Materials Today: Proceedings: Alfred John, Srijit Basu, Akshay, Anil Kumar

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Design and evaluation of stand-alone solar-hydrogen energy storage

system for academic institute: A case study
Alfred John a, Srijit Basu a, Akshay a, Anil Kumar a,b,⇑
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological University, Delhi 110042 India
Centre for Energy and Environment, Delhi Technological University, Delhi 110042 India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Energy demand is increasing with population and technical advancements. Hence the need for solar
Available online xxxx energy for electrification has increased tremendously due to the abundance of sunlight. Solar Energy is
intermittent and can be associated with a hydrogen energy to stabilize the grid. This paper focuses on
Keywords: the design of electrification by solar energy using hydrogen energy storage for the science block of
Solar energy Delhi Technological University, Delhi (India). It provides an economic analysis using HOMER software.
Electrification Levelized cost has been $0.6050 kW/hr with a total annual production of 436.020 MW/yr. Therefore, solar
Energy economics
energy with other renewable energy source for electrification in universities can be economical and
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Technology Innovation
in Mechanical Engineering-2021.

1. Introduction Agency (IEA) predicted that in the next 40 years, the world would
need to double installed energy capacity to satisfy the expected
The demand for energy in the world is increasing enormously demands of developed countries [3]. IEA claimed that grid energy
due to rapid urbanization. In one century alone, the population was blocked by 1.3 billion people in developed countries who live
has grown by 2 billion and that developed countries have made far from towns [4]. Though grid propagation or construction are
significant contributions. Preventing an energy shortage is one of the first electrification solutions, the massive investments involved
the 21st century’s most trivial issues. Therefore, energy market is in these areas make this approach unaffordable [5]. Eighty percent
expanding rapidly in line with the needs of the increasing world of people living in rural areas of developed countries historically
population. The various countries in the world are formed up in use wood to fulfill their energy needs, which has since made defor-
the world by their own tactics, schemes, legislation and close mon- estation one of the worst environmental problems in the world [6].
itoring. World’s available resources are diminishing with popula- world’s leading sources of energy today include finite energy
tion growth and development strategies [1]. Therefore, sources such as natural gas, coal and unprocessed crude. Due to
understanding energy sources is necessary, as they play a major an exponential increase in population and energy consumption,
role in addressing the world’s and people’s needs. For various fac- the world cannot depend solely on small traditional supplies to
tors, accessible energy is not available to citizens, such as the satisfy the demand [7]. Inexhaustible energy supplies, also known
nation’s development profile, people’s fiscal situation, and techno- as green energy, are available in large numbers at no cost [8]. Due
logical advancements. Ecosystem is highly contaminated by the to the decline in the supply of fossil fuels and coal, volatile oil price,
pollution of multiple fuel based combustion gases that are easily the rising demand for power, and the risks of global warming,
accessible and used worldwide to fulfill energy demand. Develop- alternate energies have received significant attention as the source
ing nations are also being pressured to look for energy options, as for electricity generation in recent decades. While development of
their population has increased significantly and economic prosper- green energy seems to be a positive course ahead, there are also
ity is being sought [2]. World Bank and the International Energy significant drawbacks, including sources which are available over
time, are not sufficiently powerful in all areas and which entail a
high cost of capital. Renewable energy systems have a significantly
⇑ Corresponding author. greater upfront cost than fossil fuel systems. This is why fossil fuels
E-mail address: (A. Kumar).
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Technology Innovation in Mechanical Engineering-2021.

