM (abwe), the estrangd

inites Odysseusb dnnhJrom ho maglc wife oJAgamonnon, watchesand waitslor

cup, containingd potion which tums men the shipsfrom Troy,binglngho husband
into swine But Odysseushas ben home Yet no hero's welcomeawaits the

forewamed and, immunized with the herb retumingwarior, onlybetrayaland

moly, he dnnls wtthout coming to ham murder by his wrJeandher lover

CtnCr, daughter of ruruos, the CLOTUASCC HEROES dess ARTEMIS, either as sacrificial wars. He said that unless the ple-
sun god, was a powerful witch who victim or as pnestess beians, the ordinary people, were
had porsoned her husband, hng of CLrrnunrsrRn was the Like her sister HELEN,whose willing to restore to the nobiliry is
the Sarmatians,before going to rhe daughter ofrpoe and Tyndareos, elopement with PARIScaused the full ancient privileges they should
fabulous island of Aeaea.Her mag- king ofsparta, and the estranged Trojan War, Clytemnestra felt no expect no charity Hounded from
ical powers tumed ODY55EU5' men Mfe of eceurMNoN. Sometimes loyalry towards her husband. She Rome for such an opinion, he
into swine when they landed on she is poruayed as a weak woman, openly conducted an affair with joined the Volsci and evenrually Ied
Aeaea on their way home from easily persuaded by her lover Aegisthus, Agamemnon's cousin, a Volscian army against the ciry. All
Troy. Aided by HERMES, the mes- Aegisthus to assistin the murder of and ruled Mycenae with him. The seemed lost until his mother
senger god, Odysseuswas immune her husband on his return from end of the war required desperate Volumnia spoke to him, asking
to Circe's magic and restored his the Trojan War Otherwise it is measures.When he rerumed home Coriolanus whether he saw her as
crew to human form, and also Clytemnestra who rs the strong Agamemnon was butchered by his own mother or as a prisoner of
gained the witch's aid for the next character,the insdgator of the mur- Aegisthus, usinga wo-headed axe, war. As a result he quit the battle-
part of his joumey For ayearhe der, while Aegisrhusis little more while Clytemnestra had him en- field and went into exile.
stayed as her lover, before she told than a weakling Even before the ungled in a net For this terrible
him how to navigate through the the Greek force departed for Troy, crime, Clytemnestra was herself CneON, in Greek mythology,
waters o[ the Sirens and between Clytemnesrra already had good hlled by her son oREsrEs was the brother o[Jocasta and a
Scylla, a monster, and Charybdis, a reason to hate her husband. In reluctant ruler of Thebes He was
whirlpool. Srylla had been a nval of order to gain a fair wind to Troy, he COruOUNUS wasalegendary regent during the uncertain period
Circe, who had rumed her into a agreed to sacrifice her favourite Roman traitor o[ the fifth century afrerKing LAIUS, Jocasu'shusband,
monster when one of her many child tpntcrruin Even though the BC Conscious above all of his had been killed near the ciry Creon
lovers had shown an interest in the champion ACHTLEShad promised noble birth, Coriolanus objected to offered the throne and the hand of
unfortunate girl ln some accounts, to defend the grrl againstall threats, the Senate'swish to distribute free Jocastato any man who could solve
Circe eventuallymanied Odpseus' rhe Greek host had its way and bread to poorer citizens, who were the nddle of the SPHINX and thus
son Telemachus. lphigenia was offered to the god- starving becauseof Rome's endless rid Thebes of this bloodthirsty


was a com god whom they associ-

ated with the Golden Age

CUPTU was rhe Roman god of

love and son of the love goddess
IENUS.He was deprctedas a beaut-
iful but wanlon boy, armed with a
qurver fuli o[ "arrowed desires"
Some of his arrows, however,
would um people awayfrom those
who fell rn love wrth them
CREON, reluctanthing oJThebes,Iosthis According to one myth, Venus
son, wiJeand niecein a traglcqde oJ wasjealous ofpsycHE ("the soui")
suicidescausedby his infteible will His and told Cupid to make her love
crushingJatewas to endurea hJeof the ugliest man alive But Cupid fell
solitary gneJand remorse olrl'srurk)NBr in love wrth Psycheand, inv'rsible,
NICK 8arE, I995 ) nsired her everynighr. He told her
nor to rry to see hrm, but, over-
CORIOLT{NUS. a Roman As a result of this act of defiance,
exile.marched to keep chained up. In gratitude, come by curiosity, she did try and
againsthisoA cirywithandmy oJ Creon hadAnngone walled up in a the Cyclopes, the single-eyed he left her Psychesearchedthe
Vokcians, encamping justoutsideRome
cave. lne seer llRt5iAStoro Lreon giants, fashioned for Zeus his world for him, until the sky god
There, heignored aIIentreaties to bury the dead and disinter the
Jorpeace famous hghrning and thunderbolts JUPITER granted her immortality so
until visitedbyhismother(centre), hiswiJe
living, but he refused The result In a subsequenr struggle for that she could be Cupid's consmnt
andtheRoman matrons, whose tears
was personalgnef, when his own power, Zeus and hrs brothers companion The couple's daughter
softenedhis sternheatt(IuusrmroN son committed suicide on leaming
rRoM successfullydealt wrth all the might was named Voluptas ("pleasure")
STouEs FROM Llw.1885) of Antigone's dearh, and hts own and power that Cronos could
wrfe soon followed suit direct against them After his CUPIDJshes playt'ully
amongst thewaves
monsrer. jEDIPIIS managed ro Although Creon was well defeat, Cronos was either banished Heis usuallyportrayed asa cute,
achieve the apparently lmpossible known ro the ancient Greek, his to a distant paradise, or he simply capncious childwithwingsandoJten witha
task, then took over the kingdom, own characterseemslessimponanr slowly faded awayas an unimpor- quiveroJarowsor a torchto inJlame love
marriedJocastaand raiseda family in myth than his role as regent in tant deity The Romansequated in the hearts oJ gods and men (cr prDFrsHrNG
Not until a piague threatened the troubled ciry of Thebes. Cronos with their SATURN,who FREDER((WArrs,-sfprAL ]890 )
B) C;E()RG[

Thebes and the Delphic Oracle was

consulted about irs cause,did ir CRONOS, in Greek myrhology,
become known thatJocasrawas was the son of Ouranos, the sky
Oedipus' mother and that he had god, and GAIA,rhe earth morher.
lolled L-aius.Oedipus blinded him- With the help of Gaia, Cronos
self,Jocastacommitted suicide and emasculatedOuranos and seized
Creon became regent once more. control of the universe He then
A quarrel between Oedipus' married his sister nHEAand fol-
sons, Eteocles and Polynices, Iowed the example of Ouranos in
caused another penod of dismay, disposing of his children by swal-
eventually leaving both of them lowrng them, becausehe had been
dead and Creon on the throne. wamed that he would be displaced
Whereas Eteocleswas regardedby byone ofhis sons Rhea,however,
Creon as a patriot and properly gavehim a stone wrapped in swad-
buned, the body of the rebel dling clorhesinsteadof the infanr
Polynices was thrown outside the ZEUS,his youngest son, who was
city walls and forbidden burial. taken secretlyto Crete in order to
Such a situationwas unaccepmble gow up safelyon the island When
to ANTIGONE,Oedipus' daughter Zeus came ofage, he forced Cronos
and companion during his wan- to vomit up hrs brothersand sisters
denngs around Greece,and on her - POSEIDON, HADES, HERA, HESTIA
retum to Thebes she sprinkled and orl,trrrR - and to releasehis
Poll'nices' corpse with earth, so as uncles and aunts, especiallythe
to give her brother a token burial Tians, whom Cronos had chosen
Cle,ssrcAr- MyrHoLoGY

wrngs olwax and feathersfor him-

self and his son lcarus Despite his
father's waming, Icarus flew too
close to the sun, the wax of his
CURTIUS baps into the chasmin the wings melted and he fell into the
RomanJorum The seersdeclared that the sea and drowned. Daedalusman-
,hasm could only beJilled by Rome's aged ro amve safelyin Sicily, where
greatesttreasure,and so Curtiusymped he amused the daughters of l(ng
in, declanng that therewasno greater Cocaloswith his invendons When
treasurethan a gallant Romancltizen Minos eventually caught up with
(lra|srMTft)N FRoM 5r()RrEs r,RoM Lrw, 1885.) the fugitive craftsman, a battle of
wits ended in Daedalus' favour:
CURTIUS is the subject of a Mrnos was lolled by boilingwater, DANAE (above) was impisoned in a D{ED{[US (nght) craftedwtngs of
srrange incident in Roman myth- or oil, which Daedaiuspersuaded bronze tower by ho Jather, becatsehe feathus, heWtogetho by wax, to escary
ology Around 362 nc a grear Cocalos'daughters ro pour down a Jeareda propheq that he woull be ktlled by t'rom Crete, anl taught hrs son, Iccrus, hon,
chasm appeared in the Forum in pipe into the king's bath. his grandson Yet even htdden away in her toJl, waminghim that he must notJty too
Rome, which led straight down to tower, shewas still accessibleto the god closeto the sun But lcarus wasdrawn to
the underworld It had appeared DRNen was rhe morher of the Zeus, who came to her as a goWat shower thelight ol the sun so his wings meltd and
becausethe Romansforgot to make breeK nero PtR5tuJ ano Ine Thq had a son,Perseus(Drrreauour heJeII into the sea, now named the lcaian
an appropnate sacrificeto the dead daughter ofAcnsius, long of Argos GoLDEN RAIN BY TITIAN, cANvAs, i554 ) (DAEDALUS AND IGRU5 By CMU laNmN, 1799)

Marcus Curtius therelore plunged in the Peloponnese lt had been

on horseback into the bottomless foretold that her son would cause DePHNn, in Greek myrholory, was a gold-tipped shaft and when
pit and was seen no more the death ofAcrisius, so he locked was the daughter of the river god it struck Apollo it made him fall
her in a bronze tower But ZEUS Peneius.She was similar in many immediately in love with Daphne
Cyct-oPts see GrANrs visited her as a shower of golden ways to the goddess ARTEMIS, in The second one, however, had a
rain and Perseuswas conceived that she was also a virgrn huntress lead tip and caused Daphne to
DngP,qlUS, according to Greek The kingbanished the morher and who happily roamed the wrlder- become even more indifferent than
mytholory, was said by some to be her son, but after many adventures ness One day, the love god enos she aiready had been to any lover
the son of Alcippe, the daughtero[ Perseus did accidentally kill shot a flurry of arrows in response Apollo, however, pursued Daphne
the war god eREs,and by others to Acnsius when throwing a discus. ro taunts from APOLLO,the god of relentlesslyuntil, in desperation,
be the son of Merope It is agreed, (Seealso LOv'ERs OFZEUS) prophecy The first ofEros'anows she tumed herselfinto a laurel uee
though, that he came from Athens
He was a gifted craftsman and was
employed by khng MINOSar his
palace of Knossos in Crete.
Daedalus designed and built the
Labynnth for the dreaded vtlo-
TAUR This was the offspnng of
PASIPFIAE, Minos'wife, and a great
bull Daedalus had designed an
anificial cow inro which rhe queen
could place herself and so be able
to mate wrth the bull Thus was the
Minotaur conceived Minos later
impnsoned Daedalus for revealing
the secretof the Labynnth, but he
managed to escapeby constructing

DAPHNE,a iver nymph,wasbvedby

Apollowhopursuedheruntll,on thebanlzs
oJherJather'siver, sheprayedJor
was at oncechangedinto a laurel tree
Here. herJather, the iver god Penaus,
weepstnconsolably, whlle Apollo strohts her
Ieafi arms tn wonder CApoLLo
Nr()ut P(tr,55rN. c 1627)

CTASSTcAL MyrHor.ocy

DEMETER,QeJt) goddess of theeanh,and

herdaughter,Persephone, holding a mystic
theyung Tiptolemus,
theJirstmanto sowcom ThisrelieJ was
:{. Joundat Eleusis,
siteof theEleusian
mystenes whichrcntred onDaneterand
herworship(MARB:E RELTEF,
c 490 BC)

dead she pined and refusedto eat

any food, while in the world of the
lirnngher mother iost all interestin
fertiliry,so thar plants languished,
animals ceased to multiply and
people feared lor their future
Eventually,Zeus had to intervene
and rule that Hadesmust grve up
Persephoneif she would not con-
senr to stay with him As she had
by then earen something in his
realm,it was deemedthat she had
not completelyrejectedHades,so
henceforth Persephone would
dinde the year equallybetween her
mother and her husband

DIDO @elow), exoticqueeroJCarthage,

stabbed whenhr lover
Aneasdesmedher to fufilhisdestiny,
leadhispeopleto RomeTheheroine
isportrayedbyVirglaso nobleand
generoussoulwho,in theclassictradition,

Dnlpntc ORACLEs." an important cult at Eleusis,just Her myth tums on the disap- The story of Demeter and
OMCLESANDPROPHECIES south o[Athens, where ntes were pearanceof Persephone When the Persephoneis clearlyancient lt has
celebraredannually in the autumn girl was a child, her father, ZeuS, parallelsin the mythology of Wesr
DEUETER, rhe Greekgoddessof when, through music and dancing, wrthout even consulting Demeter, fuia, where gowth and decaywere
vegetadonand fruitfu]ness, was the her worshippers recalled the loss agreed to his brother FIADES' closely associatedwith a dyng and
daughrer of cRolos and RHre and rediscovery of her daughter request that Persephoneshould be reviving deiry For the Greek,
Like her Roman equivalent,Ceres, PERSEPHONEDemeter means his bride and rule the underworld Persephoneas Kore ("the maid-
she was especiallyassocratedwith "mother eanh" - rhe abundant soil wuh him Hadeswas impatient and sn"), was identified as rhe power
com Demeter possessedmysteri- as well as the resting-placeof the rose from the earth and abducted within the com i6elf, which was a
ous powers of growth and even dead (which were known by the Persephoneas she plucked flowers natural extersion of her mother the
resurrection She was the focus of Atheniansas "Demeter'speople") in a field Bur in rhe world of the com goddessDemeter.


DIONYSUS, the vital and beautifulGreeh

god oJunc whirls in a state oJblisslul
euphoia inducedW his own Jruit,the
grape Entwined in his hair is a wreath oJ
vine, and coveinghis shouldersthe shin oJ
a lyrw, one oJ the oeatures sdcredto hifi

DtOtttYSUS was rhe son of zEUs

and sruELr, who was a Theban
princess.In Greek mythology, he rs
a youthful god o[vegetation,wine
and ecstasy,known as the "bull-
homed god" because he ofren
adopted the form of this powerful
beast. In Roman mythology he is
representedby the god Bacchus.
Onginally, he may have had a
mythological role somewhat simi-
lar to that of the goddessDEMETER
("mother earth") His cult in later
times, however, developed into
one of personalsalvation,particu-
larly for women worshippers who
were known as maenads
From the beginning, the ancient
Greeks were well aware o[ rhe
strangecharacteroI Dionysus,and
in some city-stateshis wrld, orgras-
tic ntes were outlawed. The most
famous attempt to prohibit his
worship was by King Pentheusof
Thebes The king even tried to
imprison Dionysus, but the chains
fell off him and the prison doors
could not be closed Dionysus then
told Pentheus that he could
observe at lirst hand the secret
rituals performed on a mountain
close to the city, but only if he
disguised himself as a woman. The
hng readily took the bait and spied
on the maenads from a hiding-
place in a tree However, rhe
maenadssoon discoveredhim and,
DIOO, origrnally a princess of the ciry of Canhage The local ruler soon fell in love, but the Roman in their ecsraticfrenzy,thought that
Tyre, in Phoenicia, became rhe agreed to sell her as much ground god luetrrn senr MERcuRvwirh a he was a lion and tore him limb
tragic queen of Canhage and rhe as a bull's hide might contain,so messagereminding Aeneasof his from limb. Afterwards his mother,
abandoned love of AENEA5.Her Dido cut the skin into strips in desdny to found a new Troy in Italy Agave, who was also one o[ the
husband had been murdered by order to obtain an adequateplot and ordenng him to resume his leading maenads, realized to her
her brother, when the latrer When the Trojan hero Aeneas voyage at once When Aeneas horror thar they had dismembered
ascended the throne ofTyre. Dido arrived in Carthage, having been sailed away, Dido became so over- not a lion but her son. After his
escaped from Phoenicia with a blown offcourse on his way to Italy whelmed by the loss of her lover bunal, Agave, together vnth her
small band of followers and sertled from Troy, Dido welcomed him that she stabbed herself and then parents, CADMUsand Harmonia,
in present-day Tunisia, where she and his fellow refugeeswith great leapt inro the flames of. a pyre left Thebesand went into exile
purchased enough land to found understanding Aeneasand Dido (Seealso FOUNDERS) (Seealso LovERsoF zEUs)


E {'ffi

T H E D t o s C U R I , t h em y s r e r L -THE DIOSCURI (aboLe), truns Castor I
ous twin sons of LHI)A,queen of ant) Pollw, retumed to ccrrtir to help thc \r, ,

Sparta,were known to the Greek Romon ranhs dgoiist tn I anns Ln tht

as Castor and Polydeuces,and ro JohldBatle ol h/re RegrilusAdom(durth

the Romans as Castor and Pollux gltuming urmLtur, and rnountetl on snow
They were brothers oI HrLrruand wirrtt sfeels, thty- [ed thL Rom.]ns l() vi.tory ltt'
CTYTIMNESTM Around all rhese ( l t r \ r R { I t r ) \L t i r \ r L \ \ s r j r \ \ r r \ r R a \ i l 1 8 , ! /l

rhilrlro- pY,-pnr al\/tp - . / . - ' m n e srfa . \r.

t h e r c h r r n p a d e f i n i r r -s e n s c o f Ihc Drorr un wcrc revcrcd by

diunc parentage,and it may well the Spartansand rhe Romansrn

be chat they were ancrentdeiries particular Roman .soldiers.swore
whose worship had dechned so rhrt thc nrrscn, r' of I ;strrr and

that their exploits could be told as Pollux on a battlefieldsecuredlor

the mythological actionsof mortal them r.rctonesagarnstall the odds
rulers Castor and Polydeuces("the
heavenly twins whom the corn- EUCfne was rhe daughter of
bearingearth holds") wereregard- A C A M F M N T TkNi n. g o f M y t c n a e .
ed as bcing both dead and alive ln and cttrnv,lESTM, and rhe sister
one story, Polydeuceswas the o l t n e m a ln c l o e ( r R L 1 \ L\ ner
r m m o r r a sl o n o f z t u s w h i l eC a s t o rname (whrchonce may havemeant
was rhe mortal son of Kng " f i r c ' o r " s n a r k ' ) r e { e r st n a m h e r
Tlrrdareos At Polydeuccs'request When Agamemnon rerumed from ELECTRA (ubove),heroicdaughttroJ EOS (bdow), Greth goddess
oJ thedawn,
the twins shared the dl,rniry the Trojan War and was murdered Agamemnonand Clyttmnestra,rneetsher n\f\ rLrrflea.h J,rr to announ\cthecomrng
b c t w e e nt h c n r ,l i v i n g h a l fr h c y c a r
by his wrfe and her loverAegisrhus, tibd brothtr Ortstt's outside ol tht sun Shewas the daughteroJ
beneath the earth with the dead, Electrarescuedher young brother Agamtmnon'stomb It was Electruwho Hypenonund Thcia ttnd sisterto the sun
and rhe other half on Mount Orestes and ensured thar he rescuedher brotherfrom theflii lntentrons god Helros In worhsoJart, shes oJten
Olirmpus wrth the gods They are cstapedAcgrsthuscvrlintcntions o/Aegrsthuslry helpinghim escupt Having deprctedhoveing tn the slry,her roEJbm
shown together rn the constellation Years later, Orcstes retumed to thoughtthat shewouk) neverseehtm ,tJomeJ m a goldtn m.tnllc Shcs
of Gemini Mycenaeas a grown man Electra ugain, sht r seenhtre rqoicing in his accompanedhert by her starry daughters
In their youth the Droscun("rhe m r t h i m a t t h c t r r m br r ft h c i r m u r - ri'[um l()Rr .r r \\r) LL | ( | R\ vlRil r ( 1D ]00 I ( J rr l \ T M r i r ) \ F R o M 5 r ( ) R l t s I R o M l l ( ) M t R , 1 8 8 5 )

sons of Zeus") were ARGONAT/TSdered father and gave hrm advrce

D u n n g r h e e x p e d r t i o nr o r e t n c v e and encouragementIn at leastone
the Golden Fleece, Polydeuces versionof thc myth Electrais por-
hlled with his bare handsAmycus, trayed as berng so consumed by
king of the savageBebryces,who hatred ior Clytemnestrathat she
were a people hung in AsraMinor participatesin the act of revenge
O n a n o t h c r o c c a s i o nt h e t w i n s herself.Lttcr she was overwhelmed
were ranged against the Athenian by remorse, while her distraught
n e r o r H L 5 t u 5 .w n o c a m c oo l l t n c brother fled before rhe FURIES, the
twelve-year-oldHelen pnor to her dertieswho wreakedvengeanceon
mamage to King MENEI,AUS They murderers
brought their sister safelyhome to
Sparta,and even set up a rival to ENOYUTON was rhe king o[ a
Theseuson the throne o[Athens small ciry-statein the Peloponnese,

ClessrcAr MvrHoLocY

ENDYMION(abne)waslmedby Selne EUROPA (nght) wasa Phoenician relationshipto Ares,for he was rhe
whovisitedhimin hisetenal sleepHere, pnncessbome away by Zeus, who assumed patron divrnity of the SacredBand
partat dawnIn theslg,the theJom oJa great white bull He swam to of Thebes,which was a group of
goddessspinhlesdot beJore
thesun- the island.oJCretewith Europandingon one hundred and fifty pairs of
chaiot,whileoneanhNyxdraws a curtain his bach Sheoentually mamed Asteius, lovers who were all killed by the
oJdarhnessabouther (SLLENE
ANo ENoyMroN the rulerol Crete (luusrur()NFRoMDRsMtrH's Macedonianarmy at the battle of
c 1591-1665
) ClaslGl DlcroNARY, 1895) Chaeronia in 338 nc After the
battle l(ng Philip of Macedon
in all likelihood Elis According ro Theia Shewasseenasa charioteer locked him in a granted them a specialbunal
Greek mythology, he became the riding across the sl<yjusr before becamethe cicada(an insectnoted
lover of the moon goddessSelene sunrise,pulied by her horsesShiner for im complaining sound) EUnOPe, in Greek mythology,
(frequentlyidendlied wrth Diana), and Bright Her brother, the sun was the daughter ofTelephassaand
who bore him fifty daughters god riruos, had a four-horsechar- EruXYES SCEFURIE5 of King Agenor of Tyre, a city in
Becauseshe could not endure the iot to indicate his greaterstatus. Phoenicia. Agenor's five sons,
thought that Endymion would The Romanscalled her Aurora EROS, according to some Greek including CADMUS, were sent out
eventually die, Selene put her Eos had a repuation for passion rraditions, was rhe son of Erebos to look for their sister after ZEUS,
youthful lover into an everlasting, and fell in love with a largenumber and the Night, while in others he disguisedas a white bull, swam to
deep sleep However, in another of young men, including the was the son of ARES,god of war As the island of Cretewrth Europaon
version of the myth, it is said that particularly handsome Tithonus, the youngest of the gods and the his back There she bore the god
zEUs grarrredEnd)rynion his wish son of Laomedon, king of Troy companion of apHRoottr, he rhree sons. MINOS.RFTADAMANTHYS
that he might be allowed to sleep When Eos asked zrus ro make appearedto enjoy mahng asmuch and saRprporu,beforemanying rhe
loreverin a cavewrthout ageing Tithonus immorral, she forgot mischief as he could by firing his local ruler Astenus By way of com-
about etemal youth and ended arrows of passion into the hearts of pensatlon for Europa's vrrginity,
EOS *rs rhe Greek, wrnged god- with a lover made helpless mth gods and humans alike His con- Zeus gaveAstenus a mighry bronze
dess of the dawn and the third age Thereupon, accordingto dif- nection with homosexuallove may man, Taios, to defend his realm
child of the TITANSHyperion and ferent versions of the myth, she have derived from his supposed (Seealso LovERsoF zEUS)



Ar people beheved that the future couid be

revealed, they frequently consulted oraclesof
every kind for personal and politlcal purposes.
The most famous was the Delphic Oracle
where Apollo, rhc sccr-god,spoke through a
p n e s t e s s . T h e f u [ u r e w a s a l s o r e v e a l e db y
oracular signs, such as the fall of dice, lots, or
bumt offerings. Dreams afforded another type of
oracle, usually inspired by the gods, sometimes
to mrslead. Prophecieswere also sought from
s e e r s ,b o t h l i v i n g a n d d e a d . A l t h o u g h t h e
Romans consulted lorc (or sorres) for personal
problems, they rarely, if ever, prophesied for
politicai purposes.

D R [ . . 1 , \ ' 1 5 i h i ' k n r ] . l r r l J 5 ( , D r r l l r t \ r , r , , r 1t l r , / r r l r i l t u r r J x r r r o f t d r r i r s T r r r i l i ' r t h , g , l l t ,

r i ' r r , r l ]t r, r ( r r l r l i J l d r a l l n r r ' 1 l , , r t i(ll l, i r \ i r t \ \ I l r t ItrrLLl.ij5\i\it'.i llir,r,jr,rrr /'r

\ t l r , r t , t t r t l / t , / , r i r l t , . 1 l t , t r t r t , r 1 / . J t i i t/ tl lt t, ,t t ' t , , t t . , , r . , r i L , l P . r r . h l , . t r l i t , ' r i r , r t r i , l '

, i r r , /i r r t r / r , t L .tl h . t t i r l : , , r r , l r ' I r l , t r i r r i s t / r , , r r ! /lrr t n n a i l i i n g l n r r t r l , lr , , n , i i r ,I r r

/ ( l l r , r l l l { ) i r l r\ d / a l } i , , r r , r \ . r r , \ : , i . i I I , j . , ir i l s i ft:

C-I.S.S.,1NDR'1ulrrr ) /rrrrrstcluLLghter
oJl\tant urtJ lirr tilu wtr' a gr/teJ
h r r tl n i L r L\ r L r , t r h r )h r / i . i r r ( ) r n t o
d b et g r o r - c d- S h n
c u s t ' r r J o n t rni r r h
pnph,rl h'.1poi1,rItr f\rhdn.Kfdr thepronttseo/ ho Llr \\''hrnshtrbroke
hdr rrrrrl, ht lrrinrsht
J ho hy lccrrcingthat hat prophilk \, h{rw(\r'r trar,
worll uln'uys,h rqnrrrrJ Ihs powefulpornayulry'(r:rar,/ru rtrrals lhc
:ohtai1,ull :r'rrirr irtrL/,y' thc sorrowfulsecr,rvhoucruralc/yprrrlitlcd the

/ai I o/ Itrl' i( \!\\\r,il\ n \Ju K r i r ( , r ! , r J 4 R B r r ,l 3 8 a ) g j l


i,'. ,i;t r 1 r r , r L , , , , i rt 'n! i, i t , ! r \ l L r r , i
, ,,t+nl.l

5l(i\5 tx ()Ifl:N\ r,,i,,rr i , r , r ' , i , 1l i i , i r , l i t ' t'r / I,rr r i! Lji rrL/!\ \ L j r ) i ri i r l \

i,,i' ,',jr,, r l r i L t l t r L , r l r \ L , r ) i r i r , t , \ t , r r l r i , , l / r r l , t ! l \1 1 , r , 1 r 1 7 r , l L , i . i i t i r .iil,rr ir

\ L , r r r L\ L i Lr , L 1i , r ( , r r i r i \ i j l L ' , , i r i l , l , , 1, ; r 6 i l r r l , , , ' , i 1 1 r i j r , . j , i ' 1 1, , 1, 1 ' r 1 i , i ') l, I

ClassrcAr- MyrHoLoGy

THE FAIES, or the Mdfie, rr,tr tilJolsd

dtblfth aod6ide d nrani dattrny O/ten
dqictod as spinnm, Clotho, at the dght,
with a spindlespinsout the thftdd o/lf,
u,frile lzchais, at the $, nasum the
lengh of a lp, and Atropos, with the
shean, cub it of G cornrN THRFDrvJ M
SnuDMcKorloNc{N s,c 1890)

Gnn, in Greek myrhology, was

the earth,who came out of Chaos
and gavebirth to Ouranos the sky
god, who was her son and hus-
band. So passionate was their
reladonship and so overwhelming
Ouranos' embrace that their off-
Tnr FefES, from rhe Roman, spring could not emerge lrom her
Fatae,were three goddesseslmown womb. One of these buried chil-
to the Greeks as the Moerae Their dren, CRONOS, the youngestson,
origins are uncertain, although decided to overthrow Ouranos.
some called them daughrers of Gaia conceived a great sickle which
night. It is clear, however,rhar at a Cronos used to cut off his father's
certain period they ceased to be penis within the eanh womb The
concemed with death and became god was emasculatedand the sky
instead those powers which decid- separated from the earth From
ed whar must happen ro individu- Ouranos' blood, Gaia conceived
als. The Greeks knew them as the FURIES,the avenging goddesses
Clotho ("the spinner"), Lachesis who pursued murderers.
("the apportioner") and Atropos Ouranos then faded from the
("the ineviuble") A late idea was mythological scene and Cronos
that the Fatesspun a lengrh ofyam FAUNUS, a spiil oJthe plainsandJields, A FURY,goddess oJpunishmnt,wbldsa ruled the universe, uhng his sister
which represenred rhe allorred Jrolics alongwith aJriendly goat Faunus' torch,scourge - thetookoJho
dnd.spears RHEAas a wife. The Greeks regard-
span for each mortal children,hnown as Fauni, hall-mn, halJ- vengeo,nceTheFuiespursuedwrthout ed this as the golden age of the
Alrhough zEUs was the chief goats,weredelightlulbut capicious merqin l{e andin deathall wrong-dom TITANS.Cronos, however, tumed
Greek god, he was still subjecr to crmtures,who sometimesplaguedmen's Sometimes thq werewinged, Embolizng out to be as tyrannical to his own
the decisions of the Fares, and sleepwith nightmares (tLLr/srMr()N
DR the*t{tnessoJtheirvengeance (tlruirunoN family as Ouranos had been before
thus the executor of destinyrather SMilH
s CrAssrql
1895) FRoMDRSMrrH's
C6slGLDrcrroNARy, 1895) him. He had been wamed by an
than its source Hence the great oracle that he would be displaced
importance to both gods and being seen as a descendant of the were ponrayed as uglywomen$lth by one of his sons, so he swallowed
humans of oracles which indicared war god MAR5 His mortal son, snakes enrwined in their hair, and his children as soon as they were
the ineutable drift of events ln Latinus, was the king of the Latin were pitiless to those mormls who bom Rhea, on Gaia's advice, gave
mythology, however, the Fates people ar rhe time of erNnqs' had wrongly shed blood They him a stone wrapped in swaddling
played little direct parr (Seealso arrival in Italy after the long voyage relenrlesslypursued oREsrEs,who insteadof the infant ZEUS,who was
OMCLESANDPROPHECIES) from Troy. avengedhis father AGAMEMNON's secretly taken to Crete in order to
murder by killing CLYTEMNESTM, grow up there in safery When Zeus
FnUnUS was rhe Roman god of FLORA SCCFORCESOF NATURE his mother The Furies were only was grown, he compelled his father
the countryside and identified with persuaded to abandon their perse- to disgorge his brothers and sisters,
the Greek PAN.god of the moun- Tnn FUruES, from rhe Roman cution of Orestes after his acquitul including his future wife HEM, the
uinside Faunus was said to be rhe name, Furiae, were the avenging by the Areopagus, an ancient seagod PosEtDoN,the god of rhe
grandson ofsarunN and was cred- goddeqsesof Greek mythology and Athenian council presided over by underworld FIADESand DEMETER.
ited with prophetic powers,which were known as the Ennyes ("the the goddess ATHENA.The verdict the goddessof vegendon.
on occasion inspired the Romans angry ones") Theywere bom from calmed the anger of the Furies, Gaia may have savedZeus hom
to renew effons on the battlelield in the blood of Ouranos that fell into whose name was then changed to a fate similar to that of Ouranos
the face o[ defeat Perhapsrhis is rhe womb of cete,when CRoNos, the less-threatening Eumenides, and Cronos when she wamed him
the reason for Faunus sometimes his son, castratedhim. The Furies ("the soothed ones") that a child of his bom by Metis



GAIA i h r 5 r - c r rr i l l l r l r , f / l a i l . ' l i 5 h r ' \

t J r r , , L r tt//rr ci i l t t f L r l , r r r t hr t r t h h c r g r f t i , r /

I n t l . i o u n t l a b u n d . l r r (r N t ) t o n ! x t t s s h t
, 1 ' , , , ' , r 1 6 s y1 , fa l l u n J l h r r o u n s / t c r o /

, l r r L i r , ' r r b r r t s / t r 't r u ' r i r r , d g ( r l d f s \ i ,

J r r t h x h o , / t h cr h r t r l t h r d l l sh a r . r . ( / l t i i i \

bu,ltl0 h0 i l r r l \ i r \ i i L , \r i r\ r , r 6 [ \ l i j ' ) ' r ar

( " r h o u g h t " ) w o u l d r ep l a c e h i m i r s
rht' sr-rpremc gocl So Zeus st:tL-
Lru.'ccl \'1etis iln(l latcr tl-ie godclcs:
A /l l/ NA sprang frorn hrs heacl
srorv r)l fhe separatl()lt
l r r ' l \ \ tL ' l tt l < r , r n r l( . l r l l l l i J l l 1 l l ,l ( l l l

onc lt rs ior:nd rn e valieq'ol ftrrnls

Ln \\'cst Asian rnythologl' I hc
I lumans, who lncd ()n the borclcrs
ol nrodem-furkcy nncl lraq, hlcl in
rherr rnt,rhs thc ntost I Lolcnt
\ crsron of the sk1's ctnascltlaIltltt
Kurnarbr, the equivalent of Cronos,
brt off and swallowccl hrs fathtr's
pe ttis As a rcsult of hts unr.rsr-ral
a t t r o n . h o * ' e v e r , K r - r m a r b ib c c l r m c
prcgnant wirh tcmble deitres. olre
ol whom at Lastove rthrerv hln'r

GnNYIr,teoe n r L J r c ek m l l h
1 , l 1 r g 1r r , a <t h c ' , ' r r
f ro-. thl krnA
of Phrygia, and brother of llus He
was such a beautr{ul young man
t h a r Z F i . r . sa b d u c t e d h i m a n d t c - r o k
hrm to Mounr Olympus ILrbc hls
cupbearer lt was believed thar
Ganymede also bccame Zcus'
lover, and gained hls immonality zt-s
thc consrellation Aquanus. thc

GANYMEDE, a handsomeboy,excitttl
rhc passionof Zrus whtr,n the grustol ttn
uglt, borehim uwnyto Mount OrymPui
(IHr R A f t o F G A N Y M Tr ) r B l P F r F R P A r l R l 8 t N \

(ANVA5 1577 )640)


HADES (abwe) , lord oJ theundewvorld, HECTOR Aelow), the Trojan champion,

with his wiJe,Persephone,receivesthe souk snatchesa fioment oJpeocewith his loving
oJthe dead, who are gadedby Hermes wtJeand. small son He wasportrayed as
Hades appedrs with typically darh lools both a raglng warior and a gentlefamily
and unntly hair wer which he often worea man who had taughthimself to be valiant
m a g l ch e l m e tr l r l u s r M r / rop^o M
D Fs M l l H ' out oJdury rather than any natural

THE GIANTS (above)weregigantic

creatures with snahe-Iihetails After thq
were defeatedby the gods,thq werebuied
beneathvolcanoesHerewe seethe hound
oJ Artemts hilling a glant at the battle of the
Giants and thegods (zEL,s
c 1808C)

THe GnNrS, from rhe Roman

name, Giganres, in Greek myrh-
ology, had human shape, excepr
for the snake-like tails thar were
attached to their legs They were
bom at the same time as rhe
FURIES,from rhe blood thar [e]l THE GORGON MEDUSA (abwe) was
into GAIA'Swomb ftom Ouranos' onte a beauttful woman whoseloclu were
severed penis. When the Gianrs tumed to withing snahesby a vengeJul
attacked Olympus, rhe gods stood goddessThe imageoJhu fnghtfulJace was
their ground, but knew rhar they cawed,lihe an etl qe, on wamors' shtelds,
would not be able to defeatrhem, city walls, charmsand amulets (tuusrMroN
because the Gians could nor be FRoil DR SM|TH s CNSIGL DtcTtoNARy. 1895 )
killed by divine hands zEUs rhere-
fore fathered rhe great hero HEM- Tnr GonGoNs werechree
CLES through a morral woman sistersnamed Srheno("strengrh"),
Dunng the geat batrle berween rhe Medusa ("queen") and Euryale
gods and rhe Giants, Heracles ("wide-leaping"), and were rhe
played a decisive pan, finishing off children of Phorcys, son o[ GAIA. THg GneCES. from rhe Roman Euphrosyne and Thalia. They
each opponent wirh poisoned The only mortal of rhe three was name, Gradae,were the daughters were attendants to APHRoDITE and
arrows. It is important to realize Medusa, the victim of rhe Greek of zEUs and Eurynome, and were YENUS, the love goddesses of
that the Giants are quire differenr hero PERSEUS Like her immorul minor goddesses to both the Greece and Rome respectir/ely.A
from the TITANS,who were rhe old- sisrers,she had snakesfor hair and Greela and rhe Romans According favourite subject for artiss, the
est generadonof rhe gods and were one look at her lace could tum any to the most widely accepted Graces were thought to represent
led by CROwOS, Zeus' farher. living man or rhing ro srone myth, their names were Aglaia, beauty, gentlenessand friendship.


Although usually a faithful hus-

band, Hades at one time became
enamouredof the nymph Minthe.
When Persephonediscovered this,
however, she became so jealous
that she tumed the nymph into the
sweet-smellingherb, mint



HfCefe was believed by some

to be descendedfrom the tltexs.
A Greek goddess with two quite
separateaspects,in the day she was
supposed to have a benign influ-
ence on farming, but during the
hours of darknessshe was interest-
ed in witchcrafr, ghosrsand tombs
ln many ways similar to the veg-
eution goddessDEMETER, Hecate
uncomfortably combined ferriliry
with death as a power of the eanh.
The wrrch MEDEA,JAsoN'srejected
Colchian princess, used to invoke
Hecate in her magic arts. Hecareis
usually portrayed with three faces.
The Athenians were parricularly
respectful towards her, and once a
month they placed offerinp of food
at crossroads,where her influence
was said to be feh.

HnCfOR was rhe eldesr son of

THE 6RACES, or Chaities, graced the Polydegmon ("receiver of many eyes when making a sacrifice. In pRmv, rhe king of Troy during rhe
wodd with beauty, bloom and billiance, guests") on accounr of rhe muld- order to avoid any reference to the Greek siege. The bravest of rhe
IiJting the spints oJ godsand men. In the tudes who had died and come ro nature of the underworld it was Trojan wamors, he was unbearen
earliest worlu of art, the Gracesappear in his kingdom. The ghosts of rhe usual to call Hades by the drle of on the battlefield. He mistakenly
lwing chitons, veiling their beauty, but dead were escortedby HERirarS,the Pluto ("the giver of weahh") killed Patroclus, the squire and
bter on thq woe dqicteil a:snudes $xr messengergod, to the boarman Hades'chief myth concems the lover ofAcHlttES, rhe Greek hero.
THEEGucEsBYRAPMET-W@D, c I50l) Charon who ferried acrossrhe Sryx, abducdon ofPersephone, who was Achilles had quarrelled with
a subtenanean river, only those the daughter of Demeter and his AGAMEMNoNand refused ro fighr,
HeoeS (whose name means "the ghosts who could pay the fare brorher Zeus. Persephone was but Parroclusborrowed his divine
unseen") was rhe Greek god of rhe CERBERUS, the rhree-headeddog, abruptly taken underground by armour in order to nlly the Greek,
underworld, the realm of the dead. guarded the ennance to the under- Hades when she beheld a special only to be slain by Hector. Roused
He was the son of cnoruosand world and prevented anyone from narcissus planted by the earrh from his lethargy, Achilles sought
RHEA,and rhe brorher of.zrus, reuming to the world of rhe living. mother GAIAro please the god of out Hector and compelled him to
POSEIDON,HERA, DEMETERand tu in Egrydan mythology, the death. The conflicr berween Hades fight to the death. Such was
Hestia. He forcibly married Greek associated the undenvorld and Demeter over Persephone's Achilles' anger rhat for rwelve days
PERSEPHONE, Demeter's daughter. wirh the west, the place where the fatewas decided by Zeus,who gave he dragged Hector's corpse round
At the division of the universe after sun sets. Neither the Greeks nor the husband and the mother equal Parroclus' tomb. In rhe end zEUs
the ovenhrow of their father, Zeus the Romans, however, ever thoughr shareso[ her time As a dyrng-and- himself intervened, by sending
took the sky, Poseidon the sea,and of Hades as an evil force like Satan rising goddess, Persephone sank Achilles' mother THETISto stop this
Hades the underworld; the earth in Chrisdaniry. He was cenainly a and rose annually from the under- humiliadon. So in exchange for a
was to be shared among them. grim and implacable deiry, and world, in tune with rhe narural great treasure,Hector's body was
Another name for Hades was worshippers always averted rheir rycle of sowing and hawesting. retumed and properly buried.


Horse. Throughout this long war many other children, among them
the sympathies of Helen were Augeas, CIRCEand PASIPHAEA
mainlywith the Greeks, although gigantic statue of the sun god was
she was reated as the proper wife, erectedat the harbour of Rhodes,
and not merely the mistress, of an island sacred ro him. This so-
Pans. After the fall of Troy, Helen called Colossus was one of the
and Menelauswere reconciled and seven wonders of the ancient
they lived undisturbed at Spana. world, but was toppled by an earth-
quake around 226 Bc.
HEUOS was rhe Greek sun god
and son of the ntqN Hyperion. To HfPHetSfOS was the son of
the Romans he was known as Sol. zEUs and HERlt,andwas the Greek
It was rhought that Helios, after smith god. His Roman equivalent
crossing the slcy,sailed during the was vULcAN, whose smithy lay
night around the earth in a golden beneath the crater of Mount Aetna
bowl on the encircling waters of in Sicily. Hephaistoswas lame as a
oc&{Nos, and so arrived back in result of having interfered in a
the eastjust before dawn. Both rhe quanel between his parents. So
Greeks and the Romans held that angry did Zeus become that he
the inhabited world was a large flung his son from the top of
Mount olympus and let him fall
heavily on the volcanic island of
Lrmnos, in the nonhem part of the
Aegean Sea. ln another version,
Hera ried to drown her imperfect
child, only to be thwaned by sea
nymphs who took him to a beach.
A sequel to this rale has the smith
god gain his revenge as a fully
grown man by making a golden
rhrone for his mother which was
actually a trap. None of the gods
could releaseHera, so Hephaistos
HnffN wasthe daughterof ttrDt HEI-EN (abovd pcces thewqlLsoJTroy HEUOS, god oJ the svn, appearsin worhs was invited to retum permanendy
and zrus, the wrfeof rhe Spartan The nostbeeuttJulwoman of the arcimt oJart as a strongardbeautfulyouth wrth to Mount Olympus. There, under
hng urrurf,{us,and the causeo[ woid,, shewas ako, accordingto Homei, a gluming cyes,and,a crwn oJ laming rays the influence of dnnk, he was per-
the Tro;anWar Her immortaliryas thoughtful heroine, gpen to seft mochery suaded by his friend DIoNYsus to
Just 4s th€ sun's rcys ynetrate everylhere,
thedaughterofthesupremeGreek anl6ygT 4wre oJ themiserycausedbyha so Helios saw everything atdwu iwohd unlock the cunning device and let
deitysuggesFthatHelenwasonce bgaul (Hrreuor rHEW[s oFTRoY
BYLop 4s 4 witness oJo4tlu {t*rsrut oNFrcMDR his mother escape
a goddessand that her incorpor- lEcHril. cav J, c 1880..) SMIrH'sCrAsl(}LDrcloNeY,1895) Hephaistos seems to have come
ation into myth as an unfaithful onginally from Asia Minor, where
queen only occurred when her desirable bnde in Greece. At first island sunounded by an ocean iron rnines date from a very early
q796|ripwaslargelyforg,otten. Menelaus and Helen were very Although Oceanos was sometimes period His cultwas strong in Cana
Zeusmatedwrth Leda,wife of happy, but then PARts,one of the descnbed as a nver, it stretched and Lycia, along its south-westem
theSpartanhng Tyndareos, in the many sons of King rrueu ofTroy, into the unimaginable distance and shore. His rnarriage to the love god-
guiseof a swan.Ledalaid an egg, visited Spana and, with the help of far lrom anyshore dess APHRODIIEmay have some-
and when Helenhatchedfrom it the love goddessAPHf,oDlrr, gaixed One myth of Helios concems thing to do wrth this eastem con-
shebroughtherup asa memberof Helen's a[ec[on. They even eloped rhe death o[ his son PMETHoN nection, as she also came to Greece
the royalfamily.Helen'sbrothers with a part o[ Menelaus' treasury. Once thu impetuousyouth med to from West Asia. Their reladonship
were Castotand Polydeuces, the When the Trolars refrrsed to retum steer his father's radiant chariot, was almost as tumultuous as that
m)|stenous DIOSCURI,arrdhersister Helen and lhe stolen lreasure, but he quickly lost conuol. Only of Zeus and Hera. Once Hephastos
wasKingAcAMaalvoN'sunfaithfuI Agamemnon assembled a great rhe dmely acrion of zEus steadied fashioned a trap to catch his
wlfe CLYTEMNESTM. army to help his brother Menelaus its runaway horses and prevented unfaithful wife in bed with the war
At the time of her mamage to For ten years the city o[ Troy was the earth from catching fire. god nnrs. The Olympian gods
Menelaus, the younger brother o[ besieged and then only captured Phaethon fell from the vehicle and merely laughed at Hephaistos'sit-
Agamemnon, Helen was the most through the tnck of the Wooden was drowned. However, Helios had uation; the seagod PoSEIDoNonly


HEPIIAISTOS,godoJJ'tre,Jashions HnRn means "lady" and was in his cradle However, later in
exquistte worles
in hlsJieryJorgeundoubtedly the title of a powerful his life, Hera succeededin dnvinq
Lame,heleansononeleg Byhim stands mother goddess whom the Greek Heracles temporanly mad
ApoIIo, Aphrodite,
inhented from the earlier inhabi- There are a number of myths
Ares,andHephaistos resoltesto trap
tants of Argos, which was a major about Zeus' courtship of Hera ln
theguiltypalr (THE
city in the Peloponnese It was one of them he disguisedhimseif as
VEAseuEz,aNvs,16J0) claimed rhat she was the daughter a cuckoo and took shelter inside
ofcRolos and RHEA;however, her her clothes during a hear,ydown-
promised some remedy if he agreed addition to the Greek pantheon pour Once out of the rain, Zeus
to releaseAphrodrte and Ares was not an easy or straightforward resumed his normal shape and
A myth about ATHENA'sbinh matter, as the ceaselessconflicts promised to marD/ Hera Later she
recounts how Hephaistos split benveenher and her husband zrus bore him the war god eRrs, rhe
open Zeus' head wrth an axe in readily bear wrtness Often her fis goddess of birth Eileithyra, and
order to release the fuily grown of jealousy and quarrelsomeness Hebe, the cupbearer of the gods
goddess Apparently, Zeus had led to disaster for gods, heroesand Another child was the smith god
swallowedAthena's mother, Metis, men, when she relentlesslyper- HtPflAlSlu5,wno ls salo rn some
once he realized she was pregnant secutedZeus' mistressesand their HEM, queenoJheaven,di'rectsHelios mlths to have been the son of Zeus
wlth a powerful deiry Later, children For example, againsrthe acrossthe slry She is crownedwitha and Hera, but in others the off-
Hepharstosfell in love wrth Athena, baby HEMCLES,whom Zeus had dadem and vetl,symbolilngher statusas spring of Hera aione Herawas wor-
but was rejected by her and his fathered in order to help rn the Zeus' bicle Her sceptreB trpryd with d shipped wrth particular reverence
semen fell to earth where it gave coming battle against the GIANTS, cuchoo,sacred to her as the messengeroJ in Crete and at Samos, where a
birth ro the serpent Erichthonius she senr two serpenrs ro kill him, sping, the seasonin which shemaried great temple was said to have been
(Seealso FORCES OFNATURE) but the infant hero strangledthem Zgus (lrri'srurnrlrR()I1
r R()vLrw,1885
) built for her by the ARGONAUTS

ClnssrcAL MYTHoLocY

him to caprure the Erymanthian

boar, which plagued the country-
side of Arcadia. He rrapped it with
a neq and during the hunt Heracles
encounrered a band of crxteuns.
beast-like men who lived in wood-
lands. One of them, Nessus,was
Iater to cause the hero's death.
The fifth labourwas the cleans-
ing ofAugeas'stables. The son of
the sun god, Augeashad vast herds
of animals, which he pastured in
the hngdom of EIis in the westem
Peloponnese. I(ng Eurystheus told
Heracles to remove the immense
piles of dung from the stables, a
feat he achieved by divening rhe
course of a nearby river. The lasr
Iabour that the hero performed in
HEMCLES wra tleswith Anaats,a glant the Peloponnese was the removal
whodrawshisstrmglhJromtheeanh To of the Stymphalian birds. Although
wmhenthegiant'smight,HoaclcsliJshim they had steel-dpped feathen with
highaba,etheurth, and ctusheshimin which they killed borh men and
mid-air Thisbronzec:'prnsestheclassical animals, these birds were fright-
idealoJhcrot shillandmight.crErcumND ened away by the noise of a rattle,
ANTEUS ByPrHAmco, BRoNzE,,,601528
) which the goddess ATHENAhad
specially made for Heracles.
Heracles had to fight it with his On the island of Crete the hero
bare hands and a wooden club. tracked down the bull that utlos
After overcoming the lion, he cured had failed to sacrifice to the seagod
the skin and wore it as a trophy. PosEIDoN. The bull had mated
His next opponent, the Hydra, was with Minos'wife, PASIPFIAE, who
a nine-headed serpent sacred to then gave birth to the MNOTAUR,
Hera. It Iived in a swamp at [€ma, the bull-headed man slain by the
HgnnCt rS, the son otzeus and HERACI.ES slays the llydra,whlle a crab, not far from Argos. The problem Athenian hero THESEUSHeracles
ALCMENE,was the geatest of all the sent by the vengeful goddessHtra, nips at that the hero encountered when captured Poseidon'sbull alive and
Greek heroes. To the Romans he his heek AJter buning away the lTydra's fighting with the Hydra was that for brought it back to Tryns, where he
was known as Hercules, and they eight morul huds, Heraclesburied iu every head he cur off with his let it go free at the end of this
added various encounters in ltaly ninth immoftal head undr a huge roch in sword two new ones grew in its seventh labour. The eighth labour
to his already large cycle of adven- the swamp. (HERCULE
ND frE Hmn^ A F place. But with assistancefrom his was more gruesome. It took
tures. The name Heracles means vAs,c 1920)
GoRauET,c nephew lolaus he was able to Heracles to Thrace in pursuit of the
"Hera's glory" - a circumstance triumph, for Iolaus bumed the man-eating mares of Diomedes,
that firmly ties the hero to Argos, strongholds close to Argos, but srumps of the necks as soon as which he subdued after feeding
the site of the goddess HEM's Hera frustrated this plan so well Heraclesseveredeach head. When them on their master's flesh
temple lt remains a mystery that that the hero became the slave of he retumed ro Eurystheus,the king The last four labours were quite
Heracles should have been perse- Eurystheus, king of Tiryns. She refused to count the exploit as a different in nature. First of all
cuted so much by Hera, even going struck Heracleswith a fir of mad- labour, because Heracles had Eurystheus had,Heraclesfetch the
mad at one point during his life. ness, in the course of which he received help from his nephew. girdle of Hippolyta, queen of the
BecauseZeus needed a mortal hlled his wife and their three sons The next labour was not quire frerce AM,4ZONSThen he captured
champion in the forthcoming with arrows. To atone for this so bloody. Heracleshad to capture the catde of Geryon, a westem king
battle berween the gods and the terrible deed he had to become the Ceryneian hind, which was a who had three heads,three bodies
GIANTS,he fathered Heracles at Eufrstheus' dependent and under- beasrsacredro ARTEMIS, goddessof and six hands. After this labour
the court of Thebes. The chosen took his famous rwelve labours. rhe wild. According to different Heracles brought back the golden
mother was Alcmene, the Theban These labours began with the accounts, he retumed to Tir)ryrs apples of the HESPERIDES, female
queen. Zeus intended Heraclesto killing of the Nemean lion, which with either its golden antlers or the guardians of the fruit that the eanh
be ruler of Mycenae or Tiryns, could not be harmed by arrows. hind iself. Another labour reouired goddess GAIAgaveto Hera on her

CrnssrcAr MyrHoLoGY

when he bathed in some waiers with the Roman equivalent of

and she mergedwith him physr- H e r m e s , M E R C U R Y O d i n w a s t h e
caLly The result was a femaleboy, c h a m p r o n o [ w a r r i o r s a n d t h e
hencethe term hermaphrodite But father of the slarn
Hermaphroditoswas not emascu- Hermes is usually depicted as a
lated like Attis, the lover of rhe y o u n g m a n w i t h a w i d e - b n m m e d
PhrygianmorhergoddcssCybele, hat and wrnged sandals, carrynng a
lor this West Asiangod intention- h e r a l d ' s s t a f f c r o w n e d w r t h t w o
ally cut off his own manhood snakes In ancient Greece this staff
assured the messenger safe passage
HEnUgS was rhe Greek messen- even dunng time of war Hermes'
ger god, and the son o[zrus and greatest passion was for the love
Maia He enloyed playrng tncks goddess APtIRoDITE
and games Dunng the TrojanWar, The nvo sons that are attnbuted
rt was Hermeswho wzs alrvayssent to them were borh renowned for
to stealsomethingthat was other- their unusual sexualiry HER,vtApH,
wrseunobtarnable Beforethe sea R O P I T O Sw a s t h e f i r s r f e m a l e b o y .
n y m p h t r u rt t 5 p c r s u e d c dh c r s o n whiLe the gnome-like Pnapus was
A ( H i L L t St o s t o p m u r i l a r i n gt h c [amous for his cnormous penis
corpseof HECTOR, the gods con- Like that o[ Hermaphroditus, the
sideredrhat the simplesrsolutron cult of Priapus originated rn Asia
m i g h t b e r o l e t H c r m e s s t e a lt h e Minor, though some drstance [ar-
broken body Hermes was the god ther north at Lampascus, near the
wlo most easilycrossed the line Black Sea
betweenthe lir'rngand rhe dead,
for the Greeks believed that he HER.lvtESleadsEurydice(centre)and
guided the dead to the realm of Orphns (nght) throughthe undemorld As
H,coEs,rhe underworld This dury psychopomp,HermesconductedsoulsJrom
HERMAPHRODIT O S, the beauuJul son consulted the Delphic Oracle, helps to explain the later idenrifi- l{e on earth to d,eathin Hddes (ruusrurrcr
oJAphroditeand Hermes,inspirerlthe love whrch told him to build a funeral cation of the Germanicgod Odin FRoM D crroNARy ot,CrAssrcAl ANleutTil,s l89l )

ol the watr nymph SalmacisHut, the ppe rn Thessaly When the dyrng
goldn boy bathesm a showeroJ sunlryht, hero climbed on to it, there was
unawart oJ hrsbeautful admirer on tht a great flash of lighrning and
iver banb ( s A LM A ( r s A N D H E M p H R O T T T ( ) s dr Zeus took his son to loin rhe
BARrHoloufl ( SPMN(,tR,, 4Ntes,, /58. immortals
Someof the labourso[ Heracles
wedding to Zeus The last exploit of arereflectedin rhe namesof certain
Heracleswas the mosr testing.lor constellations,such as Leo,which
it meanr a descent into the under- representsthe Nemean Lion, and
world, the realm of the dead From Cancer,the crab that was allegedly
there the hero managed,wrth some sent by Hera to help the Hydra
help from PERSEPHONE, queen of (SeealsoHEROES)
the underworld, ro bnng bnefly
back to Tinns rhe three-headed HEnMAPHRODITOS was rhe
hound crn-arnus As a result of this bisexualoffspnng of the messenger
labour, hard-working Heracles god urRvrs and APnRootrr, rhe
attainedimmortality for himself goddessoilove According to one
No other hero gained this honour Greek myth, rhis handsome boy
Heracles'death on earth, an excited the passion of Salmacis,
event that the Greeksexpected to who was a nymph of a founrain
precede his translarion to Mount nearto the ciry of Halicamassus in
Olympus as a god, was the work o[ Asia Minor When the young
the Cenuur Nessus,who gavethe Hermaphrodirosignored her arten-
hero's second wife a poisoned tions, Salmacisprayed to the gods
galrnent for him to wear Realzing that she might be etemally united
that his death was near, Heracles wrth him The wish was granted


HE LUREoF THEuNKNowN prompts all restiessheroes to stnke out on a new
path in search of a fabulous treasureor shining dream,
or for the sheer joy of discovery and adventure.
Three intrepid explorersstand out in
Classicalmphology: Jason, Aeneasand Odysseus.
Jason set sail with his fearlesscrew of Argonauts
in search of the Golden Fleece;while Aeneas'
seven-year voyage after the fall of Tioy led him
to the site of future Rome. Most famous and
appealing, perhaps, was th'e fabled Odyssey of
the shipwrecked wanderer, Odysseus. Tossed
from shore to shore by the angry sea god,
Poseidon, he found his way home after ten years'
wandertng through fabulous lands. The lure of the
AENF,AS'Qbove)s*en yearvoyagtalter tfu lull ofTroYwas
underworld, or a f.orayinto a monster's den, attracts lestibed rn Virgrl'seprrtale,thc AenertJ,rn port a Roman
OdysseyAlttr fleeingwth hs father dnLlsonlrttnt buming Tnty'
many heroes,too, such as Theseuswho went into the At ncasanl his contraclcs awuyIrywayLtJThrar and

Labyrinth to slay the Minotaur, and found his way I)elos to (.rttt and onwurdsto .Sirily ancJCunhttgt, be.lore
Ltlrum n ltalywherehe bttamc theuntestrulherool
out again. Aeneas and Odysseusboth joumeyed to theRomanr Hert, Atnt'us,amvtngon Deios,is hlndlywelcomrd
/ r yK i n g A n i a s( A r N r irAN\l ) tL ( ) sM, r j o r r ^ l r \ r1r ,4 9)7
the underworld in searchof prophetic counsel.
ORPHET/SQtlt) wtnt down tnlo I lddes,tht'
untltrvorltl,Lobnngbachhrswilc, F.urydue
thr shadcsttnLlewn Ptrstphoncwrlh his
bath ttt the' uas allowccito taht F,urydice
uppr:rworld as long as he did not knh bach untrl dear
of Haclts /ust as thty wtre about b stepoul mto tht
h g h t ,t ) r 1 / r e utsu n t c Jr o u n do n i yt o s c eE u r y c lrr ts l l p
bachml<ttht worlclol shades lortttr Here, Owheus
bils /arcwcii to Euryclrce,whib Htmes (IeJt),waits to
lcacJ[urrJiic buh LhroughLhcworld oJ shudts
(lilR\1t\ l:r [\T)t(r lNri()Rfr]rL5,lt1Rrrl, ( 4208( )

ARION 0rght),a l.yntalpoetund ctharaplqer.

sailcJ trr .Sirily b tuhcpdrt in tt magltul conteslwhrch
he won On hrsway homcrn a Lonnthian ship,he
wusrohbcdI thc sarlors,andlorril toleap owrboard
whert' hc was bome uway to safcryIry song-loving
tlolphtns Here, Anon playshis rlhara on tht prow oJ
thr shrp,rnvohingtht godso.lthe uo, beJore
ovtrbourd llrr'jrMrr)r rR()MTA\(lrlw(x)DT^ll\ ( 1920)


ODYSSEUS (above), ctltbruted trcl'cllcr, rvas JA5oNfclru')satlcdacrossthf5('ds()napcrrltlas\1}}'c/g('lt/tts/cttntlls:/rrp,thrAr.qrl'c]((ll]l)(li]lL'J

rcnowntd lor hLswil.s dncl silvdr l(rnguc, /or hrs a g t I h t l u t ' n t r n s c a r r hr y t h r ( i o l l t n
unntng, tralt ancl rrrrosify On hrs wuy horne /rrrnr t h eJ n r g o n ' s r 1 e , / u s o n a n J h i s A r . q o n u u t s s a r l c J a r r , 4 . . / r n u l l y u r r Ir lrrrrn' ,g/ au tsl r, r n
[ ussl t u l s p d1s! lr l ] h r s r r r ! , / r ] , r u r r r r r g
I roy, ht btttthtd ut -Srtrly, hornr ry' thc luwlcss rar c r ,rl ti(drn , L \l rt r r , r r r t : r r ' r , ir f i r r \ , ! , i \ \ r \ (
u / u r t r r ge i c t n r ' c d l r t s t d t u a ( ) / A r c s r n l h c s u c r c c i p r t rLt J' or /' ,t ,hrcr g J(,;rr
ol one-qed gants, the Cyt lopcs l3olclrrncl

i n q u i s i r r v r , O d y s s c u sw a n d c r c r Jr n l o a ( - y r l o p s J c n

w h e r t h e a n t l h r s r o m r a d c s h c r a n r t l r u p p c r /h t i r c

hostilc granl To csrrrpc. thn, hltrufuclthc trant arrcl

s L p p e c io u t , / r c l c l c nr n J c r s h c c p r ' b c / l i r s I l t r c

Oc,lysscusand hts r onrarlt s prcrt L thc vrclrl i :rnllt

4 c w i l h c r s h a r y c n c c s/ t a h r ' l r r l l r \ i i \ ( L l

f r i t \ t ' H t \ 1\ l1t ] , 4 j t \ . 1 \ t ) R\l1, i , ) Nt lt l . ( Ji,irr



ODYSSEUS (obovt), /crrt rrs/tcp, rs Lrrrl ()r lri ()iur

roat hy l'hcicacian iai/orr Ar prcJittcc/ hv lfic sctr,

Trrtsiar, Oc.ilsscur rrar hcJ irrrnrcu/onc rrn u /ortrgrr

shrp,only d/lar nrdny vacl\'ilclrc/arlrL Orrtt bath

on his islanc/ htnutlon ol ithara, irc haci arorircr

baLtk Lo lighL w r l h l h e s u r k r r sr y 'h r i w r / c hrfort

hc couk/ rzecin hrs thronc anrl sctlit Jrrrvn n'rlir

P e n t l o p t t l t r t \ r R r r r , \ r a l , \ r\ r ( ) ! r r\ | F ( , ! I l \ r l r rI l a 8j

ClnsstcAr- MyrHoLocy

Hnno AND LEANDER were Leander lost his senseof direction

one o[ the great pairs of loversin and he drowned in the cold waters
Greek mythology Hero was a When his bodywas washed ashore
pnestesso[ epnnoorceat Sesrosin at Sestos,Hero threw herselffrom
the Dardanelles, while Leander her tower and died
lived on the Asianside of the chan-
nel at Abydos They met and fell in Tne HTSPERIDES were sup-
love, but becauseoI her religious posedly rhe daughtersof Hesperus,
calling Hero was barred from mar- the evening star Their nameswere
nage. ln order to keep their affair Hespera, Aegle and Erytheis, and
secret, they arrangedthat Leander they were the guardians o[ a tree of
should swim acrossto Hero each golden applesgrvenby GAIA,moth-
night, guided by a light that she er earth, to the goddess HERAon
placedin her tower Next moming her marriage ro zELls, chief of rhe
he would swrm back at dawn One Greek gods This tree stood in the
stormy night the light blew out, Garden of the Hespendes on rhe

HERO(below) Ioohs
JorherLeander,who THE HESPERIDES (nght)guardedthe
swamto heracross theHellespont golden
apples in thegarden
guidedbya lightin hertwer Butherlight serpentreallsthemythoj thedragon ltdon
blewout in a stormandlttinderwas whoguarded theapples untilhewasslain
drowned |Jm, lxt wArcH oF HERoByLoRD by Heracles (TH[ cARl)r,Nor rHr: HrspLRlDEs

LErcH()N cANviS .1880) EDWARD


slopes of Mount Atlas in the far HOnqftUS was a Roman hero

west For one of his labours the who saved the early Republic from
hero HFMCLES tncked the Titan the Etruscans,when they tned to
ATI-{S into getting him the golden restore TARQUINIUS SUPERBUS to
apples, offenng ro hold up the the Roman throne by force of arms.
heavens in his stead The Etruscansmounted a surpnse
attack and attempted to capture
HORATIUS (below),a Romanhero,held Rome by crossing a poorly defend-
the Sublician Bndge, wtth nuo oJhis ed bridge over the Rrver Tiber
comrades,against the ELruscanamy ''ly'hile With two comrades,Horatius held
other Romanshacheddown the bidge, he the enemy back untrl the Romans
held o[f the entmy until the last moment had destroyed the wooden bndge
whenheleaptinto thestredmand swamto As the final supports were sawrr
Llw, 1885
) away, he ordered his comrades

IO ,"as the daughter of the river

god Inachus, and was one of the
mortal women who bore children
by zEUs. Although Io was a virgin
priestess of nrRe, Zeus's wife, at
her tempie in Argos, this did not
prevent Zeus from having her
expelled from Argos so rhar he
could make love to herwithout any
difficulties According to one ver-
sion, he tumed Io into a beautiful
heifer, and would have mated with
her at once had not Hera guessed
his intentions and sent a gadfly to
INO rescuesshipwuhed Odysseusby ILUS SCCFOUNDERS killed. The unbom Dionysus, how- prevent the animal from standing
thrauinghimher veil which saveshimJrom ever, was uken from her womb still. It seemsthat Zeus eventually
drowning Shewas honoured along the INO was rhe daughrerof cADMUs, and placed in Zeus'own rhigh unril made love to lo on a cloud over
Greeh shoresas a maine deity who aided the Phoenicianhng of Thebes,and it was time for his birth. Then, ar Egypt, where she was retumed to
sailors in distressand guided ships through Harmonia ln Greek myrhology, rhe suggesrionof Hpnvrs, rhe mes- her human form Surprisingly, she
storms (ODyssEUs AND THEcoDDs INo8y she brought up DIONYSUS, the son senger god, lno suckled the divine was forgiven by Hera. Because lo
AEsNDRoArcfl, F6co. 1580) of zrus and Semele,who was Ino's child and kept him safefrom Hera. had been bovine in shape on her
dead sister. Semele had been However, such a powerful goddess arrival, she became identified with
back to the Roman bank. Theyjust tricked by the goddessHERA,rhe could nor be thwarted wirhour the Egptian cow goddess Hathor.
made it, but Horatius was obhged jealous and vengeful wrfe of Zeus, great personal cost. When she
to swim back in full armour Only who advised her to resr rhe divin- discovered the deceprion, Hera IO, "thewanderer",wulwed byZeuswho
prayer saved the hero as he dodged ity of her lover by relling him to made Ino kill her own children changeilhointoahaJo in ordo toavod
the Etruscan arrows and struggled come to her in his rrue form This After she had done this Ino killed hisjealousw{e Hera Heraorderedall-
across the waters of the Tiber Zeus was also tricked into doing, herself by jumping off a cliff into seangArgusto wakh Io,butZfus,in his
His full name was Horatius and the unfonunate resultwas that the sea. In another myth, she and tum, sentHermes to lull Argusn sleepby
Cocles ("Horatius the one-eyed"). he appeared to Semeleas lightning her infant son Melicertesleaptinto theilreamynota o! hislute (Mt:rcuRy
Whether he was wounded in the and thunderbohs, and she was the sea and became marine deities gNv s, c 1635)
eye remains uncertain, though tra-
dition saysrhar an ancienrsarue of
a lame, one-eyed man was erected
near the bridge in his honour He
was also given as much land as he
could drive a plough over in a day
(Seealso HERoES)

HYPNOS ("sleep"), in Greek

mphology, was the son of Np<, the
night goddess,and the brother of
Thanaros ("Death"). Morpheus,
the god of dreams, was his son.
Hypnos lived in the underworld,
the realm of nnors, and never saw
the sun. On severaloccasionsHERA
asked Hypnos to lull her husband
zEIJs to sleep so rhar she could
attack his son HEMCLESHypnos
usually refused ro anger Zeus,
possibly because he had already
come close to having a thunder-
bolt hurled at him He was saved
by taking refuge with Nrght, whose
power Zeus alwap respected.

CressrcAL MYTHoLocY

IPHtCgNfR was rhe eldest in the city wrth only one of his
Qaughterof l(ngAGAMEMNON and sandals The hero had lost it while
Queen CLYTEMNESTRA of Mycenae carrynngwhat seemedto be an old
When Agamemnon and the Greek lady acrossa smft stream,it was in
fleet were about to sail for Troy, lact the goddess HERAin disguise
contrary winds caused by ARTEMIS Unable to harm the unwelcome
kept the ships at Aulis The god- guest becausehe had arrivedat the
dessof the forestand wild animals time of a religious festival,Pelias
had been offended, either by decidedto rid himselfof the threat
Agamemnon himself or by an he represented by sendrngJasonon
action committed by his father an impossible quest He offered to
ATREUS ln any event, Artemis name Jason as his successorpro-
demanded that Iphigenia should IPHIGENIA, theyoung daughteroJ JASON, the son o[ Aeson and uded he should bring home from
be sacnficed To bnng the sacrificial Agamemnonand Clytemnestra,wasolt'ered Phili'ra, was a Greek hero and Colchis the Golden FIeecebelong-
victim all the way from Mycenae to as o "sacnJiciallamb" to appeaseArtemts voyager,bom in Iolcus, a town in ing ro a wonderful ram which had
the port of Aulis in Boeotia,wrth- who wasangry wrth Agamemnon Here, Thessalian Magnesra However, flown there from lolcus
out his wife Clytemnestra'sbecom- while the hrghpriest Calchasraiseshis difficulties arosewhen Aeson, ruler Jason gathered together his
ing suspicious,Agamemnonpre- arms in prayer,Agamemnon(nght) bows of Iolcus, was deposedby his half- companions,who becameknown
tended that lphigenra was to be his headsorowJuliy {tur,srmrrcrrn,," brother Pelias Either because as the ARGONAUTS, and crosseda
married there to the Greek hero 5 r ( ) r i L r , sr R ( ) M H ( ) M F R 1 8 8 5 ) PhilyradisrrustedPelias'intentions seaof mawels, overcamedifficult
and champron ACHILLES After she towardsJason,or simply becauseit task, defeateda guardianserpent
discovered his true intention, Becausehe was polluted by this would berter for the boy if he were and retumed vvith the magrcfleece
Clytemnestra never forgave her unprecedentedact, the Thessalian educated elsewhere,she placed Part of his successwas due to the
husband, and years later on his king could not properly rule his him in the care of the weseCentaur aid of the Colchian princess and
retum from the Trqan War helped land Perhapsa secret passion for CHiRoN,who hved in the Thessa- mtch, vrtre, whomJasonmade
her loverAegrsthusto murder him Dia prompred zEUs himself to lian woodlands Chiron was skilled his wrfe wrrh the assistanceof the
devrsespecial rites of punfication in many things, including medi- goddessATHENA On retuming to
IXION was a Thessalianking of for lxion At first lxion was grateful cine, and may have given the boy lolcus, the Argonauts found that
Lanssaand supposedly the son of to the god, but it was not long the nameJason ("healer") Peliashad assumedthat they had
Phlegyas, though some say his beforehe took an interestin HERA, The Delnhic Oracle wamed died in a shiprweck and murdered
father was ARES,god of war ln Zeus' wife lt was thereforeIxron's Peliasthat he would be rumed off Jason's father Aeson Two versions
order to avoid payrng a bride-price turn to be trapped, when Zeus the throne of lolcus by a man wear- of the myth exist from this point
to Eioneus for his beautiful daugh- made an exactcopy of Hera from a ing only one sandal So rhe usurp- onwards In one of them Peliasis
rer Dia, lxion prepareda trap for his cloud and enticed the unwary hng ing king was amazed and fnght- destroyed by means of Medea's
unsuspecting[ather-in-law- a pit to rapeit The punishmentfor such ened when a matureJasonarrived magic. In another the Argonaum,
filled wrth fire Eioneus fell into it sacrilegious cnme was to spend seeingthat Peliaswrll not honour
on a visrr ro Lanssaand died, and eremiry in Tartarus. the pnson JANUS,a dual-Jaced,god,prestdal
over his promise to Jason, sail off to
lxion thus became the first man to beneath the underworld in hJeHisimage
allthatisdouble-edged Connth after failing to capture
shed the blood of a krnsman wasJoundon cirygates,whichloohboth Iolcus Jason seemsto have accep-
JANUS was a very old ltalian god mwards andourwards,andhewasinvohed red exile in Connth with Medea,
IXION,chained to a rollingwheel, exprates whom the Romansassociatedwith at thestartoJeachnewdayandyearwhen where for some ten yearsthey lived
hissinsin Tartarus, a hellheneath Hades beginnings ln Rome, his double- people loohbothbackwards andJomards happily together and had three
Alongside him,Jellowpisoners Sisyphus gated temple in the Forum was in time (ItLustutto N FRoMDRSMITHs Ct^sslGl sons. Then rhe hero was offered the
snd Tontalus endurethetrownordeols - always kept open in time o[ war DrcroNARY1895) hand of a princessnamed Glauce.
Sisyphus condemed to endless toiland and closed in time of peace.The When he desertedMedeafor her,
Tantalus to endless thirsl (tlu,srhr(rN fR(,M month of January - a time for Jason brought down on his own
DR SMrrHs CKslqL DrcTroNARy, .1895) people to look backwards and for- head the full fury and magical
wards - was sacredtoJanus There powers of the Colchian princess
are few myrhs conceming him, For Medea not only killed Glauce
although his exrra eyesdid on one but she also destroyed her sons by
occasion enable him to catch the Jason. Alone and depressed,the
nymph Carna, who liked to tease hero lingered at Corinth until one
her lovers with sexual advances day, as he sat in the shade of the
before suddenly running away Argo, hrs old ship, a piece of rotten
Their son became a king of the dmber fell and crushed his skull.
important ciry of Alba Longa (Seealso HERoES;voYAGERS)


IASON Aeft), thecelebratedherooJthe

Argonauts,was lovedby tht darh sorceress
Medea,whosemaglc at:'shelpedhim slay
thedragonguarding the GoldenFleece
With salvesand invoottons, sheprotected
hm Jrom harm b1Jtre, dmon or sword
UAsoN By G{'sr^Vr MoRetr, a A N v A s , 1 8 6 - 5)

JUNO was rhe Roman equivalenr

of HER,a, rhe wrfe of zEUS,rhe chief
god of the Greeks Juno was the
queen of the sky and the wife of
JUPllt:R>ne wasalwaysassoclateo
wrth the Greek goddessof birth,
E i l e i t h y a .a n d w a s c a l l e db y t h e
Romans"the one who makesthe
child see the light of day" Ar the
touch of a magicalherb specially
grown by Flora, the goddess of
f l o w e n n ga n d b l o s s o m r n g planrs.
Juno became pregnant wlth the
war god MARSJuno's own warlike
aspectis apparentin her attire She
often appearsarmed anclweannga
goatskincloak.which w.rsthe gdr-
ment favouredby RomansoLdiers
on campaign In Rome she was
worshipped on the Capitol hilL
along wirh Jupirer and vtNrRlA,
goddessof wisdom and the arrs
The festivalof Matronaliawas held
in her hon.ruron I March

JUNO (belou), theRornan

of huten
oncl o.fwomanhood. atcompautd wo1

woman through life Jrotn brth to autn

She ts here portrat,td rn ciassrral srylc, rrth

a regdl diadtnt, sat'rc hairsry/e, anri

t r o n q u l l , m d J e s t i c , r l r ( l L N o\ \ ' f r D r 4 r )N! l

\ 1 A R 8 ]cE 2 0 CB a )

ClessrcAr MyrHoLocY

JUPITER and Mucury, who is weaing

his trawllinghat, enjoyawholesomemeal
with the hindly rustics,Philemonand
Baucis,who aloneamongmortals
welcomedthe godsas thq wanderedin
humanJorm throughPhryga guprrER

RUBENS, cANvAs, 1620 25 )

all The god ofprophecy,APoLLo,

was simply punishing the priest for
disobeying a divine command An
altemative view was that the death
o[ Laocoon and his sons was the
work of ATHENAor Poseidon for
causingdamageto the dedicatory
horse A Greek named Sinon had
informed the Trojans that it was an
offenng to the goddessAthena: if
they destroyed it, then Troy would
fall, but if they draggedit inside the
ciry walls, then the Wooden Horse
was a guaranteeof Troy's safery.In
the event the cunning plot worked
JUllteR *as the Roman s}<ygod, conceived a son So as to overcome tryside Oedipus refused to stand for the benefir of the Greek, as
the equivalent of The cult of the prophecy, the baby was left to aside for the king, a fight ensued those warriors hidden wrthin the
Jupiter Optimus Maximus ("the die on a distant mountainside,his and Laius was killed Thus was horse began a slaughter that led to
best and greatest")beganunder the feet havrng been cut through wrth L-aius'destiny, and the first part of the eventual overthrow and
Etruscan kings, who were expelled a spike This action may havebeen his son's, fulfilled destructionof the besiegedciry
from Rome around 507 nc At first, intended to hastendeath,but it is As for the two serpents,once
Jupiter was associatedwrth the ele- not impossible that Laiuswas also I-IOCOON was a Trojan, said they had crushed Laocoonand his
ments, especiallystorrns,thunder concemed to prevent the child's by some to be the brorher of sons to dearh, they hid themselves
and lightning, but he later became ghost from walking freely But the Anchises, and a pnest of the sea in either the temple of Apollo or
the protector o[ the Roman people effect was quite rhe opposite A god tosrtooN Borh the Greek the temple of Athena
and was their powerful ally in war shepherd heard the baby's screams and the Romansrememberedhim
The games held in the crrcus rn and took him to Connrh, where as the man who warned the IAOCOONandhtssons weremtshedto
Rome were dedicatedro him the childless l(ng Polybus adopted Trojans not to acceptthe so-called deathbya pairoJg](mtsea-setpents The
him and gave him the name o[ Greek gift of the Wooden Horse andentpoets dfereddstotheserpents'
I-etUS, son of Labdacus,king of Oedipus ("swell-foot") He even drove a spearinto its side oign, whether thq were
sentbyAthena or
Thebes, was the father of orolpus When Oedipus reached man- to show his fellow country.'rnenthat Apollo, and whether ltocoon wds innocent
and one of the most tragic figures hood he went to Delphr to ask inside the hollow belly could lurk a or guilry and sin (lll'srur()N FRoM
in Greek mythology The fate rhat about his parentageHe was told terrible danger to Troy However, D( ItoNARy(n,ClnssrcArANreuilfii, /891l
destroyed his family was due to a that he would be reunitedwith his like rhe prophetess CASSANDM,
curse uttered by PELOPS in revenge parens in a temble manner,for he Laocoon was ignored Worse than
for L^aiuscarrynngoff Pelops'young was desrined to kill his father and the fate of Cassandrawas that o[
son Chrysippus, who later hanged marry his mother Concluding Laocoon and his two sons, for no
himself for shame incorrecrly that Corinth was his Trolan lifted a hand to heip when
In Thebes, l-aius tookJocasu as place of birth, Oedipus travelled two great sea-serpentssuddenly
his wrfe, but they had no children, towards the north and approached amved and crushed them to death
which rhe Delphic Oracle rold Thebes On the road he encoun- There was no agreement,how-
them was fortunate, becausel-aius tered laius, who was on his way to ever, among rhe Greeks or the
was destined to be killed by his consult the Delphic Oracle about Romans about why Laocoon and
own son For a time Larus and the SPHINX, a monsterwith the face his sons were killed by the sea-
Jocasta did not share the marriage and breastsof a woman, the body serpents One opinion was that
bed Then one night, full of wine, of a lion and wlngs, which was Laocoon's punishment was not
Laius slept with her and Jocasta causing havoc in the Theban coun- connected wrth the Trojan War at


LEDA was lovedby Zns in the shapeoJa

swl.n From their union, Ledaproducedtwo
eW, one contdrningthetwins,Castorand
PolydeucesAsyoung men, the twinsdre
oJtendepictedwi|h eg-shdpedhelmats,
recolling their unusual parentage Lr'r),\
LL()N/RD0 D^ VtN( r, c1Nf3\, ( l5l5 l6 )

LnfO was the daughter of the

TITANSCoeus and Phoebe,and she
was one of the few Titanessesto be
worshipped in ancient Greece
However, her cult was commonly
associatedwith those of her more
famous son and daughter APoLLo
and eRtrnzls,whose fatherwas the
stcygod zEUs Leto may havegiven
birth to her dir,rne children on the
sacred island of Delos, which a
helpful PosEtDoNis sard to have
fastenedpermanentlyto the bot-
tom of the seawith a huge pillar of Apollo's most impor-
tant temples was built on the
island Even the invading Persians
respectedthis sanctuary,when in
490 BCtheir fleet passedby on its
way to punish the Eretrians and
Athenians for provrdrngaid to the
Greek rebels who were fightrng
Persrain Asia Minor

LETO(below), clutthmghtr trnytwins,

childrenoJZeus, a gJant
Jlees seryentsent
bythewngeJul Herawhorelentlessly
pIoprcdherhusband's lowrs Thebq,
Apollo, a cithara,
pluchs hisattibuteas
godol thearts,whrleArtemis a
tinybow,rymboloJherroleasgoddess oJ
the wild ttttL \ r&4r()\ a) N( { BF;LE,I 99-5.)

LnnR was rhe daughter of l(ng came to her disguisedas a swan

Thestius of Aetolia, which was a Some say that as a result of therr
statein north-westemGreece Her union Leda produced two e8gs,
husband was Krng Tlmdareos of one containedClytemnesrraand
Sparu Two o[ Leda'schildren were Helen,and the otherthe Dioscun,
CLYTEMNESTM,the murderous but that Helen'sand Polydeuces'
wife of ec,qurMNoN, and HELEN, father was Zeus while Tyrrdareos
who was the unfaithful wife of was the father of the mortals
MENEI-AU5, Agamemnon'sbrother, Clytemnestra and Castor In the
and the causeof the Trojan War caseof Helen there rs little doubt
Leda was also the mother of the that the myth of the Trojan War
DIOSCURI, the twrn sonsCastorand tumed a goddessinto a Queen
Polydeuces Vanous accountsare She clearly has a connection wrth
given of the fathersof her children, older Aegeangoddesseswho were
lor Leda was loveo oy lLU5 wno associatedwrth birds and eggs.
TASSICAL MONSTERS come in all shapes and colours, sometimes hideous,
but sometimes bewitchitgly fair, sometimes hallhuman and somerimes
entirely demonic. Monsters generally symbolize the dark and unresolved
forces in life and in human narure. Greek mythologl
is full of composirecrearures,such as the Chimaera,Sphinx and
Scylla,symbolizingcomplex evil. Not all monsrerswere cruel,
and some,such as Ladon,guardeda precioustreasure,while the
Sphinx guardedthe passro the city of Thebes.other monsrers
ravagedthe land, such as the Hydra and Chimaera.Still others
were raised by u curse, as when Poseidon
PYTHON (above),a monstrous
sent a sea monster in response to Theseus' serpent,sonof Gaia, hauntedthe caves
of Pamassusuntil slainby Apollo with
r a g e . S a v a g eb e a s t s , s u c h a s s a t y r s a n d his frst anows Apollot'oundedthe

Centaurs, part human and part animal, ffthnn gamcsto rcmmemorate his
tictory and wasaJtmuardsnamed
represent man's unruly, instinctive nature. Apollo PhysiusThe monster'sdeJeat
wascelebratedevay ninelears at the
Although less awesome than demons, they
JestivaloJSteptenaat Delphi and
still harassedand haunted humans. invofuedan enactmottoJthe whole
event lLLUsrMrpN By CLENN STryAD, 1995 )

SCYLLTI (above),a s*-headed sea

monster,fshed Jor dolphins, sea-clogs
and sailorsfrom her cayem m the Strait
oJ Messina According Loone myth, she
was oiglnally a beuutful seanymph,
Iowd b1 Zus and Poserdonin tum, until
changedby the rculoug of Cru mto a
snapping,barhing monster Here, she
snatchesup thecreruoJ Odysseus
as his
ship sail.s
past her cavem 1Lr{rsrMroN
rRo!,SroRlF:sFROM(;RtF(F A\D RoMrr l9J0)

THE SIRENS (ight) werebeauttfuIsea

nymphswho charmed sailorsby tlrcir
alluing songsAlthough iniially depicted
as brrd-maids,thq later became
temptressesHere, Odysseussailspast
with hts crtw; having advisedhis men to
stop Lheirearswith war, he hadhimself
b o u n dt o t h em a s ts o t h a t h ec o u l d h e a r
the srrensmaglcsongvnthoutbeing
Iured oway (ol)yssfLis A N D T H I S T R E N sB y

FMNcE-so PRrM^rrcdo, aANv"s 1505-70 )

Cle.ssrcAt- MvrHoLoGY

ARES,was more widelyworshipped rejuvenate an old ram by boiling he already had a son in the hero
than any of the other Roman gods, him rn a magic pot whereupon he rHEsEUs.Through her wily skills,
probably because his sons REMUS tumed into a lamb. She also dis- Medea prevailed upon Aegeus to
ANDROMULIJSwere said to have posed ofJason'senemy, King Pehas reject Theseuswhen he came co
founded the ciry of lolcus, by persuadinghis daugh- Athens to claim his inheritance,
ters to give him a similar course of and she may also have persuaded
Menfn was rhe daughrer of beauty treatment, but which hlled him to send Theseusto subdue the
Aietes, king of Colchis, a country him As a result, Jason and Medea bull of Marathon. When Theseus
adjoining the Black Sea, and the were banished to Corinth succeededin this dangeroustask
LUCRETIA,aJterhosuxide,retumed. to first wrfe o[ the voyager JAsoN The relarions betweenJason and and at last Aegeusrecognizedhim
hauntSexnsTarquinius, "Jalse
Sextus", Medea means"the cunning one" - Medea went badly wrong Jason as his own successor,Medea fled
thehigh-handed Etruscanwhohadrapeda suitable name for a princess put his firsr wife aside in order to with Medus to Colchis, where they
her,incensing thewholeoJPameShe skilled in the magic ans ln fact, to marry Glauce, a Theban pnncess avenged the recent overthrow and
aryeasasa pale,shrouded phantomwhorhe Greek she hovered somewhere Medea, feelingvery insulted, took death of Aietes Medus became a
singsasshespinsthrough thewatches
oJ between witch and goddess. a terribie revengeonJason Glauce ruler of Colchis, but nothing elseis
the night (llrusrmfloN
oFANclENr Medea fell in love with the was bumed alive in a poisoned known of Medea
Thessalian heroJason as soon as he wedding dress, and Medea saw to
LUCRgffA was rhe wife of landed in Colchis with the ARGO- it that her own children byJason MTNEUUS, kingof Sparta,was
Tarquinius Collatinus and repre- NAI/TS,and she used magic to help were also hlled She then escaped rhe younger son ofATREUS. It was
sented the ideal of Roman woman- him gain the Golden Fleece, the to Athens in a magrc chariot, which to recover Menelaus' wrfe HELEN
hood. When Sextus, youngest son objecr of rheir expedirion On the was said to belong to her grand- that his older brotherAGAMEMNON,
of the Etruscan king TARQUINIUS hasty voyage back, when the father Hruos, the sun god king of Mycenae, led the Greek
SUPERBUS,raped her at dagger Colchian fleet gavepursuit, Medea In Athens, Medea married its expedition againstTroy. ln spite of
point around 507 Bc,she made her sacnficed her brother to slow the krng, AEGEUS, and bore him a son being wamed, Menelausnot only
father and her husband promise to pursuers. On their retum to lolcus, named Medus. At this timeAegeus enrenained PAruS,the eldest son of
avenge her honour before she Jason's birthplace, she managed to believed he was childless,although King PRIAMof Troy, but he also
stabbed herself to death. According
to Roman legend, Lucretia's fun-
eral roused the people and their
anger was channelled by rhe inspir-
ing eloquence of Lucius Junius
BRUTUSinto a desire for the over-
throw of the monarchy.

