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Module Definition Form (MDF)

Module Code: BD415035S Version: 1 Date amended: 04.05.07

1. Module Title: maximum 100 characters

Human Resource Management Practice

2a. Module Leader: 2b. Department: 2c. Faculty:

Andy Collins Human Resource Management and Marketing Ashcroft International Business School

3a. Level: see guidance notes 3b. Module Type: see guidance notes
4 Standard

4a. Credits: see guidance notes 4b. Study Hours: see guidance notes
15 150

5. Restrictions
Pre-requisites: None

Co-requisites: None

Exclusions: BD415004S HRM Strategy in a Competitive Environment

BD415007S Integrated HRM

Pathways to which this None

module is restricted:


6a. Module Description: 200 – 300 words

With the growth of “knowledge work” human resources has increased in importance for the firm, therefore,
appropriate strategies for managing these resources have become critical to gaining a competitive
advantage. This requires a through and competent understanding of the issues of Human Resource
Management (HRM), its functions and activities.
This module introduces students to the key concepts and policies underlying HRM in organisations. Thus,
the module looks at techniques, procedures and systems available to managers in order to enhance
performance, to achieve excellence and to align corporate and commercial goals. The focus of the module
will be on students developing their own views on the efficacy of the different HRM frameworks and their
usefulness as tools for the development of HRM as a source of competitive advantage through people.
One of the focuses for the design of this module has been the further development of relevant employability
and professional skills. Such skills are implicit in the learning outcomes. The module will be assessed via a
4,000 word assignment.
Multiculturalism has been considered during the design of this module and will be considered when the
assessment brief is written.

6b. Outline Content:

• Human Resource Management in perspective
• Issues in recruitment and selection
• Performance management systems
• Training and development challenges
• Organisational reward and incentive system
• International HRM issues
• Methodologies for measuring the effectiveness of HRM
• Role of Knowledge Management in organisational performance
• Legal environment of Human Resource Management
• Current and future issues in Human Resource Management
6c. Key Texts/Literature:
Leopold, Harris & Watson (ed’s) (latest edition) The Strategic Managing of Human Resources, The Financial
Times/Pitman Publishing
Ulrich & Brockbank (latest edition) The HR Value Proposition, Harvard Business School
Student module guide will provide further guidance on texts and literature
6d. Specialist Learning Resources:

7. Learning Outcomes (threshold standards):

On successful completion of this module the student will be expected to be able to:

Knowledge and 1. Critically examine the meaning of HRM vs. Personnel Management in terms of
understanding how people are managed as part of a complex organisation;
2. Demonstrate an awareness of current issues in HRM theory and practice;
Intellectual, practical, 3. Be aware of how the different elements of HRM relate to each other to provide
affective and a logical coherent whole;
transferable skills 4. Explore methodologies for measuring the effectiveness of HRM as a value-
added activity.

8. Learning Activities
Learning Details of duration, frequency and
Learning Activities Hours
Outcomes other comments
Lectures: 18 3 hour session combining lecture and seminar
Other teacher managed learning: 18 each week
Student managed learning: 114 1-4 Student directed learning.

9. Module Assessment
% Weighting & Qualifying
Learning Mark
Method Fine Grade (FG) Length/duration and other comments
Outcomes see guidance
or pass/fail (PF) notes
Assignment 1-4 FG 100% 40

In order to pass this module, students are required to achieve an overall mark of 40%.
In addition, students are required to:
(a) achieve the qualifying mark for each element of fine graded assessment as specified above
(b) pass any pass/fail elements


10. Delivery of the Module Please delete as appropriate
Deliver This module is delivered over… Yes or Indicate which by deleting as appropriate
y No?

1 …a single semester Y Semester 1 or Semester 2

6 …multiple delivery patterns Y

7 … an exceptional delivery pattern Y Block delivery

11. Subject: see guidance notes N6 Industrial Relations

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