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Conditionals and Control Flow: If-Then-Else

Narrative and Instructions

We’ve seen how to conditionally execute one block of code, but what if there are two possible
blocks of code we’d like to execute?

Let’s say if a student has the required prerequisite, then they enroll in the selected
course, else they’re enrolled in the prerequisite course instead.

We create an alternate conditional branch with the else keyword:

if (hasPrerequisite) {

  // Enroll in course

} else {

  // Enroll in prerequisite

This conditional statement ensures that exactly one code block will be run. If the
condition, hasPrerequisite, is false, the block after else runs.

There are now two separate code blocks in our conditional statement. The first block runs if the
condition evaluates to true, the second block runs if the condition evaluates to false.

This code is also called an if-then-else statement:

 If condition is true, then do something.

 Else, do a different thing.

In the code editor, there is an isFilled value, that represents whether the order is ready to ship.

Write an if-then-else statement that:

 When isFilled is true, print Shipping.
 When isFilled is false, print Order not ready.
Checkpoint 2 Passed

Here’s the structure of an if-then-else conditional statement:

if (condition) {

  // Do one thing

} else {

  // Do another thing

public class Order {

public static void main(String[] args) {

boolean isFilled = true;

// Write an if-then-else statement:

if (isFilled) {


else {

System.out.println("Order not ready");

The conditional structure we’ve learned can be chained together to check as many conditions as
are required by our program.

Imagine our program is now selecting the appropriate course for a student. We’ll check their
submission to find the correct course enrollment.

The conditional statement now has multiple conditions that are evaluated from the top down:

String course = "Theatre";

if (course.equals("Biology")) {

  // Enroll in Biology course

} else if (course.equals("Algebra")) {

  // Enroll in Algebra course

} else if (course.equals("Theatre")) {

  // Enroll in Theatre course

} else {

  System.out.println("Course not found!");

The first condition to evaluate to true will have that code block run. Here’s an example
demonstrating the order:

int testScore = 72;

if (testScore >= 90) {


} else if (testScore >= 80) {


} else if (testScore >= 70) {

} else if (testScore >= 60) {


} else {


// prints: C
This chained conditional statement has two conditions that evaluate true. Because testScore >=
70 comes before testScore >= 60, only the earlier code block is run.

Note: Only one of the code blocks will run.


We need to calculate the shipping costs for our orders.

There’s a new instance field, String shipping, that we use to calculate the cost.

Use a chained if-then-else to check for different values within the calculateShipping() method.

When the shipping instance field equals "Regular", the method should return 0.

When the shipping instance field equals "Express", the method should return 1.75.

Else the method should return .50.

Here’s the general structure of if-then-else-if:

if (condition) {
  // Do something
} else if (differentCondition) {
  // Do something else
} else {
  // Do ANOTHER something else
The shipping instance field is a String so we’ll need to use equals() for our condition. Here’s
how we’d write a simple if-then:

if (shipping.equals("Coolest beans")) {
  // equals() returned true!

public class Order {

boolean isFilled;

double billAmount;

String shipping;

public Order(boolean filled, double cost, String shippingMethod) {

if (cost > 24.00) {

System.out.println("High value item!");

isFilled = filled;

billAmount = cost;

shipping = shippingMethod;

public void ship() {

if (isFilled) {


System.out.println("Shipping cost: " + calculateShipping());

} else {

System.out.println("Order not ready");

public double calculateShipping() {

// declare conditional statement here

public static void main(String[] args) {

// do not alter the main method!

Order book = new Order(true, 9.99, "Express");

Order chemistrySet = new Order(false, 72.50, "Regular");



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Conditionals and Control Flow: If-Then-Else-If

Narrative and Instructions

The conditional structure we’ve learned can be chained together to check as many conditions as
are required by our program.

Imagine our program is now selecting the appropriate course for a student. We’ll check their
submission to find the correct course enrollment.
The conditional statement now has multiple conditions that are evaluated from the top down:

String course = "Theatre";

if (course.equals("Biology")) {

  // Enroll in Biology course

} else if (course.equals("Algebra")) {

  // Enroll in Algebra course

} else if (course.equals("Theatre")) {

  // Enroll in Theatre course

} else {

  System.out.println("Course not found!");

The first condition to evaluate to true will have that code block run. Here’s an example
demonstrating the order:

int testScore = 72;

if (testScore >= 90) {


} else if (testScore >= 80) {


} else if (testScore >= 70) {


} else if (testScore >= 60) {


} else {

// prints: C
This chained conditional statement has two conditions that evaluate true. Because testScore >=
70 comes before testScore >= 60, only the earlier code block is run.

Note: Only one of the code blocks will run.


We need to calculate the shipping costs for our orders.

There’s a new instance field, String shipping, that we use to calculate the cost.

Use a chained if-then-else to check for different values within the calculateShipping() method.

When the shipping instance field equals "Regular", the method should return 0.

When the shipping instance field equals "Express", the method should return 1.75.

Else the method should return .50.

Checkpoint 2 Passed

Here’s the general structure of if-then-else-if:

if (condition) {
  // Do something
} else if (differentCondition) {
  // Do something else
} else {
  // Do ANOTHER something else
The shipping instance field is a String so we’ll need to use equals() for our condition. Here’s
how we’d write a simple if-then:

if (shipping.equals("Coolest beans")) {
  // equals() returned true!

public class Order {

boolean isFilled;

double billAmount;

String shipping;
public Order(boolean filled, double cost, String shippingMethod) {

if (cost > 24.00) {

System.out.println("High value item!");

isFilled = filled;

billAmount = cost;

shipping = shippingMethod;

public void ship() {

if (isFilled) {


System.out.println("Shipping cost: " + calculateShipping());

} else {

System.out.println("Order not ready");

public double calculateShipping() {

// declare conditional statement here

if (shipping.equals("Regular")) {

return 0;

} else if (shipping.equals("Express")) {

return 1.75;
} else {

return .50;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// do not alter the main method!

Order book = new Order(true, 9.99, "Express");

Order chemistrySet = new Order(false, 72.50, "Regular");



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Conditionals and Control Flow: Nested Conditional Statements

Narrative and Instructions

Nested Conditional Statements
We can create more complex conditional structures by creating nested conditional statements,
which is created by placing conditional statements inside other conditional statements:

if (outer condition) {
if (nested condition) {
Instruction to execute if both conditions are true
When we implement nested conditional statements, the outer statement is evaluated first. If the
outer condition is true, then the inner, nested statement is evaluated.

Let’s create a program that helps us decide what to wear based on the weather:

int temp = 45;

boolean raining = true;

if (temp < 60) {

  System.out.println("Wear a jacket!");
  if (raining == true) {
    System.out.println("Bring your umbrella.");
  } else {
    System.out.println("Leave your umbrella home.");
In the code snippet above, our compiler will check the condition in the first if-
then statement: temp < 60. Since temp has a value of 45, this condition is true; therefore, our
program will print Wear a jacket!.
Then, we’ll evaluate the condition of the nested if-then statement: raining == true. This
condition is also true, so Bring your umbrella is also printed to the screen.