MARS, rhe son of ;ulo and a

magical flower, was originally the
Roman god of fenility and vegeta-
tion but later became associated
with battle. As the god of spring,
when his major fesdvalswere held,
he presided over agriculture in gen-
eral ln his warlike aspect he was
offered sacrifices before combar
and was said to appear on the
battlefield accompaniedby Bellona,
a warrior goddess variously identi-
fied as his wife, sister or daughter.
Mars, unlike his Greekcounrerpan,

MAFS,godoJwar,forceshrmself ongentle
Paxand Abundonti,spintsoJpeaceand
away Thealleguydramat4esanage-old
henlyJdt in thewaringRoman
heart (MrNERv^DRrvrNG
MAs BrJ^coR) RoB{,sfl

TrNroREfio. c/NVAs,c lJ76 )


MERCURY (above),as the messenger

god oJ the Romans, was closelyidnttJted
with the Greehgod Hermes In worlu oJart,
he typicallywearsa wingedhelmet,
or wide-bimmed traveller'shat, and
canies a herald'sstaft',the emblemof


MEDEA, a ruthlesssorceress, by the intervention of the love god- prosperity. He was apparently Dionysus told him how to wash
Co\chiswith lason and the Colden Fleece dessAPHRODITEShewas rndebted imported from Greece around the away his golden touch, which
, with herIather,
acrossthe seasto Greece to Parisfor.;udgrngher more beau- fifth century BC Mercuryis usually Midas did in the fuver Pactolus,
Aietes,in pursuit To slowhim down, she tiful than the goddessesHER,+and depicted in the same way as his thereafter famous for the goid dust
cut up her brotho and cast thc parts into ATHENA;in gatitude shehad grven Greek counterpart HERMES, with a ro be lound on im bed
to pichup thepieces
thesea,JorcingAietes him the love of Helen, the most wrnged hat and staff Another my'th told about Midas
beautiful woman alive concerns a musical competition
Jor a piousbunal (lxr 6<rorr FLLTcE
ByH ./
DMPER, cANvAs, (: 1880) After the fall of Troy, Menelaus MIO.CS was sard to be the son of berween rhe gods APoLLoand PAN,
could not bnng hrmself to kill Gordius and Cybele, or to have the divrne inventors of the lge and
went off to Crete and left Helen Helen because of her ourctanding been adopted by Gordius. He was pipes respectively When the prize
alone at Spanawlth the handsome beauty Once again the goddess the kmg of Phrygia and renowned was awarded to Apollo, Midas in-
visiror. Pansand Helen eloped, tak- Aphrodite cast her spell and they for his wealth According to the caudously expressedhis surprise at
ingmany of the reasures forwhich were reconciled and rerumed ro Greeks, his fabulous riches were the outcome and received from
Menelauswas famous Sparta,where rhey lived happily for the result of a hndness he showed Apollo a set of ass's ears for his
During the ten-year strugSle many years When Menelausdied ro 5ILENU5,rhe old goar-like tutor foolish presumption
against Troy, Menelaus played a he went to hve ln the ElysianFields of otoMsus, rhe god of vegetation,
secondaryrole to Agamemnon and wrrh his immortal Helen wlne and ecstasy So pleasedwas MIDAS. rheJabled htngof Phryga.was
the other Greek lcngs, ahhough he Dionysus wrth this behaviour that ich, yetchose,
Jabulously whengranted a
was no coward In single combat MeRCURY*as rhe Romanmes- he offered Midas whatever he wishbythegods,to become ncherstill,by
wlth Pans, Menelaus tried to settle sengergod, and was alsothe deiry wished The king asked for every- ashingJoreverythinghetouched to tum to
rhe dispure berween the Greeks who watched over trade and com- rhing he touched to be tumed into gold Hiswishwasganted,but joyquichly
and the Trojans He won and was merce, as his name suggesm He gold At first Midas was overjoyed tumedto gneJwhenhecouldneither eat
only preventedfrom killing hs nval was associated wrth peace and wrth the gift, but once he realized nor dinh (llrrlsrMfloN ByNrcx B^LE, l9g5)

that even his food and drink were

being transformed on touching his
lips, he was homfied Out of pity

MENEI-AUSAeJ)wasusuallya gentle,
even-tenpered man,buthereheftghts
firercely bodyoJPatroclus
wholiesnahed, JorApoIIohadstrucholJhis
helmeqsplinteredhis ashspeorondbrohet
shppinghLm baresothathe
FR()M SroRrfs r R()M HOMER, 1885 )


MINgRve (whose name may unsuspeccingCreran king. After his

have originally meanr "rhoughr") death Minos became a srem judge
was the Roman goddessof wrsdom in the realm of.Hlors, rhe urider-
and the arts, rhe equivalenr of the world, the land of the dead.
Greek goddess ATHEN,. She was
worshipped rhroughout ltaly, THe MINoTAUR was rhe
though only in Rome did she rake monsrrous son of a whire bull,
on a wariike character Minerva is which was senr by the sea god
usually depicted wearing a coar of POSETDON,and pASrpI.IAE.
rhe wife
mail and a helmet, and carryringa of King MINoS of Crete When the
spear The Romans dedicared the child was bom it had rhe head of a
spoils of war to her. bull and the body of a man, and
was given the name Minomur
MtnOS was rhe son of zEUsand ("Minos'bull").
EUROPAand became the king of The creature was fed on seven
Crete, wrth his palace siruated at boys and seven girls sent annually
I(nossos The Greek regardedhim as uibute by rhe Athenians. To free
both as a jusr lawgiver and as a his counr)rmen of this tenible bur-
cruel oppressor To build his won- den rhe hero tHrsrus came ro
derful palace, Minos employed rhe Knossos, entered rhe maze-like
Athenian craftsman DAEDALUS, Labynnth where rhe Minotaur lived
whose creatronswere thought ro be and killed it. He was assistedby
almosr divine 5o lifelike were his Krng Minos' daughter ARIADNE,
sutues, for instance, rhat they had who gave him a ball of rhread,
to be chained down in order ro insructing him ro unravel it on his
stop them running away Minos wayinto the mazeso thar he could
was lesspleased, however,with the find his way our again She also
hollow cow thar Daedalusmade for gaveTheseusa sword.
his queen, PASIPHAE, so thar she In the srrange srory of rhe
might satisfy her desire for rhe Minotaur the Greelcsrecalledin a
whire bull which possooN had garbled form the glones of rhe older
sent from the wavesas a sign that MINERVA (abne), the Romangoddessof THE MINOTAUR (below) wrestles inhabitants of Crete It is now
Minos should ascend rhe Cretan wisdom, is depictedhere tamingd wiW with Theseusin the labyrtnth, which is known that rhe bull games of rhe
throne. The MINOTAUR, a man wirh Centaur, who symbolizesthe darh unruIy rtpresentedbythe meanderpattem at the ancient Cretans involved young
a bull's head, was the outcome o[ sideoJhuman nature HtsJeaming sides Thebull-baiters above illwtrate the athletes leaping over bulls, even
Pasiphae's unnarural union This expression suggestsman's longlngJor sport oJbull-leaping, part oJ the mystoious attempring somersauls holding the
monstrous creature was housed in divinity, despitehimsef {Mrnrnve ero rne bull-cult oJancient Crete GHEBULL-BArrEK By homs Although some of them
the Labynnth, a special maze built CENTAUR By SANDRo BofttcEu, C/.NAS, c 1482) JoHN DUNGN, w rERcoLouR,c ]880) doubtless sustained seriousinjury,
by Daedalusar Minos' request. or may wen have been hlled, rhere
Minos was known to the Greek Minos carried a shell and promised is nothing to suggesrrhar a man-
as an ancient ruler of the seas His to reward anyone who could passa eating creature was involved
naval strengrh could well have thread through ir Daedalusalone
owed somerhing ro Daedalus' could soive the problem, which MoenRg see FArEs
inventiveness Cenainly he was not eventuallyhe was unable to resist.
prepared for anorher ruler ro enjoy When l(ng Cocalos,on Daedalus' Tne MUSTS, from rhe Roman
rhe remarkable services of the behalf, claimed rhe prize, Minos name, Musae, were rhe daughters
craftsman. When Daedalusand his demanded that the craftsman be of zfuS and Mnemosyre, a TITAN,
son Icarus Ieft Crere wirhour per- surrendered to him. But rhe daugh- whose name means "memory"
missron, Minos sailed ro Sicily in ters of Cocalos were unwilling to They used to dance and sing ar par-
hot pursuit. There, in the ciry of Iose the inventive man who made ties held by the gods and heroes.
IGmikos, Minos mer his death. rhem beautiful toys, and with his For the Greek, cheMuseswere the
Daedalus had arrived in Sicily as a help they plotred Minos' dearh. inspiration of poetry, music and
refugee He quicklywent ro ground When rhey rook rheir royal guesr to dance. Later, other intellectual
and was hidden by King Cocalosof the bathroom, Daedalus led a pipe activities were added ro rherr care.
Kamikos ln order ro find our through the roof and boiling water, Although accounts of rheir number
where rhe craftsman was hiding, or oil, was poured down upon rhe differ, it is generally accepted that


the echo of her votce Narcissus

was then condemnedby Nemesis,
goddess of retnbution, to spend
the rest of his days adminng his
own reflecdon in a pool At last he
died and was tumed into rhe flower
that bears his name

NnPruNr was an ancrent

Iralian water god whom the
Romans identified wrth PoSEIDON
Compared to Poseidon,however,
Neptune plays a minor role in
Roman mythology


ocrnNos was a TrrAN,the son

of Ouranos and Gete,but never an
enemy of zEUs On the contrary, he
prorected Zeus' wrle HEnA and
mother RHEAwhen the gods fought
rhe Titans As ruler of the encircling
sea, which rhe Greek believed
surrounded the world, Oceanos
THE MusEs, guidingspiritsoJthe arts, married his sister Tethys and they
inspired aII $t'ted artists, though thq produced three thousandnvers.
resentedany smots competition dnd
depnvedthe SircnsoJtheirJeathosJor OCEANUS1eJr). Jatherof thenver
daing to be better than than in song The gods, witha rypically
nine Musesappear hereamid the lsPiing face,unrulylocluand
anistsoJ theRenaiss4nceGxr Rsrv or lHr homedbrowAbwehim,Selene, the
uw6, c 1506)
Mus6BvLouNzoCO5TA, crescentmoon,sheds a mildlight;andon
eithersidelash thesars,Phosphorus AeJt)
there were nine Muses altogether - andHespmts(ight) (tununox o^uu
oF CLASSTGL ANTIQUlrl6, l89l )
CIio, Euterpe, Thalia, MelPomene, DroloNAfr

Terpsichore, Erato, PolYhYmnia,

Urania and Calliope.


NARCSSUS, according to Greek

myhology, was the beautiful son of
the River Cephissus in Boeotia and
the nymph Linope Among the
many who loved him, including
immortals and monals, was Echo,
who slowly pined away, leavingjust

NARCISSUS (nght), a beaut{ul youth,

wasknenfo thenymph&ho who,Joiling
to attrdct him, dted of gtef He, in hs tum,

Jelltn lne wrth ttts wn reiection and pned

away until changedby the goik inn the
jower that bearshis nanc (Ecrono
Nficsus sYJWlY^roousE,w#, IW )

ClesstcAL MyrHoLoGy

ODYSSEUS ahghtsontheislandoJAeau
wherehe iswamedby Hermes oJthe
onecomradeandsoO$tsseus must
heephu guard(clRcE
wrHrHEcoMMDr oF

Greek warriors under his own

command The Trojans dragged
the Wooden Horse inside their
walls when they leamed from a
Greek, deliberately left behind
when the rest put to sea, thar rhe
offering would bring their ciry a
guaranteeof divine protection. Bur
during the night the Greeks
emerged from it, and surprised
the Trojans. Hence, the ancient
saying "Never trust the Greeks
bearing grfa"
Although Troy fell, the wildness
of the looting and the slaughter
deeply offended the gods. [n par-
ticular, the goddessAIHENAwas
enraged ar rhe rape of cesseruoRn
within the sanctuary of her own
temple. Odysseustried to appease
Athena, and he escapeddrowning
in the geat storm which the angry
goddesssent to shatter the vicrori-
ous Greek fleet on its homeward
OOYSSEUS, king of tthaca, was was hidden. Again, arAulis, where year struggle againsr rhe Trojans, joumey. But he could not entirely
one of the Greek leaderswho took the Greek fleet was stranded by Odysseus was importanr not so avoid blame, and PoSEIDoNsaw ro
part in the Trojan War. He was contrary winds, it was Odysseus much as a fighter but as a counsel- it that he was the last Greek leader
celebrared for both his parr in rhis who tricked Agamemnon's wife lor and a schemer. His eloquence to reach home, after a voyage last-
conflict and his remarkable voyage CLYTEMNESTMinto sending her was renowned, and ir was probably rn8,some ten years.
home to his island kingdom in the daughter IPHIGENIA from Mycenae, Odysseus who thought of rhe The long period of wanderirrg
lonian Sea. supposedly ro marry Achilles. Wooden Horse, which gave rhe that Odysseus suffered was a
A brave and clever man, lnstead, however, lphigeniawas to Greeksvictory. favourite story of both the Greek
Odysseus was sometimes rhoughr be sacrificedroARllMIs, goddessof Odysseus deceived the Trojans and the Romans. who knew the
ro have been rhe son ofslsypHus, Ihe wild, in order ro obtain a fair wirh this horse built of wood voyager by the name of Ulysses.
the trickster of Greek myrhology wind to Troy. Throughout rhe ren- whose hollow beN was filled with The exact route that he followed
But his real farher was probably remains a mystery, not leasr
Laertes, whom he succeeded as because his travels took him
king of lthaca. His morher was beyond known territory and inro
named Anricleia and his fairhful strange and dangerous lands. From
wife Penelope was rhe sister of King Troy Odysseus sailed first ro
From the starr of the campaign ODYSSEUS raises hisgreatbanond,with
againsr Troy it is clear rhat King effonbssnifltt, stretches
AGAMEMNaN,the Greek leader, whichthesuitorshadstruggJed invainto
placed geat store upon Odysseus' funil. He thrn slaysthesuianwhohne
cunning. He was sentwirh Nesror, denuredhk wealthandplagued,hk wrle
the aged king of $os, to discover dunnghisbng voyage home(tuustunon
where the great warrior ACHILLES FRoM SToRE FRoM HoMER 1885 )


ODYSSEUS. on his way throughthe

ghostlyundenvorld,tonsultsthe shadeoJ
Tiresras,who wams hrm that rJhe olJends
Helioshe will retum homealoneon a

Joreignship only at'termatryyears'

wandeing (TrRr,srAs oDYssFUs
coL:Nsn-s 81
Al EsitNDR() Ari ()R/, FREs(tr, 1580 )

[ather-in-law. But Penelope unrav-

eiled it each night, undl one ofher
maids betrayed the tnck Finally,
after ten years, Penelope agreed to
marry the suitor who could bend
and string Odysseus' great bow.
Thrace,where he lost many of his westem edge of the encrrcling sea, swallowed by the great whirlpool This challenge was proposed on
men in battle. After this bloody rhe realm of ocEaruos, where Charybdis In an exhausted state the advice of the goddessAthena
incident the places he touched ghosts came from the underworld he dnfted to the wondrous island fhe only suitor who succeededat
upon are less easy to identify. realm of riAprs ro meet him The of the sea nymph Calypso, who the challenge was a beggar, who
Storms drove him to the land of the shade ol rhe blrnd seer TIRESIAS cared for him and eventually pro- rhen threw off his disguise and
Lotophagi ("rhe Iotus-eaters"), gave Odysseus a special waming posed mamage But not even revealedhrmself as Odysseus.
whose diet made visitors forget abour his homeward joumey to immortaiiry would tempt him, and Assistedby hrs son Telemachus
their homelands and wish to suy Irhaca He rold him that if the cat- after seven years the gods forced and two loyal retainers,Odysseus
on forever Then he encounteredin tle of the sun god HELIoSon the Calypso to let Odysseus set off dispatchedthe suitors and hanged
Sicily, it was later believed, the isle of Thrinacia were harmed by again Shipwreckedonce more in the rreacherous maids Reunited
Cyclops P)LWHEMU s, whose father him he would never reach his the land of the Phaeacians,he was wrth his family at last,including his
was Poseidon By putting out home The ghost of Odysseus' welcomed as an honoured guest father Laertes, Odysseus then
Polyphemus'single eye when the mother also spoke of the dilliculdes and offered a passage back to defeatedan attack by the relations
gigantic man was befuddled with being faced by Penelopein Ithaca Ithaca So it was that he was secret- of the suitors and rerurned Ithaca
wlne, Odysseusand his compan- at the time The ghost of ly ianded near his own palace, to peace Zeus himself threw down
ions managedto escapebecoming Agamemnon, his old comrade-in- which he entered disguised with a thunderboit to signalan end to
his dinner They then amved on arms, also wamed him about his Athena's aid as a beggar the fighring. (Seealso VOYAGERS)
the floating island of Aeolus, who homecoming; when he retumed Penelope had been patientiy
was the ruler of the winds There home he had been murdered by awaicingOdysseus'rerum from the ODYSSEUS thewanderer retums
Odysseusreceiveda rarepresent, a his wrfe and lover in the bathroom war. Akhough pressed to marry aJtertwenty yearsandembraces Penelope
sack full of wrnds The idea appears Turning eastwards, Odysseus one of her many noble suitors,she at last Shehadrejused to achnowledgeher
in many different mythologies, but sailed back towards Greece and had put rhem off for a while by husband untilhehadremincledherof the
according to the Greeks,it was of was the only man who dared to pretending that she could not serretof theirbed,whichwascurued outof
little use on the voyagebecausethe listen to the allunng song of the marry until she had finished a greaLolivetreegrownin thecourtyard
cunosity of Odysseus'men got the Sirens,bird-women of storm He weaving a shroud for Laertes,her (ll-LL rsTMTrL)N |RoM 5l r)Rll 5 l ROM Hrwl R, I 885 )

beuer of them and they opened the filled his men's earswith wax and
sack and the winds no ionger blew had himself bound urth strong
in a helpful direction cords to the mast Odysseusthen
A tragedy overcame the passedrhrough the strairsberween
squadron of ships that Odysseus Sicily and ltaly, where six of his
led among the Laestrygones,a race crew were seizedby the six-headed
of giant cannibals Only his own monster Scylla On the island of
ship survrved the attack and Thrinacia, as Tiresias had foretold,
reached Aeaea, the island of the the voyagers were tempted by
enchantressCIRCE, laier considered hunger ro slay some o[ Helios'
to be situated off ltaly Odysseus catrle Despite his warning, the
resistedher spells,wrth the aid of desperaremen killed and cooked
the messengergod nrRvls, and severalcows when Odysseuswas
made the enchantressrestore to asleep.Later they desertedhim,
human shape his men who had but were drowned in a storm sent
been tumed to swine Afterwards, by zEUsat Helios' request
on Circe's advice,he sailedto the Alone, Odysseus was almost
ClessrcAL MyrHoLocy

OEOIPUS ("swell-foot")was rhe OEDIPUS pudes ner the Sphinx s

unluciy son of King L{IUS and Adilb, whbh she chalbngesall trq',ellcrsn
QueenJocastaof Thebes Because, Thebesto solve Wha. Oedipus outwits the
as a guest at the court of prLops, Sphiw, sheJlingshetulf ina the cham
Laius had taken sexualadvanrage below and datroys hmelf . Ocdipus is
of Pelops' young son Chrysippus, portraydhere, ashe s in anc.eil art, as a
a curse was laid on rhe ruling house calm and pensivehrro (oorpusND rBE
of Thebes Indeed, an oracle SPHIM ByJilN AU6USTE lN6E, wA, l@)

wamed Laius that any sonJocasra

bore him would hll him For a long Jocasu, Oedipus decided ro rry or
time the king and queen aban- die in the attempt. By ourwirdng
doned the marriagebed, bur dnnk rhe Sphinx and causingics dearh,
one night caused Laius to rhrow Oedipus unwittingly fulfilled his
caurion to rhewnds and a son was own destiny: he had killed his
duly conceived At birth, the infant father, now he married his morher
was pierced in rhe feet and left ro For a dme Oedipus andJocasm
die on a distanr mountainside,a lived happily rogerher, having a
fairly common practice for un- famiiy of two sons, Polynices and
wanred children in ancient Greece Ereocles, and two daughrers,
However, a shepherd lound the ANTIGONEand Ismene. Then a
baby and took it ro King Polybus of dreadful plague settled on Thebes,
Corinrh, who, having no children, and Creon was sent to ask the
adopted rhe boy and chose the Oracle at Delphi for a remedy. The
name of Oedipus because of his dMne command he brought back
damaged feet When he grew up, to the city was to dnve our the
Oedipus was taunted that he was murderer of Laius.Alrhough rhe
not Polybus'son, so he went ro ask famous seer TIRESIA5 announced

OEDIPUS,aJtoyearsol wanderingsince the Delphic Oracle about his

hs exrleJromThebes, Ieanson hLsloyal parentage. He was told thar he was
daughterAntigone;thq travelto Colonus desrined ro kill his farherand marry
whereit is destined
thatOedipuswillJinally his mother, and in horror he fled
find peaceanddeathin a sacred grove north. En route he encountered
(lLrusrMrfoN BYNtcx BilE. 1995) l-aius, whose charioreerdeliberare-
iy ran over Oedipus' foot The
result was rhat Oedipus killed
everyone there, except one of his
father's servantswho ran away
Arrivrng in Thebes, Oedipus
discoveredits people were greatly
distressed at the news of Laius'
dearh and rernfied of the spnirux,
an ugly monster causing havoc in
the countryside, When the regent
CREONannounced thar whoever
nd the ciry o[ rhe Sphinx would be
offered the throne and the hand of

ORESTES6ght) fnds some peaceat the

shnneoJApolloin Delphiwhcreheha
led, pursuedby theFuries,aJtermurdering
hismother.At Delphi,Orestes ispartly
punJiedbyApollo,andewn theFuiae,
asleepon thealtar,fnd rest In time,
(ORL5E, M^$LE, c 200 BC)


that Oedipus was the guiity one, ORPHEUS, aJtuhtsdeath,became an

the new hngwould not believe rhis oracle,
andispictured huebangconsulted
was true until he rraced rhose byaThracian maid Hishead rests
involved in his own exposure as a lyrethatis encrusted
child Convinced ar lasc of his orcr musical,
evenin deathhisdecapitated
excepdonalcrime, Oedipus blind- headhadfloateddownstream calling
ed himself and left Thebes. His Eurydice(ATnrecnN MAID wtrHrHEHFID ot-
mother and wife, Jocasta, had OnpHrussyGusreveMoREAU,
akeady commirred suicide In the
company of his daughter Andgone, departed wife thar just before rhey
a broken Oedipus evenually found reachedthe surfaceof the ground,
spiritual peacein a sacredgrove at he could not resist a quick glance
Colonus near Athens His death in the half-light The result was rhar
there was considered to be a good Eurydice tumed inro a ghost again
omen by the Athenians,becausein and sank back to Hades' kingdom
graritude for the sancuary he was forever Orpheus' own fate was to
given, Oedipus had foretold rhat be dismemberedby Thracian mae-
his bones would save rhem from nads, the female worshippers of
any future attack by the Thebans DIoNYsus,the god of vegetation,
wine and ecstasyApparently, they
OnfSfgS was the son of King tore the singer to pieces excepr for
AGAMEMNON of Mycenae and his head. which was rhen casr inro
CLYTEMNESTM and is renowned for a river and went floating down-
having commitred matricide In streamcalling out "Eurydicel"
ancient Greece there were many Ancient fascinarion with this
placesassociatedwith his purifica- romantic story was probably con-
tion after such a tenible crime For nected wirh religious ceremonies
example,in front of the sancruary and rituals rhat were aimed ar
of.eporto in Troezen, there was a securing personal salvation after
hut used by Oresres,which was death The worshippers of both
said to have been buik ro avoid Orpheus and Dionysus believed in
receiving the pollured murderer as some form of afterlife Painringsof
a guest in a normal house throughout Greece When finally d^y she died of a snake bite Orpheus have even been found in
When Agamemnon left ro lead he went to Delphi for help, since Orpheus was so saddened and the catacombs, rhe early burial
the Greek expedition againstTroy, Apollo had advisedhim to slay his grief-stricken by this sudden loss chambers of Christians in haly
his wife Clyremnesrrarook a lover, father's murderers, Orestes was that he no longer sang or played (Seealso yOYAGERS)
Aegisthus When Agamemnon told to go to Arhens and srand tnal Then he decided to risk his own life
returned, some ten yearslater, the by the fueopagus,an ancienrcoun- in a desperatejoumey ro the land ORPHEUS waspursued
rwo lovers murdered him, and it cil presided over byATHENA.The of the dead in the forlom hope of theJrenzedmaenads, whowerethewtld
was to avenge rhis crime that verdict in his favour calmed the bringing Eurydice home. By using devoteesoJDionysusThq wereusually
Oresteshlled his mother The grear Furies, so they were renamed the his miraculous music, Orpheus depicted,
asthq arehere,whirlingin
horror feh by the Greeks over Eumenides ("the soorhed god- was able to charm rhe boarman, withswirlingrobes,
ecstary, and
Orestes' actions runs deep in his desses").lt is likely, however, rhar Charon, who femed him across dishev hair.( uusrvruw
myth Correcr though he was ro the Greeks called them by this the Styx, and the rhree-headed rnov Dn SvrrH'sCr,tssrocrDtcrloNARy.1895)
seekvengeancefor his father's mur- euphemism because rhey were CERBERUS so rhat he could enrer
der, as the Delphic Oracle had afraid to use their real name, the the underworld Even rhe ghoss of
advised him ro, the killing of a Erinyes, "the angry ones" the dead were greatly moved by his
mother by her son could not be song, but the rulers of the under-
expected to bring anyrhing orher OruON SECGIANT5 world, HADESand his wife prnsr-
than dire misfonune. The FURIES PHONE,granted Orpheus his only
were avenging deities who tracked OnPHEUS was a Thracian singer desireon one condition: under no
down all rhosewith blood on rheir much reveredin ancient Greece. circumstances was Orpheus to
hands, and they now relenrlessly He was said ro be the son of look back at Eurydiceuntil borh of
pursued Oresres. Calliope,MUSEof epic poerry His them were complerely rerumed to
Wild-eyed and distraught, chief myth concems the dearh of the land of rhe living But so over-
Orestes wandered as an outcast his wife, the nymph Eurydice One come was the singer by love for his
explained in mythology through the will and
actions of the gods. Sunrise and sunset, storrns
and tidal waves. summer and winter unfold as
part of a divine drama. For the ancient Gree}<s,rhe sun
rose and set because Phoebus Apollo drove the
glittering sun-chariot on a fiery course across the stry,
preceded by Eos who sprinkled moming dew from
her vase. Sp.ingtime came when Persephone,who
symboltzed the seed-com, rose from the underworld
to live in the light of day with her mother, Demerer,
goddessof corn. The tempestuousseagod, Poseidor,
could stir up sea-storrns,or soothe the waves; while
mighty Zeus could strike from afar with a bolt of
lighmirg or brighten the sly with rainbows. In addition
to the great gods of stry, land and sea, nature spints o
nymphs infused the forests,fields and nvers.

POSEIDON (above),the turbulentgod oJthe seas,

symbolizedthe might of the sea-stormHe dwelt in a
goldenpalacein the depthsof the ocean,and rode
the wavesin his sea-chaiot, drawn by sea-horses,
speedingso Jastthathe passedJromSamothraceto
Aegaein threegreat stndes Besidehim bashshis
APOLL0 (above),god oJ light, wife, the sea nymph Amphitite,while a schoolof

rymbolized not only sunlight- Jor titons (part men, part fsh) t'nsharoundhis chaiot
ongnally Helios (the sun) blowngtheir conches,which thq used to raise or
radiateddaylightand wasonly calm the wdves (PosErDoN
Iater identifed with Apollo - but c 1197
Cavaroru, )
alsothebngnt,I{e-g:ing pure,
healinglight oJ divtnity Apollo's ZEUS QeJt),the chiefdary, gwemed thewinds and
light underlieshis other rolesas clouds,rain, thunder andlightning By strilcinghis
god oJhealing,god oJprophecy oeglshecausedstormsand tempests
to rage,but
and god of the arts He withdrew equally,he could calm the elemantsand brighten the
in winter to sunny Lycius and slE k theJatherof thehours,hegwemed the
returnedin spingto dispel changingseasonsAn awesomebutbenigngod,he is
winter Here,he dnves the sun- seenhereresplendantin frry light, beannghis aeg1s,
chaiot on its courseacrossthe rymbol oJhissamagn pruer ovu allJorcesof
heavens (IrLusrn
crroNrnovSronrEs natureand all other go& guprrER
nnouLrw 1885) Gusttvt MOREAU, c^NvAs, perxt- 1896 )
FLOM (nght),blooming
of spnng,
was honouredeveryyear at
the time oJthe Floralia, a

flowers and enjoyeda great

feast lastingJorsk days
herehonouredtn alavish
parade Poussin's
raives the pagan splendour
of the early Greehpostoral

Jestivak (THeTruuupH
FLORA By Nrcol s PoussfN,

cANVAs, c 1627 )

HEPIIAISTOS (below),the smith god, is typrcallydepicted

as a grave, intenseman weanng a worhman's cap and
immersedrn hisf,ery craft He hadforges beneathvolcanoes
but olsoon Olympus where20 bellowsworhed athis
bidding Famedfor hts artistry, he craJtedworhs of wonder,
such as Achtlles'shield,embossedwith a dramatic sceneoJ
liJeand death,joy and gneJ,peaceand war (Aporr,orNrur,
FoRGr, oF Hr,pHArsros av Dtrc<; VELAseuEz, cANVA-s, onett, 1630 )

THE NAIADS (above),orwater NOTUS (below),the southwind, ZEPLIYRUS(below),thewestwind,

nymphs.dweltbesiderunntng broughtwrthit fog and rain Here,as a dwelt with his brotherwrnd.
water Lihe thar cousins,the wingeddeity,Notuspours ruin from aa palacein Thrace He wasfather oJ
Nereidsand Oceanidsof the vase,muchas hrsmother,Eos,goddess the rmmortalhorses.Xanthusand
oceans,the OreadsoJthe hills and of dawn, spinhlesdov Jrom a vase Balius, Achilles'battle steedswho
the Dryads of Jorestsand trees,thq beforethesun-chanotin the early gallopedwtththe speedoJwind
were usually sweet,benrgn spirits morrung (l[usrnerroru
DRSr,.rrrn's (lt-t-usrnzcrtolJFRoMD RSr'ltrn's C r-rssrca I

Naiad,s,especially,werehelpJuland CLAssr( L DrcnoNARY, l89l ) DrcrroNARY.

healing nurturing fruits,flowers
and mortak Yet theyouth Hylas
who went to draw waterJroma
poolwasluredby the nymphsinto
thewaterand neverseenagatn

WArERHousE, c NvAs, c 1890 )


PAt'l (abarc) playshs pipesat dush '4sa

spint oJthe darhforest,he oJtenstartled
solitary trav ellers,arousingsuddenawe
and panic He is usuallydepictedwith
shagt head, goat's horns and hocves,
dancing or playing a synnx (tLLUsrMrroN
nnov TnNclrwooD TALES. c 1920 )

PAN was the son of the messen-

ger god HERIvfEs. fu the Greek god
of the mountainside, the pastures
of sheep and goats,he was himself
goat-homed and goat-legged.Pan
was gspecially associated with
Arcadia, the mountainous smte in
cenral Peloponnese. He was play-
ful and energedc,but very irritable,
especiallyif disturbed during his
aftemoon nap. He liked to play on
a pipe, which was known as a
syrinx after a nymph of that name
who tumed herself into a reed-bed
to avoid his advances. For Pan
could also be a frightening god
when he blew on his conch Our

PANDORA(below)," all-g1fs",wasthe
thegodstoworhmischieJJor men word "panic" derives from this order t6.'upset PROMETHEUS, the PARIS (abwe), the judgeoJa diinebeauty
Inepressibly cuious,shecouWnotresist aspect of his diviniry His worship Greekgod of fire and friend of men. contest,choseAphroditeas thewinnq
opainga sealed jar, containingthe
horors spread from Arcadia to Athens When she went to live zrmongmen, becausesheoflredhim the woril'sJairest
of life: stnJe sorrov,t
andgneJ. immediately after the Athenian and she was given a grft from the gods woman Behind her, wse Athena had
(luusrncttou sv NrcxBEA!f. 1945) Plataeanvictory over the Persiansat which was a sealed jar that con- promtsed hirn Jame, whib quenly Hua
Marathon in '180 BC, because he tained all the misfortunes of exis- had offeredhim pwr. (TueJuoceueur
made the Persiansflee in panic. He tence. But soon Pandora's great PARrs BYJE{N REGN ULT, C/.I,wAS, 1820 )

rendered a similar service for ZEUS curiosity overcamea natural fear of

during the battle against CRONOS what might be inside, and she PnruS was one of the fifry sons of
and the TITANS.His conch deeply broke the seal, releasing solrow, King PRTAMof Troy. According to
worried kus' opponents. diseaseand conflict. As a result, the the Greeks, he was responsible for
men who originally comprised the causing the Trojan War. Paris was
PnNOORA was the Greek Eve, human race gained a monal, female a very handsome young man and
the bringer of all sorrows for companion, but also untold woes. wooed HELENso well thar she left
manhnd. She was the first woman Appropriately, the name Pandora her husband trlrrunutus, hng of
and was created by HEPHAISTOS, means "all gifts" - the bad as well Sparta, and fled with her lover to
the smith god, on ZEIIS'orders in as the good. Troy. His unusual attracdveness


was believed to have been a gift By favour of Poseidon the

from APHRODITE, the goddess of restoredPelopsbecamefamousas
love. In retum for choosing her as a champion charioteer,which was
the fairestof goddesses,Aphrodire an accomplishmenr thar the
offered Paris the most beautiful ancient Greek regardedas one of
woman in the world, Helen. the greatest So when Oenomaus,
During the long siege of Troy king of Elis, offered his daughter
Pariscut a poor figure as a warrior. Hippodameia in marriageand also
His singlecombar with Menelaus, his lands to anyone who could
Helen's husband, was supposed to defeathim in a chariotrace,Pelops
have settled the outcome of the acceptedthe challenge But he had
whole war. Instead it revealedParis to agree that Oenomaus could
as a coward, who only escaped shoot an arrow at him if he caught
with his life through the interven- up with his chariot Thirteen con-
tion of Aphrodite. As a resuh, rhe testantshad aireadyperished
Trojan champion HECTOR,his It was said that Pelopsbribed a
eidest brother, treated him very certain Mptilus, rhe king's chano-
badiy [t was an irony of fare thar a PEGASUS, a magnificentwingedhorse, The seagod eosuDoN so loved teer, to remove the linchpins from
poisoned arrow shot from Paris' dips and divesthrough theJlamesof the Pelopsthat he sezed rhe youth and his master'schariot, but when he
bow should have found the one ftre-breathingmonster,the Chimaera On carried hlm off ro Mounr Olympus won Pelops refused to acknowl-
vulnerable spot on the mighty his bach,Bellerophonurgeshim on The Possibly because of this divine edge this assistance ln different
Greek champion ACHILLES,his hero had successJully tamed Pegasuswith a favour shown to his son, Tantalus versions of the story, he either
heel Parishimself was hlled by an goldenbidlegvn tohimby Athena was honoured by the gods as no rhrew Myrtilus into the sea,or he
arrow, pnor to the fall of Troy (lrrusrncrro^J FRoM TANGLEwooD TALEs. c 1920 ) other morral He was allowed to ear spurned him As a consequence,
nectar and ambrosia,the immortal the father of Myrtilus, who was the
PeStPHeE, in Greek mythology, shown to himself Pasiphaewas to food servedto the deities on their messengergod HERMES, saw thar a
was the daughter of Hruos, rhe be stncken with a passionatedesire mountain home But Tantalus fell curse afflicted the descendanrsof
sun god, and wife of MINos, hng of for the bull. In order to gratify her from divine favour and suffered Pelops The consequencesof this
Crete The seagod rosrlDoN sent lust, the greatcrafsman DAEDALUS etemal torrnent as a result curse on the house of AIREUS,
a white bull as a sign of Minos' made a cow, inro which Pasiphae Accordrng [o one version of the Pelops'eldestson and the fatherof
right to rule the island, but the king fitted and so could mate with the myth, Tanulus cut up, boiled and AGAMEMNON, is the basis for thar
refused to sacnfice the animal bull Later, she gave birth to rhe served his own son Pelops to the family's tragic story
when it emergedfrom the waves, MINOTAUR ("Minos' Bull"), which gods in order to test their om-
and Poseidonpronounced a curse was kept in rhe Labynnth niscience Only DEMETER, the god- PELOPS, in thewinnrngchanot, races
in anger at the lack of respecr dessof vegetation,partook of the alongtheGreeh.
PECnSUS, in Greek mythology, feast,inadvertentlyeatinga piece of ival Oenomaus,whosechanotswewesand
PASIPHAE, queenoJCrete,wasdrawn was the flytrg horse belonging to Pelops'shoulder Later,when the crashesPelops'white shoulderwas madeof
toa mystmous whitebullwhich the Connthian hero BELLEROPHONgods retumed the youth to life, the ivory,Jashionedby thegodsafterhe had
emrged fromthewavesShedorcloped a The winged steed was born from missing piece of his body was beenpartly eatenby Demeter (Iuu-srR.anor
strangepassionJorthebull,andfrom hu blood which spilled from the sev- repiacedby ivory avGLrrux .1995
Srrw,cno, )
unionwtththecreature sheborea dreadJul ered head of the GORGON Medusa,
bull-man,theMinotaur,whowashept who was alreadypregnanr by rhe
hiddenin anunderground maze sea god PoSEIDoN(a deiry always
(lrrusrRertorusv NrcxBEArr 1995) associatedwith bulls and horses)
Bellerophon was given a magic
bridle byATHENAro help him tame
PegasusWhen the hero tried ro fly
to Mount Olympus, Pegasusthrew
him on rhe instrucrion of zrus

PEIOPS was rhe son of Kirg

TANTALI/S, rhe ruler of a kingdom
in fuia Minor Pelops'nameis still
recalledin the Peloponnese("rhe
isle of Pelops"),which is rhe large
peninsulaof southem Greece
ClnssrcAL MvrHoLoGY

PENEIOPE was the daughrerof

Icarius, king of Sparta, and a
nymph Peribaea As the faithful
wife of ooYssrus, the ruler of
Ithaca,she was celebratedfor her
patience in waiting almost twenty
yearsfor his retum from Troy Beset
by suitors, Penelopekepr them at
bay for a long time by prerendingto
weave a shroud for her father-rn-
law Laertes Each night she would
secretly unravel the day's work
Eventually,rhe retum of Odysseus
savedher from an enforcedsecond
marriage,but she remained cold
towards her saviour until she was
absolutelycertain of his identity
Peneloperefused to be convinced
that the new arrival really was
Odysseusuntil he describedtheir
bed, carved in part from a tree
trunk still rooted in the ground

PenSePHONE was the daugh-

ter of zp,Ltsand DEMETER, the eanh
goddess,and becamequeen of the
underworld as the abductedwrfe of
HADESAccording to the Greeks,
Zeus promised his beautiful daugh-
ter to Hadeswithour consuldngher
mother When Hades rose from rhe
underworld and took his bride by
force, Demeter was beside herself
wrth grief The goddesswandered
the earth searchingfor her daugh-
[er, two burning torches in her
hands As a result the land was no
longer ferrile Plans wrlted, animals

PENELOPE (nght),pattentwtJeof PERSEUS and Andromeda (above)peer

Odysseus,shared herhusband's clev

emess rn
glngerlyat theJaceoJMedusa,reJlected

Duinghislongabsence, shehepthermany thewater Bume-Jones' Medusarecallsthe

at baybyrefusrng
suitors to matryunttlshe tranquil an and death-lthebeau4toJthe

hadcompleted a shroudwhtchshesecretly GreehMedusascawedon amuletsand

unravelledeachnight,untilthesuitors charms,whichremrndus that shewasonce

discovered her ploy (luusrn,rrto^/Fno,vs tt.rrtt,s beauttful (THrBartrut HI:AD BtiRNE-


r , n o vH o u t , n . . 1 8 8 5 ) Jorurs, caNves,188/)

PERSEPHONE (Jar ngh), goddess

death,spentthe winter rn the underworld,
nsing eachspnng to live with her mother,
the goddessoJcorn Shesymbolizesthe
seed-cornthat is buned, nsesandJalls
agarnin a q,cleof constantrenewal- a
themecentralto the Eleusianmysteies
( P t ' R S t , p H o N l . M A R B L E ,D E T A I L ,c +90 BC)

ClnssrcAL MvrHoLocY

bore no offspringand death sulked First he visited the Grarae.three oldsaved the beauriful erupRoMEDA her his second wife He seems to
mankind. In rhe end, Zeus was hags who shared a single eye from a seamonster, he married her, have abandonedher sisterARIADNE
obliged to intervene and ruled that Perseusseized the eye and obliged but severalpeople had to be tumed not long after she helped him kill
Persephone should spend rime the Graiae to tell him about the to stone before he and his bride the MINOTAUR,the bull-headed
each year with both her husband nature of the Gorgons, their three retumed safely to Danae Having creature kept in the Labynnth at
and her mother. Persephonecould dreadful sisters. retumed his magrcalequipmenr ro Knossos Like her mother Pasiphae,
never return entirely to the living Most important of all, they HERMES, the messenger god, who gave birth to the Minotaur,
world because she had eaten in informed him how a direcr glance Perseusvisited Argos only to find Phaedrawas soon overcomeby an
Hades' realm: avery old idea that from Medusa's eyes would turn that Acrisius had already fled to illicit desire.It was not for an ani-
snicdy divided the food of the dead him to stone. He also received l-arissaon hearing of his grandson's mal this time, but for her srepson,
from that of the living three useful gifts from some friend- arrival The prophecy was lulfilled, Hippolytus, the son of Theseus'
The story of Persephone's ly nymphs: a cap of invisibility, nevertheless, when Perseus was earliermarriageto the queen of the
abduction, disappearance and winged shoes and a bag for invited to compete in the gamesar AMAZ.ONS, Hippolyta. When she
retum parallels the fertiliry myths Medusa's head Ready for the Lanssaand his discus hit rhe old saw how Hippolytus was homfied
of West Asia. She may well have exploit at last, Perseusput on the man on the head by her passion for him, Phaedra
been a pre-Greek goddess,a deity shoes and flew to the Gorgon's Becauseof the accident the hero hanged herself and left a message
worshipped by earlier setrlers of cavein the far west. Careful not to chose to be king of Tiryns rather to Theseussaying that his son had
the counuywho was later incorpor- look at Medusa directly, he than Argos On hearing of their ried to rape her. Theseusexiled his
ated into Greek religion. Her asso- approached by watching her reflec- deathsAthena placed both Perseus son. who was later killed in a char-
ciation with the dead may have a tion in his shield Having cut off and Andromeda in the sky as con- iot accident In another version,
similar origrn. The Athenians, who Medusa'shead and stowedit in his srellations (Seealso HERoEs) Theseuscursed his son and asked
were originally a non-Greek speak- bag, Perseusflew awayunseen by POSEIDON to destroy Hippolytus,
ing people, referred to the dead as her rwo sisters. PHAEORA was the daughter of which he did by sending a sea-
"Demeter'speople" The chilling powers of rhe head Kirg MINOSand Queen PASIPHAE monster Phaedra, filled with
were used to good purpose by of Crete According to the Greeks, sorrow. then killed herself
PfnSnUS was the son of.zrus Perseuson his way home Having the Arhenian hero THEsEUS made
and oaruer, daughrer of Acrisius, PUegfUON was the son of rhe
king of Argos Danaehad been shur sun god HELIoS and Clymene,
up in a bronze tower in order to daughrer of ocnnlsos He drove his
thwart a prophecy that if she had a father's four-horse chariot so fast
son he would kill Acrisius. Bur that he lost control and threatened
Zeus visited her as a golden show- the world with a terrible heat ZEIJS
er and Perseuswas bom A tenifred stopped him with a thunderbolt,
Acrisius placed mother and son in which sent Phaerhon crashing to
a wooden chest and cast it on the the eanh The great god may have
sea.The protection of.Zeus,how- also flooded the earth in an attempt
ever, was enough to bring them to reduce rhe temperature Ir was
safelyto the shoresof the island of believed rhat Phaethon's mad
Seriphos, where Perseusgrew up exploit could be rraced in the
among fishermen shape of the Milky Way, while he
On reaching manhood Perseus was reflectedin the constelladonof
was sent by the local ruier, Auriga, the charioteer
Polydectes,to fetch the head of the
GORGON Medusa,avery dangerous THe PI-HADES were the seven
task. Luckily for the hero the god- daughrersof the Tiun ATl,As,and
dess ATHENAhated Medusa and were named Maia, Elecra, Taygete,
insrructed him how ro proceed Celeno, Merope, Asterope and
Alcyone They may have become
PHAEDRA,seenherewithhersister stars,or doves, in order to escape
Aiadneandhusband Theseus.wasthe from rhe passionateintentions of
daughter of KingMinos and Orion, the giant hunter Their
Queen Pasiphaeof CreteShe Jellin love appearancein the nighr s\y in May
Uthherstepson Hippolytus which coincides with rhe beginning of
oatually prarcdtobeherdownJall summer, and the constellation of
Cfnrsrus wtrH ARTADNE AND PHAEDM By BENEDETTO Orion then appears to be in
Gr,vluenr rHE youNGER, cet'tves, 1702 ) perpetualpursuir of them


ZEUS took the slqy, FTADESthe

underworld and Poseidon the sea,
while the land was ruled by all
three It was agreedthat Zeus was
the senior deiry, though Poseidon
frequently assertedhis indepen-
dence Once he even chained up
Zeus. with the aid of HERA,Zeus'
wife, and his daughter ATHENA
Possibly becausehis element was
the tempestuoussea,Poseidonwas
thought of as an unruly god.
Earthquakeswere attributed to his
anger, and Hades was often afraid
that the roof of the underworld
would cavein becauseof the shak-
ing Poseidongave the earth PRIAM,thehingoJTroy, sa\tours
Poseidon was pictured riding moment ofrarepeacewithHelenonthe
rhe deep in a chanot pulled by citywalk,as shedescibes
golden seahorsesIn his handswas of theGreehhost,
chieJtains whocirclethe
a mighry trident, a weapon capable cityon theplainsbelow(IrtusrwroNFRoM
of stirring the waters to fury, like SroRrES eruo
the sudden violence of an Aegean
storrn His wife was Amphitrite, a the Greeks,although the maritime
POLYPHEMUS, a one-qedg1ant,was in pain, but in responsero the other seanymph whose name recallsthat state of Athens did not always
love with the nymph Galatea,but she Cyclopes' questionshe cried our of the seamonster Triton This fear- enjoy the best reladonswith him
scornedhim,lovinginsteadthehandsome that he was being attacked by ful pre-Greek creature was tumed Because the Athenians chose
Acrs In a jealousrage,theglant crushed Nobody, so they went away, con- by the Greeks into the merman. Athena as the deity of their ciry,
Aciswith a roch;but Galateatumedher sidering him drunk or mad ln the One of Poseidon's children by Poseidon flooded the countryside
belovedinto a Srcilianiver beannghrs morning Polyphemusopened the Amphitrite bore this name undl Zeusbrought about an under-
ntme (PotypHr:MUS AND tHt- NvvpH G,qt,qrl-n av entrance to the cave to let out his However, the sea god had many standing The temple of Athena
ANNTBALE CARMCCT, rnrsc<1, c 1595.) flock and feit the back of each ani- other offspring by other partners. stood on the acropolis in Athens
mal as it passed to ensure no men He even mated with the GoRGoN and Poseidon'sown sanctuarywas
POI-YPHEMUS was rhe son of escaped But Odysseus and his Medusa, much to the annoyanceof conspicuously sited on Cape
POSEIDONand the sea nymph men tied themselvesto the under- the goddessArhena From the sev- Sunium, which majesticallyjuts
Thoosa He was a Cyclops, a one- sides of the sheep and managed to ered head of Medusa sprang the out into the AegeanSea
eyed giant, and was thoughr ro leave undetected For this crime winged horse PEGASUS, surely a Another naval power that
have lived on the island of Sicily againsthis son, Poseidonpromised favourite of Poseidon Worship of offended Poseidon was Crete
ODYSSEUS, during his longjoumey revengeon Odysseus the seagod was wrdespreadamong When its ruler, King MINoS,asked
home, came to the island and
asked for hospitality, but called POSgtoON was the son of
himseif Nobody Polyphemus CRoNos and Rnra He was the
indeed proved to be a dangerous Greek god of the sea, and the
hosr and treated rhe Greeksas part equivalent of the Roman NEPTUNE
of his flock, shutting them up in his He was panicularly associatedwith
cave and earing them one by one horses and bulls After the over-
for his evening meal Odysseus throw of Cronos, his three sons
dared not kill the Cyclops during divided the world between them:
the night becausehis men lacked
the strength ro move the boulder POSEIDON, godoJtheoceans,rodethe
blocking rhe entrance to the cave wavesin a chaiotdrawnbygoldmsea-
So Odysseus thought of a cunning ongedtident,
plan to enable their escape He got rymbolofhispower,heshatteredtherochs,
Polyphemus drunk on wine and calledJorth andshooh
storms theearth
then put out his single eye with a (Nr,pruNe AND Hls HORSES By E K BIRCE,

smke The rnjured grant roared wrrh cANvAs. c 1880)

CL,qssrc.{L MrrHOroGY

P S Y C H E r \ . . 1 -. s ob e a t t t r l u l t l r r t r A p / t i r r r l i t t

l r i ' t r : . l t t t/ ,d c t l o u -rst t t r l s c t t f h d s , , r r I r r , . s t t ,

i r r . s p r r tP s t c h e r r r r h r t | c r s s r 0 r r/ ( ) r r l l r r { t h

r i r r l r h L r t l t e u a s s o e r r t r ? n c c r lr r h t ' r r h , s r n r

l r er t h a t h e d r o p p e r l a n u n o l \ ( ) n h r s / ( ) ( ) t ,

and .softll tn love wrth hu Lr L n,,

tt tht ( - . .- \.( d - ^ . J ft L^, l. . a J<r 5j tot .n . ; rr ryr rhl riLr n h r r l l

J r / L r l t
5 L , u

cmcrged from thc \\ a\ es Rclrgrous

( llslom rpallired MtnOSt() s.tenficL'
the anrmal. but he chose not tcldo
so, \\,'rth the result that his o\\'n \\'rfe
P A . S I P H AbEe c a m e t h e b u l l ' s l o r . e r
f h c i r q r. r* ,2. f ]n. o en n i { ) n n r r r d r , , ' , 1r h c
IllNOlALrR. the bull-headed man

l ( l

n\' *\f nPnl2fl


f-|[fqt lHl\l,t \

(See alsoFORCE.S
OF\A f L.R!)

PruenA was rhe son of Laomedon

^ hr P l l J( .r t. ^r 'l -l u
c, ,l .l 1l L .rrrh. r, r' f. r. rr )- u
.. , 1r .dtu, ,B, lr rt t,r L
\'. L ' .t

of the Rrver Scamander 81, the trme

of the Tro.lan War Pnam, rhe krng

. . r fT r o ) ' . \ \ ' a s a l r c a d y a n t r l d m a n .
lathcr ol'fift1 sons. >t)mc hy his
qllcen Hecuba. thc rcst b; ..'ther
\\'omen Although hc disapproved
of the confllct urth the Greeks and
lts callse, Pnam rvas alu,ays krnd to
H E It \ throughout the l()ng5icge
Shc had eloped to Troy wrth his
son PARIS Pnam was killed in the
courtyard of hrs palace whe n the
Greeks sacked Tro1,

PROUETHEUS was a son of rhe

IITAN Iapetus and one o[ the older
Greek gods who sided wlth zEU-sin
his fight against hrs father cRONoS
His fame was due to his affection
for mankind, to whom he gave fire
Zeus, the leader of the new and
stronger gods, had hrdden fire
away, but Prometheus stole it and
brought lt to earth wrh hrm But mrghtrer rhan his farher 81'mai<rng l r f e, b u t o t h e r g r f t s* e r c p c r h a p s s en t h e r s o n L I I ( ) \ t o r . n l i k cP s v c h c
this drew Prometheus into confhct sure that Thetis married a morral iess hclpful O ut of the fl am r ng l r r l l r n l o v c r i i t h t h e r r g l r t ' s lt r - c . I t u l - c
wrrh Zeus, who chained the rebel- ruler, the newly 'urctonous gods forgecameweaponsof rvarr,pltrs ali he could lincl Brrt rvhcn Eros sar,r'
lious Titan to a rock and senr an protected themselves because her the mr sene sthat l ol l or vr hc di s m p- hcr hc fcll rn ltrrt' .rflclforgor his
eagle to ear his liver As rhis organ son turned out to be the warrior tion of'a simple wa1'of hfc mother's commancl Thcl' became
was immortal, it grew at nrght as ACHILLES, an inr.rncrble bur nor lovers, rhor-rgh Eros ftrrbadc Ps,vche
fast as the bird could consume rr by immorral fighter PSYCHE in GreekrehgrousbcheI e v e r t o l o o k r - r p t , r -hi r m \ \ ' h e n a t
day Prometheus was oniy released Zeus' anger wrth mankrnd was was the "sou1" ,br - r tr n m ) 'thol og) ' l a s r s h e d i c l . h c f l c c l i n f c a r o I n ' h a t
when he gave Zeus the informarron on occasron explained by poor sac- she was r ep r es entedas a pnnc c s s A p h r o d i t c r i o u r L d c l o t o h r m n o u '
that the sea nymph rHEris. whom nfices Bur Prometheus himself was so beautrfulthat peopleadorcclhcr t h e s e c r et \ \ ' l i s ( ) u t l n t h e e n d .
- fo
both Zeus and posrtDoN were pur- not a strarghtforward helper errher r nsr eadof a puR c tptr u put an hor.vever, .rirt r.\ lgrccd that the
suing, would give birth to a son He gave [ire, an essenria] of cnrhzed cncl to thrs s ac r i l egc ,A;r hr oc l r tc I r l r ' c r sr ' t ' u l J h t ' r r n i t r ' d l ( ) r e t e r n i t ) '


forces, neither good nor bad, but
Iarger than life. While Greek
grants could be "g.ntle"
guardians, such as TaloS,the gigantic
bro nze man who defended the island of
Crete, others, such as Geryon, were
predators, preying on unwary travellers.
Equally, the Cyclopes were orginally creative
beings, making armour and omaments in the
forge of Hephaistos, and building the
rnassive city walls of Tiryns . Later on they
were also portrayed as moody, rebellious
shepherds who igtored divine laws and
preyed on monals. The gods themselves are
g i g a n r i c , e s p e c ia I I y t h e o l d e r g o d s ,
reflecting their primal nalure, such as
the Titans, and the Giants, who were
beings with mighry torsos and snake-like
legs. The Titans overthrew their father
Ouranos, replacing him with Cronos, who
was in his turn dethroned by his son
Zeus. Such a cosmic struggle between
older primal gods and a younger
generation is a common feature in
world mythology.

ATIAS (nght), the"bearer"or "endurer", bore theheavenson his

us puntshmentfor havingfought agatnstZeus with the o
dwrne Titans ThemythprobablyaroseJrom thermpressron
mountainsbear theheavensIn anotherstory,Atlcs, becausehe
Perseusshelter,was tumed to a stonymountatn,namedafter htm
globe showingthe
Here, the heavensare depictedas a celestral
constellattons (THE FARNESE ATLAS, M^RBLE, c AD 200 )
ClassrcAr- MyrHoLoGy


one-qed glants,were
initrally regardedas
helpedHephaistosin his
specialarrnour, suchas
Hades' rnvrstblehelmer
tndent Yet
thq were alsoportrayed
shepherdsOne such,
over Odysseusandhts
comradeswho have
rashlystrayed tnto his
den QtrusrurtoN FRIM

SroRrrsrnov Hovr-n, .1885)

ORION (abwe lef), who wasoneof Posadon'sunruly sons,w4s a glganticand handsomehunter, who couldwalh CACUS (above),sonoJ Hepharstos,
and a goat-hheg1ant,prryedon
through the oceanswithhis feet on the seabedand hrsheadabwe the waves Lrhehtsglant brother, the one-eyed human berngswho strayedLtyhtscavenear Rome Cucusstole
Polyphemus,Oion wasblindedin a quarrel,but his Ees werehealedby the radianceof the sungod Hehos There Geryon'sredcattleJrom Heracleswhrlehe slept,and hid them in his
are many diffenngstonesconcerninghis
death,but accordingtoone myth,thelwe that Eos,the goddess oJ the cave Howater,thecattlebeganto bellowand Heraclescameand
dawn,felt for Oion was suchthat it causeddivine lealouryuntil Artemtswaspersuadedto shoothim with an slayedCacus,retnevrngthe cattle that he had onglnally stolent'rom
arrov/ on behalfoJthe gods He wasthen raisedto the starstoJorm a constellation(IttusrwrrctN
tg95) Geryon (Hr,naclt-s SLcys r r-1, GL,rr r C,rcus av GLluaerrtstt leNcErrt, c 1670 )

PYCN4ALION was a king of

Cyprus According to rhe Greeks,
he commissioned an ivory statueof
his ideal woman, sinceno real one
measured up to his expectations
Nor surpnsingly, Pygmalion fell
hopelesslyin love with rhe statue,
an even more unsatisfactory fate
than he had prevrously suffered
Becauseof his obviously genuine
disappointment, the love goddess REMUS nNn ROMULUS (obove)were

APHRODITT brought the statue to setadift on the Tiber by Amulius,but the

life and made it love him Some va- cradlecameashoreandwasJoundby a she-

ditions tell how the couple had a wolf. The nvins Qef) march tnumphantly

daughter named Paphos,who gave from Alba Longa On theleft, Romulus

her name to the town bearsaloft theheod oJ their treachrous
uncle, Amulius On the nght, Remus

SCC MON5TER5 carnesthewildhead of Camers,a piest
FABULOUS thehingto drwn the wins
who counselled
(li-rusrnerrorus FROM [AYs oF ANCIENT ROME, 188] )

Rruus AND ROtr,tut-uS
rhe rwrn sons of nnr,,4SILVIAand RHEA SILYIA (below),a vestalvirgn,

MARS,and rhe two founders of waslovedbyMars,andborehim twin sons,

Rome Rhea Silvia had been the Romulusand Remus For violating the laws

only child of King Numitor of Alba oJher holy order, shewasthrown into the

Longa When Numitor's brother Ttber, but the god oJ the nver, Tibernus,

AMULIUSdeposed him, he also sayedand mamed her (t'lenswrrnRnreSIrwe

forced Rhea Silvia to become a BYFMNcEsco DEL CossA FREsco,1476)

Vestal Virgrn, thereby ensuring rhat

rherewould be no other claimant
to the throne But the war god
Mars raped her in his sacredgrove,
and Rhea Silvia gave binh to
Romulus and Remus
Amulius ordered his servans to
hll the new-bom nvins. but instead
they cast them on the Tiber Their
cradle was carried swrftly away and
evenrually came to rest on a mud-
bank To look after his children
Mars sent his sacred animal, the
wolf Later Romulus and Remus
were discoveredin the wolf s lair by
a shepherd named Faustulus,who
took rhe foundlings home So they
were raised as shepherds,although
the ability of the brothers to lead
others, and to fight, eventually
became widely known. One day
Numiror met Remusand guessed
who he was and so the lost grand-
children were reunited with him,
but they were not content to live
quietly in Alba Longa. Insread,they
went off and founded a ciry of their
own - Rome A quanel, however,

ClessrcAL MyrHoLoGY

SARPEDON is lifted by Thamtos (Death) Rnnn SLVIA*as rhemotherof

andllypnos (Slap) from thebattlfield of REMUSAND ROMULUSShe was the
Troy This Lyatn rulq, an ally of the only child of Numitor, the king of
Trqans, waslater confusedwithZats' son Alba Longa. When he was deposed
of the samename lu:usrtAnoNFRoM
sroRrEs by his younger brother AMIJLIUS,
FRoM HoMER, .1885)
the new king forced Rhea Silvia to
become a Vestal Virgin. However,
eruued and Romulus hlled Remus, Amulius could not guaranteeRhea
possiblywith a blow from a spade. Silvra'sprotection from the atten-
Though he showed remorse at rhe tions of the gods and she was raped
funeral, Romulus ruled Rome wirh by MARSin his sacred grove. Her
a srong hand and rhe ciry flour- twin sons were rhen cast into the
ished. It was a haven for runaway swollen Tiber, where she may have
slavesand other fugitives, bur suf- been drowned
fered from a shortage of women,
which Romulus overcame by Rouurus seeREMU5
arranging for the caprure of
Sabinewomen at anearby fesdval. SnnPfOONwasthesonof.zrus
After a reign of forty years he and ruRoPA. He was adopred by
disappearedto become, some of Asterius, king of Crete. Sarpedon
his subjecs believed, the war god quanelled with ond of his brothers,
Quirinus. MINOS,over the throne of Crete
The Romulus and Remus mFh and fled to Asia Minor, where he
was as popular as rhar of erruras. founded the Greek ciry of Miletus
From the beginning of republican It is said that Zeus allowed him to
times, around 507 gc, the she-wolf live to a great age
became the symbol of Roman
nationhood. (Seealso FoUNDERS) S,qfUnN was an ancient Italian
com god, the Roman equivalent of
RPtnaI,lANTHyS was rhe son the Greekgod cnoruos, though he
of ruRopa and zEUs, and the had more in cornmon with the
brother of tvrlos and seRpEDoN. goddessDEMETERHe was believed
According ro one radition he mar- ro have ruled the eanh during a losr
riedarcuENE after the dearh of her Golden Age. His fesrival, the
husband Amphitryon. Others say Satumalia,was celebratedin Rome
rhat he was one of the rhreeJudges over sevendays and was held at the
of the Dead and lived in the para- end of December
dise of Elpium, in the far wesr
Tnf S.qfYnS were the wild
Rnnn was the daughter of spirirs of Greek and Roman wood-
Ouranos and cen. fu the wife of lands Their bestial nature was
CRONOS, she bore six children, rhe shown in their horse-like or goat-
heanh goddessHesria, the goddess like appearance.They were mainly
of vegetation DEMETER, the earth associated wirh DIoNYsus, rhe
goddessHEM, the underworld god Greek god of vegerarion,wine and
FtADEs,rhe seagod rosaDoN and ecstasy,and played a crucial role in
zEus, the skygod. Cronos, having his festivals.(Seealso MONSTERS
leamed chat one of his children ANDFABULOUS BEASTS)
would depose him, swallowed all
of them, except for Zeus, as they SATURN,"thesower", wasalsoregarded
were bom. Rhea substiuted rhe asanearlyhingoJIntiumdunnga lost
babyZeus with a stone wrapped in GoldenAgeHere,withhisdaughterJuno,
swaddling clothes. He was rhen heisweaingexoticrobes,
mken to the island of Crete, where RomanbelieJthathewasaJoreignerwho
the worship of Rhea was norable, jed to Latium to escape Zeus guNo nlro

and was secredyraised. Serunn ByPAoLoyERoNEsE. .1553-55)


C lessr (.Ar My I H or-oc,\'

scnu see\.10\-\
Ar\r) SIBl'I- tht''o /orctold rhr (ie.stur\
FAI]t/l ()Lr5BEA-S
l -5 r r f R r r r i r t t t sp r e d r r t t ' r 1i n t h t - S i h - l l r n eB o o h s

r y h r rh h t t u m e a t , r t u l s ( ) r 1 1e o / r e l i g r o u s

Sruelg s e e L c ) \ ' r r R -OSI . 7 E L ' , - S r n . s 1 ) l lfili( ) n t t n r i g r r r i L r t t , r ' \ i r r \ r ' ' r . r r r R LL r . '

StnYl, rn Roman myrhology, was

rhc prophcrcss nho d r , ' , 'let n c a r - S f S l ? H { I - S r l i r r h r \ 1 r / n t / t r a f u r ts t r r /

Cumac, rn southem italy' ()t-r. ,rt. r i t ( ' n t r (l i . \| L r n t . S h t ' ,/ 1r r r h r S . s r r r .hS b t ' r r r {

explarns hou, shc became rmmortal .(rrrir nttfr/ frrrn'r'r tir f ri.\h rt nrarhlt' hlor h

b r - r ts t i l l s r e w o l d
She refused tfrc np tt hrll oniy to .set it rrri/ down agtnn

favour.s of ,qpttl i rt, rhe gocl ol /l I i \ lli \ ll, 'r nt \tr A Ill.1l / l')')i

prophecl-, so he condemned her rcr

an endless old agc -Shevu'asalready \\'hcn the offer rv:is refused. Srby.l
ancient when AENFASconsulted bun-rcd three books and offered rhe
her about hrs visit to the under- other srx at the samc pnce, br-tt rhe
world Another story concems rhe offer was strll refr-rsed. so rhree
famous Srbyllinc Books, u hrch more \\'ere burnt and thcn she
were a collection of oracles thar offered the last three at rhe ongrnal
detailed Rome's destiny These ^;.-.- I- L^-,^ .he Romans closed
rLL rl l Ila)Lt L

were offered fbr saic ro Rome dur- the deal before all the rrreplaceable
rng the rule of thr Erruscan krngs oracles were totalll' destroved


THE SPHINX, or throttler,perchedon a

rochat a passto the cil oJThebesand
challengedall travellerswith a nddle,
da,ouing all whoJailedthe test In
Moreau's chtllingscene,the queenly,Jeline
Sphinxpaws her victims (TurTnruurpHRur
Spnrrux nv GustrvE M1RFAU. wermcotoun. 1888 )

the widowed queenJocasta,and so

fulfilled his tragic desriny because
SILENUSwasajwial satyr,muchglvento the queen was his mother
sleepanddnnh Baldbuthairy,andasJat The Greek Sphinx should not
androundashiswine-bag,hewasmore be confused with the Egyptian
oftendrunhthansober,butwhen drunhor Sphinx. The Grear Sphinx at Grza
hebecame aninspired
andmuch was the protector of the pyramids
sought-aJter rnov and scourge of the sun god Ra
TAnPgfn was a Roman heroine,
SU-ENUS was variously described the daughter of Spurius Tarpeius,
as the son either of the Greek the commander of the Capiroline
messengergod HERMES, or of PAN, fortress at Rome She may have
the goatJike god of the pastures played a role in savrngthe city A
He was usually portrayed as the war berween Romans and Sabines,
elderly companion of oiolysus, a people of central ltaly, had been
the Greek god of vegetation,wine provoked by ROMULUS' abduction
and ecstasy.ln appearanceSilenus of Sabinewomen to provrde wives
was a fat, bald man with the tail for Rome's men One radirion says
and earsof a horse Becauseof the thar Tarpeialet the Sabinesinto her
hndness shown to Silenus by King father's fortress afrer making them
MIDASof Phrygia,Dionysusgranted promise to give her what they wore
the king his famous and shorr- on rheir lefr arms, their shields
sighted wish for a golden touch Another mentions only rheir
braceierc ln the first version the
STNENS SCC MONSTER5AND Sabinesrealued thar they had been
BM5T5 tricked and threw their shields at
her and killed her The Romans
STSYPHUS was rhe son of King could not agreehow Tarpeiadied
Aelus of Thessalyand Enarete He nothing if he died, Sisyphussaid of a lion and the wings of a bird, but, whateverher motive was, real
was known to the Greeks as the that his bodywas unburied and the she was sent as a curse on the ciry traitors were always thrown from
craftiest of men. and suffered for customary offerings to the dead of Thebes by the goddess HERA the Tarpeian Rock
his rickery by endless labour in had not been made He must The Sphinx guarded a pass ro rhe
Tarurus, a place of punishment therefore see to the arrangemenrc city and asked all who wished to TARPEIA, o Romanherorne,wsscrushed
beneath the underworld. Sisyphus himself before he could be said to passa riddle Those who failed to oJtheSabines
todeathbytheshields as
is credited wirh the foundation of be truly dead Finally, Zeus lost give the correct answerwere eaten thrystormed thegates
through oJthe
Corinth. According ro one tradi- patience and condemned Sisyphus The riddle was: "What rhingwalks Capitohne
Jortress toone
tion, he angered zEUs by revealing to Tanarus ro pay for his lifelong on four legs in the morning, on shehadluredtheSabines
legend, to
that the god had abducred the impiety. For the rest of etemiry he three in the evening, and is weak- l{efor Rome
daughter of a river god. Zeus there- had to roll a block of stone to the est when ir walks on four?" The (l[rrsrnarro,r' FRoM STORTF-st nov Ltr r J885 ]

fore sent Thanatos,god of death, to top of a hill only to seeit roll back correct answer was Man, because
take Sisyphus to the underworld again as it reached the crest he walks on four as a baby and
Somehow the ingenious hng tem- Ieans on a stick in old age When
porarily made Thanaros his own THE SPHINX, according ro OEDIPUS gave the correct answer,
prisoner. When the gods again Greek mythologlr, was the daugh- the Sphinx hurled herself over a
claimed him, Sisyphus tricked ter of Echidna, either by rrrHoru or cliff and died As a reward for
HADESinto letting him retum to by Onhus. A monsterwrth the face destroying rhe monster, he was
earth. Having told his wife to do and breasts of a woman, the body made king of Thebes and mamed

ClessrcAL MvrHoLocY

TAnqurNtus Supennus THESEUS was the son either of retrieved the sword and sandals TARQUINfUS SUPERBUS,a crueland
was rhe sevenrhand last Etruscan POSEIDONor AEGEIISthe king of On his joumey to Athens he slew ryrannicalhing sireda no lesscrueland
king of Rome, who reigned in the Athens His mother was Aethra several desperatebandits, a f.ear- ignoble son, Tarquinius Sextus,who raped
sixrh century ec His youngestson, The childlessAegeusconsulted the some son of HEPHAtsros,and a the Roman matron, Lucretia She,in
Tarquinius Sextus,causedthe end Delphic Oracle and was told not to dreadful sow, the daughter of the shame,hilled herselJ.Theoutrageprw ohed
of rhe monarchy by raping the untie his wine skin undl he monster ITPHONAt Eleusis.then an uprisingand Tarquiniuswas
Roman matron LUCRETIA, which retumed home He did not under- a kingdom separatefrom Arhens, werthrown (TnrRape
caused BRUrus to lead a rebellion stand what the oraclemeant and so Theseuswas forced to acceprthe
Tarquinius was defeated and the visited his friend Ki.g Pittheus of challenge of a wrestling match with
Roman republic was established Troezen Realizingthat Aegeuswas its king, Cercyon The aggressive the king recognizedhis sword as
going to beget a powerful son ruler died as a result of rhe conresr, the hero carved the meat. The plot
TARQUINIUSSE)ffUS, asheJIedthe immediately after the celebration so Theseusbecameking of Eleusis, was revealed, Medea fled from
oJLaheRegrllus,wasstruch feast for his saferetum to Athens, which he later added to the Athens with her son, and Aegeus
from behindHisingloiousdeathwas Pittheusmade his guestdrunk and Athenian kingdom named Theseusashis successor
recountedrn Macaulay'slcys:"Andin the put him to bed with his daughter On his amval in Athens. The next cycle of Theseus'
bach felt theRoman
JalseSextus / And
steel Aethra, and so Theseuswas con- Theseus leamed that his father explois was designed to securethe
wng;lingin thedusthedied,lihe a worm ceived Beflorehe left for home, Aegeuswas hardly able to hold on saferyof Athens First, he deahwith
beneath the wheel " (lur'.srncl,r," rno,u L.rysor, Aegeustook the pregnantAethra to to the throne Not only was the Pallas' sons. Then he killed a wild
ANL[,NTR()Mr:.l88i ) a great boulder undemeath which apparently heirless hng challenged bull that was ravagingMarathon, [o
he placed his sword and sandals by the fifry sons of his half-brother the north-east of the city. He also
He told her that, should she have a Pallas,but, worse sdll, Aegeushad overcame the MINOTAUR,the
son, she must wait until he was fallenunder the spell of unDEA,the srrange offspring of p,qstpHnE, the
strong enough to raise the boulder former wife of;asoN and a power- wife of Kirg MINos of Crete. An
before she senr him ro his farher's ful witch She hoped that her own annual ribute of youngAthenians
court After Aegeus'departurethe son Medus would succeedAegeus was fed to the Minotaur, which
wily Pitrheus said his daughrer's Although Theseus hid his rrue lived in the Labyrinth rhat had
lover was really Poseidon identity, Medea knew who he was been designed by oAEDALUS. No
When Theseus came of age, and persuaded Aegeus to let her one had ever managed to find their
Aethra explained that he was heir poison the mighty stranger at a way through this maze, so when
to the Arhenian rhrone and he banquet Theseuswas savedwhen Theseus volunteered to confront
ClessrcAL MyrHoLoGy

THESEUS'uploitsareillustrated onan
inticateRomanmosaicAt thecentreof
thelabynnthTheseus withthe
MinotaurOntheleJt,Theseus and
Anadne pledgetharlweat thealtar,
whileat thetop,TheseussetsAiadne
ashore,desmingtheunfortunate matden
on Dia,on thenght trHrE)clorrs
MosArcc AD200)

the Minotaur his farher despaired

It was agreed that if Theseus
should, by some miracle, suwive,
he was to change the sail of the
tribute ship from black to white on
the homeward voyage
At Minos' palacein Knossosthe
goddessAPHRODITE gaveTheseus
an invaluable ally in ARIADNE,a
daughter of the Cretan king who
fell in love wrth the hero Princess
Ariadne knew that the Labynnrh
was so complex that the only way
out was to follow back a rhread
fastened to the entrance After
Theseus had promised to marry
her, Anadne gave him a ball of near Athens But discord enrered was so humiliated by his rejection version, Hippolytus was hlled by a
rhread and a sword The hero his own house when his second that she hanged herself and left sea monster rhar was raised by
entered the Labynnrh, slew rhe wife PFiAEDM,another daughter of Theseus a letrer in which she Theseus'anger,and Phaedra,filled
Minotaur and rhen set sail for Minos, came to desireher stepson accusedHippolytus of artempted with remorse,killed herself
Athens with Ariadne and the rest of Hippolytus, to lhe young man's rape He was exiled and died in a Theseuslater seizedthe twelve-
the Athenian parry He rhen lefr the horror Ahhough he promised ro chanot accident before his father year-oldHELEN,daughterof zELls,
princess on the nearby island of keep her passiona secre[,Phaedra discovered the truth In another as a future wrfe He ciaimed that
Dia h is thought rhat he was in only she was worthy enough to be
love with another woman, but his wrfe, possibly becauseof her
whatever the reasonhe was soon divine father But she had powerful
repaid for his heardessnessfu the hnsmen, and her rwo brorhers,the
ship approachedAthens, Theseus DIOSCURI, defeatedthe Athenians
forgot to changethe sail ro indicate and drove Theseusabroad He died
to his farher that he was alive on the island of Scpos, when its
Aegeussaw a black sail and, think- ki.g, fearingthe presenceof such a
ing his son dead, threw himself off man, pushed him over a cliff as he
the Athenian acropolis admired the view k was believed
The suicide meanr thar Theseus that in the fifrh cenrury BC, rhe
was now king of Athens, and he Athenian admiral Cimon wenr ro
joined all the communidesof Attica Scy'ros and brought the hero's
into one scate Apart from enlargrng bones back to Athens, where they
Athens' territory, Theseus also were kept in a shrine
undertook a number of heroic
exploits On one expedirion he THESEUS aruoSINIScircleeachother
captured Hippolyta, the queen of in a battleof witsandwills Sinis,thepine-
TheAMAZONS, who bore him a son, bender,wasa robber whohilledbytyirg
Hippolytus, bur she died shorriy hts victim between two bent pine trees and
afrerwards Theseus gave rhe then letting them sping upnght, thereby
accursedoEDtPUsand his daughrer teaing the man apart (TurseusANr)SrNrs,
ANTIGONE sancruaryat Coionus. ( 490 BC )

HEANCIENTsBELIEVED that many of their fabulous cities
were founded by the pioneering heroes and heroines
of legend,such as Cadmus of Thebesand Dido of I
Carth age. In Classical mythology, the heroic ethic \
combined with the Greek ideal of polis, or city-state, to
cre ate a varLety of dynamic founders who built such
celebrated cities as Athens, Mycenae, Sparta and Thebes.
The Greek polis was an autonomous, ind.penden[ / a
community of citizens, slaves and foreigners who gathered
within and around a fortified ciry. Each ciry honoured its own
hero who was also often its legend ary founder, such as Perseusof Cncnops (above),one oJthe
mythicJoundersoJ Athens,and the
Mycenae and Lacedaemon of Sparta. Mythic founders were first hing of Attica, is depicted with

innovative, godlike heroes, guided by destiny and deiry to createa d serpent'stail, recallinghis oigln
as an aboiglne of Attica He
fresh, vibrant culture. Apart from leading a ribe to a bright new dividedthe nativesinto twelve
land, and buildirg a strong citadel, founders often developed Acropolis,the strongholdoJAthenl

helpful new ways and customs: Cecrops of Athens, for instance, whichwas alsonamed Cecropia
aftu him An innovator, Cecrops
encouraged religious worship, while Cadmus of Thebes introduced abolishedbloodsocifce, encour-
agedtheworshipof Zzus and
an alphabet of L6 Phoenician letters. A city or ribe sometimes Athenaand introducedbasiclaws

honoured irc founder hero by sharing his name, such as llium, of property, politicsond mariage
(l[usrnenoru FROM DrcfloNARY oF

named after llus, the Ttojans after Tios, and Rome after Romulus. CrASslcAL ANTrqunrs, i89l )

ArHErus (ngh), the splendidcapital oJ Attica,

owed its oiglnboth to Cecrops,whoJounded
the ancientAcropolis,and to Theseus
united Attica's twelve statesinto one, and
made Athenstheir capital The ci1 divided
rnto the upper town, or Acropohs,and the
lowerwalledtown. as well as threeharbour
towns TheAcropolis,seenhere,riseson a
steeproch, its summit oncecrownedwith
sparhlingtemples Mostfamous oJ all was the
Parthenon,built oJPentelicmarble in pure
Doic styleand adomedwithinandwithout
with gllded and painted sculpture North oJ
the Parthenonrosea great statuteoJthe ciry's
Athena,whosehelmetand spearwere
seenfrom the sea Athens,the arttstic centreoJ
the ancientworld, reachedits greatest
splendourin the time oJPmcles(160-429 sc)
(THE AcRopol,rs sv ClnL HaeG, ceNves, c 1890 )

Rovurus (above),the mythicJounderof Ron1e,was

, wtth his twtn brother,Rernus
suchledatbtrth by a she-wolf
The tvvrnshad beencastinto the RiverTrberIry therrg'eat-
uncle Amuhuswho covetedthe throneof Alba Longa,but
theird:ine Jather,Mars, senthrssacredanimul,thewolf,
to savehis sons lLtter thetwinswere rescuedLrythe good
Roiur (above)
, theworld-ruItngcaprtalof Italy, situatetlon the RiverTrber,wasfoundedtn c AD 753 W the mythrchero, shepherdFaustuluswhorarsedthemas lus own Once
RomulusTheColosseum, seenhere,wusoneol the{eatest monumentsol theancrentci\, tmtiatedby theEmperor gowt1, theyleftAlba LongatoJound Rorne,but the
and inaugtratedby his son,Tttus,rn B0 ,qn Theggantrc amphttheatrewasdesrgned
Vespastan to accommodate87,000 belhgerent overthe stteand nune ol the
a centralarena In Jront of the amphttheatrenses the tnumphalArch of Titus,
around crrculartrers, overloohing
spectators future clqy,and Romulussbw Remus,settrngthewarlike
erectedtn eo 81, to celebrateTttus' vtctonouscampatgntn Judaea (\lru or rHr,C()Lossr,r rr KERIFL,
rMavLrpr cANvA.s
, 1846
) toneof thefuture ctty (lLLr
srnlrrorD)P4{l f{{)()r)norrr, )
c 1920

Tnov (above) or llium arose on the grassy plain oJ Troas lry

the Joot of Mount Ida Founded lry the mythrc hero, Ilus,

son ol Tros, the anctent ctty was named lltum and Trola

after both Jather and son The famous walls oJ Troy were
(above), Iegendary
Dtoo founder of Curthage , a tedm of architects and masons on the leJt banh of the bay Dido butlt'by the gods, Poserdon and Apollo, rn the rergn of IIus'
had fled to Afnca from Tyre in Phoeniciu wherc her husband, Sychaeus. hud been murdered by her brother, \gmalion, who son, Inomedon The nextktng, Pnam, ruled danng the

coveted the throne oJ Tyre On the coast of North AJntu, the local king, Iarbus, sold Dtdo as much land as she might contain traglc Trolan War, provohedby Pans' abduction of Helen,

rn a bull's htde By artt'ully cutting the hrde into nen'ow stnps, Drdo managed to se(ure enough land to hurld a cttadel, wtfe of the Greeh chteJtatn, Menelaus At a cntical stage

named Byrsa, or "hrde" Around thts fort, the lubuktus ctry oJ Carthuge flouished from 853 nc On the nght bank, the sttll, rn the ten-year siege, the Greehs dreamt up the Trolan

crlm tomb of $,chacus nsc.s be.srdca ncw .sapling, sl,mboh2rn g the growth oJ Carthage The glrls und boys playrng on the Horse, a massNe wooden modelhrdingwrthtn tts hollow

banh represent the future power und gentrattons of Cunhage; while the nstngsun, lih.ewtse, rymbolizes the nsrng power oJ belly an army oJ Greelzs (THr,Tnol,r:i Honsr B) Nrr r r ri t r nri l
thebnghtnrwcity ( l ) r n o B r r r r D r N c ( - { R r H ' \ ( , r , B } / w f i , R N I : R l, 8r .l l5, )v v a . s TEMPERA.
A|3BArr,. c .i560)

THnffS was a seanymph and the blind seer,

TIRESIAS, thelegendary

daughter of Nereus and Doris She advisedmany heroesSomelistenedto him,

was the mother of ecutt-t-rS, the but others,to thar cost,ignoredhim,such

great Greek hero Becauseit was as hard-headedCreon,or short-sighted

known that she was fated to bear a Pentheus His goldat stofJwas a gJt Jrom

son mightier than his father, both Athenaand enabledhimtofndhis way

zEtJSand PoselDoN gave up all lihe a sightedman (ILLUsrMroN


thoughts of possessingThetis,who DrcfloNARy oF CtAsslc,{L ANTIQUITIES, .1891 )

was much admired on Mount

Olympus, the home of the gods the seerwitnessedthe same sight
lnstead, Zeus ensured that she and became a man again His
became the wife of a mortal king, unique experienceled to Tiresias
Peleusof Phthia Thetis bore him being askedby LEUSand HERa,the
sevensons,but she was dissatisfied chief Greek deities, to settle a
with the mortaliry of her children dispure berween rhem as to which
She tested them wrth fire and boil- sex got most pleasureout of love
ing water, but none could with- When he said that it was the
smnd such treatment, not even the female,Herablinded him, but Zrus
youngest boy Achilles until Thetis awarded him a long life and the
dipped him in the Sryx, the nver of power of prophecy
the dead Even then, she forgot to
wet the heel she held him by, with THf TtfeNS and Titanesses,
the result that he was not totaily according to Greek mythology,
immortal About this time Thetis were the children of Ouranos, the
left Peleusand retumed to the sea, sky, and GAIA, the earth These
although she continued to assist grgantic beings were the older gods
Achilles as far as she could during who ruled before the Olympian
his evendul life gods, who were the brothers,
sisrersand children of zEUs The
TtnnSfRS, in Greek mythology, Titans included cRoNoS, RHn.e,
was the son of a nymph, Chanclo, came in disguise to Thebes As a The blindness of Tiresias was Coeus, Metis, Mnemoslme and
and Everes,descendantof one of result of Pentheus'refusalto listen explained by two tales One Hyperion
CADMUi'own men The blind seer to the seer, he gravely offended account states that the affliction They came to power after
of Thebes, he was so wise that even Dionysus and was tom to pieces bY was a punishment for seeing the Cronos emasculated his father
his ghost had kept its wits, and not the god's frerLaedworshippers, the goddess ATHENA bathing The Ouranos with a sickle provided by
been overcome by forgetfulness maenads Tiresiasalso confirmed other story is a somewhat lesstra- Gaia, his long-suffering mother
Iike the other inhabitants of the rhe pronouncement of the Delphic ditional explanarion Tiresiasone The eventual battle between the
underworld At the edge of the Oracle that it was indeed King day saw snakesmating and struck older generarionof gods, the Titans
world Tiresias advised oDYSSEUs OEDIPIJS who was personally them with a staff, whereupon he led by Cronos, and the younger
rhat he would never retum home responsible for the plague which turned into a woman. After living generation, the Olympians led by
ro lthaca if he harmed the catde of roubled the Thebans as a woman for a period of time, his son Zeus,lasted ten years and
HELIos,rhe sun god shook the universe like no other
During his lifetime Tiresias conflict. Afterwards Zeus threw
played a pan in severalmyths For those deities who had opposed
rnstance,he wamed King Pentheus him down to Tartarus, which was a
in vain about the identity of land beneath the underworld.
DIOI{YSUS, when that powerful god The battle against the Titans
should not be confused with the
an immortalseo
THEIIS, although Olympian gods' Iater struggle with
nymph,lovedher with
mortalson,Achilles, the GIANTS.In order to win this
all thecareandtendemess terrible confrontadon, Zeus knew
motherShesharedhis andrushed
sorrows, that he would require the help of
to hisaid,wer conscious a mighry, mortal champion, and
Hereshebingshimsomesplendid aftnour so he fathered by 'LLCMEwEthe
as he mourns Patroclus' death (Ittusru.qnou greatest of the Greek heroes
rnov Sronrrsrnou Hovrn, i885 )


THE TITANS wereglganticbangswho

ruled the earthbeJorethe Olympian gods
Thq overthro,rtheir tyrannicalJather,
Ouranus,and put Cronosinhis place
Cronos, inhis turn, swallowedallhis
children, exceptZeus,who was raisedin
secreE Here, RheapresentsCronoswith a
stonewrapped in swaddling clothesinstead
of thebaby Zeuswhois saJelyhiddenaway
(RHrrc Cnouos, RELTEF,c 400 BC )

supreme deity, but the recently

victorious ZEUS destroyed him
with a mighty thunderbolt The
volcanic activity of Mounr Aetna
in Sicily was believed to be caused
by Typhon's imprisonment
beneath the crater. The struggle
berween Typhon and Zeus was an
evenly balanced fight, however
At one point 7:uswas left helpless
in a cave,weaponlessand without
his sinews Fortunately rhe mes-
sengergod HrnvEs came to his aid
on this occasion Before his final
defeat,Typhon sired the Chimaera,
the huge seamonster killed by the

VENUS was rhe Roman equiv-

alent of apHRopirE, the Greek love
TyPHON (left), a fire-breathing serpent, goddess Venus was onginally a
was impisonedbeneaththe crqterwhen the goddess connected with agricul-
volcanoat Mount Aetna mtpted ture. but when she was identified
Symbolinng the darhJorcesoJearth, he wrth Aphrodite she took on a more
sired monstersas hideousas himself:the active and differenr role in myth-
flaming Chimaeraand snarlingCerberus ology One of her most crucial
(GnrcxVxr..c 600BC) acdonswls to retumAENMS'spear
after it had stuck in a tree stump
TYPHON was a terrible, serpenr- during his fight with the Iralian
Iike monster whose eyes shot out champion Tumus Indeed, in some
flames. He was conceived by GAIA, versionsAeneasis her son
mother earth, when she was ban-
ished to Tartarus along with the
orher defeated TITANS
According to the Greeks, Typhon
endeavoured to establish himself
as the ruler of the world, the

VENUS, the RomangoddessoJlwe, is

rarely portrayed withouther capnciousand
chmtbic son,Cupid This gracefulportrait
oJher by the French artist Boucher, Jull oJ
light and charm, owesmuch to Venusof
Arles QrtusrnerroN or CL,tsstcel

VnSfn was the Roman equivalenr the dethronement and exile of the
of the Greek goddessHestia,who Eruscan monarchy, the death of
was the goddess of the hearth Virginia was a major factor in the
Vesta, however, was worshipped ending of an aristocratic tyranny in
both as the guardian of the 449 sc.
domestic heanh and also as the The lust of a comrpt official,
personification of the ceremonial Appius Claudius, for Virginia lcnew
flame. Ceremonies in her honour no bounds. He even dared to claim
were conducted by the Vestal that the girl was his slave and used
Virgins, who were young girls from the law to have her handed over to
noble families who took vows of him. At the last moment her father
chastity for the thirty years subbedVirginia through the heart,
during which they served her declaring that her death was less
Vesra's chief festival, the Vestalia, painful to suffer than her dishon-
was held on TJune our. The Roman arrny rose to
support him, along with the
VtnCtNLA was the daughrer of a WRGINIA (abwe) dies in the arms oJher WTCAN (below), Roman god oJfve, poorer citizens not then bearing
Roman centurion named Virginius father who hilledher to releaseherfrom presentsVenus with gloious armsforher arrns, and checks were placed
and, as with LUCRETIA, she was a bondageto the comtpt Appius Clnudius son,Aeneas The goldar swordwas thereafter on magistrates' powers.
Roman connected with a major He then cursedthe Claudionline, who were descibed in the Aeneid as loaded wtth
constitutional change Whereas overthrown by the outragedRomans doom NENus tN rHE FoRGE oF vuLCAN BY VUICAN was the Roman smith
Lucretia's rape and suicide led to (Ir-r-usrnerroru
FRoM rnov Ltw, 1885)
SroRrFs FMNcors BoucHER, cenve,s, 1757 ) god and the equivalent of the
Greek HEPtiAIsros. He was widely
associatedwith Maia and YEsrA,
who were both goddessesof the
hearth. His smithywas believed to
be situated undemeath Mount
Aetna in Sicily. At the Vulcanalia
festival, which was held on 23
August, fish and small animals
were thrown into a fire.

