Humidity Management of Outdoor Electronic Equipment Methods Pitfalls and Recommendations

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Humidity management of outdoor electronic

equipment: Methods, pitfalls, and

Article in IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies · April 2002

DOI: 10.1109/6144.991177 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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Michal Tencer
MST Consulting


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Humidity Management of Outdoor Electronic

Equipment: Methods, Pitfalls, and Recommendations
Michal Tencer and John Seaborn Moss

Abstract—The paper discusses the basics of the three ap- which results in resistance degradation leading to soft and/or
proaches to mitigation of humidity related failures namely hard equipment failures. Over last few years systematic, sci-
1) relative humidity control module (RHCM); ence based procedures were developed at Nortel Networks to
2) absolute humidity control (AHCM);
mitigate this type of reliability problems through the schemes
3) use of potting and coating, as well as conditions and limita-
tions of their applicability. called absolute humidity control module (AHCM) and relative
The RHCM approach (or Saturation Limit Control) uses heat humidity control module (RHCM) which rely, respectively, on
dissipation from electronics to maintain an appropriate tempera- minimizing the amount of water in the enclosure and on en-
ture difference between ambient and the critical surfaces to lower suring that critical surfaces are hotter than ambient dewpoint by
RH in their vicinity and at same time through the use of diffusion
plugs ensures a relatively fast humidity equilibration between the
a specified . At the same time, using conformal coating and
enclosure air and ambient to minimize condensation caused by potting for protection from moisture, an approach instinctively
cold fronts and radiation cooling. The AHCM approach relies on sought by designers has been reevaluated, including a specific
minimization of water ingress through selection of appropriate version of the last approach, grease and/or gel application for
materials and design and at same time uses desiccant to remove the
ensuring reliability of a field installable connectors and splices
water which made its way into the enclosure. The choice between
these schemes depends mostly on thermal considerations. The system working in the conditions of long term exposure to
more expensive and sensitive to errors AHCM scheme has to be 100% RH or, which is equivalent, immersed in liquid water [6].
used when the energy dissipation is either not high enough or it is In this paper the overview and scientific basis of the humidity
highly dependent on the traffic. The apparently obvious approach, management methods adopted is given which takes into ac-
use of potting and coatings is not recommended for printed circuit
boards due to its nondeterministic character related to the board count the experience gained while implementing the schemes
structure and manufacturing issues, an exception being the use of to Nortel equipment.
gels or greases for weatherproofing of outdoor connectors.
Index Terms—Absolute humidity management, coatings, con-
ductive filament, dewpoint management, diffusion, failure, gel, II. MOISTURE RELATED FAILURES
grease, humidity, metal migration, moisture, outdoor equipment,
outside plant, potting, printed circuit, relative humidity manage- Vast majority of failures attributed to moisture are related to
ment, reliability, saturation limit management, surface resistance, formation of electrically conductive aqueous paths on surfaces
water, weatherproofing. and interfaces. These can lead to both soft and hard failures. The
former, caused the substrate resistance degradation below the
I. INTRODUCTION tolerance of some attached components are frequently (mis)di-
agnosed as no-fault-founds (NFF) and, as such, are frequently

T HE CURRENT development of multi-media, broadband

telecommunication networks causes migration of much of
the electronic functionality, historically residing in central of-
missing from field failure data bases. The latter are usually due
some type of corrosion process under bias, typically electrolytic
metal migration (most frequently silver on ceramic hybrid and
fices or customer owned buildings, into outdoor locations. This copper in PCB’s) leading to shorts and/or opens.
creates new challenges for the designer of telecommunication Practically all moisture related failure modes are related to
equipment since he can no longer depend on controlled atmos- the relative humidity (RH) rather than the absolute humidity
phere to ensure reliability of complex electronic systems. A (AH). The processes leading to failure exhibit a threshold RH
very, perhaps the most, significant portion of environment-re- value, related to formation of a water layer of a certain thick-
lated reliability problems for this type of equipment is either ness. Leakage currents on triple track testers are known to have
directly or indirectly related to high atmospheric humidity. different activation energies below and above a certain RH [5]
Most moisture related reliability problems boil down to pointing out to a change in the mechanism of conduction.
formation of water layers on critical surfaces and interfaces The relationship between the thickness of the surface
adsorbed water layer and relative humidity can be best ratio-
Manuscript received January 5, 2001; revised June 26, 2001. This work was nalized in terms of the Brunauer Emmett–Teller (BET) model
recommended for publication by Associate Editor C. P. Wong upon evaluation
of the reviewers’ comments.
of adsorption of vapors , [1]–[4], [20]. In the BET model the
M. Tencer is with Nortel Networks, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4H7, Canada (e-mail: first layer of water is bound to the surface with energy . Subsequent layers of water molecules bind to the underlying
J. S. Moss is with Dependable Technology Planning, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4H7,
Canada. molecules with the energy which is identical to the energy
Publisher Item Identifier S 1521-3331(02)00685-2. of evaporation. Arguments based both on kinetics and on
1521–3331/02$10.00 © 2001 IEEE