Note that, if the first condition was false, the nested condition would not be evaluated.


The company offers a temporary deal that, if the consumer uses the coupon "ship50", the
company will reduce the express shipping price.

Let’s rewrite the body of else-if statement from the last exercise. Inside the else-if statement,
create a nested if-then statement that checks if couponCode equals "ship50".

If the nested condition is true, return the value .85.

If the condition is false, use a nested else statement to return the value 1.75.

The solution should look similar to the example below:

public double calculateShipping() {

  if (shipping.equals("Regular")) {
    return 0;
  } else if (shipping.equals("Express")) {
    // Add your code here
    if (couponCode.equals("couponCodeValue")) {
      // return discounted shipping value
    } else {
      // return full shipping value
  } else {
    return .50;
Cumulative Project 2

Conditionals and Control Flow

Cumulative Project 3

if Statement
An if statement executes a block of code when a specified boolean expression
is evaluated as true.
if (true) {
    System.out.println("This code executes");
// Prints: This code executes

if (false) {
    System.out.println("This code does not execute");
// There is no output for the above statement

else Statement
The else statement executes a block of code when the condition inside
the if statement is false. The else statement is always the last condition.
boolean condition1 = false;

if (condition1){
    System.out.println("condition1 is true");
    System.out.println("condition1 is not true");
// Prints: condition1 is not true

else if Statements
else-if statements can be chained together to check multiple conditions.
Once a condition is true, a code block will be executed and the conditional
statement will be exited.

There can be multiple else-if statements in a single conditional statement.

int testScore = 76;
char grade;

if (testScore >= 90) {

  grade = 'A';
} else if (testScore >= 80) {
  grade = 'B';
} else if (testScore >= 70) {
  grade = 'C';
} else if (testScore >= 60) {
  grade = 'D';
} else {
  grade = 'F';

System.out.println("Grade: " + grade); // Prints: C

Nested Conditional Statements

A nested conditional statement is a conditional statement nested inside of
another conditional statement. The outer conditional statement is evaluated
first; if the condition is true, then the nested conditional statement will be
boolean studied = true;
boolean wellRested = true;

if (wellRested) {
  System.out.println("Best of luck today!");  
  if (studied) {
    System.out.println("You are prepared for your exam!");
  } else {
    System.out.println("Study before your exam!");
// Prints: Best of luck today!
// Prints: You are prepared for your exam!

AND Operator
The AND logical operator is represented by &&. This operator returns true if
the boolean expressions on both sides of the operator are true; otherwise, it
returns false.
System.out.println(true && true); // Prints: true
System.out.println(true && false); // Prints: false
System.out.println(false && true); // Prints: false
System.out.println(false && false); // Prints: false

The OR Operator
The logical OR operator is represented by ||. This operator will return true if at
least one of the boolean expressions being compared has a true value;
otherwise, it will return false.
System.out.println(true || true); // Prints: true
System.out.println(true || false); // Prints: true
System.out.println(false || true); // Prints: true
System.out.println(false || false); // Prints: false

NOT Operator
The NOT logical operator is represented by !. This operator negates the value
of a boolean expression.
boolean a = true;
System.out.println(!a); // Prints: false

System.out.println(!true) // Prints: true

Conditional Operators - Order of Evaluation

If an expression contains multiple conditional operators, the order of
evaluation is as follows: Expressions in parentheses -> NOT -> AND -> OR.
boolean foo = true && (!false || true); // true
(!false || true) is evaluated first because it is contained
within parentheses.

Then !false is evaluated as true because it uses the NOT


Next, (true || true) is evaluation as true.

Finally, true && true is evaluated as true meaning foo is true.


public class Order {

boolean isFilled;

double billAmount;

String shipping;

String couponCode;

public Order(boolean filled, double cost, String shippingMethod, String coupon) {

if (cost > 24.00) {

System.out.println("High value item!");

isFilled = filled;

billAmount = cost;

shipping = shippingMethod;

couponCode = coupon;

public void ship() {

if (isFilled) {


System.out.println("Shipping cost: " + calculateShipping());

} else {

System.out.println("Order not ready");

public double calculateShipping() {

if (shipping.equals("Regular")) {

return 0;

} else if (shipping.equals("Express")) {

// Add your code here

if (couponCode.equals("ship50")) {

return 0.85;

} else {

return 1.75;

} else {

return .50;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// do not alter the main method!

Order book = new Order(true, 9.99, "Express", "ship50");

Order chemistrySet = new Order(false, 72.50, "Regular", "freeShipping");



public class Order {

boolean isFilled;

double billAmount;

String shipping;

String couponCode;

public Order(boolean filled, double cost, String shippingMethod, String coupon) {

if (cost > 24.00) {

System.out.println("High value item!");

isFilled = filled;

billAmount = cost;

shipping = shippingMethod;

couponCode = coupon;

public void ship() {

if (isFilled) {

System.out.println("Shipping cost: " + calculateShipping());

} else {

System.out.println("Order not ready");

public double calculateShipping() {

if (shipping.equals("Regular")) {

return 0;

} else if (shipping.equals("Express")) {

// Add your code here

if (couponCode.equals("ship50")) {

return 0.85;

} else {

return 1.75;

} else {

return .50;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// do not alter the main method!

Order book = new Order(true, 9.99, "Express", "ship50");

Order chemistrySet = new Order(false, 72.50, "Regular", "freeShipping");



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Conditionals and Control Flow: Switch Statement

Narrative and Instructions

Switch Statement
An alternative to chaining if-then-else conditions together is to use the switch statement. This
conditional will check a given value against any number of conditions and run the code block
where there is a match.

Here’s an example of our course selection conditional as a switch statement instead:

String course = "History";

switch (course) {
  case "Algebra":
    // Enroll in Algebra
  case "Biology":
    // Enroll in Biology
  case "History":
    // Enroll in History
  case "Theatre":
    // Enroll in Theatre
    System.out.println("Course not found");
This example enrolls the student in History class by checking the value contained in the
parentheses, course, against each of the case labels. If the value after the case label matches the
value within the parentheses, the switch block is run.
In the above example, course references the string "History", which matches case "History":.

When no value matches, the default block runs. Think of this as the else equivalent.

Switch blocks are different than other code blocks because they are not marked by curly braces
and we use the break keyword to exit the switch statement.

Without break, code below the matching case label is run, including code under other case
labels, which is rarely the desired behavior.

String course = "Biology";

switch (course) {
  case "Algebra":
    // Enroll in Algebra
  case "Biology":
    // Enroll in Biology
  case "History":
    // Enroll in History
  case "Theatre":
    // Enroll in Theatre
    System.out.println("Course not found");

// enrolls student in Biology... AND History and Theatre!