XnNTHUS was said to be the off-

spring of the HARPYPodarge and
ZEPHYRIIS, the west wind. He was
one of wo immonal hones belong-
ing to the great Greek champion
ACHILLESand had the power of
human speech. Achilles inherited
the horses from his father, King
Peleusof Phthia, who had received
them as a present from the gods on
his wedding to the sea nymph
THETIS. Achilles tookXanthus and
Balius, the other wonderful steed,
to Troy with him They performed
extremely well on the battlefield,
although theyseemed unnerved by
the slaughter. When Achilles
quesdoned them, Xanthus wamed
the champion that his own death
was near, at which point the horse
was struck dumb by the FURIES




ZEUS, all-powufuIfathu oJ the gods,

enthronedon Olympus,isbegedby Thetis
to help her son, Achilles;she tugshis beard
and claspshis hneein her affectionateway,
as descnbedin thelliad, and thegreat god
nodshis assent (ZrusnNoTnrnsrvJr,rl-
A]GUSTE lNGREs, c,qruvas, 18.11)

After the overthrow of Cronos,

Zeus divided up the world between
himself and his two brothers,
HADESand PoselDoN Zeus chose
to rule the sky, Hades the under-
world, and Poseidon the sea: the
earth and Mount OlYmPus,which
was the home of the gods, were
regarded as common territory A
rare visitor to either of them was
Hades, who preferred to be among
the dead Trus'influence, however,
was felt e,rery*, although he
had no control over destiny itself
Rather he was the god who saw
that fate took is proper course
The many lovers taken byZeus,
both mortal and immortal, form
the very stuff of mytholory It is
hghly likely that they describe the
coming together of severalreligious
radinons , as7-eusincorporated the
attributes of rival deities and gained
credit for all important even6 The
continual antagonism between
Zeus and his wife HERA,who was
definitely an ancient, pre-Greek
mother-goddess in origin, often
ZBUS was the supreme deity in broke out into major conflict. So
Greek mythology and the son of jealous was Hera that she sPenr
the Titans cRoNos and nHr,q The most of her dme persecuting ktJs'
Romans identified Zeus wrth their lovers and their children Once
Zeus became so angry about Hera's
J7PITER,an all-powerful slcy god
The ryrannical Cronos insisted on cruelty to the hero HEMCLES,his
swallowin g alI Trus' older bro thers greatest son by a mortal woman,
and sisters as soon as they were that he suspended the goddess
bom, but Zeus escapedthis fate from a pinnacle by her wrists and
when his mother Rhea offered hung weights on her ankles (See
Cronos a stone wrapped up in OFNATURE)
swaddling clothes to swallow
instead.In secrecy,kuswas raised XANTHUSeNn BALIUS, immortal
on the island of Crete. He grew ro horsesandchildrenof thewestwind,
"torewiththespeed oJwtnd" Thq were
manhood determined to topple his
father. The wise Metis, an earlylove Achtlles' duing theTrojan
and daughter of ocEANos, gave War,andweptJorfallenheroes onthe
Zeus the idea of a potion that feld Here,Zzusleads themasa glt oJ
would make his fathervomit up all thegodsto Peleus onhisweddingday
(IrruSrnenOruBy GLENNSrrtvnw, 1995)
the children he had swallowed.

IN of paganism It seems that poets wenr on Irish myths nearly always include fighring,
Europe are concentrated on its reciting the sagaslong after St Parrick con- though the combat is undenaken more often
wesrem shores They live chiefly in verted the Irish and cleared the country of by heroes than by gods. The fearless warrior
Brittany, Comwall, Wales, Scotland, the Isle snakes, because these tales were seen as enter- Cuchulainn, rhe lone defender of Ulster dur-
of Man and lreland At one dme, however, the tainment. lrish folklore insisrs, however, rhar ing the invasion of forces raised by Queen
Cels were spread over a large parr of the they kept something of their magic, since rhe Medb of Connacht, is very much the ideal. He
Continenr, and in 278 BC one roving band Devil could never enter a house where rhe was chosen as the Irish champion afrer a
even penetrated as far east as Asia Minor, exploits of the heroes were being sung. beheading conresr with the watergiant Uath
where rhey gave rheir name ro Galatia. Until No other man had courage enough to receive
Bnarvrvrxwasa classic Celticheroinewho remainedcalm
the rise of Roman power, the Celts were a rhe giant's retum blow. Yet Cuchalainn, "the
anddigniJiedunderpressure A Jakelyslandered
force to be reckoned with. Rome itself had wasJorcedto sufierunjustly,untilrescued Hound of Culann", enjoyed but a brief life;
b hn brother,
been sacked by rhem in 385 BC, a historical Bran the Blessed (BnaNweNryG SarRrurucneM,
cANVAs,c Ig20 ) his refusal to rerum the affecrions of Monigan,
fact not forgotten by the legronaries who gave the goddess of slaughter, sealed his fate. Nor
Julius Caesar vrcrory berween 59 and 49 sc even the intewention of his father Lugh, the
over the Celdc tribes living in Gaul, presenr- sun god, could save him
day France Although largely incorporated The apparently endless conflicr appears
into the Roman Empire, the Cels condnued less tenible when it is recalled how the Cels
to worship their own gods and goddesses believed in reincamation. Their otherworld,
right up ro the dme of the official adopdon by unlike the Greek or Roman underworld, was
rhe Romans of the Christian faith. Then their not a dismal abode of the dead. Rather ir was
rehgion and mytholory waned in importance, a paradise in which souls rested prior ro rheir
except where people remembered tales about rebinh in the world. The warrior-poer Oisin,
the Celtic gods and heroes of the past. Even son of the Fenian leader Finn MacCool, spent
in distant lreland, an island thar was never three hundred years there before reuming to
under Roman control, the influence of Ireland. Oisin was warned that he would
Christianiry was soon felt. Bur here conver- never be able to go back to the underworld if
sion did nor mean rhe wholesale desrrucdon he dismounted from amagScsreed.When rhe
of rhe Celtic heitage, for monks rook great saddle slipped and he fell to rhe ground,
care from the fifth cenrury onwards to write Oisin was immediately changed from a hand-
down the ancienr sagas some yourh into a blind, grey-haired, with-
To this remarkable effort of preservarion ered old man Only St Patrick is said to have
we owe almost our enrire knowledge of Celtic bothered to listen to his fantasdc story as it
mythology. For excepr in Wales, where a was being written down.
small group of stories was recorded, nothing The interest of St Parrick in the advenrures
else was ever commirred to writing. The Cels of Oisin and, indeed in the explois of many
always distrusted script and preferred to rely other heroes of old, is obviously a later
on speech and properly trained memories. embellishmenr, but it does indicate a degree
In lreland the poet was held in particular of tolerance not readily found elsewhere in
esteem. Possibly because there was a clear dis- Christian Europe. Yet saints in lreland could
tinction there berween druid and poet in pre- curse as well as anyone else when the occa-
Christian times. The newly-founded monas- sion demanded For instance, the trouble-
teries could therefore undertake the work of some King Suibhne Geilt was cursed by St
recording rhe ancient rexts without any fear Ronan for his violence towards the fairh. and



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Mrnuru .tNo Nnrun representopposite polesoJthe

CelticothemvorWMalin, in the tradition of Celtic
druids, guided his hing Arthur, with wrsdomand

Jorestght;while Nimue,his enchantress,symbolked the

threateningpwm oJthe othenvorld.(THrBrcuruNcon
MERLTN By E BURNEJoNES, cAwAs, c i8l0-14 )

figure is still uncerrain. It is quire likely rhat

he may have been a successful warlord in the
confused and violent period following the
withdrawal of the Roman legions from Britain
around 4I0 eo That his myth blames the
ultimate vicrory won by rhe Anglo-Saxon
invaders on civil strife perhaps reflects a
kemel of truth. The Celtic peoples were norG-
rious for only rarely combining against an
extemal, common foe, so deep-rooted were
their own birrer quarrels. Thus British chival-

ry came ro an end with Kirg Arthur's disas-

trous bartle againsr his nephew Modred near
Salisbury. Hardly a knighr survived and the
Kirg himselfwas badlywounded His depar-
ture to Avalon, accompanied by three myste-
rious ladies, gave rise ro rhe idea of his
undeath. In an otherworld, ir was believed,
Kirg Arthur lingered, awaiting reincamadon
as a national saviour.

ARrnunandhisChristian Fellowship of l{nights

fromtheearlierWelsh warlordArthur,who
journqedto theothenvorldwthhiswarband in search
wondrous cauldronHere,theKnights oftheRoundTable
for thefirsttime,amiddivine
light and splendour. (MeruuscrurrmusrurroN, c 1470 )


Celrrc MyrHoLocy

Annnfn, which probably means who was unable ro ler go of rhe fell in love wirh his brother's wife, felt sorry/ for ailing Ailill and
"doer of deeds", was, in Irish horse's tail Abarta took them to E7AIN,who was actually a goddess, eventuallypromised ro sadsfyhis
mythology, a mischievous god He the otherworld, for that was rhe one of the TUATHADE DANANN desire as the only means of saving
was one of the TUATTIADEDANANN, reason for his appearanceon earth Etain had been the second wife of his life It was arranged thar rhey
who ruled lreland undl rhey were- This wonderful land was rhoughr the proud and handsome god should meet secretly in a house
overcome by the Milesians,warlike by the Celts to be the home of the MIDIR,who lived under a mound in outside Tara However,Ailill never
invaders from Spain Driyen under- gods and goddesses,and the place the middle of Ireland She had came because he fell into an
ground, Abana and his kin appear where souls briefly resred before been rebom as a human as punish- enchantedsleep
in the Irish sagasmore like heroic rebirth The rest of the Fianna. or ment for her great jealousy of
mortals rhan gods, although in the Fenians, acquired a magic ship to Midir's first wife. Fuamnach When Atut-t- MnC MAIA, according
tale of his trick on the Fenian war- give chase to Abarra's sreed.The High Kirg Eochaidh was looking to some versions of the myth, was
riors there remains a srong trace of best tracker among rhem was Finn for a bride himself, he heard reporrs the hng of Connacht and husband
his original dMniry MacCool'sassismntFoltor He suc- that described Etain as rhe fairest of the warrior-queen MEDB.He is
Abana offered himself as a ser- ceededin navrgadnga course to the maiden in Ireland So he broughr genera\ ponrayed as a ratherweak
vanr ro FINNMACCOOL, one of the otherworld for the rescue expedi- the beautiful former goddessback characterwho was entirely under
foremosr Irish heroes,and heredi- tion There Abana was compelled to his palace atTara, rhe capital the influence of Medb It was due
tary leader of the FmNNA Abarn to releasethe prisoners aswell as to There Eochaidh and Etain enjoyed ro her taundng that he agreedro go
tried ro serveFinn MacCool short- run back to Ireland himself holding a happy married life Ailill, how- to war with Ulster over the Brown
ly after the hero had succeededhis on to the horse'stail Honour being ever, gradually succumbed to a Bull of Cuailgne.Ailill finally met
father as leader of rhe band. As a sarisfied,rhe Fenians agreed ro a terrible wasring diseasebecauseof his death at the hands of coNALt,
gesture of goodwill, rricky Abarta peacewirh Abarta his unrequited passion for rhe who killed him in revenge for the
presented the Fianna wirh a wrld, new queen death of rrRcus MACRITH
grey horse Only afrer great effort AILILL, rvho was the brother of Etain was steadfast in her
did the warriors manage to ger a Eochaidh, a High Kirg of lreland, love for Eochaidh, but she also AINE was rhe Irish goddess of
bridle on the animal, and rhen it love and ferdlity She was the
refused to move even one hoof AINE, Irishgoddess oJloveandJertility, AI\4AETHON, thoughtheJruitfulrustic daughter of Eogabail,who was the
when mounted It was not until wasworshipped onMidsummer Evebythe godoJagnculture, wasnotalwayshelpful foster son of the Manx sea god
fourteen warriors had climbed localpeople wholit up herhiII withtorches ItwasAmaethon thatrobbedArawn, MANANNANMAC LIR HeT main
on its powerful back rhat it would Whensomeglrlsstayedlate onenight,Aine thereby
prwohingtheBattleof Trees, ond, responsibilty was to encourage
stir at all Once Abana had appeared amongthem andra,ealed thehill whorefusedto helphard-pressedCulhwch human love, although one mortal
mounted behind rhem, it broke tobealivewrthfaines, whichwereonly toplough,sowandreapahill in a dq - o Iover of hers, Kirg Arllil OIom of
immediarely inro a gallop, even visible throughher magc"ing tashinhis questto win Olwat Munster, paid for his passionate
pulling along a fifteenrh warrior (lLrusrnerroruByNtcK Brew., 1995) (lr-r-usrRqnoru
ByNrcK Buu, 1995) audacity with his life When he

brothers plunged the country once

again into dreadful srife The fight-
ing came to an end only with the
death of Eber. Amairgen then
installed Eremon as High King of
Ireland atTara Even then conflicts
still occurred becauseof the cease-
Iessrivalnes between lesserrulers.


ANNWN was a Welsh other-

world that was an idyllic land of
peace and plenty. ln Annwn there
was a fountain of sweet wine and a
cauldron of rebirth, which, it
would seem, was the basis of the
medieval Grail myth ln one Welsh
tradition, ARTHURlost most of his
warriors in a disastrous attempt to
seize this magic cauldron.
The lord of Annwn was the
grey-cladAMwN, wirh whom the
Dyfed chieftain PWYLLagreed to
exchange shapes and responsibil-
ities for ayear Arawn had a pack of
hounds, the Celtic "hounds of
hell", which were believed to fly at
night in pursuit of human souls

attempted to force himself upon magically transformed rrees inro AJVTAIRGEN(above)was one oJthe Jirst ANNWN (below), aWelshotherworld,
Aine and rape her, she slew him warriors to fight in the battle druidsin lreland He possessedboth andrest,filled
wasa landoJJruitfulness
with her magic. spiitual and political authoity, and wtththesongoJbirds Annwn'smaglcal
Aine's worship was alwaysasso- AUAInCEN, sometimes known pronouncedthe first judgement in the guarded
cauldron, byninemaidens, healed
ciated in lreland with agriculture, as Amergin, was one of the first land,decidingwhowouldbe thefirsthing. thesichandrestoredthedeadto lfe A
because,as a goddessof fertility, Irish druids, the ancient priests in An inspiredshamanand seer,heis credited motifin Celticmyth,magic
she had command over crops and Celtic lands He came to Ireland with a mysticalpoem in the Book of Jeaturein thetalesoJBranand
animals. Even as late as the last with the Milesians Thesechildren Invasions (ILLusrn
) Dagda (IllusrnlloN By NIcK BxLE, 1995 )

century, celebrationswere still held of ulrrsluS, or Mil, who was a

in her honour on Midsummer Eve leader of the Celts who lived in
at l(nockainy, or "Aine's hill", in Spain, were believed to be the
County Ketry ancestorsof the present-dayIrish
Having defeated the divine rulers of
AueerHoN (whose name lreland, the ru,trqADE DANANN,
means "labourer" or "ploughman") the Milesians could not agreeon
was the god of agnculture and the which of their leaders should be
son of the Welsh goddess ool hng Two sons of Mil, Eremon and
Amaethon was said to have EBER, contested the throne and for
stolen fromAMWN, the lord of the the sake of peace the island was
orherworld euruwru, a hound, a divided into rwo kingdoms, one in
deer and a bird, and as a result the north, the other in the south.
causedthe Cad Goddeu or Battle However, peacewas not to surive
of Trees It was in this battle rhat for long, and renewed fighting
Amaethon's brother, GWYDION, between the followers of the two

Crr-Trc MyrHoLocy

who wrote down the trish sagas

tried to legidmize rhe binh by
making Boann the wife of Dagda,
but it is obvrous that Aonghus wzls
a divine love-child
Aonghus was handsome and
fourbirds alwap hovered abovehis
head which were said ro represenr
kisses. Birds also feature in his AMWN, hingof Annwn,stidesthrough
courtship of CAER,a girl of divine hisenchanted accompaniedby
Jorest his
descentwho came from Connacht theCeltic"houndsoJhell",
and lived as a swan Her father, oneof whosedutieswasto escortsoukon
ANU, a greatearthgoddessandmotheroJ what Aoifa loved best and Scathach Ethal, was one of the TUATHADE tharjoumeyto theothaworldLihesome
all theheroes,
washnown asthe"lasting told him that above ali else she DANANN He seems to have been otherfairy creatures,
thq appearwhite
one"andalsoasDana,mother oJthe treasured her chanot At first the reluctant about the marriageuntil withredears,a tohenoJtheothenvorld
TuathaDeDanannIn Munster thereare combat went as expectedin Aoifa's Aonghus' father, Dagda, made (luusrnenor.r
twohillshnownasthePapsof Anubecause favour, but Cuchuiainn distracted Ethal his prisoner lt was finally
thq rymbolizedherbreasts(tuusrRarroru
ny her attention at a critical moment agreed that Aonghus could marryt night dunng a hunt. From rhen on,
) by calling out that her chanot horse Caer provrded he could identi$r her no woman could everseeDiarmuid
was in trouble Afterwards, Aoifa and she was willing to be his bride without loving him. This included
ANU, sometrmescalled Danu or became Cuchulainn's lover and On the feastof Samhain,Aonghus GMINNE, the princess who had
Dana, was the mother goddess of bore him a son named cotvl,ql It found Caer swimming on a lake been promised by the High King of
Irish myrhology The TUATHADE was, however, the boy's fate to be wich a hundred and fifty other lreland to his Fenian commander
DANANN("the people of the god- killed by his own father swans He instantly recognizedher FINNMACCOOLAonghus savedthe
dess Dana") were her divine chil- and she agreed to marry him Iovers from the great warrior's
dren and the gods and goddesses AONCHUS was the Insh love An interesting tale rhat has wrath, but he could not protect
who ruled Ireland prior to the god His father was DAGDA,the attached imelf to Aonghus con- Diarmuid from the fate given to
amval of the Milesians h is quite father of the gods and the protector cerns his foster-son DIARMIIIDLtA him at birth by the gods, that he
possibie that the monks who wrote of druids, and his mother was the DUIBHNE, or "Diarmuid of the Love should be killed by a magic boar
down the lnsh sagasfrom the fifth water goddess BOANN Rarherlike Spot" This attractiveyoung man Nevertheless, Aonghus brought
century onwards underplayed the 7-eus,Dugdr deceivedBoann's hus- received a magic love spot on his Diarmuid's body back to his own
original role o[ goddessesin rheir band and lay with her The monks forehead from a mysterious grrl one palace at New Grange, on the
compilations Certainly, the srories bank of the RiverBoyne,where he
they recorded show us a man's breathed a new soul into it so that
world, a place where warriors seem he could talk to his foster-son
most at home The cult of Anu was
especiallyassociatedwith Munster, AnAWN was rhe ruler of the
and two hrils in County Kerry are Welsh otherworld aNruwru,which
still known as Da Chich Anann was a paradiseof peaceand plenty
("The Papsof Anu") The Dyfed chiefrain PuvLLbecame
friends with Arawn and was
AOIFA, somerimes known as allowed to claim in his title some
Aoife, was the daughter of Ard- authority over the otherworld The
Greimne and an lrish warrior- two rulers met by chance While
princess in the Land of Shadows, out hunting, Pwyll encounrereda
an otherworld kingdom Her sisrer strange pack of hounds chasinga
SCATHACHinstrucred rhe Ulster stag, so he drove them off and ser
hero CIJCHUIAINNin the arts of
war But when the sisterswent ro AOIFA,a wanior-pnncess JromtheInnd
war Scathach was frightened ro oJShadows, sparswithheryoungson,
take the hero with her into battle in Conlai,instructinghim
in themartialarts
case Aoifa killed him Undeterred Thetraditionofwamor-womenwds
by Aoifa's repurarion as a fighter, stronginCelticsociery,
where women bore
Cuchulainn challenged her ro arrnsaslateasAD700,andwhere the
single combat. Beforethe fighr rook fiercestgodswereoJtenwomen
place, Cuchulainn askedScarhach (Itrusraanov ByJAMEI ALExANorn, 1995 )


AONGHUS AeJ), an engagtnggodoJ

Iwe and courtesy,a Celtic equivalatt oJ
Eros,oppearsin thisJoncijul portrayal
as a charming, iJ somewhatwhimsical
character,who calms thefoamy seawith his

Jairy maglc (Aor.rcnus,


THE SEA ByJoHN DUNCAN, cANVAs, orrntl, 1908 )

ART(above)conJrontsan armyoJsavage
andvenomous glanttoadsonhispeilous
journq throughtheLandofWonder, in
of DelbchaunA taboolaidon the
younghero bythejealousgoddessBecuma,
forcedhim tofind andwinthelovely
glrlimpnsoned byherwiched
BvARTHUR c 1900
R4cKHAM, )

than she gave birth to DYI4N

and rtrtL GwYDION,Arianrhod's
brother, immediately took charge
of Lleu and brought him up, but
this did not prevent Arianrhod
placing a seriesof raboos upon him,
including the stricture that he was
to have no wrfe in the human race

ART, in Irish mythology, was the

son of Conn of the Hundred
his own hounds on to the prey same period of time, but without ArueNnnOD was the daughter Battles.In one myth, Conn's jeal-
Just as the stag was about to fall, a making love to her of the Welsh goddess DoN and ous mistress, the goddess Becuma
grey-clad figure appeared and Arawn wamed Pwyll that he niece of MArH, king of Gwynedd. Cneisgel,contrived to send Art off
rebuked h^ryll for rhis discourtesy must hll Havgan by a single blow, Marh could sleep only if his feet on a perilous journey through the
in the field. It was Arawn. In order for if struck a second time he wereheld in avirgin's lap, andwhen Land of Wonder in search of
to placate Arawn and to gain his instantly revived. When Pwyll and Goewin, the virgin who usually Delbchaem ("Fair Shape") After
friendship, Pwyll accepted a pro- Havgan fought, the Welsh chieftain acted this part for him was raped by facing untold dangers,he managed
posal that he should exchange dealt him a fatal blow and ignored his nephew Gilvaethwy, it was to find and rescue Delbchaem
forms with him for ayear and then Havgan'splea to finish him offwith suggestedthat Ananrhod should Art's son by another woman was
tlayArao*'s enemy, Havgan.ltwas another strike. As a result of this mke her place. To test her purity C)PJ\LACMAC ART Arr was hlled by
also agreed that hryll would share service, Arawn and Pwyll became fuianrhod had to step over Math's the rebel Lugaide Mac Con in the
the bed of Arawn's queen for the closeallies and Dyfed prospered. wand No sooner had she done so battle of Moy Muchruinne


AnfnUR is undoubredly the best have a connectionwith Josephof After a number of yearsArrhur
I<nownof rhe Celdc heroes He was Anmathea, not leastbecauseit had joumeyed ro London to watch his
mosr popular during rhe Middle a special place resewed for rhe first toumament A knight who had
Ages,when the exploirs of his fol- Graii WhileJoseph of Anmarhea been appointed by Merlin ro act as
lowers, the Ifuights of the Round was imprisoned in Paiesdne,the the boy's guardianwas tahng part,
Table,impressedthe gearer part of Grail is said ro have kept him alive but finding he was wirhour a
westem Europe It was wirh some Later he broughr it ro Brirain, sword, he sent Arthur to get one
misgivrngs thar the Church per- where it disappeareddue ro peo- Wi thou t r ealizrngrhe signific ance
mitted a Chrisriamzed version of ple's sinfulness Thus the recovery of the sword in rhe stone,Arthur
theseCeltic myrhs ro occupy such of the Grail became the grearquesr pulled it out and gave it ro the
an importanr placein rhe medieval of Arthur's knights amazedknight. Thus was the heir
imagination It was never quire at ARTHUR, a child oJdestiny,was guarded When Urher fendragon died, of Uther Pendragonrevealed
easewith the story of rhe Grail, or and guided by spintual forcesfrom birth the ltuighrs of the Round Table Even rhen, there were knights
5AN6REAI, which JOSEPH OF Smugg;Ied
out oJTintagelCastlebyMerlin, were at a loss ro know who should who would nor accept Arthur as
ARIMATHMwas believed ro have the mage,he wasfosteredin safetyand be the nexr hng They decidedrhar
brought to Britain, since its mirac- secrery,unawareof his destiny untilhis Merlin should guide them The ARTHUR,at restin anenchantedforest,
ulous propenies were clearly nghtfuI time to draw the swordfrom the wlzard told them that rhey would gazes in wonderat theamazngQuesting
derived from the Celtic cauldron. a stone,thusprovinghisbirthnght (urnur.r know who Uther's successorwas Beastat thewell lt wasaferlieor
vesselof plenry aswell as of rebinh AND ARTHUR By W HATHERELL, CANVA5, C 1910 ) when he drew a magrc sword from bewitchingotheruv
The strength of popular feeling for a srone, which had mysreriously deJied captureSirPellinoreandlater
the Arthurian myth can be appre- Irish sagas,one of which describes appearedin London Many knighs SirPalomides spent yearsinfutilepursuit
ciated by a riot thar occurred in how he stole the hounds of rhe tried ro pull the sword from the of thetantalizngchimaera
l l l 3 a r th e ro wn o f B o d m in in Fenian leader FINNMACCOOLon stone, but none could move it (lrrusrnarrou ByAUBREy BEARDSLEy,c 1870 )

Comwall becausethe French ser- one of his daring raids Indeed, as

vants of visiring nobiliry denied a warrior, hunter of magic boars,
Arthur's undeath killer of giants, wrtches and mon-
Although some of the earliest sters, and as leader of a band of
storiesconcemingfuthur are found heroeswhose adventuresled them
in Welsh poems of the sevenrh into untold mysteriesand marvels,
century, rhere can be little doubr Arthur had much in common with
that the warlike hngbelongs to rhe Finn MacCool But according to
heroic traditions of borh lreland the ninth-century monk Nennius,
and Wales He appearsin several Arthur was a historical leader who
rallied the people of Bntain against
ARTHU& promptedby Merlin, aslu the Anglo-Saxon invaders after the
Lady oJ the LaheJor thesword, Fxcalibur Roman legions had gone Nennius
Theyoung hing mawelledat theshining credir Anhur with rwelvevicrories, .l
sword but Merlin insistedthat the scabbard but does not mention the account
wasworth ten of the swordsbecause it of his death recorded slighdy later
pra,ented bss of blood in banle (tuusnenoru in a history of Wales, which srares
BYAUBREYBERosuv, c 1870.) that Arthur and his swom enemy
M?DREDboth fell in 537 ar rhe
bartle o[Camluan
Anhur was the son of rhe Brirish
Igraine, wife of rhe Cornish duke
Gorlois He was conceived out of
wedlock and brought up away
from his parens by rhe wizard
MERLIN The resourceful Merlin
had already designed for Uther
Pendragona wonderful stronghold
and placed in ir the famous Round
Table, at which one hundred and
fifty knights could be seated.This
unusual piece of furniture may

ARTHUR S RoundTablesewedmany GUINEVERT. At first Merlin object- was coveredby the dead and dyttg. his weakened kingdom from the
purposes:it pruented quarels aver ed ro the match, since he knew of Although he had won, King Arthur Anglo-Saxons,however The whole
ce; rymbolQed wh olaness; and
pr eceden Guinevere'slove for Sir IANCELOT, had to be carried away by these of the Anhunan myth tums on rhe
commemoratedthe TableoJthe l-ast the most handsome of the lfuights I<rr€hs, such was the severiryof his disintegation of the chivalnc uniry
Suppo, with the Grail at the centre of the Round Table But he later wound Knowing his own end was that was establishedby the Round
(Knc Anrnur. rND THE l(t.ttcHTs oF THE RouND blessed the married couple and, near, he had Excalibur rhrown into Table, but which was finally
Tesre SuUMoNED To rHE QuEsr By A SrnnNcr according to one version of the a lake, where a hand swiftly seized destroyedby the implacablehatred
DAMSEL By E BURNE-JoNEs, rApEsrRy, 1898-99 ) myth,gaveAnhur the Round Table it Then Anhur boarded a magic berweenArthur and Modred (See
as a wedding grft Nevenheless,the boat and disappeared. His last also MAGICAND ENCHANTMENT,
king Only with Merlin's aid was queen and Lancelot were soon words were that he was going to HEROTC QUEsrs)
the young ruler able to defeat his Iovers, and when futhur found out AVALONto be cured of his wounds
opponents and bring peace to about his wife's unfaithfulness so that he might retum one day to ARTHURrestsin peoce in Avalon,
Britain How much he depended Lancelot fled to Brittany lead his people once more guardedbyfourt'airyqueens Morganle
on magic became obvrous to Anhur pursued Sir l^ancelotand The inscription on Arthur's Fay,cowledin blach,consults herboohoJ
Arthur early in his reign Having besiegedhim in his Breton strong- tomb at Glastonbury picks up this to healthewounds
maglccraJts, of the
drawn his own sword wrthout hold The siege had to be lifted, Celtic idea of reincamation It "undead"htngThewinged appantion
cause against one of his knights, however, because news reached reads: "Here lies Arrhur, king that carryingthe Grailrymbolizes thehope and
Arthur was dismayed to see the the king that his nephew Sir was, king that shall be " Such an Juturepromise oJArthur'sreign (t-et',tonr
blade sharter.Merlin savedhim by Modred had seized Camelot and undeath was not enough to save D'ARTHUR BYJAME5 ARCHER, c,quvas, 1860)
putting the knight to sleep, for even forced Guinevere to consent
futhur was otherwise unalrned. tn to marriage,after spreadingstories
despair the king wandered along of the king's death on campaign
the shore of a lake when. tci his Returning ro Brimin, Arthur sum-
amazement, he saw a hand and moned his knights to do battle
arm rise out of the water, holding with the rebels Prior to the con-
another magrcsword. This was the flict, it was agreedthat the hng and
famous Excalibur, his sure support, his nephew would meet between
according to the l-:ldy of the Lake, the rwo armies to discuss the pos-
who handed it to him sibility of peace. Becauseneither
Rearmedand reassured,Arthur one trusted the other, each ordered
went on to be a great king. He his forces to attack if they saw any-
defeated the Anglo-Saxons, aided one draw a sword When a knight
King Leodegraunceof Scotland in unsheathed his weapon to kill a
his wars against the Irish and even snake, a terrible battie was fought,
campaigned as far away from his in which the flower of British
kingdom asRome. ln rerum for the chivalry fell
aid given to Lrodegraunce, Arthur Only two of Arthur's knights
was betrothed to his daughter were left alive on a batdefield that
Cnlrrc MyrHoLoGy

AVnI-ON was another name for

the Welsh otherworld, ANNwN.
and its name suggess that itwas an
island of apples The mortally
woundedARTHURwas ferried there
by three mysterious women in a
black boat, following the terrible
batrle againsrSir MODRED'sarmy
The undead king was expected to
retum from Avalon and lead the
oppressed Celtic population of
Britain to victory over rheirAnglo-
Saxon and, Iater, Norman con-
querors According to one version
of the myth, Excalibur was forged
there Tradidonally, Avalon has
been idendfied with Glastonbury,
the supposedsite of Arthur's tomb. BRIOR was rhe Irish Cyclops The fateful meeting between AVALON, Arthur's last restingplace, was
(Seealso CELTICOTHERWORLDS) This one-eyedgod of death was rhe Lugh and Balor occurred at the an otherworldlyretreat of wonder, mystery
most formidable of the FoMoRII, second battle of Magh Tuireadh, a and peace lts nine guardian queensrecall
BAOB (meaning "crow") was an the violent and monstrous seagods fiercecontest berween the Fomorii an actual, histoncalordu oJnine nuns who
Irish goddess of battle She was one who ruled Ireland before the arrival and the Tuatha De Danann lived olJthe coastoJRomanBittany, as
of a group of war deitieswho could of the TIJATHADE DANANN So Nobody could stand Balor's lethal well as the nine mythical maidensguarding
influence rhe outcome of conflict dreadful was his one eye thar he gaze, not even the Tuatha De Annwn's maglccauldron (KrucAnrHun
by inspiring the combarants wirh destroyedwhoever he looked upon Danann leaderNUADA.rhe owner AvALoN By E BURNE-JoNIs, ctuves, 1894 )

fear or courage The others were and his eyelid had to be levered up of a sword which previously none
Known as MORRIGAN, NEMAINand by four servans It was prophesied could escape The battle was just single eyelid of Balor was slowly
MACHA.Myth connec$ Badb with that he would be slain by his own tuming into a Tuatha De Danann closing through weariness Lugh
the historical bartle of Clonrarf in grandson, To avoid rhis fate he rout, when Lugh noriced that the crept near to him with a magic
1014, when the High Kirg Brian locked his only daughter ETHLINN sling-shot in hand The momenr
defeated the Viking invaders and in a crystal tower on Tory Island, off BANSHEE, or beansidhe,womenoJthe the eyelid opened again,he hurled
Badb was said ro have appeared the north-west coasr of Ireland faines,livedunderground in sparlzling sidhe the stone so hard rhat ir forced the
over rhe warriors' heads. Even so. Balor was killed in barrle - Joiryheavens hiddenbeneath gassy eyeball backward through Balor's
with a sling-shot by the sun god mounds on Inshhilkideskgendhasit head, with the result that it was rhe
BALOR, aJormidable one-qed god of LIIGH,Ethlinn's son and the cham- thatabanshee attaches itselftoaJamily Fomoni who now sufferedfrom the
death,led the misshapenFomoni against pion of the Tuatha De Danann andwams ofimpendingdeathwith an destrucdve effect of its paralysing
theyoungerTuatha De Danann Herehis Lugh's father was Cian, a lesser eeie wail (tu-usrnerror.rByH I FIRD, i902 ) stare The Tuatha De Danann were
grandson, Lugh, castsaJatal stoneinto member of the Tuatha De Danann able to defeat the Fomorii, who
Balor's deadlyq,e,forcing it bach through With the assistance of a female were driven from Ireland for ever.
his head where its lethal gazedestroyshis druid, Cian had enrered the crystal (Seealso CELTICOTHERWORLDS)
warriors marching behind him tower and slepr wirh Ethlinn.
(llr-L,srn cloN By MTn,qNDA Gnev, 1995
) When Balor leamed that his daugh- BRNSHEE is the modern name
ter had given binh to three sons, he for the beansidhe ("woman of the
ordered that rhey be drowned in a fairies"), the traditional fairy of the
whirlpool nearTory Island Balor's Irish countryside After the arrival
servants duly rolled them up in a of the Milesians from what is now
sheet, but on rhe way ro the Spain (the ancestorsof the presenr-
whirlpool one of the boys fell out day Irish) the gods and goddesses
unnoticed Either rhe druid rhen known as rhe TUATHADEDANANN
handed the fortunate baby to the disappeared underground and
smith god cotnHNIU, or alternat- dwelt in mounds, and over the
ively MANANNANMACUn, the god centuries they were slowly trans-
of the sea, decided to foster him. ln formed in the popularimagination
either event, Lugh was saved and into fairies. It was believed thar the
set on the road to his desriny as rhe wailing of a banshee foretold the
slayerof Balor. approach of a human death.


BTOTVERE SCCBEDW}R one of the important fesdvalsof the BTLE SCCBELENU5 BELENUS, a Celtic sungod,was

Celdc calendar,was celebratedon honoured on the eveof Beltaine when Celts

BEOWYR, according to welsh the first of May in his honour, and BUqfHNATwas the wife of King litbonfires, the "firesof Bel", symbolizng

mythology, was a one-handed his name survives in a number of CU RoI of Munster She fell in love the raysoJthe sunand the promiseof

warrior who, together with his place names such as Billingsgate, with cucHut AINN,the geat Ulster summer fruitfulness Here, thefaines, once

friend and companion I<AI,played "Bile's gate" (formerly a fish market hero and enemy of Cu Roi, and Celtic gods,ide outJrom their hollow hills

an important pail in helping in London) Although his worship betrayed her husband's people by to celebrateBeltaine (THrRrorps

CULHWCHto procure the prizes he was clearly widespread,little elseis showing the hero how he could BYJOHN DUNCAN, cANVAs, l9ll )

required to win the hand of known about him enter her husband's apparentlY
otwEN. They were both members impregnable fortress A stream water, Cuchuiainn was able to
of King ARTHUR'scourt. In later BTN DTCTTPFRAN SCEBRAN flowed through rhe fort and when follow its course. In the fiercebattle
Anhurian romance Bedwyr became THEBLESSED Blathnat poured milk into the that followed Cu Roi was killed and
Sir Bedivere, the faithful knight Cuchulainn was able to ride off
who remained with King Arthur with Blathnar He also took with
after he was mortally wounded, him Cu Roi's bard, Fer Cherdne
threw the sword Excalibur into the When the party halted on a cliff
lake on the king's insrucdons and top, however, Fer Cherdne took
bore his body to the boat which the opportunity to avengehis for-
camed him to AVALON mer master's death by grabbing
hold of Blathnat and jumping over
BEL seeBELENUS the edge with her in his arrns.

BEUNUS, also known as Bel, BEDWYRguardedArthurat theendoJhis

was a Celtic sun god known to the hJe,asthq waitedbyalaheJortheship
Romans Julius Caesarcompared thatwouldferrythehingtoAvalonThis
e scene
evocativ realism
Belenus to Apollo, the god of
prophecy He appears in various witha ghostlybachdrop 4n
to create
and convincing
elfective oJ
forms across the Celtic world, as
an otheweorldly realm (Monr D'AnrHun nv
Beli to the Welsh, Bile to the lrish
and Belenusto the Gauls Beltaine, JoHw Genntcx,ctNvts, 1862)

CEr-Trc MyrHoLoGy
Can-soxnx (above),the Grail CastleoJArthunan legend,
was an otherworldlyheavenguardedbyangelsand
bqond imagnrng Thecastlehoused
vessel,sard to be the Cup oJthe Inst Supper,whtch
to Carbonehon a ghostlyshtpwtthout captatnor crewand
permitteda dtstantvisionof the sacredchahcebecauseoJ
his courogeoussprnt Hts loveof Guinevereforbade a
completevision (lui'sruroN BvALAN
Lrr, 1984

Beron (above)andhis mtsshapen

people,the Fomont,
symboltzethe darht'orcesof the otherworld Beforetheir
deJeatat thehandsof the TuathaDe Danann,they
oppressedthe Insh with crushingtnbutesand cruelry
Pwytt, idingthrough alush, woodedidyll, suddenly
Jound symbolizea Lord oJWinter, because
heJoughtan annual While the Tuatha De Danann livedundergroundrn
himselfin the othemvorldlyrealm of Annwn AJterdnving battlewith Havgan("SummerSong") On oneoccasion,he glittenngsidhe, the Fomoii roamedbeneath
off someshtningwhitehoundsJrom a t'allen stag,he ashedPwyll to swapplaceswrth him Jor a year, at the end seasrn bleahpurgatones Balor'ss,nglerye, poisonedtn
Arawn, thegrry-cladlordof Annwn Lthethe
encountered oJwhich PwyllJoughtand won theseasonalduel youth, paralysedhrsenemteswith rtsdeadlygaze
Greehgod oJthe underworldHades,Arawn may possibly (lrrusrRerroN sy Ar,4N LEE, 1984 )
(lr-r-usrnaloru BYALAN Let, 1984 )


BlooruEDD (whose name when he found a silver branch that

means "bom of flowers" or "flower was covered with white flowers.
face") was a beautiful, magical Gathering his kinsmen together,
woman Shewas conjured by MATH Bran displayed the magic bough,
andGwyoioN from the blossoms of only to be surprised by the sudden
oak, broom and meadowsweet to appearanceof a woman dressed in
be the wife of LLEIJ,Gwydion's veryunusual cloth She sang to the
nephew, because Lleu's mother, assembledcompany of the great
ARIANRHOP, had declared that he wonders to be found in the lands
should marry/ no mortal woman beyond the sea, the otherworld
For a time rhe young couple livec. islands, each larger than lreland,
together happily, but one day Lleu and inhabited by beautiful women
went to visit Math and while he who had no knowledge of sorrow,
was awayBlodeuedd hndly offered sicknessor death Happiness, she
hospitaliry to a passinghuntsman, sang to them, was the lot of all
Goronwy, the lord of Penllyn Iiving in these wonderful lands
Blodeuedd and Goronwy fell in Then the strangewoman stopped
love and began to plot the murder singing and vanished, taking the
of LIeu This was no easy task, for magic bough with her Bran had
Lleu could be kilied only while been unable to hold on to it, even
standing wrth one foot on a goat's with both his hands
back and rhe other on the edge of a The next day Bran sailed west-
bath tub, and only by u spear wards with t'wenty-sevenkinsmen
which it had taken a full year to Their first encounter was with the
make However, even though the BLODEUEDD (above),thefairest woman BOANN below), awater goddessand the sea god MANANNAN MACLIR,who
pair finally succeededin meeting all in the world, was conjuredout oJ blossoms mother of Aonghus,violated the sanctil oJ was dnving his chariot across the
the conditions and attackedhrm, by the maglciansGwydionand Math, so a sacredwell oJ inspiration In outragethe waves Once again the lrish heroes
he did not die buc flew into the air that shecouldbe thewtfe of Gwydion's wqters bubbledand swelled,formin g a were informed by the seagod of the
in the shape of an eagle Math and nephew,Lleu But shebetrayedher torrent which becamethe River Boyne, marvels that awaited them Even
Gwydion set out ro avenge LIeu husbandJoranotherman Gwydion,here, which is namedafterher In its current then the seaappearedto be a plain
When they found Blodeuedd, watchesas his beautiful creation comesto swam the Salmonof Knowledge,seenhere of flowers,with blossoming shrubs
Gwydion turned her into an owl. life (tttustwrroNByALAN
) (Iuusrnenoru ByARTHUR RActclrru, c 1910 ) and an orchard of fruitful trees
the bird of the night That day Bran's boat came to the
Isle of Merriment, where his crew
BOANN was a warer goddessand could hardlystand up for laughing,
the mother of AONGHUs,the Insh and then in the evening they
god of love According to the dif- reached the Isle of Women. The
ferent versions of her myth, she was beautiful women's leader called to
mamed eirher ro NECHTANor ro Bran to step ashore, but he was
Elcmar DAGDA,the chief god of afraid to land; so she threw a ball of
rhe TUeTHADEDANANN.was her rhread that stuck to Bran's hand,
lover and the father of Aonghus He and by magic drew the boat from
was able ro seduce Boann by send- the waves.When they came ashore
ing her husband on a nine-month the Irish heroes found soft beds
joumey that seemedbut one day and delicious food ready for them
The delightful stay seemed to them
BRAN, son of Febal, is the hero of to last for only ayear, but in fact
the most famous of the Insh voyage many yearshad passed When one
myths Seavoyages fascinated the of the crew grew homesick and
Irish storytellers,who would tell of persuaded Bran that it was time
strange adventures on remote rhat they sailed home, he was
islands, including those of orher- wamed by the chief woman not [o
worlds, such as the home of gods set foot on soil again. Arriving off
and goddesses,as well as the place the lrish coas[, Bran discovered
where souls briefly rested before that nobody recognizedhim, and
rebirth Bran's greatjourn ey began he was known only as a legendary

Crlrtc MYTHoLoGY

figure who had long ago embarked BnnN THE BLESSED, rhe son
on a great voyage to the other- of the seagod Llp, played a differ-
worlds, so he set sail again; but not ent role to BMN, son of Febal ln
before one desp erate hero forgot Welsh mythology, he was called
the waming and jumPed ashore, Bendigeidfran and seems to have
and immediately tumed into a Pile been an otherworld god, although
of ash, as though he had been dead he was also active as a British king
for centuries in mortal affairs He allowed his
The voyage of Bran is certainlY sister BMNWENto marry the Irish
an ancient myth, although it was king tvtATHOLwCH,wrthout the
not written down until the eighth consentof her hallbrother EFNISIEN.
century by monks Even though Becauseof this slight, Efnisien
the monla added cenain Christian cut off the lips, ears and tails of
elements such as references to Matholwch's horses during the
JesusChrist and Adam's sin, theY wedding feast in Wales. Not
did not obscure the tale's original unnaturally, hosdlities almost
magical atmosphere. (See also broke out between the Irish and
FABULOUSVOYAGES) the Britons as a result, but Bran

BRANbelow),onhisepicvoyage, BRANTHEBLESSTo(ngh),themighry
theIsIeoJWomen, rulu oJBitain, sailedto lrelandto rescue
shipto shorewith
broughthis maglc hisbeauttful BranwenIn the
threadHere,sheholdsa cupofplenty, BranwasmortallY
of theisland
symbolizngthe wounded,buthishead,cutfromhisbody,
Thevoyagers for whatthq thought livedon Hismaglcal ofrebirthis
wasayearbeforethq,leJtJorhome alongwithhishead
(Irrusrnnnot'r BvDervur,qMr"tR, 1993) (luusrnerrorv BYAL4NLer, 1984)

managed to avoid a war bY Pre- seven of their own alrny survived

sendng Matholwch with a magic Even Bran was killed, bY a wound
cauldron This otherworld vessel caused by a poisoned arrow On
could bring men back to life, but his deathbed he told his followers
without restoring their speech to cut off his head, which aqqar-
Back in Ireland, Matholwch was ently was still able to eat and talk
unable ro convince his warriors that during the voyage home A later
Bran's gift was adequatecomPen- addidon to the myth saYsthat the
sadon for the damage done to the head was brought to London and
horses So Branwen ceased to be buried facing EuroPe, to ward off
the Irish queen and was made to foreign invaders KingAnhur is said
work in the palacekitchens, even to have used the head for its Power
though she had alreadY given The Celts believed that heads
Matholwch a son and heir, GwERN were the seat of the soul, which
When Bran leamed of how she was may partly explain their pracdce of
being treated, he raised a great head-hunting Even more curious,
army and sailed to lreland In the was the medieval Chnstian claim
ensuing battle the Britons slew that Bran was the first British man
every Irish man there was, but onlY (SeeaISOWONDROUS CAULDRONS)

Crr-Ttc MyrHoLoGy

BMNGAINE (above)and lseult peer

euizzcally at the shyyoungstrangerin the

palace garden, pur4ling w r his idntity
But as soonas the dogleapt fondly onto his
lap, thq recognized the strangeras Tnstan,
who had been wsumed dead Thq wue
confusedatfrstbecausehe was much
changedafterhiswandeings in the
wildwood (luusrncrtonByEvELwpAUr-
c 1g2O

BnnNCnINE was rhe maid of

ISEULT,princess of lreland and
lover of rRtsraN. tseuk had been
promised in maniage ro King MARK
of Comwall. Trismn, his nephew,
came to lreland to escort her across
the sea. Before rhe ship sailed,
Iseult's mother gave Brangaine a
love potion for Iseult and Mark on
their wedding night, as ir caused
those who drank ir to love only
each other for the rest of their lives
However, during rhe voyage,Trisran
became thirsty and unwittingly
drank the potion, and then offered
some to Iseult.
Through all rhe ensuing difficul-
ties Brangaine was always loyal,
sharing their secrets,such as when
Trismn was brought ro Mark's
castle mistaken for a wild man.
even tahng Iseuh's place in Mark's
bed on rhe wedding nighr.

BRANWEN(righ? releases a starling

bearinga pleafor help,across the seato
her giantbrother,Bran Whenhereads
of her plght in lreland,he setssail
immediately witha Welsh Jleet
(Ir-rrrsrnenoruByAI.AN LEE,Iggq )


BnnUWnN was the daughter of BRES, in Irish mythology, was leadership, the De Danann were
briefly the leader of the TUATHADE under the command of Bres But
Llyr, the Welsh equivalent of the
DANANN,the implacable enemies Breshad no gift for leadershiPand
Irish seagod tm, and sister to BRAN
THE BLESSED,ANd UEruAWYDAN of the F)MORII, the sea gods who becamesomethingof a tyrant On
When High Kitg MATHOLWCH of ruled treland long before rhem the restoradon of Nuada, Bres and
Ireland came to Bran's court at Breswas an unusual leader of the his mother En fled to Elatha in
Tuatha De Danann because his order ro seek Fomoni assistance
Harlech itwas ageed rhat Branwen
father was EIATHA, who was a This caused the second battle of
should be given to him in marriage
was Fomoni king of a land that IaY Magh Tuireadh, in which Nuada
But her half-brother EFNISIEN
under the sea. Elatha had met a was killed Through the bravery of
not consulted and, feeling insulted,
he cut off the lips, earsand tails of Tuatha De Danann goddessnamed the sun god tucu, however, the
En on the sea-shoreand made love Fomoni were routed and Breswas
Matholwch's horses To restore
peace Bran offered the lrish king to her on the sand Bres was bom taken prisoner One version of the
as a result, although En was careful myth explains how, in return for
replacement horses and a magic
to say nothing to her husband his life, Bres promised to instruct
cauldron Matholwch retumed to
BRENDAN,thelish saintandnavigator, about the boy's real father the Tuarha De Danann in the arts
Ireland with Branwen, who was at
first receivedwith geat rqoicing for retumsto lrelnndafterhtswondrous voyage When Bres grew up, he fought of planting and sowing croPs It is
in search of theLandoJPromise Histour againstthe existing inhabitans of possiblethat Bres,like his wife, the
she was generouswith gifts, and
oJtwelve mysteious includdaland
rslnnds Ireland, the ntRnoLG,at the first fertiliry goddessBRIGID,was a deiry
before long she gavebirth to a son,
of birdlilu spiits, whichwaspossibly battle of Magh Tuireadh In this connected with agriculture
GWERN But after a few Years
Matholwch's fnends and family LandoJhomise Hisamazngtnle seems engagementNUADA,the leader of
(Iuusrnenoruthe invading Tuatha De Danann,
tobeablafi oJearliervoyages BrunN was one of the three sons
began to complain that the com-
pensation he had received from BY c: 1920
IAMES ) Iost a hand and in consequencehe of tutREaNN, whose family were
Bran was not enough To satisfY retired for a time Nuada tried to engagedin a feud with the family of
second in a boat made of wood. use a silver replacement without Cian, father of the god LUGH
Ihem, Matholwch insisted that
Miraculous events took place due success,until Miach, son of the When Lugh sent Cian to summon
Branwen relinquish her Position
to the saint's faith. One Easter a healinggod oreru;ECHT,made him the warriors of rhe TUATHADE
as queen and become a cook for
whale appearedso that St Brendan ^ hand of flesh and blood DANANNto battle, Bnan and his
the court.
During the next three Years,as and his followers could hold a ser- However, until Nuada was fully brothers, Iuchar and lucharba,
vice on its broad back After the ser- recoveredand able to resume his killed him during his journey To
Branwen worked in the Palace
vice, the whale plunged under the atone for this act of murder theY
htchens, she reared a starling and
waves and swam away.This great BRIANandhisbrothers setoutona were given by Lugh eight tasks to
taught it to recognizeher brorher
animal was made docile by St pmbusvoyage acrosstheworldtoJufil perform. Among the objecm theY
Bran Then she sent it acrossthe
Brendan, as were numerous whirl- aghttasls,sethythesungodLughWith had to retrieve were three aPPles
sea with a letter tied to its leg,
pools. Even the Devilwas unable to daringandresourcethq sought andfound from the Gardens of the Sun, a
telling of her reatment. When Bran
disurb the saint's serenirywhenhe wondrous treasures,suchasan inincible healing pigskin from the king of
and the Britons leamed of her fate
they brought an army to lreland. showed him the pain of Hell St swordandhealingpigshin,whichhelped Gr.eece,a poisoned spear from the
Brendan also restored to life one of theDeDanannin tharbattlewtththe king of Persia, a cooking-sPit
the Navigatorwas rhe the monks who were his compan- Fomoni (Iu-usrnqnorvBvSTEPHEN Rno, 1912) belonging to the nymphs of an
ions after he had insisted on seeing underseakingdom and the seven
dtle given to a sixth-century lrish
pigs of Kitg Asal of the Golden
sainr. Indeed, the account of the this forbidden sight for himself
On the voyageshe also encoun- Pillars.which could be cooked and
rwo voyages undenaken bY St
Brendan was just as PoPular in rhe tered a heathen giant, whom he eaten one day and found alive the
next Finally, they were to shout
Middle Ages as the stories told bapdzed, terrifying mice and an
about the l(nights of the Round enorrnous sea cat. Finally, they rhreetimes on the Hill of Mochaen
Table. This wonder tale is in the reached the island in St Brendan's Having successfullybrought back
sameradition as that of BR{N, son vision. Inhabited by a hermit to Lugh all the magical objects he
required, they then set out to
of Febal, although its direct insPi- clothed in feathers,it was probably
ration was the voyageof the Aran the Land of Promise, a place of perform their last dutY However,
hero MAELDUN.Having nken holY Chrisdan resunection similar to the they were mortally wounded bY
Mochaen and his sons. Tuireann
orders, Brendan prayed to go on a Celtic otherworlds On his return
pilgrimage into unknown lands. An to Ireland, St Brendan refused to therefore asked Lugh if he might
angel then showed him an island in smy in his old monastery but borrow the magical pigskin and so
moved instead to a retreat near heal his sons, but the god refused
a vision. ln search of this beautiful
land, St Brendan set sail twice, first Limerick, where he died. (Seealso and Dnan and his brothers died.
in a craft made from shns, and FABULOUSVOYAGES)

Crlrtc MyrHoLocy

BruCtU was one of the trouble- first and beheaded rhe monsrer, BruCtn, somerimes known as ST BRIDEisJemedhyangek Jromlonato
makers of Irish myrh An Ulsrer whereupon the creaturerose, took Brigit, was a goddessof healing and Bethlehem
on theweof Chnst'sbirthto
lord, he arranged a great feast to up its head and departed.The next fertiliry who was believed to assist fostertheinfantChnstCelticand
which he invired all rhe Ulsrer day Cuchulainn offered his own women in labour. She seems ro Christianmotifsmergein thisscene,while
heroes,and ordered thar the hero's head and the monsrer pronounced have been widely worshipped in theangek'soanng Jlightbq ondtheJrame
portion be given to rhe grearesr him the bravestman in lreland. Ireland and Britain, where she was enhancesthepwafully spintualefect
among them. Ar which point rhe mosr likely known as BRIGANTIA. In (SrBnroe
c 1913
three great warriors, CUCHUIIINN, Bntpg seeBRTGTD Irish mythology, she was the wife
CONALLand Laoghaire, sprang up of BREs,the half-roMout god who St Brigit, or Sr Bride, one of
at once and began'fighting each BruceNrm ("Highone" or briefly led the TUATHADE DANANN Ireland's patron sainm, may have
other for the honour In order to "Queen") was the chief goddessof after the first batde of Magh been a priestess of the goddess
settle the argument ir was agreed the Brigantes,rhe dominant rribe in Tuireadh against the FIRBOLG. Bres Brigid prior to her conversion ro
that a monster should be sum- the north of England before rhe was handsome but also oppressive, Chrisdaniry. It was said thar she
moned ro tesr the courage of the invasiron of the Romans. She was like all Fomorii, so his reign was was able to feed animals without
three heroes. Briciu did this by associated with water, war and short. Brigid, however, bore him reducing the available food for the
challengrng each one ro cut off rhe healing, and also with prosperiry. A three sons. She often appearsirsan people, and this also linla herwith
demon's head, on the understand- widely revered goddess, she was alternative for her mother ANU, Brigid, who was celebraredat rhe
ing that the following day rhar man worshipped throughour rhe Celdc which suggesrc rhat rhey were Celtic fesdval of Imbolc on the first
should then lay his own head on world. In Ireland she was known as probably different aspects of the of February, at the same dme as the
the block. Cuchulainn stepped up BRIGIDand in France as Brigindo. same mother goddess. ewes came into milk.

Crlrrc MvrHoLoGY

CelqnN, in Irish mytholory,

was a misshapen druid of novoRtt
origin who was said to have studied
sorcery for seventeen years. Queen
MEDB of Connachr dispatched
Calatin along with his numerous
sons to fight the Ulster hero CAILTE,a Fanian warnorandbard,was
CUCHUIATNN'. All of them had their renowned Jorhissongs andlegends Bards
Ieft hands and right feer missing, or tyic poetsplayeda centralrolein Celtic
but they never missed with their society,perpetuatingthemysteies,praising
poisoned spears, and Cuchulainn theirleaders
and satinzngthar enemies
only succeeded in beadng rhem flouishedin lrelandnghtup
CAER wu afairy maiilatwho walwd C-runf, son of Row,+w,was a with the assistanceof a Connacht to thesnenteanthcentury(Aeu,crr^rr
by Aonghus Shechosenlweas a ntanfor Fenian warrior and poet, and a warriorwho disapproved of such a H,+veu c 1890)
pan oJher hfe. What the sryansgathud cousin of nruruMACC))L, Ieader of one-sidedcontest. The destruction
on the Lalu oJ the Dragon's Mouth, the FIANNA,the wariorbodyguard of the male Caladns did not spell becausethe dog was his namesake,
Aonghuswmt toJind Caer and win her of the High King of lreland. Cailte, the end of Cuchulainn's troubles, or becauseit would have been dis-
Iwe. ,4s he reachedout to hqhe was also though exceptionally thin, was a however, for not long afterwards courteous to refuse a piece of the
tuned into a s'tttan,and thq flan away formidable fighter and is credited Calatin's wife gave birth to three cooked meat, Cuchulainn stopped
togethq. (luusrnenorrvGrrur Srrw,cRD,
I995) with killing LIR, the sea god who daughters, who were blinded in and took hold of the dog's shoul-
was rhe father of ueN,qruNANMAC one eye, like the Germanic god der fu a result, his own hand and
Bructr seeBRTGTD uR. But it was as a poet that he was Odin, so as to leam the magic ars. shoulder withered. Gravely weak-
most admired, and his most Soon the three Calatin sisters ened, he sdll advanced with his
C-AER*as afairymaiden lovedby famous audience was St Patrick. becamepowerful wirches, and rhey faithful charioteerIAEG
AONGHUS,the Irish love god. Her Possibly after retuming from an deceived Cuchulainn wrth their
father Ethal was one of the TTJATIIA otherworld, Cailte was said to have spells, and so assisted Queen C,tueloT seeHEROTC
DE DANANN. Aonghus became uavelled through Ireland recount- Medb's invasion of Ulster. When
aware of Caer in a dream and so ing to the saint the legends of the Cuchulainn rode out in his chariot C-nUUIOS was rhe god of the
atracted was he to her beaury that hills, woods and lakes that they against the invaders, he came Remi, a Celtic ribe living in what is
he fell into a deep sickness.When encountered, and also the great acrossthese hideous women cook- now Belgium, although there is
the identity of Caerwas discovered, exploits and batdes of the Fianna. ing a dog next to the road Either evidence that he was also wor-
Aonghus immediately asked her shipped as a divinity of war in
father for her hand, but Ethal said nonhem Brimin and at the town of
itwas not in his power to granr rhis Camulodunum ("The Fort of
becausehis daughter had taken the Camulos"), modem Colchester,in
form of a swan. It was agreed,how- Essex. The name of the town
ever, that Aonghus could ask Caer formed the basis for the mythical
to mary him but only if he was city of Camelot. The Romans as-
able to recognize her from among sociated Camulos with their god
the large flock of swans with whom Mars. He was said to wield an
she lived. invincible sword.
When the swans arrived at the
Lake of the Dragon's Mouth, C-nnnnewC, in welsh myrh-
Aonghus went to the shore and, ology, was the son of BR.aN (son of
recognizing Caer, called out her the sea god, Llp). When Bran
name. Afterwards Aonghus and sailed with his army to Ireland to
Caerwere married. avengethe ill-ueatment of his sis-
ter BMNWEN by the High Kirg
CA IELOT,a mythicalcastle-city named MATHOLWCH, he left Caradawc as
aftr Camulos, l4,as
theheartoJArthur's chief steward. When news of
hingdom, theseatof hispou,er,symbolof Bran's death arrived, Caradawcwas
hisgolden ageandhismostbelnedhome overthrown by Caswallon, son of
ItsshiningtowersdrevrhnightsJrom all the death god Beli.
wer theworfl Partof themystique of
Camelot is its elusivelocation
whichhas yet CennoNEK see cELrrc
to be found (tlrusrncflor'r BvATANLEE,lg}q) OTHERWORLDS

Crlrrc MyrHoLocy

CERIDWENboika n.agical brarthoprng

to endowherill.favouredsonwithwidom.
At theandoJayear,thebrothwouWfuA
thesesplashed onto thelundoJGvrwn
Bach,whobecame all-hnwing.(tuusrnrnoN

CATHBAD (abwe), the inspireddruid ARTHUR in his lasr barrle, at

and seer,predicted Dardre's traglc destiny Camlan. At firsr none of Sir
ather birth Druids,bothmaleandfemale, MoDRED'smen would fighr Morfan
heldhigh ranh in Celtic societyThq were because they thought he was ugly
counwllors,judges, tecichm and enough to be a devil.
ambassadors Evena htgh hing could not
speahat an assanblybeJorehisdruid CEnNUNNOS was a Celdc god
1995) worshipped in both France and
Britain. He is usually depicted
CnfHnnD, in Irish mythology, sitting cross-leggedand wearing a
wasa seeranddruid,andadvisor sleevelessunic and bead necklace.
to CONCHOBHAR MACNESSA,the He has an impressive pair of
hng of Ulsrer Cathbad prophesied antlers, and the name Cemunnos
that though ortnoRE would have means "the Homed One", which
great beauty she would bring suggests that he was a god of wild
destruction ro Ulsrer He also fore- animals and the foresr,ahhough he
told that the hero CUCHULqINN has also been seenas a god of plen-
would have a glorious bur shorr ry The Romansidenrified him wirh
life When King Conchobhar Mac their god Mercury, rhe messenger
Nessa became cruel rowards rhe god and the guide of the dead to
end of his reign, Cathbad cursed the underworld. In medieval
the king and his srronghold at Ireland the anders of Cemunnos
Emain Macha. Carhbad had three were transferred ro the Devil.
children, DECHTIRE, the mother of
Cuchulainn, Elbha, rhe morher of CfSrun was the daughter of Bith,
NAOISE,and Findchaem, mother of son of Noah and one of the earliest
CONALLCeamach. arrivals in lreland. In her myrh,
Celtic and Hebrew radidons were
CfnlnWEN was a welsh god- brough t somewhar u ncomfo rtably
dess of fertility and the mother of together by the monks who wrore
Afagddu, reputedly the ugliest man down the sagasand who suggested
in the world. To compensarefor his that the first setrlers had reached
Iooks Ceridwen boiled a cauldron lreland before the Flood. Although
of knowledge for ayear and a day Bith was denied a place in rhe fuk,
so thatAfagddu could become wise he was fortunate to be advisedby a
and respected,and she set Gwion god to build his own boat. Cesair
Bach, the second son, to watch appears to have guided him to rhis
over the por. Bur Afagddu was decision as well. They sailed for
denied the prophedc gift when a sevenyearsand eventually reached
drop fell on Gwion Bach's finger
and he unthinkingly sucked it ln CESAIR, granddaughta oJNoah, set sail
fury, Ceridwen chased and are withhcrJathq, Bith, to escarythe Flood.
Gwion Bach, only later to reincar- After a serar-yearvoyage,thq reached the
nate him as TALIESIN, who was the shoresof lreland. Yet neither Cesairnorhq
greatest of all rhe Welsh bards.
fatho surnvedthe Floodwhenit ngu@
Ceridwen had another equally ugly the land, although her husband, Fintan,
son, Morfan, who was also a fear- escapedbychan$nginto a vrlmon.
some warrior. He fought with King (Iuusrntnol ByJAMEs


the daughter of Etain Oig and At this time Conaire Mor was
CORMAC king of Ulsrer. However, some distance from Tara As he
Cormac wztsso disappointed not to headed back ro rhe palace in his
have a son that he ordered Mess chariot, a flock of birds descended
Buachallato be thrown into a pit. upon him Theyhad such wonder-
According to the myth, the baby ful plumage rhat Conaire Mor
girl was savedby rwo hnd-hearted forgot the raboo about hlling birds
servants, who could not bring and got out his sling. The birds
themselvesto carry out the king's shed their fearhersand artacked rhe
order lnstead they gave Mess charioteer as warriors But one of
CERI\TUNNOS, a Celtichunter godoJ Buachallato a cowherd.When she the birdlike fighters, who was more
beasts,is typicallydepictedin alotus grew up, herbeautywas so remark- handsome than the rest, protected
positionThe"horned one"wasalordof able that Eterscel,the High King of Conaire Mor. He inrroduced him-
animakandishere sunoundedw wild Ireland, decided to manryher He self as his father Nemglan and CONAIREMORwasburdenedby more
creatures sucha thestagboarandlion was also persuadedby a prophecy reminded the young man rhar he geis(taboos) thananyotherl'ishwarlord
In onehandhe closps awarior'storc, which said that an obscurewoman must never cast stones ar birds for Violation oJgeisledto misJortuneor death
in theothera strpent,demonstrating would bear him a famousson. But they were his own kin As a andmarhed a traglcturning-point
in the
hispwr. (Gurvorsnup ccuLDRoN,
GTLDED on the night before the wedding, penance,Nemglan told his son to hero'shfe Despite hiswisdom,Conaire
srLVE&c 1008C) Mess Buachallaslept with the god walk naked along the road to Tara, Mor wasluredbyhisenemies into,
Nemglan, who had magnificenr can)nng only his sling If he did breahinghisgeisonebyone
Ireland, where Cesairwas married plumage. From this union was this, and promised ro rule lreland (luusrnrnoru nySrrpHrruRao,1910
ro FINTAN.When the rising warers bom Conaire Mor. whom Mess in peace, Conaire Mor would be
of the Flood engulfed the land, Buachallapassedoff as the son of made High Itng part in the growing disorder, the
Fintan saved himself by changing Eterscel The one instrucrion rhat So it was that Conaire Mor was country soon slid back into clan
into a salmon, but the rest of Bith's Nemglan told Mess Buachalla to received atTaraas the High Kirg. warfare Evenually, the High Kirg
famrly drowned This myth is lqrown give to their child was rhar he was Peaceand prosperity ar first marked had to forgo the ways of peaceand
as the first invasion of lreland. never to hll a bird. his reign, although the lure of plun- break his promise to his farher.
Subsequentinvasionswere by the When Conaire Morwas a young der gradually drew the trish back to Conaire Mor soon realizedrhar this
PARTHOLONand Nemed, the man, Etersceldied and the right of their old habit of cartle-raiding. would bring about his own down-
FoMoNr and ruente DE DANANN, successionwas raised in Tara, the Since ConaireMorwas reluctant to fall. While on campaign, he came
who were all more or less super- Irish capital It was agreedto follow punish severely those who rook to a roadsidehostel where he was
natural in nature The final invasion the ancient custom of the dream greetedby three strangehorsemen,
of lreland was by the sons of After a feast,one of the court would CLIODHNAfledto Glandore to livewith whose clothes, weapons, bodies
MIIESIUS,who camefrom Spainand have a spell of truth sung over him hermortallwer, Ciabhan,but theseagod, and horseswere all red A hideous
brought human rule to the island as he slept The man rhe courtier Manannan Mac Lir, sent a great wave to old woman told Conaire Mor rhar
dreamed abour would then be the scoopher up and bnngher home Here, during his stay in the hostel
CltOnHNA, in Irish mythology, next High King In rhe succession lulled to sleepbyJairy music, shednfts "neither skin nor flesh of you wrll
was an otherworld goddess of dream a naked man was revealed, bach toJairyland The Wave oJCliodhna is escapefrom the place to which you
beauty. [t was said that her rhree walhng along the road to Tara with still one oJ the threegreat wavesoJlreland have come, savewhat rhe birds will
magical birds could sing the sick ro a sling in his hand (IrrusrnenorByJAMES Ar-H(
rvorn,1995) take in rheir claws " The same
sleepand cure them. Cliodhna was night a rebel force surrounded the
passionatelyin love with a mortal hostel and attacked Three dmes
named Ciabhan,a yourh with won- the building caught fire and three
derful curling lock One day on times the flames were brought
the shore near Cork, while Ciabhan under control, but all the water had
went hundng inland, Cliodhna was now been used When a druid
put into a magic sleep by the sea accompanying the rebels laid a
god ivt,+ru,eNNAN MACLIR,who then spell of thirst on the High King, he
sent a wave to pull her back ro rhe sent one of his companionsto fetch
[^andof Promise. some water On retuming, the war-
rior saw that the fight was over and
CONrunf MOn was a High Conaire Mor's severedhead lay on
King of Ireland He was the son of the floor So he poured the warer
a cowherd's foster-daughternamed into the king's head, at which
Mess Buachallaand the bird god Conaire Mor's decapitated head
NEMGIANHis motherwas acrually praised him for his senseof dury



H E S P I R I T U A LS E E R Sa n d s h a m a n s o f
Celtic myth were endowed wirh
extraordinarygifts of proph ecy,
wisdom and healing.They
enjoyed a profound rapport with narural
and supernatural forces, and acted as
intermediaries between the realms of
the living and the dead, berween rhe
visible world of men and the invisible
otherworld, a realm of wondrous
spints. Most famous of all was Arrhur's
wise counsellor, Merlin; but other
inspired druids Amairgen, Taliesin
and Cathbad feature in Celtic myths
as prophetic bards and counsellors [o
clan chiefs and kings. Some lived as
hermits in the wilderness, while
remaining powerful in Cekic society.
Although on the whole helpful to
rnortals, some dark sorceresses,such as
Morgan, Nimue or the Calatihs, used
their supernatural gifts ro bewitch and
rnanipulate mortals for their own ends.

MoRcaru Ln Fev (abovenght), QueenoJ Avalon,the otherworldlyIsleof Apples,bears

an apple bough, the celtic symboloJpeaceand plenty A glfted sorceress,
sheis oJten
portrayed as a darh soul, thwartingArthur and manipulatingheroes At a deeperlevel,
she is a winter goddessof darhnessand death,opposingArthur, theLord of summer
Sherorcals the redeemingaspectof her characterin her role as sovereignhealeroJ Avalon
and guardian of Arthur's body in death (Iuusrnarroru
rv srueRrLrntqoun,1994

Mrnrtru (ngh) is best rememberedas the fatherly and spiitual guardian of Arthur A
wise seer,Merltn counselledthe younghing sometimessternlyand sometimesgently, but
always with wisdom Merlin was alsoa peerlesssage,crediteduth the designof the
Round Table, the plan for Camelot and the stone'ing at StonehengeHe leamt his craft

from a master, Bleise,portrayedhere as anhistonan recordingthedeedsoJ Arthur's

ragn, as reportedby Merlin (MeruuscRrpr
rllusrunoN, c i300)

Hrrr,cwEs helow) was a

in theArthunan
mythswho had sether heart
on the noblehnight Sv
I-ancelot,whom shehad
lovedfrom aJarJor some
sevenyears Eventually,she
managedto lurehtm tnto
her ChapelPenlousand
there shetned all the
methodsshehnewto inspire
hts loveJor her But tt was
to no avatlbecause
steadJast and loyal hnight
Guinnere, and he had come
to thechapelwith but one
missrontn mtnd,whtchwas
to collectheahngtalismans

Jor thewoundedlzntght Str

Meliot When l-ancelotleft
Hellawes'loveand evenher
magcal craJt Thesorceress

Jinallyreahzedthat he
would ne,terlwe her and

Dnurps (abwe) heldbothpoliticaland sptntual

power in Celtrc societyand wereglfted not only as
shamansand seersbut alsoas legaland moral
advisors Druids underwenta long apprenticeshtp
oJat leasttwaty years,learningthe mystmesand
lnws by heart Hqe, druids on a snowyhill celebrate
the wintu sokticebygathmngabough oJ mistletoe,
cutwtth the sacredgoWatsichlebornebythe

Joranost druid CtaeDRUTDS

C HENRY AND E A HoRNED, c,qNv,rs, 1890 )

Tnueslru QeJt),a propheticpoet and shamanistic

seer,was$Jtedwrth all-seeingwisdomaftu
consuminga "geal" oJ inspirationfrom Ceidwen's
cauAron Wales'sgreatestbard, heJoretold the
comingoJthe Saxonsand the oppression
Cy^ry as well as his own death He appearshereas
an eagle,thebird oJtenchosenbyshamanson their
spirirJlighu or trance)ournqs to the othenrorld The
eagJe'sgoW nimbus symbolkesTaliesin'sradiant
btOttt (tuusrntnoNBySruARr


CONnlL, in Irish mythology, refused his advances and eloped hero just managed to win by the
was the foster-brother of the Ulster with a handsome young warrior use of cunning, they became lovers
hero CUCHUI-,{INNAs children, named NAolSE.But the hng never and Conlai was conceived. When
they swore that if either was hlled gave up his passion, and so even- he left, Cuchulainn gave Aoifa a
first the other would avengehim. ually he had Naoise hlled and was gold ring. Yearslater Conlai wore
When Queen MEDBof Connacht married to Deirdre. She found her this ring on a visit to Ulster, where
invaded Ulster, Cuchulainn faced situation so intolerable that she he challenged the local heroes to
her army single-handed,but he was committed suicide by throwing combat. Just like his father, Conlai
doomed becausehe had offended herself from a speeding chariot. was quick to anger and soon over-
the war goddess MoRRIGAN.After Fergus Mac Roth, appalled by came CONALL,Cuchulainn's foster-
Cuchulainn had been killed, and Conchobhar's behaviour, offered brother Despite the misgivings of
his head and sword-hand cut offby his servicesto Ulster's enemiesand his wife EMER,Cuchulainn could
the enemy, the warriors of Ulster a long war ensued. Conchobhar not resist fighting the young
were stined by Conall to wreak was himself hlled by a magrcsling- stranger himself. Too proud to
bloody revenge. They caught up shot. It was the famous "brain ball" announce his own identity when
with Queen Medb's army and made by Conall out of the brains of challenged by Cuchulainn, Conlai
Conall slew those who had killed CONALLoJtheVictones, aveteran a slain Leinster king. The ball accepted the possibility of death
his foster-brother. Later, Conall warlord,avenged deathby
Cuchulainn's lodged in the hng's skull, and his and drew his sword. Although
went on to ravage the whole of slayinghishillmonebyone.Fromthe doctors advised him to avoid any Cuchulainn was impressed by
Ireland as he punished Queen MacDa Tho,
brainof oneoJhisvictims, strenous exerciseand excitement. sword-play that matched his own,
Medb's allies one by one. In doing hemadea maglcbrainball, alethal Some yearslater Conchobhar Mac he lost his temper the moment
so he eamed his title, Caemach weaponConallhere iswelcomedby his Nessagot into arageand the "brain Conlai cut off one of his locks of
("of the Victories"). lJlsterman in MacDa Tho'sdun
at aJeast ball" causedhis death. hair. The terrible combat only
tnorBY Pen,1910
CoNcnoBHAR CONU,I, somerimesknown as CONI-AI, theill-starcdsonof Aorfaand
in Irish mythology, was an Ulster of her royal marriage through a Connla, was the doomed son of the Cuchulainn, grm up in Slye,a strangerto
king. He was the son of Fachtna secret aflairwith a druid. When her great Ulster hero CUCHUL{INN. hisJatherWhenhewent to Ukterto
Fathach and rurssa, a local beaury husband died shonly after the wed- According to one Irish tradition, challaryethelocalheroes,hemet
who, according to one tradition, ding, Nessa was courted by his Cuchulainn hadvisited the l-and of Cuchulainn combat
in single andwa
conceived Conchobhar on the eve half-brother and successor,FERGUS Shadows in order to challenge the hilled Recogntanghissontoolate,
MAC R?TH. But she would onlY warrior woman AOIFAto single Cuchulainn wu wemvhelmed wrthgnef.
CONCHOBHAR 1\4ACNESSA, ahigh agree to become his wife on the combat. After the fight, which the (luusrnerolr By IAMESALH<rvorn, 1995)

hingof lreland,grantedaffns to theyoung condidon that he would first let her

Cuchulainn, but when the boy grasped his son Conchobhar rule as king of
spears,thq splinteredin his hand; nrarct, Ulster for a year. An ambitious and
his stcmp No
chanotshatteredbeneath determined woman, Nessa
weaponswithstoodthehero's mighty grasp instructed her son how to be a
untilhewas glventhehing's own arrns great ruler so that when the dme
(Iu-usrnrnoru fulo,l9l0)
avSrrpnrru arrived for Fergus Mac Roth to
retum to the throne, the people of
Ulster simply refused to let
Conchobhar step down.
Although he was maried, Kitg
Conchobhar fell deeply in love with
called Derdriu ("of the Sorrows").
She was the daughter of an Ulster
chieftain, and at herbinh the druid
CATHBAD had wamed that, though
Deirdre would be the most beauti-
ful woman in lreland and would
marry a king, she would be the
cause of death and destruction
throughout the land. By the time
Deirdre grew up, Conchobharwas
an old man, and she in disgust


endedwhen Cuchulainn drove his Conuec Mec Anrwas rhe

spear through Conlai's stomach. High King of Ireland during the
Only then did Cuchulainn notice period that FINNMACCOOLled the
on his young opponent's finger the Fenian warrior band. He was the
gold ring he had given to Aoifa. most famous of the earlyrulers of
Cuchulainn, overwhelmed with Ireland, his reign being tentadvely
remorse and grief, canied the dyrng dated from 227 to 266. Cormac
Conlai to his house and afterwards Mac Art was the Irish Solomon, a
buried his forgotten son. wise and powerful king, who was
well served by the brave exploits of
COnUeC was the son of rhe Finn MacCool. His wisdom seems
Ulster hrg CONCHOBHAR MAC to have impressed the TUATFIA DE
NESSA.An Irish myth tells of his DANANN.These gods and goddess-
distasteat his father's treacheryin es invited Cormac Mac Art to their
hlling NAOISE,the husband of home in the othenvorld, where
DEIRDM, and of his going into they gave him wonderful presens.
volunmry exile with the deposed One of these was a silver branch
Ulster ruIer FERGUS MACROTH.Not that bore golden apples, and when
until he receivedan invitation from shaken produced music that could
his father Conchobhar, when the cure the sickandwounded. On his
dF tg hng had nominated Cormac own death Cormat Mac An had to
as his successor,did he consider hand back this incredible talisman
retuming home. However, a One of Cormac's sons, Cellach,
druidess had wamed Cormac that raped the niece of Aonghus of the
if he went back to Ulster he would CORMAC @elow), returninghome afta CORMAC IVf{CARTS (abwe) ragn Tenible Spear In the ensuing fight,
be killed, but he set out anyway hulongvoluntary acile,stoppedhya was dtstingushedbypeaceandplmty Cellach was slain and Cormac lost
and on the joumey he fell into a roaikrde hostelwhqe he wa lulled n sleep A wr,e and good man, he wa Jnoured by an eye. As a High King could have
deep magrc sleep and was slain by by the soft notesof aharp DeJarceless
in the Tuatha De Danann who inited him to no imperfection Cormac had to
a group of warriors. The atmckwas hrs enchantedsleep,he wu slain by tharhiddnworld, and gavehima anrative step down and his son Cairbe took
said to have been arranged by a assdssins,sentby theharpkt, Cratfttne, in applebranch In tunewtth Chnsttan his place. The repumtion of the
jealous husband, whose wife had rnenge for Cormac's afiair wtthhts Ufe hindness,he warmly welcomedSt Patnch at High King remained so strong that
fallen in love with Cormac. (IrusrnenorayNrcxBaqr-e,
I995) hts court (Iuusrmnorunvleurs
1995) Iater the Insh Chnstians also adopt-
ed him. It was claimed that Cormac
Mac Art leamed of the Christian
faith before it was actually preached
in Ireland by St Patrick, with the
result that he ordered that he
should not be buried at the royal
cemetery by the River Boyne
becauseof its pagan associadons.

CnnnnNE was the goldsmirh of

brorher of cotgHNIU, the smith
god, and Luchtar, the carpenter.
During the second battle of Magh
Tuireadh, when the De Danann
finally defeated the FOMORII,the
three brothers could be seen on the
battlefield making and repairing
spears with magical speed As
Goibhniu fashioned a blade with
three blows of his hammer, Luchtar
carved a handle in a flash, and
Creidhne crafted rivets that flew
into place and bonded at once.

CrlTrc MvrHoLocY

RoTH,Dechtire along with fifty of it was not obvrous to everyonejust enemiesand he soon tookup aITIls
her kinswomen flew to the other- how strong and brave he was until against three semi-divine wariors
world in the form of a flock of he hlled an enorrnoushound with named Foill, Fannell and Tuachell,
birds During the wedding feastshe his bare hands One day, arriving aswell as their numerous followers,
had swallowed a fly and dreamed late at the gate of a house where all of whom he hlled. In this com-
as a result of the sun god LIJGH, King Cochobhar Mac Nessa was bat Cuchulainn displayed for the
who told her ro make this joumey. being entertained by the Ulster first dme the dreadful shape of his
Cathbad reassured his son-in-law smith CULANN,the young hero was battle-frenzy. His body trembled
by sapng that Dechtire had merely attackedby the ferociousguard dog violently; his heels and calves
gone to visit her otherworld re- and only savedhimself by dashing appearedin front; one eye receded
lations, for her mother was a out its brains on one of the gate's into his head, the other stood out
daughter of rhe god eorucHUS In pillars. Their host had now lost a huge and red on his cheek; a man's
fact, Lugh kept Dechtire there for faithful guardian, so Setantaoffered head could fit into his jaw; his hair
his own pleasure for three years to take the hound's place while a bristled like hawthom, with a drop
When Dechtire and her women replacement was found When of blood at the end of each single
retumed to Emain Macha, the Culann thanked the young warrior hair; and from the top of his head
stronghold of the Ulster kings, in but declined his offer. it was decid- arosea thick coiumn of dark blood
CUCHUIAINN as a youngsterlivedat the form of brightly coloured birds, ed that henceforth Setantawould Iike the mast of a ship. Retuming to
the court of the High King wherehe Dechdrewas expectingLugh's son, be known as Cuchulainn ("the Emain Macha in his chariot,
trained with other sonsoJchieJtains,whom Setanta Sualtam Mac Roth was so Hound of Culann") "gaced with the bleeding headsof
he soonoutstipped in arms and might pleased to have his wife home Even though Cathbad wamed his enemies",and with the battle-
Ahhoughsmall,he glowedwith an inner again that when the boy was bom that anyone going to battle for the frenry still upon him, Cuchulainn
divinelight and warmth, which he inheited he accepredhim as his own child first time on a cermin day was des- was only stopped from circling the
JromhisJatherthe sungod Lugh As a youth, Setanta quickly tined for a short life, Cuchulainn defencesand screamingfor a fight
Rno,1912) leamed the wavs of the warrior. but could nor wait to dealwith Ulster's through a ploy of the Ulster queen
Mughain She led out of Emain
CUcHUIAINN, in trish myrh- Macha some hundred and fifty
ology, was the champion warrior naked women carrying three vats of
o[ Ulster His name means "the cold water An embarrassed or
Hound of Culann", although he amazed Cuchulainn was swiftly
was usually called the Hound of womanhandled into the vats The
Ulster Cuchulainn was the lnsh first one burst is sides The second
Achilles, a larger-than-life fighter boiled furiously, but the last vat
whose bouts of [emper often became only very hot. Thus was
causedgrief to himself and others the young hero tamed after his first
Anger certainly made him slay his tasteof blood.
son CoNtAI, when the young man In his calm, everyday state of
ravelled from the [^and of Shadows mind Cuchulainn was a favourite of
to visit Ulster The fifteen-year-old womenfolk But he fell in love wrth
warrior was Cuchulainn's son by EMER,the daughter of Fogall, a wrly
the wamor-princess AOIFANeither chieftain whose castlewas close to
father nor son would identifi them- Dublin Cuchulainn asked for
selves,so a tragic fight ensued A Emer's hand but Fogall, who was
gold .irg on Conlai's finger againstthe match, pointed out that
revealed too late that he was Cuchulainn had yet to esrablishhis
Cuchulainn's own offpsring reputation as a warrior and sug-
Cuchulainn's mother was gestedthat he should go and leam
DECHTIRE,the daughter of the
druid )ATHBAD,an advisor to the CUCHUIAINN,theInshAchilles,
Kirg CONCHOBHARMAC NE55A It performdmanymightydeeds inhisbneJ
was Cathbad who foretold that yearsThehero's dreamy qesreflect
Cuchulainn would become agreat hrsidealism, in the
whichis expressed
warrior but die young Shortly after insciptionbeneath thisportrait,"I carenot
her marriage to SUALTAMMAC thoughllastbuta dayiJmynameand
ROTH,who was the brother of the myJamearea pwer Jorater"
deposed Ulster ruler FERGUS MAC (CucHuretrll ByJoHN DuNcAN, c,tnves, l9l3)

Crlrtc MYrHoLocY

For a year and a day Cuchuiainn

was taught by Scathach, and
became the lover of her daughter
UATHACHScathachseemsto have
fearedfor the saferyof Cuchulainn,
and she wamed him without suc-
cess not to challenge her sister
Aoifa But Cuchulainn beat Aoifa
by cunning, and afterwards she
became his mistress, conceiving
the unfortunate Conlai Cuchulainn
finally retumed to Fogall's strong-
hold and claimed Emer, but only
after a heated battle wrth Fogall and
his warriors, during which Fogall
leapt to his death escapingthe hero
Acclaimed as the champion of
Ireland in a beheading contest, CUCHUIAINNjourneyed to theIsleoJ
Cuchulainn was soon unbeatable to trainin themartialarts Onthe
in combat, a skill he was to need Islehemetamanwhogavehimaflaming
dearly in his last campaign, which wheeltoguidehimthroughthedeadly
was a single-handed defence of qngnire TheguidewashisJather,thesun
Ulster against the invading army ol god,Lugh(Iuusrnqrt,r," Rno,
avSrrpnrru 1912
Queen MEDB of Connacht The
main reason fo'r this large-scale Medb's forcesby the use of clever
cattle raid was a famous brown bull racticsand lighrning attacks,until
which was kept in Cuailgne But the effects of Macha's curse had
the tyrannical ruler of Ulsrer, King almost worn off, and the dazed
Conchobhar Mac Nessa, also warriors were able ro respond to
played a part in gathering rebei'lious SualtamMac Roth's call to arms
Ulstermen and others from many But their help came too iate for
parts of Ireland to Queen Medb's Cuchulainn Pressedon all sidesbY
side. One prophecy told the queen his enemies,the Ulster chamPion
that there would be "crimson and was overcometn spire of aid from
red" upon her forces becauseof his divine father, rhe sun god Lugh
Cuchulainn's prowess,but she was His only companion, L-aeg,was laid
derermined to invade and she also low with a spear,then Cuchulainn
had three advantages Firsr, the himself suffereda temble stomach
greathero had made bitter enemies wound that even Lugh could not
of rhe CATATIN family, whose heal Finally, Cuchulainn ded him-
daughterswere wrtches Just pnor self ro an upright stone in order to
to his last stand along with his light dll his last breath As soon as
faithful charioreerIAEG,they cast a he died Morrigan, in the form of a
spell on Cuchulainn which with- crow, settled on his shoulder and
ered a shoulder and a hand his enemies cut off his head and
Second, Medb attacked when right hand, leavinghis bodY for the
Ulster's heroes were laid low by carrion birds Conall, his foster-
MACHA'scurse, and were unable to brother, managed to recover the
CUCHUIAINN, mortally woundedin from the Scottish champion fight for five days and nights missing parts, but Ulster wePt for
hsJinal combatbut determinedto ftght to Domhall. Domhall told Cuchulainn Finally, Cuchulainn had lost the the lossof their champion Indeed,
the end,lashedhimselfto a pillar and died rhat his best trainer in arms would support of the goddessMORRIGAN, so widespreadwas Cuchulainn's
onhisfeet At theend a crw settledonhis be SCATIIACH, awanior-pnncess in because he had rejected her fame that his exploits inlluenced
shouher, signtfyingdeath This memonal the Land of Shadows So he trav- passionare advances Yet he still the developmenr of the Arthunan
rymbolkes all thosewho JoughtJor lish elled to this mysterious land and managed to conduct a successful myths in Britain and France (See
indqendarce. (Tnr Dr.,rrnoFcucHUtArNN served Scathach She taught the single-handed defence and was also MAGICAND ENCHANTMENT,
BY O SHEPP RD. sRoNzt, 1916 ) young hero his famousbattle leap. able to slow the advanceof Queen CELTICROMANCE)

Celrrc MvrHoLocY

CUufNN, in lrish myrhology, CU ROt andhiscomrade,Cuchulninn, on

was an Ulster smith who was onewiWescapade, raidedInisTerFalga,
thought to be a reincamation of the offthehing's bootyandbeautiful
sea god MANANNANMAc tlR It was daughter,BlnthnatWen theheroes fell
his enormous guardian dog that outwq thegtrrl,Cuchulcinnwas qt one
young Semnta hlled with his bare pointbeatatandbuned upto hisarms
hands. Culann was angry about whileCu Roigalloped offwrthBlathnat
this so Setantaoffered to become (luusrnnnoru At-Ex
ByIAMES rvpen,
I 995
his hound until a new one was
trained. Thereafterthe young man Culhwch AIso like Balor, the
was known as CIJCHUL{INN."the Welsh glant did not favour the idea
Hound of Culann". of his daughter marrying a man. At
intewiews held on successivedays
CUtnwCn, in welsh myth- Yspaddaden threw a poisoned
ology, was the son of Cildydd, one spear at Culhwch and his compan-
of KingARTHUR'sk"ryhtt. His step- ions, but they managed on each
mother hated Culhwch so much occasion to catch it and throw it
that she placed a curse on him that back. When Culhwch finally put
he could marry only OLWEN,the out one of the giant's eyeswith a
daughter of the giant Yspaddaden. retum throw, Yspaddaden agreed
This fate. however, seemed less to the marriage on condition that
dreadful once Culhwch found Culhwch perform a whole seriesof
Olwen, a task which took over a difficult tasks.With the assistance
year, for they fell deeply in love. of KingArthur's men and a couple
Culhwch's nexl problem was how of divine allies, Culhwch success-
to persuade her giant father to fully completed these trials, then
agree ro the match. Like the lrish killed Yspaddaden and married
Cyclops BALoR,Yspaddaden's eye- Olwen. (Seealso HERoIcQUESTS)
lids needed to be levered up with
supports in order for him to see Cuuel (whose name means
"sky") was the father of the Fenian
CUHNN below),theLllstersmith,and hero Finn Mac Cumal, more com-
theHighKingConchobhar gazein monly known as FINNMACCOOL,
amazement at theyoungCuchulainn who who was born after his father's
slanCulann'sJiercehoundoutnghtwhen death. Cumal was also a renowned
thegeat guarddoghadattached thehero Ieader of the FIANNAand chief of
at the gateTo compansateJorhillinghis the CIan Bascna.He was killed by
hound,Cuchulainn offoedto talu itsplace Jadhg, a druid, who had been
(tllusrncfloN sv SrEprer.rPe'r:.,1912) enraged when Cumal eloped with
his daughter.