Fig. 1. Surface coverage with water as function of relative humidity for moderately adsorbing surfaces.

statistical thermodynamics lead to the expression (1) for the few as three monolayers are sometimes claimed to be sufficient
average number of monolayers on the surface and we have accepted the latter, more conservative limit as the
basis of our weatherproofing schemes. The dependence of the
(1) number of adsorbed monolayers of water on RH for moderately
and strongly adsorbing surfaces as given by (1a) and (1b) is
shown in Fig. 1.
where the relative humidity (RH) is expressed as a relative Hence, to ensure that the average number of adsorbed mono-
number in the 0–1 scale. layers of water does not exceed 3 it is necessary to maintain RH
Most surfaces encountered in practice (PCB materials, below the threshold value of 0.6 or 60%. However, one
epoxies, polyesters etc.) have moderately adsorbing surfaces has to bear in mind that the above reasoning based of the BET
for which the water adsorption energy is close to that of heat of isotherm applies only to clean surfaces. The presence of water
water condensation amounting to ca. 0.4 eV For (1) soluble impurities like salts or hygroscopic dust may cause for-
simplifies to mation of conductive aqueous layers at the deliquescence hu-
midity which may lie below RH of 60% [8]. Thus, maintaining
(1a) cleanliness of surfaces is also a very important aspect of weath-
For very high surface energy materials which strongly adsorb By definition, relative humidity at a given place is the ratio
water (ceramics, metals) , e.g., metals and some ce- of the absolute humidity at this place to the maximum possible
ramic materials (1) reduces to (saturated) absolute humidity at a the temperature of the place

(1b) (2)

which means that the most hydrophilic surfaces will adsorb only Thus, RH can be maintained below the threshold value either by
one monolayer of water more than the moderately adsorbing maximizing (“Saturation Limit Control”) or by min-
ones and that they will hold on to this monolayer even at very imizing of AH (“Dewpoint Control”). These two approaches
low humidity. This fact is well known from high vacuum studies have their respective advantages and disadvantages and both
of metal surfaces by XPS and Auger spectroscopy. On the other have been applied in Nortel products. The former is basis of
hand, very hydrophobic materials (e.g. PE, PTFE,) will resist the relative humidity control module (RHCM), the latter of the
formation of conductive water layers up to very high humidities. absolute humidity control module (AHCM). Yet another ap-
There is no general agreement as to the threshold thickness proach is to use some kind of protective coating or potting, an
required for ionic conductivity leading to failure. Values of eight approach where most misunderstanding exist. These three ap-
to ten monolayers are frequently assumed to be necessary but as proaches will be discussed in this paper (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Water saturation limit ( )

AH as function of temperature.


The relative humidity control module (RHCM) uses the
Saturation Limit Control approach which utilizes the fact that
strongly depends on temperature. In a simplified 1
Fig. 3. Required temperature rise T necessary to achieve the RH  60% as
theoretical form is given by = 0 42 eV
a function of temperature, as calculated from Eqn (4) assuming E :
[7], [21].


where is the energy of evaporation, is the Boltzmann con-

stant, is absolute temperature and AH can be expressed as
concentration or as pressure (see Fig. 3). Thus, if the tempera-
ture is high enough, RH will be low enough. The principle of this
approach can be summarized as “keep it warm” and many his-
torical designs owe their reliability to the, often inadvertent, ap-
plication of the principle. In this technique, no attempt is made
at liming the water vapor ingress into the enclosure. On the con-
trary, as it will be discussed later, a fast humidity equilibration
with the ambient is encouraged.
In the RHCM we are not concerned about RH everywhere
in the enclosure but only about RH in the immediate vicinity of
critical surfaces where failure can occur. In the design practice
it is only necessary to consider one such area, namely the coldest
spot in the unit where there is voltage bias present.
Fig. 4. Required critical surface temperature as function of ambient
A. Temperature Differential temperature.

