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AmaraBerri * Creativity: one of most relevant abilities of children

when /earning (we a/so use it in many aspects of our lives).

* Freedom: /earners can choose what they want to work.
(In the sta te school of Amara Berri, students learn the metric
system by playing the role of a shopkeeper or they learn about
mortgages paying a credit to aftctitious bank run by a peerJ ENGLlSH and AMARABERRI
- In 1990, it was recognized as "Innovative Educational • The English cJassroom has its own corners,
System" by the Basque Government. differentiated spaces where they can learn about
vocabulary, oral expression ..., rotating periodically and
- It is a project of growth for the whole school using different materials and working individua/Iy or as
community (they all, learners and teachers, teach and a group ( hetero.geneous groups distributed bv
learn from each other); they work on activities or "social ~).
con texts for cooperative or individuallearning,

related to ages and interests ofstudents and quite often Procedure (example takenfrom the 2nd cycJe)
linked to "the game" where the students distribute the
work, decide the approach, look for and select • As they en ter the c/assroom, they take their notebook
information, prepare presentations... Teachers are and go to their corresponding corner.
seeking: children's social interaction, improving • There are "4" corners: a) Bookland where they can
learners' personality and knowledqe of different subjects. practise vocabulary and /anguageforms in small
Activities have a "final aim" or "output" that may consist groups, b) in Gamesland they /earn new vocabulary,
ofpreparing a radio/televtsion programme, publish a they choose a topic for 4 sessions and work on the
school magazine etc. material ofthe corresponding "folder" and learn it for
- Classes are organized by curriculum areas, i.e. language, the "showday"; c) Stories, students do learn a tale and
maths etc., divided into "corners", get ready for performing it; d) Funzone, in this case,
they prepare a kind ofbooklet on vehic/es, children or
- The Methodological Principies are anima/s, individuaJ/y and then, they present it: to their
* "Show day". AII presentations start saying: I have

* Individualization: shools offer a programme that lets been working on FunzonejBook/and .... It is not on/y a
students work on their own pace (rythm). time when the teacher eva/uates but also learners; at
* Socialization: interaction between students and teachers the end of each presentation, 3 students will comment
makes children change their mind and improve their on it (" lliked it", I didn't like it", "It was so and so"]

* Activity: teachers are responsible of guiding the activity
and letting learners perform on their own.

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