Cu Rot (whose name means

"hound of Roi") was a Munster
hng. It was King Cu Roi who trans-
formed himself into IJATH, the
dreadful giant, in order to choose
the champion of lreland. The three

CULIIWCH (nght), onhis questJor

Olwen, arives at Afthur's court, seehing
help and counsel ThisVictoian painting
e,tohesa medievalmood,portrayingthe
hero as a courtlyhunterJrom the Ageof
Chivalry The surlystovard couldbe
Arthur's brusque seneschal,I(qt (xrr-nwvcn,
Grsxrl,w<no,c 1940)

Crlrrc MYrHoLocy

contenders for the championship -

Laoghaire, Cuchulainn's foster-
brother coNALL, and cucuulAlNN
himself - were invited by Cu Roi to
a beheading contesr, which only
Cuchulainn had enough courage to
go through with. I-ater, Cu Roi and
Cuchulainn carried off ntlruNer,
a beautiful woman. Although she
expressedher love for Cuchulainn,
Cu Roi took her to his casrle in
Munster. When Cuchulainn laid
siege to the stronghold, Blathnat
betrayed Cu Roi by showing how
the place could be entered.

CYNON, according ro a late Qynon then foughr his mysterious ordered by the Fomorii ro consume DAGDA, father of the gods,owneda
Anhurian myth,was a knight who opponent but was defeared. this massive meal, which he wondrouscauldron of plenty and a
encountered a black man with one readily did with a huge wooden double-edgedmaglc club, caried on
foot and one eye, and bearing a DnCOn means "the good god". ladle "so big that a man and a wheels Thisbronzerelief of aweful
Iargewooden club. This Fomorii- He was in fact rhe grear god of woman could have slept together Celticdaty,wth awheel, is regardedby
like fighter, doubtless a cousin of Irish mythology, and was usually in it" This test tumed Dagda rem- someto be Dagda, wtth the wheel
the violent and misshapen Irish sea depicted as a man in rustic clorhes porarilyinto a grossold man, bur ir rymbohzng his treasures (culoesrnup
gods, ordered Cynon to go ro a dragging an enorrnous club on did not prevent him from making CAULDRoN, ctLDED stLvER, c lN BC )

founuin and fill with water a silver wheels. With one end of this love to a Fomorii girl, who
bowl that he would find there , and weapon he could slay his enemies promised to use her magic on the sacredrite that was performed
then to throw the water against a and with the other he could resrore behalf of the Tuarha De Danann. by a Sumerianruler and a priesress
marble slab. Sir Cynon did as he the dead rc life. Dugduwasbelieved The story may recall, in a distorted in Mesopotamia. This union was
was instructed and a Black l(night to be wise, full of knowledge and form, a holy marriage between a meant to ensure prosperity,
appearedto the sound of thunder well versed in rhe magic arts He chieftain and a maiden at the strength and peace.
and the singing of magic birds. Sir was a chief of rhe TUATHADE beginning of each year: similar to Although the evenrualdefeat of
DANANN the Fomorii at the second battle of
CLNON,anArthurunhero, battleswith Dagda was a grear fighter and DANA,thegreatmothr goddess,
gaveher Magh Tuireadh was really due ro
theBlnchKnight,a mysteious warnorwho the lover of tr,loRRlcnN,the war nameto the TuathaDe Danann,a raceof the sun god rucH, ir was Dagda
appeared b rragc Although deJeated, goddess.The bones of his enemies wonderJul,beautiful but often vulnerable who was held in the grearesr
Cynonreturndhome onfootto tellthe were described as "hailstones godswho lived in the sparhlingotherworld respect, even after the Tuatha
tnb, and thusinspiredOwainto setouton under horses' hooves" when he Here, thqr gather to hear thepoignant song De Danann were in their tum
htsmemorable quat.Yearslntr Cynon wielded his mighty club. Like an oJ Lir's children, ill-staned godswho were overthrown by the sons of
retracdhissteps of awain
in search all-powerful chiefrain, Dagda led tumed into swans (llrusrnerroru
aySrrpHrl MILESIUS,the ancesrors of rhe
(luusnsnoN nv H Tnrluan 1920) the Tuatha De Danann on the bat- Rrlo,1912
) present-dayIrish
tlefield, slaying all rhosewho dared To Dagda fell the imporunr msk
to confront him. Yet he was also of setding the defeatedTuarha De
associatedwith abundance, being Danann underground.Just as rhe
able to sadsff the hunger of every- Fomorii had retrearedbenearh the
body by means of an inexhaustible waves, so the vanquished De
cauldron. That Dagda took great Danann disappearedunderground.
pleasure in eating was apparent, Over the centuries these powerful
when just before rhe second batde deities were gradually transformed
of Magh Tuireadh he visited rhe into fairies - the bean sidhe or
camp of the F2MORII,his bitter BANSHEES of lrish folklore. (Seealso
enemies, during a truce at the time WONDROUS CAULDRONS)
of the NewYear festival.There they
made for him a ponidge of milk, DANA, anorher name for ANU,
flour, fat, pigs and goats, enough was the goddess atter whom the
for fifry men. TUATHADEDANANNwere named -
On pain of dearh Dagda was "the people of the goddessDana".


DnCnnRE, in Irish mythology, DEIRDRE gievesfor thedeath of hn

was the mother of.cucuul,{INN. belaved Ncoiseand his brothers,slain by

She was a daughter of Maga, the the jealous KingConchobhar Over the

child of the love godAoNGHUsand brothers'grave, shesanghu pitiable

of the druid ;ATHBAD.advisor to Iament,"May myheartnotbreah todayfor

King CONCHOBHARMAC NESSAof the sea-tidesoJour ewryday softclwsare

Ulster. When Dechtire married strong but I am soffM itself. " (Detnom

iUALTAMMAC RorH, a fly flew into rnr Sonnows c 1912


her cup during the wedding feasr

and she swallowed it. She fell into half novoRII, took his place. But

a deep sleep and dreamed that the Bres was a tpant and became very

sun god LUGHinsisted that she and unpopular, so Nuada was restored
to the leadership, once Dian
fifty of her kinswomen follow him
to the otherworld as a flock of Cecht's son Miach had made him

birds. Three years later a flock of a new hand of flesh and blood.

brightly coloured birds reappeared Apparently the god of healing grew

at Emain Macha, the capital of jealous of his son's medical skills

Ulster. The Ulstermen went after and so killed him.

them with slings, but were unable

to hit any of rhem. It was decided, DTNNUUID UA DUIBHNE,
therefore, to surpnse.the birds at or Diarmuid "of the Love Spot",
night as they rested. So it was rhat was the foster-sonof the lrish love
rhe warriors came upon Dechtire, god eorucHUS.His mortal father
herwomen and Lugh sleepingin a gavehim to the god as a child, a grft
hut on a site renowned for its mag- that was retumed when Diarmuid
ical propenies. When Conchobhar Df tROne was the cause of DTNBNORGAILLE was the receivedthe famous love spot as a
was told of of this he sent for Ulster's sorrows,according to lrish daughter of a ruler of Lochlann. young Fenian warrior One night,
Dechtire at once, but she told her mythology The drui d cetuneo When her father left her on the when out hunting, Diarmuid and
captors that she was too ill to be foretold this before she was bom, shore as a tribute for the FOMORII, three companions took shelterin a
able to travel for another day. The as well as telling of how beautiful she was rescued by the Ulster hero small hut in a wood. There a beau-
next moming she showed them she would become. When she CIICHULAINNand fell in love with tiful young woman received them
her new-bom son, a gift to Ulster. grew up, King CONCHOBHARMAC him. In order to follow him, she but chose to sleep only with
NE55Awished to marry her, even rumed herself into a swan Diarmuid She told him that she
DECHTIRE,whohaddisappeared though he was already advanced in However, unaware of the bird's was Youth, and that the love spot
mysteriouslyonhq wedding day,returned years, but Deirdre would have true identiry, Cuchulainn brought she put on his forehead would
threeyearslaterwrththeshiningsungod, none of this. Shepersuaded NAolsE her down with a sling-shot She make him inesistible to women. fu
Lugh Dechtirebroughtwrthhera $ft from and his brothers to run away with retumed to human form and he a consequence,Diarmuid's life was
theotherworld-her child,Setanta,
who her to Alba After living for many sucked the stone out of the wound, almost continuously troubled bY
became hqo, Cuchulainn yearsin their voluntary exile, they bur now theywere linked byblood desperatewomen, the worst being
(llrusrn crtoN av G DrNn cu, c 1900) were tricked into retuming to and so he could not marry her. GMINNE,the passionatedaughter
Ulster on the understanding that of High King C)NMACMAC ARr.
they would come ro no harm. But DnN CnCnf was the lrish god Grainne was betrothed to FINN
Conchobhar arranged to have of healing Itwas said thatwith his LIACCOOL. the Fenian commander,
Naoise killed and then forced daughter Airmid, he had charge of but she wanted Diarmuid and
Deirdre to agree to marry him. a spring whose waters restored the forced him to elope with her. For
Once married, however, Deirdre dy,.g gods to life. After NUADA,the sixteen years the Fenians Pursued
remained sad and kept her disunce Ieadcr Of thc TI]ATIL4DE DANANN, them until, at the request of the
flrom the ki.g,with the result that Iost his hand fighdng the FIRBoLG hng and the love god, a peacewas
he handed her over to the killer of at the first battle of Magh Tuireadh, grudgrngly made.
Naoise Rather than sleep with this Dian Cecht gave him a silver hand, It seemed that Diarmuid and
man, she threw herself from his thus earning him the title Nuada Grainne would settle down to a
speeding chariot and smashed her "of the Silver Hand" ImPressed contented famrly life and they had
brains out on a rock From each of though the Tuatha De Danann several children. But Diarmuid's
the graves of Naoise and Deirdre were by Dian Cecht's handiwork, own desdnywas about to catch uP
grew a pine, which eventually inter- Nuadawas felt to be no longerfit to with him. His mortal father had
rwined and grew as a single tree be a war leader and BRES,who was hlled his brother at binh because

Crlrrc MyrHoLoGY

he believed that Aonghus' sreward,

Roc, was responsible for rhe preg-
nancy. However, Roc revived the
infant as a magic boar and told ir ro
bring Diarmuid ro his dearh When
hundng one daywirh Cormac Mac
Art and Finn MacCool, Diarmuid
came face to facewich this creature
His hounds fled in reror, his sling-
shot had no impacr on rhe charg-
ing boar's head and his sword
broke in two, so rhe inesisrible
Diarmuid was left bleeding ro
death on the ground. Finn
MacCool refusedro fetch rhe dying
Diarmuid a drink of warer, and by DIAKMUID, goredby a wild boar, was
the time the other hunters amved deniedhealingwater by Finn, still smarting
on the scene, he was too near to over Diarmuid's lwe alfair with Grainne A
death to be saved Grainne was Celtic Adonis,thehero waslwedby women
devastatedby the loss, alrhough oftenagainst his will, and,lihe Adonis,was
she was moved by rhe way rhar hilledby aboar, but enjoyedsomeJormoJ
Aonghus took care of Diarmuid's immoftality (llrusrncno,\
lgl2 )
corpse He took the body to his
DIAN CECHT (abwe), god of healing, DON below), theWelsh mother goddess, own palace by rhe River Boyne, DON was the Welsh equivalenr of
guards the sacredspnngof healthwtthhis wo,sds popular as her lnsh countapart, where he breatheda new soul inro rhe Irish mother goddess DANA and
daughter,Airmid lts miraclewaterscured Dana ThisfemaleJigure, surroundedby Diarmuid so that they could con- was the daughter of Mathonwy,
the sichand restored thedead,to hJe birds and children, is widely assumedto be verse each day This was how the sister of MATH, and rhe wife of Beli,
Knwn as theJathu of medicine,Dian a Celtic mother goddessSheis one of young man came to live with rhe the god of death. She had many
Cechtis creditedwth a remarlable sath- sqeral Celtic daties embossed
on the TIIATHADE DANANN,who had by children, including AMAETHON,
centuryBrehonLaw tract on thepracticeof gildedpanelsof the GundestrupCauldron this time left the upper world and ARIANRHOD, Govannon, GWYDION,
medicine (luusrnenoru
ayNrcxBute,i995) (Graep srLv'ER. c lOO BC ) lived beneath the soil of Ireland Gilvaerhwy and ruupp

DIARMUID (below),a gJtedFanian

warior, was lured undergroundby the De
Danann who often recruitedchampionsto

ftght in their othewvorldlybattles To test

hts sletll,thE senta mysteriouswarior to
challengehim ashe dranhfrom theirforest
well luusrnenoNsySrrpar/ Rno.i9l2 )

NCHANTMENT PERMEATES Celtic myth, shrouding
the tales in a haunting, dreamlike qualiry. The all-
pervasive otherworld lies behind much of the
mystery and magic, penetrating the forests and
lakes, and crafting charmed rings and weapons.Yet spells
and magic also arosein the visibleworld where bards,druids
a n d s o m e p r i v i l e g e d h e r o e s ,s u c h a s F i n n M a c C o o l ,
possessedmagicalpowers. Bardscould weaken the enemy
with satire or enchantedsleep,while druids bewitched the
host with magical illusions. Off the battlefield, love and
romancewere also subject to spells,love philtres or magical
rickery, as in the romancesof Sadb,
Rhiannon and Iseult. On the
brighter side, many heroesenjoyed
the gifts of the otherworld, such as
Arthur's sword, Excalibur,or Fergus
M a c R ot h ' s s i d h e s w o r d ; w h i l e
F e r g u sM a c L e d a ' s w a t e r - s h o e s
countlessheroeswere nourished or
reborn from magicalcauldrons.
Frncus Mlrc l-r:oe, (abwe), a high hing of Uktu, wned a pair of water-
shoeswith whkh he enjoyd underwatcr travel He ne,tr tired oJacplonng the
dqtl$ of thelvaihrsand nvcn of lrelondunttlhe encounteredaferce rwar-hotse
in Loch Rury The inadatt so tmiJied Fergs thathis face becamepermanently
dktoned wrthfear.'4s onlyan unbbmkhed hing couWrule lrelnnd, Fe, gus
returned n the loch to slay the monstu before goingilwn himself, but wth a
face atlost restoredand snene 0uusrpcnoN

THn EruCnersrro Fonrsr QeJt)of Arthuianlegend, ww alivewithbeguiling

BelleDame Sans
Jairy maidats, who oftm taunted effanthnighs One such,Ia
Mqa, desatbd by thepoet Keats, was a funshee who lttracted monnl Wers
and then
for hr wn amusemant,insptnng them wtth a hopelss infaruatnn
leavingthembereftof wtll or Wrpose until thq uthqed on thelolu, "abne and
palely toitrnng" k thelnnguishinghmghthue sleqs,he dreamsof the pab

CelrIC MvrHoLocY

E x c - . q r t s t * 1 , 1 l r 1 r r t{' r. f) h u r \ r i r ( l r r l r t r , /s t r , , r , l r l t , , t t tt t r r l rt l i t / t t h r , r /

l h i r t t t r r t i h e tsi t t t / t i t l i : l t cl 1l i s , t l , t t l l t t / / t t 1 t 1 , ( l ( r l\1( \, l h h c u c / / r r t t t r t l ft /t t/ t

I r s s i r f h l r r p rri r rh , l r t / t l , r i r , { r r / r r l i i t t l r ,i t c t : l t i tl t , l t r 1 , t l1j t l r t , i l i s t t t . - ,t ,t tt , t

l r r l t r s l t r t l / - . i t s l t \' tl r r t ( r { r l 1 t I ' c t r f r , r : t l / t h t t f i t t , ; t l t r . l r l \ t t l r l t l \ r } l t l t l tr l

Pwrrr's fubove)Jamt[ywanderm un enchunted MrRrnv (ngh), wtseand thoughtJtlthoughht' u,as.

aJtu thetr country,AJed,had been
wtlderness LrythercvtshtngLnly ol th.ehht,
was enchanted
sptntedaway tn a pealoJthunder Thebaffling htsforestght,he ullowedhmself
Nirnue,and desprte
wqsport oJa hngenngcurseplaced
enchqntment to be lureddeepbeneatha stoneand boundthereIry
on hvyll to avengeGwawl, a nval surtort'or the htsown maglc spellsIn anotherlegend,Nrmueput
hond oJRhronnon Eten aJterhrryll's death,the Merlin tntoa trancebeneotha thorn treeand then
spellbli{ttedhs Jamily,untrl Rhrannon'sner\/ trarledhervetlaroundhtm,creattngan mvrstble
husband, Manawydan, strucha dealwtth the towu oJ atr rn whtchhe was trappedJorou It rs

enchanter,who atlast restoredDyt'edto rtsJormer satdthat htsvorcecan sttllbe heardtn theplatntwe

benu\ (lLursrnrnor.r Ue, 1984)
ByA:AN rustltngoJleaves (luustnrrtr.r,v
BvAi,4NI FF lg84)


DONN ("rhe Dark One") was rhe druid AMAIRGENhad only jusr Irish did not consider this gift a
Irish god of the dead. He is some- succeededin casting a spell over suflicient redressfor Efnisien's acr
dmes confused with ErEn Donn, the turbulent waves, when Eber of mudlation, and some dme afrer
one of the leaders o[ rhe sons of Donn was seizedby a battle-trenny her arival in Ireland Branwen was
MILESIUS, who insulted ERIU,one and the charm was broken by his demoted from being queen to just
of rhe TT]ATIIADEDANANN, and was wild cries. After rhe defear of the a lowly cook in rhe palacehrchens.
drowned off the south-west coast TUATHADE DANANN,rhe advice of Efnisien accompanied the army
of lreland. Donn's home, the Amairgen was ignored by Eber thatwas sent againstMatholwch to
House of Donn, was thought to be Finn, who refused to acknowledge avengethis insuk. It was fortunare
an assemblypoint on rhe joumey the right of his older brother for Bran that his half-brother did
to the otherworld. Eremon to be king of the whole come, because Efnisien foiled a
DONN, god of the dead,gathers souls island. So it was that lreland was cunning trap that had been laid for
DNUTOS SCC5AGE5ANDSEERS aroundhim as thq assanbleonhis stormy partitioned inro two kingdoms, the Britons by Matholwch in his
islandbejore settingout on theirjournq with Eremon ruling the north and hall. He had placedbehind each of
DUBH was a druidess. According to the othewvorld Inaitably, he became Eber Finn the south. Bur Eber Finn Bran's strongest warriors a sack
to one Irish tradition, her angerat associatedin popularJolhlorewith invaded Eremon's terrirory and Iaid hung from the wall containing an
her husband Enna's passion for shipwreclsand seastorms,andwas oJten waste to his lands until he fell in armed lrishman, and at a signal
another woman uhimately led to confusedwithEber Donn, who died at sea battle. Eremon rhen became rhe they were to fall upon the Britons
the name of Dublin. Dubh used (IrrusrnrnolByJAMEI
J995) first High King of all Ireland. during what was supposed to be a
magic to drown her rival, but her feast of welcome. When Efnisien
husband in turn drowned her in he headed straighr ro the sea, EnnrcmN, in welsh mythology, inspected the hall beforehand, he
whac became known as Dubhlinn where he immediarely swam as was the rroublesome half-brocher askedwhacwas in one of rhe bags.
("Dubh's pool"). well as a fish. When his uncle, the of nR+NTHEBLEsSED who caused On being told it was com, Efnisien
smirh god Govannon, killed him, the rift berween Bran and King Iaid hold of the sack and felt about
Dn q,'N("Son of the Wave") was all the waves of Britain and Ireland MATHOLWCH. BecauseEfnisien had till his fingers closed on the head of
a Welsh sea god whose parenrs lamented his death. not been consulted by Bran over the warrior within it, then he
were ARIANRHOD and her brorher the marriage of his half-sisrer squeezed and cracked his skull.
GWYDION. fu soon as he was bom Engn was rhe name of rwo of che BMNwEN ro rhe Irish hng, he pro- One by one Efnisien asked about
three leaderswho led the Milesians ceeded to cut off the lips, earsand the contens of the sacksand each
DYI-AN,a Welshseadeity,leaptJromhis in their conquest of lreland. They tails of Matholwch's horsesduring time repeatedhis squeezing.
mother's armsatbirthandplungedstraight were Eber Donn, or Eber "the the wedding feast.To compensare The feast took place therefore
intotheseaand swarrt aswellasanyfsh. Brown", and Eber Finn, or Eber for this act, Bran gaveMatholwch a not as Marholwch had planned.An
Belwedby thesea,all thewaves weptwhen "the Fair". The third was named ma$c cauldron that was capableof even more unexpected rurn of
hewashilled, andhisdeath-groan canstill Eremon. Eber Donn failed ro reach restoring dead warriors to life, bur events occurred when Efnisien
beheardin theroarof theincoming tide the lrish coast because his ship wich one small imperfecrion - rhey rhrew Matholwch's three-year-old
(Tnr B,rprrsrv foundered in a storm caused by, it
ot, Dvt,tN, Soruor rHE WAVEBl came back to life withour rhe son by Branwen on to the fire.
Grrlncr Sxennt,vcn,qrr, I900 ) was said, his bloody war cry. The power of speech. However, the Branwen would have leapt after her


EIATII"A (abwe), a F omoii hing lived

beneath the waveswith his wolat and
misshapenpeople Unlihe the other
Fomoii, Elatha was a godlihebang with
Iong golden hair EmuglngJrom the sea
one day in his silvsr ship,he met the lwely
goddess,En, who Jellimmediatelyin lwe
withhim, SoonaJtu, thqhad ahandsome
but troublesomeson,Bies (tr-LusrnrroN

EBER DONN (abwe) and the Milesian son, but Bran held her back. In the EMER, in Irish mythology, was around to the front of his house.
chiefsdnft in thefairy sea mists of the lrish fight that took place afterwards the the daughter of Fogall and the wife Even then, he thought of Emer's
cowt OnboardEbcr's ship,the druid Britons were almost defeatedby the of.cucuul{INN, who first saw her request, but his enemies the witch-
Amairgencharmedthe seawth magtcof magrc cauldron that Bran had given when he was at the courr of rhe es of celqrlN casr a spell to harden
hts wwr,butEberlet outhis greatwar cry Matholwch, because at night it High Kirg of Ireland at Tara. She his resolve to fighr single-handed.
whichbrolu the druid's spelland stired up restored to life the trish warriors appeared "dark-haired almosr as
a stoftn inwhichhewas drwned who had been slain during rhe day himself, and her skin whire as ENTO SCCCELTIC ROIVIANCE
0rrusrnerroru ALEX{Noen,
1995) The Britons were in a desperare mare's milk, and her eyeswide and
predicament and so Eftrisien,ar rhe proud and brilliant like the eyes of EME& a peerlessInsh maiden, inspired
EFNISIEN belw) inspectssaclu in cost of his li[e, destroyedthe magicFedelma, his favourite falcon". the lwe ol Ulster'sgreathero, Cuchulainn
Matholwch'shall. In each sachhefelt a cauldron. He hid among the Irish Emer's father was a chieftain from Shewasblessedwiththe sA gJB oJ
warior's head, which he cnshed between dead and was thrown into rhe boil- Meath and was against the match. womanhood:beaul, chasilry,wisdom,
his fngm The moody ticlster went on to ing cauldron, where he strerched He told Cuchulainn to travel to sweetspeech,songand needlecraJtWhen
prwohe a deadly contest,but than, in and burst its sides, bur rhe grear improve his fighting shlls and only thehero courtedher,shesmiledathis
remorse,sacnfced himself to save his effort involved hlled him. then would he consider him as a youth,and saidthathehad "deedsto do"
comrades (tuununov aySrrparru
Rno,l9i0) son-in-law. Cuchulainn survived (Iu-usrnqnox
EL,ffHA, in Irish myrhologr, w6 and retumed to claim his bride.
the son of Delbaeth, the leader of Indeed, Cuchulainn was forced to
the FOMORIIand father of BRES, atuck the reluctant Fogall's fortress
who was briefly the leader of the before the wedding could mke
TUATHADE DANANIV.UnIiKe the place. Although Emer was totally
other Fomorii, who were described enraptured by her handsome hus-
as being hideous and deformed, band, their marriagewas not with-
Elathawas fair and had golden hair. out its troubles, not least because
He met the goddessEri on rhe sea many other women also found the
shore and there they conceived Ulscerhero attrac[ive.Just before
their child Bres. When Bres was his final batde, when he fought rhe
removed from the leadership of rhe army of Queen MEDBalone, Emer
De Danann, he and his morher tried to persuadehim to remain in
went to Elathato ask for help, bur the fortress of Emain Macha, rhe
the Fomorii were defeated at the seat of King CONCHOBHAR MAC
second battle of Magh Tuireadh NE55A.However, he got on his
and dnven from lreland. chanot when it was broughr


E?{IN QighD, one of the High Queensof

Ireland, appears withher peers in power
andbeauty:fromleJt to ight, Etain, Greeh
Helen,MedbandFand, theJairyqueen
Thejuelled atp of plenty recalk Etain's
linlu wtth the otherworld (ErnrH,HnuN,
MEDB AND Fexn sv HAnnv Ct,cR(E, ct css, c I9@)

EPONA, rhe celtic horse god-

dess,won the favour of the Roman
army and was depicted in monu-
ments set up at its cavalrybarracl<s
as a woman riding a fast steed, her
cloak billowing with air behind her.
Shewas even given her own festival
in Rome on December 18, Ongi-
nally, Epona was almost certainly
seen by the Celts as a mare, possi-
bly like the great white horse cawed
in the chalk downs near Wantage,
in southem England The fact that
she is often depicted riding a horse
with a foal suggesrc that she was
also a goddess of fertility. In the
Welsh myth of. PwYtt there is a
connection between Epona and his
wife RHIANNON.who is made to
carry visitors into her husband's

ERIU, or Erinn, was rhe wife of

Ma Greine, son of.)GMA, and her-
self one of the TUATHADEDANANN
When the Milesians invaded, she
and her two sisters. Banba and

EPONA(belw), theCeltichorse goddess,

v,usadoptedhy theRoman cavalrywho
spreadlwcultacross Europe. Hn ,fiy,
oftenplacedin stables,
srde-sadille, wtthafoal, which
rejectedherroleasafmtlity goddess,
Embohzdhm by thewheatandbirik

Crlrrc MvrHoLocY

EfnltNN, somerimes Erhnea, Fnncus Mec RorH, a king

was the only daughter of BALOR, of Ulster, according to one myth
the one-eyedgiant of Irish myth fell in love with his predecessor's
Balor imprisoned Ethlinn in a widow, NESSA She would only
crysal tower on Tory Island, off the marry him if her son, CONCHOBHAR
north-western coast of lreland, MACNESSA, was allowed to rule for
becauseof a prophecy that said he ayear Conchobhar, with heip from
would be hlled by his own grand- his mother, proved to be a popular
son. However, a cerrain Cian, king and the people refused to let
brother of the smith god GomHrulu, him stand down At first Fergus
managed to reach Ethlinn, and so accepted this but, later, when
the sun godrual was conceived. Conchobhar losr the support of
ETHNE,a gentleTuathaDeDanann Despite Balor's attemprc to have EAND'smaidens appearedto Cuchulainn severalleading Ulstermen, he led
maiden. waslostto theothewvorld whut the baby killed, he survived to be in a vision,beatinghim
withrods,which them in revolt Conchobhar's love
shemislaidher VeiloJlnvisibility,
hq to brought up either by Goibhniu or, Iefthimsore Jorayear Havinggained for ortRPREwas rhe cause of his
thekalm oJFoiry Shewasrescued by according to another version of the hisattention,thq explainedthatthe unpopularity, especially after he
monlsand,according to a latu legend, myrh, by the sea god MANANNAN goddess, Fand,neededhishelptofght the had her lover NAoiSEhlled in order
became a nun,but shewasdisturbed by MACLIR,and so fulfilled his desriny Fomoii AfterdeJmting herattachers, to marry her Fergus wirh rhree
theciesof hu Jairyfolh,seehing by hlling Balorat the secondbattle Cuchulainn stayedonFand'sislandJora hundred Ulster warriors joined
herin vain (luusrnarroru
nvSrrpHrru Rr.r:.,
1910) of Magh Tuireadh month (Iuusrnarroru
) Queen MEDBin her invasion of
Ulsrer The great CUCHUIAINN lost
Foda,went to greet them All three EfHNn was rhe daughter of Roc, his life in this war, but not at the
decided to stay with her husband
asked that the newcomers would srewardof the iove god AONGHUS, and forget Cuchulainn Manannan
hands of Fergus They had been
name the island after her. and acted as maid to the daughter Mac Lir then shook his magrccloak
friends before the war and had
AMAIRGEN, druid and advrsorto the of u,+ruaNNANMAC LIR After a between Fand and Cuchulainn so
swom not to fight each other
sons of MILESius,promised rhat chieftain of the TUATLLADE DANANN they would never see each other
During the final battle, Ferguspre-
Ireland would be named after Eriu rried to rape her, she refusedto eat again,and druids gaveCuchulainn
tended to rereat and rhe next time
or drink Aonghus and Manannan and Emer drinks of forgetfulness
rhey met Cuchulainn would do the
ETAIN, in Irish myrhology, was searchedfor a remedy and found (Seealso CELTIC ROMANCE)same Ir was due to Fergus'retreat
one of IheTUATIIADEDANANN and rwo magic cows whose milk never rhat CoNAu, Cuchulainn's foster-
was reincamated severaitimes She ran dry and she lived on their milk
FgoltvtlD rhe story-reller was brother, was ableto defeatMedb's
was the second wife of the god rhe father of orlnoRr One day, army and rally the Ulstermen after
MIDIR His first wife was jealous of ETHNNR SCC ETHLINN when CONCHOBHAR MAC NE55A rhe death of Cuchulainn
Etain and by a druid's speil Etain and some fellow Ulstermen were
was rebom as a morul, the daugh- EXCRT-TBUR SCC MAGIC AND drinking at his house, the unbom FERDIAtsborne fromthebattleJteld by
ter of rhe Ulster warrior Etar To ENCFIANTMENT Deirdre cried out from her mother's hisliJelongJnend,CuchulainnThetwo
hinder Midir's searchfor her, Erain womb The druid c,qtruneo then weregoaded intosingle combatby Medb
was turned first into a pool of FAND, in lrish myrhology, was foretold thar the child would cause andfought gnmlytothedeathAt
water, then a wolrn and finally a fly rhe wife of uaNaruNANMAC LIR nothing but doom and desrrucdon Ferdia's death, Cuchulainn fellexhausted,
When Emr'swife accidenrallyswal- One day she quarrelled with her lamenting,"Why shouldI nseagainnow
lowed the fly she becamepregnant husband and he left her When she FgnOfR son of Daman rhe hethatliesherehasJallenW -y hand? "
wirh Etain Unaware of her previ- was attackedby the nOvORI/,Fand FIRBOLG, was a friend and comrade (llrusrnarro,vev E We[coustNs, 1912)
a - _ - . -

ous existence,Etain was loved both SCNIfor CUCHUIAINN, who CameTo of.cuctlui,AlNN As young men,
by the High King Eochaidh, whom her island and defeared her en- they were both taught ro fighr by
she married, and by his brother emies,and remainedfor one month SCATHACH During the war of the
AILILL This potendally difficult as her lover Before he returned brown bull of Cuailgne, Ferdia
situation wassolved by her sudden home, they arranged to meet again fought on the side of Queen MEDB
discoverythat she was alreadymar- in Ireland.But Cuchulainn's wife, and against Cuchulainn and the
ned to Midir, who had awakened EMER,found out about this secret men of Ulster Ferdia did his best
her memories High King Eochaidh meedng and took fifry of her maid- to avoid coming up against his
lost Etain to the god at a game of ens armed with sharp knives to kill friend, but eventually Medb taunt-
chess,but although she lived once Fand A confused argument then ed him into fighting the great hero
again with Midir for a period of took place between Fand, Emer, in singlecombat and he was killed
time, Etain decided in the end to Cuchulainn and Manannan Mac
retum to Taraand finish her morral Lir, who had also learned of the Frncus Mnc Leoa see
life as Eochaidh'squeen arrangement But in the end, Fand MAGIC AND ENCFIANTMENT

THE FIANNA (ngh), afierceband of free FINN MACCOOL bela^D' a Praocious

wariors, guardedthe High King oJIreland and gfted child, enjoyeda specnl ffinity

and rovedup and down the countrysideon wtth the crenturesof the wods He was

vaious ventures Hand-piched,thq were raisedon the sbpa of Bloom Sliew by two

gftedinboth arms andthe arts Although warior women, who helpedhim darcbp the

close-hnit,occasionalivalry brohe out and hqoicirtues oJwtdom and strenglh

(luusrnanor.r c 1910
therewastheoddbrawl,as shownhere
(lu-usrnerrp RAcKHAM,
ByARTHUR c 1910

THg FrnNNn was rhe famous

band ofwardors responsible for the
safety of the High Kitg of Ireland
Popularly called the Fenians, their
greatestleader was FINNMACCOOL
and the ma.;orityof their members
came from one of two clans, the
Bascnaand the Moma. Many of the
adventures of the lfuights of the
Round Table recall the exploits of
the Fenians.To join, "no man was
taken till in the ground a hole had
been made, such as would reach
the waist, and he put into it with
his shield and a forearm's length of FINECRS, in lrish mythology, So great was Finn MacCool's the elopement, and he exulted over

ahazel stick. Then must nine war- was a druid. Hoping to become prowess as a warrior that he was his rival's morul wound, which he

riors, having nine spears,with a ten supremely wise, he caught the soon appointed over the head of had received when hunting.

furrows'width berween them and Salmon of lfuowledge, but unfor- Goll to lead the Fenians, as his The account of Finn MacCool's

him, assailhim and let fly at him lf tunately for his own ambitions he father had done. Goll accepted this own death is unclear. Some sagas

he sustained injury, he was not gaveit to the young FINNMACCOOL decision with good grace, a gesture tell how he fell attempdng to quell

receivedinto the band " to cook Finn bumt his thumb on that may explain why Finn an uprising among the Fenians

the flesh of the fish and sucked the MacCool did not challenge Goll
FINEGAS,theagedseerandpoet, bum. Realizingthat his pupil Finn over his father's death. Indeed, FINTAN, the Salmonof Knouiledge,bashs

humblyolfersFinn theSalmon oJ was the one destined to gain the Goll eventually manied one of Finn in Nechtan's weIIoJ inspiration, werhung

Knowledge, fulfillingthepropheqthata wisdom, Finegasgenerouslylet the MacCool's daughters, rhough he wtth theNuts of Knowldge Fintnn gained

mannamed"Fionn"wouldbeneftfrom the boy eat the whole fish also slew his son. This last act of hs wisdomfrom eating the nuts whichfell

miraculous fish On eatingthesalmon, violence was too much and the into the well, causingbubblesoJ inspiration

Finn becameas wiseas he was strong with FINN MacCooL, sometimes Fenians pursued him. Trapped, The wellts decoratedherewith Celtic

instant insight into the past andfuture called Finn Mac Cumaill or Fionn Goll chose to suwe to death rather heads,rymbok oJspintualpwer.
svH R MrtLAn, 1912) MacCumal, was the leader of the than surrender. Finn MacCool (Iuusrnertoru Lrrrepnu, 1994
avSrunRr )

FIANNA,or Fenians, the selecrband used to quote a saying of Goll: "A

of warriors which guarded the High man lives after his life but nor after
King of lreland. His father , CIJMAL, his dishonour."
a previous leader of the Fenians, Under Finn MacCool's leader-
was killed by Goll, a Fenian war- ship, the Fenians reached the high
rior. Cumal had eloped with a girl point o[ their fame as a warrior
named Huma and her father urged band The pursuit of oreRvulDUA
Goll to avengethis dishonour. Goll DIUBHNE,the foster-son of the love
slew Cumal, but later Cumal's son god,eorucHus, alone took sixteen
Finn was bom and brought up years. He had taken GRAINwE,the
secretly. One of his tutors was the daughter of High Kitg C)RMAC
druid FINEGAS,who lived beside MACART,but she was betrothed to
the River Boyne and caught the Finn MacCool at the dme. The
Salmon of lGrowledge. He gave rhe Fenians were relentless in the
fish to his pupil to cook, but Finn chase, but a peace of sorts was
bumt his thumb on the flesh and begrudgingly agreed However,
in sucking it obtained wisdom. Finn never forgave Diarmuid for

Celrrc MyrHoLocy

THE FOMORII, a misshapenraceof sea

gods,oppressedlrelandwith crueltyand
crushingtibutes This imaginative
and pou,aful sceneportrays the Fomoii
as repellentand alien creatures,who are
divatby a sichand menacingJrnry
(THE FoMoRs oR THE PowERs or EvrL Asnoeo rNt

THE \Voru,D ByJoHN Dunctr't, 1912)

themselves,while others refer ro an

ARTHUR-likeundeath in a cave
There he was supposed to remain
in a deep sleep unril such dme as
Ireland needed his aid

FtNfnN was the husband of

Noah's granddaughterCESAIR. It is
likely that the monk who first
recorded the Irish sagasahered the
original myrh in order ro link it THg Ftnnolc, or "bag men", THg FOUOruI were seagods in otherworld His morher Be Find
with Noah's descendants,because in Irish mythology were said to Irish mythology Violent and mis- (who was a goddess and sisrer of
of the deluge rhat only Fintan man- have acquired their name from a shapen, the Fomorii emergedfrom the river goddess BOANN) nursed
aged to survive by becoming a time when they were enslaved in rhe waves to challengerwo rulers of him back to health so rhar he could
salmon. The monk wanted ro tidy Thrace and made ro carry bags of Ireland: the FiRBOLGand rhe claim the hand of Findbhair The
up the lrish myth of Fintan's mys- earth They lived in Ireland just TUATHADE DANANN The Tuatha account of Fraoch and the water
rerious transformation The same before the arrivalof the TUATHADE De Danann were younger gods, monster is thought to have had
name was also glven to the Salmon DANANN But rhey were already and they seizedcontrol of Ireland some influence on the Danish
of I(rowledge, which was so called being hard pressedby theFOMONt, from the Firbolgs at rhe first barde legend of Beowulf's batrle wirh
becauseit had earenrhe nuts of a the seagods whom rhe Tuatha De of Magh Tuireadh, only to have to Grendel, a monster invulnerable to
hazel ree thar grew over the warers Danann eventually overcame At defeatthe Fomoiri at asecondbar- weapons who lived in an under-
of ruecareN's well. the first barrle of Magh Tuireadh tle there in order to secure rheir water cavem
the Tuatha De Danann defeared conquest Often the Fomorii were
THEFIRBOLG, orbag-motarivedin the Firbolg, though the De Danann described as having only a single FINN MACCOOL standsguard on the
ahJeofslnvery in Ieader,NUADA,lost a hand. In the hand, foot or eye ramports oJTara awaiting aJiery goblin
Thrace, wherethq hadbeenforced to second bamleof Magh Tuireadh rhe whosemaglc music usually disarmshisJoes
thelandbyheavinghewy bagsoJ Fomorii were thoroughly beaten, FOnnru was rhe son of the Ulster Armedwith aJairy spear,Finnbreahsthe
Jmile earthuproctyhilLsln ronlt, thq due mainly to rhe bravery of the king CONCHOBHAR MAC NESSA spelland slnysthe unsuspectingdemon
tumedtharbagsintoboatsandsailedto sun god LIIGH, and were driven According to one myth, Queen his valourhe wasmadecaptainof the
Irelnnd (Iuusrnenoru ByNlcK Brer-r.,j995 ) from Ireland for ever MEDBof Connachr fell back before Fianna (lllusrnarrorv BySTEpHEN REID. l9i0 )

rhe fury of the Ulster warriors afrer

her invasion of the kingdom. In
Galway, however, Forbai caught up
with her as she was bathing in a
lake A shot from his sling fatally
struck the old warrior-queen in the
cen[e of her forehead.

FneOCH ("wrath" or "fury"), in

Irish mythology, was a warriorwho
defeateda fearsomewarer monster
in order to manry Findbhair, who
was the daughrer of Queen MEDB
of Connacht The tenible srruggle
with the monsrer left Fraoch very
badly wounded and he recovered
fully only afrer a timely visit to rhe

il'i';t'il *'iri' +

WoNDRous C,tuLDRoNs
IMCULouscAULDRoNS featureas a recurrenrmotif in Celtic myrh. Some
overflow with plenty, others restore the dead to life, while still others
contain a specialbrew of wisdom. Dagda'sgiganticCauldron of Plenty
overflowedwith abundant, delicious meats; no hero left his bowl
hungry, though cowardsneverhad their fill. From Bran'smassiveCauldronof Rebirth
waffiors emerged alive but dumb; another
Cauldron of Rebirth in Annwn was
guarded by nine maidens. Cauldrons of
Inspiration provided "greals" or brews of
wisdom. The most famous belonged to
the goddess Ceridwen, whose magi cal
broth endowed Taliesin with all-knowrng
insight. Some cauldrons, such as Dagda's,
combined the magical properties of both
plenty and rebirth. Similar mystery bowls
or cups fea[ure in Greek and easlern
myths as holy vesselsof spintual insight.
Ultim ateIy, the early Celtic cauldrons find
expression in the Arthurian Grail, which
overflows with spiritual sustenance and
leads the hero from death to immoruliry.

CeurpRorvs on Prnvrv Qeft)glttteredin BMN'5 (aba,e) Cauldron of kbirth

bronze,copper, silveror gold, embossed restoredwariors to l{e, but without the
with exquisitecraJtsmanship The gllded powerof speechBran rece:edhis
GundestrupCauldron,here,Jound in a bog wondrouscauWronJrom two martial
in Denmarh, is a magnifcent suwiving glonts,in gratitude JorhtshindnessHere,
exampleof a Celtic cauldron Embossedin the great and gloomy glanx brood ovn
silverg1lt,it is beautiJullydecoratedin the thar bubblingcauldron,Jlnnhedbyarmed
Ia. Tene stylewith Celtic daties and itual wariors on ather side,for thewarlihe
activities, suchas hunting or Jighting glantsproduceda grou,nwarior wery sa
(Gl'xrorsrnup Cerii-onol, GTLDED srLvER, 100 BC ) weelc (tuusrunoNByALAN

!! 'ii
!! 'i*
{, 1{

i". a\
" : :4i i" 1n
i t'fuo,u*.
,,,w ,#

,:i{l, r:,,i

GAIAHAD AeJ), the pure andpeerless

hnight, standsresplendentin ablnze oJ
holylight,armedas a Chistian Crusader
His snow-whiteshield,marhedwtth the
blood of JosephoJAnmathea, wo'sdesigned
in Saras Jor Galahadalone (GilAaeosvw
HATHERELL, cuss, c 1910 )

GAIAIIAD (nght), robed in red, entered

Arthur'scourt escortedbyahermit, and
toohhisplaceat the RoundTable,filling
the SiegePeilous Completingthecircleof
hnights,his arnval sparhedoff the Grail
Quest (G,rL,enRo CouRrByw
H A T H E R E L L ,c A N y A S , c 19IO )

Gnf-tfmD was unique at the Camelot A mystenous lady then Bors when he encountered the After this, various miracles took
court of King ARTHUR, for he alone announced how the sacredvessel Grail. Together they had received place and Sir Galahad was even
saw the entire Grail, or SANGREAL would come and feed all the the sacrament from the long-dead obltged to become a hng for a dme
He may even have handled the knights This happened, although JOSEPH OF ANMATHEA, who told Sir while he waited patiently for his
sacredvessel,as one version of the none at the wonderful meal saw or Galahad to take a bleeding spear to requesr ro be fulfilled. When
Arthurian myth states that Sir touched the Grail When Sir the castle of the "Maimed Kirg" Joseph of Arimathea eventually
Galahad took "Our Lord's body Gawain vowed to find its home in and rub it on this crippled ruler's retumed, Galahad was at last
berween his hands" and then died order to see the Grail for himself, body and limbs Once this taskwas granted his wish to leave the
The quest for the Grail was an most of the t(nights of the Round camed out, and the strange king world Joseph first allowed the
important preoccupation of the Table followed suit, despite the restored to health, Sir Gaiahadsaw pure and humble knight to hold
K.,ghs of the Round Table One of efforts of King Arthur to dissuade the Grail in a vision. When he the Grail for a few moments, then,
the seas was alwaln left vacant as it them from undenahng what might prayed that "he might leave the as Sir Galahad knelt down to pray
was the place reserved for the prove to be their final quest world", a voice told him how his for his deliverance. his soul was
knight who would find the Grail Although they set off in different soulwould live in the next life with suddenly releasedfrom his body
Unril Sir Galahad sat there. no directions, Sir Galahadwas in the Christ the moment his request and "a great multitude of angels
knight had earned the right to company of Sir PERCIVAL and Sir could be granted. bore it up to heaven".
occupy the place wrthout being
instantly swallowed by the earth.
The worthy young Sir Galahad
was rhe son of Sir LANCEtot. the
secret lover of Queen GUINEVERE,
Anhur's wife. From the beginning
of Galahad'smanhood, however, it
is made clear that he is without
blemish. Twelve nuns. who had
raised Galahad, told his father thar
he should "make him a lceight, for
there is no man alive more desew-
ing of the order of knighthood" As
soon as Sir Galahad had taken his
rightful place at the Round Table,
the presenceof the Grail was felt in

esspiitual nouishment
from theGrail,followedby Percivaland
BorsTheideaof an all-sustainingand
all-inspiing"greal"or brauis rootedin
Celtic myth (How SrnGnLeneo,srRBoRsAND

SrnPrncrvnrwenr Feo wtrH THESANCGRAEL


DANIE Rossrrn . cANvAs,1864)


GnwruN, in welsh Gwalchmai, present, the giant behaved as if At the meeting berween Sir GAWAIN, an activeand restlesshnight,
was the most courteous knight at nothing had happened. Calmly Gawain and his fearful opponent, lost interestin theGrail Questquite early
ARTHUR'scourt. He was a strict stooping, he picked up his head the Green lGright tumed out to be on Ahhoughone oJthe first to setJorth,
upholder of chivalry and the enemy and mounted his green charger. none other than Sir Bercilak him- inspinngthe restoJthe Knights,helost
of Sir LtNCELor. Sir Gawain's mosr Then, from the saddle, the Green self. Three times the axe was swung heart, laching the necessarydiscipline,
exrraordinaryadventure concemed Ktrght pointed his severedhead in at Sir Gawain's neck. Twice it was patienceand humility (Tnr.Fnrr
the Green lGright. Rather like the Sir Gawain's direcdon and told him deflected because he had not r pE.srRy,
GnwRrr.r 1895-96
hazard faced by the Ulsrer hero to be at a lonely chapel ayear from abused his host's hospitality by
CUCHUIAINN,when a water giant that day in order to take a tum ar making love to his wife. The third Unlike Sir Gawain. Cuchulainn
came to test the courage of Irish receiving a blow from an axe. On time it made a slighr cut, at which had no hesitarion in slippingaway
warriors, the gigantic Green Kttrght the journey to this dangerous Sir Gawain flinched. It did not cut from the battlefield in order to keep
strode into King Arthur's hall at appointment Sir Gawain stayed off his head because Sir Gawain a secret meedng with a lover, even
Camelot one New Year's Eve and with Sir Bercilak de Hautdesert had only acceptedthe green sash during Queen MEDB's invasion of
challenged the ltuighrs of rhe who had a beautiful wrfe He was out of good manners Yet Sir Ulster. The magical transformation
Round Table to a beheading con- sorely tempted by Sir Bercilak's Gawain realized that courtesy was of Sir Bercilak de Hautdesert into
test. Sir Gawain accepted and cut wife but managed to resist her no equal to moral purity, and the Green lftright was explained as
off the stranger's head in a single advances for rwo days. However, thereafterhe alwap wore the green the work of the wirch MoRGAN LE
blow. fu the severed head rolled on the third daySir Gawain accept- sashas a reminder of his lapse FAY, King Anhur's half-sister.
around the hall, the royal courr ed from her a green sash, which This late Bridsh version of the
relaxed and thought the challenge was the usual token worn by Celtic beheadingcontest was quite GTNATNT SCC CELTICROMANCE;
over. But to the amazement of all knight to show his love for a lady. clearly influenced by Christianity SINGLE COMBAT


GOIBHNIU was the Irish smith by rhe Fenians But Diarmuid was
god and one o[ the ruerHA DE killed by a magic boar in a hunting
DANANN He could make a perfect accidentafter Cormac Mac Art and
sword or spearwith three blows of Finn MacCool had finally accepted
his magic hammer Just before the his marriage to Grainne Although
second battle of Magh Tuireadh, a Grainne blamed Finn MacCool for
FOMORIIspy came to see how Diarmuid's death and swore to
Goibhniu made such impressive obtain vengeancethrough her four
weapons, and even wounded the sons, the wily Finn wooed her until
god Goibhniu was said to preside she agreedto manryhim.
over an otherworld feast called Fled
Goibnenn,for which he brewed the GUtunvERE, whose welsh
aIe His Welsh counterpart was GOIBHNIU, the Insh smith god, wasan name, Gwenhwfar, probably GMINNE (abwe), a passionateand

named Govannon outstanding craftsmanand armourer means "white spirit", was the wife wilJulmaiden,JelIJor the iwesistible
Along wtth his glJtedbrothm, Cradhne the of eRrnuR and the secret lover of Diarmuid ,\s shewasbetrothedto Finn
THT GNruI SCC SANGREAL; goldsmith,and Luchtar, the carpater, he Sir LANCELOT. In the stories about MacCool, Diarmuid politely refusedher

see also WONDROUS

CAULDRONS; rrpaired the Tuatha De Danann armour the ltuights of the Round Table, advances But shepersisted untilhe agreed
HEROTCQUESTS. with miraanlots spd on thebattlefeW Guinevereis alwap comparedwith to elope,with the Fianna in hot pursuit
0lrusrmnoNANoN) Helen of Troy, the famous beauty Here, the guilg pairhide in a maglc tree

GnntNNE, in lrish mythology, of Greek mytholory Such a com- ANON)

was the daughter of coRiuecMAc the foster-son of the love god parison is not unjustified, for both
ART,the High Kirg of lreland She AONGHUS. By using magic, Grainne these women brought disaster to GUINEVEM (below),inher onglnal

was promised to FINNMACC))L, managed to escape from Tara, the those who loved them. ln role as Flovtu Bide, is crmnedMay

leader of the FIANNA,the body- Irish capital, with a rather relucmnt Guinevere'scasethe love affairwith Quear in abower of peals On May
guard of the High King Although Diarmuid Gradually, however, he Sir l.ancelot weakened the uniry of Morning Arthur and his hntghs celebrated

still powerful, Finn MacCool was came to love Grainne, although for the RoundTable. ltwas herbeaury wtth sportsand contestsLancebt,her

quire old and Grainne preferred sixteen years they had to keep that also atuacted Arthur's nephew champion, alwaysoccelled.o-,rncerorexo
DIARMT]IDUA DI,]IBHNE.WhO WAS moving in order to avoid capture Sir uoDRED,who seizedCamelot GUINEVERE.BY HERBERT DMPE& UNVES, 19c.o )

Crlrrc MvrHoLocY

GUINEVERE (abwe), conilemnedto quarrel. He proposed that Gwem, and the builder of London. King GWYDION (abwe) and Gilvaethv,lyJlee
deathJorhu afair with lancelot, was though only three, should be futhur set out after Griddylad and from Prydm's castlewith his precious
rescuedby him. In the bbody contestthot placed on the lrish throne. But demanded that Gwyn ap Nudd *vine The danngtheJt was part oJan
ensuel,I-ancebt slrw many h"rghs. Arthur Branwen's half-brother EFNISIEN retum her to her rightful husband, ingeniousplan to help Gilvaethwy wtn
wept at theloss of of would not agree and threw the his loyal follower Gwythyr. The Gwan A resourcefulmaglcian,Gwydion
noblc tmights". ([-nncrLo,r
Gunrvmr rv child on to a fire. siege of the otherworld king's casde had tnclud hyde" into anhangpnghis
IVldrrHrnrtt.crNv s,c 1910.) proved to be long and difficult, so wineJor someilhsory honcs
GWYDION was rhe nephew of a strange compromise was agreed 0rrusrnrnourv fin Isz 1981)
and forced Guinevere to consent to MATH,lord of the Welsh hngdom by both sides Gwyn ap Nudd and
marry him during the hng's of Gwynedd. In order to help his Gr"nhyr agreed to meet in combat IRNAN (bela4/) was one oJthree sister
absenceabroad. The confronadon brother, Gilvaethwy, sleep with each May Day until the end of witches.Shespuna magpcwebto snare
between Arthur and Modred at the Gowein, the young woman who time; whoever was the winner on the Fenian waritors The wariors were
battle of Camlan brought to a was Math's footholder, Gwydion doomsday could have Griddylad. rescuedbyGoLwho slav two of thesistm,
bloody end the golden age of stirred up a quarrel beween Math but spared lrnan when shebeggedfor
Brirish chivahy, as hardly a knight and pnyprRr, which meanr that the HTIITWNS SCC SAGE5AND merE. Hmtato, lrnan instantly changed
wuls left alive. Arthur, mortally kingwent awaytowar. When Math SEERS intn a monstrr and Goll hilled hq.
wounded, was mken to AVALoN, rerumed and discovered the decep Rtto,1910)
while Guinevere became a nun at tion, he rumed his nephews into a IRl.lAI.l, in lrish mythology, was a
Amesbury, where she later died. It stag and a hind for one year, into a witch who once spun a magic web
is believed by some that herbody boar and a sow for the next, and to catch some members of the
was buried at Glastonbury, not far into a pair of wolves for the third. FIANNA,or Fenians, the bodyguard
from Arthur's tomb. (See also Later, Gwydion took charge of his of the High King of lreland When
CELNCROMANCE) sister ARIANRHOD's son LLEU. this plan failed, Irnan changed her-
self into a monster and challenged
GWfnN, according ro Welsh GwtoN BacH seeTAUESTN. any one of the Fenians to single
mytholory, w6 the son of the Irish combat. FINNMACCOOL,the leader
king MATHOLWCHand the Welsh GwyN AP NUDD, in welsh of the Fenians,stepped forward but
princess BRANWEN. A dispute mytholory, ws an otherworld hng wzrspersuadedthat itwould notbe
between the two royal families led who crossed swords with King heroic enough for a warrior of his
to Branwen becoming a cook, ART}IL/R.Gwyn aMucrcd Griddylad, stature to fight thag, even if she
which caused her brother, BRltN the daughter of Lludd Llaw Ereint, was in the form of a monster. So
THEBLESSED,to sail to lreland to on herwedding day. According to another Fenian, Goll, slew Iman
avenge the insult. Matholwch sug- one late myth, Lludd Llaw Ereint and as a reward Finn allowed him
gested a compromise to setde the was the son of the death god Beli to marry his daughter.


ISeUf.T, somerimes Isolde, was

an Irish princess, and the story of
her love for TRISTANwas extremely
popular in medieval times. The
Celtic myth of Tristan and Iseult
originated in Britmny and was
retold in almost every European
country. It becameattached ro the
Arthurian stories by the later
addition ofeRrnuR to the myth.
lseult, a beautiful woman with
wonderful golden hair, cured the
orphan Tristan of a wound in the
side; a lingering ailment similar to
the one afflicting the "Maimed
Ki.g" in the story of the Grail. On
Tristan's arrival in Cornwall, his
uncle King MARKwanted to name
the young man his successor,but
the nobles objected to this anange-
ment, so the king said that he
would mary/ only the girl to whom
belonged the golden hair a swallow
had just dropped Sir Tristan, rec-
ognizing the hair as belonging to
Iseult, suggested to his uncle that
he should go on his behalf to ask
for her hand.
Disguised as a Comish trader,
Sir Tristan arrived in lreland to find
the country tefiorr:ed by a dragon,
an enorrnous "crested serpent". shock then, on his recovery, that ISEULT and Tnstan unwtttingly dranh a
ISEULTOelow), an lishbeaury,was also Realizing that the best way to Sir Tristan asked for Iseult on love philtre which haghtened their already
a glJtedhealer, advanceKing Mark's suit would be behalf of King Mark. When her a,talzenedpassion,forglng an unbrealubb
hnightTnstanoJalingmngwound While to slay this monster, Sir Tristan own father readily agreed to the and Jinally traglc bond Duncan's strongly
nursinghimto health,thqJellin lne, but sought out its lair and fought it. marriage as a means of restoring Celticportrayal capturesthe intanseand
theirblisswasshortlivedasTnstanwas Although he just managed to over- good relarions between lreland and eNo
undyngnature of thar love CtrusrrH

forcedto leavethelrish courtJor political come the dragon, its poisonous Comwall, lseult was deeply upset. lsoLDE ByJoHN DuNclN, uNvtts, 1912 )

reasons (ltLusrnertoru By EvELYlv Pettt, c I9A0 ) breath weakened him temporarily But her mother gave Iseult's maid
and an imposter claimed to have BMNGAINEa love potion which, if that King Mark found them asleep
won the contest. lseult and her drunk on their wedding night, with Sir Tristan's sword between
mother, however, suspected trick- would make the couple love each them, but he decided not to slay
ery and discovered the injured other forever. All would have been them there and then. Instead he
young knight While they were well had not Tristan accidentally exchanged Sir Trismn's sword for
nursing Sir Trismn back to health, drunk the potion and gtven some his own and left them sleeping.
Iseult nodced that his sword had a to Iseult on the joumey to King Overcome by the mercy shown by
piece missing exactly like the frag- Mark's court. Although Iseult did his uncle, Trisun persuaded Iseult
ment of metal found in the head of marry the Cornish hng, on the to retum to her husband and he
MoRHoLT,the Irish champion. Sir wedding night, under the cover of left forvoluntary exile in Brituny.
Tristan had monallywounded him darkness, Brangaine took her Place In Brittany Sir Trisun married
on the last occasion the Irish tried in the royal bed so that he would but without happiness. On several
to collect ribute from Comwall. suspect nothing. For a time the occasions he rerumed to Comwall
Iseult wanted to hll Sir Tristan lovers managed to meet in secret, in disguise and secretly met lseult
in revenge,but she found that her bur, like the love of culrur'rcnE and again, but war took up most of his
heart would not let her wield the IANCEL?T, they were eventually energies.A serious wound forced
sword against him. It came as a discovered. lt happened one day Sir Trisan to send for Iseult. It was


agreedthat lseult should indicate

her imminent arrival with a white
sail. Jealous of the reunion of the
lovers,SirTristan's Breton wife said
a ship with a black sail had been
sighted. Tristan lost the will to live
and threw himself on his sword
before Iseult could land and reach
his bedside. Iseult followed him
into death shonly afterwards.
Stories of elopements,
courtships and ill-fated lovers
were always popular with the
Celts, for whom this late story I(AI (abne), Arthur's steward,was a
of frustrated passion held great hnight of legendarymight and prowess
appeal.(Seealso CELilC ROMANCE) Endowedwithunusualshills,he couldgo

for nine daysunderwaterand could grow as

IfH was said to have dwelt in a tall as a forest tree at will He was very
great towerin Spain, from which he gruf, thwartingboth Peredurand Culhwch
was able to see lreland and so at thegate (Meruuscnrpr c 1450
IlLUsrMloN )
decided to go there. He landed
with ninery followers just after the JosreH oF ARrMArHEAwas
TIJATIaDE DANANwhad defeated a biblical figure who was included
the FOMORIIat the second battle of in Arthunan mythology becauseof
Magh Tuireadh. The Tuatha De the Grail story. Joseph allowed
Danann suspectedIth of harbour- Christ's body to be placed in his
ing invasion plans and so hlled own tomb. His own long life was
him. When his body was retumed said to have been due to the Grail.
to Spain, his sons swore to conquer EitherJoseph, or his brother-in-law
the island. The leader of this Bron with his son Alan, brought
the Grail to Glastonbtry. Later, it
IUBDANbelow),oneof theWeeFoIh, invasion of lreland, the iast to be JOSEPHor ARIMATHEA(above), the disappeared and i$ recovery was
wasinclinedto bragoJhtsgreatness, recorded in Irish mytholory, was manwhointerredChist'sbodyinhis the geatest quest for the lGrights of
incitinghisbardto cathimdownto size Ith's uncle Mil, or MILESIUS wwttomb,isbeliorcdtohavebrought the the Round Table. Only GAIAHAD
by inststingthatJar menlived in AJterbuildinga
Grailto Glastonbury was granted a complete vision of
Ulster, raceof glantsToprwe
averitable IUgnnN was a ruler of tiny churchJoritwhueGlnstonbury fubry the Grail It was handed to him by
htsvalour,Iubdanventured of to thedun people According to lrish myth- nowstands,heJoundeda Jamilyof Grail Joseph of Arimathea, a "bishop
ofthe"glant",Fergus Mackda ology, King Iubdan liked to boast a Guardians(MANUscRrpr
ILLUsTMnoNc 1450) already dead for more than three
(luusrnenoru BYSTEPHEN
REID,I 9t 0 ) lot; to put a stop to this annoying hundred years"; this "good man
habit his court poet told him that men and women was entirely cut took Our Lord's body berween his
Ulsrcrwas a land of gians. He even off. After a year and a day of this hands, and offered it to Sir
made Kirg Iubdan and his wife, harassmentFergus Mac Leda even- Galahad, who received it with
Queen Bebo, travel there in secret tually agreedto releaselubdan and humble joy"
and try the porridge of the king of Bebo, but only on the condition
Ulster, Fergus Mac Leda. thar in return he was given the I(AI, in welsh myrhology, was one
Unfortunately, Iubdan fell into the hng's most valuable and treasured of the senior warriors of ARTHUR's
porridge and, along with his wife, possession,a pair of magic shoes. coun ln medieval romance, he
was mken prisoner by Fergus No Whoever wore these shoes was became the steward Sir lGy. In one
ransom offer proved acceptableto able to travel across the surface tradition, he is a Comishman and
the king of Ulster, although the of water as if walking on dry land, Arthur's foster-brother. He was said
tiny people offered him an abun- and when Fergus Mac Leda put to have magical powers: he could
dant crop of com. So theywent on them on they grew to fit his feet go nine days and nine nights with-
to the offensive: milk became exactly Echoes of the dny people out sleep and breathe for nine days
scarce,rivers and wells were made in this lrish myth can be found and nine nighs under water
foul and polluted, mills burned in Jonathan Swift's novel, Gulliver's
and during the nights the hair of Travek. KNY SCCI(AI

HE LIVELyAND coMpELLINGcharacter of Celtic romance stems from the
heated rivalries and passionsof the lovers.Most, if not all, talesinvolve a
love trianglewith two men contestingone desirablewoman. Sometimesone
of the rivals is young and handsome,while the other is an oppressive
guardian, as in the tale of Naoise and Conchobhar; elsewhere,the two suitors are
simply rival admirers, one loved and the other despised,as in the caseof Pwyll and
Gwawl. This recurrent rivalry probably q'mbolizesa seasonalbattle betweena Lord of
Summer and a Lord of Winter for the Spring Maiden. Celtic love trianglescreate
tension, drama and colourful charactersof timelessappeal.The attractiveyoung
heroes,such as raven-hairedNaoise, or Diarmuid of the Love-Spot,are quite as
irresistibleas the ravishingCeltic beauties,Deirdreand Fand.While all the characters
are portrayedwith touching flaws, the heroinesemergeas sffong and independent
women, expressingwarmth and wisdom.

[-ANcEtor (above)and Guinevere'sabidinglovet'or fatthful consort,and he was n6)er lessenedby thar Tnrsr,q.u(above)ond Iseult snatcha tensemoment togetherin their
eachother woundedArthur, shoohhiscourt and love Here, the couplehissat thar first meeting clandestineromanceThq had gown obsessively
attachedto one
split the Fellowshipof Knights Yet both loversare contnvedbyGalleotin an embroideredmedionl another after acctdentallydnnhing a lovephtltre intendedfor Iseultand
portrayed by Mallory as essentiallygood but traglc setting Althoughtheir lwe grew out oJ the courtly her betrothed,KingMarh of Cornwall Thedoomedlwersembarhedan
characters EvenArthur realizedthat Guinwere had tradition,it wentJar bqond what the courtlycode a desperateand traglc romance,Jraught with guilt and unrequited
beentrue to him inher way as a generousand would have allowed (MaNuscnrpr
ILLUSTMTToNc I 400) longrngs(Tmsren ByAwTuRNBArr,
AND 1904)

I-q,nc was GuCHUIAINN'Schario-

[eer. The Celts were renowned in
the ancient world for their skill in
handling charios on the battlefield,
and l-aeg'sshllwas crucial to many
of Cuchulainn's victories. He was
also a grearfriend and companion
When FANDinvited Cuchulainn to
the Land of Promise, he sent Laeg
before him to suwey the place
During Cuchulainn's final and
monal combat, I-aegthrew himself
in front of a spear aimed at his
master Id, Laeg's brother, was
charioteer to coNALL Caemach
mistress. When he tumed them all Ir{NCELOT, after muchJasting and
I-qNCELOT was one of the geat- down, including Morgan LeFay, praying came dtlast to Carboneh,the
IAEG, chaioteq oJ Cuchulainn, drave the est and noblest knights in the the knight admitted his love for Grail Castle Bang tainted with sin,he
hero on allhis adventures, acted as scout Arthunan tales. He was known as GUINEYEREAll of Sir Lancelot's could not enterbutwas granted avision
and comrade andfinalty casthimselfin Lancelot of the Lake because the great adventures and exploits were Whenhesteppedtoo closehewasstruchby
front of a sryar meantJorhismaster.War
indeed informed by ths secretlove fire andleJt dazedfor 24 days (r-cNcn-or
I-:.dy of the [-ake had plunged him
chaios pbyed altq rob in Celticbattle, into a magic pool when he was a For a dme Queen Guineverewould REFUsED THE GneIL Bv E BuRNE-JoNrs, cetlts, 1870 )
wtth diwer andwcrnor acting cs a single child Sir Lancelot, described as not allow Sir Lancelot to come to
unit 04usrnrnoNByJ LEvENDEctcR, "the flower of knights", was very her, but they eventually became Honour seemedsausfiedand the
atracdve to women, not unlike the lovers. Sir Meliagaunt, however, reputation of Arthur's queen also
IiNCELOT, mosthanikome and gJted handsome lrish warrior DIAKMIIID was suspicious and confronted Sir appeared unblemished, but there
of Arthur's hnights, attractd both monal IJADUIBHNE.Once Ki.g ARTHUR's Lancelot in the presence of King were other ltrights of the Round
anil immortal queens FourJairy queefls half-sister and enemy MORGANLE Arthur and Queen Guinevere. A Table who could not accept this
hae hdnap the sbeping hnight and hold FAYcast a spell over the sleeping tournament was held to discover judgement byarms. So SirAgravain
himin thar castb,demandingthathe kotght and shut him in a dungeon. the truth. "With such great force and Sir M?DREDled rwelve knighs
chooseoneof than tobe hs mistress There she demanded that he must Sir Lancelot smote Sir Meliagaunt to Guinevere's chamber and
(HowFounFArny FouttoLct{crlor
QUEENS choose among four enchanresses on the helmet that the stroke surprised the lovers. Although Sir
s,c 1900)
SurnNcBvWFCALDERoN,cANv who would be his "paramour", or carved the head into two parts." l^ancelotmanaged to make a fight-
ing exit and severaldays later saved
Queen Guineverefrom being bumt
to death, his acdons effectivelysplit
the Round Table and weakened the
sffength of King Arthur's realm
First, Anhur conducted an unsuc-
cessfulsiegeof Sir l-ancelot's castle
in Brittany. Then a second and
more deadlychallenge to the hng's
authoriry came from Sir Modred,
his nephew. In the subsequent
batde at Camlan, near Salisbury,
most of the Ituights of the Round
Table were slain. Ki.g Arthur was
mortally wounded and taken by a
magic boat to AYALON. Queen
Guinevere retneatedfrom the world
and became a nun at Amesbury,
where she died. Sir Lancelot and
Guinevere met only once more
before the knight renounced the
ways of war to lead the life of a
hermit. (Seealso CELilCROMANCE)


r t Flll Qigh}hail n fitrn intoan uflc Lamfhada ("of the Long Arm").
to a;apehismurilnouswlfe, Blodarcdd. Quite possibly this great victory
vwndcil and
Hc hidin tlrcfczla,t, represented the rise of youngergods
starnnguntil Gwydionlurdhimdmn amongst the Tuatha De Danann
andratord himn healtluBlodadd themselves, for the youthful Lugh
wasturnd intnan anl. otusrnefloN felled Balor with a more modem
44y I r.q1984) weapon than DAGDA's ancient
club. Indeed, an altemative name
LlR, or Llyr in Welsh, was the for Lugh was Samildanach ("the
father of T,IANANNAN lr{c uR, the many-shlled"). This ingenuiry may
Manx seagod, magician and god of account for Lugh's introduction as
healing. Althouglr Lirwas also a sea the father of Cuchulainn in the
god he is hardly mendoned in more historical sagas.The sun god
mytholory, despite Sving his name was believed to have fought along-
to nuilny places, including kicester side his hard-pressed son during
in England. Shakespeareprobably Queen MEDBof Connacht's inva-
had the Welsh LIyr in mind when sion of Ulster. After Cuchulainn's
he wrote his tragedy Kngl-ear. death his foster-brother coNALL
claimed to have received help from
LLEU, named Lleu of the Skilful Lugh when he chased Cuchulainn's
Hand, in Welsh mytholorywas the killers. On one occasion the sun god
son ofARIAwRHoD.His motherlaid another man and plotted Lleu's god GOTBHNIU,Cian's brother, appearedin a magic mist.
a series of curses upon him, includ- death. When the guilry lovers saved Lugh from Balor's wrath and Lugh's final claim to fame is that th" promise that he was to have smrck him, Lleu rose into the airin raised him to manhood. his name became part of the term
no name unless she gave him one, the shape of an eagle. After a long Well before the final battle used to describe the fairy in lrish
no weapons unless she provided search, Gwydion found him, between the Tuatha De Danann folklore, because over time "Little
them and no wife of the human restored him to human form and and the Fomorii, Lugh's proweas tls stooping Lugh', or Luchorpain,
race. With the help of his uncle healed his wounds. a warrior had been recognized. The tumed into the leprechaun, the
GWYDION,who raised him, Lleu De Danann leader NUADAstepped tiny guardian of hidden treasure
overcame all these taboos, though ITUO SCCNUDD down in his favour, and at the and the expert cobbler.
the wife conjured by Gurydion and second battle of Magh Tuireadh
the magician lv0{TFIwas nearly his LUCH was the Irish name for the Lugh fulfilled the prophecy of LllGH, theraplndent Celticsungod,
undoing. For this woman, Celtic sun god, who was known as Balor's death when he killed him ledtheTwthaDeDatunnagainstthe
BLODEIIEDD, fell in love with Lleu in Wales and as Lugos in with a sling-shot. Before delivering Fotnuiibn W hisgranilfathu,Mbr,
France. He was alwala described as this decisive blow Lugh had circled whomhesW with hismagtrc As
IJR'Sfour lnely chrWrnwqe turnedinn a young and handsome wanior. the enemy host on one foot and gd oJartsandoafts,lwirwntedtlu
swansbykariulous stqmothq. For Lugh was himself pan FOMORII, with one eye closed, a magic circuit popularboard gameof fdchell,inwhkhhe
9A0yun tlvy adureilcoWandhunga since his grandfather was the lrish that copied the single-leggednessof ucelled,. 0uusrn rnor.r ByE wu:-:cousrrvs, I 912 )
in W waters,clnrminglXtenmwik tluir one-eyed god neroR, the Fomorii the Fomorii in general and one-
poignantsong.Whatat Lastranrd a champion. The Fomorii were sea eyed Balor in particular. It would
humanfomt, thq waebentandbony. gods who challenged the TUATFIA seem that, like the Ulster hero
(l-rn's Carlpnnt ByJorDrDuNcAN, ilNvtrs, I9I2) DEDANANNfor control of lreland; cUcHULAtNNand the berserkers of
theywere sometimes described as Germanic mythology, the battle-
having only a single hand, foot or frenzy gnpped Lugh in such away
eye. Lugh's mother was ETHUNN, that one eye disappeared into his
the only daughrcr of Balor. Because head while the other expanded into
a prophecy had said that Balor a hideous, paralprng stare. Balor's
would be hlled by his own grand- own single eyelid had to be raised
son, he locked Ethlinn in a cryatal by four servants, and Lugh sent his
tov/er on Tory Island, off the nonh- shot smashing into the eye the
westem cozlstof Ireland. But Cian, moment itwas opened. Balor's eYe
son of the Tuatha De Danann heal- was forced back through his head,
rng god DIANIECHT, succeededin with the result that its tenible gaze
reaching Ethlinn and she bore fell upon the Fomorii ranks behind.
Lugh as a result. Either the seagod Thus Balor died and the Fomorii
I&{NANNANlvt{C LIR or the smith scattered. Lugh became known as


LUCUS was the name used in Ulster threatened to execute her

Britain and France for a god very husband if she did not race, Macha
similar to rhe Irish rucn and the cursed all Ulstermen to suffer the
Welsh lmu His importance can be pain of childbinh for five days and
judged from the old name for Lyon, five nights whenever the kingdom
Lugdunum ("the fortressof Lug") was in danger. Machawon the race
The Roman emperor Augusrus and gave birth to twins, which is
made it the capital of the provinces said to be the reasonfor calling the
of Gaul, and ordered the inhabi- fortress of the Ulster hngs Emain
tants to celebratethis choice each Macha ("Macha's Twins").
August, the month in which the
feasrof rhe Celtic sun god Lugus MeflPUN, or Mael Duin, was
occurred. The god's name was one of the geat lrish voyagers.The
used for many other place names, late saga that describes his voyage
possibly even London: the Roman is a mixture of Christian and pre-
Londinium may havederived from Christian ideas, in contrast ro the
Lugdunum fundamenully pre-Christian mph-
ical voyage of the earlier BRaN.
IMenON, son of the Welsh dMne Maeldun's fatherwas a chieftain
mother Modron, was said to have of the Aran lslands who attacked
been abducted when only three the Irish mainland, looted a church
nights old and imprisoned in and raped a nun. He was killed
Gloucester However,since only he shortly afterwards by raiders from
was able to control the hound that Olwen's father had demanded. I|{ABON,or Maponos, wastheyouthful overseas,in all likelihood Vihngs.
which cuLHwcH needed to win the Apart from adventureslike this, the Welshlovegod A SrJtdmt$iirrrn,hewas The nun gavebinh to Maeldun and
hand of orwEnr, an expedition was actions of Mabon are uncertain, alsoequated.wrththeclassical
godApollo the child was fostered by the local
mounted to releaseMabon Once suggesdngthat he may have been a AlthoughJorgottanasa god,Maponos ruler's wife, who was the sister of
free, he duly helped to capture rhe former god, possibly Maponos, a survwed inWekhmythasMabon,a the unfortunate nun. It was only
wild boar rwRCH TRwYTHwith the Celtic god of youth, who was incor- shilbdhuntqamongAnhur'schampions when children taunted Maeldun
aid of the hound and to take from porated in Welsh mythology as a (IuusrnenoxsyMl&qr.,oe 1994
Gnev, ) that he was not reallywell bom that
between the boar's ears the razor warrior once his worship was all his foster-mothertook him to see
but forgotten The Romansknew of Ulster. Mac Da Tho promised both his true mother and his parentage
MACHAcursed theUktermen to suft'er
Maponos, whom they equated these rulers that they could have was revealed.He then set out with
painof childbirth forfive days, at thetime
with Apollo, the god of prophecy. the hound, and slaughtered the three of his foster-brothersto find
oJlJkter'sgreatest needThebittercurse boar to provide a feast, to which he his father, only to leam that he had
stemmed Jromhq ill-treatment by the If4eC CnCnf was the trish god invited them Fighting broke out been murdered
Uktermenwhen, though nearhqterm,she of eloquenceand the son of.ocue between the Ulster king and the Determined to avenge his
wasJorced to raceonJoottoprweabet After NUADAhad been hlled at the men of Connacht. but the latter father's death, Maeldun was
0[usrpcflol ry SmpHrruPe:,r,1910) second battle of Magh Tuireadh, soon retreated When the hound, advisedbya druid as to which were
Mac Cecht and his brothers could over which rhey had been quar- the favourable days for him to
not decide whether to divide relling, ran after the king's chariot build, launch and sail a three-
Ireland berween them and so they his charioteer cut off its head skinned coracle Then, sdll accom-
consulted a stranger named ItH. panied by his foster-brothers and
Suspecting from his responsethat MnCHe was one of the Irish war also a crew of seventeenwarriors,
he had designson conquenng the goddesses, often identified with he sailed on his long and strange
island himself, they killed him, BADB,MORRIGANANdruTUNIN ShC voyage of revenge
thus provoking the invasion of the first mamed Nemed, a Scythian The first island Maeldun came
sons of MILESIUS ru1er who defeated the FOMORII, to was inhabited by murderers, but
the sea gods who slew her second apparently not the killers of his
MAC Dn THO was king of husband NUADAand herselfat the father. Next they landed upon an
Leinster at the time that MEDBwas second battle of Magh Tuireadh. A isle of enorrnous an$; as large as
queen of Connacht. He owned a later Macha laid a curse on Ulster horses, the ants almost devoured
fine hound and a huge boar, and after her boastful husband said the crew and the boat. l-argebirds
many of his neighbours coveted that, though heavy with child, she living on another island were found
these animals, including Medb and could outrun all the king's horses to pose no threat, however They
CONCHOBHARMAC NE55A,king of and chariots When the king of even provided the voyagers with
Crlrrc MyrHoLocY

on top of a pedestal; the offer of

etemal youth on one island which
was inhabited by a queen and her
daughters; intoxicating fruits; con-
tagious laughter; rwolving fire; and
a hermit who lived on salmon that
was given by * otter and half a loaf
provided each day by angels.
Evenrually, Maeldun caught up
with his farher's killers, bur they
pleaded for mercy and a peace was
agreed.Thus ended thevoyage that
was said to contain "the sum of the
wisdom of lreland". (See also


foundawondroussilvr columnrising
straightfrom thesea.lts summit,lostin
tlres}1.,wailrapeilwrtha silvqnet,
thrugh themah, Aurnan hached of a
pieceu proofoJke tale.(tuusrntnoN By
D,tpur,r ME{ER"1991)

IA{EIDUN, onhs qk voyagt,stoppcn by of them was hot like a volcano.

tlrcblah slandof tlv mill (abarc)tylwe Among other strange creanrres and
liveda glaot"ymilla grtmlygnnding encounters on the voyage were
mounds of cant.Heobwvcdilouriytlut gigantic swine and calves so huge
tlv am synrblizd atlttwt nnbegrydgd that they could not be cooked
eachothcr.Thevoyagm,aghast, *ild whole; sheep rhat changed the
6tttty.fiutsntnoNSYALANlrq 198{
) colour of their wool apparenrly ar
will; a sombre miller who ground
meat. Two subsequent islands of everything that was begrudged in
monsrous, gigantic honsesproved the world; a population of moum-
to be even more dangerous, so it ers; an island divided inro four
was with some relief thar Maeldun hngdoms by fences made of gold,
and his companions landed on the silver, brass and crysral; a casde
Island of the House of rhe Salmon. with a glass bridge where there
There theydiscovered an uninhabi. lived a beautiful girl who rejecred
ted house with food and drink, as Maeldun's advances;crylng birds;
well as comfonable beds, awairing a solitary pilgrim on a tiny island
them. A regular supply of fresh that was enlarged every year by
salmon was provided by a device divine providence; a wonderful
that periodically threw fish into rhe founrain that gushed milk, beer
house from the sea. Similar lunrry and wine; glant smiths; a sea of
was encountered on the next isle, glass; a sea of clouds in which
which was covered with orchards casdes,fores6, animals and a fear-
of delicious apples. some monster suddenly appeared;
Danger w.ts soon encountered an underwaterisland of prophecy;
again, however, on islands that an amazing water-arch; a gigandc
werc populated by rwohing beasrs, silver column and net, from which
fighting horses, a mpterious car the voyagerscut offa small piece as
and fierysvine. The ground on one a souvenir; an inaccessible island


MANANNAN Mec LlR, ro.t MmtnWYOeN, sonof Llyr,was

of the lrish sea god ttR, took his rheWelshequivalentof the Irish
name from the lsie of Man, which sea god MANANNAN,though his
is situated in the Insh Sea about Iinla with the seawere far lesswell
halfway berween Ireland and defined The brother of nRerurin
BLES5ED and nnaxwnN, he married
Bntain Manannan was a seagod,
RHIANNON on the death of her hus-
magician and healer, and the ruler
of the Land of Promise, where he band PvwLL. One day he and
lived in Emhain ("of the Apple Rhiannon, along with Rhiannon's
Trees") His home was imagrned to son PRlDrru and his wife Cigfa,
be sited off the western coast of were enveloped in a magical mist
Ireland, somewhere in the Atlantic When it cleared, their palace was
Ocean His wife was the renowned deserted and the land around it
beaury FAND,who fell in love with desolate, so they travelled to
the Ulster hero CUCHULAINN but England, where Manawydan and
finally chose to stay with her sea Pryderi made a lMng as leather-
god husband. Manannan therefore workers. So successfulwere theY
shook a magic cloak benveen Fand that the local craftsmen forced
and Cuchulainn in order to make them to leave. On their return to
sure they would never meet again Wales, both Pryderi and Rhiannon
Manannan Mac Lir was a noble disappearedby magrc, Ieaving Cigfa
and handsome warrior, who drove MANAWYDAN (abwe) tiedto grwv IUARK belw) watchessadly ashrswtJe, and Manawydan alone. He then
a chariot as easily over the waves as wheat aJtu a my stanousblight had Isath, hneek beforea drawn sttord, beside ried to support them by growing a
over a plain and was said to have a devastatedhtsland Onefield was npe for herselJwrthgneJ atTnstan's death Marh, crop of wheat, but his fields were
ship that sailed itself. He had both hawestwhanwernight itwu stipped to whowa oJtenponrayd a a muctfulman, stripped by mice He caught one of
divrne and mortal children, and the stalluby mice In dupair,he planned to gatheredherup andborehr off to a touter the mice and would have hanged
one of his mortal sons, MONGAN, hangone of the mice, until drssuadedbya where shewasrestoredtohealth. it, but a passing stranger offered
was conceived by way of a deceP- strangcr.0[usrnenoru Lez,1984
BYAIAN ) Fum,c 1900)
ouusrnnnoN him whatever he wanted in return
tion similar to the ruse used for for the mouse's life. Manawydan
ARTHUR's conception Manannan asked for the retum of Rhiannon
slept with an Ulster queen when and Pryderi. The stranger agreed
disguisedas her husband. Mongan and revealedhimself to be Llwyd, a
did, however, inherit supematural magician and friend of Gwawl, the
gifs, including the abiliry to shape- suitorwhom Rhiannon had refused
change,and he went on to become in order to marry Pwyll (Seealso
a greatking and mighry warrior MAGICANDENCFIANTMENT)

thel'ish seagod, IvIePoNoS seeMABoN

rodethewaves boat
in a self-propelled
MenI( was the king of Comwall
called"WaveSweeper"'4sa seagod,
Manannan couWstirup or soothethesea, in rhe Breton myth of mtstaN and
ISEULT.He was the guardian of his
suchasBran,at theoutvt oJ orphaned nephew Tristan and the
husband of Iseult, an Irish princess.
thar tnp 0uustn rtotr BYMIMNDA Gru''t, 1991)
Although jealous of Tristan and
lseult, he was not endrely unsym-
pathetic, and even when he came
upon the lovers sleeping together
with Trisun's sword between them
he did not kill them. He o<changed
the sword for his own and left with-
out waking them. Shamed by this
act o[ mercy, the lovers knew that
they must part. Tristan solemnly
retumed lseult to his uncle and
went into exile in BritunY.

MATHOLWCH'SAqDconvoy uJships MEDB (abwe),themagnifcantbut

up to theraggedWelsh
shorein the malanlentqueen wasa
of Connarht,
preludeto a doomedmarnagebetwean warnorwhoJoughtasfiucelyasMorigan
andBranwen, thebeautifuI
sistr dJ A wiWandwiful woman,sheprecipitated
BrantheBlessed Theshipshadarignsof andpapetuatedthebloody war withUkter
brocaded silhandanuptilted,
shieWasa in whichCuchulainnandothq hqoeslost
ByArNt-ze,1984) thar lwa 0uusrnenoru ByJLEyENDEctcR
, 1916

MAIH was rhe brother of rhe IM,qrHoLwCH, in welsh myrh- IMruCN SCCFABULOI) S VOYAGES while she was bathing in a pool
Welsh mother goddessDoN and a ology, was the lrish kingmarried to Forbai had discovered that Queen
great magician At the time that BMNWEN, the sister of nRarutle MEDB, also known as Maeve,was Medb was in the habit of regularly
PRYDERI ruled over Dyfed in the BLESSED and half-sisterof rnvlsrEN. the wamor-queen of Connacht taking her bath in a Galway pool
southem part of Wales, Math was Efnisien, becausehe claimed that According to lrish mythology, no He very carefully measured the
the lord of Gwynedd in the north. he had not been consulted over king could reign in Connachr exact distance between the spot
Except during war, Math could Branwen's wedding, "cut off the unless he was married to Medb, where she bathed and the shore,
only live if his feet were held in the lips of Matholwch's horsesat their who was believed to hold the hng- then he returned to the Ulster
lap of a virgin. When Gilvaethwy, tecth, their earsto their heads,and dom's sovereignryin her person. ft stronghold of Emain Macha and
one of his nephews, fell in love their tails ro their bodies" Later. was also said that she "never was practised with a sling-shot until he
with the young woman who held when Bran took his army to Ireland wrthout one man in the shadow of was able to knock an apple from
Math's feet in her lap, his brother, to avenge the insult of Branwen another". Medb's most famous the top of a pole over the same
GWYDION, tncked Math into going being made a cook, Efnisien tossed action was the invasion of Ulster, distance Satisfied ar last rhat his
to war wrth Pryderi so that the girl Matholwch's three-year-old son when her forcescaptured rhe geat aim was perfect, he stealthily made
might be left behind On discover- GwERNinto a fire In the battle that brown bull of Cuailgne and killed his way back to the pool and hir
ing that he had been deceived, followed, nearly all the Brirons were the Ulster hero CUCHULAINNShe Queen Medb in the centre of her
however, the furious Math turned hlled and all of the Irish except for was herselfslain by Forbai, rhe son forehead using his sling-shot Thus
his nephews into animals five pregnant women. of King CONCHOBHARMAC NESSA, was Ulster revenged.

