2.3 Flows of Energy NOTES

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2.3 Flows of Energy

Significant Ideas

● Ecosystems are linked together by energy and matter flows.

● The Sun’s energy drives these flows, and humans are
impacting the flows of energy and matter both locally
and globally.

Pathway of Energy

The C Cycle

The N Cycle

Practice Questions
Bozeman Science, very good video for review. Also, good explanation
of NPP & GPP. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Interesting hour long video about the sun.
Pathway of Energy

label the diagram

2. What % of light energy emitted to earth actually reaches the ground?

of light reaching the plant gets TRANSFORMED into biomass? . Label the diagram with how light is lost from the leaf using the slide pre
4. Define Productivity

5. Define gross productivity

6. Define NET productivity

7. Define Gross Primary Productivity (GPP)

8. Define NET primary productivity (NPP)

9. Define GROSS secondary productivity (GSP)

10. Define NET secondary productivity (NSP)

10. What is the difference in the percentage of NSP by herbivores and carnivores?

Important link to other parts of the course

Maximum sustainable yields are

equivalent to the net primary or
net secondary productivity of a

What has this got to do with SUSTAINABILITY (you are on your own
for this one!)

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