We’ll rewrite the calculateShipping() method so it uses a switch statement instead.

There’s an uninitialized variable shippingCost in calculateShipping(). Assign the correct value

to shippingCost using a switch statement:

We’ll check the value of the instance field shipping.

 When shipping matches "Regular", shippingCost should be 0.
 When shipping matches "Express", shippingCost should be 1.75.
 The default should assign .50 to shippingCost.

Make sure the method returns shippingCost after the switch statement.

Here’s the general structure of a switch statement:
switch (value) {

  case possibleMatchingValue:
    // do something
  case anotherPossibleMatching:
    // do another thing
    // do this if nothing else matched
We want to assign the correct value inside the matching case:

case "Regular":
  shippingCost = 0;
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Conditionals and Control Flow: Switch Statement

Narrative and Instructions

Switch Statement
An alternative to chaining if-then-else conditions together is to use the switch statement. This
conditional will check a given value against any number of conditions and run the code block
where there is a match.

Here’s an example of our course selection conditional as a switch statement instead:

String course = "History";

switch (course) {
  case "Algebra":
    // Enroll in Algebra
  case "Biology":
    // Enroll in Biology
  case "History":
    // Enroll in History
  case "Theatre":
    // Enroll in Theatre
    System.out.println("Course not found");
This example enrolls the student in History class by checking the value contained in the
parentheses, course, against each of the case labels. If the value after the case label matches the
value within the parentheses, the switch block is run.
In the above example, course references the string "History", which matches case "History":.

When no value matches, the default block runs. Think of this as the else equivalent.

Switch blocks are different than other code blocks because they are not marked by curly braces
and we use the break keyword to exit the switch statement.

Without break, code below the matching case label is run, including code under other case
labels, which is rarely the desired behavior.

String course = "Biology";

switch (course) {
  case "Algebra":
    // Enroll in Algebra
  case "Biology":
    // Enroll in Biology
  case "History":
    // Enroll in History
  case "Theatre":
    // Enroll in Theatre
    System.out.println("Course not found");

// enrolls student in Biology... AND History and Theatre!


We’ll rewrite the calculateShipping() method so it uses a switch statement instead.

There’s an uninitialized variable shippingCost in calculateShipping(). Assign the correct value

to shippingCost using a switch statement:

We’ll check the value of the instance field shipping.

 When shipping matches "Regular", shippingCost should be 0.
 When shipping matches "Express", shippingCost should be 1.75.
 The default should assign .50 to shippingCost.

Make sure the method returns shippingCost after the switch statement.

Checkpoint 2 Passed

Here’s the general structure of a switch statement:
switch (value) {

  case possibleMatchingValue:
    // do something
  case anotherPossibleMatching:
    // do another thing
    // do this if nothing else matched
We want to assign the correct value inside the matching case:

case "Regular":
  shippingCost = 0;

public class Order {

boolean isFilled;

double billAmount;

String shipping;

public Order(boolean filled, double cost, String shippingMethod) {

if (cost > 24.00) {

System.out.println("High value item!");

isFilled = filled;

billAmount = cost;

shipping = shippingMethod;

public void ship() {

if (isFilled) {

System.out.println("Shipping cost: " + calculateShipping());

} else {

System.out.println("Order not ready");

public double calculateShipping() {

double shippingCost;

// declare switch statement here

switch (shipping) {

case "Regular":

shippingCost = 0;


case "Express":

shippingCost = 1.75;



shippingCost = .50;

return shippingCost;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// do not alter the main method!

Order book = new Order(true, 9.99, "Express");

Order chemistrySet = new Order(false, 72.50, "Regular");



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Conditionals and Control Flow: Review

Narrative and Instructions

Before this lesson, our code executed from top to bottom, line by line.

Conditional statements add branching paths to our programs. We use conditionals to make
decisions in the program so that different inputs will produce different results.

Conditionals have the general structure:

if (condition) {
    // consequent path
} else {
    // alternative path
Specific conditional statements have the following behavior:

 if-then:
o code block runs if condition is true
 if-then-else:
o one block runs if conditions is true
o another block runs if condition is false
 if-then-else chained:
o same as if-then but an arbitrary number of conditions
 switch:
o switch block runs if condition value matches case value

public class Order {

boolean isFilled;
double billAmount;

String shipping;

public Order(boolean filled, double cost, String shippingMethod) {

if (cost > 24.00) {

System.out.println("High value item!");

} else {

System.out.println("Low value item!");

isFilled = filled;

billAmount = cost;

shipping = shippingMethod;

public void ship() {

if (isFilled) {


} else {

System.out.println("Order not ready");

double shippingCost = calculateShipping();

System.out.println("Shipping cost: ");


public double calculateShipping() {

double shippingCost;

switch (shipping) {

case "Regular":

shippingCost = 0;


case "Express":

shippingCost = 1.75;



shippingCost = .50;

return shippingCost;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// create instances and call methods here!

public class Order {

boolean isFilled;

double billAmount;

String shipping;

public Order(boolean filled, double cost, String shippingMethod) {

if (cost > 24.00) {

System.out.println("High value item!");

} else {

System.out.println("Low value item!");

isFilled = filled;

billAmount = cost;

shipping = shippingMethod;

public void ship() {

if (isFilled) {


} else {

System.out.println("Order not ready");

double shippingCost = calculateShipping();

System.out.println("Shipping cost: ");


public double calculateShipping() {

double shippingCost;

switch (shipping) {

case "Regular":

shippingCost = 0;


case "Express":

shippingCost = 1.75;



shippingCost = .50;

return shippingCost;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// create instances and call methods here!

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Conditional Operators: Introduction to Conditional Operators

Narrative and Instructions

Introduction to Conditional Operators
Java includes operators that only use boolean values. These conditional operators help simplify
expressions containing complex boolean relationships by reducing multiple boolean values to a
single value: true or false.

For example, what if we want to run a code block only if multiple conditions are true. We could
use the AND operator: &&.

Or, we want to run a code block if at least one of two conditions are true. We could use
the OR operator: ||.

Finally, we can produce the opposite value, where true becomes false and false becomes true,

with the NOT operator: !.

Understanding these complex relationships can feel overwhelming at first. Luckily, truth tables,
like the ones seen to the right, can assist us in determining the relationship between two boolean-
based conditions.

In this lesson, we’ll explore each of these conditional operators to see how they can be
implemented into our conditional statements.


The text editor contains a Reservation class we’ll build in this lesson.

Note the different conditional statements and operators that we’re using to control the execution
of the program.