N wAR,THEANCIENTCElrs relied on heroic single combat, rarher than all-out
warfare,as a meansof settling disputes.Shortagegf manpowerforbademultiple
pitched battles.Instead, chosenchampions,such as Cuchulainn or Morholt,
duelled to the death. Even in a large-scaleepic war, like the campaign of
Cuailgne, the Ulster champion fought in single combat every day with a different
warrior. In the Arthurian legends,single combat continued in the form of Ltghtly
jousts. While the Celtic heroes wore scant arrnour, Arthur's
mounted knights encased themselvesin glittering iron. In
addition to the basic weapons of spear, sword, sling and
shield, the hero of legend had recourse to magical skills
and a range of enchanted weaponS, such as Arthur's
Excalibur or Fergus Mac Roth's Caladcholg, the
Cucnu-uttN Aeft), the Insh champion,
njoys a short rupite betweenbattles
fuhausted by continual combat, he suf ued

from chroniclach of sleep, snatchingcat-naps

beween dueb Once, hisfather Lugh, pitying
him, castthe hero into a magpcalsleepJor three
daysand nights,dunngwhichhehealedallhs
wounds When Cuchulainn deJaded Wtr
abne against theforces of Medb, he confronted
chosenchampionsoneby one Betweenduels,
the restlesshqo harassed the army with his
sling {trrusrnrnoNByYvoNN
r Gr:flenr,

Crrrrc Clernv (ngh) ide their

battlehorsesto war, armedwith
spearsand crestedhelmetsThar
comradesonJoot wear breeches
and caps,andbear spearsand,
long bossed shields,while
trumpetersbnngup the rear. The
Celtswereheavilyreliant on thar
long shields,which were usually
made oJwood and sometimes
cwered with decorativebronze
worh Other sharp-rimmed shields
could ako be used as missile
c 100BC)

lntrnI dn drdn.Eng,ln rnsull trr (,urnt'r't'rc's

hanclmattlen, macle h thc irnrght -s,/rror/

G o a c l e t lr r n h , t h c r r s e , o n d . s h o t h i h u m f r t r r r s

fought trrcles.slr,u;ttrl Gtutnt'-s rLlgc gcrvc hrrn

t h e d g e u n c l h e ( ) r c r ( ( i m e, b u t s p a r c L l t h t

hntght ilri 'rRliii)\3)4i 1\ Iri 1984

O w ' : r t l ' S ( h c l o u ' ) l t i t r J n c s s[ t r i ] i l r r n t r l l t r i hrnr

tt lathlul /rrcnr,irrho prorcr-l to bt u rtrftt.lrl

cornrcdc-rn urlrs In thts unequal rnatth, tht

( ) w , u r n ' sh o n l c a p t t , ,
lldnl ilLisll'ilrntng untrl
()rrlrn s cir'ft'rrr
c \\'hcn rhc ,qrtrntconrp/rrrn,'.:/

t h a t h c r o u l d i r t t n d l t ' ( h r r r r r r r , c l l, ' n t , u , g hi / r r

rr'crr' n()r ftrr hrs lton. Ltrr'urn prr-shcdhrs pct hrri la

l n t i r t l ' r ( f' ( r r 1 r a \ s h
, rrt rhc rnt'prrssrhl, rrc(iIr{r(
/t1l;.'1,,1,'1 thc forlress rrttlls anc/ rrt.:trrlt'Jthc

{ c i l r t t r r t l C c l t h l , r i \ r k 1 i i ,, . .i r i \ , \ \ l r , l , ) t ' +

MfnltN, somerimesMyrddin, MERLIN QeJ), sageJrom anotlier world,

was the famous wizardof Arthunan was an inspiredseerand mysticmage,a
mythology So powerful was his wise counsellorandJaithJulfnend to three
magic that one medieval tradition ablehings This powerJulportrayal captures
credits him with the magical con- the mysticaland visionarynature of Celtic
struction of Stonehenge,the out- bards,rootedin a deepffinity with nature
standing British monument rhat (Mgnrru BY Ar,aN LEE, CANvAs, 1984 )

has survived from ancient times

Another of his worl<swas supposed MIDIR (nght), one oJthe Tuatha De
to be KingARTHUR's famous Round Danann, appearedat the palaceoJTara to
Table, alate copy of which can still carry off Etain, the Ulsterwoman he loved,
be seenat Winchester today long sincelost to him by enchantmentThe
Merlin's birth was the subject of pair dnfted upwardsand disappeared
a strange story Apparently, the througha palacewindow,andJlewto an
Bntons were toid that a great otherworld (Ir-rusrnarroN Rrir, 1910
fortressthey had built on Salisbury
plain, possibly near Stonehenge, mortal father Such a half-human problem by means of magic Two passedby: "l am also the greatest
would never be safe until the sacrifice seemed impossible to dragonswere, in fact, responsible fool I love another more than I love
ground rhere had been soaked by achieve,until it was leamed that a for the problem myself, and I taught my beloved
the blood of a child who had no beautiful girl was with child by a This mixture of pre-Chnstian how to bind me to herself, and
demon The child tumed out to be and Christian ideas sits strangely now no one can set me free." (See
MERLINbelow), for allhiswisdom, was Merlin, who, though baptized as a with Merlin's later assistanceto also SAGES MAGICAND
bewitchedby thehdy oJthel-a,ke who Christian, still possessedfabulous Ki.g Arthur, whose father UTHER ENCHANTMENT)
turnedhislove toherownendsShesapped powers inherited from his demon PENDMGONwas said to have suc-
htspowerandplunderedhis storeofsecret father Somehow the boy did not cessfullyinvaded Bntain about this MIDIR, in Insh mythology, was
hnowledge, and when done, she bound him need to be sacnficedfor the sakeof time Merlin sided with Uther and rhe proud son of DAGDA,father of
in stone by his own spells {trlrmrN ANDNIMUE the fortressbecauseit is likely that employed his powers to enablehim the gods Unlike his father, who is
BYE BURNE-/ONE5, c 1870)
cANVAs, Merlin was able to deal with the to sleep with lgraine, the wife of a usua\ ponrayed asa rough, coarse
Cornish nobleman, by disguising figure, Midir alwaysappeared as a
him as her husband Due to this splendidly dressed young man
deception Arthur was conceived Midir's first wife was Fuamnach,
Once he ascendedthe throne, King the daughter of Beothach She
Arthur had Merlin as his trusted becamefurious with jealousywhen
advisor and often used the wizard Midir mamed a secondwife, ETAIN,
as a messengerbecause, as wrth from Ulster With a druid's aid,
many of the Celtic gods and god- Fuamnach tumed Emin first into a
desses,he could assumeany shape pool, then into a worrn and finally
he pleased into a fly in order to keep her away
There are various accounts of from Midir fu a fly Etain was swal-
Meriin's death One tells how the lowed by the wife of Etar, an Ulster
wtzard forgot about the seat at the warrior, and reborn as the wife of
Round Table thar only GAIAHAD the High King of lreland Although
could use, being the only knight Midir recoveredEtain, he had to
wonhy enough to see the GRAIL accept in the end that she was the
Merlin sat down and was at once High King's consort and leaveher
swallowed up by the earth, like alone Midir also had some diffi-
other sinful men who had tried it culty in acceptinghis father's suc-
before him Another story blames cessorsas leadersof the TUATIIADE
the wrzard's death on his passion DANANN The conflict that he
for women. Either Viviane, possibly started seems to have had a dan-
the Lady of the l-ake, or Nimue, the gerouslyweakening effect on this
daughter of a Sicilian siren, impris- generationof godsjust before the
oned him in an enchanted wood invasion of the Milesians,who then
after Merlin had explained all about went on to defeatthe gods.
the secrets of his own magic As
Merlin told Sir GAWAIN.who once MILE5IU5


MONCnN was the son of rhe

According to Irish mythology, his
conception had been made poss-
ible by the use of a deception akin
to the one used by MERLINso that
UTHERcould sleepwith Igaine and
so conceive ARTHURManannan
Mac Lir had assumedthe shape of
an Ulster king in order to sleep
with his beautiful queen. When
Mongan was three days old, his
father took him to one of his other-
world realms, the [-and of Promise,
where the boy remained until he
had grown to manhood. It is
MILESIUSsails Jorlrelandtoavenge the claimed by some traditions that MORGAN LE FAYS (below)paradoncal MODRED (above), Arthur' s treacherous
deathoJhisnephew, Ith,whowasslainby Mongan then retumed to lreland nature is relectedin her dual roleas both nephew,abusedhisroleof regentand
theTuathaDe Danann, rulersoJIreland reincamatedas FINMACCOOL, the healerand dorh maglcian,asArthur's usurpedthe throne,t'orcingArthur to quash
Although Milesiusdid notreachshore famousleaderof the FIANNA, but in thom in liJe,yet also his guardian in death the rebelJorces Bothpmshed in theJrnal
himself,hisfamilysucceeded,deJeating the other accountshe retainedhis own Althougheducatedat a conyent,she battle that endedthe war and so cameto an
DeDanannwhoretreated intoan invisible identity The storiesabout Mongan managedto emergeas a glftedmagcian end theArthuian golden4gc (ARTHUR
) describe how he used his shape- (MoncnN LE FAy ByA SANDys, wooo,1864) MODRED gy W Hetutmtl, CANVA5, c 1910 )

changing abiliry to get his own way,

MtlfStUS. somerimes Mil or and mention in particular the
Mile, was the name given to a recovery of his wife Dubh Lacha
Spanish soldier whose sons were He had inherited the divine abiliry
said to have organized the final of metamorphosisfrom his father
invasion of Ireland The murder
there of their kinsman ITH caused MOnCnN LE FnY was King
the Milesians to take revenge by ARTHUR'shaif-sisterand in some
conquering the island This rhey versionsof the story she is said to
achieved by defeating the TLTATHA have been the mistress of Sir
DE DANANN,"the people of the Accolon of Gaul. Throughout all
goddessDana", the exisdngrulers. the British myths that tell of
Following the final decisivebattle Arthur's incredible reign Morgan
bet'ween the two forces,which the Le Fay is always depicted as the
Milesians won, the Tuatha De king's implacable enemy, often
Danann retired to an otherworld plotting his downfall According to
beneath the soil of Ireland one story she is supposed to have
stolen the magic sword Excalibur
MOOnfD was the treacherous and sent it to Accolon. who then
nephew of King ARTHURWhile he challengedArthur to single com-
was away waging war in Brirtany, bat. When Accolon dropped the
Arthur had appointed Modred his sword Arthur recognzed it and the
regent, but his schemingnephew other lcright admitted his guilt and
tried instead to uke the rhrone and surrendered However, after the
force GUINEVERE to marry him. On bloody battle against Arthur's
the king's return, a terrible battle rebellious nephew Sir MoDRED,
was fought nearSalisburyandmosr Morgan le Faywas one of the three
of the Iftrighs of the Round Table women who took the grievously
were killed, including Modred. wounded king in a black boar to
Arthur, who had been mortally AyALONThe other two were "the
wounded during the battle, was Queen of Northgales and the
then mken ro AVALoNin a black Queen of Wastelands" (Seealso
boat by three mysterious women SAGESAND 5EER5;SINGLECOMBAT)


MOnHOm was the gigandc of war deities who sometimes

brother of the king of lreland, to appeared as beautiful young
whom King Mark and Cornwall women and sometimes as crows,
were expected to pay an annual screeching over the batdefield.
tribute. Mark's nephew TRISTAN Nemain was said to have been the
was determined to put an end to wife of NUADA. the leader of the
this practice. He therefore sailed to TUATHADE DANANN.
Ireland and succeeded in hlling
Morholt, but not before he had NfnACUtN, an Irish bird god,
been wounded by the giant's great fell in love with Mess Buachalla, the
poisoned sword. Before he died, berothed of Eterscel,High Kingof
Morholt told Tristan that only his MORHOLT,theInshchampion, conJrontslreland. On the eve of the wedding, NElt{IN, oneoJthedrmdfulgoddesses of
sistEr ISEULTwould be able to cure Tistan, theCornishnmcomer,in a duel Nemglan came to her in a bird shn war,appeared sometimesasawashrat
his poisoned wound. ovq InshtaxesDespiteMorholt'sgreater and seduced her, and this was how theford,presaglngdoom hrsLrst
pmlerand shill,theyoungTistanfought she conceived corualRnMoR The combat,Cuchulainn sawa washerwerping
MOnTGAN, somedmesknown lilu amightylionanddealttheolderhmght child was passed off as High King andwailingwshennsed aheapofbbody
as Monigu, w6 an Irish goddess of a mortnlblowto htshelm,lodgnga piece Eterscel'sson, but Mess Buachalla raimentfulongngto thegreathero
death on the batdefield who helped oJword inhisbrain 0uusrncnoN avErnrw was careful to wam the boy that he BvSTEPHEN
0rrusrprnoru Rno,1910
the TUATHADE DANANNat both Ptw c 1%)0.) must never, whatever the circum-
batdes of Magh Tuireadh. She was smncesmrght be, hll a bird. When iot down this very road when a
associated with the other war NnOmn was rhe eldest son of Conaire Mor was a young man, flock of birds with beautiful
deities MACHA.BADBand rurunlru. Usna and his wife Elbha, daughter Etersceldied and the question of plumage descended upon him.
Her favourite form was the crow, of. cetuneP. When DEIRDREper- the successionwas raised in Tara, Forgemng his mother's instnrcdon
and as such she settled in triumph suaded him to run away with her the lrish capital. Unknown to never to harm any bird, he loaded
on the shoulder of the Ulster hero so that she could avoid maniage to Conaire, there was a prophecy to his sling, at which point the birds
CUCHUIAINNwhen he was finally the Ulster hng COwCHOBHARMACthe effect that Eterscel'ssuccessor immediately tumed into armed
killed in the war against Queen NEssA,Naoise and his two brothers would be a naked man walking warriors. The leader of these
MEDB'sforces.Cuchulainn had not fled with her to Alba. Conchobhar along the road to Tara with a sling incredible warriors, however,
onlyrefused Monigan's love, but in sent FERGUSMAC ROTHto bring in his hand. It happened one day introduced himself to Conaire as
anger he had even wounded her. them all home. Suspicious of that Conaire was driving his char- his real father Nemglan. To make
For such a deed his fate was sealed. Conchobhar, but trusting Fergus' up for his misconduct towards the
promise that no harm would come NAOISEelopes with thegreatIrch beauty, birds, Conaire was told to undress
MORRIGAN,theterible goddess of war, to them, Naoise agreed. In the Dardre fhry fled acrosstheseato and retum home to Tara on foot,
appeared sometimes asawarnorin a event, Conchobhar had Naoise Scotlnnd, pursuedby FqgusMacRothBy carrying only his sling. He thus
futtb, sidingwith herJavourites
Most killed, and so enraged was Fergus LochNess,thq foundrefuge andhunted became the next High King of
oftenshesmrednethead(Ea ravenor Mac Roth that he joined the forces deqanil salmon, lrrng in pastoral
blss Ireland.
crw, shnehing andJlappingher winSsto of Conchobhar's great enemy, untilthq wqe lurd bachto a deadlytrap
scarethehost,or to signtfiimminantdeath, Queen MEDBof Connacht. in lrelandbyan unsuspectingFrgus Mac NESSA, in lrish mythology, was
as hqe (lLnrsrulrn ay Srrprer Ren, 1910) Roth. 0uusrnrfloNANoN) the mother of CONCHOBHARMAC
NeCHfeN was an trish warer NEssA,the Ulster ruler during the
god and, according to some ver- Iifetime of the hero CUCHUL{INN.
sions, the husband of BoANN On Nessa'shusband was King Fachma
Nechtan's hill there was a holywell of Ulster and when the king died
that was the source of all knowl- his half-brother, FERGU
edge, to which only Nechtan and succeeded to the throne and pro-
his three cup-bearers had access. posed marriage to Nessa.
When Boann found herway to the However, she would agee to the
well, the waters rose from the match only on the condidon that
ground and chased afrer her, her son should be allowed to rule
becoming the River Boyne. Ulster for one year. Fergus Mac
Roth was so in love with her that
NguetN (whose name means he readily agreed,but at the end of
"dreadful" or "venomous"), in Irish the year the people of Ulster
mythology, was a goddess of war. refused to let Conchobhar step
Along with nenp, MORRIGAN and down from the throne, so excellent
MACIuA,she formed one of a goup was his rule.


NUnnn, also known as Nuada

Airgedamh ("Nuada of the Silver
Hand"), because of a temporury
replacementfor a hand he lost at
the lirst battle of Magh Tuireadh,
was an important Irish god and
He was mamed to NEMAIN.The De
Danann were a younger generation
of gods than the FOMORII,the sea
gods who were soon to challenge
them at the second batde of Magh
NEMGITIN,abirdgodJrom another- Tuireadh. For a while berween the
world,cameto Mess Buachallabeiorehu nvo battles,Nuada appointed nnrs
weddingtotheHighKing., sheJlavin,his as leaderbecauseof the loss of his
plumage to reveal
moulted abeauttful hand. The silver replacementwas
youthLilu kla andDanaebeforeher, she made by DIANCECHT.But Nuada
lwedthegodandborehima son,Conaire was dissatisfiedwith it and umed
1995) to Dian Cechr's son Miach. who
made him a new hand of flesh and
NHUH was rhe wife of coNALL blood Dian Cecht slew Miach out
Caemach.Whrle CUCHTIIAINN was of jealousy. Nuada's restoration as
recoveringfrom wounds sustained Ieadercausedthe second battle of
during the war against the men of Magh Tuireadh, because the half-
Connacht, Niamh nursed him and Fomorii Bres complained to his
becamehis mistress She then ried hnsmen about his treatment.
to prevent him retuming to battle At the second battle the lethal
But the witch BADB,one of the eye of BALoRkilled both Nuada
daughters of.ceumtN, cast a spell and Nemain before the sun god
on Niamh so that she wandered LIJGHdestroyeditwith a sling-shot
away into the counrryside Badb Their victory saved the Tuatha De
then assumed the form of Niamh Danann, but later they in tum were
and told Cuchulainn that he must defearedby the sons of MILESIUS
retum to the war and fight. That Nuada was the great De
Danann leader, there is no doubt.
Nnu oF Tnr GolnnN He is described as sitting on his
Hetn was a daughter of the sea throne "with a white light about
god uerueNNANMACLIR.She fell in him as it had been a fleeceof silver,
Iove wrth the poet oISlNand they and round his head a wheel of light
Iived happily together in the L-and pulsed and beat with changing
of Promise,which was one of the colours". Nuada is cognate with
otherworld realms. Niam bore the rhe Welsh NUDD
poet a daughter, Plur nam Ban
("Flower of Woman") NUDD, known as Llud to the
Bridsh, is the Welsh equivalent of
NOPENS was a British god of NUADA.He also had a silver hand,
healing, whose magrc hounds were and in one tale was lanown as Llud
also believed to be able to cure the Llawereint (" silver-handed")
sick. Nodens wursworshipped dur-
ing the Roman occupation; the NUDD,or IJud,ruledBitain at a time
nrins of a great temple have been whatitwasplnguedby a strange
found on the banks of the River thattwosubtenanean
scrarmIt transpired
Sevem. ln lreland, he became dragowcauselthescream duingan
NUADAof the Silver Hand and in annunlbattb.Thq wqesoothedby sinhing
Wales NUDD of the Silver Hand, meadinba pitdugthrou$tthecantreoJ
also known as Llud to the Britons. the earth 0uusrnrnor ByAuN l;.z, 1981)


OGMA *as the Irish god of OGMA,godoJeloquence, inventedthe

eloquence and the inventor of Ogham scipt, consisting
Ogham, the earliestsystem of wrir- crossing
a lateralbaseline
ing used in lreland. Ogham is messageswerecarved onstoneand
made up of a series of vertical or inscibedonbarhsandwands oJhazelor
sloping lines inscribed on a base aspenOvr 400ancientmessages have
line The sagastell of vast libraries suw|ed(Irrusrnerroru
ByNrcKBMLE,1995 )
of Ogham writing, though only
inscriptions in stone carvings have explained how a spell had been
suryived, and the sagasthemselves placedupon her, but that she had
were later recorded by monks using leamed that if Finn MacCool came
the Roman alphaber to love her. then all the enchant-
Ogma was a son of DAGDA,who men$ would ceaseto have power
was a god described as rhe "Lord of and she could resumeher normal
I(nowledge" Besideshaving a truly shape So it came to passthat Sadb
remarkable skill as a poet, Ogma iived with Finn MacCool as his
was a fighter like other Irish gods misress, and for months neither of
and also, like the the Greek god them stirred from their dwelling
Hermes or the Roman Mercury, he Then news amved of invaders in
was responsiblefor conveying souls ships off Dublin, most likely a
to the otherworld Whereas for the Viking raid, and the Fenians were
Greek and Roman messengergods called to arrns For only one week
this was a sad dury, nor least Finn MacCool was absentdealing
becausethe hngdom of Hades was Mediterranean first encountered OtStN, somerimesOssian, was with the Vikings On his rerum,
not an invidng place, Ogma's task the idea of the transmigration of the son of rhe Fenian, or FIANNA, however, he discovered that Sadb
was a happier one since rhe Celtic souls from their Celdc neighbours IeaderFINNMACCIIL According had been lured awayby someone
otherworld was a delightful and In the sixth century sc the famous to lrish mytholory, Oisin was rhe disguised as himself (a common
peacefulresdng-placefor the soul and unusual Greek philosopher greatestpoet in Ireland, perhaps trick among shape-changersin Irish
prior to irs next rebirth in rhe $nhagoras left the Aegean island of not a surprising achievement con- mythology) Realizingthat it must
world It is thought rhar Greek Samosand went to live in the city sidering how as a young man his be the enchanter whom Sadb had
colonists in the westem end of the of Croton in southem Italy He father had eaten the Salmon of rejected,Finn MacCool organized
becameexremely interestedin the Ifuowledge. Oisin's mother was a searchof everyremote hill, valley
OISINandthefairymaiden, Niamh,Jlew theory of reincamadon. His follow- none other than the goddessSADB, and forestin the country, butwith-
awayona snow-white steedthrough golden ers.who believed that the soul was the granddaughter of oecoe. This out success Eventuallyhe gaveup
mistto theInnd of Promise, whichwasa immortal, acceptedtransmigration made OGMA,the god of eloquence, all hope of finding his mistressand
delightfulotherw orldbq ondalldream s, through animals and plans as well, Oisin's uncle rerumed to his pleasureof hunting
filled withbirdsong andscented Jlowers, and as a result proposed the kin- One day, as Finn MacCool with It happened, by chance, that his
withoverflowing meadandwondrous ship of all living things his companions and dogs was dogs tracked down avery strange
creatures (lLLLrsrR,4rroru
BySTEPHENREID.I9i 0 ) In some lrish myths Ogma is returning homewards, a beautiful quarry and Finn MacCool came
said to have married EtAtN, who deer started up on their path and upon them surrounding a naked
was the daughter of the god of the ensuing chase took them boy with long hair. His two best
healing DIAN CECHTAt rhe second towards Tara, the Irish capital and hounds were, in fact, keeping the
and final battle of Magh Tuireadh the base of the Fenians.At last the pack from seizing the child
Ogma slew Indech, son of the exhausted animal stopped and Having driven offthe dogs, Finn
FOMORII goddessDomnu Indech croucheddown on the gound, but MacCool and the other hunsmen
was one of the leaders of the instead of atuchng their quarry the regardedthe boywith cunosiry. He
Fomorii, who were rhe older sea hounds began to play roufld her, told them that he did not know the
gods who had challenged the and even to lick her head and identity of his father, but that his
TUATHADE DANANN,the younger limbs So Finn MacCool ordered mother was a gentle hind, with
generation of gods of which Ogma that no harm should be done to the whom he lived in a quier valley
was one. After the temble batde deer, which followed them on the safely shut in by steep cliffs. To
was over and the De Danann were way home until sunset. their home a tall, dark stranger
victorious, Ogma claimed as his That same nighr Finn MacCool came every now and again to see
pnze a magic Fomorii sword that awoke to find the most beaudful his mother, but she alwaysshrank
was capable of recounting all the woman he had ever seen smnding away in fear and the man left in
deeds it had performed next to his bed It was Sadb. She anger. When the stranger finally


OISIN returnedfrom the othewvorldaJter

his timeandJoundhimselJ an old man,
aloneand bereJt,the solesuwivor oJa
maglcalage Withhislyre he sangofthe
heroesand godsof hrsera, conjunngup the
maglcalphantomsoJ that bygoneage
(Osstlx at Fnllcots Grtino, c,lu rs, 1800 )

His famous adventure concems

NIAMH,the daughter of the seagod
while on a hunt by the shoresof a
lake Shesuddenly appearedriding
a horse with silver hooves and a
golden mane When Niamh toid
Oisin how she had travelleda great
distance to invite him to her
father'sotherworld realm, the l-and
of Promise,he readily mounted the
magic steed and was never seenbY
his father again ln the orherworld
kingdom he foughr against a
FOMORII giant in an underseacom-
bat worthy of his father But aftera
number of other exploits Oisin
began to miss his own land of
Ireland Niamh gavehim her magc
horse so that he could visit his
home, but told him not to dis-
mount otherwise he would never
be allowed to return lreland
struck her with a rnagic hazel appearedto Oisin almosr a strange
wand, the hind was forced to fol- land, for everyone he knew had
low him, although she tned to died long before The peoPle
comfort her son as she left seemedfar sadder and more care-
As soon as the boy finished this wom than the heroes he had grown
accounl, Finn MacCool embraced up with By chance he came uPon
him as his own son by Sadb, and a raggedgoup of men attempting
immediately named him Oisin to move a boulder, which he easily
("Little Fawn") He was trained as lifted for them while still seatedon
a Fenian warrior, which involved his mount However, his saddle
one of the most difficuh coursesof slipped and he fell to the ground
raining imaginable, and becamea In an instant the magic horse van-
shlled fighter like his father,but he ished and the valiant youngwarrior
also inhented the gentler abiliry of was tumed into a blind and frail
eloquencefrom his mother, and his old man
songs and poetry were admired A Christian addition to the end
throughout lreland of this myth includes St Patrick
Becauseeveryone rook Oisin to be
OISIN,on hisretumJromtheotherworld, mad he cried out: "lf your god has
andcold,thepeople slain Finn MacCool, then I would
sadandsmall,andhimselJ awearyand say that he is a sffong man " So he
witheredoldmanAfterpassingonthe was taken to the saint, who record-
maglclegends, , ed his strange tale and explained
hisendasstrangeashisbegnning the changes to Ireland since the
(lrrusrRarto| nvSTrpHrvRuo, 1910) amval of Christianity

HE THRILLING puRSUrrof a real or visionary goal forms the plot of many
compelling tales of advenrure.The goal is not alwaysthe most tantalizing
part of the venture and might seem like a redious or even trivial rask, but
servesto spur the travelleron his way. Other goals,such as the Grail, seem
barely attainable,bur serve as shining symbols of aspiration. The impetus is
sometlmes romantic, as when
Culhwch set our ro find fa:r Olwen;
or retributory, as when Geraint went
forth ro avenge a wrong; while
Peredur, Owain and rhe Grail l(nighrc
were inspired by o rherworldly
visions and ideals. Wharever the
goal, the quesr usually rakes on a
magic of its own, leading the hero
d o w n u n e x p e cr e d b y p a t h s o f
adventure and discovery. En route he
meets new friends and travelling
companions, learns much-needed
Iessons and carches sight of even
more tantahzrng quests ahead.

Ownrru (abne), inspired by the nle of Cynon, setofr in

searchof the Castleof the Fountain, whichwasguarded
by the Blach Knight He passedthrough thefairest vale
untilhe sawo shiningcastleon thehill After enteing
its otherworldlydomain CulhwchdeJeated
the Blach
Knight, and went on to woo his widow AJtera rather
dfficult beglnning,he a,ercameher resentment,and
guardedher realm until hisyenfor adventurelured him
olf again QLLU|TRAn1N
sy A./.uLee,1984

Ceueto'r QefD,ertnur' s shining city-castle,drew

hnightsfrom far and wide to join the Fellowshipof the
RoundTable,inspiredby ideak oJcourage,honourand,
vision From Camelot, the questinghnightsetJorthon
joumrys of adventureand discovery,
to seehhonour,to
dvengewrongsand to winladtes and renown The

JigureoJthe questinghnightbecame a symbolof

aspiration (luusrnerrorByAr-AN
Tnn Gner Qursr
(righ) prwed to be the
greatestoJ all quests
Many hnightssetJorth
butJav returned \Vhen
Arthur's wariors
resolvedto undefiahethe
Grail Quest, Arthur
wept, lamenting that the

fairest fellowshipoJnoble
hnightswould nuer meet
again around thetable
at Camelot Hewas
nght,forJnt oJhis
the questandmarry
pmshed (TneAnvtncaNo



CutuwcH's QeJt)questJor theJair Olwen involvedthnry-

nine impossibletashs,the longestseiesof tashsrn Celttc
mytholog En route thehero enlistedthehelp oJ Arthur's
Culhwchin oneof hishardesttashs,
war-bandwho asststed
which was the retnonl oJa comb, razor and sctssorsJrom
betweenthe earsoJ theternble,enchantedboar,Twrch
TwWth (/LLLrsrMloN BYAL4N Lrc, 1984 )

PEREDuR's (above) questJor adventure led him through

many wondrouslands At onepoint he passedthrougha
lwely iver vallq,,filled with colourfulpavilionsand a
wondrous multitude oJ windmills and water-mills He
lodgedwith thehead miller andjoustedtn the tournament,
deJeatingcountlesswariors with suchshilland mrght that
he impressedthe localempress Aft'r Jightingherbattles,
he ruIed with herJor Jourteen yearsbeJorecontrnvinghis
searchfor new adventures(lnt'.sraartor Lrr-,1984

',. i

OfWfN, in welsh mythology, steal a maglc dog, leash and collar; sheer size and cornplexity of rhe
was the daughter of the gianr hire as a huntsman MABON. son of challenges, Culhwch said that
Yspaddaden and her suitor was Modron, who had first ro be "Ki.g Arthur will provide horses
CULHWCH,one of King ARTHUR's released from pnson; find a won- and men to help him win Olwen"
warriors Culhwch's stepmother derful sceed and swift hounds; sreal He also informed the gianr thar he
hated him so much rhar she cursed a comb, scissors and a razor from would retum to slay him. Culhwch
him to mary only Olwen, a girl berween the ears of a fierce boar; succeeded and married Olwen
whom rhe warrior came to love and persuade a number of unlikely "and she was his only wife as long
dearly. Yspaddaden was so upser gues6 to come to Yspaddaden's as he lived" The giant was killed by
by the obvious affecrion berween stronghold. Undaunred by the one of Culhwch's fellow knighs.
Olwen and Culhwch that he set his
daughter's lover a seriesof tasksin OLWEN QeJ),in flaming red, wanders OWAIN below)peersthroughthetangled
order to prevent the marriage through the otherworld,depictedhereas a branchesofthewtldwood,Iihe
a shy,wtld.
Among other things, Culhwch had vibrant, broodingwoodedidyll Olwenwas creatureOvercomewithshameafter
to uproot a forest, burn the wood lovedbyCulhwch,awarior of King wronginghkwtfe,heJIedintothe
for fertilizer and plough rhe cleared Arthur's court, who had to go to great wiWaness andlived
land in one day; force AMAETHON, lengths to securehts bnde awayuntilrescuedbya nobluoman
the god of agricukure, ro nourish (lrrusrnenow
1981) (IrrusrnenoN sv Au|v Lrc., 1984)
its crops; make the smith god
Govannon forge rools for the work;
bring four srrong oxen ro help;
obtain magic seed; provide honey
nine times sweeter than thar of a
virgin swarrn; get a magic cup and
a hamper of delicious mear;borrow
the drinking-hom of the under-
water king Gwyddbwyll and rhe
magc harp belonglng to Teirru (an
instrument rhar played irself);
caprure the birds of RHmNruoru,
whose song could wake rhe dead
and lull the living to sleep; provide
a magic cauldron; a boar's tusk for
the giant to shave with and shaving
cream made from a witch's blood:

OWAIN and Arthur (below) appearin a

warrior' s dream, playing grvyddbtvyll
Duing the game, Arthur's hnightsbattle
with Owain's ravens,but the players simply
play on, until Arthur smashesthe pieces
The game symbolizesabattle, possibly for
swereignty (Itrusrnqrroru
Lee,lggl )

castle,the Black l(night, died of the PRNSTTru- SCCPERCIVAL

wound Owain had inflicted on
him. Not deterred by her grief, PAnTHOLON, son of Sera,was
Owain persuaded Luned to plead believed to have led one of the early
his causewith such successthat his invasions of Ireland Together with
widow consented to marry him. twenty-four men and their wives,
Thus he became master of the he is said to have come out of the
Castleof the Founmin, as the Black west after the waters of the Flood
I(night's stronghold was called. But had receded and cleared the island
rhe long absenceof Owain wonied of trees ready for cultivation.
Kingfuthur a great deal, so he sent According to the myth, after living
out a party ef knights to find him in Ireland for some five thousand
Owain retumed with them to King years, the race of Partholon were
Arthur's court, and he gradually sricken by disease and theY all
forgot about his wife. diedwithin thespaceof aweek.
When avery anry lady arrived
at court to accuseOwain of deceit, PgllnS was one of the names
treachery and unfaithfulness, he glven to the "Maimed King" of the
was overcome with shame A GMIL story in whose castle of
remorseful Owain fled to the forest Carbonek the holyvesselwas kePt.
and pursued the solitary life of a In other versions of the tale he is
hermit. There he would have died known asAmfortas Pelleswas said
but for a well-bom lady who used a to have been the father of Elaine,
maglc potion to restore his health. who fell in love with Sir L4NCELOT
Sir Owain took up his arms, slew a and bore him the pure knight Sir
dragon and befriended a lion. The GAIAHAD,who was the onlY one of
knight and the lion had numerous ARTHUR'sknighs granted a vision
adventures,which included saving of the Grail and allowed to hold it.
PARTHOTON (abwe) Jound a lush, a bloody struggle ensued. High Luned from death by buming and
King Cairbe refused to pay the slayrnga giant. Owain retumed to PELLES,theGrailKingguarded theGrail
pnmal countrywhatheJirstlnnded in
Fenians for their sewices and raised the Castle of the Fountain, where in Corboneh, theGrailCastleMaimedby
Irelsnd The foress and ploins wcre alive
another band of fighters to rePlace he was reconciled with his wife. an incurablewound,symbolizng some
with strange,shyandbeaunful creatures
them. In a battle fought at Gabhra, They seem to have spent the rest o[ helivedin a wilight
Parihobn cbared the land for cultivation
near present-day Dublin, Oscar their lives together in Kingfuthur's awaiting
and inhis time threenavlnlus appeared,
hlled Cairbe in single combat but court. (SCCAISOCELTICROMANCE; thecomingoJ Galahad, theredeeming
one of whtchwasnamedafterhts son
0rrusrnnnoN c 1910
RACIGIAM, ) was himself mortally wounded. SINGLECOMBAT; HEROICQUESTS) hnight (lrLusrnAnoNavAu,v Lea 1984)

According to one version of the

OSCAR, in Irish mphology, w6 myth, Finn MacCool returned
the son of olstN and the grandson briefly from the otherworld to
of rururuueccooL. His name means moum Oscar'sdeath.
"deer lover" and recalls his grand-
mother, the goddess SADB,whom OwntN, in welsh myrhology,
Finn MacCool first encountered was the son of URIENand one of
while he was hunting. Sadb had King ARTHUR'swarriors. When a
been changed into a hind by ^ fellow warrior named cYNoN was
spell, which Finn MacCool brieflY defeated by ^ mysterious Black
lifted. Oscar's mother was Eibhir, l(tught,Owain set out to find this
who was said to be "a yellow-haired stranger.He severelywounded the
maiden from a warrn country". Black t(night but did not unseat
Oscarwas a mighty fi,ghter,one him, and when the lcright galloped
of the best of all the FIANNA,or off to a nearby casde, he gavechase
Fenians, the waniors who acted as only ro find himself almost a
a bodyguard to the High King of prisoner once he entered its walls.
Ireland. But he lived during a dme Owain was saved by a lady named
when the ruler, Cailbe, felt that the Luned, who gave him a ring of
Fenians had too much power, and invisibiliry. Soon the lord of the


PERCIVAL, the PerJectFool,attained a

glimpseof the Grail throughhis innocence
RetumingJrom Sarras,he becameGrail
King,headingtheOrder oJGrail Knights,
sometimeshnownas ParstJal,sometimes
Templeisen,aJterthe Knights Templar
(P,tRZivnt Bl MARilN WtX;eNo, CtNveS, 1934 )

PfnCryRL, who was also some-

times called Percevalor Parsifalin
differenr traditions, was in larer
Arthurian mythology somerhing of
an ousider He was brought up in
a forest far from the courr of
Camelot and was completely ignor-
ant of courdy manners However,
he travelledto KingARTHUR's court
and was duly made a knighr, and
then ser off in quesr of the Grail,
the holyvessel that was used ar rhe
Last Supper and which received the
blood that flowed from the spear
thrust in Christ's side at rhe rime of
the Crucifixion The Grail had been
brought ro Bntain by IOSE4HOF
ARIMATHEA, the rich man who had
allowed Christ's body to be placed
in his tomb. However. rhe Grail
was later lost and irc recovery
became the great quest for rhe
IGrightsof the Round Table
The puriry of Sir Percival may
have meanr rhat he was permirted
a brief glimpse of rhe Grail, bur he
was denied the complete vision
and heavenlyreleasethat was even-
tually granred ro Sir GAMHAD, Sir
IANCELOT'sson Only Galahadwas
allowed to touch the Grail, "Our
Lord's body between his hands",
and then to die in rhe company of
angels. The mysrerious Queen o[
the Wastelands, one of rhe three
ladies who rook rhe dpng Ki.g
Anhur roAyALoNafter he had been
wounded in rhe battle againsr entering her bed when, "by chance smoke." So annoyed and filled with PnngOUR in welsh mphology,
MODRED,was Sir Percival's aunt and grace, Sir Percival saw his remorse was Percivalby rhis moral was the seventh son of Errawgand
On his personalquesr for the Grail, unsheathed sword lyrrg on rhe lapse that he felt obhged to inflict a the only surviving male. His father
Sir Percivalunfortunately fell some- ground, and on its pommel was a punishment on the weaknessof his and brothers were hlled before his
what short of the high standard of red cross, rhe sign of rhe own flesh by wounding himself in own coming of age. This did not
conduct required for recovering the Crucifixion, which reminded him the thigh. Meanwhile, the enchant- prevent Peredur from becoming
Grail. One day on his joumey he of his knighrly dury ro behave as a ress who had artempred to waylay one of ARTHUR'swarriors and his
encountered a wondrous and good man. So he made the sign of him and diven him from his quest many advenrures formed the basis
mysterious ship and at once fell in the crosson his which "set off with the wind roaring and for the laterstories abour pERcIVAt.

PEREDU&raisedin rusticsecreqt, grav Rhiannon's rejected suitors and years eking out an existence on PEMDUR arousedthe rageof the Pnde
upstrongand agllebutdanidoJcourtly brought up by TEIRNON, a chieftain wild honey, fish and garne, they of the Cleaing whenhe suppedwith his
mannersWhenhesawthreeshining who discovered the infant in his finally decided to travel acrossthe wife The arrogant hnight assumedhis
hnights,hewasentranced Daisinga stable The chieftain's wife named border to Lloegp, present-day wrfe's guilt and punishedheruntil Peredur
saddleof twigs,
andarmedwith a the child Gwri, or "Golden Hair", England But the skill of JinaIIy challengedand werthrov him
sharpened hesetfonhJorArthur's
stahe, but when, aftersevenyears,he was Manawydan and Pryderi as crafts- Here, spladid as a peacoch,the proud one
court (IuusnarroN
) finally retumed home, Rhiannon men made them many enemies ides out to joust with Peredur
renamed him Pryderi, "Care", and they retumed to Wales ln a (lrlusrnqloru BYAIAN Lrr, 1984)

number, Peredurwas particularly becauseduring the child's absence ruined castle, Pryderi came across
adept at defeadngwitches, who in her life had been very careworn a golden bowl fastened by four PRYDERI, lord of DyJed,marchedinto
Wales took to the field like knighs She had been falsely accused of chains on a marble slab Pryden Gwyneddto awnge the theJtoJhis swineby
attired in full arrnour Indeed. his hlling her son and was made to do went to pick it up, but his hands the resourceJulmaglctan, Gwydion The
myth as it is told in rhe Mabinogon penance by sitting at the gare of stuck to the bowl and he found dispute was to be decidedby singlecombat,
ends with a terrible duel between hvyll's fortress and telling srangers that he couid not move or let it go but the matchwas unequalas Gvuydion
him and a leading witch. "For the of her crime, then offering to cary He was also struck dumb When bewitchedPryden with maglcal illusions
third time the hag slew a man of them on her back into his hall his mother tried to save him, (lrrusrnqrto,^l
futhur's before Peredur'seyes,and When Pwyll died, Pryderi suc- Rhiannon and Pryderi disappeared
Peredurdrew his sword and smote ceeded him as lord of Dyfed and in another mist
the witch on the cresrof her helmet gave his mother in marriage to It later emerged rhat all the
so rhat the helmet and all the MANAW)'DAN, son of the Welsh sea strange events had been causedby
arrnour were split into two And god Llyr, although in Pryden's a spell laid on rhe household by an
she raiseda shout, and orderedthe myth Manawydan appears as a enemy of Pwyll, Pryderi's father
rest of the witches to flee, and said morml warrior rather than a god At Manawydan discoveredthe trurh as
it was Peredurwho was destined to their wedding banquet therewas a he was about to hang a mouse for
slay all the witches of Caer Loyw " peal of thunder and a misr fell "No eating their corn The creature
(Seealso HEROIC QUESTS) one could seethe other, although tumed out to be the wife of Llwyd,
the great hall was filled wrth light " the old enemy of Rryll Other mice
PnYOfnI, in welsh mythologr, When the mist cleared, the land helping to devour the crops were
was the son of PWYLL,a notable was desolate People, animals and his wamors ransformed by magic
chieftain of Dyfed in south Wales, crops were gone Pryderi, his wife During their temporary disappear-
and of RHmruNoru Pryderi was Cigfa, Manawydan and Rhiannon ance, Pryderi and his mother had
snatched from his cot bv one of were the only peopie left After two been forced to work as donkeys


at last, becausewhen the babywas Because of this curse, Rhiannon

stolen her maids were so afraid of suffered years of barrennessand,
Rvyll that they blamed Rhiannon. after the birth of a son, she was
They laid bones next to their sleep-
unjustly accused of eating the
ing mistress and smearedher face baby. Even after the boy, whom
and hands with blood. When she named pRronru, which meanr
Rhiannon awoke in amaaement, "Care", had been restored and
the maids told hvyll how she had grown up, the spell condnued to
devoured the babyin the night. dog Rhiannon. At one stage she
Pwyll imposed a humiliating and Pryderi were changed into
penance upon her. Everydayshe donkep. Rhiannon henselfhad her
had to sit by his gate, tell her ale rc
own magical aspect, however, for
every sranger who came and offer the singing of her birds was said to
to canry them on her back to the be able to wake the dead and send
great hall. Not until the eventual the living to sleep.
retum of her son, whom she called Rhiannon is a singular figure in
PRYDERI("Care"), was Rhiannon Welsh mythology. She bore her
excused from her penance (See suffering and injustice with a
also CELIIC OTHERWORLDS; MAGIC padence that still seems remark-
AND ENCHANTMENT) able. But her real nature was in all
likelihood originally connected
RHIANNON, in welsh myrho-
logy, was the daughterof Hereydd, RIIIANNON @lovt),asf'r;t seenW
and the long-suffering wife of hvyll,wasaision inwhiteandgold,
PwYLL,a chieftan of Dyfed. AII of ridinga WrV steel,andclad,in brnadd
Rhiannon's noubles stemmed from silh Thetwoseemdmade for eachothr,
her rejection of Gwawl, the man ro buta anseclorfirltheirWeandmaninge.
whom she had been promised, and As patiartas shewasfuaunJul, Pkiannon
as a result his enraged father had endured,herlat withoutcomplaint
Iaid a spell on Pwyll's household 0uusrRrnop nY NaN ItE. 1984)

P\AryLL was achieftain of Dyfed PWYI (abne),dsguised asabeggar,lies

whose authoriry even reachedinto in waitwrth 100horsanan to tnchGwaul,
ANNwN, the Welsh otherworld. a ival suitorJor thehandoJRhiannon
Indeed. he boasted the title Pen Oncewapwered,Gwawlagredtobave
Annwn ("Lord of Beyond"). One thetwoin peace, buthisbittq anrse
day hvyll was hunringin the forest blightedthar mari4gevnthstrange
when he saw an unusual pack of mtsfoftunes o[usrncnoN B],AIANl^ee,
hounds running down a stag.
These hounds were snow-white in year, and to slay Havgan. During
colour and had red ears Pwyll the period of exchange it was
drove them off and was serting his understood that Pwyll would not
own pack on the cornered stag make love to Arawn's wife, even
when a grey-clad horseman rode though he would shareherbed
up and accusedhim of discourtesy Pwyll, having successfullyhlled
for chasingaway his hounds. Pwyll Havgan and fulfilled hls promise to
accepted the charge and promised Arawn, retumed home He then
to make amends, at which the wooed and won RHIANNON for his
stranger revealed himself to be wife, although a rival suitor never
AMwN, the ruler of Annwn fuawn forgave him and laid a curse upon
told hvyll that he was being hanied his household, both before and
by ^ rival named Havgan, who after Pwyll's death. For years no
could be slain only by a srngleblow, child was bom and, angeredat her
since a second one immediately barrenness,Pwyll treated Rhiannon
CrlrIC MvrHoLoGY

with horses When Fwyll first set

eyes on her, Rhiannon was riding
"a big fine pale whire horse, cov-
ered with a garment of shining gold
brocaded silk". Also, Rhiannon's
stolen son was found in a stable
and her punishment for Iosing him
was ro act as a beast of burden to
visitorswho came to herhusband's
palace. It is tempdng to link her
wirh the horse goddessEPoNA,one
of the few Celtic gods or goddesses
to be worshipped by the Romans.

RONAN, hrg of Leinsrer,was, in

the tangled relations of his second
RHIANNON'S singing birds were heralfu marriage, the lrish equivalent of the
of theothem,torWTharbeautifuland great Greekhero Theseus.Just like
archantingsongwassardtofu able to Theseus'secondwife Phaedra,the
walu thedudandnlullthelMnginto a king's second wife Eochaid loved
deepsbep. Celtk an andmyth are alwe Ronan's son more than her hus-
with btrds of everyhind. While some, such band. When the stepson showed
as rcNens,pre,ge doom, nuansand singlng his honor of her passion, Eochaid of the TUATHADE DANANN.At the SADB,a gentlegoddess, wa compelledby
birdshenlwtth their maglcal song. toid her husband that the young second batde of Magh Tuireadh anail drud tolivemuchoJhrhfea a
(II.IUSTMIoN ANoN ) man had attempted to rape her. Ruadan was sent to spy on'the deq. Hwaner,sheboreFinnMacCool a
Ronan ordered his son's execution Tuatha De Danann smith god from whosetfury
lwely son, forehead gril, a
RU ADH, an intrqid vqtagil, dtscwqed a and died of remorse when he later G2IBHNIUwho was busily making tuJtofdeuhairwhere shehadlbludthe
secret rslandbeneaththe wana, on which leamed the truth. Eochaid ended spears. Ruadan se2ed one of these boy,gyvingfis tn hs name,"LittleFawn"
li'uednine buunful women who slrpt on her own Iife with poison. weapons and thrust it into the god, avAnrnuR
ouusrnnnoru c 1910
&rcxnnu, )
nine bronze beils Thar qa slwne with but Goibhniu merely pulled it out
rainbow ltght, bavitchingfuafi for nine RUnOnN, in Irish mythology, again and drove it into Ruadan, SADB, in lrish mythology, was the
blissfd nighs beforehe grav ratless again was the son of the goddess BRIGID monally wounding him. When the misrress of rlruru MACC))L, the
orrusrMnoNBYNrcKBE4r41995) and of BREs,the half-noMoRll ruler goddess Bri$d came to the battle- great Ieader of the FIANNA,popu-
field to bewail herson, herweeping larly known as the Fenians, the
was said to have been the first bodyguard of the High King. She
keening in Ireland. first appeared to the hero while he
was out hunting, but although a
RUenH was a voyager whose goddess herself, Sadb had been
ship became becalmed off the placed under a powerful spell by a
nonh coast of lreland. According to wrzardand was compelled to take
lrish mythology, when he swam the form of a deer. That night, how-
away to find help for his dyrng ever. Sadb came to Finn as a
crew, he chanced upon a magical woman and for a dme they lived
underwater island. On the island happily together Then, when Finn
there lived nine beautiful women, was away from home, the wizard
and for nine wonderful nights returned and turned Sadb into a
Ruadh slept with all of them. The deer again Finn searched the
women then informed him that whole of lreland for his lost mis-
together they would bear him a tress,but the only uace he found of
son. Although Ruadh promised herwas a naked boywho had been
faithfully to retum at the end of his raised in the wild. The hero recog-
voyage, he unfortunately forgot nized him as his own son by Sadb,
about his underwater lovers, and so he called him olsltrl, meaning
they, in their fury, pursued him, "Little Fawn". Oisin grew uP to
hcking the severedhead of his son become one of the most famous of
before them like a football. all trish poets


EaT\TTT^^T-r \ T ^^\rr a ^ T- r-
rAI' U LTJ U ) V LJ YAtrl,)

HEEptcvoyAGES of Celtic myth are fabuloustours of the otherworld,usually

through an archipelagoof wonder isles.The yen ro travelitself was often
inspired by tales of the otherworld, and the epic tnps of both Bran and
Brendan were sparkedoff by otherworldly visions. Like another intrepid
voyager,Maeldun, they sailedacrossthe oceans,exploring a myriad of dreamlikeisles,
some of timeless delights and some of deadly perils. Like time travellers,Cehic
voyagersexperienceda time walp, either retuming home long alter their time or
condemned to wander on a iourney without end. Another featureof the restless
Celtic voyager was his eventual
disenchantment with otherworldly
delights, and a yeamirg for the changirg
seasonsof his homeland.

MAELDL/NAeJt) sg1sail to avengehis BMN's (abwe) voyagewa sparhedof

father's murder and, en route, passed by a blossomingand scentedsilvu fairy

through a fabulous archipelngo ln one bough,left besde him as he slqt l-ater a
strihing eprsode,he reachedan rslnnd beauttful worwn chd, in othaworlilly robes
surmountedby a fortress with a brazen cameto rerlaim theboufit; shevngalny
door and a glnssdrawbndge which thrut about her lnely home acrossthe sen whbh
the trm,ellen bacluards - a telling signoJ inspiredBran andhslansmn to *t sail
the othemvorld,Whn thq struchthe Far out to ea, tluy reachcdhqwondrous
bronze door, a soponfc sound sent them kb of blosnmingtrea, just one of 50
to sbep until thq awohe to the welcoming sruchdelightfnhearcns vfwe rulclived
voiceof the castle'senchantress When in timclas joy ail plntyYet an tN wn,
Maeldun tned to woo her, the whob cnstle Bran's oart oavdthe clnngpngsr<olrnlns
dissolved,and the scilon found themwlves oJ thar homeland ouusrnrnor rr D,u,rur,r

SnNCnenL, or Grail, was the SANGREAL AeJt),aJter inspiingthe

holyvessel of Arrhurian mythology great questin Bitain, wasbornebach to

during the Middle Ages. It was said Sanasby the three goodhnights,Galnhad,

to be the cup that Christ drank out Pucival and Bors,andwas celebratedin

of at the Last Supper It was also a Euchaistic Mass bejoreoscendingto

believed ro have received the blood heaven (How rHe GMIL ABlDlrH tN A FAR

which flowed from the spear thrust Couurnv BY WTLLIAM MORRIS, ct'qss, c 1890 )

in Christ's side at the Crucifixion.

Brought to Bntain by IOSEPHOF this Christian myth. When "the
ARIMATHEA,rhe rich man who Holy Grail covered with a white
buried Christ, or by his brother-in- cloth" appeared ar Camelot, the
law Bron and his son Alan, the vesselfilled Kingfuthur's hall with
Grail was always associatedwith the most tasty smells, so that the
the early Christian settlement at I(nighs of the Round Table ate and
Glastonbury Another miraculous drank as never before. It was, in
object connected with the Grail fact, nothing lessthan a Celtic caul-
was a bleeding lance or spear. Sir dron of plenry When, at the end of
GAIAHADused its magic power to the quest, the Grail became "Our
cure a mysterious ruler, rhe Lord's body", the draught that Sir
"Maimed Ki.g", who lay between Galahadtook from it atJoseph of
life and death in his castle It Anmathea's request ensured his
seems,however, that Sir PERCIVAL spiritual suwival Like a Celtic caul-
was originally the knight who saw dron of rebirth. it allowed Sir
the Grail, and that it was only in Galahad to live on in a Chrisdan
Iaterversionsthat Galahad took his otherworld This obvious debt to
place as the only knight worthy of Celtic mythology meant that the
such a vision Church never fully embraced the
The Grail was lost, but it was Grail as a Christian symbol The
thought not to have left Britain, gre^t populariry of Grail stories
rather that it was hidden some- forced a degreeof toleration, but
where in the country becauseof the clencs were always aware of its
links with pre-Christian rites (See
SANGRML Oelow)wasguardedby also WONDROUS CAULDRONS;
angelic theGrailMaidensHere, HEROTC
thedweoJheaven bearsa goldcenser from
whicharose"a savourasiJall thespicebf ScrqrHecH (whosename means
the "shadowy") was a warrior-princess
, recalling
spiq "greal" oJ Celtic myth Gm DAMSEL
oF in the Land of Shadowsand tutor
rur S,ruc GRA|LBYDANTERossErrl, certves,1874) in the martial arts. One myth
recounts that her most famous
sinfulnessof the times lndeed, the the young knight's soul was pupil was the Ulster hero
mere presenceof rhe holy vessel releasedfrom his body and "a great CUCHUIAINNShe taught him his
was enough to act as a challenge to multirude of angels bore it up to famous battle leap and gave him
most knights to pursue a path of heaven" That the Grail was the the spearnamed Gae-Bolg("Belly-
goodness.On its unseen arrival at representation of the body and spear"). Although it made a single
Camelot, the chivalrous Sir GAWAIN blood of Christ there can be no wound on entry, once inside the
immediatelyvowed to seek out its doubt, for Joseph of Arimathea body of one of Cuchulainn's ene-
home in order to see the Grail for administered it as part of the sacra- mies, thirty barbs opened to tear
himself Many of the Kttightt of the ment to Sir Galahad, "who had the stomach apart \JATHACH,the
Round Table made similar vows, trembled when his mortal flesh daughter of Scathach, was
much to the distress of Ki.g beheld spiritual things" lt is even Cuchulainn's mistress during his
ARTHUR, who feared the Ioss of his stated that Sir Galahad was a year of training, and was unhaPPy
best fighting men But only Sir descendant of the same Joseph, that he wanted to fight her sister
Galahad successfully completed "the firsr Chrisdan bishop" A)IFA In the event, Cuchulainn
the quest and died contented. After There remains, nevertheless, a was able to defeat Aoifa by trickery
holding the Grail in his own hands, powerlul charge of Celtic magic in and made her his next mistress

SANGREAL (abwe) wasattainedby three guardeda magrcree, which no one the night of her wedding to Connacht, Suaham Mac Roth
verydtlferenthnightsGalahad,the purest, dared approach However, during Sualtam Mac Roth, DECHTTRT had attempted to gather the men of
beheldits contents;Bors,the mostworldly, the sixteen-yearflight of GRelrurun swallowed a fly and fallen into a Ulsterwho had been weakenedbY
returnedto tell the tale: Percival,the and DieRMUIDuA DUTBHNE from deep sleep ln this state she went to MACHA'scurse So desPerateiYdid
simplest,becameits guardian {tae the FIANNA,the hard-pressedlovers the othervrzorldwith Lugh and he tum his horse that Suaitam cut
ATTAINMENT BYWILIJAM MORRIS, IAPE5TRY,C 1870) managed to become friends with there conceivedCuchulainn While off his own head with the sharP
Searbhanand he allowed them to Cuchulainn was single-handedlY edge of his shield. But the severed
SCOfnwas said to be the earliest shelter in the branchesof the magtc defending Ulster againstthe invad- head continued rhe call to arms
known ancestor of the Scots tree, which made it difficult for ing forces of Queen MEDB of long enough to rouse the warriors
According to one version of the FINN MACCIIL to find them
myth, she was the daughter of an However, Searbhanand Diarmuid
Egyptian pharaoh A wrse teacher came to blows when Grainne
named Niul, who had settled in attempted to eat some of the maglc
Egypt, became her husband and bemes that grew on the tree, and
they had a child, Goidel, who gave the Fomorii wamor was slain
his name to the Gaels In another
tradition. she was the wife of CI.]CHULIAIN
MILESIUSand was killed fighting
TheTUATMDEDANANN Sunrrnu Mec RotH, i',
lrish mythology, was the brorher of

SennnHnN, in Irish mythology, FERGUSMAC ROTH. AN UISTCITNAN,

was a FOMORII warrior, one of the he accepted cucuuL+INN as his

ancient sea gods This one-eyed, owrr son, although the hero's real
one-arrnedand one-leggedfighter father was the sun god LLIGH On

SEARBHAN Q{t), the surly one-qed

Fomoii g1ant,guardeda magic tree,
squattingat itsfoot all day The eloping
lwers, Diarmuid I,Ja Duibhne and
Grainne shelteredin its branches,but
Grainne dwelopeda cravingJor the tree's
maglcbemes This so anragedthe glant
thatheand DiarmuidJoughtand the
mighty Searbhonwos slain with his own
club luusrntnoNANoN)


rallied the Uktermen to battle, arcn aJter
hs death Hehad exhortedthem rn liJe
as thE were weahenedby
without success,
Macha's curse The cies oJthe severedhead
atlostbrohe the spelland rousedthe men
to fight (luusrpqrorrnvStepnrxRep,1910

Crlrrc MyrHoLoGy

SutnnNe GEILT, "rhemad TALIESINwasa prophetic bardwhowas

one", in lare Irish mythologrwas a gtftedwtthall-hnou,ingvision,whichwas
hng cursed by St Ronan. One day
rymbolized byhis shiningbrw At the
King Suibhne was outraged to learn youngage of thirteen,healreadrysurpassed
that, wirhout his permission, allofArthur'sbards in spiitrnlinsight
Ronan was founding a church on Heisportraydhueas avisionary spiit
his land. Although his wife, whowasot onewth theforces ofnature
Eorann, ried to restrain him, the (IuusrncnoNrvSrurrnr
hng rushed ro the new foundadon,
sezed the saint's psalter and threw ThnnNtS (whose name means
it in a nearby lake. He rhen laid "Thunderer") was one of the few
hands on St Ronan, when a mes- Celtic gods with whom the
senger arrived to summon him to Romans idendfied and he was
an ally's aid on the batdefield. Nexr often equated with Jupiter.
day an orter rerumed rhe psalter Monumens to Taranis have been
unharmed. St Ronan thanked heav- found all over the Celdc world,
en for this and cursed Suibhne, from the Adriatic coast ro the
who assumed the characteristics of nonhem regions of Britain. Taranis
a bird, leaping from rees for seven is usually depicrcd wirh his symbol,
yeam before his reason rerumed. the wheel. The word "taran" is srill
When Sr Ronan heard abour used in modem Welsh and Breton
this recovery, he prayed that the to mean thunder.
hngwould not retum to persecure
Chrisdans. So Suibhne was once TnnNON was lord of Gwenr Is
again on the brink of madness as Coed and fosrer-farherof pRrornr.
headlessbodies and severed heads Teimon owned a beaudful mare,
hanied him. Another priest took and everyyear on the eve of the first
pity on che tormenced man and of May the animal gave birth to a
wrote down his sad tale, after foal, which mysteriously disap-
which Suibhne "died a Christian peared One year Teimon decided
and his soul ascended to heaven".
to keep watch ro see what would
happen. Agiant clawed hand came
IA&{NIS, "the thunderer", wctsa Celtic THI.TU was rhe daughrer of a boiling, wzls ro peld three drops of through the stable window and
sly godwhom theRomansequatedwith ruler of the FIRBOLGand wife of knowledge. Whoever swallowed took the new-bom foal. He hacked
their supreme deil Jupiter. The wheel, Eochaidh Mac Erc, another Firbolg these precious drops would know off the hand bur heard a crying
which is sometimesusedas a symbolof hng. She was said ro have cleared all the secrersof the pasr, rhe pres- coming from ouside and found a
the sun in Celtic art, here representsthe the forest of Bregso rhar it became ent and the fuure. As Gwion Bach threeday-old baby boy lying on his
electnclight of a thunderbolt, symbolized a plain, a msk which killed her. was tending rhe fire beneath the doorstep.
by the trident, a three-prongedspear. Becauseshe was the foster-mother cauldron, some of the hot liquid Teirnon and his wife took the
(llr-trsrnAfl(r^l By MTR,{NDA Gptt', 1994 ) of the sun god LIIGH, he declared fell on hrs finger and he sucked it ro child in and raised him as one of
that the festival of Lughnasadh be relieve the pain (much like FINN their own, but as he grew, the
held in her honour, which rook MACCOOLwhen he was cooking resemblance to pwyLL became
place on the first day of Augusr. Ir the Salmon of l(nowledge). The increasingly marked until they
was originally the occasion of a furious Ceridwen employed all her knew that he was the missing son
nadonal sponing compedtion, nor magic powers to pursue the boy. of Rvyll and RHmNNoN.
unlike the Olympic Games. During the chase he transformed
himself inro a hare, a fish and a bird TnUfnffS, also called Tounds,
TAUESIN ("Shining Brow") was before being eaten by the wirch in was one of rhe Celdc gods men-
a Welsh wizard and bard and the form of a grain of whear. later tioned by the Roman historian
according to Welsh mythology he Gwion Bach was thrown inro the Lucan and is often equared with
was the firsr person ro acquire rhe sea and was caughr in a fish-trap the god Mans. His name means "a
shll of prophecy. In one version of and renamed Taliesin because of people" or "a ribe" and so it may
his story he was the servant of rhe his radiant forehead. "I am old, I well be that rhe manllinscripdons
witch CERIDUIENand was named am new," he said. "l have been to him are acrually dedicated to
Gwion Bach. Ceridwen prepared a dead, I have been alive. " (See also local deities of a region rarher than
magic brew thar, afrer a year of SAGESANDSEERS) to a single pan-Celdc figure.
Crlrrc MyrHoLocy

TEIRNON, watchingthe birth of a JoaI,

was shochedto seeqvasthairy arm thrust
throughthestablewindow After hachingat
thearm withhis sword,TeirnonJounda
beautifulbabyboyin thestable,whomhe
raisedand who turnedout to be the lost son
of Rhiannonand \mll, ruIersoJ the realm
Lrr. 1984

ro Comwall, where King Mark wait-

ed to marry her The ensuing taie
relates the sad course of rheir love,
separation and their dearhs The
Iovers' end was particularly touch-
ing Having agreed ro pan, Tristan
wen[ ro Brittany, but later was
gravely wounded and sent for help
from Iseult, who had once before
cured him of a serious wound So
she sailed ro Bntnny with a magic
cure It had been agreed rhar the
ship carr;nng lseult would hoisr a
white sail to indicare rhat she was
aboard However, an incorrect
report of a black sail caused Tristan
to lose rhe will to live and he died
of his wound When Iseult was rold
of her lover's death she too quick-
Iy died, bur of a broken hearr (See

THoues THE RHyueR see TRISTAN humbly soughtthe Grail, arcn

CELTIC OTHERWORLDS though he doubtedhis chqncesbecauseoJ
his illlcrt loveJor Iseult At one stagein his
TruSfnN, rhe nephewof King quest,heJounda splendidcastleall alight
MARKof Comwall, was one of the and alive with song Sadly,however,he
great lovers of medieval myrhology wasstruchbachbyaburningbeamof light,
His name is said to have been glven t'or only thepurestcouldattain the Grail
ro him after his morher's death in (lLLLtstRqrtnru nv EvrLvrv PAUL. c ..900 )

childbirth Of Breton origin, the

srory of Tristan and tsrulT was
popular in Cornwall, Ireland and
Bnttany A love porion prepared by
Iseult's mother, the Irish queen,
was the cause of their grear love
Tristan and Iseuh drank ir acciden-
tallywhen Tnsan was escorring her

TRISTANandIseultAef),enchantedby a
lwepotion,gazeat eachotherin rapture
In onelegend,theuo hadJallenin love
to quashtheirscruplesTheVictonan
courtly lwe luusrntloN ByEvELTNpeut, 1900)


TuerHe Dr DnNANN were sling-shotof the sun god LUGH,

"rhe people of the goddessDana" who, as the slayerof BALOR, was the

in Irish mythologr They were the bringer of vrcroryover the Fomorii;

lasr generation of gods to rule and the cauldron belonging to
Ireland before the invasion of the DAGDA,father of the gods, which
sons of MILESIUS, the ancestorsof was an inexhaustible pot that was
the present-day lrish The Tuatha capableof sadsfyingevery appetite
De Danann overcamethe FOMORII, It is clear that the gods known
vrolentand monstrous seagods, ar in lreland as the Tuatha De
the second battle of Magh Tuireadh Danann were common to all Celtic
largely because of their superior peoples Their namescan be found
magic They were said to have inWelsh myths and in inscriPtions
learned magic, crafts and knowl- on the continent of EuroPe ln
edgein four mawellous cities of the lreland they were not entirely lost
nor[h, Falias, Gorias, Finias and with the advent of ChristianitY.
Murias From these ciries the Apart from having their exPloits
Tuatha De Danann brought to recordedby the monks who wrote
Ireland four talismans:the Stone of TWRCH TRWYTH helow)wos aboar TUATIIA DE DANANN (above),an down the lrish sagas,the Tuatha
Fal, which screamed aloud when that guardedthreetreasuresbenveenhis ancient raceoJ lnsh gods,went to live De Danann took up residence
the rightful king of Ireland placed ears which Culhwchsought to retnue undergroundaJtertheir defeatbythe underground as the faines On the
his foot upon it; the magic sword of Arthur'swar-bandhuntedthe boar,and Milesians Beneathgasry mounds,eoch ancient Celtic feast of Samhain,
NUADA, their great war-leader, hereMabon, therenownedhunter, shilfully hadhis own sparhlingsidhe, a subter- celebrated on the last du1 of
which was a weapon that could snatches,ne treasureJrombetween the ranedncourt whichglittered with wonders October to mark rhe new year, the
only inflict faml blows; the spearor bOAT,S CATS (ILLUSTMTION BY AIAN Lrc, 1984 ) within (lnusrnqrroru Lrc,1984
ByAr-AN ) De Danann were believed to allow
mortals to enter their realm

TUtnnnNN was the Irish father

of three sons who killed Cian,
father of the son god LUGH To
atone for this crime, Lugh demand-
ed that the sons of Tuireann should
perform a seriesof near impossible
tasls, bnngrngback to lreland such
magicalobjects as a healing pigshn
belongingto a hng of Greeceand a
cooking spit from an undersea
hngdom When fulfilling their final
labour they were badly wounded
and Tuireann begged Lugh for the
pigskin to cure his sons, but the
god refusedand they died

TwncH TnwYrH, in welsh

mythology, was a king who was
tumed into a gigantic boar for his
sins. Between his ears he kePt a
comb, a pair of scissorsand a razor.
The retrieval of these objects was
one of the hardest of the tasks
that the giant Yspaddaden set
CUHWCHwho wanted to marry his
daughter oLwEN. The boar was an
important animal to the Celts and
appears in many myths, as well as
in statues and carvings. It reP-
resented both war and feasdng.


UAITUNE, in Irish mythology, URIEN, father of owarru, ruled

was the magic harp of the TUATFIA Rheghedin north-west Bntain His
DE DANANN god DAGDA.It was courageand skill as a walrior were
stolen by the FOMORII,the enemies celebratedin many songs,includ-
of the De Danann When Dagda ing rhe work of raurslru When the
discoveredwhere it was, he called Angles invaded, Unen is said to
out to the harp to free itself. The havefought a successfulcampaign
harp responded by killing nine againstthem andbesieged them on
Fomorii and then singing Dagda's the island of Lindisfame
praises Uaithne was also the name UTHER PEMRAG ON, Arthur'sJathu,
of Dagda's harpist hit upon the incredibleidea of having a UrHrn PnNonRcoN (whose
round table at which 150 hnightscould see name means "dragon head") was
UefH ("Horror") was the name eachother and sitwithout quarrelling ARTHUR's father According to late-
of the water giant who challenged Turning to Merlin, he ashedhim to design British mytholory, Uther was able
the three lrish heroesCUCHUIAINN, a table "round in thelihenessof theworld" to sleep with lgraine because he
laoghaire and cox.qLLrc abehead- (lrlusrMnoN ANON ) was disguised as her husband,
ing contest Each was invited to Gorlois, Duke of Comwall, and the
UAITHNE was the god Dagda's inspired mke an a:<eand chop off the giant's the hero food, he forgot his own result of their union was Arthur
harpist Hehad, threeequallygfted sons head, provided that he would then srength and accidently broke her The wrzard vrnriru helped in this
who playedsuchsad musicthat on one lay his own head on the block for finger while taking a dish from her deceprion and later Uther kilied
occasiontwelvemen died weepingfrom the giant to decapitate Only hand Her scream brought her pre- Gorlois and married lgraine, while
sorrow The Celtic bardsaccompanied Cuchulainn rose to the challenge, vious lover to Uathach's immediate Arthur was taken by Merlin
their music wlth lyncs which perpetuated and was proclaimed by the giant as aid, but Cuchulainn easily slew
the legendsdown the generations the Irish champion After the him in rhe fight that followed and VORilCERN was a British ruler
ANoN) announcement uath revealedhim- afterwards Uathach transferred her who hiredJutish mercenaries,but
self to be CURoI, the Munster kirg. affecrion to the vicror as increasing numbers of Saxons
UATH submitted three Iishheroes to a came inro Britain he fled to Wales
beheadingcontestto testthnr courageand U,qTHACH was one of rhe lovers YORflGERN, affth-century ruIer of Here he tried to build a stronghold,
Jind the champion of Ireland The rules of the great Ulster hero and cham- Bntain, tied to build a grand castle,but but it kept collapsing When
allowedahero to beheadthe glantbut only pion CUCHUI-AINN, and, according the walls hept crumbling The boy Merlin, a MERLINwas consulted he said that
iJhe could return theJavouf on the next to lrish mythology, the daughter of precociousseer,was consultedand revealed a red dragon (the Saxons)battled
day Only Cuchulainnhadthe courageto the female warrior SCATTIACH. who that two dragonsbattledbeneaththe site with a white dragon (the Britons)
beheadthe glantand placehisheadon the had been Cuchulainn's tutor in the wery night, destroyingthe castlewalls beneath the fort and that the red
bloch (tnvsrneroNByJAMEs
) martial ars When Uathach sewed (Irrusrnqtror.r
nvAuw Lr.r.1984
) dragon would evenruallywrn.


HE MYTHOLOGYOF NORTHERNAND River Dnieper was a by-product of Viking isolation from such Slavonic influences did
eastem Europe is essentiaily that of exploration. It is rherefore likely that the Slavic not bode well for Balkan mythology As rhe
two main groups, peoples of thunder god Perunu had already absorbed mphs were never wntten down, the influence
Germanic and of Slavic descent Today the much of Thor's mythologr. Although a nadve of Christianiry and lslamic rule replaced the
former group includes Germans, Dutch, hammer-god undoubtedly existed before the native story-telling Of Baltic myrhologlr next
Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, lcelanders, Vihngs arrived in the 860s, the imponance of to nothing now exists, although some idea
English, and any of their exracdon, while rhe northem wariors in Novgorod and Kiev made can be formed of the pantheon The brutal
Slavs are made up of Russians,Serbs, Croa6, it inevitable that the Russian god would be truth is that European mythology has escaped
Bulgarians, Rumanians, Slovacs and Poles. identified wrth his Germanic counterpan The the Baltic fate only where by historical acci-
Other peoples have also contributed to the strength of the Vihng presence can be judged dent it was written down In the case of Celtic
mythological tradition of the region, such as from the Arab raveller Ibn-Fadlan's accounr
the inhabitanrc of rhe Baltic shore: the of the ship cremadon of a "Rus" Ieader on the Ootw,theleadingwarior godoJtheVihings,
Prussians, Lithuanlans and Letts. Further Volga river in922. theweaponsofhiswarcraft,an axeandspearThestylized
north there are conrriburions from the Finns treedepicted
beside himrymbolizes
Ygdrasil,the WorV
In the Balkans the Slavs not only encoun-
TreeAt centreis thethundugodThor,wieldinghisfiery
and the Lapps of Sweden and Norway The tered Onhodox Chrisdaniry, but were later for
Mjollnir;whileat nght,Frqrbearsanearof
northemmost people of all, the Lapps of a time under Islamic rule also This long corn to represent hts Jmtlity (Taprsrny.t2rH cENruRy)

Finland and their cousins, the Samoyeds of

Russia, are actually the scattered remnants of
rhe Uralians, an ancient group once spread
right across the tundra of Europe and Asia.
Their beliefs remained similar ro those held
by the tribespeople of Siberia unril quite
recent times For rhe purpose of rhis book
these traditions have been grouped rogerher
under the generic [errn, Norse.
It is a fact thar the overwhelming bulk of
mythologl surviving from nonhem and easr-
em Europe is Scandinavian and lcelandic in
origin. Most Slavic gods are nor much more
than names, and the lirtle we know about
their worship is usually as a consequence of
its Christian terminarion [n Russia the con-
version of Vladimir in 989 to rhe Orthodox
faith involved rhe ransacking of pagan rem-
ples at Kiev. Fortunately, chroniclers of rhis
event noted the srange worship accorded to
the rhunder god Perunu or Veles, the god of
flocks. Without such passing resrimony our
scant knowledge would be almost nonexis-
tent Even so, there are difficulties wirh
Vladimir's own pagan beliefs prior to his con-
version to Christianity. He was of Swedish
descent and the "Rus" state he ruled on the


mythologywe are fortunate in the care taken

by Christian monks in lreland to record the
ancient sagas.The classical heritage of Greece
and Rome was presewed like that of the Cels
in monastic libraries, after the Germanic peo-
ples overran the western provinces of the
Roman empire. And much of Germanic
mythology would have been lost in its tum
without the efforts of the Icelandic scholar
and statesman Snorri Sturluson.
At the tum of the thineenth century Snorri
Sturluson wrote a handbook for poets on the
world of the Germanic gods, providing
detailed explanations of the old myths. He
was recalling the sagas of the Viking era,
approximately 750-1050, when a vigorous
tradition formed around the heroic deeds of
Odin, Thor and Freyr Still untouched by
Christianity, the restless and adventurous
Northmen - the Danes, Norwegians and
Swedes- put to sea in search of plunder and
land. Viking warriors were largely organized
in small bands or ships' crews, only joining
together in temporary alliances for military
expeditions, trading voyages or piracy. They
mlght sewe under a famous leader for a while,
and then break up again, although on occa- Slcuno roaststheheartoJtheternbledragon,FaJnir,and the war god said "the grey wolf watches the
suclahisthumbwhichwassplashedwith thedragon's halls of the gods". Gathering to Valhalla the
sion they built up armies or large fleets of war-
bloodOn tastingthe blood,Sigurd
otherworldly gainedthe
ships, Iike the forces that attacked France in heroic warriors slain in battle was the only
powerto undmtandbirdsong andlearntfrom thebirds
842 or invaded England in 866 Their mag- thatReg1n, thefire, plannedtreachery
histutorsleepingby policy Odin felt he could sensibly follow

nificent ships and expert seamanship gave (Wooo 12rucrvrunY.)

c,tnvtruc, under the constant threat of Ragnarok, the

them mastery of rivers and seas,and enabled doom of the gods. These dead warriors, the

them to travel far and wide. warriors loved hearing about the exploits of Einheqar, were desperately needed for the

The lrish lamented the Viking onslaught one-eyed Odin. This chief of the Germanic final battle on the Vigrid Plain, where nearly

most. "The sea spewed forth floods of for- gods exened a special fascination as "father of all would fall in an encounter between the

eigners over lreland," noted the Annals oJ the slain" He shared those who fell on the gods and the frost giants. Odin himselfwas

IJlster, "so that no harbour, no beach, no battlefield with Freyla, the goddess of fertili- desdned to be killed by the wolf Fenrir, the

stronghold, no fort, no casde, might be ry. He also inspired the frightful berserkers, monstrous offspring of the fire god Loki and

found, but it was sunk beneath waves of the shield-bidng fighters who rushed unheed- the frost giantess Angrboda. Whether Harald

northmen and pirates." In 836 the Vikings ing and naked into the fray. When the Danish Wartooth accepted this as an adequate

had decided to set up a permanent raiding king Harald Warcooth complained about answer is uncertain, since Odin, who was act-

base on the site of present-day Dublin. Odin's fickleness, the way he gave luck in ing as his charioteer, flung the old king down

It is hardly surpnsrng that aggressiveVihng battle and then suddenly withdrew it again, and slew him with his sword as he fell.


Vttnqu-e, helow), the splendid,many-spiredHaIl of the The "axe-age,sword-age", which was the colonisrs, either as farmens or traders, an alter-
Slain,housed Odin's phantomarmy oJheroicwarnors,
age that would lead up ro the carasrrophe of nadve god ro worship was Thor, Odin's son.
gatheredtofight at Ragnaroh- thepreordaineddoom of
Ragnarok, must have seemed like a descrip- Although "allergic" ro frosr giants, Thor is rep-
the gods On the right, the massiyeWorld Serpenr,

Jormungand, was destinedto werwhelm the world at tion of contemporary times to rhe footloose resented in the sagas as an honest and
rnovTnr pRosEEDDA,
Rngnaroh (Irrusrnerrorl 1760) Vikings. But for rhose who settled down as straightforward person. He was very popular
with lcelandic colonisrs, who had fled south-
em Norway to avoid the Odinlike acdvities
of leaders like Erik Bloodaxe. Thousands of
them revealed their allegiance in the choice of
family name: Thorsten or Thorolf were most
common. Thor was indeed a reassuring
supematural presence in both divine and
human crises, be they encroachmenrc by frost
gians on gods, or local tyrans on farmers, or
even overzealous Christian missionaries on
pagan temples. Ever handy was his rhunder-
hammer Mjollnir, a magic instrumenr wirh
powers of destruction, fertiliry and resurrec-
tion. It was hardly suqprising then that Thor
became a greatergod than Odin ar rhe close
of the Viking era, jusr a cenury or so before
Scandinavia was converted to Christianiry.

Loxt below),thefiery ticluter god,wastobeglnwth a

mischiwousandplayJul pranluter,buthebecame sodarh
ondttistedthathismalicethreatened thestabtlity
worldandprecipitatedRagnaroh Here,thetroublesome
godtduntstheRhineMaidens, whoaregnevingthelossoJ
thar Rhinegold (ItusrnerroN BYARTHUR
R4cKfiM, c 1900)







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NonsE MyrHoLoGY

AEGIR, or Eagor,was a Germanic handles reached his ankles Hymir The goddessesof the Aesirwere
sea god, the husband of MN and tned to stop Thor leaving with rhe FREYJA, rhe fertiliry goddess and
father of nine daughters, rhe waves cauldron, but the god's hammer twin sister of Freyr; FRIGG,Odin's
He seems to have belonged ro an saw off Hymir and his gigandc wife; SIF, the wife of Thor; and
older generation of the gods rhan friends As a result, a humiliared IDUN, who was the keeper of the
either the erSlR or the VANIR, Aegir had to accepr the cauldron apples of youth
although no details of his descent and supply ASGARD,rhe home of Almost all the Aesir were to be
survive Aegir was sometimes the gods, with ale hlled at Ragnarok(the doom of the
depicted as a very old man with It was at a subsequentfeastfor gods), when a terrible battle was
whire hair and claw-like fingers the gods held by Aegir rhar r-oxr destined to nke place berween the
Whenever he rose from his under- showed how evii he had become forces led by Odin, and the forces
water hall, he broke the surfaqeof (above),a tempestuousand when he insuhed rhe assembled led by Loh
the sea for a single pulpose, rhe powerfuIgod of the sea,residedin a company and stabbedAegir's ser-
destrucrion of ships and rheir glisteningunderwaterpalacefrom where vant Fimafeng AlnrntCH seeANDyART
crews To ensure a calm voyage, he directedthe swirlingwavesthroughhis
prisoners would usually be nine daughters,who werehnownas the THf AESIR, in Germanic myrh- ALUS ("All Wise"), in Germanic
sacrificed to Aegir before a Viking billow maidens The hissing,seething ology, were one branch of rhe myrhology, was a dwarf who was
raiding parry set sail for home Nordtc seawascalled"Aeglr'sBrauing family of the gods; the other branch outwrtted by ODIN'sson IHOR,the
One myth tells how the proud Kettle" (lrrusrnnrroru
1995) were the VANIR.At one time th€re possessorof a magic hammer of
sea god was ourwirted by THOR was a war between the younger inesistible force In pq/ment for rhe
Aegir had been ordered by Thor ro Aesir and the older Vanir. which weapons Alvis had forgedfor them,
brew some ale for the gods, but he AnGIR'ssister-w{e,Rnn,wasJamous ended in a peace thar left the Aesir the gods promised that he could
pretended thar he had no cauldron t'or her drowningnet, which sheusedto dominant Both branches had in marry Thor's daughter THRUD.
large enough for rhe task In fact he snatch unsuspectingsatlorsfrom the dechs fact grown weary of fighting, and However, Thor was displeasedwith
disliked being told what to do But oJ shipsand dragthan down to theseabed were pleased to come to terms In the arrangemenr and so devised
undaunred, Thor acquired a vast Sheentertainedthem in her coral cayes, order to cement the peace,several a test of knowledge to srop rhe
cauldron from the frost gianr which were lit by gleaminggold and where of the leading Aesir wenr ro live dwarf from marrlnng his daughter.
HYMIR k was so big that when he meadjowed asJreelyas inValhalla among the Vanir, while a number When Alvis came ro ASGARD, Thor
hoisted ir onto his shoulders. the (llli/srunoN By PErER HURD 1882 ) of important Vanir wenr ro ASGARD, questioned him all night long
the Aesir's home becausesunlight rumed dwarfs to
The Aesir, under the leadership stone
of opll. included his sons BALDER
("the bleeding god") and BRAGI, Arws,a dwarf
the god of eloquence;rhe jusrice hoped to marryThor'sglantdaughter,
god ronsETI, who resolvedquanels Thrud,butftrsthehadtoprovethathis
in a splendid hall supporred by greatwisdom madeupforhissmallstature
pillars of red gold and coveredwirh Thorquizzedhim andprolonged thetest
a roof inlaid with silver, the fertiliry until sunisewhenthefirstraypetnfied
god nnnrR, once a leading Vanir; Alviswho,liheall dwarfs, turnedto stonein
the vigiian r HEIMDALL, whose dury daylight (Iuusrnenoru BvJAMEsALFxANorn,i995 )
it would be to summon everylirirg
creature to MGNAROK,the day of
doom, with his hom; blind HoDR,
the unwitting killer of Balder; rhe
trickster LOKI,god of fire and ally of
the frost giants; the seagod w.Jono,
one of the gods exchangedwith the
Vanir; another of Odin's sons,
THOR,whose mighty magic ham-
mer was the only weapon the frost
giants feared; the god of war T1?,a
son of H;rmir; VILI and VE, the
brothers of Odin; and wpaR, a son
of Odin who was desdned ro
avenge his father's death at

Nonsr MvrHoLoGY

Tnr ArstR AeJ) werewamor-gods ANDVARI'sbbove) treasuretrrve was

worshippedbyheroesandhings Very lihe stolenby the godsOdin and Lohi in order
Norsemen,thq loved,t'oughtand diedwith to pay a ransom When thq toohhis gold-
humanfeelingsfor, thoughdivine, thq mahingnng too, Andvan dancedwith
were not immortal Odin, sem herein rageand cursedthe ing At top, the three
hornedhelmet,behindthe Vanir uins,led Norns examine the darh thread of destiny,
thehuoic Aesir Tnr.Nonrnru Goos whilebelow,Hel awaits a nan inmate

AXOVnru, or Alberich, as he was would not have come straight to the of Ran, wife of the seagod eEGtR, passedit on to the farmer lndeed,
known in later German legend, was farm had they known the otterwas Loh descended through amaze of. Hreidmar was soon after killed by
a craftsman dwarf who lost his the farmer's son. So, eventually, dripping tunnels to an under- his son Fafnir, who then ran away
hoard of treasure to the fire god Hreidmar settled on a death-price: ground lake, where he caught a with the cursed treasure
LoKt. On an expedition to Midgard enough gold to cover Otter's skin, large pike. This fish, like the otter The hero SIGURDwas later Per-
(the land of men), Loh killed a inside and out. Becausethe flayed before, tumed out to be more than suaded by his foster-father Regrnto
sleeping otter with a stone. skin was endowed with magic it firsr seemed For it was in fact the pursue Fafnir, who had bY this
Carrying the dead otter, he, oDIN powers, it was capable of being dwarf Andvari, who was the nchest time become a dragon The hero
and noNlR came acrossa farm and stretched to a great size and so no of those who dwelt underground duly searched for the creature and
offered to share the otter's meat ordinary amount of gold could be Only because of Loki's terrible eventually found it in its lair and
with the household in retum for a acceptedin compensation. threats, Andvari sunendered all his slew it. However, when Sigurd
night's lodgings. To the horror of Loh was allowed by Hreidmar immense hoard of gold, including reahzed that for the sake of the
HREIDI4AR,the farmer, the offering to seek this great treasure, while his magic gold-making ring. But in reasure Regrn intended to kill him
was none other than his own son Odin and Honir (in some versions his anger the dwarf laid a terrible in tum, he made sure that he slew
OTTER.Finstof all, Hreidmarchant- just Honir) remained at the farm as curse on the ring which would his foster-father first. Thus it was
ed aspell toweaken his guests and hosuges. The fire god was not per- causethe doom ofwhoeverwore ir. that Andvari's curse continued to
then his two suwivingsons, FAFNIR mitted to wear his sky-shoes,how- When Loki retumed to the farm cling to the stolen gold and
and Rrcnv, bound them hand and ever, and these were also kept as with the gold and Odin and Honir brought about the death of all
foot. Odin protested their inno- security against Loki's return. were released, he told Hreidmar of those who attempted to Possessit
cence and pointed out that they Having borrowed the drowning-net Andvari's curse and in this way (Seealso RINGSOFPowER)


ArucnrooeQet't) mothered a dreadful

broodoJmonsters - a rottingg1rl,Hel;a
sayage wo[, Fenir;anda glontserpent,
Jormungand - whowuebanished bythe
godsHere,Odinflingstheserpent intothe
iq deep, whileAngrboda guardshu wolf-
child (tr;:usrrurrc:,N

the sun and the moon, as his price

for the eighteen-monrh rask Ar
LOKI's suggestion, ODIN set the
seemingly impossible Iimit of six
months for the constnrction of
fugard's walls As a concession the
stonemasonwas allowed to use his
horse, the magic Svadilfari,to help
him in the work. To the horror of
the gods he had finished all the
walls, except a gateway,three days
before the time was up So Loh
transformed himself inro a mare
and beguiled the stonemason's
sullion, thus prevendngthe com-
pledon of thejob The stonemason
then revealed himself as a frost
ANCRBODA, or Angerboda Although Angrboda's children grey wolf watches the halls of rhe giant and tHoR broke his skull with
(" Distress-bringer"), in Germanic were thus contained, Odin knew gods" With this threat in mind, he his hammer It is ironic that the
mythology, was a frosr giantess. rhat the wolf Fenrir would break had no choice but ro garher to his defences of Asgard should have
She was rhe misrress of LOKI and free at MGNAROK,the day of doom, side the greatestchampions been built by the labour of a frost
the mother of three monstrous and destroy him The sea serpenr giant, given rhe bitter enmity
offspring: rhe wolf FENRIR, the ser- Jormungand also awaited the final ASCenO, in Germanic myth- between the gods and the giants
pentJOR.NfUNGAND, and a daughter conflict, like his sister Hel "sur- ology, was the divine stronghold of Indeed, ar MGNAROXthese rwo
named HEL.When the gods heard rounded by corpses and swirling the AESIR,who were the younger enemies were destined to meet in a
about this brood, rhey agreed thar death-mist" in the netherworld A and sronger branch of the family of batde of mutual destrucdon.
such creaturesmusr be deah with tenth-century Danish complainr gods. The other branch, the vANIR, The idea of ciry walls that were
quickly. A group of gods broke into about Odin's withdrawal of luck lived in Vanaheim. fugard's mlghry built by giants is a widespread
Angrboda's hall ar night, bound from brave wariors is answered in walls were built by a stonemason, myth in Europe The walls of
and gaggedher, and rook her and terrns of Angrboda's brood Odin Hrimthurs, who named the hand TinTns in southem Greece, for
Loh's children ro ASGARD. is supposed to havesaid that "the of the ferdlirygoddessFRE[,A,plus example, were believed to have
ODIN first banished Hel ro rhe been construcredby rhe Cyclopes,
"world beneath the worlds" and who were giant, one-eyedbeings.
there he put her in charge of ail the There is also a srory of a dispute
inglorious dead. He rhen hurled over Payment for the snengthening
Jormungand inro rhe ocean,where of Troy's walls by the gods rrpollo
the huge snake smashed through and Poseidon and King l-aomedon,
the ice and sank down into the which is not dissimilar to the above
depths. Odin was Iesscertain what story conceming fugard's walls
to do wirh Fenrir, so ar first he (Seealso MGNAROK)
decided that rhe gods should keep
an eyeon him at fugard. However, Asc.*ot Qeft)walkwrebuiltbya gpant
when the NoIWS, the goddessesof stonemason, Hrimthurs,
destiny, wamed that rhe wolf wondrous horse,SvadilJariThegodsgave
would bring abour Odin's dearh himonly sixmonthsto complete theworh,
action was finally raken to bind hopingto avordpaymentHeneafi
Fenrir securely with a magic chain on timebutwas thwartdbylohi's
and keep him in captiviry. fichery (Itusrnenol ByH HENDRICH,
c lg90)

Nonsr MvrHoLocY

AUOHUMIA was rhe primeval

cow in Germanic mythology. This
creature was the first animal to
emerge from GINNUNGAGAP ("the
yawning emptiness") at the start of
creation From Audhumla's teats
"flowed four rivers of milk", nour-
ishment enough for YMIR,the first
frost giant and the first live thing of
all. From Ymir's children descend-
ed the frost gians, the implacable
enemiesof the gods. The cow her-
self seemsto have suwived on the
goodness that she obtained from
an icy salt lick. fu she licked, first
some hair appeared,then a head,
and finally the whole body of a
man, BURI.In time Buri had a son
named BoR,who married Bestla,
rhe daughter of a frost giant. Their
sonswere the first gods, ODIN,WLI
AsGAw, (abwe) the magnificent strong- Auotruute, below), the ongnalcw, BeneYece bottom ight) was a Slavonic and tt. These three battled against
hold oJthe Aesirgods,shimmeredon a emergedJromthepimal ice at the dawn witch of monstraus sze who prqed on rhe frost gians and finally slew
plane aboveMdgard Within, therewere of time, and nouished thefirstfrost g1ant, travellers,donuring thar fleshwith a Ymir. fu the giant fell the blood
countlessshining glittuinghalk Jor each Ymir. Shesuwived by liching icefrom mouth that stretchedJromearth toheII. She from his wounds flooded the land
of the gods lsgard was linlud to Midgard which shefreed the Jirst man, Bu'i Here, wasseenas ahunchedhag bearded,Wrt- and drowned all his frost children,
by an etherealpathwayJor the gods,a while Ymir suchbshcr milh, Audhumla woman, part-tree Here,perchedon a except for BERGELMIR and his wife
wondrousrainbw bndgecalled BiJrost liclu Bunfree of the ice (Aupnuuuay rolling log shepropelk herselffow ord with who managed to escape
(Ir-r-usrnerror Lrc,1984
ByALAN ) NAAEILGAARD, cANVAs, c 1790) a pole ttuusrufloNsyI Bruilu,1900)
Bnnn YAGA, somerime s Jezr
Baba, is the hideous man-eating
lemale demon of Slavonic rradidon.
According to some versions of her
myth,her mouth is said to stretch
from earth to the gates of hell. She
Iived in a strangehouse which had
legs like a chicken's at each comer,
and stood inside a fence made of
human bones When she wished
to travel, it was believed that she
flew in an iron ketde.


