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Student: Nathália Teles – Interplus 2

Unit 14 – Were You Born to be a Mystic.

Page 88 – 1

1. It takes me a 5 minutes to arrive on my school.

2. It took my mom a year to find a dress that she likes.
3. It will take an hour to arrive there.
4. It took me 5 minutes to join the video call.
5. It takes us 10 minutes to finish the homework.
6. It took me a week to finish my research.
7. It will take me a few seconds to do it.
8. It takes me a day to clean the house.

Page 91 – 6

1. For me, before traveling, it’s necessary to organize financially to defray the expenses
of the trip, in addition to making a list of the sights that I must visit.
2. I should pack in my backpack first-aid kit, personal documents, cell-phone with charge,
local maps, sunscreen, sunglasses, emergency shelter and headlamp.

Page 92

(Parthenon build in 447 B.C.)

Built in 447 B.C. and consecrated the goddess of wisdom, the Greek goddess Athena,
the Parthenon (meaning the virgin woman) of Athens was the historical scene of
countless conflicts and natural disasters, but which, even over the years, is still
standing with the help of cranes and means of containment, but nothing that takes
away the beauty, the meaning and the architectural symbolism of one of the legacies
of Greek history. Located at the highest point of the Acropolis (uptown), the Parthenon
is visible to everyone in the city center of Athens, drawing attention for its 70 meters
high and 30 meters wide, surrounded by columns, 8 principal columns and 17 columns
side the temple. The winds that dance between the columns bring a characteristic
sound to the Greek scene, making visitors remember their experience during their visit
to the Parthenon. Even with several sights to visit in Greece, probably the image that
many visitors bring and carry in their memory is the imposing Parthenon that becomes
impressive in the eyes of all.

Page 89


 What surprised me was that he cheated on me.

 It was unpredictable that would rain so much.
 What they did was that upset me.
 The thing that shocked them was that she voted on Trump.
 The reason why we are so late, was that it’s raining.
 What happened was she was so tired to do the homework.
 It was only when Liza arrived that he started to workout.
 It was after he broke up with his girlfriend that he found out how much he loves her.
 What she wanted that he does was impossible.
 It was in the beginning of this year that I felt in love with him.
 What happens is that was too late to say goodbye.
 It's hard to imagine what she said to me.
 It was hard to imagine what Trump won the election.
 The place where we went tonight was amazing.
 The day when we met was perfect.
 All I want is that we can met soon.
 It was my brother / sister who dropped me out of the crib when I was younger.

Page 158 – SB


Easter Island:

Discovered through sea expeditions across the South Pacific, Easter Island not only drew
attention for it’s beauty, but mainly for the presence of huge stone sculptures scattered
around the island, called Moai. Scientists say Easter Island or Ra Panui was fully inhabited, with
it’s fertile land and productive soil. But, due to European explorations and human greed,
everything ended up leaving everyone in misery, causing the local population to become

Haram Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia:

Considered the largest meditation and pilgrimage center in the world, it’s a mystical place that
receives millions of visitors every year. The Mosque has undergone numerous interventions
due to floods and fires, as well as repairs necessary for it’s expansion. It was the scene of major
conflicts between militants and Islamic families.
Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela:

Declared by many as one of the greatest pilgrimage sites in the world, the cathedral of
Santiago de Compostela marks the end of the road to Santiago de Compostela, Spain, giving
greater meaning to the 790 km of pilgrimage. It’s construction began in 1075 and, after so
many changes in authority, it was completed around the 12th century. Many pilgrims report
how the place has it’s mystical air, requiring a visit.

Cenote Dzitnup near Valladolid, Mexico:

Located 10 km from the city of Valladolid in Mexico, the cenotes of Dzitnup are known for their
crystalline thermal waters and turquoise color, located in underground caves with holes in
their ceilings, giving an incredible view to it’s visitors.

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