Move on when you’re ready!

public class Reservation {

int guestCount;

int restaurantCapacity;

boolean isRestaurantOpen;

boolean isConfirmed;

public Reservation(int count, int capacity, boolean open) {

if (count < 1 || count > 8) {

System.out.println("Invalid reservation!");

guestCount = count;

restaurantCapacity = capacity;

isRestaurantOpen = open;

public void confirmReservation() {

if (restaurantCapacity >= guestCount && isRestaurantOpen) {

System.out.println("Reservation confirmed");

isConfirmed = true;

} else {

System.out.println("Reservation denied");

isConfirmed = false;

public void informUser() {

if (!isConfirmed) {

System.out.println("Unable to confirm reservation, please contact restaurant.");

} else {

System.out.println("Please enjoy your meal!");

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reservation partyOfThree = new Reservation(3, 12, true);

Reservation partyOfFour = new Reservation(4, 3, true);





public class Reservation {

int guestCount;

int restaurantCapacity;

boolean isRestaurantOpen;

boolean isConfirmed;

public Reservation(int count, int capacity, boolean open) {

if (count < 1 || count > 8) {

System.out.println("Invalid reservation!");

guestCount = count;

restaurantCapacity = capacity;

isRestaurantOpen = open;

public void confirmReservation() {

if (restaurantCapacity >= guestCount && isRestaurantOpen) {

System.out.println("Reservation confirmed");

isConfirmed = true;

} else {

System.out.println("Reservation denied");

isConfirmed = false;

public void informUser() {

if (!isConfirmed) {

System.out.println("Unable to confirm reservation, please contact restaurant.");

} else {

System.out.println("Please enjoy your meal!");

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reservation partyOfThree = new Reservation(3, 12, true);

Reservation partyOfFour = new Reservation(4, 3, true);





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Conditional Operators: Conditional-And: &&

Narrative and Instructions

Conditional-And: &&
Let’s return to our student enrollment program. We’ve added an additional requirement: not only
must students have the prerequisite, but their tuition must be paid up as well. We
have two conditions that must be true before we enroll the student.

Here’s one way we could write the code:

if (tuitionPaid) {
  if (hasPrerequisite) {
    // enroll student
We’ve nested two if-then statements. This does the job but we can be more concise with
the AND operator:

if (tuitionPaid && hasPrerequisite) {

  // enroll student
The AND operator, &&, is used between two boolean values and evaluates to a single boolean
value. If the values on both sides are true, then the resulting value is true, otherwise the
resulting value is false.

This code illustrates every combination:

true && true

// true
false && true
// false
true && false
// false
false && false
// false


Our Reservation class has the method confirmReservation() which validates if a restaurant can
accomodate a given reservation.

We need to build the conditional logic into confirmReservation() using two parameters:

 restaurantCapacity
 isRestaurantOpen

Use an if-then-else statement:

If restaurantCapacity is greater than or equal to guestCount and the restaurant is open,

print "Reservation confirmed" and set isConfirmed to true.

else print "Reservation denied" and set isConfirmed to false.

public class Reservation {

int guestCount;

int restaurantCapacity;

boolean isRestaurantOpen;

boolean isConfirmed;

public Reservation(int count, int capacity, boolean open) {

guestCount = count;

restaurantCapacity = capacity;

isRestaurantOpen = open;

public void confirmReservation() {


Write conditional


if restaurantCapacity is greater

or equal to guestCount


the restaurant is open:

print "Reservation confirmed"

set isConfirmed to true


print "Reservation denied"

set isConfirmed to false


public void informUser() {

System.out.println("Please enjoy your meal!");

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reservation partyOfThree = new Reservation(3, 12, true);

Reservation partyOfFour = new Reservation(4, 3, true);




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Conditional Operators: Conditional-Or: ||

Narrative and Instructions

Conditional-Or: ||
The requirements of our enrollment program have changed again. Certain courses have
prerequisites that are satisfied by multiple courses. As long as students have taken at least
one prerequisite, they should be allowed to enroll.

Here’s one way we could write the code:

if (hasAlgebraPrerequisite) {
  // Enroll in course

if (hasGeometryPrerequisite) {
  // Enroll in course
We’re using two different if-then statements with the same code block. We can be more
concise with the OR operator:

if (hasAlgebraPrerequisite || hasGeometryPrerequisite) {
  // Enroll in course
The OR operator, ||, is used between two boolean values and evaluates to a single boolean
value. If either of the two values is true, then the resulting value is true, otherwise the resulting
value is false.

This code illustrates every combination:

true || true
// true
false || true
// true
true || false
// true
false || false
// false
Keep Reading: AP Computer Science A Students

On some occasions, the compiler can determine the truth value of a logical expression by only
evaluating the first boolean operand; this is known as short-circuited evaluation. Short-circuited
evaluation only works with expressions that use && or ||.

In an expression that uses ||, the resulting value will be true as long as one of the operands has
a true value. If the first operand of an expression is true, we don’t need to see what the value of
the other operand is to know that the final value will also be true.

For example, we can run the following code without error despite dividing a number by 0 in the
second operand because the first operand had a true value:

if (1 > 0 || 2 / 0 == 7) {
  System.out.println("No errors here!");
An expression that uses && will only result in true if both operands are true. If the first operand
in the expression is false, the entire value will be false.


Let’s write a message inside the Reservation() constructor that warns against bad input.

Our restaurants can’t seat parties of more than 8 people, and we don’t want reservations for 0 or
less because that would be silly.

Inside Reservation(), write a conditional that uses ||.

If count is less than 1 OR greater than 8 we want to write the following message: Invalid

The conditional-OR, ||, evaluates to true if at least one of the values are true. We can use it in a
conditional statement like so:

boolean lightGreen = false;

boolean lightYellow = true;

if (lightGreen || lightYellow) {
  System.out.println("You may pass");
This code snippet will print You may pass because one of the two booleans, lightYellow, is true.

public class Reservation {

int guestCount;

int restaurantCapacity;

boolean isRestaurantOpen;

boolean isConfirmed;

public Reservation(int count, int capacity, boolean open) {

// Write conditional statement below

guestCount = count;

restaurantCapacity = capacity;

isRestaurantOpen = open;

public void confirmReservation() {

if (restaurantCapacity >= guestCount && isRestaurantOpen) {

System.out.println("Reservation confirmed");

isConfirmed = true;

} else {

System.out.println("Reservation denied");

isConfirmed = false;

public void informUser() {

System.out.println("Please enjoy your meal!");

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reservation partyOfThree = new Reservation(3, 12, true);

Reservation partyOfFour = new Reservation(4, 3, true);





public class Reservation {

int guestCount;

int restaurantCapacity;

boolean isRestaurantOpen;

boolean isConfirmed;

public Reservation(int count, int capacity, boolean open) {

// Write conditional statement here

if (count < 1 || count > 8) {

System.out.println("Invalid reservation!");

guestCount = count;

restaurantCapacity = capacity;

isRestaurantOpen = open;

public void confirmReservation() {

if (restaurantCapacity >= guestCount && isRestaurantOpen) {

System.out.println("Reservation confirmed");

isConfirmed = true;

} else {

System.out.println("Reservation denied");

isConfirmed = false;

public void informUser() {

System.out.println("Please enjoy your meal!");

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reservation partyOfThree = new Reservation(3, 12, true);

Reservation partyOfFour = new Reservation(4, 3, true);




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Conditional Operators: Logical NOT: !

