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Growth and development Orthodontic MCQ

1) leeway space is:

a) More in maxilla than in mandible.

b) More in mandible than in maxilla.

c) Equal in both.

d) Non of above.

2) Adenoid faces is associated with:

a) Thumb sucking.

b) Tongue thrust.

c) Mouth breathing.

d) Is a congenital anomaly.

3) Supernumerary teeth are give rise to:

a) Delayed eruption of teeth.

b) Malocclusion.

c) Dentigerous cyst.

d) All of above.

4) Cleft in of lip occur because of failure of fusion between:

a) Median nasal process and lateral nasal process.

b) Frontal process and median nasal process.

c) Frontal process and lateral nasal process.

d) None of above.
5) Except the condyle , most the mandibular growth is:
a) Endomembraneous in nature.

b) Endochonral in nature.

c) Both of them.

d) Non of the above.

6) The development of tongue is occurring during:

a) 2nd & 4th week of intrauterine live.

b) 4TH & 6th week of intrauterine live.

c) 6th & 10th week of intrauterine live.

d) 4th & 8th week of intrauterine live.

7) The incidence of cleft lip & palate is:

a) 1 in 600.

b) 1 in 800.

c) 1 in 700.

d) 1 in 900.

8) Pierre Robin syndrome is characterized by:

a) Short mandible.

b) Enlarged tongue.

c) Cleft lip and short mandible.

d) All of the above.

9) Neonatal teeth are:

a) Present at the time of birth.

b) Erupt during first month of birth.

c) Erupt during second/third months after birth.

d) Non of the above.

10) Among the primary teeth , the most commonly congenitally absent missing teeth
a) Maxillary centaral incisor.

b) Mandibular central incoisor.

c) Maxillary lateral incisor.

d) Mandibular lateral incisor.

11) Ugly duckling stage is a:

a) Developmental stage of erupting teeth.

b) Pathological condtion.

c) Is due to force of erupting canine which push lateral incisor root toward the midline while
their crown divierge distally.

d) Both a and c.

12) The major growth site of mandible is in the:

a) Coronoid process.

b) Condyle.

c) Lateral aspect of body of mandible.

d) Gonial angle.

13) The two hemi mandible fuse at the symphysis at around:

a) Four years.

b) Five and half years.

c) One year of age.

d) Do not fuse as the union is fibrous.

14) Early closure of the suture called:

a) Synchondrosis.

b) Ankylosis.

c) Synostosis.

d) Epiphysis.

15) The most common face defect is:

a) Cleft lip.

b) Cleft palate.

c) Hemifacial microsomia.

d) Cleido - cranial dyspasia.

16) The skull at birth contain:

a) 45 separated bone.

b) 44separated bone.
c) 43 separated bone.

d) 42 separated bone.

17) The adult skull contain:

a) 20 bones.

b) 21 bones.

c) 22 bones.

d) 23 bones.

18) The lower face appear at birth:

a) Prognathic.

b) Retrognathic.

c) Straight.

d) Non of above.

19) The characteristic of swallowing include:

a) Teeth together swallow.

b) Mandible stabilize by fifth cranial nerve.

c) Tongue is held behind the incisor teeth and against the palate.

d) All of the above.

20) In adult the cranium to face ratio is:

a) 4:1.

b) 2:1.

c) 1:2.

d) 2:4.

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