BeI-nEn, somerimes Baldr or Betoen, alwingand gentlesoul,spread god rerumed to the assemblyof the
Baldur. was rhe son of oDIN and light and goodwillwhera,er he went but, gods and found everyonethrowing
FRIGGand rhe "bleeding god" of inevitably,evohedthe enry of the things at Balder, except blind
Germanic mythology His wrfe was bitter godlnhi, who plottedhis Hodr. Pretending to help Hodr
'' ..,W-
Nanna and their son, FORSETI,
was tra,glc death and impisoftment in enjoy the sport, Loki gave him the
the god ofjustice Hel This romantic portrayal captures the branch of mistletoe and directed
As a young man, Balder sacred,Chnst-lihe goodness
of the god his throw, with the result that the
was tormented by night- (BALDER BY B FOGELBERG,uenalf, 1840 ) branch passed right through
mares, all of which indicat- "i',;.' Balder,who immediately fell down
ed that he was about to die gods decided to test Balder'snew dead At Frigg's entrearyHERMOD,
A sense of foreboding, rherefore, invulnerabiliry by throwing srones Balder'sbrother, was sent to HELin
settled over ASGARD,the home of and spearsat him wrth great force, order to oflfera ransom for Balder.
the gods, as the divine inhabitants he remained unharmed All in He used the eight-legged Sleipnir
tned to understand rhe meaning of fugard were delighted except LOKI, for the joumey While Hermod was
Balder'sdreams Theywere deepiy the god of fire He was so annoyed away, the bodies of Balder and
puzzled because the genrle god by Balder'sescapefrom danger that Nanna, who had died of gnef, were
least deservedto suffer such tor- he transformedhimseif into an old placed on a pyre in a longship
ments. So Odin rode his eighr- woman and vrsited Fngg's hall. ln which was allowed to drift buming
leggedsreedsLEIrNIRto the land of conversation with the goddess, out to sea.
the dead and by means of magic Loh leamed that she had received
Ieamed from a seeressthere that a promise of harmlessnessfrom all BALDER's bodywaslaidona pyrein his
Balderwas to be killed by the blind things except the misdetoe, which longshipandhewasthencweredin
god ruoon, his own brother, wirh a travelled through the nine worids was a plant too small and too feeble treasureanddecorated wtthflowersand
branch Although depressedby thrs and got each and every thing ro to bother about thoms,theemblems ofsleepHisshipwas
news, Odin retumed to fugard and swearan oath that ir would do her Armed with this information, setaflameandpushed outtoseawhereit
found that his wife Frigg had a son no harm To Odin's relief this Loki went off to cur some mistle- shone bightly,bejoresinhingintodarhness
plan to save Balder The goddess plan seemed to work When rhe toe In his normal shape the fire (Fuurner oF A VIKNG By F DrcKsEE, ceNvrc, 1893 )

Nonse MvrHoLocY

In the netherworld the brave trusry sword Like Anhur, he was

Hermod found his brother Balder fortunare to find another magic
seatedin a high position. When he weapon in the water and he used
asked for his release, Hel said this to finish off Grendel's mother.
Balder could leave only on con- Having once again saved King
dition that "everything in the nine Hrothgar's kingdom from danger,
worlds, dead and alive, wept for Beowulf retumed home to south-
him" Messengerswere sent out em Sweden,where his father ruled
and soon even the stones were Towards the end of his popular
weeping But THOKK,an old frost reign a dragon attacked his land
giantess,refused, saying, "Let Hel Going out wrth rwelve followers to
hold what she has." So upset were slay the fiery beast, Beowulf soon
the gods at this refusal to mourn found himseif almost on his own,
that it took some time for them to for all his companions but one ran
realue that Thokk was none other awayin terror Although he man-
than Loh in disguise Nevertheless, aged to hll the dragon, it was at the
Balder remained with Hel cost of his own life.
Balder's good looks and early In contrast to the Celtic myths
death recall the myths of the that describecombat with water-
Egyptian Osiris and the Sumerian giants, the Germanic stories tell of
Tammuz, aswell as that of Adonis, heroes who face actual monsters
who was the dying-and-rising god rather than magical opponents.
the ancient Greeks adopted from BEowuLF,seenhere with raiseddnnhing break away by losing an arrn. This is quite unlike the great Ulster
the Phoenicians.For the Germanic horn, gazesup at the gory trophy hanging Mortallywounded, the water mon- hero and champion Cuchulainn's
peoplesbelieved that the retum of ster fled to its home, deep in a near- beheadingcontestwith Uath, or Sir
Jrom the splendidvault oJDenmarh's
the wounded, dying Balderwould VictoryHall Theglanthairyhand by lake, and bled to death. Gawain's with the Green lfuight,
occur in a new world, a green land belongedto thefearsomeseamonster, Delighted by this feat of courage for in these traditions their mon-
risen from the sea,after MGNAROK, Grendel, who had continually terroized and strength, King Hrothgar loaded strous opponents were able to
the doom of the gods. Like the un- and dwoured the Danes, until Beou,ulJtore Beowulf with gifts, since his king- restorethemselvesto life after they
dead Celtic KingAnhur, Balderwas the creature'sarm nght out of its sochet dom had been rid of a menace.But had been decapimted
expected [o retum and rule over a (lLr-usrtucfloN Lrr.,1981)
ByALAN neither the king nor the warrior
world cleansedby reckoned on Grendel's mother, an Beowutr,arcnin hisoldage,tachledJire'
would seemthat some of the initial Beowun wrestleswith a monstrous even more dreadful creature She breathingdragonsYetneitherhismight
appeal of Christianiry in northem merwomanin the crystal cavernof her returned to the attack and ate armour,
norhist'abled craJtedbyWayland,
Europe was connected with the tri- undemvatqden GrievingJor the death oJ another sleeping warrior In Pur- couldwithstandthedragon'scrushing
umphant retum of the risen Christ her son,Grndel, slainby BeowulJ,the suit. Beowulf followed her into a teethBeowulJ wasmortallywoundedin the
on Judgement Day. (See also lake and dived down to her cavem- combat, buthedidnotdiebeforeseeingthe
memvoman Jrenry, but BewulJ
Jought :v'
RAGNAROK) battled calmlyand toohherW surpise like lair A desperatestruggle then dragon's Jorhispeople
Ar.e,&c^rprn, took place and Beowulf lost his (lrlusrncrtoN BYJAMES
Auxaruorn, 1995)

Bru-oR seeBALDER


BEOWULF was rhe Germanic

hero who slew wo water monsters.
He was said to be the nephew of
the king o[ Geats, whom some
interpret as theJutes. His story is
set in Denmark. One night a dread-
ful crearure known as GMNDEL
came to the hall of King Hrothgar
and ate one of the wanions sleeping
there. Although inrmlnerable to
weapons, Grendel was seized by
Beowulf and held in a powerful
grip, from which it could only

Nonsr MyrHoLocy

BenCflMIR, according ro Ger- continue the race of gianrc, who

manic mythology, was the son of neverlost their harred for rhe gods
Thrudgelmir and the grandson of Ar RacruaRoxrhe frost gianrs and
YMIR When ODIN, VILI and vE the dead of HEr were desrined ro
hlled Ymir and rhrew his body into settle the final account for Ymir's
rhe middle of GTNNUNGA GAp, all dismemberrnent
the frost giants drowned in rhe
grant'sblood exceprBergelmirand BIEnOST, in Germanic myrh-
his wife By using a hollowed rree olory, was the flaming three-srrand
trunk as a boat, rhey escaped to rainbow bridge berween ASGARD
and Midgard (heaven and earrh
respectively) [t was said ro have
been built by the gods our of red
fire, greenwater and blue air, and
was guardedby rhe watchman god
HEIMDALLEvery day rhe gods rode
acrossthe bndge ro hold meerings
at the rr"ellof uRp

Btlt tNC, in Germanic myth-

ology, was rhe farher o[ ntruo
According to some traditions, he
was king of the Rurhenians, or
Russians So strong-willed was
Rrnd rhar ODINcould norwoo her,
BIFRosr (above)wqs a glganticrainbow even though Billing approved of Brncrrutn below) andhis wife werethe BtruNc (above) gazes in wonderat the
causeway, reachingJrom the shining the god's suir On rhe conrary, she onlyfrost glantsto escapedrowningin glittmng tinhetsJashioned bythedwarf
citadel of Asgard to theearthly realm of treatedrhe chief of rhe Germanic the torrent of Ymir's blood thatflowedfrom goldsmith Rosterus Unhnown to King
Midgard Composedof fre, water and air, gods wirh undisguisedconrempr his morTalwoundsThryjournqed in a BiIIing,thedwarfis Odinin disguise,
tt shimmeredwith rainbow-colouredlight Eventually, however, she gave way hollowed-outtree trunh to the edgeof the wasintentonwooingthehing'sdaughter,
in huesoJred, blue and green Over the to his advancesand she bore a son, world wherethq founded the realm oJ Rind Shewasdestined tobearOdina son,
etherealarch, thegodsmovedto andfro vALr, who killed Hopn with his Jotunheimand bred a noy rlce oJ glants VaIi,whowouldavenge Balder'sdeath
(lLLtrsrnarroru ar AL4N Lee, 1984 ) bow and arrow (lr-r-usrnerroru
ByNlcKBreu. 1995) (Ilrusrnerroru

BOn was rhe son of BURI,hus-

band of the granr Bestlaand father
of ODIN,VILI and \rE An ancient
god, Bor lived in rhe time before
the world had been made, when
there was no earth, sky or sea,only
mist, ice, fire and the gaping pir of
GINNUNGAGAP Bor's father-in-law,
the giant Bolthur, also had a son
who imparred his wisdom ro his
nephew Odin.

BnnCl was rhe son of oDrN and

Gunnlod, a female giant, and was
the Germanic god of poerry and
eloquence He was married to
IDUN, rhe goddess who kept the
maglc apples of yourh When LOra
retumed ro ASGARD,afrer being
instrumental in causing BALDER's
death, Bragi, who was never at a
loss forwords, told him rhat he was
Nonse MvrHoLoGY

unwelcome company at their feast even more threatening He finallY THT BruSNTNGS BRisINGs
Enraged, Loki called Bragi "the prophesied the destruction of the
bragger", whereupon Bragi threat- gods and then fled from fugard BNUNHILD SCC
ened to twist off Loh's head as the Possibly Bragi was a lare addi-
only sure method of stopping his tion to the Germanic pantheon It BNYNHILD WASAVALI<YRIE WhO
Iies Although Odin tned to calm is not unlikely that Bragi was added defied oDIN and so was banished
the gathering, the effect of Bragi's through the dMne elevation of a to earth and imprisoned within a
words on Loki was to make him poet, since in Germanic courts ring of fire When SIGURDbraved
poets were venerated second only the fire and broke her charmed
Bnecl (aba,e)wasbornin a glitteing Tnr BTsruGAMEN below) wa.san to kings. Bragi was portrayed as an sleep, they fell in love. He gaveher
stalactite cave, wherehts mother, Gunnlod, uquisite nechlacecraftedby dwarJsso old, bearded man carrying a harp, his nng, Andvannaut, unawareof
guarded the Mead oJPoetry, until seduced fnely that it shonelllu liquid jome The and when oaths were swom they its curse. On his travelshe was be-
by Odin The dwarfsgavethet'air child a goddessFrqja, besideherselfwith longng were solemnized by speakingover witched by Grimhild into berapng
magicalharp and sethim aJloaton one of treaure An
pad dmrly Jor possessingthe a vesselcalled the Cup of Bragi Brynhild, first by marrying Gudrun
thar fne-craJted vessekJrom whichhe sang emblemoJthe stars,it so enhancedher and rhen by helping Gunner win
hrspoignantSongoJLifewhichroseto the beauty that shewore it continually, night BRTSTNCNMEN SCCRINGSOF Brynhild On discoveringSigurd's
hem,ar (luusrpcnoN HyRD,
ByPETER 18f,2) ByJPENRosE,
and day 0uusrnrnoru c 1890
) POWER betrayal, Brynhild planned his
death, but then killed herself in
THr BruStNcS, also known as despair (Seealso THEVALKfRIES,
the Brisdings,were the mysterious LOYERS)
owners of a golden necklace,called
the Brisingamen, that the fertility BURI, in Germanic mythology,
goddess FREYAcraved To ODIN's was rhe ancestor of the gods He
disgust she slepr on four successive was released from the ice by
nights with the dwarfs Alfrigg, AUDHUMIA.the primeval cow One
Dvalin, Berling and Grer in order to day Buri's hair appearedwhere she
acquire it. When she retumed to licked; on the secondday, his head
ASGARD,Odin accusedher of de- was free of ice; and, on the third,
basing her diviniry by payrngsuch his entire body He had a son, BoR,
a price As a penance he made her who married a frost giantess,and
stir up war in Midgard, the worid of their sons were ODIN,VILIand \rE
men Freyja and Odin shared those
slain on the battlefield BRvNHILD, VallEies,
No agreementexistsabout the waspunished byOdinJor meddlingwrth
meaning of this strangemyth, not hiswill inwarfareThegodputhutosleep
Ieast because the identity of the andimpisonedherin a nngoffre, where
Brisings is unknown It has been herofreed
shewouWremainuntila peerless
suggestedthat necklaceswere the her OnlySigurdbravedthescorchingJire,
specialadomment of mother god- sleep
wahingho from hr enchanted
desses,but this hardly does more (llrusrncno^i BYARTHUR
RAcKtl M, c 1900)

than explain Freyja'sattraction to

this particular one. What seems
more likely is that the sexualprice
Frefa paid for it represents the
other side of love, namely, blind
passion and lust Nothing could
stop her, not even Odin's great
disapproval, when she desired
something badly enough The
Brisingamen came to be identified
so closely with Frepa that when
THORwished to disguisehimself as
the goddess to rerieve his hammer
from THRYM,she lent it to him to
make his costume convincing (See


HE DRAMATTc LANDSCApE of scandinavia,with is electric skies, icy wastes
and seethingsprings,was easilypeopled with nature spirits. such spirits
roamed the mountains and snow slopes as fearsomefrost, storrn and fire
giants, personi$dngthe mysteriousand menacingforcesof nature. So great
were the telrors of crushing ice and searingfire rhat the giants loomed large in the
Norse myths as evil and ominous forces.Yetother less dramaticbut no lessimportant
spirits were the invisible landvaettir,or land spirits, who imbued the land and guarded
its welfare. Helpful and timid, the landvaettir easlly took fright, shyrng away from
Viking dragon ships. In the undergound cavems,dark dwarfs unearthed glittering
gems and metals,while light elvesinspired the forestsand lakes.In Slavonicmyrh, a
host of vital forces filled
the world and imbued
the forests, fields and
rivers wi rh whirling
spirits of nature.

Tne Fnosr Grnrurs (below)personifiedthe iq

teftors oJthe Nordic landscapeMighry,menactng
and numbing, the ice masses
of the North werec
constantthreat to the Norsemen,much lihe theJrost
glants,whoseundytng enmity wouldoyerwhelmthe
godsat Ragnaroh In the intenm, theJrostglants
sentfreezngblasts to nip the budsoJsping, or
Jrom their iqt shouldersand brows
(RcrNoere ar NrcHr at H SoHrnrnc, cANVAi. c 1890 )

Tnr Sunv(above),in one myth,

wasfashionedby the godsfrom a
bright sparh ofJire Its glou,ingorb
wasplacedin a chaiot, drawnby
two white stee&and drivnhy the
sun-maid, Sol Feaing tlnt the
sun's heat mifitt be harmful, the
go& placed a shieH, Svalin, or
CooW, inJront of the golden car
In anothq myth, the godsgne a
g1ant,Day, a clwnot andhones n
drwe round the eanh once e''tay 24
hours. Day's horse, Shining Mane,
litup the earth and slq with the
radiance of his shininghair. (sw
GTLDED c 10008C)
Nonse N,tvrHoLOGY

nar 0eft), a stormyspint of the seu,reflectedthe shfting Denx DwaRr-s @elow) -*te lotmed from mup4ots tn tht

moodsoJ the ocean, somettmes rottrngfesh o/ the siarn .Eant, Ymtr Thc gods thought them

harmful Shegatheredsatktrsrn her drowntngnetand too ugly to be sten, howa'er, uncl condemned them to a lfe

rlrag4edthemdown to thedepthsoJ thesta There,wtth undergound Lrire ganr-s. tht,- tttmecl to -stoneIn dctr-hght,

her husband,Aegr, sheenttrtainedherviclim.srn her thus aplatmng the mam srnaller stons-s and r ochs scattered

gleamrngcoral caves,whichwerelx Lrythe shrning goldol across the Nordic landscape The twin pettks ofTrold

fintlteme , for e,xample, cre two bands ol\NanlngdwarJs who

the sea Ranloved gold,named the FlameoJtfu Sea.aJttr
(#alit\/ of ltordtc wave.sSatlors seekrng As dwatJs had a httbtt ol
the Jluorescent forgot to retre(lt beJttre sunnv

Ran'sfovour wiselypochetedsone goldJrv rhe tnp v'hrspmngbehtnd rochs, the mttuntuin tthoes v'er( knott'n us

( I L L L\ l R 4 l ( ) \ BI ARTHtR R{akHA\l, t l90C I

" d**ufs' talk" Iiil ' ttq ti, )\ tsiqi-'1\i I F i 9s4 )

S-'r L :1.

Tsr Rtlnr tr4qtorNs (abovd rvereetherul spntesv'ho

m lakesand nters dunng thett'inter,emergngfrom
1nsummcr The nt'er's
thett'aterto lltt throughtheforest-s
colour.s wrth
then tmphs'moods,tumtngbluch.
gnef whenthe RhrneMardenslost thcrr gold Htre, the
RhmeMdrdens rhe
to the godscrossing
ratnbott'bntlge abot't 'ttr'. \rR4ri( j\ E] {RfHl R R{(kr/4\1 r' la00 ;

Rocx eNo Srom,l Gr.qNrs persontlted the vost crdlgr

mountdlns and storm clouds Rocky thastn.s an(l oLtt(ro?s

uere created fu gants treatltng too hear,tly at the dawn oJ

time Best sutted to mrst and fog the mountaln gants. Lrkc

dwafs, were petnfred bv the light of dt+', which explains

someJ a ntostrc r o ch.t' ormat i ons, .su ch a-sth e Rtescngehr ge

(nght), formed bl foohsh grants who were caught outstde at

slinnsr Snntlarly, tn lcelantl tht hrghest peuhs are named

lohul whrch dmvts Jrom Jotun ot Gtant

ilr rL-srRrnat\lt Ntct BEAIEl9g5 l

Nonse MyrHoLocy

DAZHBOG was the Slavrc sun

god, known as Dabog to rhe Serbs
and Dazbog ro rhe Poles Son of
Svarog, rhe god of the sky, and
brother of svenazlC, god of fire, he
was bom again everymoming and
rode through the slcy on his dia-
mond chanor unril he becamean
old man in rhe evening In some
versions he is married to MyESyATs,
the moon, and quarrels between
them are said ro causeeanhquakes




THe EtNHrn;AR were the

"heroic dead" of Germanic myth-
olory Theywere garheredfrom the
battlefields by rhe vALr<rRtESIn
vALHALLA,rhe Einherjar formed
ODIN's private army, which he FRnNtn, son of rhe magician beast of RqcNaRoK,rhe doom of THE ErunrR/A& or
raised ro fight ar RAGNAROK, the HREIDMAR, was comrpted by the the gods His was "an axe-ag?,a gatheredupJrom thebottlefeldby the
doom of rhe gods This was the cursed ring Andvarinaut Lusting sword-age,a wind-age, a wolf-age, VallEieswho gallopedarcr theJray,
final battle between rhe gods and after the fabulous ring-hoard, he before the wrechng of rhe world". choosingthe bravesthuoesJor Odin's
the frosr giants on the WGRIDPlain. slew his farher, helped by his ODIN, the chief of the gods, was ghostlyarmy A chosenherosawa soaing
Until then, these dead warriors brother REGIN Greed made him destined to become his vicrim VollEriejustbeforetheJatalblw GHERoe
would fight every day and feast monstrous in nature and form, as Kidnapped by the gods and oF THE VALKYRTESBy W T MAUD, cANVAs, c jg90
every nighr, and any wounds they he tumed inro a dragon ro guard brought to AscARo where rhey
sustained were magically healed. his hoard The legend of his rrea- could keep an eye on him, Fenrir mouth was kept open by a sword
(Seealso rHE vALKrRrEs) sure drew many aspiring heroes to was so savagethat oniy the war god so he could not bire.
his lair in search of fame and for- rrn dared to feed him At first Odin When freed from captivity at
FanNtRslayshisJather,Hradmar,because tune Most mer their dearhson the was uncertain about the wolf, but Ragnarok, Fenrir was a fearsome
bythetreasuretrovestolen blasted heath ourside his lair, bur when the NORNS,rhe goddessesof spectacle His vast mourh gapedso
from thedwarfAndvai Thedwarfs cursed the yourhful sicuno, armed with destiny, wamed him about his own wide that the lower jaw touched
ing canbeseenglitteingonHreidmqr'
s his father's sword and guided by fate, he decided that Fennr should rhe ground and the upper one
ashewithesin thedustBehind Regin, outwirted the dragon and
forefinger be restrained No chain, however, reached the sky, and Odin was
thewaningpair,thegodsgazeonin numb won his ill-fared reasure was strong enough ro hold rhe ani- swallowed by him
dismay lttusrnarn9 BYF yoN Sussilt, l9l4 ) mal Finaliy, rhe dwarfs made a
FenneUTI ("Cruel srriker") was magic fetter called Gleipnir from FnNrus seeFENRIR
a giant and father of the fire god strange materialssuch as the r00ts
LOKI According to one tradirion, of a mountain and bird's spitrie Flnltn and his brother Galar, in
his wife was anorher giant, Laufey Although it seemedto be a silken Germanic mythology, were the
("Tree isldnd") who gavebirth to ribbon, Fenrir would nor have it wicked dwarfs who killed the wise
Loki when hir by a lightning bolt round his neck unless one of rhe man KVASIRin order to gain his
unleashed by Farbauti Little else is gods put his hand berween hrsjaws magic powers They mixed his
known of Loh's paren6. as a pledge that it was as harmless blood with honey in a cauldron
as it seemed Tyr was the only one and made a mead rhat besrowed
FeNntn, or Fenris,according to prepared ro risk his hand, and the wisdom Bur Fjalarand Galarlost
Germanic mythologr, was the son other gods laughed when the wolf the wonderful drink to Sutrung, a
of the mischief-making god roxi bit it off on finding that the chain frost grant whose paren$ they had
and the frost giantessANGRBODA could not be broken Fenrir was also kiiled Unlike the dwarfs,
He was the devouring wolf, the then secured to a rock and his Suttung was boastful abour his

acquisition and it was not long

before the gods heard about the
mead. ODINhimself decided that
he would go to JoTUNHEIM,the
Iand of the frost gianm, and laY
hold of the magic drink, Disguised
as evil Bolverk, he journeyed to
Jotunheim and persuadedthe frost
giant Baugi to tunnel through a
mountain to where Suttung kePt
the mead under the care of his
daughter Gunnlod. Once the hole Fonsrn, theJair god oJjustice, was a
was drilled, Odin changed his Solomon-liheforcefor peace He sat in
shape from Bolverk's to a snake, judgement in his goldenhall, Glitnir, and
and slithered downwards to the settled the disputesoJ godsand men,
hidden treasure as quickly as he allaying stiJe and resolvingfeudsHe nuer
could. Reaching the secret cave, he failed to reconcileeventhe bitterestJoes
changed himself into a handsome (lrrusrnertorBvNICKBULE,1995)
one-eyed giant and for three days
and nighs he was Gunnlod's lover. fermentation. To put rhe seal on
The passionategiantesslet Odin their peace agreement the two
drink up every drop of the mead, branches of the gods, the,arsiR and
before he turned himself into an the VANIR, had spat into a jar, and
eagleand flew back to ASGARD,the it was from the spittle that Kvasir
Fer.rRIn(abwe), thewolJJathtedby Lohi, F.;.a.r,+n
belw) andhisbrother Galar slew home of the gods. There he sPat had been formed. Spittle, like yeast,
wasso satage that the godschainedhim to the wise Kvasirand drainedhis blood to the mead into jars left empry for his causes fermentation, and so when
an undergroundroch Only a maglcal cord extract his wisdom Two glisteningbowk retum Suttung gave chase as Flalar and Galar mixed Kvasir's
tobindhim Here,the
was strongenough and the Kettleof Inspiration clntained the another eagle,but just failed to blood with honey in a cauldron
catch Odin. they created a magical mead The
bravegod Tyrfetters Fenrir at the costof maglcalfluid, which the brothers mixed
wtthhonq to producethe goldenMead of ln the account of Kvasir'sdeath, connection berween insPiration,
hts ovn hand, which he placed in the wolf s
Poetry (Iuusrnartoru 1995)
BYJAMES it is clear that this is a myth about poetry and wisdom and some form
mouth as a signoJtrust (Drc.,8m
of potent drink occurs in several
mythological radidons

FOnSffI was the Germanic god

of jusdce, and was known to the
Frisiansas Forsite He was the son
of neronn and Nanna Both of his
parents were killed, his father
stabbed by a piece of mistletoe,
rhrown unwitringly by the blind
god noon, and his mother with a
broken heart shonly after this raglc
event. Although Forseti plays only
a relatively small role in Germanic
mythology, we are told in demil
that his hall of Glitnir "had pillars
of red gold and a roof inlaid wrth
silver " There he sat in judgement
and resolvedstrife

Fnrn seeFREUA


Fnryn seeFREYJA

Nonse MyrHoLocy

Fnrrye, the voluptuous,blue-eyed Frefa's greatest treasure was Fnnn ("Lord"), somedmesFrey, Fnru,l helow) Jla,t over the earth,
goddessof lwe, rode in a chaiot drawn the BRISINGS'necklace. which she was the twrn brother of the spnnhling morning don and summer
by cats, which were rymbolsoJ her warm obtained by sleeping with irc four Germanic ferdlity goddess FRDgA. sunlightbehindher She shoohsping
alfections Accompaniedby a JlochoJ dwarf makers Her beaury won her Their father was NJORo,the god
flowersJrom her golden hair and wept tears
airborne love spiits, shetoured heavanand many admirers, including OTTAR, associatedwirh the wind and the which turnedto gold,or to amberat sea
earth in searchof her rovinghusband, whom she changed inro a boar sea Freyr, with ootN and THOR, Shewasso beautlful that shewas wooed
Odur, sheddingtears of gold all thewhile She was said ro be a sorceresswho was one of rhe principal gods He and pwsued by all liwng creatures
(Fnrv;n av NJ O BLoMMER, c,qrvvns, 1852
.) could fly in a falcon's skin Some was marnly concemed wirh feniliry, (IlrusrncrroN
syF voNSressH.r,
19t4 )
tradirions state that, on her arrival having conrrol of sunlighr, rain,
Fnfv;A ("Lady"), somerimes in fugard, she taughr the gods the fruitfulness and peace His
rirle of
known as Freya or Frea, was the spells and charms of the Vanir Skin means "shining", and the
daughrer of rhe sea god NJoRDin Both Odin and Frefa took an name of the frost giantess he mar-
Germanic myrhology and sisrer of interestin rhe heroic dead, dividing ried, GrRoe, derives from "field"
FREyR.She was an importanr fertil- the slain berween rhem ar the end As late as 1200, Freyr's statue in
ity goddessand a member of rhe of every battle Odin's share wenr his temple ar Uppsala, Sweden was
YANIR,one of the two branches to live invALIIALI q, while Frefa's noted for the size of its penis
inro which the Germanic gods were lived in her hall, Sessrumnir [t is Possiblyfor this reason the Romans
divided After awar the Vanir seem possible that Fref a's losr husband had always identified him with
ro have been supplanted by the Odur, or Od, of whom norhing is Priapus, the virile son of Dionysus
younger AESIR,who were led by known but his name, was Odin. and Aphrodite Although a mem-
ODIN When peace was agreed For she was rhe goddess of lust as ber of the VANIRby descent, Freyr
benveen rhe rwo sides, Njord wenr well as love, a suitable partner for moved ro ASGARDro live with the
wirh Freyr and Freyja ro ASGARD, Odin who was rhe farher of barrles AEslR,the younger branch of rhe
where they lived with the Aesir as a and the lover of destruction (See gods under the leadership of Odin,
token of friendship also SORCERYAND SPEUS) alongwith his father Njord and his


Fnrn (ndrl), a gatb godofsummtrsun plant that she did not bother about
waslordof theJairyrealm
and.shouters, it This proved to be a mistake
oJAlftam,homeoJtheLtghtElvesHere, because the fire god roru got the
hets sailinghisship,Shidblndnir, blind god uoon to throw a branch
persontfyng thecbudsHs Jlnshing *vord, of mistletoe at Balder which killed
symbohznga sutbeam, foughtoftx wn him. Frigg's subsequent effon to
accord0uusrnenox ALE&{N
ryJ^MEs DER,1gg5
) have her son releasedfrom rhe land
of the dead also failed, because
sister Freyja, as a gesture of good- Loh refused to moum on behalf of
will that had been ageed at the end Balder Thus it would seem that
of the war between the Vanir and Frigg was a ferriliry. goddess not
the Aesir. unlike the Sumerian deity Inanna,
Freyr's myth is about his woo- though she lacked rhat goddess's
ing of Gerda, the daughter of the ability to enter the netherworld
frost giant Gymir When Frep first F.igg has much in common
saw Gerda he immediately fell in with nnrY_1aAlthough her role as
love with her, and becausehe did consort of Odin shows her to be a
not lcnow how to gain her affection devoted wife and mother. she roo
he became ill Njord became so possessesa falcon skin and has a
worried about him that he asked great passion for gold ft is quite
his faithful servant Skimir to find possible that the two goddesses
out what was amiss. Having had their ongins in a single earth-
leamed of this love, Shmirwent to mother deiry
JOTUNHEIM, rhe land of the gians,
taking two of Freyr's greatest FruCCN SCCFRIGG
treasures,his magic horse and his
magic sword The servant was declare her love for Freyr in retum the fertiliry god with an agreement FruJn see FRrGG
instructed to bring Gerda back to for "eleven of the applesof youth" to meet Freyr in a forest in nine
fugard, whether her father liked it She refused both this gift and days' time In this way the passion FruTHIOF SCCTMGICLOYER5
or not. On reaching Gymir's hall, Skimir's second offer of one of of Freyrwas fulfilled, though ir cost
Skimir tned to persuade Gerda to Odin's arm-rings Gerda'sresolve him his horse and sword which he GNTNTNN SCCGEFION
was only strengthened further gave ro Skimir At nacruaRoK,the
Fnrcc belout),a datyoJtheatmosphue, when Skirnir then threatened to doom of the gods, he sorelymissed FRrGGenloyed thepivilegeoJsittingbeside
spunlongpearlywebsoJcloudfrom her decapitate her with Freyr s sword. his mighry magic weapon, since it herhusband, Odin,onhisJabulous throne,
jovelleddistaffwhichshone in thenightslE Finally, Skimir said that he would could fight giants on its own (See ,fromwherethedivinepaircould
astheconstellation of Fng's Spinning impose on her an unbreakablespell AND TALISMANS:
also TREASURES viav the nine worlds, witnessing events

\Mheel Herheron plumes rymbolizehu that would make her a perrnanent TMGIC LOYERS) present andfuture Aparagon oJ silence,

discretion,whileherhrys stgniJy herdivine outcast and it was this that per- she nqer rqealedher forehnowledge

housaviJery (Iuusrnarroru By NrcK BEA:-E,

1gg5) suaded Gerda to pledgeherself to FruCXN SCCFRIGG (ILLU5TRAIION C 1920)

FRIGG, also known as Frigga,

Frija and Fricka, in Germanic
mythology, was the daughter of
Fjorgye, goddessof the earth and
atmosphere,wife of oDiN, the chief
of the gods, and mother of natPnR
She has given her name to Friday
Frigg was a fertility goddess who
"will tell no fortunes, yet well she
knows the fates" When Balder
dreamed of impending danger,
Ftigg extracted a promise from
each and every thing, except the
mistletoe, that no harm should
happen to him Apparently, the
mistletoe appearedsuch a harmless


GgntON, also known as Gefinn GftnnOD was a frost giant, the

and Gef on, was a Germanic god- father of rwo daughters, GJALPand
dess of fertility akin to rnEYTA,the Greip, and was one of THoR'smost
sister of the fertiliry god nnrrR, and formidable enemies lt happened
FRIGG,the wife of oPtw Appropri- thar LoKI, a consunt companion of
ately for a goddess of agriculture, Thor, had uken the form of a hawk
Gefion's name is connecredwith and was caprured by Geinod The
"g,ring" She was usually imagrned only way Loki could avoid death
as a vrrgin and as the protector of was to promise to bring Thor to
virgrns after their deaths However, Geirrod's hall without his magic
LoKI accused Gefion of selling her- belt and maglc hammer which pro-
self, like Freyja, for a necklace tected the god againstfrost giants
Her myth concems ploughing BecauseThor rrusted Loki he
and doubtless recalls the ancient went with him to Geirrod's hall
ritual of ploughing a token strip of Fortunately, they rested on the way
land each spring Gefion, disguised at the home of a friendly giantess
as an oid beggar,managed to trick named GRID,and she wamed Thor
Kirg Gylfi oflsweden out of a great about the plan while Loki was
tract of land In retum for her hos- asleep She also lent the god her
pitality, the king offered Gefion as own magic belt of strength, magic
much of his kingdom as she could iron gloves and magic staff Thus
plough with four oxen dunng one equipped, Thor amved at their des-
day and one night Wirh the aid of tination, wirh Loki hanging as
her four giant sons, transformed usual on his belt Geinod was nor
in[o oxen, she cut from the main- at home, but the giant's servants
land the whole island of Zealand, received the visitors It was not
part of present-day Denmark Iong, though, before Geinod's rwo

GEIRRoD's QeJ)immensebody,slainby Grnoru (abwe), disguisedas abegar,

Thor,layin theCityoJtheNot-Dead, plougheda vastJieA in Swedenwtthfour
shrouded in cobwebsBqondthesleeping glant oxut,her supernatural sons Thq
gantsparhled theChamberof Treasures draged the tllledfield to the coastand

full oJjovelsandweapons Herecamethe Jloatedit acrossthe sea to Denmarh,

Danishhero,Thorhill,yearslater,ona roid whereitJormed the island oJZealand
for hishing {trtusrwloN BEAtI-,1995
) (lr-r-usrnqrron
ByIAMES 1995
Ar-rx.qrtotn, )

daughters ried to hll the slumber- Gfnnn, in Germanic mytholory,

ing Thor by lifting up his chair and was a beautiful frost giantessand
dashing out his brains on the ceil- daughter of the giant Gymir, who
ing But with the aid of Grid's sraff, reluctantly became the wife of
Thor succeeded in driving the FREYR,the fertility god Although
chair downwards and crushed the inidally resistant to the idea, she
frost giantessesinstead However, was persuaded to marry by Freyr's
Geinod himself then appearedin faithful servant SKIRNIR, when he
the hali and using a pair of tongs he threatened to recite a terrible spell
picked up a red-hot iron ball and This spell would have made Gerda
threw it at Thor, who caught it in so ugly than no man would ever
Gnd's iron gloves Angered beyond come near her again Shewould be
measure by this exremely discour- transformed into "a sight to make
teous action, Thor threw the still the blood run cold" So it was that
hot and smoking ball back down Gerda met Freyr in a forest after
the hall, sraight through an iron nine nights, representingthe nine
pillar and deep into Geirrod's months of the nonhemwrnter. The
stomach After this, the thunder Aurora Borealis was believed by
god laid about the frost giant's some to be the radianceof Gerda
sewants with the magrc staff. (SeCAISOTMGIC LOYERS)


GINNUNGAGAP, in Germanic
mythology, wd a "yawning emPti-
ness" at the time of creation, which
lay berween the realms of fire and
cold. As the warrn air from the
south met the chill of'the north,
the ice of Ginnun1agap melted and
from the drops was formed Y,fIR,
the frost grant, and.auPnuMLA,the
primeval cow. By licking the ice,
Audhumla uncovered nuru, ances-
tor of the gods. Buri's three grand-
sons,ODIN,vIU and Vr, killedYmir
and took his body to the centre of
Ginnungagap There they made
Midgard, the world of men, from
his body Ymir's flesh became the Grnpa (above),a Jrostybeaury,inspired
earth, his bones the mounuins, his the lne of Frqr who sent Shirnir to wn hu
teeth rocla and stones,his hair the hand Althoughheoferedher the applesoJ
treesand his blood tumed into the youth,and ra,ealedhu master'sglowing
lakes and seas The brothers used portrait reflectedin water, sheremarned
his skull to form the sky, with four unmoveduntil Jorcedby threat of magc to
dwarfsnamed Nordi, Sudri, Austn consent (l[usrnqnoru c 1920
and Wesrn holding up rhe comers
GlerY (nght) stirsup a iver into a great
GJAIP ("Howler") was a frost flood, ng,tlfngThor as he wadesacross
giantess, daughter of GrrRRoo, Thor managedto stem the tonentby
who, along with her sister Greip, stihingGjalp with aboulder He then
tned to kill rnon, the Germanic heaved himselJashoreby graspinga
thunder god When Thor, accom- mountain ashnamed "Thor'sSalvatton"
panied by the fire god LoKt, came (lrrusrncrroN' 1995
to the hall of Geirrod, Gjalp did
what she could to harm the visi-
tors Even before their arrival she
added a torrenl of her menstrual
blood [o a river in order ro drown
Thorand Loki Awell-aimed stone
stopped Gjalp and sent her howl-
ing home However, she and Greip
then med to ram the head of sleep-
ingThor againstthe raftersby sud-
denly raising his chair The thunder
god woke just in time to force the
chair downwards by using a maglc
sraff.lts massiveweight broke the
backs of rhe rwo giantessesand
they died in agony on the floor

(nght),thepimal abyss
Gltvruuncacap at
northandfery southTwelve swirling
streams gushedintoitsvacuum andJroze
intomassive iceblocluIn thesouth,fiery
sparhs slowlymeltedtheice,andfrom the
iry droplets afrostglant
(ir-rusinarrorvByNICK BEALE,

Nonse MyrHoLocy

GRENDEL, a man-danuring monster,met GUNCNIR was rhe magic spear

hismatchin thefearless
warior Beowulf, belonging ro oDrN, rhe leaderof rhe
whosazedthecreature'shairylimbin a Germanic gods. [t was forged by
gnpandwrenched itJromits dwarfs, rhe sons of lvaldi, at rhe
sochetHowlingwithpainandrage, same time as a wig of spun gold,
Grendeljedbachtohiswaterylairand which rhe fire god rorc ordered as
bledto death@ruslunoN
) a replacemenr for the golden hair of
THOR'swife SIF.Mischievous Loh
GnENOEL was the name of a had cut off her beaudful locks as a
water monsterwhich was invulner- joke. Having made the wig, the
able to weapons and rroubled the dwarfs decided ro please the gods
kingdom of King Hrothgar of by using the fumace to make a ship
Denmark One night Grendel, for FREYRand, for Odin, a spear
"gri* and greedy, bruully cruel", been a fertility god of the werlands. star and the rerum of her lost hus- that managed to be both srrong
came to the royal hall and ate a Groa herself tried by magic ro band that she unfortunately failed and slender, and never missed its
sleepingwarrior, bur a visidng war- remove whetstone fragments from to finish the spell, and rhis was why mark. It was required in Viking
rior, BEOWIJLF, held one of the Thor's head aftei his fighr with the a few fragmenrc of whetstone custom that a spear should be
monster's arrns in a vice-like grip. frost gianr HRUNGNIn.They had remained in Thor's head. Some thrown over the heads of an enemy
In the fierce struggle that ensued, come from Hrungnir's sharp- time after her death, Groa was before batde commenced, as an
Grendel's arrn was tom off and he edged, three-comeredstone when roused from the grave by her son, enreaty for Odin's aid. When rhe
ran away and bled to dearh in his it had collided with Thor's hammer Svipdrag, who needed her advice god hung himself on the cosmic
watery lair. It was in this lair rhar, in mid-air So excired was Groa, on how he could win rhe love of uee YGGDMSILfor nine nights in
later, Beowulf killed rhe monsrer's however,byThor's news about the the beaucifulMenglad. order to obtain wisdom, he was,
mother Grendel's head was so just like Christ, stabbed with a
Iarge that when Beowulf broughr it SPear (See also TRMSURES AND
back as a trophy to King Hrorhgar, TALISA,'{NS)
he needed the assistanceof four

GruO was a kindly frost gianress GUNNNR SCCNORSE

who helped rhe Germanic thunder
god raon in his struggle against Hennnnn ("grey-beard"), in
GEIRROD. Thor had been lured by Germanic mythology, was a surly
LOKI,the fire god, into dangerwith- boatman. Wishing to cross a deep
out the protecdon of his magic belt river, the god THORsummoned
of strength and his magic hammer. Harbard to ferry him over, only ro
Grid loaned Thor her own belt, be met by insuls. Thor could rhink
iron gloves and unbreakable scaffro of no responseto Harbard's abuse
face Geinod. In some rraditions she other than anger,but the boatman
is said to have borne ODIN a son, remained away from the bank. ln
the silenr god vloaR, and to have his fury, Thor failed to nodce rhar
made for him a special shoe which Harbard was his father oDIN. The
enabled him to stand in rhe mourh meeting between the two gods
of the wolf Rnrurun. reveals their differenr characrers:
Odin, the deceitful croublemaker
GnlunILD see soRCERy
AND and braggart; while Thor is hot-
SPELLS tempered but honest.

GROA, according to Germanic GRoA,a glftedhealer,chantscharms wer

mythology, was a seeressand rhe Thorin ordertoloosenthestonesplinters
wife of Aurvandil, whose frozen toe lodgedin thegod's
THORtumed into a star by throw- and gratitude,Thorrwhlyrevmled thather
ing it up into rhe sky. Exacrly who Iong-lost
husband wasalive Thehappy
this Aurvandil, orAurvandill, was newssoucitedGroathatsheforgothr
remains uncertain, though it has spelkandsolefta splintuin Thor'shead
been suggested thar he may have (Irrusrnenoru ByNrcK nutt, 1995)


HETMDAr (nght),bnght guardian of the

BtJrostBndge, wds a)er alert, sleepingless
than abird Gtftedwith specialsightand
heainghe couldseeJor100milesby
or day, andhear grassgrovingon the
htlLsideWith his cumedhuaW's horn, he
would summon the godsto Rngnaroh

GuNGNn's Gelow)spear shaftwa cawed

Jrom the sacredwoodoJYggdrasilAfter

gaining wisdom at the WorA Tree, Odin
broheoff obough, andJashioned
staf Jrom its holy wood Here,the one-qed,
all-seang god peers through the boughsoJ
the sacredosh (ttusrntrloNBYALAN

Guwcltn (abwe) wasthe name of Odin's

spear;both slenderand strong itwas
unsttervrngin its Jlight The weapon was so
sacred that oathswere svtomon its point
Dvalin, the dwarf,forgeditshead, and
Odin made the snfr, carvrngit wtth maglc

HetUPnLL, or Heimdalr, was

the son of nine mothers and the
watchman for the Germanic gods
Originally, he may have been an
omniscient skygod. He could hear
the sound of grassand wool gow-
ing, and see for over a hundred
miles. He stood upon BIFRosr,the
three-strand bridge that linked
ASGARDand Midgard (heaven and
eanh respecdvely).There he stood
ready to blow his hom Gjall at the
onset of RecruenoK,during which
he was to be the last to fall in single
combat with L}KI. Heimdall's
name may be related to the con-
cept of a "world [ree", as he was
thought to be the supreme watch-
man perched at is top, above the
higlrest rainbow. He disguised him-
self as RIG, the mortal who esmb-
Iished the three social groups: the
nobles, the peasan$, and the
enslaved. Disguised as Rig, the god
visited in turn three houses in
Midgard and fathered handsome
children for the nobiliry, srurdy
children for the peasans and ill-
favoured children for the slaves.


Nonse MyrHoLoGy

HE MosT cELF-BR{TED (.zuql-
fsMhN of the Norse world were wise and gifted
dwarfs who laboured underground in ca'erns studded rvith gems. With
superhuman artistry and secretwisdom, they lashioned fabulous treasures
and tahsmans for gods and heroes. Some of their creationswere exquisitely
beautilul, such as the Brisingamen necklace; others were supematurally powerful,
such as the silken thread which fettered the fierce wolf, Fenrir. Most indispensable
..,^,^ L^ -^l^' ---^- l--^--^
' I
5 DOOmcianS nammer, NUollnlr, and udins
I r .. rl
infallible spear, Gungnir. The tireless dwarfs were aiso innovarive engineers who
crafted a collapsible, fl1,ingship for Frelr and a sword that fought of its own accord
once drawn. Most amazing of all, perhaps, were their living rreasures,the gold-
bristled boaq Gullinbursti, and Sif's golden hair which grew narurally. Some precious
marvels were created by nature, such as the golden apples of youth. Among morrals,
only Volund the smirh
could match the dwarfs {ffi
in artistry and crafr
while, among sorcerers,
the Finnish Ilmarinen
excelled in magical crafr
and produced a peerless
talism?il,the Sampo.

I D I ' N ' . s ( l t J t ) r o l c / t ' n r r p p l ts k e p t r h r ' s o d s r t e n r u l l l v r r u n g Tur' Bru-SIwGAMEN (ohove)netkluct wus trat'tet)\t

four tlwarJs
I ht' lrihtrlrrus lntn trtt ir'.ts tandcd dn(l g-t(uLlt(l b^,,tht' thret' wirh such aftstry thut tt gltttuedlike tt constelkttron
of starsin the
w , l s t ' \ ' r r r - n sr r h o , l l l o l r t t / o r r l v l c i u n , t h t ' d c r r y -o f , S p r r n g ,l r r nrght.slzyAroundFrry1u'slovdy nech.
ttbecamean tmblrm ol the
lrtt h rltt rnLi{l( fnll }r't sur h prt'r-rou-sg/rs wrre tovett'tl Lry lntits ol the heuvens
and earth She,in her turn,produced
t l r t g r c l r r t .Isr l t r , s r r r i { h l f ( ) s l r r y rr h t g o r i s o l t h a r r r g r r u r a n d trrdsuresfttr tht earrhwhenr,*er
sht cned,undFrqluwrpt
v r r i t l i i l J t r t f / r t l r c r r i l l - h r a s r t J i s g t r s e c /u s a b t r t l , ( a / n t ( - s proJuse\,upetrullydunngher searchlorherhusband,Odur
Irlurt ttrtJ ho applts oll m tn tll-fattLl atttnlpt fir .slcri/ thc Whenher tearslell on roch.,thty turned to gold,but tearsshedat
q r r c l Se l r , r t rr l / l t f t l l r . r R 1 r i ,, . ,f i r I J i r r rl r r N , / , ) l l sta turntd to amber (i:Ri\tA
B)N / () BrttrvrnDErAiL, .1852
crNvA-\ )


M;orr,'vln Qef), Thor'swondroushammer,was neverJar

from htsgrasp,as seenherein thischaractensttc poseof the

god with his hammer clutchedcloseto hts hean The Mlollnir
wasusedas a t'iery thunderbolt,Iaunchrng
shaJtsof hghtning,
and as a weaponfor smashtngglants'shulls It was a
talismanof bothcreat:ity and destruction,
and wasusedto
hallow both btth and death ceremontes

Gr,avcNrn(nght), Odin's great spear,neyermrssedits mark

Thespearshaftwasfashtonedby Odinlt'romthe sacredashol
Ygdrastl and carvedwtth the god'smaglc ntnes lust as
valuablewas Odin'sJabulousnng, Draupntr,whichproduced
etghtsimrlargold nngs everyntnedays,an everlasting
of weakhand power (tr,r
lsrRqrro^- u, ( 1906

Tar Senapo(below)wasforgedby llmannen, the Etemal

HammereroJFinmshmyth, whohammeredout the slryat
thedawn of time Oyer threedays,the tahsmanwas

t'ashronedmystenouslyfrom oneswft tlutll,rnilk of thet'erttle

cow,a gatn of barleyand thefleeceoJa summerlamb So
out oJthe maglcalflames oJthet'orgetheSampowascreated;
it consrsted
of aflour mtll, salt mrll and monq mrll,ensuing
lastingprospentyand power Here,the mastersmithloolzs
tntentlytnto thefurnace to seewhat theJrre hasproduced
( f H I , F ( ) R G t N Gc t r L H t , S a v p i t B l ' A G A L I E \ K A L I E I i , ( A \ ! ' 4 5 , r _ l 8 - 5 2 )

WorutRous LoNGsHIps(above)helongerlto both Freyr antl Thorstern

thedu,afs A personftcrttion
of theclouds,tt ghcledacrossland, seaand av Akhoughtnussle enough
to cot"Nel/
all the godsand an ennrehost.rt couldbefoldedtLpand
pochetedhhea handh.erchteJ.
Thorstein'sfabulousdrugon boat, Ellida,
was u g,ftJrom theseagod,Aegr Shapetllry sruellngplanks which grew
togethtr tn thefotm oJa *-rngeddragon,Elhdara.ed wrth the whi.stling
wrnd and outstnppedtheeagleThe floatrngJortress
wasfumedfar and
-*ide A r { \l R4rr( )\ B} .l i llrr,jar\ r I 900 )
Nonsr MvrHoLoGy

Hflwas the daughter of trickster the animal's vast size, and used itsgod rorc leamed about rhe mistle-
LOKI, the fire god, and the frost head to bait his hook Jormungand toe, however, and guided Hodr's
giantessANGRBODA. She was ruler rose for this delicacy,bur the head hand when he threw it at his
of the Germanic netherworld (also stuck in his thr,oat. Thor would brother. The branch of mistletoe
called Hel), ro which she had been have landed the prize had not the went straight through Balder, who
banished by oDIN, rhe chief god sight of the serpenr rising from the
fell down dead. Once it became
Once there, however, her powers depths of the sea terrified Hymir clear that Balderwould have ro suy
were stronger than Odin's, for In the confusion that ensued in the land of the dead, Hodr was
when Odin's son BALDERwas Hymirwas able ro cur the greatsea sent to join him as a punishment.
hlled Helrefused to retum him to serpent free. In a very different version of rhe
his parenrc Her brothers, FENRIR story, Hodr and Balderare rivals for
the wolf and;oRlzutrcAND rhe ser- HOO SCC HODR the hand of Nanna, and Balder is
pent, were as terrifying as she, Her, the gim goddessoJthe dead,listens portrayed as a hateful figure. Their
though it was Hel and her ghastly unimpressedto Hermod'splea to release HODR, somerimes Hodur or conflict is finally resolved when
home which were adopted by the the much-lovedgod BalderJromher dismal Hod, the son of optl and FRIGG, Hodr kills Balder wirh a magic
Christians as rhe name for rheir realm Behindher,hneeling, thereore rows was the blind god of Germanic sword. This Danish version shows
realm of etemal damnation. of her sad subjects- soulsof the old, sichor mythology. In the Icelandic tradi- the brothers in averydifferent lighr
The unpleasantnessof Hel's ciminal who suferedceaseless
cold,pain tion, Hodr unintentionally killed
realm standsin marked contrast to andhunger in thar cheerless,
dreary home his brother BALDER. When Balder Hrnuop below)spurshisJabulaus steed
the pleasurable and enviable after- (luusrnerrolByJAMEs
) was noubled by dreamsof his com- to assailthebaredgateoJHeI Within,
life that was enjoyed by the heroic ing death, his morher Frigg exacr- Baldercanbesmt waitingstoically beside
dead who dwelt in Odin's won- HnnUOD, in Germanic myrh- ed a promise from each and every an alarmingcreature, whois possibly oneof
drous hall veulerte. However, ology, was rhe son of oolN and thing not to do her son any harm. thestawedinmates of HeI Balder,who
Hel's subjecs were little more rhan FRIGG,and brother of netorn A sole exceptionwas the misdetoe, kna,tthefuturewell,hnattthathewas
silent attendants of rhe semi- Rather like the Greek god Hermes a plant the goddessconsideredto destined to remainin cheerless HeIforner.
decomposed queen She was only and the Roman Mercury, he acted be too insignificant. The rickster (ILLUSIMTIoN FRoM THE PROSE EDDA, I 760 )

partly decomposed because she as a divine messenger Hermod also

had the face and body of a living shared these gods'interest in the
woman, bur her thighs and legs dead, for it was he who was sent to
were those of a corpse. Hel's HELafter Balder's death to ask for
throne was known as rhe Sick Bed his brother's release He rode there
and hersubjecrcwere "all who died on Odin's famous horse, the eight-
through sicknessand old age" legged SLEIPNIR. When Hel refused
to let Balder go unril everyrhing
Hrnuoo leapsbravelyinto mis$ Hel on wept for him, Hermod was allowed
his vain mission to seehBalder's release to take back ro A5GARDthe arm-
from death The great noisemadeby the ring which Odin had fastened to
hero and his eight-hoofedhorseSleipnir Balder'sbody as a memento
when thq crossedthe crystal Gioll Bidge, Hermod nearly met his own
prwohed the gnm guardian, Modgud, to death on ajoumey to Midgard, the
complain imtably that Hermod mustbe land of men He was senr there by
aliye (IttusrnqloN BypErER Huno, 1gg2) Odin to consult a Finn named
Rossthiof about his worries con-
ceming the future. He was saved by
magic, however, and retumed to
reassurehis fatheras best he could.

HIIralN BRIOTER seeHrMrN(/or

HtUtNn;OT, or Himinbriorer,
("Sky Bellower") was the head of a
giganric black ox The ox belonged
to HY 4/Rwirh whom THORwenr
fishing foTJORMUNGAND, the sea
serpent. Thor had no trouble in
breahng Himinrjot's neck, despire


Honn (abwe) , whowasblindJrombirth, death. Not for nothing was Balder

HONtn, or Hoenir, according to Hocll below) listens suspiciouslyto
unwittinf,ysla,vhisbelarcdbrothu,BaAer, slain by his blind brother in a game
Germanic mythology, w6 a mem- Brynhild's passionatepleaJor vengeanceon
promptedhy thetwktedgod,,Lohi Hre, that involved throwing potentially
ber of the ersm goup of gods and her lwer, Sigurd, who had unwtttingly
L*i M&3pi#i llodr'slvnd n aima dangerous objects. brother of oDIN, rhe chief god. betrayedher love Although refusingto hill
dradlydarrof mistletoeat BaAq, whilethe Apart from a terrible inability to SigurdhimselJ,he prsuaded Guttorm to
othu godslmh onin shochddtsmny. (rHEHOOUNSCC HODR make up his mind, his other promi- undmalu the awfuldeed Brynhildwas
Drrruor Bfl-DER
c 1840) nent characteristic was said to be laterflled wtth remorseand hilled herself.
HonNmsee HoNrR his long-leggedness. Sent to live (ILLUSTMTIoN ByARTHUR RIcxrrnv, c 19OO )

After &{GNAROK,the doom of among the VANIR as a token of

the gods, "Balder and Hodr rerum HOCNT and his brother, Gunner, goodwill after peace was agreed
from the world of the dead", rec- befriended the hero SIGURD,who benryeenthe nvo warring branches
onciled, to a new eanh. Thar rhese owned a famous but ill-fated for- of the gods, Honir unfortunarely
two sons of Odin are menrioned tune generated by u magic ring proved to be a grave disappoinr-
together here shows their impor- called Andvarinaut. Under the ment to his new companions, who
tance in lcelandic myrhology. First ring's spell, Sigurd had unwitting- became increasingly angry at the
there is Balder, handsome and ly betrayed the Val$rie BRYNHILD. way he appeared always to rely on
kind, ahnost too good for the She asked the brothers for help, his fellow Aesir, the wise MIMIR,
world. He represens rhe posirive and, bewitched by the curse, they when it came to making decisions
side of his father's nature, as the arrangedSigurd's death. However, of any hnd. The Vanir therefore
god of magic and inspiradon. The when Hogni and Gunner inherited killed Mimir and sent his head
second brother, Hodr, is the oppo- Srgurd'gfonune, they in rum were back to the Aesir. In some versions
site of Odin's foresight. Instead, he doomed and suffered at the hands of the Germanic creation story, it
represenls his blind spor, rhe side of the Atli who coveted the gold. was believed that Honir was the
of his nature that mkes delight in (Seealso NORSEHEROES) god who gavehumans their senses.


HnfnUen, or Reidmar, accord- HRUNCNIR, in Germanic myth-

ing to Germantc mythologr, was a ologr, was the sffongest of the frost
magician-farmerand rhe father of $ants and owner of a powerful stal-
REGIN,FAFNIRANd OTTERWhCN lion named Gullfaxi, or Golden
O[[er, who was a shape-changer, Mane He encountered ODIN on
was killed accidentally by LIKI, one of the god's joumeys rhrough
Hreidmar demanded to be com- the nine worlds and challenged
pensared and told Loki to obrain him to a horse race Mounted on
enough gold to cover Otter's flayed eighr-leggedsrntPruiR,Odin won a
skin, inside and out The wily fire narrow victory over Hrungnir on
god seized the dwarf ANDVARI's Golden Mane By this dme, the two
treasure, but the dwarf placed a had ridden to AsGARD,the divine
curse upon it Hreidmar was so stronghold, where Hrungnir was
pleased with the gold that he did invired to rest before retuming to
not wory/ about the curse But his JoruNHErM, rhe land of the gianm
second son, Fafnir,came to covet But Hrungnir drank too much
the treasureand killed him for ir srong ale and became alrogant He
Fafnir changed inro a dragon to even threatened to carry VALLIALIA,
guard rhe gold and Regin asked the hali in which the honoured
SIGURDto slay him and recoverthe dead lived with Odin, off to
fieasure.but he was killed as well Jotunheim on his back and to kill

HnrrucrutRQO, o rughry frostglantwtth Hucr (above) outstipshts nvalThialf,an

a stony heart and shull,t'oolishlybalances warior,competingin
athletic of
a contest
on his stoneshield,believtng that lt* shillsbenveen go&andglantsTryashe
expectedJoe, Thor, plans to attqchhim would,Thiolf couWnotoutrunhtsfrosty
frombelow FuIIyexposedtothe impactoJ ivalwhogathered speed at everystep
Thor's crushinghammer, the glant tnes to unhnown to ThiaIJi,Huglwasan illusion
deflectthehammer Uthhis whetstone q,mbolizngThought, everJasterthan
(iLLUsrMfloN By IAME' ALEXANpm, i 995 ) action (Irrusrnqnoru
BY JAME' 1995
Ar-rx.quor* )

all the gods, except FREYJAand StR number So they made out of clay
At this point the grant-slayerTHOR a man so huge that the thunder
retumed and waved his magic god would shake with fright when
hammer ar Hrungnir, but the frost he first caught sight of him. The
giant, understandingthat he would heart of a dead mare was used to
be easily killed without his own animate the clay grant, whom they
weapons, challengedThor to a duel called Mist Calf Alongside Mist
on the border between fugard and Calf stood Hrungnir, awaiting the
Jotunheim No one had met the anival of Thor. The frostSantlnew
thunder god in single combat rhat he had to avoid his opponent's
before. Thor acceptedeagerly,even hammer, and he held his sharp
though Hrungnir's head, hean and whestone in readiness.As soon as
shield were made of stone. Thor was in range, he hurled his
When the frost giants heard magic weapon at Hrungnir, who
about the forthcoming duel, they swiftly launched his own sharp-
were both proud and anxious: edged, three-comered stone in
proud that Hrungnir had chal- Thor's direcdon. The weapons met
lenged Thor, but anxious lest the in mid-air. Although the hammer
god slay the most powerful of their shattered the whetstone and went

Nonse MvrHoLocY

AEGIRcould offer hospitality to JORMUNGAND took this bait and

ODIN and his companions, so T1n Thor set about its head with his
and tHoR were sent to fetch it hammer, Hymir shookwith terror
When they anived at Hymir's hall, ln the confusionJormungand tore
Tyr's mother advised them to hide itself free of the great hook and
until she had expiained their pres- sank bleeding beneath the surface
ence. Hymir found them and of the waves. Two whales had to
offered them a meal, though he felt suffice for food instead
uneasy Thor astonished the assem- Back in Hymir's hall, relations
bled company by eating two whole between host and guest quickly
oxen byhimself. The next day their deterioratedinto violence. Gobles
host suggested they go fishing if were thrown before Thor left wirh
they wanted to eat again.Together the grgantic cauldron When Hymir
they put to sea in Hymir's boat, and some frost gianrs attempted to
Thor baiting his colossalhook with follow him in order to regain the
rhe head of Htvttl4yor, the giant's cauldron,Thorused his hammer to
black ox When the sea monster such effecr that all were hlled

Hucttw Aef),oneof Odin'sfabulous Hr.rIRandThorbelow)t'orageJor foodon

ravens,whosefloffd tfleoflSThought,was bait
afatedfishingtip Thor'stantalizing
an airborne gatheru oJ news Alongwith themonstrous
sttracted wsterserpent,
hisbrother raven,Muninn, or Memory,he Jormungand, thegodwho
without pressing the crowns of Jlew through the nine worldscollecting withhisglantcatchWen
on to crush Hrungnir's skull, a
their heads on the napes of their information Thq would thenJly bach to tocapsize
thestrug;lethreatened theboat,
number of stone fragmens lodged
in Thor's head and he was also necks. Inside the great fortressThor Odin and whisper the latest novs into his howarcr,Hymir,infear,cuttheline
pinned beneath one of the fallen and his companions failed in a CAT. (ILLUSTRATTON FROM THE PRO5E EOOI',1760)
Hrungnir's legs. After this heroic number of tests, the thunder god
incident, Thor became known as himself being wrestled down on
"Hrungnir's skull splitter". one krree by an "old, old woman".
He also failed to empty a drinking
HUCI ("Thought"), in Germanic hom, only to leam afterwards how
mythologlr, w6 a young frost giant its other end was in the sea.At the
who ouuan THoR'shuman sewant end of their adventure, however,
HIALFI in a race The story of the travellers saw that Slcttmir and
Thor's joumey to the srronghold of Utgard were no more than magic
nGARD in the land of the frost creations sent out by the frightened
giants is full of magic. The race frost gians to m1atifr m€hty Thor.
between Hugr and Thialfi was but
one incident in this strange adven- HUCTNN ("Thought") and
ture, which shows Thor to be an Muninn ("Memory") were the
ineffectual suong man in the face ravens o[ODIN, the chief Germanic
of cunning spells. Throughout the god. In order to be informed about
joumey the trickster LOKI,the god events in the nine worlds, Odin
of fire, had cause to remind Thor of sent the ravensout everyday to see
the superiority of brain over brawn and hear all that happened there.
At one point Thor, [-oh, Thialfi and Theywould then retum to rest on
his sister RosKYA inadvenendy Odin's shoulders and tell him what
slept in the thumb of an empty they had obsewed.
glove belonging to the enorrnous
frost giant SKRIIIIR, mistaking it for HWtm ("Dark One") was a frost
avzrsthall. When he woke, Slqmir grant and, accordrng to some tradi-
wamed them that at Utgard there dons, father of the war god trR.
were gians even greater than he. Hymirhad an enolrnous cauldron,
Sure enough, when the travellers so deep that it could brew ale for all
reached Utgard, theywere unable the gods. Without this huge vessel,
to see the top of its batdemens there was no way that the sea god


IDUN, Idunnor or Iduna, was, in AESIR,one branch of the gods;

Germanic mythology, the goddess Vanaheim, the home of the VANIR,
who guarded the apples of youth. the other branch of rhe divine
She was the wife of BMGI, the god family; Alfheim, the land of the
of poetry. When LoK, rhe fire god, lighr elves; Nidavellir, rhe land of
was caprured by the frost giant the dwarfs; Midgard, rhe home of
THIASSI,he had to promise ro sreal humanhnd; Svarul{heim, rhe land
the apples from Idun to securehis of the dark elves; HEL,the realm of
release.On his retum ro ASGARD- the unworthy dead; and cold
therefore, Loh rold Idun rhar he Niflheim beneath Yggdrasil's100ts.
had discovered apples of much A mountainous region of freezing
better qualiry gowing nearby, and Ioutt guarded a Jabulousfruit tree, which IOUNNOR SCC
IDUN cold, Jotunheim was variously
so the goddess trustingly accom- produced ltfe-ging apples Here, shehands described as being inside Midgard,
panied him into the forest, where, outher precious gJtsto the wer-youthful INCTNORG SCCTMGICLO\4R5 the land of mortals, or over the sea.
in the shape of an eagle, Thiassi godsJrom her inuhaustible cashet The
awaited hs prey. He took Idun and mythic tradition oJthe golden apple, Bann see BABAYAGA was rhe crearor god of
Jrzl JUUnlt
her apples in his claws and flew to rymbolizng immonality and Jmility, can Finnish mythology and their
JOTUNHEIM,rhe land of the frost beJound inboth ancient Greehand Celtic JOnUUNGAND, in Germanic supreme deity. Verylittle is lcrown
glan6. The loss of rhe apples ar first Cultures (luusrpqTlor.r
c tSgO
) mphology, w6 the serpent son of about him, except thar the oak tree
caused the gods ro become weak LOKI, god of fire, and the frost was sacred to him. He was later
and old, wirh blearyeyes and loose skin. Then their minds began ro giantessANGRBODA, and brother of replaced by Ukko, also a supreme
weaken, as a general fear of death FENRIRand nnt ODINananged for god, but a deiry of the sky and the
settled on fugard. At lasr ODIN these monsuous children to be air, who allowed the rain to fall.
gathered his remaining srrengrh kidnapped and brought ro AsGARD. Ukko's wife was Akka, which sug-
and found Loh. By threat of magic He then threw Jormungand into gesrsa linkwith unopER-AKt(A,the
he compelled Loki to bring back the ocean, where he grew so long creator goddess of the lrpps.
Idun and her apples. that he encircled rhe earth, and was
Loki flew to Jorunheim as a known as the Midgard Serpent. At IQro I(tnJunMELwas a srone
falcon, changed ldun into a nut MGNAROK Jormungand was ro god worshipped by the [.apps, rhe
and carried her home. The frost come on to the earth and be slain northernmost people of Europe.
grant gave chase as an eagle, but he by THOR.(Seealso MGNARoK) Reindeerwere sacrificedto Kied I(e
was bumed to dearh by fires placed Jubmel as late as the sevenreenth
along the tops of Asgard's mighry JOTUNHEIM was the land given century to ensure successin the
walls. Loki then resrored Idun to to the frost gians by oDIN and his hunt. He seems to have been
her true shape and she gave magic brothers at the Creation. With its regarded as "lord of the herds".
apples to the ailing gods. (See also stronghold of LTTGARD, it was one Among the Swedeshe was linown
TREASURES AND TALISA,TANS) of the nine worlds sheltered by the as Sto{unka, or "Great Lord".
cosmic ITeeYGGDMSIL. The others

Jonuuvcewo Qdt), the saryt sonoJ

Lohi, washurled into the icyoceanby
Odin Therehe grevvto sucha monstrous
ske thathe encircledMdgard and
threatened,sailors throughout the ocenns.
Here, the WorM Seryent risesto afuit of
ox head, dtngling from Thor's ftshing line
0uusrnenotFRoM THEPRosEEDDA, I Z@)

Jonrunelu (nght), thehome oJ thefrost

gtrants,was a snwt<wred wastelandon
the ocean edge, possiblynear the Nonh
Pole Itwu a rmlm of mtsts,bliuards and
roanngwinds From hre the frost giants
dtrutedblasts of wind to nip thebudsof
spnng orJ-usrp,rnoru

Nonsr MvrHoLocY

LrurruxerrurN (abwe) was slain and doing to listen to him. He was Kvesln(nght),a characterendowedwith
dismemberedduingone of his uploits But killed by two dwarfs, r'|,+reR and wondrous ww created
wisdom, Jromthe
his maglcianmothr gatheredhimup and Galar, who wanted his wisdom spittleoJthegodsHetravelledtheworld
restoredhim toliJe Hue shecallsuryn a They mixed his blood with honey inspinnggods and mortalswithhts sense
bee to bing lrfr- Slr'lrn1honeyfrom bq ond in order to make awonderful mead andwisdomAfterhisdeathhisbloodwas
the highestheavm (Lrurrxeruru's MoTHER which gave the gift of poerry ro usedto mahea meadof inspiration
avA GnurN-IGr r FLq, cqNvAs, c 1890 ) everyonewho drank it (IrrusrnenoN
Eoon, I 760

AND L-EB-OLN4AI ("Alder man") was with a talent for song. A carefree
SPELIS a Lapp bear god. At bear festivals young man, many of his adven-
hunters used to sprinkle their faces tures involve the pursuit of women
KVnStn was a wise man in with an exrract of alder bark. As the and he accompaniedvAnvavoINEN
Germanic mythology. His name protector of bears, Leib-Olmai on ajoumey to the land of Pohja in
means "spittle" and recalls his cre- required certain prayers before he search of wives. His most danger-
ation when the gods spat into a jar would allow any man to hll a bear. ous exploit was an attempt to kill
to mark the end of conflict beween the swan of TUONI,the god of the
two branches of the divine family, LgutNxnINEN ("Lover") was dead. Failing to protect himself
the VANIRand the AESIR.The Aesir one of the heroesof Finnish epic. with magic, he was tom apartby
then took the jar and Kvasir was As a child, he was bathed by his Tuoni's son and his remains were
made from the spittle. Renowned mother three dmes in one summer scattered in the river. But his ma-
for his great wisdom, he travelled night and nine times in one gician mother put his body back
the world and wherever he went autumn night to ensure that he together again and restored him to
people stopped what they were would become a wise adult, grfted life. (Seealso woRSEHEROES)

He MrcNcs were famed for their fighting spirir, facing death and doom with
vigour and courage.Their hardy heroism was doubtlessshaped by the
crushing Nordic climare, but also by a sroic fatalism.while acceptingthe
inevitabiliry of death on the field and doom at the end of the world, the
Norsemen fought with undiminished spirit. For the vikings, word-fame was
everything, redeemingand surviving a hero's death. After death, the bravestheroes
went to Valhallawhere they awaited the fated and fatal showdown at Ragnarok.No
less than the heroes, the Norse gods were heroic, facing doom at Ragnarokwith
fighting spirit. Finnish heroeswere quite as determined and brave in their way,
though perhaps less grand and stoic. Armed with magical forces,they battled with
incantadons rather than force of arms. For the Finns, death was not always final:
Leminkainen had more than one life, while agedVainamoinencould alwaysslip out
of a dght comer by shifting shape.
Guvxrnexo Hocrr AeJ), the
N ibelung brothers,died gallnntly
thoughnatherlived aJlnwlessltfe
Drawn into the web of tragedy
wovenbya cursednng thE sleuy
peulesshero Sigurd,andhoarded
his gold When sazedby AtIi,who
covetedtheir gold, thq refusedto
sunenderunder threat of death
Hogni died laughing as his heart
wascut out; and Gunner, here, cast
into a serpent'spitwithbound
hands,plqedhis harp with hisfeet,
defuingdeathto thelast
(Wooo c,qnvtNc, 12TH cENr.)

T non (nght), supematurally

strongandarmedwtth the maglcal
Mjollnir, was a Jormidablefoe
Bang nather immortal nor
invulnerable,hefought with a

fearless spirit, slnying giants with

ffirtless easeandrechlessrage
Alongwrth someof the othergods,
Thor was destinedto die heroically
at Ro,gnaroh,
after puttingup a

Jtercefght and slnyinghisarch-

foe, the World Serpent (rnonnNo

c 1890)
Nonse MvrHoLoGY

Srcunp (above),the mostfamous oJlceland'sheroes,slewthe

tembledragon,Fafnir Armed wtth hisJather'sinvinciblesword,
Sigurdhtd tn a holein the dragon'sslime traclzand, as Fafnrr
slitheredacrosson his datly tnp to thefoul Jorestpool, thrusthis
sword rnto its belly Thebloatedcreature had grown increasingly
monstrousin shapeand character;all the betterto guard hrs
cursedtreasure AhhoughSigurd'sheroicdeedwon himJame
andfortune, hu lfe Jrom then on was bhghtedby the cursethat
camewith the ill-Jatedtreasure 0LLlsrmrrorB' AL-4N

Slcutrlp rHE VoruNG (nght) prwedhis heroicstdtus by drawngJorth a maglcalsword thrust into the Branstoch
Mh by Odin With this word he wonJame throughout Scandinavia,but alsoprovohedtheenvyoJ his brother-rn-law,
Sigan who resolvedto slay all the Volsungs All ten sonswere tied to forest trees, prq to the beastsoJ the Jorest OnIy
Sigmundexapel, by biting of a wolf s tongue,and soughtvengeance Jor his hinsmen (ruusrncrro,N syp wlsox, c 1900 )


I Fsnr Qef), spint of theforest, thoughhe

appearedin the shapeoJa man, castno
shadowwherehewalhedand could easily
camoujage himself among hisJorest trees,
sometimesas small as aleaf, sometimesa
tall as the tallest tree A jealousgnrdtan oJ
hLslmJy realm, he lwed to lead tresrysers
AStrAy 0[usrunoN ByM voNScHwtpo,
c 1860)

In (nght) and her mate, Lifthrasir,

tooh shelterat the end of theworlil in the
sunlitbranches oJ the cosmicashtree,
Ygdrasil After theeanhhadbeat purged
byfire andflood, theyoungcouplecltmbed
dmn and a nf:t^tagedawned, afrah green
age inwhich thq were destinedto
repopularctheworWand so renav the
human race. (Iuusrwnot ry NrcrBaru, 1995

THn LESHY, also known as LOODFAFNIR, in Germanic

Lesovik and Lesiye, was the mythology, was a man who leamed
Slavonic spirit of the forest who led the wisdom of the gods. He visired
travellers and hunters asray in the rhe Well of uRD, where the gods
woods. Akhough human in form, held their daily assembly, and
he had a long green beard and casr stayed in VALHALL{,ODIN's hall.
no shadow. His chief attribure, His myth comprises a retelling of
however, was his abiliry ro change the knowledge he gathered there.
size: he could become as small as a It is an interesting mixture of com-
rnouse or as tall as the highesr tree monsensical advice about good
Every October the Leshywent inro conduct and superstitions con-
a hnd of hibemation, disappearing ceming the avoidanceof witchcraft.
from his woodland home undl the
following spring, when he would LOKI, somerimes Lopt, was rhe
rerum wilder and noisier than ever. Germanic fire god and son of the
gians FARBAUTIand Laufey. He
I NSNM SCCTHELE5HY was a mischief-maker, trickster and
shape-changer, and grew progress-
LnsovtK see rHE LEsFry ively more evil until eventua\ rhe
gods bound him in a caveundl the
Ltf and Lifrhrasir ("Life" and coming of nacruaRoK,the end of
"Eager for Life") were the man and the world. Boredom was a problem
woman who were to hide in the for Loki, who "was tired of the
cosmic ash tree YGGDMSIL al string of days that unwound wirh-
MGNARoK, rhe doom of rhe gods. out a knot or a twist in them".
They were destined to survive this The fact that his paren$ were
catastrophe and then repopulare a giants may help to explain his
new world, which would rise from tendency towards evil deeds. He
the sea like a volcanic island. "The
bellowing fire will nor scorch them; I-oto helpedto precipitnte
a cycleof
it will not even touch them, and iolenceby callouslyslayngOttafor hls
their food will be rhe moming dew. fur. Toa??eaftOtter'sfatha,lohistole a
Through the branchestheywill see dwarfs trasure,invohnghisbittn anv.
a new sun bum as rhe world ends Hqe,lohihelpsOdinquietarthcraging
and surs again " il*orf, whibat thetop,olrtrr'sbrothcrs
a weqingNorn,whichrwlsan omenoJ
LtrmneslR seeun doom QuusrunoN ry F yop Srrssnr, l9l{.)


simply could not help plapng care. His son Vali was changed into
tricks and exposing the gods to a wolf, who immediately attacked
danger, although it was often his his brother Nawi and hlled him.
quick-wittedness that afterwards Narvi's intestines were then used to
saved them. Loki, for insance, bind Loki beneath the dripping
brought about the loss and rerurn mouth of a venomous snake. In
of toul and her apples of youth. this dreadful prison, the god await-
Without these maglc fruit, the gods ed Ragnarok. Then he was to
were subject to the ra\xagesof time emerge to lead the army of evil in
like everyone else. On occasion their final battle with the gods,
lohwas even prcpared to riskseri- when Loki would meet his own
ous harm to his companion THOR, end at the hands of.unnqout, (See
the thunder god. When Loki led also MGNAROK)
Thor unarmed to the hall of the
frost giant GEIRROD, only the loan Lopr seeLoKr
of weapons from the hndly frost
giantess GRID saved the thunder LUONNOTAR (which probably
god. toh tricked his friend because means "Daughter ofNature") was
the price of his own release by the creatorgoddessof the Finns. At
Geinod had been delivery of the the beginning there was only
thundergod into his power. Luonnotar "all alone in a vast
Yet it was Loki who devised the emptiness". Later she floated for
novel scheme to get back Thor's cenuries on the cosmic ocean,
magrc hammer after it was stolen undl one day a bird made a nest on
by dwarfs and passed into the her knees and began to hatch some
hands of the frost gianr TlIRrM. The eggs. But the goddess became
price for the hammer's retum, Loh excited and upset the nest, with
discovered, was the hand of mEtnA, the result that from the broken
the fertiliry goddess. He therefore shells of the eggs the heavens and
persuaded Thor to go to Thrym the earth were formed. The yolla
dressedin Freyja'sclothes. When became the sun, and the whites the
Thrym took out the magic ham- moon. Scatteredhagmentsof these
mer, Thor seized it and laid low all eggs were transformed into the Lolrr (abwe), the tncluta god,,was atfrct Luorworen @elo,n),a primal goddas,
the frost grants present. stars. Afterwards Luonnotar fash- just a pwful pranlutr, but becameso ilarh grat restlrssin theheawns and sltppd into

Loki was manied twice, first to ioned the continents and the seas, and twrstedtlllr;tthe godsrealQedhewas the cosmicua, whue shednful unnl an

the giant ANGRBODA and then to and gave birrh ro vAINAMoINEN, evil and resolvedto imprtsonhim l-ohi was eagb built a neston her hnee Wat she

SIGI?,/,with whom he had two the Finnish hero. amnlrrrlly bound to a ruh, wtth hisface acadentally upset the nat, its egsbroht

sons, vntt and Narvi. His mon- atposd to thefay drops of a snaltc's andformed the urth and slE, stn, moon

strous children byAngrboda were lvlenoeR-AKIG and her male c 1870)

venom 0[usrnnnourYD PE]rRosE, and stnts Ouusrnrnot avNlcxBrerr,1995)

FENRIR,JORMUNGANDANd HEL, companion Madder-Atcha were,

ruler of the underworld: all fear- according to the kpps, the divine
some representatives of the evil couple who created humankind.
side of his nature. Even after he Madder-Atcha was responsible for
brought about the death of oDIN's the soul and Madder-Akka for the
son BAI-DER, the gods continued to body. The child they made was
tolerate his presence in ASGARD. then placed in the womb of its
Butwhen he anived atAEGIR'sfeast eanhlymother. Their three daugh-
and began to torrnent everybody ters were involved with procreadon
present with insults and sneers, as well. Sarakkasupponed women
their patience came to an end. during childbinh; if a male child
To escape their wrath Loki was to be born,Juksakka ensured
changed himself into a salmon. that the baby changed from is
From his hgh seat in Asgard, how- originally female gender, while
ever, Odin located the fish and Uksakka, who lived undeqEound,
mounted an e><peditionto catch it. looked after the interests of the
Loki was then placed in a dark new-bom child. SeealsoJUMAr:{.

Nonse MyrHoLoGy

MeCNt ("Mighry") was the son Mert Syne Zevrye, ("Moisr MNNUUS SCCMENU
of rHoR, the Germanic rhunder Earth Mother") was the Slavonic
god, and the grantessJamsaxa, and earth goddess Archaeological evi- MIMIR, in Germanic mythology,
brother of Modi Afrer his duelwirh dence suggests that her worship was awise god sent by rheAEsIRro
HRUNGNIR,the strongest of rhe may have originated in the basin of the VANIRin order to seal the peace
frost gianrs, Thor fell wounded ro rhe River Don as much as 30,000 after these rwo branches of the
the ground, as fragmentsof whet- years ago Believed ro possessrhe divine family tired of war. Because
stone had lodged in his.head He abiliry to predict the future and ro the Vanir felt that rhey had been
was also unable to move because settle disputes wisely, she was an cheated,they cut off Mimir's head
one of Hrungnir's lifeless legs object of veneration up to the early and sent it back ro rhe Aesir. ODIN,
pinned him ro rhe ground Even years of the rwentieth century, however, smeared the severedhead
worse, Thor wetted himself when when Russianpeasantwomen were with herbs so thar it would never
he noticed the clay gianr Mist Calf still performing elaborate rires in rot He then recited a charm over it
Insult was nearly added ro injury order to summon her presenceto to restore its power of speech
when, at the age of three years, protect them from disease [-ater,Mimir's head was placed by
Magni proved strong enough to Odin to guard a magic well under
free his father Thor, even rhough MENU, or Menulis, was the Mecm andhisbrother, Modi, stide across the root of the cosmic ree
none of the gods had been able to Baldc moon god The sun was the sunlit Plain of lda at the dawn oJo YGGDMSIL To gain Mimir's wis-
shift Hrungnir's leg. "ft's a pity I imagrned as the goddessSAULE,the Jreshgreenage,after the world destruction dom, which comprised "many
didn't come sooner," Magni com- patroness of green snakes The of Rngnaroh Magni ("Mighty") swings truths unknown ro any other per-
rnented "lf I had met this gianr Letts believed that the stars were Thor's sacredhammer, while Modi son", Odin gaveone of his eyesfor
first, he would be fallen to my bare the children of Menu and Saule. ("Courage") Jollowsbehind (Iuusrnnrroru
ny permission to drink at the well
fists " Akhough oDlN was rather The Moming Star, however, was Jaur.sArrxtr,roER, 1995
put out by young Magni's inrer- said to have been the child of a love MJOt-l-NIRwas the magic ham-
vendon, Thorshowed his gatitude affair berween Saule and pnRKUNo, Men Sne Znurvewa invohedby Slavic mer of the Germanic thunder god
by giving the young frost giant the thunder god For this reason farmersathawest time Thq enteredthar THOR Made by the dwarfs Brokk
Hrungnir's magnificent horse, the moon god, in shame and anger, fields at dawn andblessedthe earthwith and Eitn, it was an instrument of
Golden Mane After MGNAROK,rhe avoided his spouse, and appeared libations oJhemp oil Bowingto the eut, destruction, fertiliry and resurrec-
doom of the gods, Magni and Modi only by night, while the sun god- west,north and south,thq invohedthe tion. In Thor's hands Mjollnir was
togerher would inherit Thor's dess was huppy to be seen all pnmal daty, eachtime soahingtheearth the gods' certain protection againsr
magic hammer, MJOLINfR through the day. wth oil (Iuusrnenoru
nyNrcxBr,qu,1995) their enemies,the frost grants That
is why the gods were so worried
when the frost giant THRy,I stole it
The price for its retum was the
hand of rRnY,p, the fertility god-
dess Dressed in Frefa's clothes
and accomDanl

MtulR saws Odin a draughtfromhis and its legs were vulnerable to

wondrousFountain oJWisdom Thepnce attack On the day of the duel,
demandedfor this pivilege was one q/e, Thor hlled Hrungnir but wet him-
rymbolinngthe saciJiceof oneviu Jor self at the sight of Mist Calf His
another,greater ision Odin's qe floated human servant THIALFIwas less
in the Jountain, a rymbol oJ the Jull moon, impressed, however, and swung
besidethe crescentmoon oJHamdall's his axe at the clay giant's legs
horn (IrrusrnenoN
1995) When Mist Calf toppled back-
wards, his fall shook;oruNHElM,
Nanna, Thor raised his hammer the land of the frost giants.
and chanted certain magic words
to consecrate the ceremony. MUNDTLFARI was a man who
After MGNAROK, the day of offended oDIN. When Odin, along
doom and the end of the world, with his brothers yILI and vE.
ownership of Mjollnir passed to carvedthe world out of the carcass
Thor's sons MAGwI and Modi (See of YMIR,the original frost giant,
also TREASURESAND TALISMANS) they solved the problem of its illu-
minadon by using sparl<sand glow-
MOXKURALFI, or Mist Calf, ing embers from the sun, moon
was a gigandc clay giant. He was and stars.Mundilfari. who lived in
made from the claybed of a nverby Midgard, had a son and a daughter
frost giants in order to tenify THOR, so handsome and beautiful that he
the thundergod. This occunedjust called one Moon and the other
before Thor met HRUNGNIR, the Sun The gods were angeredby this
strongest of the frost gian$, in comparison Odin snatched the
single combat. Mist Calf was ani- brother and sister from Midgard
mated by the heart of a mare, but it and tumed them into constella-
proved inadequate for the task tions to guide the real heavenly
Though the creature towered into bodies on their daily and nightly
the clouds, it was very slow-moving journeys acrossthe sly

MJorrNtn QeJ),rymbolizng Thor's MuruotrraRl(below)namedhtslovely

thunderbolt, glou,edred-hot at the mallet children thesunandmoon,angeing
end, and could onf be held by an iron Thechildren
gauntlet It was not just destructive,but weremadeto dnve theheavenlychaiots
ako creativeand hallowedweddingsand acrossthe slE At leJt,the moon is drawn by
births The acquisite,whirlingpattems oJ All-Sw{t, while two eagersteeds,Early
Vihing art beautifuIlydepict the blazng Waher and Rapid Goer, pull the larger sun
qes oJthe god {srwenpENDANr,
torHcENruRv) chaiot (Irrusrpqrro,N
BvGTENN 1995
Srrweno, )

MYgSYefS was rhe moon deiry where the dragon lived, ripping NIOnO was rhe Germanic sea
of Slavonic myth. Some raditions corpses apart and eadng them. god, a member of the divine race of
represent him as the cold, bald- Between mouthfuls he would send VANIRand father of the fenility gods
headed uncle of rhe sun god the squinel Ratatoskup the cosmic FRELRand f'nrrye. When peace was
DAZHBOG.In others, Myesyars is a tree on an errand of insult, for the agreed between the AESIRand the
beaudful woman, the consort of agile animal periodically disturbed Vanir, the nvo branches of the
Dazhbogand morher by him of rhe two birds, an eagle and a hawk, divine family, Njord, Freyr and
stars. Every spring the divine pair who were perched at the very top. Freyla came to live with the Aesir as
are remarried, but in the autumn When momentarily dred of the a sign of goodwill. According to
Dazhbogleaves his bride and only tasteof dead flesh, Nidhoggwould some versions of the myth, the
retums to her after the cold winter gnaw at the root of Yggdrasil iself, mother of Freyr and Freyja was
months have passed. presumably hoping to inflict dam- Njord's own sister NERTHUS,bur
age on fhe cosmos in some way.
NenfnUS was a Germanic god- Both Yggdrasil and Nidhogg were N.yonobelw) linesup wtththegodsto
dess,whose cult was described by destined to survive the final cata- havehuJeetinspected whowas
W Sll;aldi,
the Roman writer Tacitus in the strophe of RacrueRoK,rhe doom of obliged tochooseafutsbandJrom theshape
first centuryAD.According ro him, Nrnrnus ides in a tiumphalprocession, the gods and the end of the world. of htsfeet What Sludipiclzed Njord,she
she was an important morher god- dunngherbiannualJmilityfestival Neither fire nor flood could deter foundthatshehadwon a *t)eet,oA smgod
dess who had a sacred grove on a BedechedwithJlowen, hq chariotwas the dragon from its ceaselessfeast- with passions quiteopposite to herwn,
Frisian island. At regular inrervals drawnW t*o hafm, whichsymbohzed ing on the vast and inexhaustible andso shesoontoohto hr chillyhilk
Nerthus travelled inland along a pimal motherhood andabundance The supply of dead. alone Auusn.tnoN BvJHuARD,1g3O)
recognized route, her image placed peoplehonouredhetW layingasideall iron
in an ox cart and attended by a toolsandweapons and donningfestiv
priest. During these sacred jour- dress0uusrnrTroN
neys peacewas expected to prevail
because "all iron was put away".At and afterwards slaves who had
a cenain lake the goddess bathed, helped in this ritual were drowned
in Nerthus' honour. Sacrifice by
drowning was a pracdce also
favoured by the ancient Slavs in
eastem Europe. The name of the
goddess may have meant "power-
ful one" because it refers to
suength. Quite possibly Tacitus
was describing a local cult of
FRafA. Someversions of the myths
of .asceRo,home of the gods, sug-
gest that Nerthus was sister and
wife ro NJORD,the sea god, and
mother of Freyja and rRna.

NIOHOGG, in Germanic myrh-

ology, was the dragon lMng ar one
of the three r00ts of the cosmic tree
YGGDMSIT.The freezing misr and
darkness of Niflheim, which was
the lowest of the nine worlds, was

Nlpnocc kJt), o gruesome dragon,dwelt

in iq Nilheimand,whennotdevouing
Ygdrasil,thecosmic tree Here,a stag
browsingonthelearcs of Ygdrasilis in
its turnnippedbyNidhog rejectingthe
hJeanddeathstruggle at therootof the
UnNeTSe (Wooo crnvrNc,8ru cnvruRy.)