Please cite this article as: A. John, S. Basu, Akshay et al., Design and evaluation of stand-alone solar-hydrogen energy storage system for academic institute:
A case study, Materials Today: Proceedings,
A. John, S. Basu, Akshay et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Solar Radiation and Clearness Index

Month Clearness Index Daily Radiation (kWh/m2/day)

January 0.391 2.392
February 0.425 3.111
March 0.524 4.655
April 0.552 5.672
May 0.571 6.339
June 0.598 6.809
July 0.587 6.575
August 0.574 6.050
September 0.551 5.141
October 0.495 3.848
November 0.413 2.637
December 0.384 2.200

Fig. 1. System Layout remote areas in the form of an annual monthly solar radiation
spectrum of 376 kWh/m2 [12].
Contrary to traditional energy sources, renewable sources can-
not provide consistent energy to satisfy energy requirements. Such
sources differ abundantly over the season (e.g., solar and wind)
(e.g., hydroelectric). However, using solar energy in a hybrid device
will remove green power sources from their downside [6]. Hybrid
technology is the best way to generate power in rural areas to
reduce the rising cost of fuel and the cost of grid propagation. It
is also the cheapest replacement for a generator [13]. Because of
its global availability, most hybrid systems locations have priori-
tized solar energy. In cases where solar radiation is insufficient,
hybridization would resolve the possible issue of solar-PV reliabil-
ity. Nature of hybrid solar power systems depends on environmen-
tal conditions and the available energy sources at the site and
consider the most cost-effective and stable source mixture to
Fig. 2. Solar Radiation reduce unsustainable investment and satisfy demand [5]. It is
desirable to use the more reliable hydrogen storage method, more
effective and more dependable in long-term energy storage [14]. In
now meet 80 percent of global energy demand, leading to a sub- the second half of the 21st century, water hydrogen output will
stantial environmental impact. eventually overtake fossil fuels and become the main power carrier
In comparison with other sources of green energy, there has [15]. Water is commonly regarded by the use of term green energy
been significant development in solar energy towards practicabil- as a natural and safe source for hydrogen production [16]. Energy
ity since the oil crises of the 1970 s. Sun is a direct or indirect conservation is a good way to solve daylight and storage challenges
source of limitless energies and is known for using solar radiation by balancing water demand with electricity supply. Electro-
from the Sun [9]. Solar energy has a leading role in reducing haz- chemical energy storage technologies have gained more attention
ardous environmental gases from power generation in response because of flexibility, reliability, grid efficiency and high quality
to environmental emissions questions. IEA estimated that 100Gt between electricity storage technology [17]. Hydrogen generation
(Gigaton) of CO2 emissions from Solar PV technologies could be is now one of the most common choices for storing chemical
avoided between 2008 and 2050 [10]. The generation of solar energy for its high value, energy density, and negligible or close
energy has little impact on cultivated soil, decreases the costs of to zero emissions based on water electrolysis [16].
the distribution of grid transmission lines and enhances life quality The current study focuses on designing and evaluating the
in remote regions [11]. Many solar power sources worldwide have hybrid solar- hydrogen energy system for the science block of
been deployed as standalone or hybrid systems for electrifying Delhi Technological University, Delhi (India). The block has an elec-

Fig. 3. PV Power Output

A. John, S. Basu, Akshay et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Electrolyzer Input Power

system consists of a PV cell with a capacity of 240 kW to produce

electricity to meet the demand. Electrolyzer uses the excess elec-
tricity produced by PV to make hydrogen by splitting water into
hydrogen and oxygen. Fuel cell produces electricity using stored
hydrogen when the electric load demand of the science block is
not met by PV cell. This ensures the complete stability of the elec-
tricity requirements of the block.
Fig. 5. Hydrogen Tank level (Hourly)

2.1. Solar PV radiation

Solar radiation is reliability in the context of a highly dispersed

energy supply of energy [18]. Their regular cycle can vary widely
and be strongly affected by weather, storm, hazy weather, and
fog. Input data such as solar radiation, local weather conditions
and other techniques of the proposed PV systems are essential
for the modelling of an output simulation [19]. HOMER software
Fig. 6. Hydrogen Tank Level (Monthly)
obtains solar data from NASA Prediction of Worldwide Energy
Resources. Solar radiation for Delhi Technological University is
given in Fig. 2. The average daily radiation and clearness index
for every month is shown in Table 1.