Narrative and Instructions

Logical NOT: !
The unary operator NOT, !, works on a single value. This operator evaluates to the opposite
boolean to which it’s applied:

// true
// false
NOT is useful for expressing our intent clearly in programs. For example, sometimes we need
the opposite behavior of an if-then: run a code block only if the condition is false.

boolean hasPrerequisite = false;

if (hasPrerequisite) {
  // do nothing
} else {
  System.out.println("Must complete prerequisite course!");
This code does what we want but it’s strange to have a code block that does nothing!

The logical NOT operator cleans up our example:

boolean hasPrerequisite = false;

if (!hasPrerequisite) {
  System.out.println("Must complete prerequisite course!");
We can write a succinct conditional statement without an empty code block.

Let’s make informUser() more informative. If their reservation is not confirmed, they should

Write an if-then-else statement and use ! with isConfirmed as the condition.

If their reservation is not confirmed, write Unable to confirm reservation, please contact


Else write: Please enjoy your meal!

Checkpoint 2 Passed

The NOT operator flips the boolean value to which it is applied. This helps make code more

boolean doorIsLocked = false;

if (!doorIsLocked) {
  System.out.println("Come on in!");
This code snippet will print Come on in! because the false value is flipped to true by !.

public class Reservation {

int guestCount;

int restaurantCapacity;

boolean isRestaurantOpen;

boolean isConfirmed;

public Reservation(int count, int capacity, boolean open) {

if (count < 1 || count > 8) {

System.out.println("Invalid reservation!");

guestCount = count;

restaurantCapacity = capacity;
isRestaurantOpen = open;

public void confirmReservation() {

if (restaurantCapacity >= guestCount && isRestaurantOpen) {

System.out.println("Reservation confirmed");

isConfirmed = true;

} else {

System.out.println("Reservation denied");

isConfirmed = false;

public void informUser() {

// Write conditional here

if (!isConfirmed) {

System.out.println("Unable to confirm reservation, please contact restaurant.");

} else {

System.out.println("Please enjoy your meal!");

public static void main(String[] args) {

Reservation partyOfThree = new Reservation(3, 12, true);

Reservation partyOfFour = new Reservation(4, 3, true);





Combining Conditional Operators
We have the ability to expand our boolean expressions by using multiple
conditional operators in a single expression.

For example:

boolean foo = true && !(false || !true)

How does an expression like this get evaluated by the compiler? The order of
evaluation when it comes to conditional operators is as follows:

1. Conditions placed in parentheses - ()

2. NOT - !
3. AND - &&
4. OR - ||

Using this information, let’s dissect the expression above to find the value
of foo:

true && !(false || !true)

First, we’ll evaluate (false || !true) because it is enclosed within parentheses.
Following the order of evaluation, we will evaluate !true, which equals false:

true && !(false || false)

Then, we’ll evaluate (false || false) which equals false. Now our expression
looks like this:

true && !false

Next, we’ll evaluate !false because it uses the NOT operator. This expression
equals true making our expression the following:

true && true

true && true evaluates to true; therefore, the value of foo is true.


Take a look at the three expressions in

Using your understanding of the order of execution, find out whether the
value of each expression is true or false.

When you’re ready, uncomment the print statements to find out if you are

public class Operators {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int a = 6;

int b = 3;

boolean ex1 = !(a == 7 && (b >= a || a != a));

// System.out.println(ex1);

boolean ex2 = a == b || !(b > 3);

// System.out.println(ex2);

boolean ex3 = !(b <= a && b != a + b);

// System.out.println(ex3);

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Conditional Operators: Review

Narrative and Instructions

Conditional operators work on boolean values to simplify our code. They’re often combined with
conditional statements to consolidate the branching logic.

Conditional-AND, &&, evaluates to true if the booleans on both sides are true.

if (true && false) {

  System.out.println("You won't see me print!");
} else if (true && true) {
  System.out.println("You will see me print!");
Conditional-OR, ||, evaluates to true if one or both of the booleans on either side is true.

if (false || false) {
  System.out.println("You won't see me print!");
} else if (false || true) {
  System.out.println("You will see me print!");
Logical-NOT, !, evaluates to the opposite boolean value to which it is applied.

if (!false) {
  System.out.println("You will see me print!");


The complete Reservation class is in the code editor.

Play around inside main() and see if you can create instances that will run every possible
conditional branch.

public class Reservation {

int guestCount;

int restaurantCapacity;

boolean isRestaurantOpen;

boolean isConfirmed;

public Reservation(int count, int capacity, boolean open) {

if (count < 1 || count > 8) {

System.out.println("Invalid reservation!");

guestCount = count;

restaurantCapacity = capacity;

isRestaurantOpen = open;

public void confirmReservation() {

if (restaurantCapacity >= guestCount && isRestaurantOpen) {

System.out.println("Reservation confirmed");

isConfirmed = true;

} else {

System.out.println("Reservation denied");

isConfirmed = false;


public void informUser() {

if (!isConfirmed) {

System.out.println("Unable to confirm reservation, please contact restaurant.");

} else {

System.out.println("Please enjoy your meal!");

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create instances here

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Conditionals and Control Flow: A Simple Car Loan Payment Calculator


A Simple Car Loan Payment Calculator
Let’s combine a few of the concepts that you have learned so far: conditionals, Boolean
expressions, and arithmethic expressions.

In this project, you will write a program that will calculate the monthly car payment a user should
expect to make after taking out a car loan. The program will include the following:

 Car loan amount

 Interest rate of the loan
 Length of the loan (in years)
 Down payment

The instructions provided are general guidelines. Upon completion of the project, feel free to add
functionality of your own.

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Conditionals and Control Flow: A Simple Car Loan Payment Calculator


A Simple Car Loan Payment Calculator
Let’s combine a few of the concepts that you have learned so far: conditionals, Boolean
expressions, and arithmethic expressions.

In this project, you will write a program that will calculate the monthly car payment a user should
expect to make after taking out a car loan. The program will include the following:

 Car loan amount

 Interest rate of the loan
 Length of the loan (in years)
 Down payment

The instructions provided are general guidelines. Upon completion of the project, feel free to add
functionality of your own.

If you get stuck during this project or would like to see an experienced developer work through
it, click “Get Unstuck“ to see a project walkthrough video.


