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Orpilla, Angelika S.

The Positive and Negative Effects of Tourism and Hospitality
Travel and tourism are great sources of relaxation while on vacation or after
tiring work for days and months. The industry is one of the most explored and largest
that surpasses automobiles and oil exports. Countries frequently visited for their
tourism adventures such as wildlife, beautiful beaches, mountains, adventure sports,
oceans, amazing landscapes, or cultures, tourism is like bread-and-butter industry
for these nations. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization,
inbound and outbound tourism boosts a region's economic growth by creating job
opportunities and promoting goodwill and cultural understanding. However, like any
other industry, it has its positive and negative effects on social-cultural, economic,
environmental, and political impacts.

One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in

the number of people believing that tourism has benefitted the nations in terms of
economy. There is a widespread worry that this would only lead to a myriad of
concerns. In my opinion, this apprehension is unwarranted and so should be
There are several arguments in favor of my stance. The most preponderant
one is that to fulfill numerous requirements such as food, accommodation,
transportation, shopping, and the like, tourists have to spend a considerable amount
of money while they stay in a country. Not only can it create a deluge of jobs for local
people, but it can also contribute a great deal to improving the local economy.
Needless to say, all these merits stand a nation in good stead as far as augmenting
its economy is concerned.
Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that tourists instill their culture, heritage,
and lifestyle in the local people. Unlike those countries that attract more tourists, the
people from them have exposure to other languages and cultures, thus broadening
their horizons. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of encouraging tourism
on a large scale.
There are a few flaws and advantages to this industry. One of it is a priority
will be given most to the tourist instead of the locals. Local governments are too
focused on developing infrastructure for tourists until they forget the actual need for
the people in the country. In this case, it will be a problem as a priority for the locals
should be the local government's main concern. For example, the locals will feel that
their rights are being breached, and this will cause the locals to find alternative ways
to voice out their opinion. This is worrying because they will alternate to do a protest
in order for their opinion to be heard by the government. "Employers have been
urged to give priority to the locals, especially the young, over foreigners when hiring
workers" (Bernama, 2017). The authorities should consider this problem as the rights
of the locals should be put in most interest.
Also, tourism industry also leads to land degradation with important land
resources such as fertile soils, wildlife, fossil fuels, minerals, forests and wetlands
degrading. Lately, there has been increased construction of recreational facilities on
scenic landscapes. Such constructions have a direct impact on the non-renewable
and renewable sources, and natural resources. The forests too suffer from the
negative tourism impacts such as deforestation and land clearing which causes soil

Alternate Solutions
The following actions that the local government should take into consideration to
entirely eradicate these atrocities of tourism in their country are the following:

a.) Local governments may prioritize local people and tourists' necessities from
food, opportunities, establishments, and infrastructures in the locality. This could
greatly benefit both parties and bolster the prosperity between tourism and local
status development. Of course, the local government must focalize on the culture
and traditions that the locals inherently possess because that is what technically
drives tourists to the country in the first place. Tourists are captivated by a particular
country's culture. So basically, the local government should not just only focus on the
tourists' welfare and convenience. The enhancement of the entire community, along
with its locals, must be of their highest priority.
b.) Regarding the land degradation and other endangerments in land resources, I
firmly suggest if the local government set boundaries and limitations on the activities
that the tourists could only do in the tourism site. Activities that could cause the site
to be degraded or destroyed must be strictly prohibited. Prevention and preservation
must be crucial and adhered to by the local government to lengthen their tourism

Evaluation of Alternatives
Inclination of construction of tourism establishment has improved the pressure
on these land resources and on scenic tourist spots. Forests often suffer the
antagonistic impacts of tourism in the form of deforestation caused by fuel wood
collection and land clearing. So basically, the proposed solution could be a great
help for the aversion of this phenomenon. It is utterly and completely crucial to
impose supervision on the area. It is somehow effective if the tourist and the local
people will willingly cooperate and sympathize with the imposition.
I highly recommend the promotion of acceptable use of marine and land
resources and increased land protected areas, while creating economic benefits for
local communities.
It is also important to advocate for enhance environmental actions and
supportive supervisory frameworks and immersing the tourism industry as
associates and promoters in the extensive promotion efforts to guard the tourism
spots and destinations.

Possible Results and Obstacles to Implementation

There might be a couple of beneficial results or repercussions after the
impositions of the recommendation and solution. For instance, enforcing limitations
among the area may cause upshots to the tourists' regularity around the area. Some
tourists may be hard-headed and negligent as some times. If the tourists disagree
and abide by the implementation of these regulations, they may lose interest in
repeating the visit or hand out negative criticisms that may greatly affect the potential
visitors to the country. However, if this imposition turned out to be well planned, this
can help save the tourism spot preserved while helping the development of tourism
in the area.
Additionally, the prioritization of both the local citizens and the tourists maybe,
at some point, be problematic and worrisome to an extent. The tourists may find the
accommodations in the area if they will see no such differences with the way they
are accommodated by the people and how the local people are typically living.
Because as a tourist, the mindset sets as they should be prioritized and must be
catered with special treatment. However, if this implementation is imposed, it could
be beneficial to both tourists and local people to see themselves as a part of the
culture and not belittled.


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