N"Jonocalmedthe stormsraisedby the nighrs in each place they decided Tan Nonrys, akohnown as the Nordic called Urd by the name of Wyrd,
god, Aeglr A gentle soul, to live apart Skadi went back to her Fates,decidedthe destintesof both gods and in Engiand there was main-
Njordlwedhis sunlit covesand creehs, favourite pastime of hunting on and mortak ds thq wove the Web of Fate tained a belief in rhe tremendous
homeof his sacred seagullsand swans shs and the weather-beatenNjord Here, atleft, wiseold Urd readsfrom the powers of rhe three sisters long
Popular with sailorsandfishermen, he retumed to a life at sea The appar- scrollof thepast,whileyoungVerdandi after the arrival of Christianity For
aided shipsin distress,blo,vfavourable endy unbridgeable gap between the present,andvaled Shuld
symbolizes instance, in Shakespeare'stragic
windsand causedsummer showers them probably reflecs more than claspsher closedscrollof thefuture play Macbeth,the Three Sisterson
.1995) personaluste Njord was certainly (lu-usrnarroru ALrx,lrorn,1995
BYJAMES ) "the blasted heath" obviously owed
seen as a god of fertility, since he somerhingro rhe Noms
since the Aesir disapproved of mar- provided to those who worshipped THg NOnNS, or Nomir, were A clear parallel of the Noms are
riage between brother and sister, him not only safe voyagesat sea, the Germanic fates, the goddesses the Moerae, or "Fates", encoun-
Nerthus did not accompany her but alsowealth and good fortune in of destiny. The original Nom was tered in Greek myrhologr. fu in the
husband and children to fugard. the form of land and sons Skadi's undoubtedly URD ("Fate") The Germanic mythic tradition, they
Njord's second marriage was to associationswere quite differenr, Well of Urd, which was situated were seen as three sister goddesses:
the frost giantess SMDI, who chose however She came from a range of under one of the roots of the great Klotho ("The Spinner"), Lachesis
him on the basis of his beautiful frozen mountains, where heavy cosmic ITeeYGGDMSIL, was the site ("The Decider") and Atropos ("The
feet However, the coupie could clouds masked the sun and harsh where the gods heid their daily lnevitable") lt would seem more
not agree about where they should rock made the ground as barren as assembly The rwo other Noms than possible that the Noms were
live Njord found Skadi's home in death [n her wild and unforgiving known by name are Verdandi also originally thought of as
JOTUNHEIM, the land of the frost land, where nothing was able to ("Present") and Skuld ("Future") spinners Howevet, in Germanic
gianrc, too cold and barren, while grow or prosper at all, there was It was believed that the Noms mythologr the Greek and Roman
Skadi disliked the noise and bustle hardly any scope for humankind decided the destinies of gods, concept of the Fates spinning an
of shipbuilding around Njord's hall gians and dwarfs, as well as of individual length of yam for each
of Noatun in Asgard After nine Nonrqtn seerHE NoRNs humankind The Anglo-Saxons mortal life does not appear

sprRrrsof slaughter,dark angelsof death
who soaredover the batrlefieldslike birds of prey, meting out fare in the
name of Odin. Chosen heroes were gatheredup and borne away to
Valhalla,the heavenlyabode of Odin's ghostly army. In later Norse myth,
the Valkyrieswere romanticizedas Odin's shield-maidens,virginswith golden
hair and snowy arrns who served the chosen heroes everlasting
ff,mead and meat in the greathall of Valhalla.On the battlefield,
they soared over the host as lovely swan-maidens or
splendid mounted Amazons. This far more appealing
n d I , li e b e l u n g en l i e d , w h e r e t h e
heroine,Brynhild or Brunhild, was a
beautiful, fallen Valkyrie. Ide ahzed
Vallcyries were infinitely more vulnerable than
their fierce predecessors,and often fell in love
with mortal heroes. Swan-maiders, especially,
were at risk as they might easily be trapped on
earth if caught without their plumage.

Moururro Verryrrrs Aeft) soaredoverthe battlefeld throughstorm cloudson lying

steeds Their prarly mountspersonifiedthe rain clouds,sprayingdewandhoar frostwer a

r 1 1I ttt,r1,11 11
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/ l r r i t l l l i i t , (\ littr\fll.{\r /,,,,1
NonsE MyrHoLoGY

OPIX, alsoknown as Woden or Odin was looked upon as the inspr- "madness" It indicatespossession,
Wotan, was the chief god of ration for hard-bitten warriors He as in the battle-frenzyexhibited by
Germanic myrhology, the son of alonehad rhe power ro inspiremen rhe Irish hero Cuchulainn
BORand grandsonof nuru He was in battle to a stateof berserkragein That Odin becamerhe foremost
particularlyfavouredby the Vilcngs which rhey fearednorhing and felt god shows how important wartare
a n d ro se to p ro mi n e n ce in the no parn The terrible berserkers always was in Germanic tradition
eighth and ninth cenrunes These would rush naked into the fray, It should be noted. however.that
seafarers and raiderswere attracted biting the edgesof their shieldsin he did not embody martial esctasy
b y Od i n 's l o ve o f b a trl e as the a maddened frenny Odin's name himself; rather he inspired it in a
"lather of the slain", for in meanssomethingahn [o "fury" or devious manner Odin was ever immense hall in rhe
diwne forrressof ascaRo, the one- OorNQep,thelughest
srrsonhrs OorN(below),
e;vedgocJwas said Lo prresi,Je erv.
er uunite,i th"nno Hi;irb,nii t^,hrrh t^,n< n ieudstheheratchostcn c, ghostli'hunt
the EINHE(/AR ("glorious dead") Ar mighrywatch-toweroverloohrng
thentne throughthe stotmymidnight slry In the
rhis penod it seemsrhat Odin drs- worlds Hovenng nearbyare his tteless roar and rumbleof thestorm clouds,
placed TtR, whom rhe Romanshad rayens,theavbornen(ws reporters,Huglnn Norsemen fanciedthq heardOdin's
identified as the sky god of rhe and Muninn, while at hisJett crouchhis phantom idrrs sweepacrossthe sIry,
north European peoples Tir pet wolves,Gen and Frekr,omcnsot'good darh omensoJdoom (THe
wl DHuNroF
rerained his interest in war. bur luch (Onr^-
arE BuRNI-/r.rvrs,
c ,I870.) ODIN, ry I'NAruo, ctNves, lB72 )


ready to stir up strife, and on one voluntary death, and his subse- heyday, hanging formed an impor-
occasion commanded the fertility quent resurrection by means of tant part of Odin worship, even
goddess FREUAto "find rwo kings magic, gave Odin greater wisdom being regarded as a shortcut to
and set them at each other's than anyoneelse. Valhalla. The great Viking raid of
throats" so that their vassalswould It is possible that the obvious 842 on Nantes in north-western
wade through torrents of blood on parallel between this myth and the France can thus be seen as the out-
the battlefield. The Danish King Crucifixion gave Christianity a come of a barbarouspledge to the
Harald was supposed to have been head-smrt in northern Europe. god. Most of the ciry's inhabitants
instructed in mctics by the god and Odin's own worship appears to were slain and hanged naked or
granted manyvictories. ln his final have gone into decline in the early clothed from was "an axe-
battle, though, Odin took the place eleventh century, at the close of the age,sword-age", a violent interlude
of the hng's charioteer and drove Viking age. Violent times were prior to the end of the world that
Harald to his death. When asked passingasVihng colonists settled would come at Ragnarok
about such withdrawals of luck, down as peaceful farmers and In addition to FRIGG,his wife in
Odin used to reply that "the grey traders. But during the Vikings' Asgard, Odin had many other
wolf watches the halls of the gods". wives, and he fathereda number of
Gathering to Valhalla heroic war- Oow belm), in a timelessbattle scene, OorN (abwe), a god of vision,sacifced children. Among those said to be
riors slain in battle was the only clasps hiswtJeIongngly,beJoredivinginto one qe Jor a draught of Mimir's Fountain his sonswerc THOR,BALDER, HODR,
policy he could adopt under the theJray Armed Jorbattlein eaglehelmet oJWisdom His singleqe symbohzedthe and v,qu.
constant threat of RecrueRoK,the andbluetunic,symbolizngthe slE,heis radiant all-seang sun, while his lost qe, Odin kept himself informed
doom of the gods. These Einhe4ar armedwithhisinJallible spear,Gungnir, floatingin Mimir's well,signtJiedthefull about the affairsof the nine worlds
were desperately needed for the andhiswondrous in g Draupnir,which moon Odin hung himselfJrom Ygdrasil, with two faithful ravens As Vihngs
final battle on the vIGRID Plain, wastherymboloJhispwu andwealth the cosmictreeJor nine dEs, tolearn the at sea sent out ravens in search of
where nearly all would fall in a (Opru's Lrrve-rnKNtc ByF LEEKE,c,ANVAs,c 1875) secretsoJthe dead (Bnoruzr
ncurl c 1950
) Iand, Odin's own ravens HUGINN
struggle berween the gods and the and Muninn flew about and then
frost giants Odin himself was to be "whispered into his earsevery scrap
hlled by the wolf nr'ruruR,the mon- of news which they saw or heard
strous offspring of the fire god roro tell of" The birds' names mean
and the frost giantessANGRBODA "thought" and "memory" respec-
Besideshis authority over the tively Becauseof his wrsdom and
battlefield and the glorious dead, his knowledge of events, Odin was
Odin was a god of magic and wis- oppressed by the approach of
dom. fu the oldest of the gods, the Ragnarok. Just as the cycle of
first-bom son of Bor, he was treat- Germanic mythologystarted with a
ed by the other gods as their father. cosmos awash with the blood of
Shifty-eyed and flaming-eyed he the original frost giant YMIR,when
might be, but Odin also had a Odin and his brothers vtt andvr.
strongly posidve side to his charac- carved the world of men out of his
ter as the most learned god. His dead body, so the final scene was
conflicting negative and posidve to be a batdefield, where the gods
aspects are indeed very similar to were predestined to gush out their
those of the Hindu god Shiva, the own blood. Ragnarok,the doom of
great destroyer-saviour of Indian the gods, beganwith the death of
mythology. For Odin's love of wis- Odin's son Balder and the realiza-
dom was so profound that he was tion by the gods that in Loki, the
prepared to sacrifice himself to god of [ire, rhey had tolerated the
plumb its depths. Odin was often growth of evil. There was nothing
ponrayed as a grey-bearded old that Odin could do to prevent the
man with one eye, his face hidden catastrophe.His only consolation
bya hood orabroad-brimmed hat, was the foreknowledge that his
because he had cast an eye into resurrected son Balder would be
MIMIR'swell in retum for a drink of worshipped in his stead in a new
its "immense wisdom". He gained age and a new land which would
insight in another way by hangrng rise from the sea. (See also rHr
himself for nine days from VALKTRIES; AND SPELLS;
YGGDMSIL,the cosmic tree. This MGNAROK)

NoRse MyrHoLoGY

Andvari tried to conceal. Andvari

cursed both the ring and the gold,
saying that whoever owned them
would be destroyedby rhem Loh
put the ring on his own finger and
retumed to Hreidmar with the
gold There was enough ro cover
the whole skin, excepr flor one
whisker; so Loh was compelled ro
hand over the ring as well, and the
curse passedto Hreidmar.

Orrnn wasdisguised asa boarbyhis PnfOfJ-O was the Bakic war god,
divinelover,Frqja Here,Frqtjarideshim
the equivalent of Germanic ODIN,
to theseerHyrdla,seehingprooJof Ottar's
the one-eyedgod of battle, magic,
hingshipTheseerimpartedto Ottarhis inspiration and che dead He was
familytreewithsomeMemoryBeerto help depicted as an old man with a long
himreciteit correctly
in a contestfor
green beard and dearh-like pallor,
ByJAMES Arcxeuorn,
wearing a turban. His sacred
objects were the skulls of a man, a
Offen was rhe human lover of horse and a cow
FREYA,the Germanic fertiliry god- Patollo was the chief god of rhe
dess, and was said ro be a disunr Baltic region He bestowed good
descendantof the hero SIGURD fortune and, like Odin, he took it
The wamor caughr the goddess's awaywhenever he had a desire ro
attendon through grand sacrifices tasrehuman blood Ar some point
He buih a srone altar and tumed ir before the advent of Christianity
into glassby rhe consranrhear of Patollo seems to have taken on a
the fire he used in preparing his more pronounced role in respectof Orrrn wasturnedintoanottu byhis appearsin a surviving myth about
bloody offering Fref a transformed the dead. This would explain why Jathutocatchfshfor dinner.
Here,he SAULE, the sun goddess, and the
him into a boar so rhar she could Christian missionariesimmediately nibbles
a salmonwithhisqes closed to moon god vrruu. According ro rhis
keep him with her in ASGARD, the idendfied him with rhe Devil. avoidseeinghisdinnerdimintsh witheach tale, the moon chosenot to appear
home of the gods. She even used mouthfulBlindto theworld,hewas easy in the sky with the sun becauseof
the disguised Ottar as a mounr PrnxoNIS see pERKUNo prEJorInhi whocaveted theotter's
Jtne Perkuno, who had an affair with
Ottar may have been a leader of a Ju, (t utrurroN
1995) Saule. Their love-child was rhe
warrior band, a lover pleasing to PgnxoNS seepERKUNo Moming Star. Whereas the sun
Freyla who shared rhose fallen in worshipped at Uppsala in Sweden. goddess carried on as if nothing
battle with Odin. In the myth ir is PnnxuNAS seepERKUNo There'the war god ODIN,rhe rhun- had happened and conrinued to
suggestedrhar he is related ro rhe der god THoRand the fertiliry god show herself to all humankind
berserkers,waniors who, "howling PrnxUNO (which probably FREYRwere revered, whereas at during the day, Menu made him-
and foaming in frennl,lefr a uail of
meant "striker"), known as Romowe in Prussia,Baltic peoples self visible only by night.
terror and leaped like wrldfire over
Perkunasin Lithunia, Perkons or gaveworship ro PAT)LL), Perkuno
land and sea". Perkonis in Latvia, was the Baltic and potRIMPo. The young, beard- Prnuu seepERUNU
thunder god. He was obvrously less god Potrimpo was the Baltic
OTTER, in Germanic mythology, connected with rhe Slavic god Freyri grim Patollo was the Baldc PfnUNU, known as pyerun in
was the son of rhe magician-farmer PERUNU, although Perkuno was rhe Odin: and the Baltic Thor was Russia,Piorun in Poland and some-
HREIDMARWhen rhe fire god rOrcr standard European god of the Perkuno, as quick to anger as the times Perun, was the Slavic thun-
killed him by mistake, for he had storrn He was depicted as an giant-killing Germanic thunder der god. He was the chief god and
taken the shape of an orrer, angry-looking middle-aged man god. A late account of the Balts a creator god. At Kiev in Russia he
Hreidmar demanded compensa- with a fiery face and a curly black even supposes a migration from had an important temple until the
don The otter's flayed skin was to beard. An order of priess is known Sweden in the sixth cenrury. tenth century. Perunu's supremacy
be covered inside and out with to have mainrained a perpetual fire Unfortunately, next to nothing was ended byVladimir, rhe ruler of
gold Loki succeededin taking as as part o[ Perkuno's worship of Baltic mythology has survived, Kiev who was later raised to rhe
much gold as he needed from rhe Bahic mythology appears ro apart from the names of gods and sainthood. After living rhe qpical
dwarf ANDyARI,and insisted that have possessedthree main gods, goddesses. It is of considerable life of a Slavic prince, wirh numer-
he also be given a ring which not unlike the Germanic rrio interest, therefore, that Perkuno ous wives and misresses, Vladimir

Nonsr MvrHoLocY

"rired of the desire forwomen" and Moslems. His choice fell on rhe Prnxrno can be seenherendingwith his Elsewherein Europe the Slavic
sought a newway of living He sent Bfzantine form of Christianiry and divinecompanions:on theleft,young peoples also revered Perunu, as
out ambassadors to witness the thereafter the Russians and the Potimpo, crownedwith Iruitful wheat; place- names still indicate In
religious ceremonies of both the Greeks shared the same form of next, veteran Patollo bears a shull Slovenia there is Perunji Ort, in
Catholic and Orthodox churches, Chrisdan worship. rymboliztnghisffinity withwar and death, Croatia Peruna Dubrava, in
as well as those of the Jews and Prior to this conversion in 988 whilehis hornedturban recallshis sacred Bulgaria Perin Planina, and in
though, the "Rus" owed more to cow Perhuno,at right, Jlasheshis lightning Poland Peruny as well as Piorunow
Pnncnvuroamedthe tkundery sly onhrs north-westem Europe, for the (llrusrnerroru By IAMES ALExANorn, I 995 ) According to Procopius, secretary
milktone,jnshing shaftsof lightning Jr om esmblishment of the Russiansrare to the Greek general Belisariusin
htsthunderboltInhis efiig atKia,,he resulted from Viking trade and PERL.TNU,
as afertility god, wanderedwer the sixth century, the Slavs wor-
appearedwith a silver head and golden settlement on its greatrivers. The the earth, spreadingsummer sun, chasing shipped above all the god of light-
moustncheHe was transjormedinto St Viking leader Oleg had captured awaycloudsand meltingthe snow A god ning, and sacrificedcatde and orher
Elijahwtth the arival of Chistianig, Kiev in 882 and raised its status to with a socialsense.he bombardedthe lands animals to him. In Russianfolklore
orrusrpcnoN 1995
) "mother of Russian cities". With oJthe wrchedwith hailstorms The oah, his the memories of Perunu's great
this Germanic influx, it is hardly sacredtree. was burned in his honour skill with the thunderbolt can
surprising that there are obvious (lLLUsrMiloN ay Nrcx BE/,u. 1995 ) doubtlessbe found in stories that
parallels berween Perunu and tell of dragon-slaylng and other
THOR Oleg was referred to as a supematural deeds rhat required
"wizard". It seemsquite likely thar "..::i
Thor provided the native Slavic
thunder god with a developed PERUNU
mythology, since surviving details
of Perunu's worship suggest that POTTUPO was the Baltic god of
he was originally believed to be an fertility and the equivalent of the
aid to agriculture. lndeed, rain- Germanic fertility god FREYR,
making ceremonies are known to though he was also associatedwith
have involved a chaste girl, naked rivers He was depicted as a happy
and decked with flowers, dancing young man without a beard and
in a magic circle. Whirling and crowned with ears of grain
drinhng seem to have been impor-
tant in his Russian worship. PYENUN SECPERUNU

Nonsr MyrHoLoGy

RACNAROK was the doom of

rhe Germanic gods Afrer a terrible
winter lasdng rhree years,a final
batdewould be fought berweenrhe
gods and the frost giants on the
vIGRtDPlain On the side of ODrN
and the gods were ranged rhe
"glorious dead" who had fallen in
battle and were raken to live in
VALHALIA;while with rhe fire god
LOKIand the frost gians fought the
"unworthy dead" from riEr (the
Germanicnetherworld), plus the
fearsomewolf rETRIRand the sea
monsterJORMUNGAND There was
nothing rhat rhe chief god Odin
could do to prevenr rhis catastro-
phe His only consolation was the
foreknowledge thar Ragnarok
was not the end of the cosmos
After he had been killed by Fenrir,
THOR had been overcome by RecxnRox (above) wasforeshadowed by
Jormungand, and mosr of the orher a chillingFimbulwinter Soland Mani
gods had died in the mutually grat, pale with fear; blizzards swept down
destructive encounter with the
Jrom the pealx and icebergstouteredaver
frost giants, a new world was des- thefrozen earth Lohi broheJreefrom his
dned [o "rise again our of the water, bondsand set sailwith thef,ery host
fair and green" (lLLUsrMTroN BYJAMES ALFxANorn, 1995 )

Before the batrle rwo humans,

LIF and Lifihrasir, had taken shelter RAGNARoK's Aef)warragedonthe
in the sacred rree yGGDMSILand iq Plainof Vignd Hue, Odinwrestles
they emergedafrer rhe camagewas with thesnarlingwolJ,
over to repopulate the earth slaysthemonstrous worldserpat,
Severalof the gods also survived, Jormungand, thoughdyngJromitsJatal
among them Odin's sons VIDAR yenomAt left,Lohiwrestleswiththebnght
and vALI, and his brorher HONIR, god,Hamdall, andboth godsdiein the
Thor's sons Modi and MAGNI,who conflict(lrrusrRenoru
I 995)
inhented rheir father's hammer.
and BALDER who came back suffered at the hands of rhe RECIN and his brother FAFNTR RTNUER SCCHMIDMAR
from the dead heathen " Bu[ for rhe Vikings ir slew their father, the magician
Ragnarokheld a grear appeal for was like Ragnarok, "an axe-age,a HREIDMAR, while under the spell of RHTNT MruONNS SCCNATURE
the Vikings, whose onslaughr on sword-age" It was a rehearsalfor a cursed ring, Andvarinaut, which SPIRJTS
westem Europe is still the stuff of the "wind-age and wolf-age before made them covet their father's
legend Once they understood the the world is wrecked" Ahhough gold While Fafnir turned into a RIG was the name assumed by the
effectivenessof the standhogg,rhe Christianiry did evenruallycome ro dragon in order to protect his gold, Germanic god unuoeu when he
short, sharp shore-raid againsr the the Germanic peoples of norrhem Regin settled down as a smith in created the three categoriesof men:
ncher lands ro rhe west and south, Europe, their preoccupationwith a the royal Danish household. There the slave or thrall; the free peasanr
then, as Alcuin remarked in the cosmic carasrrophedid not fade he tutored the young hero SIGURD or harl; and the noble or chieftain,
eighth century, "no one is free from altogether. The Last Judgemenr and urged him to overcome Fafnir, known as jarl. Though usually
fear" ln 793 the British offshore exercised their minds during the which he did But, equally as cor- imagined as the watchman of the
monasrery of Lindisfarne was MiddleAges It maywell have been rupted by the curse as his brother, gods,scanning the horizon for the
sacked and Sr Cuthberr's church that behind the Nazis' resolve ro Regin then plotted to murder Iinal frost giant attack at Ragnarok,
was spatteredwrrh the blood of the fight on in World War Two lay a Sigurd. However, he reckoned Heimdall was also idendfied with
monks "Never before in Britain," folk memory of Ragnarok without the young hero's insight: Rig, or "hrg".According to Rig's
Alcuin lamenred, "has such terror Srgurd was forewamed by the birds myth, the god once approached
appeared as rhis we have now RNN SCCNATUM SPIRITS and killed Regin first the lowlydwellingof an old couple,

Nonsr MvrHoLocY

Ai and Edda 0iterally "great-gand- he encountered an industrious

father" and "great-grandmother") couple, Afi and Amma (literally
After introducing himself as a lone "gandfather" and "gandmother")
wayfarer, Rigwas given coarsefood The well-dressed pair were spin-
to satisfi his hunger and a place in ning and weaving: Afi prepared a
the bed berween them when itwas loom, Amma spun a thread Once
time to sleep. Rig stayed three again Rig shared their table and
nighs and gave them good advice bed, gave good adviceand depart-
Nine months afterwards Edda bore ed after three nights Nine months
a son, Thrall, who was black-haired afterwardsAmma bore a son, Karl,
and ugly, wrth rough skin, thick who was red and fresh and bright-
fingers,short nails, swollen lcruck- eyed IGrl took to wrfe Snor (mean-
Ies, long heeis and bent back; but ing "daughter-in-law") and rheir
he was strong Thrall took as his children included boys named
wrfe an equally ungainly person, a Strongbeard, Husbandman and
drudge with crooked legs, dirty Smith, and girls called Prettyface,
feet, sunbumed arrns and a big Maiden and Capable Together
nose Their many children includ- they ran farms and were free
ed boys like Noisy, Roughneck and A third dwelling Rig stayed at
Horsefly, as well as girls such as was a splendid hall belonging to
Laz1bones, Fatty and Beanpole Fadir and Modir ("farher" and
From these ill-favoured children "mother") While Fadir attendedto
descendedthe thralls, the enslaved his bow and arrows, Modir saw to
labourers of the oppressed class her own looks and clothes After a
Eddar's son Thrall himself per- large meal, accompanied by fine RrctN reforgesthe shardsoJSigurd's god, Jarl rode through the world,
fecrly sums up the back-breaking conversation and dnnk, Rig slept wondroussword, Gram Once mended,the fighting and slayrng,seizing booty
toil of his oppressedclass,weighed between his well-off hosts He swordwasso strongand sharp that it split and distriburing treasureto his free
down with generations of hard stayed three nights and gavegood the iron anvil in two With it, Sigurdslew followers At last he married Erna
labour advice Nine months afterwards Regln'sbrother, FaJnir,who had turned ("lively"), a fair and wise noble-
Rig visited a second house, Modir bore a son, Jarl, who was himselJinto a dragonso that he could woman, and she bore him twelve
warrn and better fumished Inside fair-haired and handsome,with a t2rHcENruRy
guard his gold NvooocARVrNG, ) sons One of rhese learned magic
bright cheek and an eyeas piercing so well rhat he could prevent forest
Rtcwandered throughout theearth, as a serpent's When he grew ro Rtc nextvisiteda thnJq,farmhousewhere fires. control storms and cure the
visitingitspeople andJatheingthree manhood, Jarl could use bow, he was hospitablyentertainedby Amma sick lt was said that he excelled
classes oJmen,thethrallsor sufs,karlsor spear,sword and shield; he could and Afi Rig stayedJor threedaysand even Rig in understanding and
freemen andjarlsor earlsHere , Rigsups ride and swim and hunt experrly Jathereda fine sturdy,blue-qed boy, almost became a god The impli-
withagedrustrcs in theirseashorehut, One day Rig rerurned and greeted namedKarl, who {ew up to be a natural cation is that in his person he com-
ganngwith pndeathisJirstmortalchild, Jarl as his speciai son, imparting farmer Here, Karl andhis w{e, Snor,can bined the roles of pnest and king
Thrall,whowaso bornlabourer andJather wrsdom and relling him how to be seenworhing theirJrurtful land The myth of Rig sheds light on
oJ the serfs (lr-rusrnerroNBvNrcK Bzarr, 1995) claim his lands In obedienceto the (lrrusrnatrrrru
) the structure of Viking society In
con[rastwith the Celts, the orher
main rribal people of pre-Chrisdan
Europe, rhe Germanic tribes of
Scandinar,raand northem Europe
had alreadylost a priestly classby
the time we encounter their
mythoiogy AsJulius Caesarnoted,
the ancient Germanshad no equiv-
alent of the druids and cared lirtle
for ntual They found religious sig-
nificance in the depths of forests
But the Romans, and later the
Vikings'victims, were in no doubt
about the Germanic love of warfare
and the role of the armed retainer,
the sturdy free peasant,in battle

a unique and precious art practised
essentially by Odin and rhe Vanir
deides of nature, bur also by dwarfs
and some privileged mortals, Llsually
women. Although disringuished heroes,
such as Sigurd, were blessed with magical
weapors, they usually lacked any magical
powers. Odin, the arch-sorcerer,developed
his skills over a lifetime of search and
sacrifice, much like a morml shaman. Ever
thirsry for wisdom and power, he wandered
the nine worlds as a vagrant, clad in a blue
mantle and slouch hat , gathering and
garnerirg every snippet of information he
could find. After hanging himself on the
World Tiee, he learnt rhe secrers of the
dead and restored himself ro life. By
contras[, the heroes of Finnish myth were
often gifted from birth with asrounding
magical powers and arcane wisdom.The
wise wtzard, Vainamoineh, was a born sage
and sorcerer,while debonair Leminkainen
was bathed as a baby ro imbue him wirh
wisdom and sorcery. Equipped with a
repertoire of sacred songs, the Finns
penetrated to the roors of life. Finnish
sorcerers were so famous that in medieval Kurrrpvo cursesllmannen'swichedwtJewho had tauntedhim bqond endurance,
glvinghim a dry loalJor hts lunch,stffid with a rochwhich shatteredhis hntJe
times Norwegian kings forbade people ro In response,he tumedher gentlecowsinto bearswhichdevouredherat thefamily milhing

s a i l t o F i n n m a r k f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f Kullewo, d toftured soul,unlovedJrombirth, respondedto the world'ssleightswith

distortedmalice Grftedwith powuful sorcery,he punishedhisenemies bqtondtheir
consulting magicians. Cnme (THF. Cunsr or- KULLL-nVO ByA GALLEN-KALLELA,cAN\,,As, c 1850)
N : ' g n 5 g : M Y . , i :H o L o G Y

VarruaiuornreN(above)fendsot'Jthegnffin perchedon his

Louhi, who had tumed
shrp Themonsterwasthe sorceress,
herselfinto u metalhcbird Shewas after thetalisman,the
Sampo Justas sherearedto stnhethefinal blow,
Vainamoinenraisedhis rudderand crushedher talons
TheSampowas brolzenand scattered,but Vatnamoinen

fragmentsand partly restoreditspower

( D r . r p , l c t , ( ) r r H t : S A M P L )B \ A G A L I F N - K A i l F l A , c . r . v t e r 1852 )

Kurrrnvo (above),doomedJrom birth, setout 0n his last Fnrl7a (nght) was renownedfor her maglcal crafts,along
journq, ptpingloudly onhis cowhorn,his mother'sBlachie l,rJh the otherVanir deitiesoJJertiliry and nature Shewas

dogrunningbehindEn route hepossedablastedstretchoJ the Jirstto teachthe wamor Aesir the practiceof seroror
greenwherehe had unwittingly despoiledhrs long-lost maglc SerorwasuseJulbutcould be dongerous,glvrngrts
bemoanedthe maiden's
sister Here the meadow grasses practitilnersforehnowledgeand power overliJeand death,

terible fate Feelingthe crushingweightof guilt and a loveand intelligenceOdin quichly learnt all that Freyja
liJetimeoJ bitterness,Kullemoeventuallythrew himselfon couldteachhimand, ewr thirsryJorhnowledge,surpassed
his sword Although a powerfulsorcerer,Kullewo was the Vanir in maglc arts ln later myth, Frqja wasrdentiJied
deniedlovethroughouthis lit'eand nner learnt theway of oJSpnngwho guardedthe maglcapples
with ldun, goddess
things {xuttERVCl ByA GaLLrN-KeLLnq, cANVAs, c 1850) BYARTHITR
ofyouth,seenhere0lrusrn+nos c 1910)

A RrrucoF FInE (far left) enctrcledthe ValLeyne,
sleepfrom all but the
protectingherin an enchanted
bravest OnIy Sigurddared theJieryctcle of Jlamesto win
the sleepingbeauryHrs fearlessspiit camed him through'
mysteiouslyunharmed,as predrctedby the brrdswhose
songheunderstood(liI t/.srmrr()N r 1920)

Gruuulro QeJt),QueenoJthe Nrebelungs,wasfamed and

fearedfor her maglc Withher spellsand potions,shecould

erasea person'smemoryand controlhis wrll Whenshe
ofJeredunsuspectrngSigrd her maglcmead,heJorgot hts
lovefor Brynhildand rnsteadfell rn lovewith Gnmhild's
daughter, Gudrun (lrrl \rR{li()\
B)ARIHT c 1910.)


continued to reveregreen snakes.

It was long held that seeing one in
the countryside meant that either a
maniage or binh would follow.
Saulewas imagined as pouring
light from a jug.The golden liquid
which she generously gave to the
world was the basis of life isell the
warmth so necessaryafter the cold
north-eastern European winter
Another fragment of myth about
Saule concerns the Baltic equiv-
Rrrun (above),a cool Nordic pnncess, alent of the Greek Dioscuri, who
becameill with a mystery malady and was were the divine twins Castor and
nursedbach to health by Odin in disguise Polydeuces The unnamed Baltic
The old nurse, Vecha, restoredRind to rwins are said to have rescued Saule
Jirstby bathingherin ahotbath from the sea and built a bam in
The warm water thawedher Jrozenheart which the goddesscould rest.
and symbolizedthe meltingoJtheJrozen
nnd oJearth (trlusrnerroru
ByNlcKBute, 1995
) Strcr'ruED seesTGURD

THE RusALxt (nght) dwelt in ivers and SMCUUND SCCTMGICLOYER5

lahes The southern spites were pearly
beautieswho lured travellerswith their SIF *as the wife of ttoR, the
sweet song Duing Rusalhi Weeh,which Germanic thunder god, and the
was at the start of summer, thE emerged mother, by a previous marriage,of
from the ivers to dwell and dancein the Uu, god of archeryand shing She
Jorests,eniching the grassin thar wahe is the subject of a strange myth in
(lLLUsrMfloN ay Ar,4l.r Lre, 1984 ) which the trickster LoK, the god of
fire, one night cut off her beauriful
RIND, in Germanic mythology, THr Rusnlru were warer SRVTPO SCC TRM5URE5 AND golden hair, probably a represen-
was [he daughter of King BILLING nymphs and can be found in both TALISMANS tation of ripe com and therefore
and the mistress of ODIN,who pur- Slavonic and Russian mythology fertility. Next morning Thor was
sued her in various disguises Their They were thought to be the spirits SnUlf was rhe Baltic sun god- beside himself with rageat Sils dis-
love led to rhe birth of yALi, rhe of drowned grrls During the winter dess and, according to one tradi- tress When Loh protested that it
child who was to avengethe death months, they lived in the great tion, the mistress of the thunder was only a joke, Thor demanded to
of reLorR In one version, Odin rivers of eastem Europe, taking on god rERxuwo Shewas worshipped know what he was going to do
was deposed as king of the gods for different forms in different regions by Lithuanians, Prussiansand Letts about it, and the fire god said he
forcing Rind to submit simply in For instance, in the RiversDnieper before they were converted to would get the dwarfs to weave a
order thar he might farhera son. and Danube, in south-eastem Chrisdaniry Her worship took the wig as a replacement.
Europe, they were commonly form of looking after a harmiess So Loh asked the sons of Ivaldi
ROSnfn was a farmer's daughter pictured as beautiful, siren-like green snake. Every house kept one: to make a wig from spun gold The
who became a seryant of the god creatures who would attempt to under the bed, in a corner, even completed piece of work was quite
THOR When Thor stopped at her lure unsuspecting passers-byinto under the table Apart from ensur- remarkable,for it was so light that
father's house and asked for food the water with their magical song ing a household's wealth and fer- a breath of air was enough to ruffle
and shelter they were too poor to In the nonhem regions, in contrast, tility, the kindness shown to the its skeins and so real that it gew on
provide mear, so Thor offered his the water nymphs were considered snake was regarded as a guarantee her head by magrc Thinhng to get
own goats on the condition that no to be malevolent, unkempt and of Saule'sgenerosiry.To hll a snake the gods even more into their debt,
bones were broken. But Roskva's unattractive creatures,who would was an act of sacrilege.The sight of rhe sons of lvaldi used the remain-
brother THIALFIbroke one of rhe grab travellers from the river banlcs a dead one was believed to bring ing heat in their fumace to con-
thigh bones and when Thor came and drag them down into the river tears to the eyes of the sun god- struct a collapsible ship named
to resurrect the goats one of them and drown them. During the sum- dess Even after the conversion of Shidbladnir for the fertility god
had a limp The enraged god was mer, when the rivers were warmed the Lithuanians to Christianity in FREYRand a magic spear called
only pacified by the promised ser- by the sun, the Rusalh came out of the fifteenth century - they were GUNGNIRfor ODIN. On his way
vrce of Roskva and Thialfi. who the water on to the land and lived the last people to be Christianized back to ASGARD, the stronghold of
travelled with him thereafter. in the cool of the forests. on the continent - the peasants the gods, crossingthe underqround

Nonsr MvrHoLoGY

S.eurr(abwe),theBalticsungoddess, Src (abwe nght) wa JamousJor her gold,

pouredgoldatlightfrom herheavenly j*irg hair, symbolwng npe haw estcorn
haghtthroughthesummery cloudsdownto When Lohi att ofiherlocluher misay
theearthbelw Thesnahe onhcrcrown representedthe winter seasonwhen the
symbolizes The cornJiel&,are reducedto stubble Hue, Lohi
MorningStar,herchiW,Jbshes abweher. lurlu menacinglybehindthe dreaming
1995) beAuty (Irusrnerroru

caverns where the dwarfs lived, Slctw (nght) Queenof Gotaland, rushes
Loki also met the dwarf brothers down the glacialfiord to greether hinsman
Brokk and Eiti. They were so jeal- Shewamsthem oJan ambushplanned
ous of the workmanship that had W hn vengefulhusband,Siggar,a sore
gone into the wig, the boat and the losn, who bittuly resentelher brother
spear that Loh persuadedthem ro Signund's victory in a maglcal strord
make something better; he even contest 0rrusrncflor'r
ByJAMES 1995
Atrx,qvoen, )
smked his own head on their
inabiliry to do so. fu a result, the he tried to flee, which caused Loh brorhers about Siggeir'splot against Signy helped Sigmund to plot
dwarf brothers fashioned the magrc to plan a revenge against Thor (See them, but they were ambushed in revenge She even slept with him in
hammer known as MJOLLNIR,the also TR&{SURESAND TALISMANS) a forest and bound to a fallen ree disguise and bore a son named
scourgeof the frost gians. Each night a wolf devoured one of Sinfiotli When Sinfiotli grew up
The gods were delighted with stcuut tD seeNoRsEHERoEs them in lum, until only her she placed him in Sigmund's care,
the treasuresLoh and Brokk had youngestbrother Sigmund was left but they were both captured by
brought back. However, Brokk SIGI IY, in Germanic mythology, alive. Signy got a slave to smear Siggeir.A magic sword freed them
demanded Loh's head. The gods was the unfortunate daughter of Sigmund's facewith honey so that and killed Siggeir and his sons
would not agree,but they had no VOLSUNG,supposedly a descen- the wolf would lick him instead of Signy chose to die herself in the
objecdon to Brokk sewing up dant of ODIN.Married againsther biting him Sigmund was thus able burning Gothic palace, but not
Loh'slips with a thong when Thor will to the Gothic king Siggeir, she to catch the wolf's tongue in his before she had told Sigmund the
dragged the god back home after nied to wam her fatherand her ten teeth and overcomethe beast truth about Sinfiotli'sparenmge

Nonsn MyrHoLocY

StcnyN see srcn{

StcuNN seesrcrN

StCUnO, or Siegfned as he was

lcnown in German, wzls a northern
Germanic hero similar to the Celtic
KingAnhur He was the foster-son
of REGIw,the smith at the court of
King Hjalprek inJutland, who senr
him to recover a fabulous hoard of
gold Regin's father HREtoiu,qn had
first acquired rhis treasure,which
once belonged to the dwarf
ANDvARI.To get rheir hands on the
gold Regrn and his brother FAFNIR
had then killed Hreidmar, but
Fafnirwanted the rreasurefor him-
self and tumed into a dragon to
guard it. By cunningly stabbing the
monster from underneath, Sigurd
succeeded in slaying Fafnir, thus
apparendy gaining borh dwarfish
wealth and wisdom, since Fafnir
was said to have understood the
language of birds When he real-
ized that Regrn intended to hll him
for the gold, Srgurd slew him before
carrying it away himself. (Seealso

SIGYN, also known as Sigunn or

Sigrym, in Germanic mytholory,
was the faithful wife of the fire god
toru and morher of his sons Narvi
and vau. Once rhe gods realized
that in Loki they had allowed rhe
growth of evil in their midst, they

Stcunp (above)watches withfascination

as kgln Jorgesthebrohenshards oJhis
father'swondrous sword,a gftlrom Odin
Theconquenng swordwould$elpSigurd
in hisdestined
missionto slaythedragon,
FaJnir,guardianoJa Jabulousbutill-Jated
treasure (SrecrrueotN THEFoRGEoF REGINBl

W rr)N HANScHltp,rnrsco. 1880)

Stcunp (righl confronts theJire-breathing

dragon, Fafnir, and slayshim, winning

Jame and aJateJulfortune. On the adviceof

his mentor, kgn, he roasted the creature's
heart, liching somr-spilt blod Jrom which
he learnt thespeechof birds. (srecrnreo
FAFNIR 8Y H HENRTCH, cc^,vAs, 1906 )

Nonsr MyrHoLocy

Slcunp (abwe) oatls inhiswondrous SruRun (abwe) gallopsthrough aJiery

nfit weapon,anticiryting victory wer hk ringguardingthe iqhome of Gerda,a
fightful foe, Fafnir. Equipped with the Jrost glantess On a mission to win Gerda
shatpestbladeand neves of iron, theeager
Jorhis gentlemastu, Frqr, Shirnirbears
hero setofl ucitedly onhisfirst quest This gJ* oJliJe-gving apples,a multiply ing nn g,
strileing portrayal highlights they outhful Draupnir, and a glwingportrait of Frqr,
iilealism of the zealousNordichero capturedin his dinhinghom (rlrusrncfloN
M,c 19ff,.
) BY GLENN Swmp, 1995 )

bound him in a cave. First they Slcvl (abwe), the danted wtJeoJInhi, SKADI, or Skade (which means SrtnNtR ("shining")wasa ser-
took hold of rhree slabs of rock, stoodbyhim uen afterhehadben "destruction"), was a figure in vant of FREYR,
the Germanic god of
stood them on end and bored a banished to an iq prison There she nofihem Germanic mythology. She fertiliry. When Freyr wished to
hole through each of them. Then lessenedhis pain by catchingthefery was the wife of the sea god tryOno marry the frost giantessGERDA,he
the entrails of Loki's son Narvi venomdnbbledby a serpenttied abovehis and daughter of the frost giant promised Shmir his horse and his
were employed as a rope which face Wen shewent to empty the bowl, he THIASSI. When the gods ofascenp sword and senr him ro;oruNHEIM,
bound the fire god to the stones. writhedin agotry,shahingtheearth trorc killed her farher for srealing IDUN's the land of the frost giants. Skirnir
When the gods had tied the Iast ANDSrcYN ByMEWrNcE, c NVAs, c 1890) apples, Skadi armed herself and had some difficulry in persuading
Iqrot, the enrails became as hard as went to the gods' srronghold to Gerda to agreeto the match, how-
iron. To ensure Loh's discomfort Despite all that her husband had seek compensation. Refusing an ever. Eleven apples of youth, the
the frost gianressSIi{DI, NJORD's done, Sigrn remained rrue to him offer of gold, she demanded a magic fruit that kept the gods
wife, fasteneda snake ro a sulactire and did what she could to lessen husband and a bellyful of laughter. young, were no temptation to her
above the god's head and there he his sufferingbycatching the venom This was agreed, provided thar Nor was one of Odin's arm-rings
wuls to remain undl RAGNARoK dripping from the snake in a wood- Skadi chose her husband by his Gerdashowed no fearwhen Shmir
en bowl. However, whenever she feet only. Thinking that the mosr threatenedto beheadher, but she
went awayto empry its poisonous shapely feer must surely belong ro began to panic the moment he
contents, the venom fell on Loh's handsome BALDER,ODIN'S Son, started to recite a powerful spell It
head and causedhim to wirch vio- Skadi made her choice only to dis- promised to deny her any joy or
lently. According ro rhe Vihngs, it cover that she had picked Njord passion, for the beautiful frost
was these compulsive movemens The merrimenr was provided by giantesswas to be transformed into
that accountedfor eanhquakes. L2KI, who tied his resticles io a a lovelessoutcast,a companion of
goat. fu the couple were unable ro the "unwonhy dead". As a result of
sxenn seesK{Dr stand the conditions in each this threatened fate, Gerda at last
other's hornes, Njord and Skadi consented to meet Freyr and so
Src{Dt, a cnl anil indqndnt huntress, decided that ir was best to live Skimir received his promised
roamed the mountainsonhq snow shoes apart. Her relationship with rhe rewards. On another occasion.
A Wirit ol winta, shewasJar happir on gods continued, however, and it Shmir acted in his role as messen-
hn o! slop tlun in hq husband'ssunlit was she who placed the venomous ger by going to the dwarfs on
cwa. A deity oJhuntm and mountain snake above Loki's head when the Odin's behalf to order a magical
climbs, sheguidcd thcir sleigla am the gods eventually imprisoned the fetter so that Odin could resrrain
snox4 0ulstttnoN cf l/o.iEsAwxtxoen195 ) troublesome god in a cave. the terrible wolf FENRIR

Nonsn MyrHoLocy

SKOLL, in Germanic mythology, Slcrun, a massiveJrost g1ant,actsas

was a wolf that pursued the sun in mountain guideto Thor andhts parly,
her flight across the sky At pointingout the shortestroute to lJtgard,
RAGNAROK, the doom of rhe gods, the citadelof thefrost giants The travellm
Skoll was seizethe sun strug;led on through snow diJts, unaware
between his jaws and swailow her that Shrymir wa in Jact only a gant
Jusr before this happened, though, illusion santto thwart and mtslead them
the sun would give birth to a svNtcxBw-e,,
0rrustpcno^/ 1995
daughteras beaudful as herselfand
this new sun would warm and il- SxnYUtR ("vasr") was an exrra
luminate the new earth risen from Iargefrost giant in Germanic myth-
the sea, "fresh and green", follow- ology. So huge was he that on a
ing the catastrophe.Another wolf, joumey through the land of giants
named Hati. chased after the THORand LOKI, along with their
moon Both creatureswere said to servanB THIALFIand ROSrcya,inad-
be the sons of a giantessliving in vertently slept in the thumb of
Iron Wood Skryrmir'sempry glove, thinhng it
Ravenousdogs often threarened was a hall. When Thor later tned to
to eat the heavenly bodies in rhe hammer in the skull of the sleeping
myths of northem parts of both Skryrmir,the frost giant awoke in
Europe and fuia Chinese families the belief that either a leaf or an
today sdll bang cooking utensils ro acom had dropped on his brow
frighten "the dog oflheaven"during Afterwards it dawned on Thor and
a lunar eclipse his companions that Slcrymirwasa
giganticillusion, a magic creation
Sxorr below),a JincewoIJ,symbolizng sent out by the frost gians in order
chasedthesunacrosstheslE, to prevent them from reaching
from dawnto dushSholl'ssoleaiminlfe UTGARD, the giants' cimdel.
wasto wertaheanddevourtheheavenly
orb,plunglngtheworldintoprimordial SlgtPNtR ("Glider"), was rhe
darhness (Itusrnnrroru ByGLENNSTEwARD.
1995) eight-leggedhorse ridden by oDIN,
the chief of the Germanic gods.
This fabulous creature was the
offspring of an unusual union
benween Svadilfari, a stallion of
greatstrength, and L2KI, the shape-
changer,who had disguised him-
self as amare Sleipnircould travel
over sea and through the air, and
was swift enough to beat any other
horse in a race. At necNARoK,
Sleipnir was the horse that carried
Odin into battle.


SUnf ("Black"), in Germanic

mythology, w6 a fire giant with a
flaming blade who would set the
cosmos alight at &{GNAROK.He
was identified with the fire god
Lo:rc.At Ragnarok Surt was ro rise
from Muspell, the land of flame,
and fling fire in eYerydirecdon. The
nine worlds were to become raglng
furnaces as gods, frost giants, the

Nonsr MyrHoLoGY

Slaprun (abw e), the fabulous eight-hoofed Svexrour (nght),theJour-headed war

(or somesay,eight-bggd) steedof Odin, godoJtheSlaw,guardedtheworVonJour
certainlydeservedhrsname "Glidu" forhe sidesHis stone efri.gat Rugenwr
slippedthroughcloud, seaor earthwith worshippedbeforebattle ,4sa deityof
eqnl ease Slapnir'showes rumbled,in the plentyand destiny,hebore
Jertility, ahom
stormcbudswhen Odin travelledacrossthe oJplattyandrodeahorseoJdivrnation A
sly as god of thewrnik 0uusrnenoru
ayGuuN whitehorsewashrptin thetanpbfor itual
Srnverp,1995) divinatton0uusrnqnoru syNtcxBEArr.,

Sunr belwD, afircefire g1ant,roseJrom dead, the living, monsters, dwarfs, The building contained a four- SVnnnZIC, sometimes Svarozic
thefurnaceoJ Muspellat Pagnarohtolead elves and animals were all to be headedsmtue of Svantovit that was or Svarogich (which probably
hisfiay hordes against the diine host reduced to ashes.Then the eanh nearly thirty feet in height Multiple meant "hot" or "torrid" - a mean-
With hislnming sttord, he set the nine would sink into rhe sea,before ris- headswere indeed a feature of the ing that can sdll be found today in
worlds ablaze, burning them to blactcned ing again, fresh and green. It may Slavicpantheon. lt is thought rhar the Romanian language),was the
cindm which sanhbeneath the boiling be that the view of the end of the Svantovit may also have been wor- Siavicfire god, especiallyof the fire
oceanonly to nseagainJresh,greanand world as an immense conflagadon shipped as a supreme deity and that was used to dry grain. He was
nqt tlJ,usrnAnoN
) was influenced by the volcanic seen as a father to other gods the son of Svaroz,or Svarog(who
nature of lceland, from where Prior to the Danish destruction was identified with the Greeksmith
many of the wrirren myrhs orig- of the temple in the Christian era, god Hephaistos) and the brother of
inated In I963-7, a new island, the worshippers of Svantovrt at DAZHB)G The fire god was depict-
formed by a volcanic eruption off Arcona believed that the god would ed wearing a helmet and carrying a
the coast of lceland. was named mount a sacred white horse and sword, and on his breast was a
Sursey after the god Surt nde out at nights against those who black bison's head Human
denied his diviniry In the moming sacrifices were made to Svarazic.
SVNNTEUT SCC5VANTOWT the horse was often discovered to including, after his capture in
be covered in sweat Omens for 1066, the German bishop of
SVANTOVIT. also known as successin war were read from the Mecklenburg In some traditions,
Svantevit, was the war god of the behaviour of the sacred horse as Svaraztcwas idendfied with the
Slavic peoples of central Europe well Human sacrifi.ces,which were flame of lightning
His temple at Arcona on rhe Baltic a widespread custom throughout
island of Rugen was destroyed by the Germanic and Slavic peoples, SVNNOCICH SCC
King Valdemar of Denmark and his were made to Svantovit before any
Christian advrserAbsalonin I 169 great undertakings, SVNNOZIC SCCSVAMZIC
TMELESS TALES OFTMGICLOVEare common everywhere,yet rarelyso stark
and bleak as in Norse mythology. Sometimesa curselies at the root of the
trouble, as in the tale of Sigurd and Brynhild, where a cursed ring wrecks
the lives of severalpairs of doomed lovers.Sometimesthe trials of love
symbolze the battles of naure. Sigurd,for instance,might be seenas a sun lord who,
armed with a sunbeam, dispels darl.mess;while his lover, Brynhild, symbolizesthe
dawn-maidenwhose path he crossesonly at the start and closeof his shining career
In other tales,obstaclessimply serveto test the lovers' honour and courage,as when
Frithiof faithfully guards his sleeping rival,
Sigurd Ritg. In their love affairs, the gods
seem Iuckier than mortals, though
friction is rife, if short-lived, ?s when
Odur flees Frefa or Skadi lives apart from
Njord. Such conflict might symb ohze
seasonalchanges: Njord's sunny love can
only hold wrntry Skadi for three months
of the year. By contrast, in the heart-
warrning tale of the summer god, Freyr,
he wins his frosry bride by sheer warmth
of love which melrc her icy heart.

Srccuuxo and SieglindeQeJt),were INGEBoRG(abwe), in the sanctuaryof

siblingswho grot, up apart,both ailunng Balder's temple, stopsspinning and
traglc Jates,beforemeetingby chanceand pinesJor hcr lover, FnthioJ. Cloistqed

Jalling in lwe Here, the lwen uchange by hu watchful brothm, shewas

secret glanceswhile in the cornpanyoJ daied contnctwrth Fnthio[, who wos
Sieglinde's suspicioushusband, Hunding considred beneathher royal status
who plnns to slnySiegmundin a duel Yetwhan Fnthiof brolu the sanctity
\ilhen Siegmund wins, he and Sieglinde oJ the tanple to rescueIngeborg she
enjoy bneJlnebeJore dyng one on the reJuseato flee wtth him, belieing
battleJieV,the otherin chiWbinhThechiW husef honourbound to.obq thewshes
of thar sadunion is thegreathro, Stgurd of her royalbrothers (lNcrnonc's
(IuusrmnoprYF lEEtc,,
c 1895
) BYFNJENSEN, c Nv s, c 18N)
Fnnn QrD,o gentlesummer god, caughta glimpseoJ
theradiantJrostgldntess,Gerda,from aJarand at once

Jell in lwe, but doubtedhis chancesuntil his decisive

ser.rant,Shirnir, setoff to woo the gyl for his master
Gerdaranained unmwed until shewasJorcedby threat
oJmaglcto atleast consentto a meetingwith FrEr
Oncein thecompanyof thefiery god, Gerda's iq heart
thawed Frqr appearshereas a dreamysummergod,
beannghis wheat, wi.thhis boar at htsJeet,emblemsof

J*itf"l hawest (FnrvnavEBuRNE-JoNEs c t 870)


KRrtvntlo (ngh) wahesfrom a nightmare in which she

dreamt that a lavely whiteJalcon was struch in Jlight by
nvo blach eaglesHer mother interpretsthe dream to
mean that Kramhild will arcntuallyJall in lwe with a
peolesspince - who is symbolizedby the white bird -
and that he wtll be hilled W t*o murderers- the blach
eaglesIndeed,someyears later the dreom cametrue as
KreimhildJellinlwe with the greathero Sigurd,Iater
slninby her two brothers,Gunner and Hogni, who wue
actingunder theinfluenceoJa curse Here, Kramhild is
depictedtellingher mother about her dream, while below
a bard, a poet and a Chnstian pontifi ponder the
meaningoJtheTeutonicepic,the Niebelungenlied trHe
LEGEND or Srecrrueo By F PILorY, wooo, c 1890 )

Fnrrnror and IngeborgQeJ)are at last BRnvntro and Sigurd @bwe)findpeace togetherat

united in Balder'stemple Thechildhood last after a romancewrechedbyaweb oJ intigue and
sweetheartshad been thwarted by Ingeborg's vengeanceAJterpledglnghislwe to Brynhild.,Sigurd
hostilebrothers Wile Ingeborgwasforced wasbaryttchedinto marrying Gudrun Brynhild, in
into a mariage with an old chieftain,Sigurd her turn, was unwittingly tnched by Sigurd into
Ring, FnthioJ roamed thehtgh seasin misery marrying Gunner. Whn Brynhild discwered
\I/hen his undying love drwe him home, he Sigurd'sapparentbetrayal, shecned outfor
waited honourably until the oA hing died vengeanceSigurd was slnin and BrynhiW,overcome
beforeat last wtnninghis bnde (FrurHron
nuo W 5"4, hilled herselfto be Intd to rest besidehim
INGEBoRG ByJ A MAr.MsrRoM, cANVAs, c 1840 ) (TnrFuurnelPrrurv C BLTTLER, 1909
ct+ttves, )
Nonse MyTHoLoGY

TANNCNOST (meaning "Toorh- had a dangerousside to his narure,

gnasher"),in Germanic mJthology, however, as he enjoyed tickling or
was the name of one of the two smothering peopie to death His
billy goats which pulled rHoR's daughter Tuulikki was a spirit of
chanot The other was named the wind Tapio is often portrayed
Tanngnsnir ("Tooth-grinder") The as wearing a cloak of moss and a
rumble of the chariot was heard by bonnet of fire
people on earth as the sound of
thunder Like the magic boar of THTRIEI and his sister ROSKyA
VALHALIA.which could be eaten were the children of a farmer and
one day and reappear alive the servanrcof the Germanic thunder
next, Thor's goats provided an end- god rHon When Thor and roxr
lesssupply of mear as long as, af[er were travelling through Midgard
cooking, all rheir bones remained they stopped at the farmhouse and
intact Thor would then wave his Thor provrded goats for supper on
magic hammer over the skin and condirion that all the bones be kept
bones and rhe goats came alive intact BecauseThialfi had nor had
a satis$ringmealfor a long time, he
TAPTO was rhe Finnish forest god, ignored this instruction and split a
who, along with his wife Meilikki thigh bone ro ger ar rhe marrow
and his son Nyynkh, was believed Next moming, when Thor used his
to ensure that woodland game magic hammer to restore the goats
remained in plentiful supply He to life, the thunder god noriced

Tarurvcruosrand Tanngrisnir Qef) wereq Teuo (abwe),o greengodof theFinnish

pair of goatswho pulledThor's chaiot dweltin thedepths
Jorests, oJthegreen-
acrossthe slE,creatingthe clatterand wood,cladin moss, andgrowing aftr-lihe
rumble oJ storm clouds Thor alone among beardAlongwith othersylvan
the godsneverrode,but eitherstrodeor waslordnotjustoJforestplants,but alsoof
drovehisgoat-drawnchaiot (THon
RNorHn forestbeasts andtheherdsoJwoodland
GLnnrs ny M E WNGE, cANyAs, c 1890 ) cattle(trrusrnerroN Arrruxoen,
ByJAMEs 1995)

that one animal was lame He was THHSSI, or Thiazi, in Germanic

so enraged that he threatened mythology, was a frost giant and
desrruction of the farm and de- the father of sxaot who stole from
manded compensation. He was the goddess IDUN the apples of
placated only when Thialfi and youth It was reallyLOKI'sfault thar
Roskva were given to him as his this event occurred Disguised as
servants Although Thialfi lost a an eagle,the grantgrabbed hold of
running contest to HUGI during the god and, to secure his own
Thor's visit to the frost gnnt strong- releasefrom Thiassi, Loh promised
hold of IJTGARD, his master was to deiiver the goddess and her
ourwrtted by magic in severalchal- magic apples into the frost giant's
lengestoo. In another myth Thialfi hands The effect upon the gods
deservedThor's gratitude when he was immediate Without ldun's
toppled the enormous clay giant apples to eat each day, they grew
Mist Calf, which had causedThor anxious and old In this crisis Odin
to panic with fear He also fetched alone had the determination to
aid for the wounded thunder god rally enough strength to plan a
after his duel with HRUNGNTR, the recovery The gods captured the
srongest of the frosr giants tnckter Loki, and made him fly as
NonsE MvrHoLocY

Tuutn Aeft)and his sister,Roshva,

accompantedThor on a Jabulousjournq to
rn a
Jotunheim En route, thq sheltered
g1ant'sglove,until wohenby his gus\t
snoresHere,Thor battersthe glant'shead,
hoping to silencehis snores,whtle Thialt't
and Roskvagazeon in dazeddisbelieJ.
(lrrtrsrnarro,nl B'" Nr(.K Bp,r,tr, 1995 )


THOKK *ut the callous frost

giantess of Germanic myth After
the popular god BALDER'sunfortu-
nate death, HEL, the queen of the
"unworthy dead", said that she
would allow him back ro the land
of rhe hvrng on the condirion that
"everything in rhe nine worlds,
dead and alive, weeps for him"
Messengers were therefore sent out
to ensure that everything moumed
and were satisfied thar they had
achieved their aim On their way
back to ASGARD, however, they
TurasstQeJt), afrostg1ant,
disguisedas found Thokk in a cave, and when
aneagle, pestered Odrn,HontrandLokion they explained their mission the
a tip to MtdgardAt oneporntThiassi giantess replied thar she had no use
swooped downandscooped upthegods' for Balder and added, "Let Hel
dtnnerpot Enraged, Loktlungedat the keep what she holds " Some ver-
eaglewithhisstafJbutbecame stucht'astto sions of the myth maintain that
thebtrd (/rirrsraarro^
1882 ) Thokk was none other than LOKI

a falcon to Thiassi'shall in order to THoxx, aloneamong all the creaturesin

bring back Idun and her apples the nine worlds,reJusedto sheda stngle
This Loki was able to accompiish, tearfor Balder,so destroytnghrs onechance
bur the frost giant almost thwarted oJescapeJrom Hel Around bttter Thohhall
the plan by turning himseif yet creationweeps- the leaves,stonesand
again into an eagleand flpng after snowitself- mourningthelossof themuch-
the god He very nearly caught up lovedBalder (JtusrncrtoN
with Loki, but as Thiassi flew over
ASGARD his wings were set alight by
fires thar the gods had placed on
top of the stronghold'shigh walls
The giant could no longer fly and
so fell to the ground, burned to
death by the flames
Skadi came ro Asgard to seekcom-
pensation for her father's death
When her demands had been sat-
isfied, Odin took Thiassi's eyes
from his cloak and threw them into
the sly as stars "Thiassiwill look
down on all of us." he said. "for as
Iong as the world lasts "

Nonse MyrHoLoGy

THOn was rhe Germanicrhunder TnonAef),asaheadstrongchild, prwed

god He was the son of oDtru,rhe toomuchJorhis motherandwwrakedby
chief god, and Fjorgrn, the goddess twosaintlyguardians, VinglrandHlora,
of earth When the Angio-Saxons spiritsof lightningHue, thefieryyoungster
eventually adopted rhe Roman cal- displnysbothimpressive temperandmight
endar, they named rhe fifrh day bywhirlingbearshin balesin aft ofrage,
Thursday after Thor, for rhis was whilehisguardians soothe hk anger.
the day belonging ro Jupirer, rhe (luus'Ix'Anor,t
I 995
Roman sky god and peer of rhe
hot-tempered, red-headedThor, edgeof;oruNHEIM, the land of the
along with the Greek Zeus and the frosr giants, Thor and Loki spenr
Hindu Indra His name means rhe nighr with cRID, a friendly
"thunder" and his magic hammer,
giantess Grid wamed Thor abour
MJOLLNIR,mayonce have meant Geirrod's hatred of the gods She
"lightning" Among Icelandersand
told him rhat he would be espe-
Norwegians family names like cially pleased ro avengethe death
Thorsten recail rhe name of rhe of uRuNcNIR,rhe srrongesrof the
god, for these farmers had lirtie frost giants whom Thor had hlled
sympathy with the foorloose in a duel. The thundergod still had
Vihngs who worshipped Odin, the a piece of this dead frost giant's
father of rhe slain The Icelandic throwing srone stuck in his head to
colonists, who had fled sourhern prove it, so Thor was most grateful
Norway to escapethe aggressionof at Grid's loan of her own beh of
Danish and Swedish rulers, pre- stengrh, iron gloves and unbreak-
ferred honesr Thor, rhe powerful able staff.
but straighrforward opponenr of Crossing a torrent of water and
rhe frost giants blood near the frost giant's hall
Yet Thor, rhe birrer enemy of proved difficult, until Thor blocked
the frost giants, was in many the source of the blood with a well-
aspectsnor unlike a gianr himself. aimed srone k struck GJAL?,
He was exceptionally srrong, very Geirrod's daughter, whose men-
strual outpouring had swollen the
THon, inhis most popular guiseas large - his frequenr companion he was destined to be hlled by the river Even then, the rwo gods were
champion oJ the gods,wasa tirelesswarior L2KI, rhe fire god, usually atrached poisonous venom of the seaser- swept away,as Thorlost his foonng
and glant-slayer With his red-hothammer himself to Thor's beh - energeric pent JORMUNGANo, although nor and Loki clung desperatelyto the
and belt of strength,whichdoubledhis and had an enormous apperire, before Thor had hlled the monster belt of Grid that the thunder god
power, he was a formidable foe Here, the which allowed him ro ear a whole Before he was slain by rhis terrible was wearing Happily, Thor suc-
thunder god swingshisfiery missile ox at one sitting And, of course, son of Loh, however, Loh and he ceededin gabbing a mounrain ash
c I9O0) there was his relish for a contest, a had many advenruresrogerher. overhanging the flood and scram-
trial of strength Two goats drew These adventures were often bled ashore on the opposirebank
Thor's great chanot acrossthe sly: dangerous for Thor, especially Soon Thor and Loki arrived at
rheir names were Tooth-grinder when Loki led rhe thunder god Geirrod's hall, where servan$
and Tooth-gnasher His magic into danger as a price for his own grudgingly received them. The
weapons were a hammer, really a freedom Such was rhe casewith owner was nowhere to be seen,so
thunderboh; iron gaunrles, which rheir vrsit to the hall of the frosr Thor sat down in a chair ro await
he used to handle rhe red-hor ham- giant GEIRRODHaving been cap- his retum. Snatchinganap,he was
mer shaft; and a beh rhat increased tured by Geinod when Loh was in surprised when he dreamed he was
his strengrh MJOLLNIR, rhe ham- rhe shape of a hawk, he could floating in the air. Thor opened his
mer, was the handiwork of two avoid death only by making a eyes and saw rhar his head was
dwarfs, the sons of lvaldi ft had a promise to deliver an unarmed about to be rammed against the
huge head and a short handle and Thor into the frosr gianr's hands ceiling. Quick as a flash, he used
always hir its mrger BecauseThor enjoyed Loh's com- Grid's staff to push againsrrhe ceil-
Thor was rhe mightiesr of rhe pany and was so trusdng, he let the ing, with the resuh rhat rhe chair
Germanic gods and rheir sraunch fire god lead him to Geinod's hall came down hard enough ro crush
protecror againsrthe frost gans At without the protecrion of his ham- Gjalp and Greip to death. These
MGNAROK,rhe doom of rhe gods, mer, gloves and belt. But on the rwo daughrers of Geinod had been


of such enorrnous sZe that Thor pinned to the gound by one of the
would be struckby tenor on seeing dead frost giant's legs and with a
him. Named Mrsr C,trn, rhe clay piece of whetstone lodged in his
giant was animated by the heart of head. None of the gods could
a mare and, slow movrng though releaseThor and it was fortunate
he was, clouds gathered round his that his own three-year-old frost
towering head. On the day of the giant son IvfiGNI tumed up after
duel Thor wet himself at the sight the fight. The son of the frost giant-
of Mist Calf, although his chario- ess Jarnsaxa, a mistress of Thor,
teer had the good sense to topple Magni also told his flattened father
the clay giant by attachng his legs how he could have dealt with
with an are. Mist Calfs fall shook Hrungnir with his bare fists. Thor
Jotunheim, the land of the frost was delighted to see Magni's
grants ln the fight with Hrungnir it strength and gave him the dead
was Thor who came off best, frost giant's steed Golden Mane
although the thunder god was left as a reward, much to Odin's

Tnont Qeft)hammerwasa symbol of THonbeW), thethundr god,ruledthe

creatwe pwer anda source
and destructive storms and tempests Wtthqesablazeand
of Jmtlity,renonaland goodfortune ls hairaflnme, hebearshisred-hothammer
Ch*tianity s'weptnorth,thesignof the As hisbronzechanot
tn its iron gauntlet.
crossoftenfusedwtththesignoJthe madea raclutlilu theclashandclnttr of
hammq,asin this charm,contr;ininga copperluttbs, hewasnichnamed thelkttb
cross within ahammer. (Strven, IorH cENr.) Vendor. 0uusrn rnop BYJ AMEIAtaYArrlorn,1995 )

thrusting it upwards. Then the frost The frost giant mentioned by

giant rerumed and ried to hll Thor Grid, the powerful Hrungnir, had
as well. Using a pair of tongs, he fallen in single combar with Thor.
launched a red-hot iron ball at Foolishly, the frost grant challenged
Thor, but the thunder god caught Odin to a horse race but then, as a
it deftly in the iron gloves he had guest at the gods' sronghold of
been given by Grid, and rerurned ASGARD,he drank too much and
the compliment by throwing it insulted the gods. When Thor
back at the giant. The iron ball rerumed at this point the giant
passed tl"otgh an iron pillarbefore challenged Thor to a duel
tearing a hole in Geirrod's belly. The frost giants did what they
Afterwards Thor smashed the could to aid Hrungnir in the forth-
skulls of all the sewants. coming frght. They built a clay grant


THzR battleswith his arch enemy,the

J ormungand, caught on his Jishing

line A lurhing evil coiledaround the
earth, the serpentwasdestinedto
ovewvhelmthe world at Ragnaroh Here,
whtle Thor strug;lesto oyercomethebeast,
Hymir, in fear, cutshim Jree (THon
sr H Fr/sELt,

annoyance "You should not give a

horse to the son of a giantess
instead of your own farher," com-
plained Odin
Another famous advenrurein
Jotunheim concerns rhe visir of
Thor and Loki to the srrongholdof
UTGARDOn rhe way rhe rhunder
god passed through Midgard, rhe
land of people, and gained two
human servants named THIALFI
and Rosrye, a brorher and sisrer Ir
happened rhat Thialfi disobeyedan
instruction of Thor when rhey
dined rogerherar his parenrs'farm
Thor toid everyone ro be careful
with the bones of some goarsrhey
were eadng Bur hungry Thialfi split
a thigh bone ro ger ar rhe marrow,
before throwing rhe bone on rhe
goat skins in a comer Next mom-
ing, when Thor used his magic
hammer to restorethe eatengoats
to life, the rhunder god noriced
that one o[ rhem was lame As
compensation and in order to pre-
vent him from slaying the house-
hold, Thialfi and Roskvapledged
themselvesas Thor's servants
As Thor, Loki, Thialfi and
Roskva neared Urgard, they spenr
one night in an empry hall It was
so big that severalof rhe halls in
Asgard, the home of the gods,
could have fitted inside ir ar rhe
same rime Later rhey realizedrhar
rhe hall was in fact the rhumb of a
frosr gianr's empry glove Ir
belonged ro sKRr 4tR,whose name said that sizewas of no imponance failed to shine First the fire god lost Once Thor admitted on leaving
means "vast" Blows deliveredby a - "the bigger they are, the heavier an eating contest A second event Utgard that they had come off sec-
flrustratedThor to SkDrmir'ssleep- they fall" - Loki was more thoughr- saw Thialfi easily outpaced in a ond best, the leader of the frost
ing head were dismissed by rhe ful lnside Utgard huge frosr gians foot-race Then successivelyThor giants revealed that he had used
glant as either a leafor a rwig brush- eyed the four guests Their leaderat lost a drinhng contest, managedto spells to gain the advantage.He
ing his brow during the nighr On firsr ignored rhem, but tinally lift only one paw of a cat, and, most told them how Loki had actually
their arivalat Utgard, the rravellers acknowledged "little" Thor Then embarrassing of all, was easily been pitted against wildfire, and
were just as amazedat rhe strong- he devrsed a series o[ games in wrestled down on to one knee by Thialfi against his own thought,
hold's dimensions While Thor which Loki, Thialfi and Thor all "an old. old woman" while Thor had tried ro swallow the


ocean,Iift the massiveseaserpent

Jormungand and wrestle with old
age As soon as this messagewas
delivered, Utgard vanished Only
then did it dawn on Thor that
Slcymir and Utgard were illusions,
vast creations sent out by fright-
ened frost giants But it gave Loki
some satisfactionto leam that brain
had indeed triumphed overbrawn
EvenThor had to admit that on
certain occasionsLoh's clevemess
was necessaryto hold the frost
grans in check Such a moment in
time was when Mjollnir, Thor's
magrchammer, fell into their hands
after it was stolen by the dwarfs Is
Tnon (abwe) impukive ds uer, confronted new owner, the frost giant THRY4,
mryhty Shrymirwithhis tiny hammer, demandedas the price of the ham-
bahinghim over the head to silancehis mer's retum the hand of RRrr;,+,
snores,butto no avail Each time the giant the fertiliry goddess Loh got Thor
wohehescratchedhisbrowand noddedof ro dressin Frefa's clothesand go
again Later,Thorleamt that Shrymir had to Thn'm's hall instead Despire his
beenan tllusion (IrusrmrroNnvI Hueno,1930
) god-like appedte, Thor was passed

Tnon QeJ)andhis party visitedthe iq THoR (above)wrestleswith Jormungand in

citadel of Utgard, the strongholdoJthefrost theirJinal combatat Ragnaroh Trapped
glants,wherethq underwenta seies of within the serpent'scrushingcoils,Thor
allegoical tests Thialfi was outstipped by smashedits ugly headwith a Jatalblow of
the speedof Thought, Lohi out-eatenby nine
hishammer:he then staggeredbach
Wildfire,andThor overcomebyAge Here, pacesand drownedin theJlood oJvenom
Thor faik to drain ahombnmful of the flowingfrom the beast's gapingj aws

off by his "bridesmaid" Loki as a Thor's knees when the thunder

blushing bnde, and an excited god was disguised as Frefa But
Thrfm handed over Mjollnir The throughout the myths relating to
ensuing massacredid a great deal Thor we are never unconscious of
to restoreThor's fierce reputation, its unlimited destructive powers
which had been tamished by the For it was the thunder god's pur-
god having to dress like a woman pose to quell the enemies of the
Mjollnir was the sole protection gods - "fo smash their legs,break
of the gods against the frost giants their skulls, and crush their bacl<s"
It was the thunderbolt which ter- Like his Hindu equivalent Indra,
rorized them prior to the cata- Thorwas the scourge of evil and in
strophe of Ragnarok Apart from is Germanic mythology this could
destructiveside, the hammer had only mean frost grants Loki's even-
other magic powers over fertility tual siding with these gnm oppo-
and death It seems to have had the nents is therefore one of the sad-
abiliry to restore animal life It also dest events to befall Thor. for the
hallowed marriage, for otherwise two gods "both enjoyed each
Thrym would not have been so other's company" (Seealso NORSE
ready ro place Mjollnir between HEROES:MGNAROK)

MONGtrtr VrrcNcs,the ring was a potent symbol of power, fortune and fame.
A gift of honour and form of currency,it was also sometimesa royal
heirloom, such as the swedish sviagriss.The magicalrings of Norse myth
were also symbolsof destiny and, in their bleakesrform, symbolsof doom.
One famous examplewas the cursed ring, Andvarinaut, which blighted many lives.
Another ring of doom was Thor's Domhring, formed by a circle of stone statues
surrounding a punishment pillar in front of his temple. The Domhring possibly
symbolizedthe inevitability of retribution. Much morejoyous and fabulousrings were
Odin's astoundingDraupnir which literally dripped eight similar gold rings everynine
days; or Thor's Oath Ring, a s;'mbol of fair play and good faith. The rings of heroes
inevitably brought wealth and power, but not alwayshappinessand somerimes
tragedy,Lfcorrupredby greed.Yetthe pure nngs
of Onhnit, Wolfdierich and Dietrich were
symbols of a ring-lord's circle of
power and everlasdng fame.

wasan emblemof abundance
and power Preciousbqond compare,it
dnpped eight similar gold ings every ninth night, consolidating Tur, Goto Rtrltc among the Vlhings wos
his vastwealthand dominion overthe nine worMs Draupnir a precioustohenof power,fame and
was crafted by the dwarf, Sindn, while his brother, Brohh, fortune Sometimesbequeathed as an
pumped the bellows ln an extrayagdntgestureof gnef, Odin heirloom,it was alsooften buned with the
castthe ing upon Balder'sJuneral pyre, but later retnevedit nng-lordJorthejournry to the otherworld,
when Hermod ventured to Hel The return of the nng rymbolized suchas thisbunal treasure Exquisitely
the promise ofJertiliry afbr winter bleahnessHere, the dwarf wrought, the ing's clear,bold lines express
Sindnfashions the magnificent ingwithfre and arcanemaglc the vigour and strengthof Vihing craft
in his undergroundforge (luusrnanovayAr,qru
Ler,:j84) (Gtr strvrn,1Orncrrurunv
Nonse MvrHoLocY




AlrrRrcH ioflnc), u dwarJ rf rhe Nrebelungen[cd, lorged u nngol pctwer DtffRtCH ( a b o t ' c ) a G o f h r C h t t o , l | O i l a t r r r r r d r o u . sr r n € f r r , r i r f h c r / r r c r r l I - . i L l r - u l l l t r r n i f t c / r l f . l h t l / ( ) t { s

fronr thc Rhrncgold stolen lrom the Rhrnc I'latdcn.s \t1r\ rr/ rhc sold rohben J r r r q c l o r n/ r r h g e n r s A f r t ' r r u r r r , r r . sh r r r r l e sa r t J i r t t r r q r t c s f ) t t t t t r i t r r t r ' t . . : , r t a1 i 1 1r l i / r

untl nng of pour incied gotlsantl grants tthLze[o octt()n Ihc .4ant-sFalner and r t c { . l 1 r1tr /t t t r t s t b t l t o r t
d v , t t r l. a n c l L l a t m u l h r - s m a g r a / g o l d n n g a s r . . r , e lal . s c r g r r l i c o / . s t r r ' r r g f i e

r n c t { i c c t .l s r r i r r du n c Ji l r r t s t r r n g - h o a r d I t l u n u . sr l n g r r a - sl l t r ' \ f r l r ) r l r ' t r \ i l l c c lh D t c t r r r l t ' . s{ r r ' , l f -

Fu.soltcicriranclttl tht nng::l p()\m.nt fot bttillhnq Vrrlh.rlla, ttntl cctnted ofl
Frtr'ta a.scr hLr.\tir8eIn the horcier rhcgocl.s Odtrr Fngg Lohr Frnr tmdThc,r gtntclfathu f h e E r n p l ' r . l r 1W o l / c J r c f r r r h H c r c D i t t r r t l r h r L ' , i i r -lsr ? l ( rL d t i n n s t ' r t c i t u r t l e d ,e l e t - f l o r l e r - t t t g

t t l l s e a r c h r - / r . s p u r n n g lol r t h t h t c l k n t r e a s u t e lrir .ittir,,\ IlrI i')\ -\ii\-\r\ l'll+ r L i r ( / ( ' t tb, e . f t r t t t ' t n n t n . { l h t r r n $ t l i ' d s i i r e s r i i l r . ' t i i i
l - ( ) sg '\ i|-1rtr lrt ,'rs+

S l a ; ( , R D ( r r g h f) l \ ( r n l h ( '

Lt i l . \ t ' c jn n g . { n c l rc i l l l l c l L { l

l.lfffl slcnrng lt-\ (.irrlg0n

quttrtltan, Fafn rr Ai thouch

n'ilrtricrlf hrm-self.ha

> t i / / t ' r c J/ t i ' D t f h t ' r t r 1 8S

w,eb tr/ cloorn Alto lalling

n1 l()\c urfh the splcndrr.l

VulLune Bntnhrld hr trtt.s

be:nttchttl h Gnnhila

r n t t r h c t r c i , r ' i n gB n r r h r l c ih

r?lcrrh-ul.g G utlnnt Whc n

hrs rncnrrrrl rctunrcd hc

s u | | t t c c lf r o m q r i i l t a r r c l

gre/ -Srerlc/ s {rrlci tn f titrt

c r t r i r c c ir h c c i r r r r r f t h c

Nrhr'hrne bnrthcrs tlhrr

.sleir lttnt , trtgcrl trtt ll rt

rortcfir/ Brr nhr/d sechrrrq

tttm|.tl by rhc hrrrer c ur.serrl AnrJlarr Hrt'rclntttr t^,,hohucl dunundetl the nng t() dsst/dgr' hcr h()ll()llr ,4.s

t r s r r ' i c r - ( o / df r r r r r rL o h r u a . s I h c f i i s r r , , s u l l u l r o n t f l t t ' . L i t s ch l c r l l r r r , g r "t iht e r h r ' l r c r r rh l : a t h i l h r s / c t s l

r,/ lris st,rr Firiirrr rrho,iafto tht qrrirl \c.rt Fu.fnn ttn.nt'tlhrnr-sel/ ht &d r c r l l r n gr r , B n r r h r i c /

u l t o c . r l t ( ) n . s r n ' ud. sr u g o n 1 , rg u a r r i t h c n r r t - h o a r c l W ' i r e n r h e v o u t h f i r l h c r o

- S i q u r L(/ r r h o r t ' ,s l c r t t h c d r r i g r r n h r n r h c r r r e ( l l h t / r t h r r / r r t t n
s ng-hoard hur xtth
l , lliir,irrrt) '
, ; ' 1 1 pr 1
tf tt trrrrhlcttilrc \\ r1

Nonsr MyrHoLocy

THnUn, in Germanic myrhologz,

TsRru Qrf), o danng storm g1ant,stole
was the daughrer of rhe rhunder
Thor'ssacredhammer,causingpanic at
god ruon and his wife SrF Shewas
Asgard Here, the glantbroods onhis roclE
promised ro rhe dwarf ALVISas a
hilltop wqloohedby Lohi, dtsgutsedas a
payrnenr for his handicraft Bur
falcon, and scoutingtheiq wastesin search
Thor prevented the dwarf from
of the hammer,buned aght Jathomsdou'n
claiming Thrud by keeping him (Irru5rneroru j 995)
mlking until morning, when rhe
sunlight tumed Alvis inro stone
TIR seerrn

THnYU, in Germanic myrhologr,

Twvlzsee rYR
was the frost gianr who came to
acquireTHOR'smaglc hammer The
TruCf,wwas a rhree-headedgod
gods were at a loss becauseonly
of the Slavsliving in cenrral Europe
this weapon could protecr rhem
At Stettin in present-day Poland,
against rhe frosr gianrs When
Triglav once boasted four separate
Thrym said he would exchangerhe
temples Thesewere mainnined by
hammer for rhe ferrility goddess
war boory, one renrh being the
FREUTA, rhe fire god rorc persuaded
amounr due to the god at the end
Thor ro go ro the frost gianr's
of a campaign The best remple at
stronghold disguised as rhe bride
Stettin housed a black horse for
in order to recover the hammer
Triglav's use In the twelfrh cen-
Loki also wenr along in the form of
tury Chrisdanity amved and
a maidservant Thus rhe unusual
Tnglav'sstatueswere broken and
pair arrived ar Thrym's hall Even
their muldple heads senr to rhe
though rhe frosr gianr was quire
Popein Rome as curiosities
suspiciousabour his bnde-ro-be,
Loki cleverly managed ro talk him
TUONT was rhe Finnish god of
inro producing rhe hammer,which
the dead, who lived in the dark
Thor then used ro lay low all rhe
land of Tuonela, from which few
frost grants in sight
travellers rerum With his wrfe
Tuonetar he had severalchildren
who were deities of suffenng,
including Kipu-Tytro, goddess of
illness One of the few heroeswho
managedto escapefrom Tuonela
was VAINAMOINEN After SucceSS-
fully crossingthe river that marked
the border of Tuonela, he was
received there by Tuonerar, who
gavehim beer to drink But while
her visitor slept, her son createda
vast iron mesh across the river so
rhatVainamoinencould not retum
that way and would be rapped for-
ever But when he woke, the hero
changed into an otter and swam
easilythrough the net

Tuolt guardedthe darh realm oJTuonela

on thebanhsoJablachiver When
VainamoinenvisitedTuoni in searchof
maglccharms,he was trapped by a vast
iron net,flung acrossthe iver; but thehero
changedinto an otter and slipped through


Tvn Qeft),JamedJor htsbraveryand might, Tvn (aboveleft),a popularswordgod, was Llno (above),awrse Norn,persomt'ied
wasassignedthe taskoJfeedtngFennr,the invohedbeforebattle,honouredwrth sword present
past, whrleher ststersrepresentecl

ftercewolf-sonof Lolzi Yet Fennrhepton dances,andhadhis rune engravedon andt'uturefate The Nornswatnedthegods
growrng,strongerandt'terceruery day, blades He losthrs nght hand in a t'ight from the
oJJuture evtland drcw lessons
unttl all-seeingOdin reahzedthe danger with Fennr, but was lustas shrlfulwith hrs past Urd fer)two swenson the IJrdar pool
and thegodsdectdedto brndthebeast left,and at Ragnarohslewthe hell-hound whogavebtrth to theswansoJ theworld
underground(luusrnerrrx 1930
ByJ HL)ARD, ) Garm (lt-tt,srn,arioN B) JAME-SAt ExqNI)IR, .l 995 ) (lrrr.stnarror llr /,l rrrsAtExlroi,n ,l995 )

early sly god whose powers were mouth as a sign of goodwrll When URD, orWpd (meaning"Fate" or
later passed to Odin and Thor the wolf discovered the chain could " Pas t" ) , w as one of thr ee s i s ter s
6UNGNIR, Odin's maglcspear,may not be broken, he bit off Ty'r's who were the Germanicfatesand
once havebelongedto Tyr, since it hand Although Tyr was in agony, were }crown as the NORNSThe rwo
was customary for the Vikings to the other gods just laughed The other sisters were Verdandi
casr a spearover the heads of an downgrading of Tyr may not be ( " Bei ng" or " Pr es ent" )and Sk ul d
enemy as a sacrificebeforefighting unconnected with the loss of a ( " N ec es s i ty " or " F utur e" ) U r d
commenced in earnest,and over hand A Cehic god by the name of gaveher name to the well thar was
recent years archaeologistshave Nuada was forced to grve up the situatedbeneathone of the roos of
found numerous splendidly oma- leadership of the lnsh Tuatha De the c os m i c tr ee, and
T\T, also known asTiv and Tiwaz, mented spearsdedicatedto Tyr Danann ("the people of the god- that was where rhe gods would
was the Germanicwargod, and the The myth of Tyr relatesto the dess Dana") after he lost a hand at hold therr daily meetrng As was
son of ODIN and his wife nrucc binding of rhe wolf nrruRtRThis rhe first battle of Magh Tuireadh also the casein Greekmythology,
The Anglo-Saxonsusually called monstrous creaturehad grown so But Tyr was still able ro light ar the gods w er e not s upenor or
him Tiw and gave his name ro powerful that rhe gods decided to MGNAROK, dunng whrch it was beyond the infiuenceof the fates
Tuesday (Tiwesdaeg in OId restrain it No ordinary chain was destined that the hound Garm, Indeed, U r d w ar ned the c hi ef of
Englsh) He was closely associated strong enough, and belore Fenrir which srood at the gates of HEL, the Germanicgods, ODIN,that he
wirh Odin and, Iike that god, would consent to a magic one acting as watchdog to rhe land of was destined to be krlled by rhe
receivedsacrificesof hanged men being placed round his neck, Tyr the dead, was [o leap at Tyt't throat remble wolf nrrunlRat RAGNAROK,
Ir is not unlikely that Tyr was an had to put his hand in rhe wolf's and they would hll each orher the doom o[ the gods

Nonsr MyrHoLocy

UfCnRO ("Ourer place"), in VnnrHnUDNIR, in Germanic present and the future. After an UTGAu, theiq atadel oJ thefrost gwnts,
Germanic mythology, w6 the huge mythology, w6 a wise frosr giant. impressive display on the part of wu cawed out of snowblocls and f,ittmng
gians' stronghold in JOTUNHEIM, He was believed to have gained his both Odin and Vafthrudnir, the icicles The Norse poets,whohnant all about
where LOKI,THORand Thor's ser- impressive store of wisdom bycon- giant was eventually defeated by a the terorc oJ the ice of thar northern
vant THIALFIfound themselves in sulting rhe dead. Possibly like quite unanswerable question, homes,ina'itably portrayed the ail gianu
contes$ against unequal oppo- ODIN, the chief of rhe gods, who when the god asked the giantwhat in just such aharsh realm, whtre numbing
nen6. Loh failed to consume more voluntarily hanged himself for nine he had whispered to his dead son coWfroze the muscla and paralyseilthe
food than wildfire; Thialfi could nights on YGGDMSIL,the cosmic BALDERbefore he lit the pyre on will (tuusrntnoNByAr.AN
not keep pace as a runner with tree, in order to become wise, which he lay. It is implied in the
thought; and Thor was unable to Vafthrudnir had also temporarily story that Odin's forelano';vledge Now Vafthrudnir recognized
drink the sea dry, pick up the sea died. Seehng to test his knowledge allowed him to assure Balder of Odin and admitted that no one
serpent JORMUNGANDor wresrle againstthe gianr's, Odin decided to future resurrection and worship on could tell what the god had whis-
old age.When they lefr, the gods journey to Vafthrudnir's land in the new earth, "risen out of the pered into the ear of the dead
realized that Uqard was an illusion disguise. There he challenged the water, fresh and green", after Balder. The frost giant's last words
made by the frighrened frost grans gigandc "riddle-master" to match MGNARoK, rhe doom of rhe gods were: "So I have pitted myself
to deter Thor, their greatestenemy. their knowledge of rhe pasr, rhe and the end of the world. against Odin, alwap the wisest.'


the champion of the Kalevala

(which means "the fatherland of
heroes"),Vainamoinenwas grfted
with extraordinary m.agrcalpowers
He was lesslucky in love, however.
When he sought a bride from
among the women of Pohja,he was
promised one of Louhi's daughters
if he made the magic talisman, the
Sampo He gave the task to his
comrade Ilmannen and so Louhi's
daughterwas manied to Ilmarinen
instead. But the bride was killed
and the magic talismanstolen, so
Vainamoinen and llmarinen, joined
by LEMINKAINEN, set off to find the
VarrHnuorutRsparswith Odin in a Sampo. After several greatadven-
f"*dly contestoJwits Evu thirstyfor tures, they succeededin recovering
hnwledge, Odinhad resolvedto testthe it. However, Louhi raised a great
wiseJrostglant andlearn any new snippets storrn and, in the form of a griffin,
oJwisdom Yet,aJterquizingeach other descended onto their ship. Only
on €ve'tyaspectoJlrfeand death, Odin the swift action of Vainamoinen
emergedas thewisestoJthewise savedthem, but during the storrn
(lLLUsrRATloN By JAMES ALExAworn, .1995 ) rhe Sampo was lost to the winds
When the storrn had passed,
VnINRUOINEN, the chief hero Vainamoinen collectedall the scat- VelrueuotNeN (above),a peerlessmage, VeluaiuotN rN helow) courtsreluctant
of Finnish epic, was the son of a tered pieces togetherand was able was alsoa gentle,humane hero A tireless Aino in herJathu's grwe Promisedto the
primal goddess,LUoNNoTAR.He to restore some of the talisman's explorer, he joumqed across the hnown old man againsther willby her brother,she
was always depicted as a vigorous former power With his mission world and, alone amongheroes,returned drownedhersefrather than marry,only to
and sensitiveold man, who from completed, Vainamoinen built a Jrom the undemvorldAt theendof his hJe,he wind up as a salmon onhis fishingline,
birth possessedthe wisdom of rhe ship and embarked on an endless setsatlin a copperboat and embarhedon a beJoreleapingbachtnto the iver and
ages, for he was in his mother's voyage. (Seealso TREASURES AND ByAGATLEN- returning to her humanform (Tnr,Arro
without end (vel.,ouorNEN
womb for at least thirty years. As TALISMANS : SORCERYAND SPELLS) I(aLLEt,l' CANVAS, c 1890) TRlprycH av A GIIl.N-I/.l.LLr.l', cANvAs, c 1890 )

Nonse MvrHoLocy

The newly fallenjoining the res-

idenrs in Valhalla had to enter by a
door called Valgrind ("the sacred
baned-gate of the slain"), Even
before they reached this entrance,
they must pass severalobstacles,
including a fasr-runningnver of air
Once in Valhalla"[he men hlled in
war" were miraculously cured of
their wounds and were able ro
indulge endlessly in the pleasures
of feasdngand fighting The meat
of a magic boar was prepared as
wonderful stew in an inexhaustible V AtnAttA' s V allzynes- beauttful battle-
cauldron. The sameboar was eaten maidens- welcomedthe chosenslninwith
day after day through a processof openarrns At other times,Odin's sons,
resurrection. Mead was provrded Hermod or Brag1,recavedthehrroes,
from the teats of a goat It was said conductingthemto thefoot oJOdin's
that everyday the Einheqar pur on throne;whileOdinhimselfroseto greet
their armour, went to the pracrice the bravestVihingsat the gate 0uusrnqnor.r
ground and fought each orher If BYEWALLCousrNs,
c 1920)
hlled, rheywere restoredto life. At
midday they retumed ro Valhalla Veuanut was a Vihing's paradisewhue
and started drinhng Such an exis- chosanheroesJought andJeastedfrom
tence for a Vihng heips ro expiain dawn to dush Woundshealednernight,
Odin's popularity in Denmark, and meadand meatjwed Jreely The hutic
southem Norway and Sweden,rhe round oJcombatensuredthatheroesstayed
regionswhere most of the raiding in fightingform,ft for thefnal bauleat
expedidons came from, Rognaroh (lrrusrncrroN svw B Dwcx,1900

Verueu,c, (above),the HaII of the Slain,

was built in the shimmenng grove of Glesir
Encircledby strongouter walls,the
magnificenthall glittered with precious
metals,its walls were built oJspearsand its
roof of shiningshields This starlit scene
aohes a senseoJ the untold wonders that
lie within (llnisrnnrro,v
ByF voNsrAssEN.

vnlnellA, or Valholl, in
of the EINHER/AR ("heroic dead"),
those warriors slain on rhe battle-
field and chosen by ODIN himself as
his followers Buik in,aSGARoby
Odin, Valhalla was enormous It
had over five hundred doors, each
wide enough to allow up ro eight
hundred men to march through
abreast These wide doors were
designed to allow rhe chosen war-
riors to pour fonh ar rhe first sign of
MGNAROK,the doom of rhe gods
Then they were destined ro fall
again,alongsidethe gods, in a grear
battle on the VIGRIDPlain.