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Car Loan Payment Calculator
Create an int variable called carLoan and set it equal to 10000.
Next, create an int variable called loanLength and set it equal to 3. This will represent a loan
length of 3 years.
Now create an int variable called interestRate and set it equal to 5. This will represent an
interest rate of 5% on the loan.
Next, create an int variable called downPayment and set it equal 2000. This will represent the down
payment provided by a user for this car purchase.
Let’s build in some requirements that would prevent a buyer from taking out an invalid car loan.
Write an if statement that checks whether the loan length is less than or equal to zero or whether
the interest rate is less than or equal to zero.
Next, inside of the if statement, print out a helpful error message to the user. For example, you
can print out something like: Error! You must take out a valid car loan.
What if the down payment is more than the price of the car? Add to the if statement and use else
if to check whether the down payment is greater than or equal to the car loan.
Inside of the else if block, print out a helpful message to the user about the down payment and
car loan amounts. For example, you can print out something like: The car can be paid in full.
Finally, if none of the previous Boolean expressions evaluate to true, calculate the monthly
payment in an else block.
Inside of the else block, create an int variable called remainingBalance and set it equal
to carLoan minus downPayment.
Since we need the monthly payment, we must convert the loan length from years to months. On
the next line, create an int variable called months and set it equal to loanLength times 12.
Create an int variable called monthlyBalance and set it equal to remainingBalance divided
by months. This represents the monthly payment without interest included.
The user needs to pay interest on the loan borrowed. Create an int variable called interest and
set it equal to the monthly balance times the interest rate, divided all by 100.
Calculate the final monthly payment. Create an int variable called monthlyPayment and set it
equal to the monthly balance plus the interest.
On the next line, print out the monthly payment. If you correctly completed this project, the
console should print out 233 as the monthly payment.
Add comments near the top of the program that describe what the program does.

public class CarLoan {

public static void main(String args) {
int carLoan=10000;
int loanLength=3;
int interesRate = 5;
int downPayment = 2000;

if ( loanLength <= 0 || interesRate <= 0 ) {

System.out.println("Error! You must take out a valid car loan");
else if (downPayment > carLoan) {
System.out.println("The car can be paid in full");
else {
int remainingBalance = carLoan - downPayment;
int months = loanLength * 12;
int monthlyBalance = remainingBalance / months;
int interest = (monthlyBalance * interesRate) /100;
int monthlyPayment = monthlyBalance + interesRate;
System.out.println( monthlyPayment);

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Conditionals and Control Flow: Continents and Cities


Continents and Cities
Planet Earth is a magical place. Let’s practice the Java switch statement that you learned about.

Write a program that will print out a continent and the largest city in that
continent, based on the value of an integer.

The instructions provided are general guidelines. Upon completion of the project, feel free to add
functionality of your own.

If you get stuck during this project or would like to see an experienced developer work through
it, click Get Unstuck to see a project walkthrough.


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Setting up:
Let’s create a skeleton for the program. Add:

public class Continents {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

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Write a comment near the top of the program that describe what the program does.
// Continents and their largest cities.
Create an int variable called continent and set it equal to 4.
int continent = 4;
Write a switch statement:
Create a switch statement that will switch based on the value of continent.
switch (continent) {

Inside of the switch statement, add a case that will run when the value of continent is 1.
When the value of continent is 1, print out North America: Mexico City, Mexico.
Make sure the next line exits out of the case.
Add another case that will run when the value of continent is 2. When this value is met, print
out South America: Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Make sure the next line exits out of the case.
Add another case that will run when the value of continent is 3. When this value is met, print
out Europe: Moscow, Russia. Make sure the next line exits out of the case.
Add another case that will run when the value of continent is 4. When this value is met, print
out Africa: Lagos, Nigeria. Make sure the next line exits out of the case.
Add another case that will run when the value of continent is 5. When this value is met, print
out Asia: Shanghai, China. Make sure the next line exits out of the case.
Add another case that will run when the value of continent is 6. When this value is met, print
out Australia: Sydney, Australia. Make sure the next line exits out of the case.
Add another case that will run when the value of continent is 7. When this value is met, print
out Antarctica: McMurdo Station, US. Make sure the next line exits out of the case.
Finally, add the default case. The default case should print out Undefined continent! Make sure
the next line exits out of the case.
If the program is written correctly, your output should be Africa: Lagos, Nigeria. Great work!
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Cumulative Project 3: Game Logic Pt. I


Game Logic Pt. I
By this point, our hero (you!) has already defined the Question object, the primary data structure
required in Unquote. In today’s episode, the hero will have to keep their wits about them as they
build the logic to support their new entertaining endeavor!

You’ll be adding critical elements to the Question class. After this, Unquote will be able to check

whether the player answered each question correctly, generate a random number to help choose
the next question, and produce a game over message.


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Define an isCorrect() method.

We want to add a method that returns true if the player answered the question correctly
and false otherwise.

Begin by defining a method in named, isCorrect().

Here’s the structure for a Java method named getNumChocoTacosRemaining() within
the IceCreamTruck class:

public class IceCreamTruck {

    int chocoTacoCount;    

    int getNumChocoTacosRemaining() {
        return chocoTacoCount;
Methods begin with a return type (int for integer in the case above), followed by a
name, getNumChocoTacosRemaining, then optional parameters within the parentheses, and then the
code begins within two curly braces { and }.
Determine whether the player answered the question correctly.

How do we know if the player selected the correct answer? Remember that your Question object
has the member variables correctAnswer and playerAnswer—both integers.

The isCorrect() method should compare correctAnswer and playerAnswer. If they’re the same,

the method should return true. Otherwise, it should return false.
You can execute this conditional check in an if statement, on a single line, or assign the
comparison to a variable.

Use the equals comparison operator (==) to determine if one simple data type is equal to another.

The class IceCreamTruck needs a method lastTaco() that returns true if there’s exactly 1 taco

remaining, and false otherwise… Here are a few ways we could write that method:

public class IceCreamTruck {

    int chocoTacoCount;

    boolean lastTaco() {
        boolean oneTacoRemaining = chocoTacoCount == 1;
        return oneTacoRemaining;
Or on one line:

public class IceCreamTruck {

    int chocoTacoCount;

    boolean lastTaco() {
        return chocoTacoCount == 1;
As you’ll see in future lessons, Android applications present a user interface where touch input is
processed by Activity objects.

In Unquote, MainActivity (which inherits from the Activity class) is responsible for presenting

the game screen and responding to the player’s choices; therefore, it is largely responsible for the
game’s logic. iswhere you will write the bulk of Java code for this game.
Define a generateRandomNumber() method in MainActivity.

Inside the MainActivity class, define a new method named generateRandomNumber() that returns

an integer.