3. Result and discussion

HOMER software has simulated the most optimal design with a

net present cost of $1,030,406. Solar photovoltaic produces energy
of 389.865 MWh/yr with a rated capacity of 240 kW and mean out-
Fig. 7. Monthly Fuel Consumption put of 44.5 kW, which is also mean output of 1,068 kWh/day. The
maximum output of PV system is 253 kW with a PV penetration of
358% when operated for 4,344 hrs/yr shown in Fig. 3.
Excess energy produced by PV is used to obtain hydrogen
through electrolysis. An electrolyzer with a rated capacity of 80
kW, mean input of 14.7 kW and maximum input of 80 kW is used
to produce hydrogen. Electrolyzer has a capacity factor of 18.4%
with an operation time of 2328 hr/yr and thus having total input
energy of 128,687 kWh/yr as shown in Fig. 4. Thus, electrolyzer
produces hydrogen with a mean output of 0.317 kg/hr and a max-
imum output of 1.72 kg/hr. The total production is 2,773 kg/yr with
Fig. 8. Hourly Fuel Consumption a specific consumption of 46.4 kWh/kg.
A hydrogen tank with the autonomy of 53.7 hr and a capacity of
tric load demand of 108.129 MWh/yr. Simulation in HOMER soft- 20 kg is used as described in Fig. 5. Simulation has found the con-
ware optimized a PV system with a capacity of 240 kW and inte- tent at the beginning of year to be 2 kg and at the end of year to be
grated electrolyzer and fuel cell for hydrogen production and 5.83 kg with a storage capacity of 667 kWh. A total of 2,769 kg of
grid stability. hydrogen is consumed after production through electrolysis. The
average consumption of fuel per day is 7.59 kg and the average
consumption of fuel per hour is 0.316 kg as shown in Fig. 6.
2. System description Fuel cell is operated for 5,207 hrs/yr to produce electricity of
46.155 MWh/yr with a capacity factor of 26.3%. Mean electrical
Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of the system proposed for output has been found as 8.86 kW and maximum electrical output
the science block of Delhi Technological University. Hybrid energy to be 19.4 kW. Specific fuel consumption of fuel cell is 0.06 kg/kWh
A. John, S. Basu, Akshay et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 9. Generator Power Output

Fig. 10. Cost Summary

with a fuel energy input of 92,310 kWh/yr. Hence, contributing to a increased energy sector reliability, and increased power source
mean electrical efficiency of 50 percent. Fig. 7 shows the monthly stability.
fuel consumption, while Fig. 8 shows hourly fuel consumption.
Thus, proposed system produces electricity of 436.020 MWh/yr CRediT authorship contribution statement
in which PV produces 389.865 MWh/yr that contributes to 89.4% of
total production and fuel cell produces electricity of 46.155 MWh/ Alfred John: Data curation, Conceptualization, Writing - origi-
yr, which contributes to 10.6% of total production, as shown in nal draft. Srijit Basu: Visualization, Methodology. Akshay: Investi-
Fig. 9. The produced energy is used to satisfy the DC primary load gation. Anil Kumar: Writing - review & editing, Supervision.
of 108,129 kWh/yr for the science block of DTU, Delhi (India).
The total net present cost of the system is $ 1,030,406 and the
Declaration of Competing Interest
operating cost of the system is $ 26,688.37. The cost distribution
graph of various components of the system is given in Fig. 10.
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper
4. Conclusion
Current study looks at the scientific and economic viability of
using solar photovoltaic energy sources to feed the Science Block The authors are highly thankful to the Centre for Energy and
of Delhi Technological University, Delhi (India). Hybrid energy sys- Environment, Delhi Technological University, for providing basic
tem uses hydrogen energy storage to stabilize the intermittency of infrastructure for compiling this work.
solar energy to provide a stable electrical current. Total electricity
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