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A. Read the three conversations and choose the correct words to complete the phrases.

Making a suggestion Raising an objection

1a. Why don't we watch / watching a movie? 1b. I'm sure / not sure about that.
2a. Shall we go / going to the mall? 2b. I think / don't think that's a good idea.
3a. How about do / doing yoga? 3b. I don't like do / doing yoga.

Suggesting an alternative Agreeing to a suggestion

1c. Let's play / playing badminton instead? 1d. That sounded / sounds great.
2c. I'd prefer to go / go to the park. 2d. That's a good idea / thought.
3c. I'd rather to visit / visit a museum. 3d. That would be well / fine.

B. In pairs, create a role-play where you suggest where to go and what to do tomorrow. Follow
the prompts and use the language from the first exercise in your conversation. When you have
finished, present your role-play to the class.

Student A Student B

Greet Student B Reply and ask where Student A wants to go


Suggest a place to go
Raise an objection
and suggest an alternative
Raise an objection
and suggest an alternative
Agree and suggest something to do

Raise an objection
and suggest an alternative Raise an objection
and suggest an alternative
Suggest a time and place to meet

Agree and say goodbye
Say goodbye

________________________________ © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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