You will use this method to pick new questions at random to keep Unquote players on their toes!
Here’s the structure for a Java method named getNumChocoTacosRemaining() within
the IceCreamTruck class:

public class IceCreamTruck {

    int chocoTacoCount;    

    int getNumChocoTacosRemaining() {
        return chocoTacoCount;
Methods begin with a return type (int for integer in the case above), followed by a
name, getNumChocoTacosRemaining, then optional parameters within the parentheses, and then the
code begins within two curly braces { and }.
Add a parameter to generateRandomNumber().

This method will return a random number between 0 and one less than the number of questions
remaining in the game, which means we need to provide a maximum upper limit.

Add an integer parameter to generateRandomNumber() named max.

Method parameters are variables that we pass to a method. And methods define the parameters
they accept by declaring them between the parentheses () that follow the method’s name.

public class IceCreamTruck {

    double calculateChange(double payment, double costOfIceCream) {
        return payment - costOfIceCream;
Use Math.random() to generate a random decimal value.

All Java objects have access to the built-in Math object.

And Math provides a method named random() which returns a randomly chosen double value

greater than or equal to 0, but less than 1.

For example, some possible return values are 0.2312, 0, or 0.999999.

Call Math.random() within generateRandomNumber() and save it to a local variable.

Math.random() is a statically-available object, much like System.out.

You can call it from anywhere and save the result. In this example for the IceCreamTruck class,
we write a method ripOffCustomers() that adds a random amount to the fairPrice of an item.

public class IceCreamTruck {

    double ripOffCustomers(double fairPrice) {
        double extraCharge = Math.random();
        return fairPrice + extraCharge;
Calculate a random number between 0 and max

Use the result from task 6 to calculate a random number between 0 and max (the parameter you
pass into generateRandomNumber()) and save it to a local double variable.
Assume Math.random() returned 0.5, or half. If the max value passed
into generateRandomNumber() was 10, then the method must return 5.0.

You can achieve this by multiplying the random number by max.

Cast the result to an integer.

Ultimately, we need a whole number to decide which question to present next because presenting
question number 3.2312 or question 0.7 is impossible (we can’t show 70% of a question… right?

Instead, we will use a programming technique called casting to convert one data type to another,
in this case, from a double type to an int type.

An integer cannot retain any decimal values, so given the doubles above, 3.2312 casts down to 3,
and 0.7 casts down to 0. In both cases, we lose the decimal value.
To cast, we place the resulting type we desire as a prefix to the original data (in parentheses).
Check out this example of casting from an int to a boolean:

int timmysDollars = 5;

// The following line casts timmysDollars into a boolean (non-zero

values become true, 0 becomes false)

boolean timmyHasMoney = (boolean) timmysDollars;

if (timmyHasMoney) {
    System.out.println("Fresh Choco Tacos, Timmy — have at 'em!");
} else {
    System.out.println("Scram, kid! I've got bills to pay!");
Within generateRandomNumber(), cast the result from task 7 to an integer type, and save it to a
new variable.
Return the randomly-generated number.

Within generateRandomNumber(), return the value calculated in the previous step.

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Game. Over.

When the player submits their answer to the final question, the game ends. At which point, you
present the player with one of two possible messages:

1. “You got all 6 right! You won!”

2. Or “You got 3 right out of 6. Better luck next time!”

You will create a method that generates this String message.

Begin by defining a method in MainActivity named getGameOverMessage(), it must accept two

integer inputs (totalCorrect and totalQuestions), and return a String object.
A method definition begins with the return type, followed by the name, followed by the inputs
(parameters) in parentheses, and terminated by a pair of open & closed curly braces, e.g. boolean
doWeHaveSnacksLeft(int numberOfPoptarts, int numberOfGummyBears) {...}
Use an if / else statement to decide which message to create.

Set up an if / else statement that compares totalCorrect with totalQuestions.

When the two values are equal, you will build and return String 1, if not, you will build and
return String 2.
An if statement begins with a conditional check in parentheses (a check to see whether a
statement is true or false), and the code proceeding the check executes only if the condition
evaluates to true.
Assume that isFull() returns either true or false.

if (myStomach.isFull()) {
    // Stop eating then!
The else portion executes if the conditional check evaluates to false, or untrue.

if (myStomach.isFull()) {
    // Stop eating then!
} else {
    // Eat a ChocoTaco! 😋
Create two String objects.

Inside your if / else statement, create the two String objects you need.

You can place almost any code inside of an if / else statement, it’s pretty much all fair game.

Which means you can create a String inside of one, too:

if (chocoTacoCount >= 10) {

    String howMuchIAte = "I ate " + chocoTacoCount + " Choco Tacos and
I don’t feel the slightest bit of shame.";

} else {

    String howMuchIAte = "I only ate " + chocoTacoCount + " Choco

Tacos and honestly, I  would do it again right now.";

Return the expected String from getGameOverMessage().

Previously, you have encountered one return statement per method, and usually at the bottom.

However, it is possible to code multiple return statements in the same method body.

Use one or more return statements to return the correct String back from
your getGameOverMessage() method.
You can place return statements inside of an if / else, for example,

String getDailySpecial() {

    if (chocoTacosExpired == true) {

        return "Choco Tacos are today's daily special!";

    } else if (klondikeBarsExpired == true) {

        return "What would you doOooOoo for today's daily special, the
Klondike Bar!?"

    } else if ...

Test out your new game logic!

In, we’ve provided some code to test out your new methods.

Run the file to make sure isCorrect(), generateRandomNumber(),

and getGameOverMessage() behave exactly as you expect.
You must have your file editor open to before you run your code. If the code fails to
execute, double-check your work to make sure your methods have the right parameters in the
right order.
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Cumulative Project 3: Game Logic Pt. I


Game Logic Pt. I
By this point, our hero (you!) has already defined the Question object, the primary data structure
required in Unquote. In today’s episode, the hero will have to keep their wits about them as they
build the logic to support their new entertaining endeavor!

You’ll be adding critical elements to the Question class. After this, Unquote will be able to check

whether the player answered each question correctly, generate a random number to help choose
the next question, and produce a game over message.


14/14 Complete
Mark the tasks as complete by checking them off
Define an isCorrect() method.

We want to add a method that returns true if the player answered the question correctly
and false otherwise.

Begin by defining a method in named, isCorrect().

Here’s the structure for a Java method named getNumChocoTacosRemaining() within
the IceCreamTruck class:

public class IceCreamTruck {

    int chocoTacoCount;    

    int getNumChocoTacosRemaining() {
        return chocoTacoCount;
Methods begin with a return type (int for integer in the case above), followed by a
name, getNumChocoTacosRemaining, then optional parameters within the parentheses, and then the
code begins within two curly braces { and }.
Determine whether the player answered the question correctly.

How do we know if the player selected the correct answer? Remember that your Question object
has the member variables correctAnswer and playerAnswer—both integers.