The relative humidity at the critical areas is minimized by

maintaining a temperature differential between the critical The temperature differential does not have to be maintained
surface and the ambient dewpoint so that RH at this surface will when ambient is very hot. Since nowhere in the world does the
never exceed 60%. Normally, we cannot constantly monitor the ambient dew point ever exceed 34 C, RH will always be 60%
dewpoint and since always (ambient) (dewpoint), it is safe if the internal temperature is 44 C or above (Fig. 4).
to maintain the temperature differential between the surface
and the ambient instead. The value of necessary to achieve B. Humidity Equilibration
the RH 60% depends on the ambient temperature and, starting On sudden temperature changes, especially during a cold
with (3), it can be easily shown that the temperature differential front passage or, to a lesser extent, due to radiation cooling,
to achieve RH 60% is given by the ambient temperature may fall below the dewpoint inside
the enclosure temporarily even if the proper is maintained.
(4) This could cause water condensation inside the enclosure. In
order to prevent such an occurrence we have to ensure a fast
Thus calculated typically ranges from 8–10 C as shown moisture exchange between the enclosure and ambient via
in Fig. 3. Therefore, C is a useful rule of thumb for diffusion but, at the same time, to prevent ingress of liquid
the RHCM design.1 water (rain) and of any particulate matter (e.g., dust, sand),
insects, snow, bird fouling etc. This can be achieved with a so
1In reality the heat of water condensation E is also somewhat temperature
called “diffusion plug,” i.e., a filter which should have very low
dependent, thus, in the engineering practice at Nortel a set of empirical equa-
tions from ASHRAE [8] was used to calculate the T values with the help of surface energy to prevent ingress of liquid water by capillary
Mathcad [11] for detailed design guidelines. action but at the same time let moisture exchange between the

ambient and enclosure through diffusion of water vapor. One

suitable material for this type of filter is a patch of Goretex®
(expanded PTFE) used successfully for similar purpose in
other areas. Other low surface energy materials can be used
provided the long term stability of surface properties is assured.
The filter size should be such as to ensure the exchange time
constant of the order of several hours or less. This time constant
depends on the module internal volume and can be modeled
using commercially available software for thermal design [9]
Another helpful feature may be incorporation of the so called
“cold finger,” i.e., a cold spot away from any critical areas
where water would preferentially condense when a cold front
passes and store it temporarily.

