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- Nosotros tenemos que hacer del tercer ciclo.

- Para la semana que viene.

- Por si acaso cuando lo acabemos aquí pasarlo a un folio por si lo

Children characteristics Implications for the teacher

They have a great imagination. The teacher should propose imaginative

activities so the children can draw, speak,

Generally happy, enjoy family, peers, and The teacher should build group working to
teachers. (NO) lessons, activities and projects. (Flexible
groups can work well; students can work
with lots of different people including
adults and peers.)

They are sensitive and able to resolve The teacher should encourage their
issues of fairness. developing sense of fairness and of right
and wrong. (This can lead to lively class
debates and discussions)

They are able to enjoy cooperative and Provide opportunities for peer tutoring
competitive games. book buddies, and development of
conflict resolutions and other
interpersonal skills.

They are increasingly able to think The teacher should give regular
abstractly. encouragement and reinforcement for
both effort and results.

They are expressive and talkative The teacher should ncourage students to
verbalize their thinking to make
discussions, debates, book groups,
writing conferences, math groups, and so
on more productive.
They show interest in reading The teacher should include time to
independently. independent reading and writing.


● They are not ignorant.
● They have a short term memory (they forget things easily). Grammar structures, for
● They have a short span of concentration (they are able to work for a short time).
● They are in the stage of concrete thought; they learn by doing.
● They are physically active.


● Take children’s previous knowledge into consideration.
● Recycle learning frequently.
● Activities should be short and varied.
● Use the language to do things (playing, drawing, performing…).
● Use physical activities (Total Physical Response→ activities, action games).


1. Pupils (themselves).
2. Family, class mates, schools, home…
3. The world around them → our community.
4. All above surrounded by fantasy and imagination.

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