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Good day Paulinians. Welcome back to school!

I know that you are eager to learn new things for
this school year. To provide you with opportunities
to learn while staying in the comforts of your home,
I will ask you to use the Teacher-made Learning
Packets in Music 1 so that you can explore on your
own the many wonderful lessons that need to be
uncovered, learned, and applied. You will be
guided on what to do as you go along with the
different self-directed activities per lesson. At the
end of this course, I expect that you can
independently and collectively perform diverse
repertoire of music and create pieces with sound
aesthetic appeal.
God bless you always!
Life Performance Outcome: (SPCEM-OBE)

Hello _________________; Pauline peace to you!

(Write your first name}

In this quarter you are going to grow as a molded

Paulinian with affirm values and you will say to yourself “As a
Christ-centered Paulinian, I am mindful, self-directed learner
and role model, consciously expressing my faith.
Essential Performance Outcome

This program intends to fully enhance

your performance independently and
collectively perform a diverse repertoire of
music and create pieces with sound
aesthetic appeal.

Performance Standard
At the end of this quarter you will be
mindful enough to appropriately pulse of
the sounds heard and perform with
accuracy the rhythmic patterns.

Content Standard
As a Paulinian, you will be able to show
basic understanding of sound, silence, and
rhythm using different sound makers.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:

Week 1

Identify the sounds and silence.

Imitate different sounds produced by different


Week 2
Performs steady beat and accurate rhythm
through clapping, tapping chanting, walking
and playing musical instruments in response to
- In groupings of 2s
- In groupings of 3s
- In groupings of 4s
Creates simple ostinato pattern in groupings of 2s,
3s, and 4s through body movements.
Diagnostic Test
I. Identify the musical terms being described. Box ( ) the letter of the
correct answer.
1. It is called the heartbeat of music.
A. Divided beat
B. Silent beat
C. Steady beat
2. It is the beat with no sound.
A. Silent beat
A. Divided beat
B. Steady beat
3. It is a beat with two shorter sound.
A. Steady beat
B. Divided beat
C. Silent beat
4. It is distinct characteristics of sounds.
A. timbre
B. signal
C. texture
II. What names have two beats, three beats, and four beats? Fill the box
with the correct color by following the color guide below.

Blue -

Red -

Yellow -

Mary Magdalene
III. Joseph Margarita

Jesus St. Therese Analisa

Preliminary Activities:

Opening Prayer:

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Let us
do the sign of the cross with respect)

A Religious song will be played.

(Please click the link: )

Let us end our prayer by saying together, Glory be to the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Recite the Paulinian Affirmation for this lesson:

“As a Christ-centered Paulinian, I am mindful,

self-directed learner and role model,
consciously expressing my faith.

Let’s sing and dance!

Move to the sound that you hear. Sit when it


In this Lesson, You will be a

member of a children’s
band. You will sing and
use different objects to
make sounds.


Carry On

- Identify the sounds 1. How do sounds make you feel?

and silence.
- Imitate different
sounds produced
by different things.
Hi, I am Sir Adrian! Did you enjoy
singing and dancing kids? When you
dance with music you heard a sound,
and when it stops there are no
We have sounds and no sounds
everywhere. We hear them both
Indoors and outdoors.
Get ready, my dear pupils,
because this week, we will sing, listen,
and move to the sounds.

Is anything that we hear around us
There are sounds that make you
How aremake
do you lines in
a sing or dance. There are sounds
the garden
that make you feel scared.
GREAT IDEA Sounds can be heard everywhere.
What kinds of sounds do you hear
Sounds can be on the road? How about in school?
anywhere. You can
make a sound by
using your body or Sometimes, you also need to be
some instruments. quiet. Can you think of a place
where you should observe silence?

SILENCE is the absence of sound. It

means you do not hear anything.

The distinct characteristic of sounds is called TIMBRE.
Some timbre may be high or low, light or heavy.

Animal sounds

Let us sing the song and find out the sounds of each
animals. Let us imitate the sound that each animal


baa baa Quack quack

Oink onk Arf – arf

Moo mooo Meow meow

People’s sounds

Our hands make light and heavy sounds by:

Clapping Snapping the fingers Cupping the palms


Our feet can make light and heavy sounds


Tapping Stomping Jumping

We also make light and heavy sounds by:


Shouting Whispering


Nature makes light and heavy sounds.

Modes of transportation makes light and heavy sounds.


Even machines make light and heavy sound.

Self-Test or Group Test Assessments
Let’s Practice

A. Try to describe the sounds made by the things below.

Direction: In the box, color the objects that make light
sounds BLUE and RED if the objects make heavy
B. Identify the sounds around us. Color the correct box
that describes the picture in each item. Any color will

1. The says Kring! Kring! Tick -tock!

2. The says Kilng! Kling! Kring! Kring!

3. The says Arf! Arf! Meow meow

Boom! Boom! Baam! baam!

4. The says

5. The says Broom! Broom! Chug! Chug!

Let’s Apply

Directions: Inside the circle, draw and identify five things

that you hear in your surroundings. Color them nicely.
Let’s Reflect


Why is sound important in our life?

Keep in mind
The things around us make a different
sounds. Sounds are different because they
vary in timbre. Timbre is the distinct
characteristics of sounds.

Sounds can be high or low, light or heavy.

Look Back
How are you doing? Draw a star before each
learning goal.
I can identify the different sources of

I can imitate different sounds produced

by different things.

I can sing a song correctly

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