C. Scope and Limitations

Fig. 5. Equilibrium water content of 4 A molecular sieve and other desiccants

The main challenges of the RHCM approach are related to
thermal design [10], [11]. The method is applicable when there as function of temperature.
is enough power dissipation by electronics. Theoretically, even
small constant power dissipation will do since we can increase for the enclosure. This precludes most plastics as enclosure ma-
insulation. However, heat losses through cabling will become terial since their water vapor permeability is too high and allows
predominant at very low powers. The power dissipation should only a minimum amount of such materials for sealing and/or
be also relatively constant; otherwise the temperature will be gasketting of the lid and cabling. Only module material nonper-
too high at high traffic or too low at low traffic [11]. In such meable to water, e.g., metal casting or metal/plastic laminates
case an active scheme may be required (heaters, controls) which can be used.
could increase the module’s cost and complexity. RHCM design This sealing should provide for long water ingress pathways
is needed when the module has to be regularly open for servicing and should be done in a deterministic way so that moisture
and if there is an internal antenna present in the enclosure which ingress rates can be calculated from
precludes using metal walls.
a) the geometry of all the seals;
b) water vapor permeability of the sealant;
IV. ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY CONTROL MODULE (AHCM) c) expected ambient conditions (humidity and temperature).
When the above thermal design conditions cannot be met, the
B. Desiccant Selection
Absolute Humidity Control Module approach may be consid-
ered. In this approach the relative humidity in and near the crit- Many common desiccants (e.g., silica gel, drierite and acti-
ical areas is controlled by minimizing the absolute humidity (or vated alumina) have poor thermal stability. For instance, silica
dewpoint) inside the enclosure. In other words, this approach gel can hold maximum 10% w/w water at 40 C but at 100 C
can be summarized as “keep it dry.” it can only hold 2% water. In other words, desiccant which is
How dry does it have to be? Moisture related failure mecha- close to saturation at room temperature will release water when
nisms become very slow below freezing. It can be easily calcu- heated. Then upon quick cooling the excess water may condense
lated from (4) that water vapor which has % at 0 C where it can do damage before it is resorbed in the desiccant.
has dewpoint of 8 C. Thus the basic design guideline for This is the reason of the ban on desiccants in some specifi-
AHCM is that the dewpoint inside the enclosure until the end of cations for microelectronic packages, especially military ones.
its projected life does never exceed 10 C. Such dew- The desiccants of choice which do not have this drawback are
point is equivalent to the water concentration in air of 2.14 molecular sieves, as pointed out by Davy [13]. Molecular sieves
10 g/cm or vapor pressure of 0.26 kPa. are synthetic alumino–silicates with cavities which can be de-
The absolute humidity is kept to minimum by signed specifically to accommodate molecules of a given size
1) reducing moisture ingress to the absolute unavoidable [14], [15], [22], [23]. The 4 molecular sieves are the best for
minimum; adsorption of water. These materials are inexpensive and com-
2) reliable take-up of the permeating water inside the enclo- monly used in the chemical industry for drying and catalysis in
sure by a stable desiccant. ton quantities as well as in chemical laboratories.
As shown in Fig. 5, molecular sieves have to be heated to
Using desiccant for drying electronic equipment is hardly a new
a much higher temperature than other desiccants before they
idea but the described systematic, understanding based method-
start to release water. For instance, at 100 C the capacitance
ology makes for a reliable design [12].
of molecular sieves is 15% while both silica gel and activated
alumina lose practically all their water at that temperature. Even
A. Limiting Moisture Ingress more importantly, they maintain a very low equilibrium water
The moisture ingress into the enclosure has to be reduced to vapor pressure even at high temperature. At 70 C, they can
the absolute minimum by proper design and material selection hold more than 14% water and still maintain the dewpoint inside

the enclosure below 10 C. At 100 C, the maximum holding

capacity of the zeolite is 10% for the same equilibrium dewpoint
of 10 C [13], [15], [23].

C. Atmospheric Humidity and Lifetime Calculations

When designing a global outdoor product, we should assume
the world’s worst case condition in respect to average absolute
humidity (dewpoint). Assuming that the average night time tem-
perature is the average dewpoint (in fact it is the upper limit of
the dewpoint) at a given area, it follows from inspection of cli-
matological tables [16] that the place with highest absolute hu-
midity in the world is Canton Atoll, Phoenix Islands in the Pa-
cific where the average daily dewpoint is 25.5 C which is equiv-
alent to 23.7 10 g/cm or 3.27 kPa. This is the value used
in Nortel’s design practice. An exception would be immersed
applications (e.g., submarine) where saturated water vapor con- Fig. 6. Expected life of 100 g desiccant (in years) as a function of (A=L)
centration at a given temperature should be used. for different sealant materials based on 10% efficiency.
The expected lifetime of the desiccant can be calculated as


Fig. 7. Potting geometry.

where is the amount of desiccant (g), is its efficiency (we
can conservatively assume for molecular sieves); is
permeability2 of the sealant material (cm s ), is water vapor
concentration (23.7 10 g/cm ) (for immersed take satu-
rated vapor concentration 39.5 10 g/cm ) and is
the effective ratio of the cross-section area of the seal to its depth
or diffusion length (cm). is additive for all the possible
routes of moisture diffusion into the enclosure. Expected life of
a module containing 100 g of molecular sieves for different seal
materials as a function of is shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 8. Attenuation of ambient humidity variations by potting.

