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* The Didactic units have been designed by teachers and specialists.

proposal, available on the net, contains four parts : introduction, activity sequence,
appendix (material s, references, explanations ...) and evaluation tips. Each unit
INEBI- lngelesa edukien bitartez- )asts a term, that ís, three units per school-year, for example first years work on
Animals for the ñrst term, Bírthdays and Celebrations for the second term and on
My town and Community for the third one, whilst the second years work on Water
The branches of the "Communicative Language Teaching" method ,directly 1, Toys and Games and Famous Artists... .
related to lnebi, are "content-based teaching" and CLlL, which stands for
Content and Language Integrated Learning (reference terms that lnebi participants

use). • In the case of the lesson, we can say that it can take the following structure :
1st. Greetings, day news, session planning ;2nd. Brief activities to focus pupils
·Inebiantecedeot~ attention (songs, games, questions etc.) ; 3rd. Main activity; 4th. Group work
In the early 1990s, the Basque Government started working on a new teaching review about the activity (presentations ...); 5th. Brief activity to conclu~ the
experience at 20 state-schools; until then, the English language was compulsory
only in the second and third cyc1es of Primary Education. This project had threc lesson.
differeot proposals : a) To introduce English to 4 years old pupils, b) To expand
English in Primary to work other curricular areas, or 1nclll c) the same as "b" but
* Systematic activities used in an Inebi lesson are often related to :
in Secondary education or Bhinebi.
- Routines.
_ Lesson planning and evaluation.
_Writing a diary.
The rnain aims of Inebi are ,on the one hand, to improve the pupils' competence
_ Carnes, songs, stories, acting out.
aod on the other, to improve the teachers' teaching practice ( with the support of
the Basque Government on methodological training, language training and new _ ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies).
materials for the teachers).
The INEBI Project _ document shows c1early that its foundations are:
* To end , they decribe the evaluation as a continuous process, integrated - taking
The 1992 Curriculum regarding contents aod objectives for Primary into consideratian a/l the elements and the persons involved in the teaclling and
learning process- and finally individual- that is, "oral situations", "written
The Communicative Language Teaching method, referring to language situotions", ••ouuude", non-/inguistic performance ...-.
Constructivism regarding the theory oflearning (experiences, rasks, real
Language ...)ís considered a communication tool and learned by using it in
interactive situations and integrating contents from ather curricular areas(
history, science , geography etc.) .

• The teacher should propose achievable cognitive challenges to foster intrlnsic

motivatíon and find a balance between accuracy and f1uency. He/she should also
develop the lesson in English (following the rule: " one person - one language"),
but he/she can use the Iaarners' language whenever it is necessary.

* pup;rs autonomy is searched by involving learners in glntent decjsjons talsing,

and by pedagog elements like the planning rhe elaboration of the diary_and r.oJ..e.
ofthe helper.

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