The isCorrect() method should compare correctAnswer and playerAnswer. If they’re the same,

the method should return true. Otherwise, it should return false.
You can execute this conditional check in an if statement, on a single line, or assign the
comparison to a variable.

Use the equals comparison operator (==) to determine if one simple data type is equal to another.

The class IceCreamTruck needs a method lastTaco() that returns true if there’s exactly 1 taco

remaining, and false otherwise… Here are a few ways we could write that method:

public class IceCreamTruck {

    int chocoTacoCount;

    boolean lastTaco() {
        boolean oneTacoRemaining = chocoTacoCount == 1;
        return oneTacoRemaining;
Or on one line:

public class IceCreamTruck {

    int chocoTacoCount;

    boolean lastTaco() {
        return chocoTacoCount == 1;
As you’ll see in future lessons, Android applications present a user interface where touch input is
processed by Activity objects.

In Unquote, MainActivity (which inherits from the Activity class) is responsible for presenting

the game screen and responding to the player’s choices; therefore, it is largely responsible for the
game’s logic. iswhere you will write the bulk of Java code for this game.
Define a generateRandomNumber() method in MainActivity.

Inside the MainActivity class, define a new method named generateRandomNumber() that returns

an integer.

You will use this method to pick new questions at random to keep Unquote players on their toes!
Here’s the structure for a Java method named getNumChocoTacosRemaining() within
the IceCreamTruck class:

public class IceCreamTruck {

    int chocoTacoCount;    

    int getNumChocoTacosRemaining() {
        return chocoTacoCount;
Methods begin with a return type (int for integer in the case above), followed by a
name, getNumChocoTacosRemaining, then optional parameters within the parentheses, and then the
code begins within two curly braces { and }.
Add a parameter to generateRandomNumber().

This method will return a random number between 0 and one less than the number of questions
remaining in the game, which means we need to provide a maximum upper limit.

Add an integer parameter to generateRandomNumber() named max.

Method parameters are variables that we pass to a method. And methods define the parameters
they accept by declaring them between the parentheses () that follow the method’s name.

public class IceCreamTruck {

    double calculateChange(double payment, double costOfIceCream) {
        return payment - costOfIceCream;
Use Math.random() to generate a random decimal value.

All Java objects have access to the built-in Math object.

And Math provides a method named random() which returns a randomly chosen double value

greater than or equal to 0, but less than 1.

For example, some possible return values are 0.2312, 0, or 0.999999.

Call Math.random() within generateRandomNumber() and save it to a local variable.

Math.random() is a statically-available object, much like System.out.

You can call it from anywhere and save the result. In this example for the IceCreamTruck class,
we write a method ripOffCustomers() that adds a random amount to the fairPrice of an item.

public class IceCreamTruck {

    double ripOffCustomers(double fairPrice) {
        double extraCharge = Math.random();
        return fairPrice + extraCharge;
Calculate a random number between 0 and max

Use the result from task 6 to calculate a random number between 0 and max (the parameter you
pass into generateRandomNumber()) and save it to a local double variable.
Assume Math.random() returned 0.5, or half. If the max value passed
into generateRandomNumber() was 10, then the method must return 5.0.

You can achieve this by multiplying the random number by max.

Cast the result to an integer.

Ultimately, we need a whole number to decide which question to present next because presenting
question number 3.2312 or question 0.7 is impossible (we can’t show 70% of a question… right?

Instead, we will use a programming technique called casting to convert one data type to another,
in this case, from a double type to an int type.

An integer cannot retain any decimal values, so given the doubles above, 3.2312 casts down to 3,
and 0.7 casts down to 0. In both cases, we lose the decimal value.
To cast, we place the resulting type we desire as a prefix to the original data (in parentheses).
Check out this example of casting from an int to a boolean:

int timmysDollars = 5;

// The following line casts timmysDollars into a boolean (non-zero

values become true, 0 becomes false)

boolean timmyHasMoney = (boolean) timmysDollars;

if (timmyHasMoney) {
    System.out.println("Fresh Choco Tacos, Timmy — have at 'em!");
} else {
    System.out.println("Scram, kid! I've got bills to pay!");
Within generateRandomNumber(), cast the result from task 7 to an integer type, and save it to a
new variable.
Return the randomly-generated number.

Within generateRandomNumber(), return the value calculated in the previous step.

Stuck? Get a hint
Game. Over.

When the player submits their answer to the final question, the game ends. At which point, you
present the player with one of two possible messages:

1. “You got all 6 right! You won!”

2. Or “You got 3 right out of 6. Better luck next time!”

You will create a method that generates this String message.

Begin by defining a method in MainActivity named getGameOverMessage(), it must accept two

integer inputs (totalCorrect and totalQuestions), and return a String object.
A method definition begins with the return type, followed by the name, followed by the inputs
(parameters) in parentheses, and terminated by a pair of open & closed curly braces, e.g. boolean
doWeHaveSnacksLeft(int numberOfPoptarts, int numberOfGummyBears) {...}
Use an if / else statement to decide which message to create.

Set up an if / else statement that compares totalCorrect with totalQuestions.

When the two values are equal, you will build and return String 1, if not, you will build and
return String 2.
An if statement begins with a conditional check in parentheses (a check to see whether a
statement is true or false), and the code proceeding the check executes only if the condition
evaluates to true.
Assume that isFull() returns either true or false.

if (myStomach.isFull()) {
    // Stop eating then!
The else portion executes if the conditional check evaluates to false, or untrue.

if (myStomach.isFull()) {
    // Stop eating then!
} else {
    // Eat a ChocoTaco! 😋
Create two String objects.

Inside your if / else statement, create the two String objects you need.

You can place almost any code inside of an if / else statement, it’s pretty much all fair game.

Which means you can create a String inside of one, too:

if (chocoTacoCount >= 10) {

    String howMuchIAte = "I ate " + chocoTacoCount + " Choco Tacos and
I don’t feel the slightest bit of shame.";

} else {

    String howMuchIAte = "I only ate " + chocoTacoCount + " Choco

Tacos and honestly, I  would do it again right now.";

Return the expected String from getGameOverMessage().

Previously, you have encountered one return statement per method, and usually at the bottom.

However, it is possible to code multiple return statements in the same method body.

Use one or more return statements to return the correct String back from
your getGameOverMessage() method.
You can place return statements inside of an if / else, for example,

String getDailySpecial() {

    if (chocoTacosExpired == true) {

        return "Choco Tacos are today's daily special!";

    } else if (klondikeBarsExpired == true) {

        return "What would you doOooOoo for today's daily special, the
Klondike Bar!?"

    } else if ...

Test out your new game logic!

In, we’ve provided some code to test out your new methods.

Run the file to make sure isCorrect(), generateRandomNumber(),

and getGameOverMessage() behave exactly as you expect.
You must have your file editor open to before you run your code. If the code fails to
execute, double-check your work to make sure your methods have the right parameters in the
right order.

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