D. Scope and Limitations V. COATING AND POTTING

With proper seal design it is relatively easy to achieve desic- “Why don’t we just pot it?”—is a question frequently asked
cant lifetimes of 10–20 years as calculated from (5). The AHCM by designers. “Why don’t we conformal coat the board?” Un-
can and should be used with when fortunately, this approach in most cases it will not work.
a) the power dissipation too low to achieve 10 C; Placing an additional plastic layer over the critical surface
b) the power dissipation is variable and the module requires will delay the moisture ingress to the surface but it will not pre-
no field servicing. vent it [6], [17]. Time constants for equilibration of humidity at
the surface with ambient can be estimated as [17] (see Fig. 7)
The approach gives the designer much more thermal headroom.
The challenges here are related to the mechanical design and (6)
manufacturing as the technology is not tolerant of quality lapses.
As seen in Fig. 6, the presence of pinholes, delaminations or and for a rather thick 1 cm potting it typically amounts to 6
any other air gaps defeats the design intent because moisture days (silicones) to 1 month (polyurethanes). It will attenuate
permeability through air is many orders of magnitude higher the ambient humidity changes but only if the ambient humidity
than through even the most permeable sealant materials (sili- changes frequently. When modeling humidity changes as sinu-
cones). Adhesive seams are preferred over gaskets which are soidal [17], this can be visualized as the attenuation factor
prone to compression set and the quality of adhesion of the or the ratio of humidity variation at the board surface to that in
sealant is key parameter for the success of the AHCM. Hence, ambient air (Fig. 8). The amplitude of the humidity variations
the sealed enclosures should be tested for gas tightness using an under the potting layer is attenuated by the factor which can
inert gas, e.g., SF . That’s why AHCM is the second choice for be estimated as
humidity management after RHCM.
system of units chosen here is that of Yasuda [18]. In this system per-
meability has the same units as diffusion coefficient as it was discussed in ref where is the angular frequency ( ) of humidity
[17]. P [in cm s ] = 76*(T/273)*P [in (cm at STP)(cm)/(cm )(s)(cm Hg)]. changes and is phase shift. can range from a week in some

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[20] S. Brunauer, P. H. Emmett, and E. Teller, “Adsorption of gases and va-
VI. CONCLUSIONS pors on solids,” J. Amer. Chem. Soc., vol. 60, pp. 309–319, 1938.
[21] C. G. Shirley, “Reliability of electronic packaging,” in Technical Sem-
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Absolute humidity (dewpoint) control gives the designer more
thermal headroom but it is more involved from the manufac-
turing point and less tolerant of error. Coating/potting is gen-
erally not recommended except for special applications, e.g.,
using gels for weatherproofing of outdoor connectors.
Michal Tencer received the M.Sc. degree in
organic chemistry from the Warsaw University of
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Technology, Warsaw, Poland, in 1970 and the Ph.D.
degree in molecular spectroscopy and stereochem-
The authors wish to thank T. Zapach, S. Rolt, and the other istry from the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1975.
members of the Nortel Interdisciplinary Team, for helping to From 1975 to 1981, he was with the Institute
develop this topic and introducing the resulting solutions into of Nuclear Research, Swierk, Poland. From 1981
to 1988, he held several academic positions in
design practice. physical organic chemistry, polymer chemistry and
photophysics, and materials for microelectronics at
REFERENCES the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
Zurich, University of Toronto, and Lehigh University. From 1988 to 1991, he
[1] W. Adamson, “Adsorption of gases and vapors on solids,” in Physical was Chief Chemist/Technical Director of the bio-materials company Acrylium-
Chemistry of Surfaces, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley, 1976, ch. 13, pp. Microbex, Inc., Unionville, ON, Canada. Since 1991, he has been with Nortel
585–595. Networks (formerly Bell-Northern Research), Ottawa, ON, where he has
[2] C. E. Hoge, “Corrosion criteria for electronic packaging, Part I—A worked in the area of materials, reliability, and electronic packaging. Currently,
framework for corrosion of integrated circuits,” IEEE Trans. Comp., he is Senior Member of Scientific Staff and oversees several projects related to
Hybrids, Manufact. Technol., vol. 13, pp. 1090–1097, Dec. 1990. optoelectronics.

John Seaborn Moss was born in London, ON,

Canada, in 1939. He received the B.Sc. degree in
physics and mathematics form the University of
Western Ontario, London, and the Ph.D. in physics
(solid state) from McMaster University, Hamilton,
From 1973 to 1999, was with Nortel Networks on
the design, materials, dependability, manufacturing,
and environmental aspects of a wide range of dif-
ferent systems. Since 1999, he has been President of
Dependable Technology Planning, Ottawa, ON.

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