Odin was known as the father of

the slain and he was the host who
presided over Valhalla, and daily
senr our rhe vALKYUESro add ro
the numberof the dead. lnValhalla
the Vallcyries would carry food and
drink for the Einherjar.
Ragnarok was always given as
the reason for creating Valhalla.
When asked about his habit of
Sving luck to a warrior in a battle
and then suddenly tahng rt away,
Odin said that "the grey wolf
watches the halls of the gods": that
is to say, the gods were constantly
threatened by Ragnarok, the cam-
strophe inwhich theywould die in
mutual destrucdon with the frost VnU was rhe son of oDIN and V.lucnrrs (abwe), Odin's martial V,lrrrnrrs (below) rode through the
gianm and the forces of evil The RJNDand was destined to hll blind maidens,altghtedon the battlefieldto select stormyslE on magnificentpearly steeds,
gathering of the "heroic dead" in HODRin revengefor his unwitting the bravestwariors for Valhalla, the idyllic personilyingclouds,and whosesoahing
Valhallawas the onlyway the gods murder of nerprn, Fulfilling a abodeoJOdin's ghostlyarmy Although manessprayedthe eanh with Jmile Jrost
could prepare to face their own prophecy, he grew from a baby to quite charmingin Valhalla,on the and dew Thq alsoscouredthe seas,
fate, no matter how vain the manhood in a single d^y and battlefieldthe VallEnes becamesinister snatchingsailorsfrom ships,or sometimes
attemptwould prove to be. At least rushed off to hll Hodr. Along with spiits of slaughter,goadinghcroesto thar bechoningJrom the strand (TnrRroeor rne
Odin's men, caught up in a benerk his half-brother wDAR,he survived ByG voNLEEKE,
death GaevrLKyRrES 1870

fury, could be guaranteed to tear MGNAROK.Another Vali was one

into the enemy ranks in one last of the unlucky sons of LoKL
bartle, (Seealso THEvALKTRIES)
Tng Vnucrues ("female
VEMOIT SCCVALHALIA choosersof the slain") were ODIN's
battle- or shield-maidens. They
Vett wasoneof thefu bnghtyounggods rode over battlefields and selected
to suwiveRagnarolzDestinedfrombirth
to the elNHr4;AR("heroic dead") who
avenge death,hegravat an
Balder's would go to uALHALLA. Theyprob-
amazng rate, reachingmanhoodin a ably derived from something more
singleday and rushing of wrth uncombed dreadful than the attendants of
hair to slay Hodr. Hsre,he ts portrayed Valhalla, and must have originally
stridingdcrossthe nav earth aJtu been the goddessesof slaughter
Rngnaroh 0rrusrnenoru 1995) itself, wild Amazon-like creatures
who rook great delight in the
severed limbs and bloody wounds
of battle. Something of this early
terror can be imagined in an
account of the battle of Stamford
Bridge, Kirg Harold's victory over
the Norwegians shortly before his
defeat by the Normans at Bartle in
I066. A soldier in the Norwegian
army dreamr of a Valkfrie before
the battle. He thought he was on
the hng of Norway's ship, when he
beheld a greatwitch on an island,
with a fork in one hand to rake up
the dead and a trough in the other
to catch the blood (Seealso rHE

AGNARoKwAS THE preordained doom of the gods, and the climax of the
cosmic drama. The seedsof doom were sown at the dawn of time when the
world and its first creatures emerged from the violent
extremes of ice and fire. Inherently fragile, the
universe was beset by forces of destruction and flawed from
the outset. The inevitable climax was precipitated by a Sj
series of disasters.Loki, a catalyst of evil, spawned three
fearsome monsters against whom the gods were {'
ultim ately powerless. Consumed with hate ,
Loki went on to slay Balder, symbol of
goodness and beauty. Beyond Asgard, the
::: .F
i"'i'i" q'!

enmity of the hostile giants gathered momentum +

until, at Ragnarok, all the world's destructive forces
burst forth in cataclysmic disaster. Apocalypse is a
common mythical theme, but the Norse vision is
starker than most and unique in the loss of its gods. In .d
one hopeful version, ' : : i
some gods survive and ,
the earth emerges fresh
a n d g r e eD , p u r g e d b y
flood and fire. Ragnarok
casts a dark shadow over ,1
the Norse myths , yet also , q"
1 *.
highlights the heroism of
gods and heroes.

rcru AeJ),orcr enviousoJanyonewho was

goodandbeautlful,guidedblind Hodr to slay his Tnn Mrcur or THon (abwe) andhtshammu, Mjollnir,
brother, Balder, with a dart of mtstletoe The rymbolizedtheJoremostdeJenceoJthe godsagarnstthe threat of
wantondestructionof the bestof the godsmarlzeda the glantsand the doom oJRngnaroh Yet Thor's sustainedmight
turning-pointin Inhr's downwardspiral oJevil Yet provedultimatelyinadequateto withstandthecombined
evenafter the cnme, the godsallowed Inh.i to roam onslaughtoJ glantsand monstersAt the end,however,Thor id
unrestrained,growingder more bitter and twrsted the world of the glantmonster,Jormungand,beJore
(Lor{ AND HODR By C QvARNsrRoM, MARBLE, c, 1890 ) its venom (THoR By B FOGELBERG,MARBLE,c 1890 )
Nonsr MvrHoLoGY

, 1 1 1 1 r \ . i l t . /i h t . ' . t t t t t r L r r h t r r t f l t l t t . : l t , t t r t t t l , t ( ) c l r n
111,,1 .il

tltt rrrlhl f , r 1 , f i r , t t l t l r ; r 1 ' 1 ,l t f r \ \ \()lr()!r r 1 ' , , r q r 1 1 ; l t t gl h t

\l{|\ ,)/ Rr/(|r|rJh li I i \ ', lir

/'rr.,r I tt i - , ,ll i- I .-
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THf VANIn were the older of THE VANTR,

daties oJJmility,wealth and
the rwo branches of the Germanic health, wereworshippedbyfarmers The
family of gods and were fertility threemain Vanir gods,Njord (centre)
deities. They lived at Vanaheim, far and his lwely twrns, Frryja and Frqr, were
from AscARD, the fortified resi- all gentle,bnW spiits oJ nature, who
dence of the AESIR,the younger nouished the earth and seas,and granted
branch, who were primarily war Jair weatherand good hawests (lnusrnciloN
gods. Myth relates how the Vanir BvJAMES ALEX{Nonn, 1995 )

and the Aesir fought for supremacy

not long after creation. After the VE, in Germanic myrholory, was
Aesir had won, peacewas sealedby one of rhe sons of non and the
an exchangeofgods and goddess- brorher of oolx and vltt. At the
es. The Vanir sent to Asgard the sea beginning of creadon the primeval
god w;onD and his rwin son and cow AUDHUMIA sustained herself
daughter FREYRand nnr1;e, and by licking the ice and from her
also KVASIR, who was believed to be ample teats flowed enough milk to
second to none in his wisdom The feed the frost giant Y /IR, the first
Aesir despatched to Vanaheim living creature. He is described as
long-legged HoNn and wise MIMIR. being utterly evil. However,
At first Honir and Mimir were Audhumla's lichng also uncovered
welcomed and accepted by the BURI,the gand-father of Ve. All the
Vanir, but the gods gadually came gods were descended from Buri,
to the conclusion that theyhad got because his son Bor married the
the worst of the exchange with the frost grantessBestla and had three
Aesir. The problem was the terrible sons- Odin, Vili and Ve.
indecisiveness of Honir, which Although the blood of the frost
reached embarrassingproportions gians and the gods intermingled,
whenever Mimirwas absent To the the implacable enmity berween
Vanir it seemed that Mimir was not them could not be denied or
only Honir's voice but also his resolved, for it went right back to
brain, so in anger they cut off the killing of Ymir. Odin, Vili and
Mimir's head and sent it back ro Ve disliked Ymir and his growing
Asgard. Although this did not band of frost giants. Eventually,
rekindle the conflict, it effectively their dislike tumed to hatred and
caused a rift between the Aesir and they slew Ymir, making the world
the Vanirwhich greatly reduced the in GINNUNGAGAP (the "yawning
mythological significance of the emptiness") from the giant's body.
Vanir, so they slowly faded into the Afterwards the three brothers
background found on the seashore two fallen
The distinction between the rees, an ash and an elm. From the
older Vanir and the younger Aesir wood they made first man and then
was uncenain even in Vihng times. woman. Odin breathed into them
When the sagaswere collected in the spirit of life; Vili gave them
the late rwelfth century, there was intelligence and emotion; and Ve
speculation about the origins of the added the ability to see and hear. ln
two groups. The Icelander Snorri some versiors of the creation myth,
Srurluson thought that the name of Ve is known as Lodur or Lothur.
the Aesir recalled their homeland in
Asia, and that IHOR was the grand- THEVANIR wreJamedformagXand
son of King Priam of Troyand oonv foraryhtoJvvhxh themachoAesirwqea
his descendant in the rwendeth Iittlexspnous,ucqtfor Oilinwho,arcr
generation, while the Vanir were eagerb incrensehrshnwiledge,rapidty
originally inhabinns of the land by absorbed theVanirarts.Hue, thefruitful
the River Don, formerly called VanirtwinsJollmOdinanilFiganq the
Vanaquisl. Today, however, these BfrostBndge, withThorand Lohtin the
theories have been discounted. rear. (l-l:usrtAnoN ByF voN Sr ssEN,l9l4 )

Wpen (abave),o stron& silent and solitary

god, lived alone in a leafypalacedeepin
his pnmalJorest He personrfiedthe
imperishableJorcesof nature, and was
one of theJew gods destinedto suwive
Rngnaroh He slew the wolJ Fenir with
his iron-shodfoot

Vn (abave)andhrsbrothm,Vili and woven into a plait }crown as "Veles'

Odin,fashionedhumanforms from two beard". Also in Russian Orthodox

piaes oJdiJtwoodlyingon the cosmic tradition, Veles was incorporated

beachat thedun of ttme Odin created into the Christian faith by idend-

a manJrom the ash,whllehisyoungu fyt^S him with St Blasius, who was

brothmformd awomanfrom theelm, a shepherd and martyr from

and then Odinbreathedlrfeinto them. Cappadocia. Prayers offered to this

rvJeursAuxrNoen,1995) saint are expected to protect and
increase flocks of sheep and goats

Vrrrs guarded cattle andJlocluJor the

Slavs Espeaallypopular with farmers, he VtOnn was rhe silent and solinry
surwved into the nineteanthcentuty, when god of Germanic mytholory. He
Russnnfarmm still honouredhim in the was the son of ODIN and the frost
lawestfelfuby curlingthe earsoJone giantessGRID,and lived in a place
sheafof corn (seeight), rymbohzngthe called Vidi, where all was quiet and
god's atrly hair andbeard peaceful.It was Vidar's destiny to
0[usrprnor rv NtcxBpcLE, ) avenge his father's death at
MGNAROK,the doom of the gods
VELES, or Volos, was the Russian and the end of the world. When
god who had authoriry over flocks the terrible wolf FENRIRhad over-
and herds. lt was customary to come Odin in a fierce and bloody
swear oaths in the names of Veles struggle and swallowed him, Vidar
and prRuruu, who was the thunder stepped forward, smashed one of
god. When Vladimir, ntler of Kiev, his well-shod feet against the wolf's
was baptized into the Onhodox lower jaw, and then with both
faith in 988, he had a statue of hands he forced the upper jaw
Veles thrown into the River open till the ravenous beast's throat
Dniepner. ln Russian folklore, was tom asunder. It is more than
however, the god of flocla survives. likely that the meaning of Vidar's
For insmnce, at hawest time the own name refers in some way to
ears of the last sheaf of com are still this ripping in half of evil.


MCruO, in Germanic myrhology, Our of counesyVolsung invited waming, Volsung and his ten sons
was the name of a plain that was his son-inJawSiggeir to rryhis luck walked into Siggeir's trap when
destined to be the sceneof the final first. But Siggeirdid not succeed. they accepted an invimdon to visit
conflict berween the gods and rhe Nor was anyone else able to pull his coun. Theywere ambushed on
frost gians. There ar MGNAROxthe out the sword, except the youngest the way and left in the forest,
two sides and their allies would of Volsung's sons, Sigmund. When bound to a fallen nee. Each night a
engage in mutual destruction. A Siggeir offered to buy the magic wolf came and ate one of them,
huge expanse of land, Vigrid was weapon, Sigmund refused ro parr until only Sigmund was left alive.
said to stretch l20leagues in every with it atany price. Sig.y succeededin rescuing him.
direction. Even so, it was predicted This refusai made the Gothic As a result, Siggeir wrongly
that the assembled hoss would king really angry.Despite Signy's believed that no one had escaped
cover it completely. the attentions of the wolf He
Tnr Vtcnrp Pr,cN (abwe) was mapped Votsulc's fuelwv) greathall,built relaxed his guard and Signy was
MLI, in Germanic mytholog/, was out as the battlefieldoJ Ragnaroh Wlrcn arounda sacred oah,wu thescene ofa able to brry her family and help
the son of noR and Bestlaand the Hamdall soundedthe call tobattle, the maglcalarcntwhen Odinappeared one Sigmund. lt took a long dme to
brother of opll and yr At the warringhosts convergedJromall corners of nightond thrusta sword,hilt-deep,intothe prepare a revenge,however. First.of
beginning of creation he helped his the earth; godsandherocspouredover the geat oah Hechallengedthehroes to pull all Signy rried to have her own sons
brothers ro slay the frosr gianr yMtR BtJrostBridge,while Lohi and thefi.eryhost it out,oferingthedivineglftto thewinner. trained by Sigmund, bur they
and form the world from his car- swarmedinfrom the swirlingseas Signundwasthemuch-enwed champion lacked courage A second attempt
cass. When they later created the qnory
(It-t-usrR ByJAMES
) (lrrusrpqnoru ByAtaN Lre, 1984) to reinforce her brother involved
first man and woman from wood, incest. Without his knowledge,
Vili's contribution was sharp wits Signy slept with him and bore
and feeling hearts.Odin gave rhem Sinfiotli, a warior with double
the breath of life, while Ve added Volsung blood. When Sinfiotli
the powers of sight and hearing. In grew up, Signy sent him to her
one Icelandic poem Vili is given rhe brother to be trained as a warrior
name HONIR. Although Sigmund and Sinfiotli
were captured bySiggeir, the maglc
VfXOOIAKwas the Slavic wolf- sword secured their release and
man. More a figure of folklore than allowed them to take revenge on
mythology, he exists becauseof the the king and his sons. Afterwards
ancient respect accorded to the rav- Sigmund reumed home, and had
enous wolf, which in the forestsof another son, SIGURD,known in
northern and eastem Europe was German legend as Siegfried.
the animal most feared.According
to Germanic myrhology, the chief VoruuD seewAYr,{ND
god ooll was destined to be hlled
by rhe wolf FENRIRar MGNARoK, WnYf-,tND was the smith god of
the doom of the gods. the Anglo-Saxons. The son of a
sailor and a mermaid, he was
VOIOS SCCVELES renowned for mahng coats of mail
and swords. In Scandinaviahe was
VOTSUNG was the subjecr of a known asVolund, orVolundr, and
late Germanic myth. He was said to in Germany asWielund.
be a descendanr of ODIN. When Wayland's myth is a srory of
Signy, Volsung's only daughter, revenge King Nidud of Sweden cur
was married against her will to the Wayland's leg sinews and placed
Gothic king Siggeir, a one-eyed him and his forge on a remote
stranger appeared among the wed- island. The smith god avenged this
ding guesrs. k was Odin, chief of mudlation by hlling Nidud's nvo
the Germanic gods. He sruck a sons, who came to see his trea-
sword deep inro an oak and told sures, and sending their heads
the company that the weapon studded with preciousjewels and
would belong to the man who mounted on silver to King Nidud.
pulled ic out. Whoever wielded rhe He may also have raped Nidud's
sword could never be defeated. daughter, but this is not cenain.




Werr-ctvp helow), captlveon a desolate Wen-aNp (abovenght) and hts brothers Afterwards Wayland is said to
WArLAND's (above)smithywasvrsitednot
tsland,Iabouredinhis underground bathtngtn a
chancedupon threeVallrynes have flown to vALHALt-,q, like the
lust by wariors seehingarms,but by Jorge,
and lahe Thq tooktherrplumagelet'ton the Greek inventor Daedalus, on wlngs
noblewomen wanttngdain\ tnnh.ets oJ fashtoningwondrousornaments
weapons master,I'lidud bankandkeptthemon earthJor nlneyears, he had made for hrmself Near
purestgold Waylandwas alsoa craJtsman Jor his oppressive
oJSwedenLtheDaedalus,Wayland unttl thq escapedFashromngwrngs Jor Uffingron rn Wiltshire, a long bar-
on thegrand scale,designtnga Jabulous
htmselJ,Waylandflew aJterhis wtJe,Alvrt, row has ancient assoclations with
Icelandicmaze,hnownas Volund'sHouse fashtonedwrngsandflew away toJreedom
cARVING, 8rH crxruRY ) 0i/ELqND By M.dx KocH, uarrnc.orrrttn, i 904 ) to ,AlJhetm (lLLL,srRA il()N sv H THEAxEn, / 900 ) Wayland, and is locally known as

his smrthy His lameness parallels

that of Hephaistos, the Greek
smith god whose in;ury had two
different explanations In one ver-
sion it was claimed that his limp
was the result of his har,rng inter-
fered rn a \nolent quarrel between
his parents, Zeus and Hera So
annoyed did Zeus become rhat he
flung his son out of Olympus and
ler him fallhear.rly on the island of
Lemnos A second explanation tells
how Hephaistos was born a
dwarfish figure wirh a limp Hera
even tried to drown him, but he
was saved by sea nymPhs The lat-
[er version of the myth is most rel-
evant to Wayland in Germanic
mythology the master crafrsmen
were mainly dwarfs, and Wayland's
own mother was a mermaid It is
interesting to note that Lemnos
was an island with volcanic ac-
tivitv. like the remote island to
rvhich way'and had been banished

wtgHND see wAnAND




YGGOnAStt, or yggdrasill,
(which means something like
"dreadful rnount") was the cosmic
ash nee in Germanic mythology. Is
name is a reference either ro the
gallows or ODIN's horse. Not only
did Odin hang himself on Yggdrasil
for nine nights in order ro leam
wisdom, but sacrificial hangings
from gallows trees were also a
favourite Viking way of worship-
ping the god. An archaeological
find that reveals the extent of this
ghastly ritual is rhe Tollund Man,
found in a Jurland peat bog in
1950. The corpse was so well pre-
sewed that it was possible ro
deduce that he was a prisoner of
war who had been sacrificed as a
thank-offering after a batde.
The parallel beween Odin's
volunmry dearh on Yggdrasil and

Yccppslr (nghl theWorldTree,layat

theheartof theuniverseHqe, thewhirling
patternsof Vihingart stihinglycapturethe
wirlingvitality at thecentreof life A stag
brwseson its evergreenfoliagewhile a
ItJeanddeathstruggje at therootof hfe
(Wooo ccnvlNc, 8rn crNruny.)

Yuln belou,) was theftrst creatureto

anuge from the pnmal wastesoJice in
theyawningabyss oJ Ginnungagapat the
dawn of creation Asfirefrom the south
mehedicefrom the north, the iq droplets

fused toJorm a massive frost glant As he

slept, his weat formed other frost glants the Crucifixion remains srriking. descended ro;oruruHEtM, rhe land was daily harassed by a squinel
) Odin was also pierced with a spear of the gians, where MIMIR'swell named Ratatosk, who brought
and, like Christ, cried out before he stood; the second ended in fogg;r unpleasant commens and insults
died. Although it is possible rhat Niflheim, close by rhe spring of up from the dragon Nidhogg.
the Crucifixion was known ar the Hvergelmir, where rhe dragon Another bird in its branches was a
time that rhe Odin myrh was NIDHOGGgnawed the roor from cock, sometimes refened to as
recorded, there is litrle doubt rhat belowwheneverit tired of chewing "Vidoftrir the tree snake".
his hanging on the cosmic tree had corpses; the last root was embed- The idea of a cosmic ree is
pre-Christian origins and derived ded nearaSGARD,the stronghold of common in the myrlrs of the nonh-
from ancient pagan worship. Odin the gods, beneath URD's well, em parts of both Europe andfuia.
had long been the god of the spear, where the gods held their daily It was thought of as the backbone
the god of the hanged. assembly. Water was raken from of the universe, the structural sup-
Yggdrasil is described as the the well each day by the NoRNS, port of the nine worlds. In lreland,
largest and most stately tree ever to the three fates, Urd, Skuld and however, the sacreduee acquired a
have grown. Its branches overhung Verdandi, and mixed wirh earth as different role. Although always
the nine worlds and spread out a means of prevendng Yggdrasil's associatedwith otherworld splen-
above the heavens. It was sup- bark from rotting. An eagleperched dour, the musical branches of Irish
ported by three great roots: one on the very top of the cosmic tree mythology acted as cures for



Yccoustt's mightylimbshe? upthe Yc copasrl-(nght)Jtlledthehnwn world,

nineworldsoJtheNorsemenSean here tahingrootnotonlyin thedarhdepths oJ
(abwe)are thethreehighest
rmlmsoJgods Niflham(bottom), but alsoin Midgard
fing undertherainbow
andlightelves, and,Asgardlts topmostboughs reached
bndge;nact,theworlds of mortak,dwarfs heaven.whileitslowest It
anddarhelves 'iseJromtheocean,withthe wasgeneralfthoughtoJasthestructural
at theiq edge
frostglanS'land supportof theuniverse
Ar.rnQumrs,) (lrrusrpcno^J

sickness and despair. In a number another sacred tree. How much his armpit. Ymir fed on the milk of unbroken bones mountains, his
of tales these magic branches of rees were once revered can be seen the primeval cow AUDHUMIA.He teeth and jaw rocks and boulders,
silver or gold were brought by mes- from the reactions to early Christian was slain by the brothers 1DIN,wLJ his blood rivers, lakes and the sea,
sengers from otherworld lands. missionarieslike St Boniface.ln the and yE, who were the gandsons of and his skull the slcy, which was
Thus the fabulous voyage of Bran eighth cenury he cut down sacrifi- BURI,whom Audhumla had licked held up at its four corners bY
b"g* with the sound of music that cial trees, to the telror of the free of the ice. dwarfs Sparks were used to make
caused him to fall asleep. lt came Frisians, until he himself was felled Growing dred of the brutality of the sun, the moon and the stars'
from a branch of silver with white at Dockum by an outraged pagan. Ymir and his ever-increasing band Such an extremelY violent
blossoms, which a beautiful lady of frost giants, Odin, Vili and Ve creation myth is by no means
took away after telling of the YCCOMSILL SCCYGGDRASIL took up arrns They slewYmir and unique The Babylonian chamPion
delights of her world beyond the then drowned all the frost gianr in of the gods, Marduk, slew the
sea. Hins of such maglc are also YMIR, in Germanic mythology, his blood, with the exception of chaos-dragon Tiamat with raging
present in Germariic mythology. was the first living creature. He was BERGEI^fiIRand his wife, who man- winds and an alrow, before sPlit-
The obvious example must be the a frost giant who emerged from the aged to escape by sailing on a dng her carcassinto rwo Parts. One
apples belonging to the goddess ice in GINNT/NGAGAP ("the yawning hollowed tree trunk. he pushed upwards to form the
IDUN. Only this magic fruit pre- empdness"). He was evil and the Odin, Vili and Ve then threw heavens,the other he used to make
vented the gods from gowing old. father and mother of all frost gians, Ymir's carcassinto GinnungagaP. a floor above the deep, the emPti-
They were clearly the gift from who first came from the sweat of His flesh became the earth, his nessat the bottom of the universe.

P r c r u RE Ac xN owLE D G E M E NTS


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and An Gallery:84BlKunsthistorisches I 38TR/PrivateCollecdon: Manchester City MuseumsandAn
Museum,Vienna:778[the National I4lVGiraudon: 155T. Galleries:192B..
Gallery,London: S5BVGalerieEstense, E. Davison:119L. Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo: 1868, 214B..
Modena:858R. DundeeAn Galleriesand Museums:103T, NationalMuseumStockholm:I82T, I90T,
Boardof Trusteesof the NationalMuseums IO4B,I3IT, T42BL. 196R,2L5T,2308L.
and Gallerieson Merseyside0MalkerArt FineArt PhotogaphicLibrary'.92,102T, StatensMuseumfur Kunst,Copenhagen:
Gallery):638. IO3B,104T,LT+BL,T26B,140R,T12BL, l8lB, I9gT, 245TR,2+gB.
E. T. Archive:3lTR, 50TR,5lBR, 68T, r66BL. WemerFormanArchive:L74,210BL,
85TL. GlasgowMuseums:An Galleryand 25OTRAlational Musuem,Copenhagen:
Fine An PhotographicLibrary: Z4BR. Museum,IGlvingrove:I l5T. 236BVStatens HistoriskaMuseum,
Alan Lee: 44BR. YvonneGilben: 148ML. Stockholm:189TL, I97TL, 205, Z09BL,
ManchesterCity An Galleries:17P.,528L. MirandaGray:l02BL, 1288L, I++T, 2 I 3TR,2+5TI'/Ihj odminjasafin,
Scala,Florence 29TL. l46BL, 1688. Rey$avik 233N niversitetes
The Tate Gallery,London: 42T. Kirg futhurs GreatHalls, Tintagel: 100T, Oldsaksamling, Oslo: I 75.
L3+TL,I34TR, L37TL, 15 ITR.
Alan Lee:I05 (all),106T, 107R,I08R,
IIIB, T25L,I25R,I32R, I37TR,14ITR,
I4IBR, T43T,I45TL,L46T,L+7L,
(both),I57BL, I57BR,158 (all),I59BR,
161 (all),162 (both), L6+L,I65L, 169T,
170 (both),l7IBR.
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ManchesterCiry Art Galleries:I0IB.
DanutaMeyer:I07L, 1458, I64R.
NationalGalleriesof Scotland:99L, I10,
CounesySusanRussellFlint: t 46BR.
The TateGallery,London: L3+8.
Counesyof the Boardof Trusteesof the
Victoriaand Alben Museum: 1508L, 166.


I58, I59, 160,16I, r87, I95, r95,215, I34, 135, r36, 156, Clotho 41,42,42 Cyprus 19,78
Pagenumbersin bold Amma2I9
r 6 6 ,r 7 I , r 8 3 , 2 2 4 246,248 t57, t66 Clymene 25,73 Cythera 28
type refer to Amphion 20
Amphitrite68,74 fucanius14, 14, 21,24 Billing,King l8a, I84, Camlan, Battle of 100, Clytemnestra 10, i5,
tuclepius19,24,25, 222 I12, I37, I42, I5I 26,28.32,32,38, +2, D
29 BirhI12 Camulos I I1 46,54,57,64,67 Da Chich Anann 98
A Amulius17,17,78,79,
Asgard178,I80, lB0, Blacklftight121, 14I, Caradawc I I I Cocalos, King of Dabog see Dazhbog
Abana96 85
18l, I82, I84, 18,1, I 5 6 ,I 5 9 Carbonek Castle 105, Kamikos 34,62 D a e d a l u s2 3 , 3 + , 1 5 ,
Abundanti60 Anchises14, 14, 15,
I85, r88, I90, 191, BlackSeaI l, 17,22,23 t42,159 Coeus 57, 86 62,7r,82,249
AchillesIl, l2-13, 12, 19,56
r95, 198,200,202, Blathnat I03, 120, I2I Caia 46 C o l c h i sI I , I 3 , 2 2 . 2 3 , Dagda7,97, 98, 106,
1 3 ,r 5 , 1 7 , 2 8 , 2 9 , 2 9 Andhrimnir2i3
207.2t0, zll,211, Blodeuedd I06, 106, Cama 54 31,54,60 t2l, 12l, I32, 133,
30,3r, 32,+5, 4s,51" Andromache 17, L7,4+
242,245,250,25r I,+3, 143 Carthage 14, l+,37 , Colonus18,66,67,83 I43, 150, 154, r70,
6 4 , 6 9 , 7 r , 7 5 , 8 68, 6 , Andromeda18, 18, 72,
Asterius39,79 Boann98, 106,106, 50,84,85 Colosseum 85 T7L
8 8 , 8 9 ,l t 8 73
futerope 73 1 3 I ,I 5 2 Cassandra 15, 28, 28, Colossus of Rhodes 46 Daman 129
Acrs74 Andvarii79, 179,188,
Bodmin100 Conaire Mor I I2-I I3, D a n al 2 I , l 2 l , 1 2 3 ,
Acrisius3+.73 200.216,224,237 Astraeus26 +0,56,64
Aulanta 24-25,25 Bolthur I84 Cassiope I8 l13, I52 170 and seeAnu
Acaeon13, t3,23,23 Andvarinaut185,I88,
BolverkI89 Casde of the Fountain Conall Caemach 96, D a n a e2 I , 3 4 , 3 4 , 7 3 , '
Admeus 16, 16 188,199,205,216, AthenaI5. 19,22,25,
2 5 , 2 6 , 2 8 3
, I , 4 0 , 4 3 , Bor l8I, 184,i85, 156, 1.59 1I0, II2, ll6, r16, 153
Adonis19, I23, 183 2r8,228,236,237
4 7 ,4 8 , 5 4 , 5 6 , 6 1 , 6 2 , 2 t 4 , 2 4 6 , 2 + 8 Castor 22,38,38, 46, t19, t2I, 142,143, Daphne 31,34
Aeaea32,64,65 AngrbodaI75, I80,
6 4 , 6 5 , 6 7 , 7 r , 7 3 , 7 1 , Boreades 27 57,222 I53, i7I Dazhbog 188,210,227
Aegeus i3, 13,60,82, 180,r88, t98,202,
Boreas 22,26-7,26, 69 Caswallon I I I Conchobhar Mac Nessa, D e c h t i r el 1 2 , 1 1 8 , I 2 2 ,
83 207,215 84.86
6, I0, 13, 18, Bors, Sir 131,167 CathbadlI2, ll2, Il+, King of Ulster I12, L22, 167
Aegrr178,I78, I79, Annwn97,97,98, 98, Athens
2 5 , 2 6 , 2 7 , 3 8 , 4 5 , 6 0 , Boyne,River98, 106, 116, ll8, r22,129, i16, l16, lI7, I18, D e i a n i r a6 , 3 0 , 1 9
r87, r97,20t,207, r 0 2 ,r 0 5 , 1 3 2 , 1 6 2
21r,2+5 Anueus 48 6 7, 7 0 , 7 3 , 7 4 , 8 2 , 8 3 , I l 7 , r 3 0 , 1 5 2 r52 I t9, 120, 122, 127 , Deimos l9
Bragr178,I84-185, cauldrons, magrc 93, I29, I3I,140, I44, Deirdre of the Sonows
Aegrsthus I0, t5, 26, AntigoneI8, 18,30, 84,84
t85,202,242 r00, r04, 107, I09, t47, t52 lI2, I16,117,122,
32,38,54,67 33, 66,66,67,83 A d a s2 5 , 2 5 , 5 2 , 7 3 , 7 6
Atlas,Mount 52 Bran97, 104,106-107, I 32-133 Conlai 6, 98, 98, ll6- t22,129,140, 152,
Aegle52 Antiope20
I 0 7 , 1 0 9I,l 1 , 1 3 2 , ofplenry f04, I32, ll7, I16, l18, I19 r52
Aeneas I1, 14, I'1, 15, A n u9 8 , 9 8 ,I I 0 , 1 2 I Aili r99, 205
Atreus10, I5, 26,26, 132,I33, 114,l+6, i66, I70 Conn of the Hundred Delbaeth I27
I 7 , I 9 , 2 + , 2 4 , 3 7 , 4 2 . A o i f a6 , 9 8 , 9 8 ,I 1 6 -
L6+,164,25r of rebinh 132,132, Battles 99 Delbchaem 99
5 0 ,s 0 , 7 9 , 8 0 , 8 7 8,8 ll7, n8, il9, I66 54,56,60,7l
Connacht 96,144, I47 Delos 50, 57
A e n a dT, h e1 1 , 5 0 , 8 8 Aonghus98, 99, I06, Atropos+1, +2,42,211 Branthe Blessed92, I66
r07, r07, r08, 109, Cecrops 25,84,81 Corinth 23,26, 54. 56, pelphic Oracle 13, 19,
Aeolus65 ur, nt, ll8, 122, Anica27,83,84
1 2 6 - 1 2 7 , 1 3 l7+,6 , Celeno 73 60, 66, 8l 22,27.28,33,40,41,
Aerope26 1 2 9 ,1 3 0 ,r 3 6 Attis 49
Aonghusof theTenible Audhumla18I, l8l, t47 Cellach I 17 Coriolanus 32, j2 +9,5+,56,66,67,82,
Aesir178,I79, I80,
r 8 5 ,r 9 3 , 2 4 6 , 2 5 r Brangaine I08, f08, Celdc otherworlds, I04- Cormac Mac Art, High 86
I89,I90,I9l, I99, Spear117
202,203,208,2I0, AphroditeI8-19,I9, Augeas46,48 r38 r 05 King of Ireland 99, Demeter33, 36, 36,37,
Branwen 92, 107,f08, Celtic romance 140-141 1I7, ll7, I22,130, 43,+5,68, 71, 72,79
246 2 2 , 2 + , 2 5 , 2 8 , 3 9 , 4 1 , A u l i sI 2 , 1 5 , 5 4 , 6 4
1 0 9 ,I t l , 1 2 6 - 1 2 7 , cennurs 6,12,21,28, I36 Derbforgaille 122
Aeson22, 23,54,60 4 6 ,4 7 ,4 9 , 5 2 , 6 1 , 7 1 , Aurora38
r37, 146,147 29,48,58,59,62 Cormac, King of Ulster Dia22.23, 54,83, 83
Aethra13,82 7 5 , 7 8 , 8 3 , 8 71,9 0 AurvandilI94
Breg168 Cepheus l8 I12,t12, li7 Dian Cecht 109, 122,
Aetna,Mount46,87, Apollo13,13,16,19, Autonoe13
Brendan 104,109,f09, Cephissus, River 63 Comwall92, 138, I52, r23, 143,153,154
88 1 9 ,2 t , 2 3 , 2 4 , 2 5 , 2 8 . Avalon94, I0l, l0l,
164,165 Cerberus 28,28, 15, I65, 169 Diana 23, 38, 59
AfagdduI 12 2 9 , 3 4 , 3 4 , 4 0 , 4 r , 4 7 , 1 0 2 , 1 0 2 , 1 0l3l 4, ,
B r e s
I 0 9 ,I I 0 , I 2 2 , 49,67,87 Coronis 24 Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
Afi 2r9 5 6 ,5 7, 5 7 ,5 8 ,6 I , 6 1 , r 3 7 , r 4 2I,5 I , 1 6 Q
r 2 7 , 1 5 3 ,1 6 3 Cercyon 82 Craiftine I I7 98, 122,123, I30,
Agamemnon I0, II, 6 7 , 6 8 , 6 8 8, 0 ,8 5 ,
Bnan, High King102, Ceres 36 Creidhne ll7, 136 136,136, l+0,142,
1 2 ,I 5 , 1 5 , 2 3 , 2 6 . 2 8 , 103,144,I80 B
I8I, 18l I09,165 Ceridwen tl2, ll2, Creon 18,33,33,66, r67
?l ?a 4) 4q 46 \4 AppiusClaudius88 BabaYaga
1 1 , 3 7 Briciu I I0 II5,132,168 86 Dicrynna 27
5+,57,60-66 I ,4 , 6 7 , Apsyrtus23 Bacchus
Brigantes I I0 Cemunnos I I2, I13, Crete6, 7, 13,20, 23 , Dicrys 2I
1 1
t l Apulia4I BadbI02, I14,152,
153 BrigantiaI l0 I33 27,28,33,34,39,43 Dido, Queen o[
Agave 1I,28,37 Arawn,I(ng of Annwn
Brigid109,lI0, 163 CenTneian hind 48 4 7 , 4 8 , 5 0 ,6 I , 6 2 , 7 r , Carthage 14, l'+, 15,
Agenor, King of Tyre 96,97,98-99,98, BalderI78, I82, 182,
I82-183,184,i89, BrigrndoI l0 C e s a i rI 1 2 , I 1 2 , 1 3 1 73,71,76.79,82,89 36,37,84.85
28, 39 I05, 162
Brisingamen 185, 185, Chaeronia, Battle of 39 Creusa14, 14,21 Dietrich 220, 236,237
Aglaia 44 Arcadia24, 18,70 1 9 I ,1 9 8 - I 9 9 , 1 9 8 ,
t 9 9 , 2 0 7 , 2 0 8 , 2 r 5 , 190,196,196 Chaos 43 Cronos L9,29,33,36, Diomedes, mares of 48
Agravain, Sir I42 Arcas 20
Britomartis 27,27 Chanclo 86 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 70, D i o n y s u sI l , I 9 , 2 1 ,
Ai 2I8-219 Arcona227 2t8,222,225,231,
236,240,243,244, Brokk208,222-223, Charities see Graces 74,76,79,86,87, 89 23.28.37,37,46,53,
Aietes, King of Colchis Ard-Greimne98
2++ 236 Charon 28,45,67 Crucifixlon 215,250 61,67,79,81,86,
23,31,60,6r Areopagus 25, 43,66,
Balius 69, 88,89 Bron 139,166 Charybdis 32,65 Cu Roi, King of Munster I90
Ailill96, r29 67
Brutus,LuciusJunius Chimaera 26,26,29, 103,120, 120, l7l Domhall I I9
Ailill Mac Mam 96 Ares17,19,19,28,34, BalorI02, 102,105,
r 2 0 , 1 2 9 , 1 4 3I,5 3 , 27,27,60,82 58, 71,87 Cuailgne, Brown Bull of Domhring 236
Aillil OIom, King of 3 9 ,4 6 ,1 7 , 5 4
Brynhild185,185, I99, Chiron I2, 13, 22,2+, 96,119,129,1+7, Domnu 154
Munster 96-97 A r g 0 2 2 , 2 2 , 2 3 , 5 I , 5 4 I70
t99,2r2,2r3,221, 28,29,29,54,59 i48 Don 97, 99,123,147
Nne 96-97,96 tugonaurc 22,22,23, BanbaI28
102,102,i2l 228,229,237 Christ I34, 139, 160, C u c h u l a i n n6 , 7 , 9 2 , Donn I26, 126
Aino 24I 2 1 , 3 1 , 3 8 , 4 7 , 5 0 , 5 4 , Banshees
Baucis56 B u r il 8 I , 1 8 l , 1 8 4 , 166,194 9 3 , 9 8 , 1 0 3 , 1 0 4 ,i I 0 , Dons 86
Airmid 122,123 60
BaugiI89 I 8 5 ,I 9 3 , 2 1 4 , 2 4 6 , Christianiry 67,92, llI, l12, I16, l16, Draupnir 197 ,2I5,
Ajax 12, 15, 15 A r g o s1 5 , 2 6 , 3 4 , 1 7 ,
BeFind 13I 25r r00, r07, ll0, ll7, ll7, lI8-119, ll8, 225,236,236,237
Akka 202 48,53,73
Bebo,Queen139 Byrsa85 r35, r44, I50, 155, l19, 120, 120, 1.2I, Dryads 69
Alan 139, 166 tugus22, 53
BecumaCneisgel 99 r66, 168,r70,171- t22,122,127, r29, Dubh Lacha 126, l5l
AlbaLonga 17,24,54, Ariadne 6,7,22,23,
79,85 62,73,83,83 BedwyrI03, f03 c 176,I83, I98,2lI, 129, 133,I35, l4I, Dublin 126,I75
Belenus103,103,I04 2t5,216,2r7 ,218, t42, r43, r+6, 147, Dvalin 185, 195
Alberich 237 and see Arianrhod99, 106, Cacus 77
B e l il l I , I 2 3 , 1 3 7a n d 222,238 148, 148, 152,152, Dyfed 99, 125,147,
Andvari r23, 126,137,r43 Cad'Goddeu 96,97
seeBelenus Cadmus13,28,28,37, Chrysippus 10, 26, 56, 1 5 3 ,1 6 6 , 1 6 7 , r 7 1 , l6l,162
Alcesds 16, 16 Arion 50
Bellerophon I1,25,25, 56,66 183,214 Dylan 99, 126,126
Alcippe 34 tut 99,99 39, 53, 84, 86
Artemis13,13,15,15, 2 6 , 2 6 7, r , 7 r C a e r 9 8 ,I I l , l l I Ciabhan II2, l13 Culann 118, 120, 120
Alcmene 16, 16, 48,
Cian 102, 109, I29, Culhwch 96, IO3, 120, E
79,86 r 6 , r 9 , 2 0 , 2 3 , 2 3 , 2 4 . Bellona60 C a i l t el l l , l l l
120, 139, r44,156, Eagor seeAegir
Alcyone 73 2 5 , 2 7 , 3 2 , 3 4 , 4 8 , 5 4 , Beltaine103,I03, I04 Cairbe lI7, 159 t43,170
Beothach 150 Caladcholg I48 Cigfa I46, I61 157, 158,I70 Eber 97
Al{heim 191,202 57,57,64,73,77
Beowulff3i, I83, f83, Crldydd l2O Cumae 80 Eber Donn 126, I27
Alfrigg 185 Anhur,King93, 91, 94, Calais22,27
194 Cimon 83 Cumal 120, I30 Eber Finn 126
Alvis 178, 178, 238 1 0 0 - r 0 1r,0 0 ,l 0 l , C a l a d nI I l , l 1 4 , 1 1 9 ,
Bergelmir 181,184, Cincinnatus 29,29 Cupid 33, 33, 87 Echidna 28, 8l
Nvir249 I02, I03, 103,I07, r27, 153
184,25I Circe 32, 3/, 46,58, Curtius, Marcus 34,34 Echo 63,63
Amaethon 96,97,123, nI, ll2, lI4, ll5, Calchas 41,54
Berling185 6+,65 Cybele+9,6I Edda 218-219
158 t 2 0 ,t 2 1 , 1 2 5l,3 I , Calliope 63,67
berserkers 2L1,216 Clio 63 Cyclopes 33, 5I, 65, Eetion l7
Amairgen 97,97, IL4, I 3 4 ,I 3 5 ,1 3 6 - 1 3 7 , Callisto 20
Bestla18I, 18+,246, Calydon 25 Cliodhna l12, I13 74,76,77, I80 Efnisien 107, I09, 126-
126, t27, t29 I 3 8 ,I 3 9 , 1 4 0 , 1 4 2 ,
248 Cloelia 3I Cynon I21, 12I, 156, r 2 7 , 1 2 7 , 1 3 7, 1 4 7
Amazons 17, 17,26, r 1 4 ,1 4 6 , 1 4 81 ,4 9 , Calypso 65
Bifrost18l, 184,184, Clontarf 102 159 Eibhir 159
48,73,83 1 5 0 ,I 5 I , 1 5 7 ,I 5 8 , C a m e l o tI 0 I , f l l , I I 4 ,


Eileithyra 16, 17, 55

Einhe4ar, the I75,
I88, 188,214,215,
189,I9I, I98-r99,
Eioneus 54
Eithlinn I43
HonirI79, 199,218,
Eirn 208
Elaine I59
Elarha 109, 127,127
Elbha lI2, I52
HreidmarI79, I88,
Elcmar I06
r88, 200,206,216,
Eldhrimnir 2I3
Elecrra 38, 38, 73
Electryon l6
Eleusian mysteries 72
Eleusis 36, 82
HrungnirI94, 200-
Elis38, 48,7I
20r, 200,208,209,
Ellida I97
ElysianFields I6,6I,
Emain Macha l12,
I18, 122,r27, r+7
Emer I 16, ll8, ll9,
127,127, I29, l4l
Hydra29, 18,+8, +9,
Emhain 146
Enarete 8l F Fjalar I88-189, 189, Ga\ada92 r83 Hebe47 Hylas69
Endymion 38, 39 Fabulous voyages I64- 203 G a n y m e d e4 , 4 3 , 4 3 Grer185 Hecate45 Hymir178,198,201,
Enid 14l 165 Fjorgrn I9I, 232 Garm 239 Grid 192,194,207, H e c t o1r 3 ,I 4 , I 7 , 3 0 , 20t
Enna I26 Fachtna Farhach Ii6 FIed Goibnenn 136 Gaul 92, i44 232-233,2+7 4 4 ,4 5 ,+ 9 , 6 t , 7 I Hyperion38, 46, 86
Eochaid 163 Fachma, King of Ulster F l o o d ,t h e I 1 2 , 1 5 9 G a w a i n ,S i r 1 3 4 , 1 3 5 , Griddylad137 Hecuba 28,40,75 Hypnos53,79
Eochaidh Mac Erc 168 152 Flora 19, 55, 69 r35,150,166,183 Grimhild185,22t,237 HeimdallI78, I84,
Eochaidh, High King of Fadir 2I9 Floralia festival 69 Gefion I92,192 Groa194,194 I 9 5 ,r 9 5 , 2 0 7 , 2 r 8 - I
Ireland 96,129 Fafner 237 F o g a l ll 1 8 , 1 2 7 Geinod I92, 192, i93, G u d r u nI 8 5 , 2 I 3 , 2 2 I , 2t9,2t8,248 Iapetus25,75
Eogabail 96 Fafnir 7, I75, I79, 188, Foltor 96 194, ZO7,232-233 229,237 Hel 179,180,i82, Iapyx2l
Eorann 168 188, 200, 205,2r8, Fomoni 102, 105,109, Geraint,l4l, L49,156 Guinevere, Queenl0l, 183,i84, 198,198, Iarbus85
Eos 26, 38, 38, 68, 69, 224,224,237 n0, Ilt, r12,I17, Gerda 190-19I, 192, I 0 5 , I I 5 , I 3 4 ,I 3 6 - 202,207,2 r8, 231, lasus24
77 Falias I70 rzr , r22,r27 , t29, 193,225,229 r 3 7 , r 3 6 , 1 3 7 ,r 3 8 , 236,239,245 Icarius72
Epidauros 24 Fand 128, 129,129, r 3 I ,1 3 t ,I 3 6 ,I 3 9 , Geri2I4 L 4 O , T 4 ZI 4, 9 , I 5 I Helenof Troy15, I9, Icarus34, 35,62
Epirus l4 140,t4I,142,146 l 4 I , I 4 3 , I 4 4 ,I 5 3 , Geryon18,76,77,77 GullinburstiI96 3 2 ,3 8 ,+ 6 ,+ 6 , 5 7 , 6 0 - Id I42
Epona 128, 128, 163 Fannell I 18 1 5 4 ,1 5 5 ,1 6 3 , 1 6 7 , Giants 16, +4, 4+, +7, GundestrupCauldron 6 1 , 7 0 - 7 t , 7 + , 7 5 , 8 3 , Idun 178,t84, 196,
Erato 63 Farbaud 188, 206 i70,I7I 48,76-77 7 , t 1 3 ,l 2 t , 1 3 2 , 8 5 , 1 2 8 1, 3 6 202,202,207,22r,
Erebos 39 Fasolt 237 F o r b al i3 I , 1 4 7 Gilvaethwy 99, I23, I33, I48 Helenusl7 225, 230, 23r, 251
Erechtheus, Kng27 F a t e s1 6 , 4 1 , 4 2 , 4 2 , Forcesof narure68-69 137, t37, 147 Gungnir194,195,I96, Helgi2I3 Igraine 100,150,15I,
Eremon, High King of ZII ForsedI78, 182,I89, G i n n u n g a g a pi 8 l , 1 8 4 , 197,2I5, 222,239 Helios19,32,38,46, l

Ireland 97, 126 Fauni 42 189 193, r93,246,25r G u n n e1 r 8 5 ,1 9 9 , 2 0 5 , +6,+7, 48,60,65, 68, Iliad, The 89
En 109, 127 Faunus 12,42 FotlaI29 GiollBridge 198 229 71,73,77,86 llium 84, 85
Erichthonius 25,47 F a u s t u l u sI 7 , 7 8 , 8 5 Founders84-5 Gjalp I92, I93, I93, GunnlodI84, 185,189 HellawesI l5 Ilmarinen 196, I97,
Erik Bloodaxe 176 Febal 106 Founrainof Wisdom 232 Gurtorm199 Hephaistos 13, 15, 19, 220,24r
Eriu I26, I28 Fedlimid 129 2 0 9 ,2 r 5 Glastonbury l0l, I02, GwawlI25, l+0, 146, 2 5 ,1 6 - 1 7 , 4 7 , 6 9 , 7 0 , l l u s 4 3 , 8 4 , 8 5
Ema 219, 219 Fenians seeFianna FraochI3I i37,139, 166 r62 7 6 , 7 7 , 8 2 , 8 8 , 2 2, 7 Imbolc I I0
E r o s2 0 , 3 4 , 3 9 , 7 5 , 7 5 , Fennr I75, 180, 180, Freki2I4 Glauce 54, 60 Gwentls Coed168 249 Inachus 53
99 I88, I89, 194, I96, Freya175,178,179, Glaucus 26 Gwem107,I09, 137, Hera14,16,19, 19, Indech I54
Erymanthian boar 48 198,202, 207,215, 1 8 0 , 1 8 51, 9 0 , 1 9 0 , Gleipnir 188 I+7 2 0 , 2 2 , 2 2 , 2 5 , 3+33, , Indra 232, 235
Erytheia, Island of 77 218,218,225,239, I 9 I , 1 9 2 ,1 9 6 , 2 0 0 , Glitnir I89, I89 GwionBachI 12, t 12 4 5 , 4 6 , 4 7 , 4 7 , 4 8 , 5 2 ,lngeborg 228,229
Erytheis 52 245,247,248 207, 208,210,2 15, Goewin 99 and seeTaliesin 5 3 , 5 1 , 5 5 , 5 7 , 6 I , 6 3 , Ino 53, 53
Ecain96, 128,129, Fer Cherdne 103 2 1 6 ,2 1 6 ,2 2 t , 2 2 8 , Goibhniu 102, II7, Gwyddbwyll158 7+,79,81,86,89, Io 53, 53
150, 150, I54 Ferdia I29, I29 2 3 5 , 2 3 7, 2 4 6 . 2 1 6 r29, 136, 136, 143, Gwydion97, 99, 106, 249 Iolaus 48
Emin Oig I12 Fergus Mac Leda I24, Frey1 r 7 4 , 1 7 5 I, 7 8 , r 63 1 0 6 ,I 2 3 , 1 2 6 , r 3 7 , Heracles 6, ll, 16, 17, Iolcus22, 51, 54, 60
Etar I29, I50 I24, I39 r 7 9 , 1 9 0 - r 9 1t ,9 t , GoldenFleeceI l, 22, I 3 7 , I 4 3 ,L + 3 , 1 4 7 , 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 , 2 8 , 3 0 , 3 0 , Iphicles I6
Eteocles 33, 66 Fergus Mac Rorh 96, I 9 2 , 1 9 4 ,1 9 6 ,I 9 7 , 2 3 ,3 I , 3 8 ,5 0 ,5 t , 5 4 , l6I 1 4 , 4 7 ,+ 8 - 4 9+, 8 , 5 2 , Iphigenia 12, 15, 15,
Eterscel, High King of I16, lt7, ll8,124, 2 1 0 , 2 t 62, r 7 , 2 2 2 , 60 Gwynap Nudd 137 53,86,89 23,32, 51, 54,64
Ireland I 13, 152 I29, 148, t52, 167 225, 228, 229, 237, GoldenMane200,208, Gwynedd137,147 Hereydd162 lman i37, 137
Erhal98, III F i a n n a9 6 , l l I , l I 7 , 2+6,246 ./_55 GwythyrI37 Hermaphroditos 49, 49 lseult I08, I08, 124,
Ethiopia I8 120,t22, I30,130, FriggI78, 182,l9l, Goil I30, 137, 137 Gylfi, King of Sweden Hermes I0, I6, 26,32, 138-139, I38, I40,
Ethlinn I02, I29 I36, 137,154, 159, t 9 I , i 9 2 ,I 9 8 , 2 I 5 , Gordius 6l t92 4 4 , 4 5+ , 9 ,+ 9 , 5 0 ,5 3 , I+6, 1+6, 152, 169,
Ethne 129, I29 163, 167 215,237,239,2+6 G o r g o n s1 8 , 2 6 , 2 9 , 3 I , Gymir191,I92 5 3 ,6 1 ,6 4 , 6 5 , 7 0 , 7 1 . 1 6 9
Etruscans 52, 56, 80, Fimafeng I78 Frithiof220,228,229 44,7t,73,74 7 3 , 8 1 , 8 71, 5 4 ,t 9 8 Isle of Menimenr 106
82, 88 Findbhair i3I Fuamnach 96, 150 Gorias I70 H HermodI82-I83,198, lsle of Women 106,
Eumenides see Furies Findchaem I 12 Furies10, 13,25, 38, Goronwy 106 H a d e s1 2 ,1 5 ,2 I , 2 8 , 198,236,242 t07
Euphrosyne 44 Finegas 130, 130 42-43,42. 4+,66,88 Govannon I23, I26, 2 8 , 3 1 ,3 3 ,3 4 ,3 6 . 4 3 , Hero52, 52 Ismene 66
Europa 20, 28, 39, 39, Finias I70 136, 158 4 + , 1 5 , 4 9 , 4 9 , 5 05,3 , Heroes 30-31 Ith 139, I44, l5l
62,79 Finn MacCool92,96, G Gowein I37,I17 5 1 ,6 2 , 6 5 , 6,77 2 , 7 4 , HeroicQuessI56-i57 I t h a c a2 5 , 5 I , 6 4 , 7 2
Eurus 26 98, I00,104, Ill, Gabhra,Bartleo[ 159 Graces 44,45 7 7, 7 9 , 8 0 ,8 t , 8 6 ,8 9 , Hespera 52 lubdan, King I39, I39
Eurydice 19,50,67 lr7, 120, t22, I2+, Gae-bolg166 Graiae 73 9 2 , 1 0 5 ,r 5 1 Hesperides 25, 48, 52, Iuchar 109
Eurymome 44 130, r30, 13l, r36, G a i a1 9 ,2 5 , 3 3 ,4 2 , 1 3 , Grail, Holy seeSangreal Halicamassus 49 52 Iucharba I09
Eurystheus, King of I37, t54-I55, I59, + 3 , 4 4 , 4 5+, 8 ,5 2 ,5 8 , Grainne 98, 122, I30, HaraldWartoothI75, Hesperus 52, 63 Ivaldi, sons of 194,222.
Tiryns 48 I63, 167, t.68 6 3 , 7 9 , 8 68, 7 136, 136, I67 215 Hestia33, 45, 79, 88 232
Eurytion 77 Fintan I 12 Galahad, Sir93, 134, Gram 219, 224 HarbardI94 Hippodameia 26,7I I - : n o n2 8 , 5 4 , 5 + , 5 9
Everes 86 Finnn, the Salmon of 1 3 4 , 1 3 9I ,5 0 , 1 5 9 , Green Iftighr 135 Harmonia 17,28,37, Hippolyta 17,+8,73,
Ewawg 160 Knowledge 106, I30, 1 6 0 ,1 6 6 ,1 6 7 Greip 192, 193, 232 53 83 J
Excalibur I00, l0L, I30, l3I, t54, r68 GalarI88-I89, I89, Grendel I3I, I83, I94, Harpies14, 59 Hippolytus 7,73,73, Jadhg I20
102, 103, r24, tZ5, Firbolg 109, Il0, 122, 203 194 Hati 226 83 Janus 54, 54
I48,151 I29, 13I, 13l, 168 Galarea71 Grendel's morher 183, Havgan99, I05, I62 Hlidshalfi9l,2l4 J a r l2 I 9 , 2 1 9


Jamsaxa 208, 233 landvaettir L86 M I t 4 , 1 1 4 ,r 2 5 ,r 5 0 , N 240,24t,242-243, 65,65,72,72

Jasconius I65 Laocoon 56,56 Ma Greine I28 I 5 0 ,r 5 t , I 7 I Nanna I82, I89, I98 2 + 5 , 2 1 6 , 2 + 6 , 2 ,1 7 Penthesilea I7
J a s o nI 1 , 2 2 , 2 2 , 2 3 , Laoghaire II0, I2l, Mabinoglon 16l Merope34,73 N a o i s eI 1 2 , l 1 6 , I t 7 , z+7,248, 250,251 P e n r h e u s1 1 , 2 8 , 3 7 , 8 6
2 4 , 2 5 . 2 9 , 3 1 , 4 5 , 5 0 , T7T Mabon 144, I,+4, I58, MessBuachalla i 12, t22,129, r40, r52, O d u rI 9 0 , 1 9 6 , 2 2 8 P e r c i v a l ,S i r I 3 4 , 1 6 0 ,
5 I , 5 4 ,5 5 , 6 0 , 6 1 , 8 2 Laomedon, King of Troy I70 t.52,153 r52 Odysseus ll, I2, 12, I60, I66, t67
Jocasta 18,33, 56,66, 39,75,85,180 Mac Cecht I44 Metis25, 13,17,86, Narcissus 63, 63 r 5 , 2 5 ,3 0 ,3 I , 3 2 , 3 2 , P e r e d u rI 3 9 , I 5 6 , I 5 7 ,
6 7 ,8 I Larissa 54,73 Mac DaTho I16, 144 89 Narvi 207, 224-225 50,51,53, 58, 6+-65, 160-16t,16l
JokulI87 Last Supper, the 93, Macha 102,144,I+4, Miach109,122,L53 Nature spiris 186-187 6 + , 6 5 , 7 2 , 7 4 , 7 7 , 8 6 Peibaea 72
Jormungand176, 180, l 0 I , 1 3 3 , . I 6 0 ,1 6 6 r52 M i d a6 s1,6I,8I Nechnn I06, I30, i3I, O e d i p uIsl , 1 8 , 3 0 , 3 3 , Pericles 84
1 8 0 ,t 9 8 , 2 0 I , 2 0 I , Latinus, King t5, 42 Curseo[ I19, I44, ]67 MidgardI79, 18I, I84, r52 5 6 , 6 6 - 6 7 , 6 6 , 8 I , 8 3 , Perkonis, Perkons,
202,204,207,218, Latium 50 Madder-Akka 202,207 I 8 4 ,I 8 5 , 1 9 3 , 1 9 5 , Nemain I02, I52, I52, 86 Perkunas seePerkuno
zL9,232,234,235, Laufey I88, 206 Madder-Atcha 207 198,202,202,25r I53 Oenomaus, Kingof EIis Perkuno 208,216,217,
235,240,244,2+5, Laurin 237 Maeldun104,I09. Midir96, I29, I50 Nemean lion 48, 49 7t,7r 222
z+5,251 Lavinia I5, 24 1 4 4 ,L + 5 , 1 6 4t,6 1 Mil, Mile seeMilesius Nemed ll2,l+4 Ogham154 P e r s e p h o n eI 6 , I 9 , 1 6 ,
Josephof tuimathea93, Lavinium 24 maenads 37,67, 67,86 Milesians 96, 97, 98, Nemesis 63 O g m aI 2 8 , 1 4 4 , 1 5 4 , 36, ++, 45, 19, 50,67 .
100,I34, I39, 139, Leander 52 Maga 122 1 0 2 ,n 2 , I 2 r , I 2 6 , Nemglan I l2-l13, I13, 151 68,72,72,73
160,166 Leda32,38, 16, 57, MaghTuireadh,Battles 127,128-129,141, I52,153 Oisin92, I04, I53, P e r s e u IsI , 1 6 , 1 8 , 1 8 ,
Jotunheim I84, I89, 57, r53 of I52,153 1 5 0 I, 5 t , 1 5 3 , 1 7 0 Nennius I00 I54-155,154 I 5, 5 , 2r,25.26,30,3r,34,
t9I,200,202,202, Leib-Olmai 203 fint Battleof I09, I10, Milesius 97, I39, l5l, Neoptolemus l7 1 5 9 ,1 6 3 14,72,73,76,81,87
2 0 9 ,2 I 1 , 2 2 5 , 2 4 0 , Leinster 14+, L63 I 2 2 ,r 3 I , 2 3 9 i5l,167 Neptune 10, I4, 63,71 OIcgtheViking217 Perunu174,216-217,
250 Leminkainen 203, 203, secondBauleof I02, sonsof sseMilesians Nereids 18, 69 Olwen96, I03, i20, 217,247
Judaism2I 7 220,24r I 0 9 ,r r 7 , t 2 I , 1 2 7 , Miletus79 Nereus 86 114,156,151 75 , 8, Phaea 82
Jukakka 207 Lemnos, lsland of 46, I 2 9 ,l 3 i , r 3 6 , 1 3 9 , Mimir I99, 208,209, Nenhus2I0,2I0, 2II I58,I70 Phaeacians 65
Julius Caesar 24,92, 249 I + 3 , r 4 4 I, 5 4 , 1 6 3 , 215,246,250 N e s s aI 1 6 , l Z 9 , 1 5 2 Olympus,Mount 19, P h a e d r a7 , 7 3 , 7 3 , 8 3 ,
I03,2I9 Leodegraunce, King of I70 wellof 245 Nessus 6, 30, 48, 49 2 0 , 2 6 , 3 84 , 1 ,4 4 , 1 6 . I63
Jumala 202 Scotland I0I Magrcandenchantment Minerva 25,55,60,62, Nestor, King of $los 64 4 9 , 6 9 , 7 1 , 8 6 , 8899, Phaethon+6,73
J u n o1 4 ,1 5 , 5 5 , 5 5 , leprechauns 143 t24-125 62 Niam of rhe Golden Ophiuchus 24 Philemon 56
60,79 Lema 48 Magni208,208,209, Minos,King7, 23, 27, Hair 153 Oraclesand Prophecres Philip, King of Macedon
JupiterI4, 33, 37,55, Leshy, the 206,206 2I8,233 3 4 , 3 9 , 4 8 , 6 2 , 7 t , 7 3 . Niamh 153, 154, 155 40-41 39
5 6 , 5 6 , 8 9 r, 6 8 , 2 3 2 Leto i9, 23,57,57 Maia49. 73.88 74,79,82-83 Nibelungs 205,237 Orestes I0, 25,26,32, Philyra 29,54
JupiterOptimus Lif 206, 206, 2I8 MaimedKingseePelles Minomur6, 7, t I, 13, Nidavellir 202 3 8 ,3 8 , 4 2 , 6 6 , 6 7 Phleyas 54
Maximus56 Lifthrasir 206,206, Man,lsle of92,96,L46 2 2 , 2 3 , 3 1 , 1 8 , 5 0 , 6 2 , Nidhogg 2I0, 2I0, 250 Oion73,77 Phobos i9
2I8 ManannanMacLir 96, 6 2 , 7 1 , 7 3 , 7 5 , 8 2 - 8 3 , Nidud, King of Sweden Orithy'a27 rndeDe ) /
K Lindisfame I7I, 218 r 0 2 , 1 0 6l l, l , r r 2 , 83 248-219 Orpheus 22,+9,50, P h o e n i c i a1 4 , 2 8 , 3 7 ,
K a i1 0 3 ,1 2 0 ,t 3 9 , 1 3 9 Lir 109,lll, 12I, I43, u 3 , r 2 0 ,I 2 9 , I 4 3 , Minthe45 Niebelungenlied2L2, 67,67 39
Kalevala 24I 116 1 4 6 ,l + 6 , I 5 I , I 5 3 , MistCalf200,208, 229,237 Orthnit236 Phosphorus 63
I Q r l 2 l 9 ,2 1 9 Liriope 63 r 5 5 ,I 6 5 209,230,233 Niflheim 202,210, Orthos77 P h r y g i a4 3 , 4 9 , 5 6 , 6 1
KiedKieJubmel202 Llaser 133 Manawydan I09, I25, MjollnirL7+,176,196, 250,251 Orthus8l Piorun.seePerunu
Kipu-Tytto238 LIeu 99, i06, 137, I.43, r 4 6 , 1 4 6 .1 6 l t97,20+,207,208- Nimue 9+,lI4, L25, OscarI59 Pittheus, King of
Klotho2I I 143,144 Mani218 209,209,223,232, 150 Osins183 Troezen 13,82
Knightof the Kestrel Llud see Nudd Marathon.Batdeof 70 233,235,24+ Nineve 150 otherworlds 92,94,96, PlatoI0, Il
L+9 Lludd LIaw Ereint I37 bull of 13.60. 82 Mnemosyne 62,86 Njord 178,190, I9I, I 0 4 - I 0 5 ,I 0 6 , 1 5 4 Pleiades73
Knossos I3, 23,31,62. Llwyd la6, l6I Marduk25I MochaenI09 2t0-2r r, 2r0, 2ll, O t t a r1 9 0 ,2 1 6 , 2 1 6 t'lur nam 5an I)J
73,83 Llyr I07, IIl, 16l cnd Mark, King of Comwall Modgud198 225 , 228, 246, 2+6 Otrer179,200,206, Pluto seeHades
Kreimhild229 see Lir I 0 8 , 1 3 8 ,I 4 0 , 1 4 6 , Modi208,208,209, Noatun 2I I 216,2t6 Podarge 88
Kullervo220,22L Loddfafnir 206 1 4 6 ,r 5 2 , 1 6 9 2I8 Nodens I53 O u r a n o1s9 , 3 1 , 4 2 , 4 J , Pollux 38, 38
Kumarbi43 Lodur seeVe M a n 1 0 ,1 7 , 1 9 , 4 2 , Modir219 Noms, the I79, I80, 4 4 , 6 3 , 7 6 , 7 9 , 8 6 , 8 7 Polybus, Krng of
Kvasir188-189,203, Loki I75,176,178, 6 0 ,6 0 ,7 8 ,7 8 . 7 9 . Modred,Sir94, I00, I88, 196,206,2II, O w a i nl 2 I , I 4 l , I 4 9 , Corinth 56,66
203 r79,179,180, 182, 8 5 ,I I l , 1 6 8 I 0 I , 1 0 2 I, I 2 , 1 3 6 - 2rr,239,250 156, 156, 158, 159, Polydectes 73
I 8 3 , 1 8 . + - I 8 5 ,I 8 8 , Math,Kingof Gwynedd 1 3 7 , 1 4 2l ,5 I , t 5 I , Norse Heroes 204-205 l7I Polydegmon see Hades
L 1 9 l , 1 9 2 , 1 9 3 ,1 9 4 , 9 9 ,1 0 6 , 1 2 3 , 1 3 7 , 160 Notus 26, 69 15
labdacus56 I95, 198, t99,200, 143,147 Modron144,158 Nuada 102, 109, 122, P Polydeuces 22,38, 46,
Labynnth13,22,23, 20r , 202, 206-207 , Matholwch,High King MoeraeseeFates 13I, I43, r44,152, Pactolus, Rrver6l 57,222
3 4 , 5 0 , 6 2 ,6 2 , 7 r , 7 3 , 206,207,208,2r5, of Ireland107.I09. MokkuralfisecMist Calf 170,239 Pallas82 Polyhymnra 63
82-83,83 216, 2i8, 2r8,222- I I I , I 2 6 - 1 2 7r ,3 7 , MonganI46, l5l Nuada o[ the Silver P a n2 1 ,+ 2 , 6 1 , 7 0 , 7 0 , Polynices I8, 33, 66
l:cedaemon 84 223,223,221-225, 117 Monstersand Savage Hand I53 8t P o l y p h e m u s6 5 , 7 4 . 7 1 .
Lachesis 41,12, +2, 225,226,230-23r, MathonwvI23 Beasts 58-59 Nudd 123 Pandion, KingI3 77,77
2Il 231 , 232, 235 , 237 , Mad Syrabmlya2oe, Mopsus4I Nudd of the Silver Pandora 70,70 Porsenna, Lars 3l
kdon 52, 58 237, 238, 238, 240, 208 MorfanI l2 Hand I53, I53 Paphos19,78 P o s e i d o n7 , 1 2 , 1 8 , 1 9 ,
I-adyof the Fountain 211,2+4,245,2+5, Medb,Queenof MorganLe Fayl0l, Numitor, King of Alba Pari1 s 2 ,I l , 1 3 ,1 5 , 19,25, 33,43,45,16,
l,+I 246,2+8 C o n n a c h9t2 , 9 6 ,l l I , i l 4 , I I 4 , I 2 5 ,1 3 5 , Longa 17,78,79 1 9 ,3 2 ,4 6 ,6 0 - 6 17, 0 - 48, 50, 56,57,58, 62,
Ladyof the l-ake100, London 100, 103, 107, I 1 6 , I 1 9 , 1 2 7 ,t 2 8 , 1 1 2 , 1 4 9I,5 I , t 5 l nymphs 68 7 1 ,7 0 ,7 5 , 8 5 63,64,65, 68, 68, 71.
I 0 I , 1 2 5 ,1 4 2 ,i 5 0 , 137, I+1 I 2 9 ,l 3 l , 1 3 5 ,I 4 3 , Morholt138,I48, I52, Nyx 39, 53 Pamassus 58 74,71,75,77,79,82,
150 Lopt sec Loh L + + ,1 1 7 , l . + 71, 4 8 , 152 NY)'nkki 230 Partholon II2, 159, 85,86, 89, 180
I-aegI Il, I19, 142, Lothus see Ve 152,167 MomingSmr208,2I6, 159 Potnmpo 216,217 ,
t42 Lotophagi 65 Medea13,22,22,23. 223 o Pasipha 7e ,23,34.46. 2t7
Laenes 61,65,72 Louhi 221,24I 3 I , 4 5 ,5 4 , 6 0 , 6 I , 8 2 Morpheus53 Oath Ring236 4 8 ,6 2 ,7 1 , 7 t , 7 3 , 7 5 . P n a mI 4 , I 5 , 1 7 , 1 9 ,
laestrygones65 Lovers of Zus 20-21 Medus13,60,82 Monigan92, 102,I I6, Oceanids69 82 28, 40, 45,46,60, 70,
Laius,King ofThebes Lucan 168 MedusaI8, 26,3L.44. l 1 9 ,I 2 I , t 4 1 , 1 1 7 , Oceanos 29,46,63,63, Patollo216,217 71,75,85,246
33, 56,66 Luchnr Il7, 136 11,7r,72,73,71 r5z,152,2r2 65,73,89 P a t r o c l u1 s2 ,1 3 , 4 5 , Pnapus 49, 190
I:ke Regillus,Battleof L u c r e t i a2 7 , 6 0 , 6 0 , 8 2 , Meitikki 230 Mughain,Queeno[ O d i n7 , 4 9 ,I I 1 , 1 7 4 , 61,86 Pnde o[ the Cleanng
38,82 82,88 Melanion24,25,25 UlsrcrI i8 1 7 5 ,1 7 8 ,r 7 9 , t 7 9 , Pax60 I6I
lamfhada seeLugh Lugaide Mac Con 99 Meliagaunt, Sir I42 Mundilfari209.209 1 8 0 ,r 8 0 , 1 8 l , I 8 2 , P e g a s uI 8s, 1 8 , 2 5 , 2 6 , Procopius 2 I 7
I-ancelot, Sir I0I, I05, Lugh 7,92, I02, 102, Melicenes53 Muninn20I, 201,21.+, 1 8 4 ,1 8 5 ,I 8 8 , I 8 9 , 2 6 , 7 t ,7 1 ,74 P r o m e t h e u sl Z , 7 0 , 7 5
I I 5 , 1 3 4 ,I 3 5 , 1 3 6 , 109,l18, n9, I2l, MeliotI I5 215 1 9 0 ,I 9 l , 1 9 2 ,1 9 3 , Peleus , Kingof Phthia Proteus, Kng 26
136, 137, 138,1.10, 122,t29, t3l,143, Melpomene63 Munster98, I20 1 9 4 ,1 9 5 ,I 9 6 , I 9 7 , 12,86,88,89 Pryden137,146,147,
t12-L+3, 142, 119, 113, 11+, 148, 153, Menelaus 15, I9, 38, MuriasI70 1 9 8 ,I 9 9 , 2 0 0 , 2 0 1 , Pelias, King16,16,22, t6l, 16I,162,168
159,160 167,168,170 + 6 , 5 7 , 6 0 - 6 1 , 6710, - Muses62-63,63 202.205,206,207 , 23,54,60 P s y c h e3 3 , 7 5 , 7 5
knd of homise I09, Lugus 144 71.85 Muspell226,Z5l 208,209,209,2r2, Pelles 159,I59, 166 Pwyll 97, 98-99, I05,
I 1 2 , I 4 2 , 1 4 6 ,l 5 I , Luned t.+1, 159 Menglad194 Mycenae 10,I5, I6, 2L3,214-2t5,2I4, Pellinore, Sir 100 1 2 . + ,1 2 8 , 1 4 0 , 1 4 6 ,
1 5 3 , 1 5 4I 5 , 5,165 Luonnohr 207,207, Menu208,216 26,32,38,48,54,60, 2t5,2t6,2I8,218, P e l o p1s0 ,2 6 , 5 6 , 6 6 , l6I, 162,162, 163,
I-andof Shadows98. 241 Mercury14,37, 19,56, 84 220,222,225,226, 7L , 7 T I68
It6, l18,166,167 L y c o m e d e s1 2 , 3 1 6 1 , 6 1 ,l 1 2 ,1 5 4 r, 9 8 MyesyarI88, 2I0 2 2 7 , 2 3 0 , 2 3 12, 3 2 , Peneius J+,3+ |erun see Perunu
knd of Wonder 99. 99 Merlin9.+,100,l0l, Myrtilus26, 7I 234,236,237,239, Penelope .+0,51, 64, |gmalion 78,85


$thagoras 154 r32, 133,134,I35, 64 Volsung 223,2+8

$thon 19,58 138,r39, 142,150, Tphon 28,8I, 82,87, VokungSaga2I2
r 5 6 ,1 5 7 , 1 5 9r,6 0 , 87 Volsungs 205
o I66, 166,167,169 T y r1 7 8 ,i 8 8 , 1 8 9 , 2 0 I , Volumnia 32,12
QuestingBeast,the 100 Saral,rka 207 214,2L5,239,239 Volund 196 and see
Quirinus 79 Sarpedon 39,79,79 Tyre37, 85 Wayland
S a t a4n5 , 9 2 ,1 0 9 ,I 1 2 Volund's House 249
R Satum33, 42,79,79 U Volupms 33
Ra81 satyrs 20, 58, 59,79, UaithneI7l, l7l Vonigem I7I, l7f
Ragnarok 7, I75, 176, 8l U a t h9 2 , I 2 0 , I 7 I , 1 7 1 Voyagers 50-5I
178, r80, 183,184, Saule208,216,222, Uathach119.166.t7I Vulcan 46,88,88
r 8 6 , 1 8 8 ,t 9 l , 1 9 5 , 223 Ukko 202
r99.202,201,206, Scamander, River75 UksaLka207 w
207,208,209,2r0, Scathach 98, I 19, I29, Ulster92,96, I18, I19, Waveof CliodhnaI 13
2 t 3 , 2 r 5 , 2 r 8 ,2 1 8 , 1 6 6 ,I 7 l r22, r29, L39,144, Wayland183,248-249,
226,232,235,239, ScotaI67 147 249
2 + O . Z + 2 , 2 + 3 , 2 + 4 - Scotland92.167 Ukter, AnnalsoJI75 Wolfdietrich 236.237
2+5, 215, 2+7, 248 Scylla 32, 58, 58, 65 Ulpses,64 Wooden Horse II,28,
RanI78, f78, I79, 187 Scyros, Islandof 12,3I, Urania63 +6,56,6+,85
Ratatosk210,250 83 U r d2 I 1 , 2 1 1 , 2 3 9 , Woundrous Cauldrons
Regin7, 175, I79, 188, Searbhan L67,167 239,250 r32-I33
200, 2r8,2r9,224 SeigePerilousI34 wellof 184,206,2I I, Wyrd 21 1 and see Urd
Remus17, 17,60, 78- Selene 38. 39. 63 66,8r,8r TaurusI5 Tiber,River15, 17,31, 250
79.78.85 Semele 21,37, 53 StBlasius
247 Taygere73 52,78,79,85,88 UrienI59, l7l x
Rhadamanthys 39,79 SeraI59 St Boniface 251 TeimonI6I, 168,169 Tiberius,sonof Brutus Usna152 X a n t h u1s3 , 6 9 , 8 8 , 8 9
Rhea29, 33,36,43, Seriphos, Islandof 21, St Bride I I0, t l0 TeirtuI58 27 Utgard201,202,208,
+ 5 ,4 7 ,6 3 , 7 + , 7 9 , 8 6 , 73 St Patrick 92, I I I, I 17, Telamon15 Irbemus/u 226,230,23+,235, Y
87. 89 Sessrumnir I90 r55 Telemachus 32,10,65 Tinugel Casdei00 240,2+0 Yggdrasil 174,194,
RheaSilvia17,78,78. Sestos 52 St Ronan 92, 168 Telephassa 28,39 Tiresias 16,33, 5I, 65, UtherPendragon I00, 195,197,202,206,
79 Setanta seeCuchulainn Stheneboea 26 Terpsichore63 65,66,86,86 1 5 0 ,1 5 I , I 7 l , t 7 l 2 0 6 ,2 0 8 ,2 r 0 , 2 r 0 ,
RhiannonI24.125. Shakespeare, William Stheno 44 Tethys63 Tiryns16, I8, 48,49, Uu222 2lr,215,215,218,
I 2 8 , 1 4 6 ,1 5 8 ,r 6 r , L43,2LL Stonehenge ll4, I50 TeucerI5 7 3 . 7 6 .r 8 0 220,239,210,215,
162, 162, r63, 163, ShiningMane186 Storyunka 202 Teumtes 168 Titans25, 33, 38, 43, V 250-251,250,25r
I68 Shiva2I5 Strymo 75 Thalia,1,1, 63 1 4 ,1 5 ,+ 6 , 6 3 . 7 0 , 7 5 . Vafthrudnir240,24L Ymir18I, 18l, t8'+,
RhineMaidens176, S i b y1l a , 8 0 , 8 0 Sturluson, Snoni 175, Thanatos 53, 79, 8l 76,86,87,87 Vainamoinen203,20+, r 8 7 ,r 9 3 , 2 0 9 , 2 r 5 ,
t87,237 Sicily14, 15,34.+6, 246 Thebes 18,28, 33,37, Tithonus39 207,220,22r,238, 246,2+8,250,25r
Riesengebirge 187 5 0 ,5 I , 6 2 , 6 5 , 7 1 , 8 7 Stymphalian birds 48 39,48,535 , 6 ,5 8 ,6 6 , Titus,sonof Brutus27 238.24r.241 Yspaddaden I20, I58,
R i gI 9 5 , 2 I 8 - 2 I 9 , 2 I 9 Siegfried seeSigurd Sryx,River 12,28,15, 6 7 , 8 r ,8 4 , 8 6 Titus,sonof Vespasian Valhalla I75, 176, I78, 170
Rind I84, 222.222. Sieglinde 228 67,86 SacredBandof 39 85 r88, 190,198,200,
243 Siegmund213,228 Sualtam Mac Roth I I8, Theia38 Tiw 239 204,206,2r2,2r3, z
Ringsof power I79, s i f r 7 8 ,1 9 4 ,r 9 6 , 2 0 0 , ll9, r22, 167,167 Theseus 6, 7, Il, 13, Tory Island102,129, 2r+,2r5,2r8,237, Zephyrus 19,26,27,
236-237,236 222-223.223.238 Suibhne Geilr, King 92, 17,22,23,30,38,48, 113 242-243.2+2.2+9 69,88
Roc I29 Siggeir 205,223,2+8 r68 5 0 , 5 8 , 6 0 , 6 26 ,2 , 7 3 , Treasuresand mlismans Vali I8'1,207,215, ktes22,27
R o m a nIsl 0 , I I l , l l 2 , SigmundtheVolsung Surr226-227
,227,215 7 5 , 8 2 - 8 3 , 8 3 , 8 r46, 3 t96-197 2t8,222,221,243, 7 : u s 7 , 1 0l,l , 1 2 ,1 3 ,
I 2 8 , 1 4 . +1, 5 3 ,I 6 3 , 205,223.2+8 Suttung 188-I89 Thessaly I2, 16, 19,22, Triglav238 2+3 I6, 17,19,20-2r,23,
168.2I,1 Signy223,2'23,248 Svadilfari 180, 226 2 3 , 2 1 , 2 8 , 2 9+, 9 , 5 9 Triptolemus36 ValkyriesI85, I88, 2+,25,26,27,28,29,
R o m e3 4 , 5 0 , 5 2 , 5 + , Sigurd7, 175,179, Svalin I86 Thesdus,Kingof Aetolia TrisranI08. f08. 138- 188,212,2t2,2r3, 33,3+,34,36,37,38:,
5 6 . 6 2 , 7 8 - 7 9 , 8 08, 0 . 1 8 5 ,r 8 8 . 1 9 9 , 2 0 0 . Svantovit 227,227 56 t39, I38, I.t0, I46, 2+2,243,213,2+r, 39,39, 40,+2,43,+3,
8 1 , 8 2 ,8 4 , 8 5 , 9 2 , 205,205,216,218, Svarazic 188,227 ThetisI2, 13,3I, 45, L19,152,152,169, 2+9 44,+1, 45, 46,47, 48,
I01 219,220.22t, 224, Svarog I88 + 9 , 7 5 , 8 6 8, 6 , 8 8 ,8 9 r69 VanaheimI80, 202, 4 9 , 5 2 , 5 3 , 5 + , 5 55,6 ,
foundadonof I'1. 15. 22+,225,228,229, Svaroz 227 Thialli20I,200, 209, Triton 74 2+6 5 7 ,5 8 ,6 2 , 6 3 , 6 5 , 6 8 ,
2 7 . 3 1 , 3 7 ,5 0 , 6 0 229,237,248 Svanalfheim 202 222,226,230,231, TrojanWar 10, 14, 15, Vanir178,180,189, 6 8 ,7 0 ,7 r , 7 2 , 7 3 , 7 4 ,
Romulus17, 17, 60, SigurdRing228,229 Sviagriss 236 231,2+0 r7, 19,25,28,3I,32, 190,l9l, r99,202, 7 5 . 7 6 , 7 7 , 7 9 , 8 81 3, ,
7 8 - 7 9 , 7 8 , 8 1 . 8 4 , 8 5 , Sigyn207, 224-225, Svipdrag I94 Thiassi196,202,225, 3 8 ,4 1 , 4 5 , 4 6 ,+ 9 , 5 1 , 203,208,210,246, 8 , + , 8 6 , 8 7 , 8 9 , 8998, ,
85 225 Swift,Jonathan I39 230,23r 5 7 , 6 4 , 7 0 , 7 5 , 8 58 ,9 2+6 232,249
R o n a nl l I , 1 6 3 S i l e n u6s1 . 8 I , 8 l Sychaeus 85 T h o k kI 8 3 , 2 3 I , 2 3 1 Trold Tindteme187 Ve I78, I8I, l8'+,185,
Rosliva201,222,226. Sindn236 Thomasthe Rhymer Tros43,8,+,85 t93,209,2r5,2+6,
230.23r.231 Sinfiotli223.218 T t04 T r o yl l , 1 2 ,1 4 ,1 5 ,1 6 , 2+7,248,25r
Rosterus184 Single combatI48-I49 Tacitus 2I0 Thoosa74 1 9 , 2 4 , 2 82, 8 , 3 2 , 3 7 , Yecha222
RoundTable,Knighrcof Sinis83 Tailtu I68 T h o r7 , 1 7 4 .1 7 + , 1 7 5 . 3 9 ,+ 0 , 4 r , 4 2 , 4 5 , 4 6 , V e l e sI 7 4 , 2 4 7 , 2 4 7
the 94, I00, l0l, 109, Sinon56 T a l i e s i nI 1 2 , l l 4 , l 1 5 , 1 7 6 ,I 7 8 , 1 8 0 ,r 8 5 , 4 6 , 5 0 , 5 1 , 5 66, 0 , 6 + , Venus14, 18,19,24,
I l 4 , 1 3 0 , 1 3 3 ,I 3 4 , Sirens 32, 58, 63, 65 r32, 168,168, l7l 1 9 0 ,I 9 2 , 1 9 3 ,1 9 3 , 67.70-7r.7+.75,84, 33.14,87,87, 88
I 3 5 , 1 3 6 I, 3 9 , 1 4 0 , Sisyphus 54,61.80, 8I Talos 39, 76 r 9 1 , t 9 1 , 1 9 6 ,1 9 7 , 8 5 , 8 8 ,I 8 0 v e r d a n d2il l , 2 l r ,
1 4 2 , 1 5 0l ,5 t , r 5 6 , Skadi2lO. 211,225. Tammuz I83 r98, 200-20r,200, TuachellI 18 239.250
I60, 166 225,228,230-23r Tanngnost 230,230, 201,202,202,204, TuathaDe Danann96, Vespasian 85
Ruadan163 Shidbladnir l9l. I97. 232 207,208-209,215, 97,98, r02, r05, r06, Vesu 88
Ruadh163, 163 222 Tanngrisnir 230, 230, 2 1 6 . 2 r 7 , 2 1 82,1 8 , r 0 9 ,t I 0 , l l l , l l 2 , Vidar178,I9'+,218,
Rusalki.rhe 222.222 ShmirI9l.192.225. 232 222-223.226.226, II7, I2I,122,126, 213,247,217
225.229 Tantalus 54,71 230,230, 23t,232- 1 2 7 ,t 2 8 , I 2 9 , 1 3 t , VrgridPlain175, 188,
s Skoll226,226 Tapio 230, 230 235,232-235,236, 136,I39, l.+3,150, 2 1 5 ,2 1 8 , 2 r 8 , 2 4 2 ,
Sabine women 79, 8I Skrymir201,226,23L, Tara 96, 97, Il3,127, 237, 238, 239, 240, l 5 l , I 5 2 , I 5 3 ,t 5 4 , 215,2+8,218
Sadb I2.1, l5'+, 159, 234,235 I29, 136, r52, t51 241.2+5.2+6.246 163,167,170, r70, vili 178,l8l, 184,I85,
163. 163 S k u l 2d l I , 2 I l , 2 3 9 , Taranis 168, 168 ThorkillI92 r71.239 r93, 209,2r5,2+6,
Sages and Seers I 14- 250 T a r p e i a8 I , 8 l ThorsteinI97 TuireannI09, 170 217,2+8,25r
II5 Sleipnir182,198,198, Tarpeius, Spurius 8I Thrace26, +8,50, 65, Tuonela238 Vingir 232
Salmacis 49,49 200.226.227 Tarquinia 27 67,69 Tuonetar238 VirgrlII, 36, 50
Samhain, feast of 98, Sno2 r I 9 ,2 1 9 Tarquinius Collatinus Thrall2l9,2l9 Tuoni238,238 Virginia88,88
104, I70 Sol(Classical) seeHelios 60 ThrudI78, 238 swanof 203 Virginius 88
Samildanach see Lugh Sol(Norse) 186.2I8 Tarquinius Sextus 60, ThrudgelmirI84 Tumus 87 Viviane150
Samos 47 Sorcerers and spells 60,82,82 ThrymI85, 207,208, Tuulikki 230 MadimirofKiev174,
Sampo, the 2, 196, 220-221 Tarquinius Superbus 235, 238,238 Twrch Trwyth l4'+, 216-217.2+7
t97 .22L. 211 S p a r tIa5 , 1 9 , 3 2 , 3 8 , 27, 52.60, 82, 82 Thyestes 10, I5,26,56 1 5 7 ,I 7 0 , 1 7 0 Vlkodlak2'18
S a n g r e a l9 3 , 9 4 , 9 7 , 46,60-6r,72.81 T a r t a r u s5 + , 5 1 , 8 I , 8 6 , Thyone2I Tyndareos,l(ng of VolossccVeles
100, l0l, l0r, r05, Sphinx33, 56, 58, 66, 87 Tiamat25I Spana32,38,+6,57, Volsci32


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