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Managing Risk and Escalation for Micro-Credentialing for Teaching Excellence

Presentation Outline

Project Purpose
and Overarching Title (Slide 1)
Micro-Credentialing for Teaching Excellence at Houston Baptist University- Managing
Risk and Escalation

Purpose (Slide 2)

Create a plan to implement a micro-credentialing/badging system at Houston Baptist


Display mastery of instructional skills such as research-based teaching strategies,

technology integration, authentic assessment, quality course design, and strategies to
increase student engagement and critical thinking.

Provide research that shows the benefits of having a micro-credentialing/badging system

at HBU using credible resources and the experiences of other organizations.

Overarching Goals (Slide 3)

Goal 1: Create a system to demonstrate mastery of specific skills.

Goal 2: Provide continuous learning opportunities for instructors.

Goal 3: Design micro-learning opportunities that provide flexibility within an

instructor’s schedule.

Goal 4: Encourage instructors to explore innovative instructional or pedagogical


Goal 5: Present research on benefits of a badging system.

Project Milestones (Slide 4 and Slide 5)

Milestones Milestone Item 1:
● Using C-Lite survey results, previous HBU faculty trainings, and course
materials from LTDE program, we will create an initial collaborative list of
potential badging titles
● Collaboratively create the Managing Risk and Escalation Presentation Outline
Date: 7/25/2021

Milestone Item 2:
● Research why badging would be beneficial for HBU and how it upholds the Ten
● Determine finalized list of Micro-Credentials and corresponding badges
Date: 8/1/2021

Milestone Item 3:
● Research the platform “Badger” and its effectiveness related to its competition.
● Design two micro-credentials including badging design and course descriptions.
● Managing Risk and Escalation Presentation
Date: 8/8/2021

Milestone Item 4:
● Design three additional micro-credentials including badging design and course
● Create outline and begin presentation to stakeholders
● Review project with Dr. Alaniz to ensure alignment with LTDE expectations.
Date: 8/15/2021

Milestone Item 5:
● Finalize and proofread micro-credentials and badging completed outline
● Complete and record the presentation to stakeholders and submit.
Date: 8/22/2021

SWOT Overview SWOT Analysis Overview (Slide 6)

S- Internal factors that satisfy students, faculty, and institution needs.
1. What is our competitive advantage?
2. What resources do we have?
3. What areas are performing well?

W- Internal factors that influence students', faculty' and institution's ability to satisfy
educational goals.
1. Where can we improve?
2. What areas are underperforming?
3. Where are we lacking resources?

O-External environmental factors that students, faculty, and the institution can
maximize. What favorable external conditions exist that the institution can exploit by
matching it with a strength?
1. What technologies can we use to improve project operations?
2. What external areas can we maximize?

T-External conditions or barriers that prevent students, faculty and institution from
reaching their objectives.
1. What new regulations threaten operations?
2. What do our competitors do well?
3. What consumer trends could threaten project success?
Project Strengths Project Strengths (Slide 7)

1. Houston Baptist University faculty are highly trained and open to new learning
2. Teaching Excellence certificate/micro-credentialing program is part of the larger
C-Lite initiative which ensures alignment with the university’s Ten Pillars.
3. Data regarding faculty training needs and requests are already available to use
when creating certificate components.

Project Project Weaknesses (Slide 8)

1. Implementation timeline requires various levels of approval which leads to an
increased roll out process.
2. Initial project collaborators who will create micro-credentials/badging topics will
not be part of the implementation process.
3. No consistent input and feedback from future faculty certificate participants
within initial building of course modules.

Opportunities Project Opportunities (Slide 9)

1. Streamline the certification process for instructors and provide ways to

demonstrate continuous learning opportunities.
2. Teaching Excellence certificate project and project data can be used as a base for
future certificate programs for both faculty and students.
3. Integrate the Badgr badging platform into the HBU System.

Project Threats Project Threats (Slide 10)

1. Smaller university with lack of dedicated personnel for the project leading to
potential delays.
2. Potential change in more immediate faculty training needs between initial
creation and implementation.
3. Strong competition from other universities that already have well-established
badging systems in place.

Closing (Slide 11)

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