SB 9B Grammar P 149

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quantifiers more or less than you need or w ant

large quantities 1 I don't like this city. It's too big and it's too noisy. 5 12 l))
2 1"here's too n1uch traffic and too much noise.
I tv1y uncle and aunt have a lot of rnoney. fSJ lO >)) T here are too n1any tourists and too many cars.
Nina has lots ofclothes. 3 There aren'c enough parks and there aren't enough trees.
2 Ja1nes ears a lot. The buses aren't frequent enough.
3 There aren'c many cafcs near here. The buses don 't run frequently enough.
Do you have many close friends?
Do you wacch much T\' ?
l don't ear much chocolace.
4 Don'c run. We have plenty of time.

1 Use a lot ofor lots of in G sentences.

2 Use a lot vvhen there is no noun, e.g. He talks a lot. NOT·
There's too much traffic and too much noise.
3 rnuch /many are normally used in G sentences and [1J, but a
lot oj'can also be used. 1 Use 1:00 + adjective.
4 Use plenty ofin G sentences. (= more than enough) 2 Use too ·rnuch + uncoun table nouns and too 1nany +plural
countable nouns.
small quantities 3 Use enou8h before a noun, e.g. enouBh e88S, and after an
adjective, e.g. It isn't bi& enou&h, or an adverb, e .g. You al'en't
1 A Do you \Vant some niore ice crearn? f§) lll)) 1A.!alkin&fast enou&h.
B Just a little.
The tovvn on ly has a few cinemas. zero quantity
2 I'n1 so busy that l have very little tin1e for n1ysel f.
Sarah isn't popular and she has very few friends. J There isn't any roon1 in the car. !?) 13 >))
\Ve don't have any eggs.
1 Use little+ uncountable nouns,jetv +plural countable nouns. 2 There 's no rootn in che car. \Ve have no eggs.
• a little and afe1v = some, but not a lot. 3 A Ho\v many eggs do \Ve have?
2 ve1y little and very fe1.v = not 1nuch / rnany.
B None. T've used the1n all.

1 Use any(+ noun) for zero quantity \Vith a G verb.

2 Use no + noun \Vi th a G verb.
3 Use none (\.vithout a noun) in short ans,vers.

a ~the correct answer. Tick ./ if both are possible. b Tick ./ the correct senten ces. Correct the rnistakes in
the fi ignlig re I phrases.
M y husband h as too 1nuch /~lcctronic gadgets.
1 I just have to reply to afe1.v /a little e1nails and then I've My nephew got lots o vi co garnes, for his birthday . .I
fin is hed. I don't post i111uch viCleos on Facebook. 111any videos
2 Do you spend rnuch / many tirne on social net\vorking 1 Ho'v many presents did you get? \ ot of!
sites::> 2 I buy f.iery fe\v 1NJ2er 15001<.s no\v because I have an c-rcader.
3 My bedroon1 is a nice size. There's enou[Jh roorn / 3 GloJ1.r us__e cial net\vorK:s because I don't like them.
plenty of roo1n for a desk. 4 Please tu rn that n1usic do\vn. It's roo nl ucfi ou !
4 I kno\v ve1y _fe1.v / very little people \vho speak t\vo 5 hex.e aren:r.111any.gooc.Lprugran1n1cs, on ·rv tonight.
foreign langu ages. 6 i\l(y internet connection 1sn't cnoug J:a.s for 1ne to
5 M y brother has do\vnloaclcd a lot oj'f lots of apps onto clo\vnload filrns.
his ne\.v phone. 7 I nlakc JOO n1ucfi p lQQe cal.!S. My phone bi It is enorn1ous!
6 1 have some cash o n 1ne, but not a lot / a lot oj: 8 A Hcl\v n1uch fruit do \Ve have?
7 Their nevv "[ \ ! is too f too rnuch big. It hardly fits in the B An)l. Can you buy so1nc?
living roon1. 9 T here are OJl ly a Gttl.c: \vcbsitcs that I use regularly.
8 Thel'e a!'en't an)' / T here are no potatoes. I forgot to buy I 0 Karen has p lent. o' 11onc , so she alvvays h as the latest
son1e. gad gees.
9 Tvfy n iece isn't old enou[Jh f enou[Jh old to play \Vith a
ga1nes console. ~ p.88

10 I don't have a lot of f rnany friends on Facebook.

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